The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 27, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department
I I I I 1. t- l t-T-r i- i-1 ! ....n..n..ti. I i ? i I .HMM.i-H"M"H"M H 1 1 j
If awj of the reader of Vie Journal know of a nodal vent or an item of interest in this vicinity and viU ntml ' to this office it trxll appear under tliis heading
Wt vaiti all item of interest. Editor Journal.)
w )r
And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind
in money matters any more than in anything else.
A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs straight;
it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game.
If you are not familiar with the itdvantages, we'll be glad
to explain how it will benefit your personal business.
urray State Bank
Grandma Capon is still Improving
Mrs. Levi Rustcrholtz Is still Im
proving nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Churchill wore
Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Glen Perry has been' numbered
with the sick this week.
Mrs. Lester McVey has been quite
sick for the pnst week.
Mrs. Kline, living southwest of
Murray, Is still quite sick.
Mrs. John Dermltt and little boy
are both sick this week.
Dr. B.' F. Ilrendel was ealed to Un
ion Tuesday to see a patient
Will Drown was In Omaha Tuesday
having some dental work done.
Effle, daughter of Jake Smith, hus
been on the sick llHt the past week.
Ray Dills baby, which has boen
quite sick, is much better at this
ticorgo MeUlnger's son Harley Ik
quite sick, hut nothing serious is ap
prehended. Will Hamilton's little child Is Im
proving sowly from a serious case
of pneumonia.
MIks Margie Walker went to Ne
liawkn Sunday to remain a few days
with her brother, Dr. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Virgin were Om
aha visitors one day last week.
MIhb Geraldlno Young, who has
been 111 for some time, Is improving
Mrs Florence Fleming and child
ren visited In Weeping Water several
days last week.
Miss Pauline Oldham entertained
Miss Shlpp, of the Fisher Shlpp Con
cert company, at lunch Friday.
Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Noel on Mon
day, January 24, a flve:pound girl.
Mother and little lady doing nicely.
The little daughter of Mr. "and
Mrs. Fred Schafer, living six miles
west of Murray, has been quite ill
with pneumouln.
Miss Hester Gllmour passed
through Murray Tuesday, en route
for Nelmwka to visit her brother-in-law
Dr. E. A. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopkins visited
Mr. Hopkins' aunt, Mrs, Dick Wost,
in Nebraska City Sunday.
A largo uumber from Nebawka,
Union and Plattsmouth, attended the
dance at Jenkins' hall Saturday night.
A four-horse bob-sled load from
KIght Mile Grove, drove In Friday
night to attend the FlHher Shlpp con
cert. Coasting has been tho principal
amusement for the past week, but If
the present weather continues It is
over with. "
. As one views the landscape o'er
around Murray, he will see plenty
of snow on the hillsides yet. But It
lias disappeared on the roadsides very
rapidly In the past few days.
Mrs. Mattio Wiles and her son
Klbert, from Plattsmouth, were in
attendance at the Fisher Shlpp Con
cert company Friday evening.
Dr. Ilrendel accompanied Mrs.
Davo Lloyd to Omaha one day this
week to consult Dr Allison in regard
to her limb, which was operated up
on Honiyllmo ago.
The Fisher Shlpp Concert company
whs greeted by a full house Friday
nifcht. MIhh Shlpp is' truly nn artUt,
and her company gave a most excel
lent entertainment. This number fin
Ished the year's course, which has
proven a great success, both In en
tertalnlng and financially. The lec
tures have proven very Instructive,
and take It, all In all, the committee
feel very well pleased with their
year's work.
Hugh Robb was the guest of Mr
and Mrs. W. C. Drown Saturday even
ing, coming up to attend the dance.
. Ivan White has sold the land he
recently purchased from Artie Mont
gomery, to Wesley Burnett. The land
Is situated near Reck Bluffs.
Dr. A. E. Walker of Nebawka, was
called to Murray this week to see
his little nephew. Walker Gllmore,
who has been suffering from' a slight
attack of appendicitis.
Miss Mary Foster, county Buperln
tendent of schools, was the guest of
Mrs. Mary Allison Tuesday afternoon
and evening. Miss Foster Is engaged
In visiting the schools In this see
Hon of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Berger return
ed from Wayne, Neb., Tuesday mom
ing, where they went before Chrlst-
nias to visit friends, but on account
of the severe cold weather were com
polled to remain longer than they ex
pected. ' '
Mrs. B. F. Drendel entertained the
following at dinner Sunday: Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Furls. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Fails, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mr
M. C. Baker, father of A. L. Baker,
and Will Seybolt.
Mr. W. B. Virgin has purchased
the Win. Hendricks property, and ex.
pects to make Murray his homo af
ter this year. The consideration was
$2,000.' Mr. Hendricks was here
when the transfer whs made.
