The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 04, 1910, Image 5

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
Sunday. Jan. SO.-The third meet
ing; for the consideration of Church
Federation waa held today. The spa
clous Brooklyu Academy of Music was
rrowded with Christian people of all
denominations to attend the third
4f the aeries of four meetings called
l tha Ponnlpa Pnlnlt A smrln t Inn
'Vj . . v - - . .
Pastor C T. Russell of the Brook
lyn Tabernacle addressed the large
audience for an hour aud a half.
The deep Interest felt was evidenced
by the profound silence, as well as by
the eagerness of face. The text was
the same as on the two previous occa
sions. "Say ye not. A Federation, to
all them to whom this people shall
say. A Federation; neither fear ye their
fear, nor be afraid" (Isaluh Till. 12)
The speaker said:
We meet today to consider what sac'
Tlflces would need to be made in the
interests of "Federation by the three
oldest denominations of Christendom.
Of these Lutherans have least to sur
render. Their tenacity for the Word
of God they may still maintain, even
though others of the federated bodies
might more and more abandon the
Holy Scriptures, under leadership of
the Universities, Colleges and Semi
naries teaeliiiii,' Highor-Criticisui-lnii
delity and the Involution theory. The
Federation nevertheless would still
permit Lutherans and others to love
and reverence the Word of God and
yet bo In fellowship. Almighty God.
the Son of God and the Holy Spirit,
ilrnily believed In by Lutherans, would
all be acknowledged with more or less
of mental reservation by all the de
nominations associated in the Federa
tion. Nothing along these lines would
need to be abandoned. Even Luther's
plea of consubstantiation In the Eu
charist may be held without objec
tion. Even the honor of being the first
denomination of the Information
might still be held. We conclude then
that Lutherans would not be required
o sacrifice anything.
Soma Things In Common.
Episcopalians, and Catholics have
somo things in common. They each
claim to represent the original apos
tolic Church. They each claim
through their bishops in the laying on
f hands) apostolic authority. Their
4'ommou claim is that all other denom
inations of Christians whatsoever are
false churches without Divine author
ity and hence not to be recognized or
tolerated. Accordingly no minister of
another denomination would be per
mitted to preach either In a Catholic
or an Episcopalian pulpit. And if by
mischance such a circumstance should
occur it would be considered neces
sary to purge the sacred spot by a
kind of re-consecration. From the
standpoint of these denominations all
others are heretics; but, they say, not
willingly so, but lgnorantly so.
Here note the fact that a cleavage is
In process amongst Episcopalians. A
minority, termed high-churchmen, are
gradually separating Romeward, while
the majority are sharing the senti
ments of other Protestants, to the ef
fect that the matter of "apostolic suc
cession" is probably less Important
than their forefathers supposed. For
the purposes of this discussion we
may without offense ignore the high
church minority and say that the
Scriptures which plainly foretell the
perfecting of Church Federation indl
ate that it will Include Episcopalians.
but will not include Catholics. Never
theless the intimation is that while
the Federation will be a Protestant
one, it will not be anti-Catholic. On
the contrary the two great systems,
Catholic and Protestant, will frater
nize and co-operate along various lines
especially in the manipulation of so
cial and political influences.
The breadth of the Episcopal creed
will not call for particular sacrifices
In Federation, if only their pride on
the subject of apostolic succession can
be satisfied. They are all prepared to
admit that uo. particular wisdom or
holiness has been communicated from
generation to generation, from bishop
to bishop aud from bishop to lower
clergy through the laying on of hands.
They are willing to ndmlt that there
have been men as wise and others as
foolish outside as inside their Com
tnunlou. They are willing to admit
that no greater light upon the Word
of God and its meaning has come
down to humanity through its chan
Dels than through outside channels.
