The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 04, 1910, Image 6

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Murray Department.
The Kansas City Weekly Star - j
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I, any of M rmhr, oftl Journal of a social nt or an iUm ofinUrut in this vicinity and ril mail am to (Ail ojflce U mil appear unUr this heading
V tcuut M item of interest. Editor Journal
Ben Dill was a visitor In Platts-
raouth Saturday.
The children of Philip Kell are
all on the sick lint.
'The Rainbow Klmona," at the
Christian church Saturday evening,
February 19. Remember the date
and don't fail to be on hand if you
relish lots of fun.
And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind
U in money matters any more than in anything else.
A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs straight;
it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game.
If you are not familiar with the ddvantages, we'll be glad
to explain how it will benefit your personal business.
urray State Bank
Sheriff Quloton woh In town Fri
day. Frank Scblichtemeier returned
from the hospital Friday.
Mrs. Jamealwghrldge is able toi
be about Home this wook.
Albert Young was a business visi
tor In Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Clins. Countryman was a business
visitor In Plattsmouth Friday.
Doo Long. Philip Kell and O. Vir
gin, were Plattsmouth visitors Wed
nesday. Mrs. Ilex Young has been confined
to her home for the past week with
lonsimtB. '
Mrs. Win. HemlrlekB returned to
her home In Pallnvlew, Neb., Mon
day morning. ,
Frank Young, Jr., was in Platts
mouth Friday attending to Home busi
ness matters.
Miss Verna Tracy of South Omaha,
Fine white Plymouth Rock roost
ers for sale at f a cents and $1 each.
Mrs. H. C. Long,
tw Murray, Neb.
Miss Long Entertains.
Miss Fuda Long entertained the
Kensington Thursday afternon at her
pleasant home two and a half miles
west of Murray. The roads were in
a horrible condition, but despite that
fact a very large number were pres
ent. Miss Long was assisted by her
mother and sister in serving an ele
gant three course luncheon. The lad
les look forward to the date when
Miss Long shall entertain again.
Those Invited besides the members
were Mrs. Chas. Spangler, Mrs. Wm.
Sporer, Mrs. Torrence Fleming, Mrs.
Chas. Mutz. Mrs. Adda Stokes, Mrs.
J. F. Brendel, Mrs. Robert Shrader,
Misses Mattie Mannear and Bessie
Helen, vlsltod with Mrs. D. C. West
In Nehawka Tuesday.
The reading class met with Mrs
J. A. Walker Monday afternoon.
Jake Mannear, who has been in
Havelock some time, is home on a
visit. .
If you want a good laugh don't fall
to attend the play Saturday evening,
February 19.
Miss Bessie Brendel, who has been
visiting In Weeping Water and her
brother, Dr. Will Brendel and wife
In Avoca, returned home Wednesday
Mrs. J. F. Brendel Is spending a
few days at the home of her parents
In Weeping Water, looking after mat
ters while Mr. and Mrs. Jameson are
away from home.
, Did you ever see a ghost? Well,
you can see a real live ghost Saturday
evening, February 19, if you attend
Is the guest of Miss Isabella Young '"Rainbow Klmona" play at the
, for the week.
Mrs. A. L. Baker entertained for
dinner Friday, Mrs. Burner Miller of
l'lalnvlew, Noh.
Mrs. U. II. Cllmore and daughter
Icfc-n are spending this week with
.relatives In Omaha.
A. P. Chrlswlsser passed through
Christian church.
Mrs. Lizzie Miller of Plalnview,
Neb., Mr. E. 0. Long and family, Mr.
A. L. Baker and family, were enter dinner Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporer.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Trltsch, who has been
here 60 hl way home from Platts- j seriously ill with pneumonia, has
mouth Wednesday. " j greatly improved and hopes are en-
Mack Churchill has been practicing pertained now for her recovery.
up for the Fiddlers' Contest to be
held In Union Monday.
Mrs. W. C. Brown spent Tuesday
nnd Wednesday in Nehawka visit
ing with Miss Margie Walker.
Don't forget the great clearance
sale at Holmes & Smith's. Great bar
gains for only a few more days.
A. L. Baker accmpauled his fath
er to Plattsmouth Wednesday morn
ing, returning on tho noon train.
The groundhog didn't (too his shad
ow in this neck-'o-woods, and we are
going to look for an enrly spring.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and grandson
Walker Gllmoro, spent Tuesday in
Nehawka visiting with Dr. Walker
Col. Seybolt delivered a car of
hogs to the South Omaha market
Wednesday, and hit a
Now Is the time to get bargains
at Holmes & Smith's. Their great
clearance Bale Is now on, and many
people are availing themselves of the
opporunlty of getting goods at great
ly reduced prices.
