The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 17, 1910, Image 1

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    State IlJ.torlcl fioo.
NO .5
And Which Should Be Acted Upon Without Selfish Motives by
Any Individual Member.
Dr. E. W. Cook of this city has
received a letter from C. B. Schleicher
of Brady, Neb., in. which he speaks
of his proposed factory for this city,
and In it makes a very pointed state
ment of what his ideas on the mat
ter are. As has been stated hereto
fore In the Journal, this is something
which the commercial club should
have taken up and pushed to a finish.
At the time Mr. Schleicher was here
the matter was agitated but it seems
to have bourne no fruit. There is ab
solutely no' question of the worth of
Mr. Schleicher's Invention. Anyone
with or without the smallest me-
My Dear Doctor: Upon looking over
the Plattsmouth Journal of the 6th,
I noticed a little article relative to the
opening of my factory In your city.
Judging from the tenor of the article
I am led to believe that there Is some
opposition to the idea there, or at
least so me of the citizens there have
had out the hammer. First of all, I
want to thank the Journal for stand
ing pat and looking at the proposi
tion in a boarder mind manner than
a few of your (not business men, but
masquarading as such . You will ad
mit with me that these men are look
ing at the proposition in a narrow
minded way, allowing prejudice and
Jealousy to dominate their actions and
thus In their own selfishness are keep-
ilng the population of Plattsmouth on
chanical Ingenuity can see that It is the decline, by allowing their own
inch an Invention as must be a win-1 private grievances to stand in the way
, , .of the welfare of their own
ner ana u wm anora a vasi amount . j haye H nad
of work for a large number of men j 8pot jn my heart for Plattsmouth and
if properly pushed. Plattsmouth has j have yet and therefore am ntt going
the opportunity yet to get this fac
tory. As Mr. Schleicher shows In his let
ter, other towns and cities want the
factory and they are offering him
flattering Inducements to locate with
them. Plattsmouth has everything
which the other towns have. There
to condemn or feel hard about this, as
you will find such people In every
locality, but It is too bad that Platts
mouth has to harbor such
Please make it known to these
gentlemen that I did not come down
to your city for aid or for business,
but merely as a visitor
I was met later by some of the
members of your estimable and pro
are plenty of good sites fh this city gresslve commercial club, who in their
which can be had cheap but the efforts to elevate the daily routine of
, . your cuy, aisuunseu wiiu mo 1110 bu'
thing of boosting prices up whenever . ... . torv R, Plattsmouth
an industry wants to come here until . My Jdea jn coming to Plattsmouth
they are bo high that the industry la j would not be to make a living for my
drlvpn rwrv miist cease, or the citv ! self but to enable twenty or thirty
. viM.i. i i,Ai.f Tii ' men to support their families off of
will remain hopelessly In the rut. The my ,nventfon and have part of the
commercial club Is an Institution money, thus derived go to the busl-
which cannot afford to operate for
private gain. It is supposed to work
for the city's interests and that means
that private Interests must be elimi
nated. Let the iratter of the location of
Mr. Schleicher's factory be taken up
with him now and at once and pushed
ness men for supplies
I have several other good towns
which are making me flattering of
fers, and I may seriously consider
some of them in the near future, also
my home people here have been talk
ing to me about incorporating and I
think that this plan would be a good
one. it looks as tnougn tne stocx
rnnlil ho anlri hern wlthnnt difficulty
to a definite concluson. Le,t Wra. be-but I promised you that I would in
invited to submit what he would like ' form you in case I was thinking of
to the club and then let the club eet incorporation, and nothing would
together on the proposition and put in 1 Please. mve more, to ha you as
the factory. His letter makes some
strictures upon some of the local pro
moters which may or may not be de
served but they indicate how he looks
upon the manner in which his pro
posal has been treated and such a
point of view from a man seeking a
location is not pleasant to contem
plate. The letter is reproduced below
in its entirety, through the courtesy
of Dr. Cook:
Braay, Neb., Jan. 11, 1910.