They are willing to admit that their
clergy have uo more of Divine Grace
and Truth. Wisdom nnd Power than
have others of God's people, both cler
gy and laity, outside their boundaries,
Hence they are willing, nay. anxious.
for Federation, and ask only that their
"face be saved." by some acknowledg
ment of the long Idolized thought that
ability to expound the Scriptures and
the Grace of God In expounding them
could be lintl only through their chan
nel. They have no ciesli'e to prove
their claim to superior grace and truth
by measuring swouls of tli: Spirit with
other ministers.
Up to the present time Episcopalians
decline to lie parties to i!h Federation
unless their special claim lie la some
reuse cr decree rco;:iiizcd. Pride say
ll would never do t re; net now n
that the denomination h:u sto d for
In sepaivtl'n for centr.rie-s. Thry
v iv - - -
Mass Meeting No. 3
Counting the Cost
What Episcopalians, Catholics and
, Lutherans Must Surrender,
ooo "
would urge Christians of the other de
nominations, especially the clergy, to
consider the advantage which would
accrue to the Federation by having all
Protestant ministers accept their oidi
nation. They do not claim that it
would make them wiser or better men.
nor more efficient teachers, either of
truth or error. But they do clalui that
it would give them au authority in tht
tyts of the people and give color aud
reasonableness to the Federation of
many churches with discordant creeds
posing as one church In the Federa
tion arrangement.
The argument is. "The common peo
ple, the laity, are disposed more
than ever to think for themselves on
religious subjects and to study the
Bible for themselves. If, therefore.
as ministers, you desire to bold the
people in chock so that they shall not
think for themselves you would do
well to concede the claim of apostolic
succession that no one Is permitted
to interpret or teach the P.ible except
those who have received apostolic
benediction. It was disregard of this
claim of apostolic benediction which
led to freedom of thought on religious
subjects and ultimately led to the for
mation of the various sects. You
should now seek to restrict further In
vestigation of the P.ible and further
interpretation of It by accepting our
theory, by permitting us to grant you
recognition in some simple form of the
rights of apostolic authority through
our bishops. If you do not do so you
will more nnd more lose your bold on
the people, for we are coming more
and more to a time of Individual
thought on every topic.
The Scriptures Intimate that this
argument will ultimately prevail ami
grc;t Protestant denominations be
thu.t vitalized ami, in co-opoiv.iLn
with Catholicism, fcr a short while
dominate Christendom socially an. I
politically, crushing out individual
thought and negativing and bh. U-Km
ing all religious teachers outside the
Federation and its Catholic Ally.
From this standpoint the Episcopal
system will lose nothing, but ecn b.'
a gainer of prestige through tin Fed
What Catholict Would Surrender.
For Catholics to join the Federation
would signify the surrender of a great
deal, and yet. In the light of tlu Twen
tieth Century, surely much could be
surrendered without an;: r:icri;': e '.f
manhood merely with the sacrifice of
a little pride. For the Church at
to federate wilh tlu Protect
Churches would menu that thoy
ed to protest and that she relinquished
her peculiar claims:
(1) That she alone is the Church of
Christ and has authority to instruct;
(2) That she is more than a Church
or prospec tive Kingdom that to her
has been committed by God t':e r..!.r-
ship of the world in respect t nil mut
ters temporal and spirituan hence thai
she is the reigning Kl.igdom ..' G. o.
(3) That her Pope Is the authorl.ed
representative of Christ, anointed am!
commissioned of God to fulfill all the
prophecies of the Scriptures respecting
the reign of Christ, his Millennial
Kingdom,' etc. This claim of Papacy
that the Tope's reign is de facto the
reign of Christ is expressed in the
declaration that he Is tho vicc-gcreM of
Christ the one reigning Instead of
(4) Tho doctrine of trans-substantiation
that by the blessing of a priest
the ordinary bread nnd wine are trans
muted into tho actual soul of Christ
(his flesh and his blood) for sncrlflce
afresh in each celebration of tho Mass.
