PATRQI11ZE K INDUSTRIES IS 10 BID Commercial Club Makes a Good Move by Urging Citizens to Use Plattsmcuth Made Gccds Whenever Possible. The meeting of the commercial club last evening at Coates' hall was better attended than usual, there be-1 Ing some fifty members present. The expected meeting with Dr. Todd of Omaha did not take place, he failing to show up although officers of the organization had tried to get in touch with him all day. The principal business of the ses sion was that of discussing the best method of booming home made ci gars, John Nemetz being the leader In advocating this. It was urged that a petition should be circulated ask ing users of cigars to use Platts mouth made goods wherever possible and asking the merchants to patron ize the local factories. The discussion developed that everyone present favored this and a committee headed by John Nemetz was seleceted to handle the matter and secure such action by the local merchants and users as they could. In connection with this John Bajeck of the firm of Ptak & Bajeck who urged upon the meeting the advantage which it was to Plattsmouth to use local cigars and he expressed the be lief that the increased patronage re sulted from the more extended use of local cigars would lend employ ment to at least ten more cigar mak ers. He also expressed the belief that not more than cne half of all the igars used in the city were home manufacture. a Another important matter up be fore the club was the improvement of the ferry road. This matter was up last fall and nothing tangible came of it so thaj there was no trade over the ice from Iowa this winter. It is proposed now to get it in shape for next spring and summer. James Ault was reported as circulating a petition to the county commissioners to im prove the road. . A committee which had charge of the coasting carnival reported that they had expended all money in their hands save 7.35, which was turned into the club funds. No statement of how the money was spent accom panied the report for publication. The club also decided to advertise the resources of the city one year II MOST PLEAS- Friends Assist G. B. Gould and Wife to Celebrate Their Fifth Wedding Anniversary Yesterday was the fifth wedding an nlversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Gould and their friends to the number of a dozen remembered them on the oc casion with a surprise party at their rooms in the Hotel Riley. The party assembled at the totel, practically all the members being residents of the hostelry, and descended upon the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Gould in a body taking these excellent people quite by surprise although they quick ly recovered and proceeded to make the guests at home. Tables were pro Tided and the evening was most pleas antly spent in progressive dominoes, a large bouquet of orange blossoms and ferns being provided for the win ner of the games. Frank Gobelman proved to be the best player and car ried off the emblem of superiority. Following this refreshments were served in the dining hall of the hotel which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion. The colors chosen were orange and green, tho table de Remedies are Needed Were wo perfect, which we are not, medicines would not often bo needed. Hut since our systems have be come weakened, impnircd and broken down through indiscretions which have gone on from the early nflcs, (.Trough countless generations, remedies ere needed to uiJ Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach t!io scat of Btomuch weakness and consequent di'estivo troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Tierce's Col len Medical DUcov cry, a glyceric compound, extracted from noiivc medic inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to nil users. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in tiie Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Had Hrcnfh, Kclcliin (if food, Chronic Di:rrl cn ami other Inteslind Derangements, the "Discover" in a timc-pruven and r.iobt cITioicr.t rc'nici'y. The genuine has on i's outside wrapper tho Signature You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco-runic, medicine op known composition, not even thuu;'h tho urgent dealer mny thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's I'lcaiant Pellets regulute anj invigorate ktomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to taue as cunjy. UP PLATTSMOUTH in a magazine which is devoted to town building believing that It would result in good for the town and its people. Messrs. George L. Farley and C. W. Baylor were added to the ad vertising committee which now con sists of A. L. Tldd as chairman with Messrs. E. A. Wurl, Philip Thierolf, G. L. Farley and C. W. Baylor as members. It was also decided to have a com mittee from the club make a visit to the Burlington shops and see the condition of matters there since the accession of the present officials. The slogan "See Plattsmouth Suc ceed" was reported to the club from the committee of the directors and enthusiastically received. It was de cided to urge the use of the slogan In every conceivable way by the mer chants, business men and citizens gen erally. The suggestions of the Jour nal in last night's issue were all re peated by members present. A number of business men agreed to give special prizes for the part ies selling the greatest number of slogan buttons, among them being a cash prize of $5 by George Blackston