- The many friends of Mrs. James
Loughridge will be pleased to learn
that that lady is much better at this
writing, and great hopes are enter
talned for a final recovery. She has
certainly had her share In the way of
"Scotty." the clever agent at the
M. P. depot, is a sign writer of the
first water, and ho is determined that
his friends must desist from spitting
on the floor.. "Scotty" Is all right In
his demands even if somo.of the boys
do occasionally miss the coal bucket.
Will Smith of the firm of Holmes
& Smith, has been confined to Ms
home for several days on account of
illness. We are glad to report that
he is now able to sit up, and hope
his good-natured countenance will be
seen upon tho street In a very short
Elizabeth, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tritsch, living
10 miles northweBt of Murray, is ser
iously ill with pueumonla. Miss Mar
tha Sprlengel, a trained nurse from
Lincoln, Is In attendance upon tho lit
tle girl, and we sincerely hopo for the
little glrl'B recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis enter
tulned at dinner Monday In honor
of Mrs. Homer Miller, who is here
from Plalnvlew, Neb., visiting rela
tives mid friends. Those who were
present were Mr. and MoBdame3 J.
W. Edmunds, D. J. ritnian and Mrs.
Homer Miller and son, Edmunds.
James McNurlin and wlfo from
Los Angeles, California, "came In lust
week for a visit with relatives and
friends in Cass county. Mr. McNurlin
was a resident of Cass county, is a
son of Uncle Ben McNurlin of Green
wood, and a cousin of John and
Frank McNurlin.
Mrs. S. O. Pitman went to Platts
mouth Wednesday evening, being cal
led there on the account of the sick
ness of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Hen-
Don't fall to read tne big ad of
Holmes & Smith In this issue of the
Journal. Note the great reduction
they are making to close out the
goods at tho great clearance sale.
You will save money by purchasing
during this sale, many articles you
need, and may not have the oppor
tunity to purchase for some time.
A little excitement was created
Tuesday by D. C. Rhoden'a dray team
taking a little spin from the depot to
the elevator. The team was left
standing, when they took a notion to
stand no longer. A slightly disfig
ured dray, some broken harness, the
knocking down of a telephone pole
and the stringing of a few wires was
all the damage done. Don takes the
misfortune good-naturately.
The Larkln's club was entertained
by Mrs. Heebner near Weeping Water
on Thursday afternoon, and a bob
sled load from Murray attended. Mrs.
A. L. Baker, who Is one of the mov
ers In such social events, gave us a
list of those who went from Murray,
but we in some manner lost the slip.
All returned home with one unani
mous sentiment that Mrs. Heebner
la a royal entertainer.
Mrs. Alva Long entertained a num
ber of friends Wednesday in honor
bt her sister, Mrs. Miller of Plaln
vlew, who has been visiting Murray
friends and relatives for the pas few
days. Those present report a most
enjoyable time. The afternoon was
spent in social conservation, music
and numerous Indoor games and at
the usual hour refreshments were ser
ved. The following ladles were pre
sent to enjoy the hospitality of Mrs.
Long: Mrs. Wm. Long, Mrs. John
Edmunds, Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Mrs.
Wm. Sporer, Mrs. Homer Miller, Mrs,
O. A. Davis, Mrs. Philip Keil, Mrs.
G. M. Mlnford, Mrs. Ida Stokes, Mrs.
Joe Mrasek, Mrs. Warren Wiley, Mrs.
Chas. Spangler, Misses Pauline and
Fay, Oldham.
On Friday evening, January 21, a
merry party assembled at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young and were
pleasantly entertained by these young
people. The usual pleasantries were
Indulged in, and the hours passed
bo speedily that the hour for depart
ure arrive entirely too soon. An
elegant lucheon was served,
and all went borne declaring Mr. and
Mrs. Young most elegant entertain
ers. The Journal was furnished a list
of those who were fortunate enough
to be numbered with the guests, but
by Borne means they were ni Inlay ed
and we were unable to find. Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Young are popular young
people and their home is one of the
most hospital In Murray and those
who visit there are always received
with the glad band outstretched.
Fine white Plymouth Rock roost
ers for sale at 75 cents and $1 each.
Mrs. II. C. Long,
tw Murray, Neb.
He IJkes tho Journal.
One of the Jouarnal's good friends,
W. J. Ranard of Randolph, writes us
to continue his paper another year
and encloses the money to pay for it,
and at the same time ho says that he
could not get along with the Jour
nal. He says they are having their
share of cold weather, and many of
tho farmers have lots of corn In the
fields. He Btates that ,he is well
pleased with Cedar county, and that
all the farmers are happy and pros
perous, but often thinks of the many
old Cass county friends, and If they
ever travel his way the latch string
hangs upon the outside, and they
will always be welcome.
Cclebrute Twenty-Sixth Anniversary.