Whatever may have been true in the
remote past, assuredly our Catholic
friends can uo longer claim that all
the purity, all the faithfulness to God.
all the sanctity of life amongst be
lievers in Christ are to be found In
her communion. St. Paul declares, "if
any man have not the Spirit of Christ
he is noue of ills." Surely all Chris
tians admit this standard and the cor
rectuess of tho Apostle's teaching
Hence the Ignoring and sotting aside
of all creeds and barriers which have
heretofore hindered the Unity of the
Church of Christ might be possible.
Thus tho first Catholic objection mlghl
easily be removed in favor of Federa
tion, or, still better, lu favor of Union.
As our Episcopalian friends fail to
prove that the apostolic succession to
ordination gave cither greater wisdom
or more grace to their clergy than to
other ministers of tho Gospel, might
not our 'Catholic friends reasonably
admit tho same?
The second claim that Papacy is
God's Kingdom, that the Popes reign
successively as Christ's Vlce-gerent.
Should not be difficult for Catholics of
our day to lay aside. However strong
ly it was held in the dark past it Is
surely little appreciated by Catholics
today. No longer do the Popes domi
nate the civil rulers of Christendom.
And no longer do the people consider
It wise that they should do so. More
nnd more the masses appreciate the
fact that the original kingdom of eartii
was given to father Adam and that
mankind ns his children are the nat
ural heirs of the Inheritance. More
nnd more the people nre disposed to
consider popes, czars, emperors and
kings an merely rgurc-her.d.-. without
any real tltie or authority from heaves
to rule or to coerce the people. More
and mere the masses demand Cot) ;
cresses. ParlHments. Keidistat s unit I
lkiuinas. Ami more and more do they
demand that these shall reflect t'.ie
sentiments of the people la civil and j
religious matters. The day of dark
ness and Ignorance in whi. h the peo
ple believed that popes and kings were
Divinely appointed to rule them wit'j
Divine authority has goue by. Gen-
I oral intelligence has taught mankind
that it Is a mistake to suppose that
one God-appointed king aud kingdom
were Divinely appointed to wipe anoth
er Divinely appointed king and king
dom off the face of the earth. Ileuce
popes and kings now admit that they
reign by a popular sufferance, and
their appeals for money, for armies
aud navies, is no longer on the score
that they were Divinely instructed to
obliterate each other, but on the score
of self-defense.
This claim, however, wholly de
stroys the argument that we are now
or ever in the past have been under
Christ's Kingdom, either direct or
through the popes. Neither now nor at
any other time in the world's history
has there been a reign of righteousness
such as the Scriptures declare Christ's
Kingdom shall be. May we not. then.
with good grace Catholics and Trot
e8tauts admit that neither our Catho
lic popes, emperors and kings, nor our
Protestant kings, emperors and heads
of Churches are reigning with any
Divine authority manifest to human
Judgment? Let us humbly admit the
nonsense of the legends on our coins,
Catholic nnd Protestant, to the effect
that. Vings and popes reign by the
grate of God by Divine appointment.
Let us rather say that they came into
power through the exercise of brute
force and In a time of common public
ignorance. Nor by this do we mean
any disrespect to tho governments of
todav rather we have shown that to
day the people aro ruling through
their Congresses, Parliaments. Reich
stags, etc.. and that the kings and
emnerors nre mere 'figure-heads of
power, more or less useful nnd de
pendent upon the good-will of their
If it be asked how we shall account
,for the period of tho dark ages and au
tocratic and devilish misrule, our re
ply would be to point to the Apostle's
words. He declares thnt Satan Is the
gcd or ruler of this w-oiid. who now
operates through tho disobedient
through those not lu harmony with
God. who constitute the vast majority
In Christendom and elsewhere. And
we remind you that our Lord Jesus
also spoke of Satan as being the
Prince of this world or age (John xli.
31). and of himself as the Prince or
Ruler of the coming Age. the Millen
nial Age (John xvlil. 30i.
Ah. yes! the sooner both Catholics and
Protestants admit what they and all
the world now see. the better namely,
that for a long time our great Adver
sary held us i:i a bondage of Ignorance
and suporstKion. In getting free from
which many bright n:!:i;ls have reacted
towards infidelity, because they did
not see that many of the teachings of
the past, both Catholic and Protestant,
were not only Ina' but most posi
tively u;is riptarnl te.u hl'.y.s of men,
and. as Ct: Paul declaivd. "doctrines of
demons" (1 Timothy iv, 1).