Dr. E. W. Cook,
Plnttsmoiith, Nebraska.
one of the stockholders of the com
pany. It will be a big paying proposi
tion. If you and Dave have confidence In
the success of the patents and would
like to invest in some of the shares
let me know by return mail, and If
you have any friends whom you
would like to see in kindly mention it.
1 must have more room at once as
things are getting so crowded that it
hampers the work greatly. My sales
men now are averaging $100 per day
and witn my present quarters, I am
unable to supply the demand.
Yours Very Truly,
C. S. Schleicher.
H. E. Byram Will Probably Suc
ceed Daniel Willard;
The rumor recently printed In the
Journal that George B. Harris, presi
dent of the Burlington, was to re
tire is confirmed by dispatches from
Chicago which state he will leave
that road without a doubt and that
any denials are to be taken with a
grain of Bait. He will be succeeded
by Darius Miller, now first vice presi
dent in charge of traffic. Mr. Mil
ler will also assume jurisdiction over
the operating department next week
when Vice President Daniel Willard
leaves to accept the presidency of the
B. & O. The resignation of Mr. Har
ris depends upon its acceptance by
James J. Hill and the Burlington di
It developes that H. E. Byram,
formerly general superintendent of
this district at Lincoln and later as
sistant to Mr. Willard, is to assume
charge of the operating department
of the road and probably will suc
ceed Mr. Willard as first vice presi
dent when the latter steps Into the
presidency. This means that Byram
becomes the actual head of the Bur
lington system, as Mr. Miller will be
the nominal head.
Mr. Harris has been trying for
more than a year to get away from
the position he has had with the
company. He has reached the age of
62 years and is desirous of having
more time tfl himself. The current re
ports are that he will spend a part
of each year in California. He is an
intimate friend of James J. Hill and
was elected by the latter as presi
dent of the Colorado & Southern
when Hill acquired that road last
year. His length of service with the
Burlington comprises 44 years, he
having entered the service of the
Hannibal & St. Joe roads as office
boy that long ago. Later when the
Burlington acquired the H. A. St. J.,
he went with the road to the new
owners and has moved steadily up
To Attend the Meeting
1 Miss Mary Foster, county superin
tendent, departed this morning for a
tay of several days in Lincoln where
she will be in attendance on the two
days meeting of the superintendents
and principals which opens there to
day. There is a very Interesting pro
gram arranged for the meeting and
many topics of vital Importance to
school management will be discussed.
A number of noted educators will be
in attendance and give their views
upon the Improved methods of teaching.
Eagles Install Officers and En
joy a Great Feast After the
From Friday's Dally.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles had
a great big time last night in con
nection with the installation of the
B. G. Wurl Worthy Financial
Jas. Rebal Worthy Treasurer.
Wm. Toogood Worthy Chaplain.
Dr. E. W. Cook Worthy Physi
cian. Anton H. Koubek Worthy Con
Henry Miller Worthy Inner Guard
Ed. Ackerman Worthy Outer
Jos. Hadraba Trustee.
Wedding Bells
Saturday evening January 8th, at
officers of the lodge for the ensuing the home of Mrs. Dr. Thomas occur-
year. mere was a very large aueua- ,re(j the marriage Of her daughter
ahee of members present and after ! Irene, to Lionel Brust of Nebraska
the ceremonies of. installation had 'city. Miss Maud Moulton played the
been gone through with a banquet
was had which was a vertiable feast
and which everyone enjoyed. The
country had been scoured for eat
et afforded was spread before the
ables and everything which the mark
members of the order. In verity, the
eagles did scream and they sure had
them some time. It was a late hour
before the last of the members left
the holl for their homes, there being
enough oh the table to feed an army
and those who felt like taking the
time to eat were made welcome. Ow
ing to the length of time required for
the, .installation ceremonies, the
speech-making which had been pro
posed for the banquet was dispensed
with and the members simply sat
down to the feed. When it was over,
the meeting waB voted a grand suc
cess. ceBS. The officers for the ensuing year
who were Installed were:
William Weber Past Worthy Pres
ident. John P. Sattler Worthy President.