Irving the lecturer to defray the ex penses of whose lecture the buttons are being sold. A number of the prizes offered are excellent and well worth striving for. The award will be made by the president, secretary and treasurer of the club. It was decided to change the night of the club meeting so as, not to con flict with tho meeting of several large lodges in the city and It was decided to meet hereafter on the third Thurs day night In each month. The meet ings will commence promptly at eight o'clock even if there is only the presi dent and secretary there. This constituted the bulk of the business done after which the meet ing adjourned. In connection with the club affairs It has been suggested that it would be well to have a state ment showing how the money collect ed by the club had been spent and who received it. It is understood a number of the members and officers of the club favor this idea and it doubtless will be done shortly. The old directors were re-elected for another year, their names being reported to the club for ratification which was done. corations consisting of organge blos soms and ferns making a strikingly beautiful effect. The table was hand some in hand-painted china and cut glass galore from which the refresh ments were served. It was a late hour before the pleasant gathering came to an end and the happy guests retired to their rooms. The assembl age presented Mrs. Gould with a handsome chair of Mission style oak, a present emblematic of the wooden wedding and something much appre ciated. The guests included Misses Pearl Nichols, Genevieve Howard, Mae Pat terson, Genevieve Shafer of David City, Neb., Blanche Horning, Mrs. L. E. Schaulis.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gobel man, Messrs. Robert, Hayes, George B. Mann, and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gould. . Park Chrlswisser from near Mur ray, came in this morning to attend to some business matters and visit with his parents. He reports that the sale which Charles Chrlswisser held last Monday was a very good one and that he is pleased with the result. The things sold all brought good prices and the people who pur chased them, especially those who Invested in the stock and horses were well pleased with the high grade ani mals they secured. EGI Help Build Up One of the Lead ing Industries of the Cisy. In the report of the meeting of the commercial dub appears a statement regarding the appointment of a com mittee to see the cigar users and the merchants who sell them, and try and obtain assurances of support for the local factories. The committee headed by John Nemetz, a hustling merchant, got busy this morning and were on the street early In the inter est of Plattsmouth cigars for Platts mouth people. They report being highly encouraged by the results pf their work as far as they had gone and feel confident that everyone in the city who smokes tobacco, will be come an enthusiastic advocate of the local cigars. This is as It should be. The cigar industry in this city is next to the Burlington shops, the largest in town. This is what the Journal believes and It believes the figures would bear out its statement. Tha. it can be made much larger is certain and it is due to everyone for himself to encourage the Increase of the factories. They em ploy the best type of worklngmen, men who command good wages and who are thrifty and provident to a degree. Every shop in this city is a union shop and their goods all bear the blue label. This Is a guarantee of the highest class of goods not alone in workmanship but In stock and no Imported cigar exceeds the local In excellency. In fact, go where you will you will find no equal to the Plattsmouth made cigar for the money. It is to be hoped that Mr. Nemetz and his committee find encourage ment in their mission and that we can soon record a large Increase in tho wcrkmen employed in this in dustry here. Plattsmouth not alone should smoke Plattsmouth cigars but they should make their excellent qualities acquainted abroad so that they may sell in all parts of the coun try. The way to make Plattsmouth succeed is to use Plattsmouth made goods and the Journal rises to sug gest an emblem for everything made here. "Made In Plattsmouth, Neb." would look good. A Horrible Hold-Up. "About ten years ago my brother was "held up" In his work, health and happiness by what was believed i to be hopeless Consumption," writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, D. C. "He took all kinds rf remedies and treatment from several doctors, but fovhd no help till he used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemorrahges, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis. La Grippe, Asthma and all Bronchial affections. f0 cents and ! $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. I. J. Decker Injured. Lee Bates is engaged this week in cutting wood upon the farm of I. J. Decker northwest of the city, going out there Monday for that purpose. Mr. Decker is laid up at his home suffering from the kick of a horse, although not seriously injured. The accident took place last week and is quite painful, he having been kicked in the upper part of the back and at other places on the body. While bruised considerably and unable to be out and about hlB farm work, he was not Injured Internally nor were any bones broken. Mr. Bates expect ed to be at the Decker farm all this week. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED The Government Pays Railway Mall- Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other 1 Employes up to $2,500 An nually. Uncle Sam will hold spring exam! nations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Department Clerks and other Govern ment positions. Thousands of ap pointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in City of Coun try, can got Instruction and free in formation by writing at once to tho Bureau of Instruction, 79 J Hamll ton Building, Rochester, N. Y. Liinlixli Spuvln Liniment removes Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save-$50 by use of ono bottle. A wonderful Blem Ish Cure. Sold by Goring & Co., drug gists. Miss Ethel ritman from Murray Is In tho city today making a visit with friends. i I'londcrful Hou Come in and see the latest and newest labor saver for the farmer a true marvel of You never saw anything like It before nothing like it has EVER BEEN MADE. It makes a windmill pump into a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a few minutes, and besides pumping, it runs senarator. churn, tfrindstone. or anv machine ordinarily run by hand. DO THE ATTACHING YOURSELF and see. It's well worth a special trip to get acquainted with the most wonderful invention you ever saw. Next time you are in town come in SURE. We want to give you a catalog free. JOHN TIF OF The Funeral Sermon Preached by Rev. W. O. Harell and In , terrment Made at Eight Mile Grove Cemetery. The funeral of the late Samuel Barker which was to have been hold on Tuesday, January 4, 1910, was postponed until the following day on account of the heavy storm which raged on the date originally set. When Wednesday dawned It was found to be one of the coldest days of the winter and It was decided to hold the funeral from the residenco of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp Instead of from the Eight Mile Grove church as originally Intended. In the house, where he had breath ed his last and entered into the long sleep, there was assembled a large number of friends gathered to pay a last tribute to the sterling worth of this most excellent and respected citi zen. His large family of children wor all present at the obsequies save two who were unable to attend. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. W. O. Harell, pastor of the Methodist church at Mynard and Eight Mile Grove who had attended' the deceased during the last illness, and It was an eloquent and worthy tribute of praise to his many rare qualities. The testimony of the pastor was that Ite peace which came to the deceasrd during his final Illness was born of his faith in Christ and that he went to rest secure in his hope of a blessed awakening. Following the services at the house the body was laid to rest In the Eight Mile Grove cemetery, a large number of sorrowing friends forming a cor tege to the grave despite the severe weather. In their loss of a most kind and loving father the sorrowing children have the sweet consolation of know ing that the sympathy of a wide circle of friends Is theirs and that their bereavement is felt as that of each of all who had known this good man in his lifetime. Emll Palmer, well known In this city and one of Louisville's good citi zens, is spending today in. the city, having come down this morning from his home at LoulBvllle. MITICK of a U.K. In the county court oj Cans county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Dabner T. Thncker, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pursu ance of an order of Hon. Allen J. Hen son. county Judge of said Cans county, made and entered on the 19th day of January, 1910. for the Kale of the per sonal estate belonging to the estate of l)abncr T. Thacker, deceased, as herein after described there will be sold at the south door of the court house at I'latts mouth, Nebraska, on the 12th dny of Kebruarv, 1910. at 10 o'clock a. m., to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described personal property to wlt: One note of the principal sum of $5,000 signed bv Walter A. Thaekernnd Hell Tharker, dated Anrll 8. 1908, due In ten (10) years with Interest at R per rent nnd secured by a mortgage on the s""thenst quarter of section B town ship 1ft, range 14, In Pass county, Ne braska, and lot 4, In section 4, town ship 10, range 1 , In as county, Ne. bra.Mkn, nil containing 1B7.70 acres more er less; on said not Inteerxt hart been paid to the amount of $IH7.fi0. Knur chairs, one rocking chair, ono complete bed, one cream separator, har row, one pair of scales, ono wagon, ono stand, two cupboards, one post auger, ope carpet Ipom. One note of W. A. Thncker, In the principal sum of $72. &0 dated March 7, lt0S, 4ind. dtifl In ono year wllh Interest at 8 per cent; one note of V. A. Thncker In the prlnclnnl sum of $10(1.00 dated Kehruary 8, 19m, nnd due In one year with Interest of 4 tier cent. Kor the. purpose of paying sai l debts, charges nnd expenses of said estate end for the purpose of converting said as sests Into money for distribution, It Is neceisary to sell the snmo. Hald sale will retnnln open one Pour. I. C). lwyer, H. N. Dovey, Attorney. Administrator. IfcW Invention Iki mechanical genius the IBAUEEL Many Cathartics Tend to Cuiino In Jury to the Bowels. If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief and their reaction Is harmful and sometimes more annoying than constipation. They In no way effect u cure and their tendency Is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come