Not Vice-gerent Christ.
In view of the fore-going in view of
the fact that the Divine titles of all
kings nnd emperors are now abrogat
ed, ptpmy ue;d f:ol no special dis-
gr.t.e i. her ;t;ic In .-.r.hilai ly anm-
gating i he c.ii.:i t'.nt the popes reign
as representatives of Christ or have
auth. rlty so to do. Indeed . such a
claim is more safely denied than held.
for In the light of our day papacy's
best friends cannot look into the past
nnd point with pride to nuy achieve
ments as properly representing the
reign cf the Prince of Peace Imman
uel. In the light of the present all of
God's people, Catholics and Protesauts
of every shade, should rejoice to Join
In the Lord's Proyer-"Thy Kingdom
come; thy will be done on earth as It Is
done lu heaven." Surely this is what
nil saints of all denominations should
desire and pray for and labor for.
Not that we can hope to bring it to
pass of ourselves, however. Nearly
nineteen centuries of efforts show to
the contrary. Even our last century
of great missionary endeavor. Catholic
und Protestant, proves this. United
States statistics show thnt in the year
1800 there were six hundred millions
of heathens, nnd that lu the year'1000
their numbers had doubled there were
twelve hundred millions of heathens.
While continuing our exertions ou be
half of tho heathens abroad and at
home, let us tie our faith to the Apos
tie's words and "wait for God's Son
from henven" (I Thessalonlans i, 10).
At tho second coming of Christ and
the glorification of bis Church, "his
elect," "his saints." gnthered from all
denominations, Catholic and Protes
tant (and some from outside of all
of them) only then will the glorious
reign of Christ nnd the Church begin
Only then will the spiritual Seed of
Abraham be complete and the work of
blessing the unregenernte world begin
the Millennial Kingdom work the
overthrow of Satnn nnd his empire-
tho scattering of darkness, lgnornnce
nnd superstition which he fostered
the flooding of tho enrth with the light
of the knowledge of tho glory of God
the restoration of natural Israel to
Divine favor I he bringing in of ever
lasting righteousness through n men
tal, physical and moral uplift. Who
ever then shall refuse nil (host
blessings and privileges will be de
stroyed from amongst the people,
Thus eventually in the close of the
Millennium Gctl's will Khali be "done
on earth even as I! Is done in heaven''
-as fully, as comt Irtely. Is the
"hlnrdo'!) t Grd's d::r !':)" fcr
whi' !i v e wait i'.i:d pr.v. .i d li:
ever i; i (i r r bad (Tut liu; -rnvi, tejn
Large Number of Old Friends
Pay Last Tribute.
The funeral of the late Gladys
Sackett took place here yesterday af
ternoon, the remains being brought
to this city from Omaha for inter
ment at Oak Hill. The body was
taken- directly from the Burlington
station in this city to the cemetery,
services having iaken place at the
home in Omaha. Brief services were
held at the cemetery conducted by
Rev. Luther Moore of the Christian
church of which the deceased was
a devout member during her life
time. The pall bearers consisted of
six of the young lady friends ot the
deceased from Omaha.
Miss Sackett was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Sackett and at
the time of her death she had reach
ed the age of twenty-two years, one
month and twenty-seven days. For
a number of years she had been a
resident of this city, having lived
within view of the cemetery where
her precious remains were laid to
rest yesterday.
She was a most lovable young
lady in her lifetime and one of those
whose winning spirit hnd attracted
to her the warmest love of all who
knew her. Her death comes to them
as a very great shock and her passing
leaves a void which time can never
fill. The sorrowing parents have the
most sincere and heartfelt sympathy
of all who had known this charming
young lady In her lifetime.