J. E. McDaniel Worthy Vice Pres
ident. John J. Svoboda Worthy Secre-
To Know Why Pupils of Their
Various Departments are
The superintendent of schools re
cently showed us an excuse for ab
sence that had just been sent a
teacher. All teachers are required to
have written excuses for absence on
the part of all pupils and the excuse
must show why the pupil was absent
if this were not required It would
be a difficult matter to keep track
of the students. In this particular
case great trouble had been experi
enced in getting any kind of excuses,
and finally after vainly trying to se
cure an excuse the teacher sent the
student home after it. When he re
turned he gave her the following:
You aught to no enough yourself
to no why didn't come to school
that day as It were so stormy and
cold you are the only one out of
four teachers that has asked for an
excuse this is the first school that
has asked for excuse if this halnt
'satisfactory rite one your self.
People Up in Arms for Better
Accommodations for the
Traveling Public.
The good people of the village of
Union are up in arms at the Missouri
Pacific railroad and propose to com-
pell that corporation to build a new
depot at that place large enough and
modern enough to take care of the
business done there. Charles L.
Graves, the well know attorney of
that city, has thrown hlmalf Into the
breach and has filed a complaint with
the state railway commission asking
and order be entered which will make
the road furnish adequate depot faci
lities and cross walks and other im
provements. The complaint
heard shortly. Wlthoutdoubt there are
Improvements needed In Union and
Mr Graves is doing a public service
in his demand This is one of the
most important stations on the line
In this Bection, a place where there is
always a constant stream of passen
gers changing cars and where long
waits are not Infrequent The present
structure Is a small one with one
waiting room and poor seating facili
ties It Is also lighted wlih weak and
dirty oil lamps and is altogether one
unfitted to accomodate the large
amount of business done The com
plaint deserves to be granted and the
company should be ordered to en
large the structure and also furnish
suitable walks to and from the busl
ness portion of the town.
wedding march. The ceremony of
marriage was by Rev. G. H. Moulton.
Mr. and Mrs. Brust will make their
future home in Nebraska City. This
wedding was quite a surprise to the
many friends of the bride and groom.
Many had no inkling of the event un
til the wedding was over and the
happy couple had departed for their
future home. The bride was born and
raised in Weeping Water, and is an
attractive and pleasant young lady,
loved and admired by many friends.
The groom Is the eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Brust of Nebraska City, and Is
considered a young man of excellent
character. The Republican extends
congratulations and best wishes.
Weeping Water Republican.
Ben Dill who is in the city making
a visit with hlB father, A. Dill and
also looking after business matters,
paid the Journal office a pleasant call
this noon and renewed his allegiance
to the Oid Reliable. Mr. Dill is one
of the best citizens of Murray and Its
vicinity and the Journal Is proud to
acknoweldge him as one of Its best
Names For the Jury.
From Thursday's Dally.
The county commissioners have
selected the following list of names
from which to choose the jurors for
t"he coming term of court, the draw
ing to take place shortly:
Plattsmouth City, first ward John
LInderman, J. II. Thrasher
Second ward Charles GradevII,
Leonard Born, Emil Walters.
Third ward Wm. Holly, Wm.
Wehrbein, A. D. Despaln, James
Fourth ward G. L. Farley, L. B.
Egenberger, B. C. Hyde,
Fifth ward John Vorndran, Geo.
Perry. ,
Plattsmouth precinct C. A. Val
lery, Jno. Kaffenberger, Wm. AdamB.
Eight Mile Grove precinct Adam
Kaffenberger, Ed Becker, Jacob Buch
ler. Mt. Pleasant precinct John Kra
ger, Carl Engelkemeier.
Center precinct John Domingo,
Wm. Wendt.
Nehawka precinct Vilas Sheldon,
John Knabe.
Louisville precinct John Schoer
man, Miles Drake, Chas. Jackman.
Liberty precinct Creed Harris,
Matt McQuinn, Wm. Cross.
West Rock Bluffs W. E. Dull,
Henry Creamer.
. East Rock Bluff s M. L. Furlong,
Mark White
Avoca Emerson Doyler, John Bo
gard. Salt Creek J. C. Lemon, S. M.
Mowry, H. II. Weideman.
Stove Creek Wm. Kunz, Claus
Ohm, Henry Miller.