In contact. We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith In it is so strong that we sell 'It on the positive guar antee that It shall not cost the user a cent If It does not give entire sat isfaction and completely remedy con stipation. This preparation Is called Rexall Orderlies. These aro prompt, soothing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tastless and colorless. Combined with other well known in gredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment of con stipation, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy They may be aken at any time, either day or night, without fear of their causing any in convenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea. They act without looseness of the bowels. They are Ideal for children, weak, delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They come In two size packages, 12 tablets 10 cents, 36 tablets 25 cents. Remember you can obtain them only at our store, The Rexall Store. P. F. Fricke & Ca., Union block. Art Hughey, the well known and popular Nebraska City traveling man was In the city last night making his Wednesday night call upon his many customers in the city and meet ing old friends. AFTER THE GRIPPE Vinol Restored This Man's Strength ; "Several years ago I was attacked try a severe case ot grippe, which left m with a hacking cough, soreness In my chest, and bronchitis. I took nearly very kind of cough syrup sold on the market, besides medicine given me by physicians. I received no permanent relief until my druggist asked me 'to try Vinol, and after taking three bottles I was entirely cured. I believe Vinol to be the greatest blessing ever offered to the public, as It does what Is claimed for it." R, E. R. Hicks, Maplesvllle, Ala. The reason Vinol cures chronic coughs, colds and pulmonary troubles Is because it contains tonic iron and all the healing and body building ele ments of cod liver oil but no oil. Vinol Is also unexcelled as a strength builder for old people, delicate children, weak and ruu-down persons, and after sickness. GERING & CO. Druggist 70 Years with Coughs We haveJiiad nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. .That makes us have great con fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. No alcohol in this cough medicine. ICAycrCoMwelUfcZ he well; be strons. You cannot if your bowel are constipated. The best laxative is Ayer's rills, all vegetable. Ask your doctor if he agrees with u$. Do as he sayV on Display ii-t :vi ' i . lit, .!. H" See the Pulley for Running Light Machinery f Q I i 1 j Patent Applied for Wed at Nebraska City. Fred Ruhge, aged 26 and Miss Ron Telde, both of Berlin, came to th city yesterday afternoon and tried to secure a marriage license from John, C. Miller, clerk of the county court, assuring Mr. Miller that the father of the girl, Henry Telde had consented to the marriage. Mr. Miller was not satisfied and besides he wanted tho consent In writing, so ho located tha father at a sale In that precinct, via phone, and he would not at first be lieve that tho daughter was away from Inline. Ho would not consent. Tho girl was called to the phone and talked to the father some time, but they readied no agreement. Th father asked Mr. Miller to hold the couple until he ould come to the- city, but was referred to Sheriff Fish er, as Mr. Miller hnd no license at law, to hold them. Whilo the father . was securing the sheriff the couple left the court house and went to th depot saying they were going back home. At the depot they boarded tb freight train and it pulled out tor Auburn just before Deputy Flahtr reached the station. The officers at Auburn were asked to hold the coupl which they did. The father went dowa there last night, secured the dauga- ter and took her home and refused to prosecute the young man. Th couple vow they will get married yet and will In some way outwit the girl father. Both are well known youasT people pf that precinct and have beta keeping company for some time. Nebraska City News. Well HaUsfled. J. P. Marling, connected with th Woods Bros. Live Stock commission, company of South Omaha, who has been visiting for a couple of days In. the city with Benton KInkead, de parted this morning for his home. It Is forty-one years since the two gen tlemen met and Mr. Marling came la quite unexpectedly to meet his old friend. Quite to his surprise he found that the long lapse ot time had not impaired Mr. Kinkaid's excellent memory of names and faces and b was recognized at once. The two bad a very pleasant visit over old timet and Mr. Marling departed this morn ing more than satisfied with the re sult of his trip. Brave Fire Ladle often receive severe burnB, putting out fireB, then uso Bucklcn's Arnica. Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Cats, WoundB and Bruises its eartb'a greatest healer. Quickly cures Skin, Eruptions, Old Sores, Bolls, Ulcers. Felons; best Pile cure made. Relief is Instant. 25c at F. G. Fricke k Co. PIcuHant Caller. Louis Lelner, one ot the most po pular farmers living near the city came in yesterday afternoon to look after business matters and to meet with his many good friends. Mr. Lelner recently came In and renewed his subscription to the Journal which Is his old standby and without it, he would not feel at homo. Louis 1b hop ing for the cold weather to hurry past so that he can get Into ills' fields and plant a new crop for the coming year.