A large number or ladles came
down from Omaha with the remains,
the deceased having been a member
of one of the Degree of Honor camps
in that city, and the ladles being dele
gates from the lodge. Among them
were Mesdames Strawn, Walters,
Doty, Thunderfleld, Sutton, 3everidge
nnd Misses Moore, Itempleman and
In County Court.
In county court today the matter
of admitting the purported last will
and testament of Johanna Coleman,
deceased, to probate was to have been
heard but objections were filed there
to by Helen E. Lemon, one of the
heirs of the estate and the matter was
continued. The alleged will was pre
sented by the heirs to the estate ex
cept Mrs. Lemon several weeks ago
D. K. Barr of Omaha, appearing as
counsel for the proponents of the
wlu. The objections filed this morn
ing allege that the document Is not
the last will and testament of de
censed and that deceased was incom
petent to make a valid will. They
allege thnt the document was not
published as the last will and testa
ment of deceased as required by law
and that the witnesses thereto were
not required by the testatrix to sign
and did not sign said alleged will in
her presence as required by law. Fur
ther the will is alleged to be mut
ilated and the objections alleges that
the testatrix was under undue influ
ence, especially of Harry Coleman,
Harvey D. Coleman, Ehenezer J. Cole
man, Wiles 0. Coleman, who con
spired together to have the objec
tor Helen E. Lemon disinherited as
an heir. The objections ask that the
will be rejected and that the estate
be administered as an Intestate.
In the matter of the last will and
testament of Devld Reed, deceased,
the will was admitted to probate and
letters testamentary were granted to
George Reed and Mrs. Hannah Shaf
fer as executors of the estate which
is understood to be a large one.
In the matter of the estate of Geo.
and Mary M. Lutz, deceased, a short
form of administration was had and
the title to the property cleared. The
property is exempt from execution,
hence this form of administration.
In the matter of the guardianship
of John Harold Clements, "minor, J.
A. Clements was appointed guardian.
To Clerk In Postoffice.
Miss Mabel Trussler who has been
acting as book-keeper and clerk at
the postoffice, has tendered her resig
nation effective today and will sever
her connection with the office to
night. She will be succeeded by M.
S. Brlggs who today resigned as solic
itor for tho News, Miss Trussler has
been connected with the office for
several years under Postmaster Smith
and states that she wanted to retire
at the first of this month but was
prevallod upon by Postmaster Schneid
er to remain this month, her resigna
tion being finally accepted today. Mr.
Prlggs, who succeeds her, is very
well known In this city and county,
having been a resident of the city
for many years. He has followed a
number of different lines of business
since he hns been located here, being
connected with tho Journal at one
time ns reporter and later with tho
News In that capacity and as solici
tor. He will make a good .tnnn in
the plate without doubt.
Bailing Poivder
Highest Award
World' Pure Food Exposition
Chicago, November, 1907
What does this mean?
It mean that Calumet has set a new Standard in
Baking Powder the standard of tha World.
Became this award was given to Calumet after
thorough testj and experiments, over all other
baking powders.
It means that Calumet it the best baking powder
in every particular in the world.
And this means that Calumet
Dest, most delicious, lightest, and purest
baking of all baking powders.
Delightfully Entertained.
The pleasant country home of Ex
County Treasurer W. D. Wheeler,
south of this city was the scene of
much merriment last Friday evening
when their daughter. Miss Lillian, en
tertained a laT(?6 nomber of her
friends. The occasion was in the na
ture of a masquerade party and as
per request the majoritw of guests
came en masque. Harlequins, clowns,
Irishmen, Fortunetellers and nearly
every conceivable veriety of costumes
which the mnskerB wore.
Various amusements, which occas
ioned considerable merriment were
indulged in until 10:30 when fhe
masks were removed.
The pleasures of the evening were
further augmented when a delicious
course luncheon was provided. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in music and the like and it was a
late hour when the guests departed
for their homes after having voted
Miss Wheeler a most delightful en
Those who enjoyed Miss Wheeler's
hospitality were Misses Hermle Spies,
Lucile Weber. Edith Ruzzell, Lucy
Martin, Mabel Davis, Florenco and
Annie Ilutcheson, Harriet and Mabel
Adams, Frank Cloidt, Glen Rawia, Ed.