Mrs. Tyler Shepherdson entertain
ed Wednesday in honor of Wm. Tyeer
who attained the age of 26 years on
this date. Quite a number of friends
and neighbors were present to enjoy
the event, . and It is not necessary
to remark that all went away feel
lug that they had enjoyed a genuine
good time, with the hope that Wil
liam might llvo to enjoy many more
such hnpy occasion. An fino dinner
was Rerved and all proclaim It one of
tho best ever served by cooks in this
sections. Those who were present to
enjoy this plensnnt event were: Mr.
and Mrs. James 1IIU and family, Mr.
and Mrs. K. Shepherdson nnd family,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Vallery, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Parish nnd family of Oklahoma;
Mrs Dysart and Ed. Shephentsoii.
Tiie Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper all the
news intelligently told Farm questions an
swered by a practical farmer and experimen
ter Exactly what you want in market re
ports. :: :: :: ::
CZZ3 One Year 25 Cents r 3
Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo.
Begins MONDAY, JANUARY 31, and Continues Two Weeks.
Special Bargains to Everybody!
Beginning Monday, January 31, we will continue our Annual
Clearance Sale until Saturday, February 12, inclusive, and will
offer some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Cass county,
which the people can readity see by the prices which we quote be
low in Dress Goods, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and
Fur Coats. - - - - - -.
Silk, 3i yards, formerly $3.50, now. . $2 95
Taffeta silk, 27-inch, formerly $1.00, now . . 85
Taffeta silk, 19-inch, formerly 80c, now. . . 70
China silk, 27-inch, formerly 50c, now 45
Black taffeta, 36-inch, formerly $1.25, now 1 00
All wool dress goods 15 per cent off.
Bargains in Table Linen!
72-inch width, formerly sold at $1.50, now $1 25
" " " " $1.25, " 1 00
" $1.00, " 85
' " 75c " 50
Ladies' Dress Goods!
Vicuna cloth 12J cents per yard, now 10c
Ginghams, 12Jc cents, now 10c
Ideal percales 15c, now 12
Outings 12 cents, now 10c
" 10 cents, now 9c
Large assortment of embroideries at a big dis
count Fur Coats for Men!
Sold for $35 00, now $29 75
" " 25.00, " 20 75
" ' 22.50, ' 18 75
" " 20.00, " 16 75
" " 18.00, 14 75
" " 17 50, " 14 75
All good fur overcoats, guaranteed for two
Men's Every Day Coats!
In Ducks and Corduroy lined with Sheepskin
and Blanket.
Sold for $4.00, now $3 15
" " 3.50, " 2 85
" " 3.00, " f 2 20
" " 2.50, " 1 90
" " 2.00, 1 35
Sold for $1.00, now $2 98
" " 3.50, " 2 75
' " 2.00, " ' 1 39
" " 1.50, " 98
41 l.oo; 79
" " .75, " 49
Men and boy's sweaters worth up to $2.50 will
now go at 79c. These are of the close fitting
work Btyle.
Flannel Shirts!
Sold for $1.00 and $3.50, now for 79c up to $2.19
A large assortment in stock to select from.
Men and Women's Two-piece
Sold at $1.50 per suit, now goes at (per gar
ment) 49c
Sold at $1.25 per suit, now per garment. ... 43c
Sold at $1.00 per auit, now per garment. . . . 39c4
Men and Women's Union Suits
Sold at $1.50, go now at $1 19
" " 1.25, ' ' 98
" " 1.00 " " 79
" " .50 ' " , 39
Hats and Caps!
Worth up to $1.00, now goat .' 39c
Another lot sold up to $2.00, now go at 98c
All our $1 winter mittens and gloves go at. . .79c
Suit Cases!
Extra large, full-leather, sold for $7, go at $4 98
Men's 18-inch grip, full-leather and leather
lined, worth $12.50, now only 7 98
Sale of Sunkist Oranges!
30 cent oranges for iqc
40 " " " "wc
50 " " :::39C
With each dozen wrappers the purchaser re
ceives a Roger silver teaspoon by sending six 2
cent stamps to the grower.
ome fther EBargainsS
Good assortment of Overshoes for men, ftom $1.25 up.' All other over
shoes in proportion. A few comforts and blankets at cost to cltan up.
Some great bargains in men, women and children's shoes.
For the two weeks contiuance of this sale we will put on a 25 cent counter
to show our patrons what bargains they can get for the small sura of 25 cents.
We will put something new on this table every day.
We have marked our goods down to the very lowest notch, and the people
who call will see that the bargains that we are offering are the best ever offered
in Murray. Their arc many articles that will go at cost and carriage in order to
clean them up.
Kcmember this Clearance Sale begins MONDAY, JANUARY 31, and con
tinues Up to and including SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12. Here is the oppor
tunity to get the goods that you want at greatly reduced prices.
CS8CB3 Crag-Tpfl