Look out for a wedding Boon. We
overheard a certain young man of
Murray conversing with a friend re
garding the purchase of furniture a
few days since. The first two letters
of his name Is Well, we won't give
It Just at present.
Mrs. Robert Shrader, daughter of
Mr. and Mtb. Henry C. Long, depart
ed for her home In Furnas Co., Mon.
after a month's visit with her par
ents and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Shrader and daughter were ac-
good price, companled as far as Omaha by her
Dlogantly Entertained
A bod sled party was organized in
Murray Monday, but on going to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Faris for
an evening's entertainment, the
guests were to be delivered in safety
by Mr. G. M. Mlnford, who soon
realized that the crowd was too great
for one load. Then it was decided
to have two. So wedging all he
could in tho first load, started and
landed all safely, (in a snow flrlft.j
Returning for the second load, Mr.
Mlnford found more than in the first,
so he hung a few on the outside and
started, but before going far, learned
that the horses had pulled the tongue
from the sled. He then suggested the
Idea of walking the balance of the
way which all submitted to do cheerfully.
Tho evening was delightfully spent
in playing games and listening to
some very fine music furnished by Mr,
and Mrs. Churchill, W. C. Brown,
Howard Graves and M. C. Baker. At
the proper time a very delicious two
course luncheon was served. Then
came the hour of parting, with no
conevyance to return home. ' Mr
Faris seeing the sad expression on
the many faces his tender heart was
touched, and he waltzed right out
and hooked his worthy steeds to the
blir waeon and safely delivered all
to their respective homes.
Those who participated In this
pleasant affair were: Mr. and Mes
dames G. M. Mlnford, J. tV. Holmes,
O. A. Davis, W. C. Brown, T. W.
Fleming, M. G. Churchill, A. L. Bak
er, Rex Young, Lee Faris, Messrs.
M. C. Baker, Sam Pitman, Howard
GraveB, Misses Olga Mlnford, Opha
Baker, Clara Cchurchlll and Mr. and
Mrs. .1. H. Farrls.
All those who are Indebted to me
would do a great favor if they would
call and settle their accounts with
me at once, as I have obligations to
meet. Also blacksmith accounts of
William Loughrldge. Wishing you
all a prosperous new year,
Respectfully : ours,
tf James Loughrldge.
If anyone wants their false teeth Dallas Young departed Monday
Jarred looso, let tkem try the coun- morning for Capa, South Dakota, to
try roads for about two miles or spend a few weeks before taking up
more. , his work as surveyor in North Dako
Don't fail to take tho benefit of ta. Dallas has been visiting his par-
Holmes & Smith's great clearance sale ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Young and
if you desire bargains. Only a few other relatives and friends Blnce
more days. Christmas.
Will Smith, we are pleased to note, "Tho Rainbow Klmona," a clever
Is much better but is kept at home, little comedy, will be given by eight
He has been having a serious cnso of young ladles at the Christian church,
tonsilltls. , baturuay night, February 19. It is a
Alf. Murray came up from Worth phase of collego life In a fashionable
county, Mo., Wednesday for a brlef'l nlshlng school for girls, and Is bright
visit with his cousin. Enoch More- and funny. Every character Is promln-
land, east of Murray. ent
Mr. J. H. Spangler spent Wednes- Let the weather man stand aside
day In South Omaha, going up to and permit Mr. Groundhog to regul
look after some Btock he had pre- ate tho elements for the next six
vlously shipped lo that market. weeks. If tho brainy set ef men down
Tho board of directors of tho C.ll- at Washington want to make a name
nioro school In Mt. Pleasant precinct, Immortal, let them set aside Ground
have to purchase a first- hog Day ns a legal holiday for the
class organ for use of the school.
Mtm. M. C. Baker, father of Post
master Baker, departed Wednesday
for Clay county, Neb., for a few
weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs.
E. A. Burton.
Mrs. J. A. Walker, Mrs. Mary Al
lison, Mrs. W. C. Brown utid Mrs.
C. If. Gllmoro nricl little , daughter
A (Jrrat Accomodation.
Postmaster Schneider has received
notice from the postofflce department
that affective tomororw, train No
23 on the Burlington will carry an
express mall pouch between this city
and Omnha and train No. 92, com
lng from Omaha to this city will also
carry mall from Omaha to this city
by like pouch. At present there is no
mall carried between Omaha and this
city from 8:16 a. m. to 5 p. m., and
tho new service Is a great accommo'
datlon to Tlattsmouth and Omaha
business men alike. The officials no
tice from R. R. mnll headquarters Is
as follows: ,
Chicago. 111. Feb. 2. 1910.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
Commencing February 4 your of
fice will dispatch an express mall
pouch dally except Sunday for Om
aha. Neb., on Chicago & Council
Bluffs express train 23, leaving Tlatts-
mouth at 1:58 p. in. In effect same
date your office will bo due to re
ceive a pounch dally except Sunday
rom Chicago & Council Muffs express
train No. 92. Respectfully.