McCullough, Albert Wiles, Uyron Sny
der, Glen Wiles, Myron Wiles, Walter
Reed, Percy Wheeler; Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Always at It.
Wescctt's Sons who are always firm
believers in advertising have adopted
a new scheme. They have piled their
windows full of overalls, their cele
brated dollar brand and they propose
to give a pair away to tho man pre
senting the nearest guess as to the
number in the window. They also
give a pair to the boy making the
nearest guess. All guesses must be
in by next Saturday night, February
5. Now look in their east window
and count 'em, then make your guess
and remember but one man and one
boy can win. Mr. C. C. Wescott Bays
that the overall they are selling for
one dollar now costs one dollar and
a quarter elsewhere, they having
bought a great quantity before the
rise and being able to sell at the
old price.
Constipation causes headache, nau
sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi
tation. Drastic physics grippe, sick
en, weaken the bowels and don't cure.
Doan's Regulets act gently and cure
constipation. 25 cents. Ask your
druggist. '
Pat Campbell, a good citizen of
Union, wns in the city yesterday look
ing after business matters, stopping
over night at the Perkins.
I have the reputation of
being a good man to
sharpen your horse shoes
for icy roads; but the
are better ihty wear
longer and are always
sharp; so I must recom
mend them even though
I don't make much out of
it. I can't afford to be
old-fashioned at the ex
pense of my good custom
ers. Rowe Calks save
you, your horse and your
money. They can be
easily taken out and soft-
road "Blunt Calks" put in when a thaw comes, thus
saving the Stcel-Ccntcr Calks and still assuring a good
climbing power. v..0v$
R. C. BAILEY, Agent, 4 1-2 miles west and one
one mile south of Murray.
produces the
that mean
thing to you?
Edgar Spence is down from South
Dakota making a visit with his par
Joe Fetzer was up from Platts
mouth the forepart cf the week vis
iting with his brother Charles.
Frank Johnson sold his pool hall
Monday to E. A. Monod of Stella,
Neb. Mr. Monod is a most pleasant
gentleman and is sure to do a good
A self-acting sofa, Just largo
enough for two, has been Invented.
If properly wound'-up, it will begin
to ring a warning bell just before
tcn o'clock. At one minute past ten
it splits apart, nnd while one half
carries the daughter up stairs, the
other half kicks tho young man out
the door. They wil come high, never
theless several parents in this city
fefl that one of these sofas will be
a household necessity in the near fu
ture. llefore you become a kicker con
sider if you cannot become something
better. One thing certain, If you can
do nothing good for a community you
can make a great deal of trouble by
abusing those that do. Agitate your
liver, take a doso of ground glass and
move the bile, cleanse your con
science, cultivate faith in your fellow
men, (hen go to work to help some
body. Don't be a kicker.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennlngs re
turned last Saturday from a two
weeks visit at their old home near
Pakln, 111.', Although residents ot
Cass county for many years this was
their first visit to the scenes wher
their early life was spent. Many times
they had planned to visit their old
home but. something always seemed
to prevent, but this year there was
nothing to prevent their going and It
is safe to say they thoroughly enjoy
ed the trip. x
Accident at Weeping Water.
Weeping Water is keeping up Its
good record in the way of coasting
injuries this winter, evidently seeklnr
to out do this city. Two small child
ren, a little Bon and a daughter of
Frank Cappen and wife, while coast
ing down a hill In that place ran.
Into an oil wagon and received se
vere injuries. The little hoy had ftts
head cut badly, the wound requiring;
three stitches to close on the lnsld
and five on the outside while the lit--
tie girl had a bad cut under one of
her eyes. Both children are getting:
along very well now and will recover.
County Commissioner L. D. Swltaer
was a passenger yesterday afternooa
for bis home at Weeping Water afUc
finishing his duties as commissioner
here yesterday.