P. M. Coaten, Chief Cloik
weather men
Eight of the nicest, sweetest nm!
most charming young ladles lu Cass
county will entertain tho lovers of
a fcood comedy nt tho Christian
church Saturday evening. Tho play
Is entitled "The Rainbow Klmona,"
and It will iniike you huifih nnl :rov
Took All Ills Money.
Often nil a man earns goes to doc
tors or for medicines, to euro a Stom
ach, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr.
King's Now Life Pills would quickly
cure nt slight cost. Best for Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Consti
pation, Jaundice, Miliaria and Debil-
My. 2."c At F. 0. Frlcke & Co.
The most comprehensive farm paper all the
news intelligently tokl Farm questions an
swered by a practical farmer and experimen
ter Exactly what you want in market re-
pons. j.
t One Year 25 Cents r i
Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Ko. t
Begins MONDAY, JANUARY 31, and Continues Two Weeks.
ial Bargains to Everybody!
Beginning Monday, January 31, we will continue our Annual
Clearance Sale until Saturday, February 12, inclusive, and will
offer some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Cass county,
which the people can.readity see by the prices which we quote be
low in Dress Goods, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and
Fur Coats. - - - - - " . "
Silk, 3J yards, formerly $3.50, now $2 93
Taffeta Bilk, 27-inch, formerly $1.00, now. . 85
Taffeta silk, 19-inch, formerly 80c, now. . . 70
China silk, 27-inch, formerly 50c, now....'. 45
Black taffeta, 36-inch, formerly $1.25, now 1 00
All wool dress goods 15 per cent off.
Bargains in Table Linen!
72-inch width, formerly sold at $1.50, now $1 25
i. . $i,25, 1 00
$1.00, ". 85
" 75c " 50
Ladies' Dress Goods!
Vicuna cloth 121 cents per yard, now 10c
Ginghams, 121c cents, now 10c
Ideal percales 15c, now 121
Outings 121 cents, now 10c
' " 10 cents, now 9c
Large assortment of embroideries at a big dis
count. Fur Coats for Men!
Sold for $35 00, now. $29 75
" " 25 .00, " . 20 75
" " 22.50, " 18 75
" " 20.00, " 16 75
" 18.00, " 14 75
" 17.50, " 1 14 75
All good fur overcoats, guaranteed for two
years. '
Men's Every Day Coats!
In Ducks and Ccrduroy lined with Sheepskin
' and Blanket.
Sold for $4.00, now $3 15
" " 3.50, " 2 85
3.00, " 2 20
" 2.50, " 1 90
" " 2.00, " 1 35
Sold for $1.00, now $2 98
" " 3.50, " 2 75
" " 2.00, " 1 39
" 1.50, " 98
" 1.00, 79
" .75, " 49
Men anJ boy's sweaters worth up to $2.50 will
now go at 79c. These are of the close fitting
work style.
Flannel Shirts!
Sold for $1.00 and $3.50, now for 79c up to $2.19
A large assortment in stock to select from.
Men and Women's Two-piece
Underwear! i
Sold at $1.50 per suit, now goes at (per gar
ment) 49c
Sold at $1.25 per suit, now per garment. ... 43c
Sold at $1.00 per suit, now per garment. . . N 39c
Men and Women's Union Suits
Sold at $1.50, go now at $1 19
" 1.25, " " .' 98
" " 1.00 " " 79
" .50 " " 39
Hats and Caps!
Worth up to $1.00, now go at 39c
Another lot sold up to $2.00, now go at 98c
All our $1 winter mittens and gloves go at. . ,79c
Suit Cases!
Extra large, full-leather, sold for $7, go at $4 98
Men's 13-inch grip, full-leather and leather
lined, worth $12.50, now only 7 98
Sale of Sunkist Oranges!
30 cent oranges for 19c
40 " " " 29c
60 " " " .39c
With each dozen wrappers the purchaser re
ceives a Roger silver teaspoon by sending six 2
cent stamps to the grower.
ome iher Bargains!
Good assortment of Overshoes for men, fiom $1.25 up. All other over
shoes in proportion. A few comforts and blankets at cost to clean up.
Some great bargains in men, women and children's shoes.
For the two weeks contiuance of this sale we will put on a 25 cent counter
to show our patrons what bargains they can get for the small sum of 25 cents.
We will put something new on this table every day.
We have marked our goods down to the very lowest notch, and the people
who call will see that the bargains that we are offering are the best ever offered
in Murray. Their are many articles that wilt go at cost and carriage in order to
clean them up.
KVmPmhor this Clearance Sale begins MONDAY, JANUARY 31, and con
tinues up to and including SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12. Here is the oppor
tunity to get the goods that you want at greatly reduced prices.
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