Weeping Water City, First ward
John Carter.
Second ward Wash Bullis.
Third ward John Fowler.
Weeping Water precinct H. H.
Lawton, J. P. RasmuBsen
Tipton John Elliott, John Fro
lich, Lee Snavely.
South Bend Geo. Vogel. HIH Tar
penning. . '
Greenwood John Arres, II. Hart.
Elrawood H. P. Dehning, W F.
Lau, Edw Hemke
Jururtt Selected.
Clerk of the Court James. Robert
son and Sheriff Qulnton this after
noon drew the Jury for the coming
term of district court, the members
drawn from the list heretofore marto
up by the county commissioners. The
following are the names of the good
men and true who will hear the sev
eral causes for trial and mete .out
equal and exact justice to male fac
tors, vlx: Edward Hemke, W. E.
Dull, John Kaffenberger, Henry Mil
ler, Ed. Becker, H. Hart, Emerson
Dowler, John Frolich, Wm. Cross,
John Domingo, Vilas isheldon, Creed
Harris, John Schoeman, Miles Drake,
John Bogard, Wm. Kunz, L. B. Egen
berger, Geo. Vogel, A. D. Despaln,
I. H. Weldman, John Krnger, Charles
Jackman, J. C. Lemon, Wash Bullis.
doant send the boy out after any
mare excuses.
Mr. Gamble says that he feels sure
if all parents knew how necessary
it Iff to" have excuses and that the
teachers are not to blame as they
are carrying out instructions so many
unkind notes would not be sent teach
ers. The hardest part of the matter
Is to get excuses that give the reasons
for absence. E xcuses in many differ
ent languages come in but these are
always accepted providing they con
tain the desired information. During
the coasting carnival a boy came
late and with him came a note stat
ing that he had stayed out too late
the night before and did not get up
In time to get to school on time. The
request was made that the teach
er scold him gooa so he would get up
In time in the future. Oh! yes, there
are plenty of humorous incidents in
connection with the work if one has
a sense of humor, added the superin
tendent, as he hurried away to ans
wer the 'phone which had been per
sistently ringing while we talked.
Election of Officers,
Notice of the meeting of the Com
monwealth Insurance company and
the election of its officers for the
ensuing year was given several days
ago In the Journal. For the benefit
of the several stockholders of the
company residing in this city andvlcl
nlty, the Hat of officers then chosen
is given below: They are E. M. Far
field, president; Sherman Saunders,
first vice president; A. D. Marriott,
second vice president; Van B. Lady,
secretary; A. B. Hunt, treasurer;
Thos. H. Matters, general counsel;
Charles H. Clancy, superintendent of
agencies. Directors are Frans Nelson,
Sherman Saunders, A. D. Marriott, E.
M. Fairfield, C. H. Clancy, Paul Walk
er, Van B Lady, A. B. Hunt and T.
ll. Matters In connection with the
election a banquet was given at the
Paxton hotel, at which there were
some thirty odd stockholders from
outside Omaha present. Clark O'Han
lon of Blair, L. D. Richards of Fre
mont and Allen G. Burke of Ban
croft were speakers..
Resolutions of Respect.
Whereas, death has again entered
our camp and taken from our camp
fire Neighbor Edward White, and by
reason thereof Cass Camp No. 332
Modern Woodmen of America has
lost one of its youngest memebers,
and ' '
Whereas, tbja camp hereby extends
Its most sincere sympathy to the
mother and family of our departed
Neighbor in this, their time of grief
and sorrow.
Resolved, that in the death of
Neghbor Edward White his mother
and family have been deprived of a
kind and dutiful son and brother,
our camp an esteemed and worthy
member and the community a young
man of sterling intergrlty and use
fulness. Resolved, that this camp extend to
the mother and family of our de
parted Neighbor, its sincere sympathy
In their night of grief.
Bo it further resolved, that the
charter of our camp be draped In
mourning for thirty days; that a copy
of these resolutions be spread at
length upon the records of this camp.
That a copy thereof bo furnished the
local newspapers and one sent to the
family of our late Neighbor.
H. S. Barthold.
P. A. Barrows
Allen J. Boeson.
Will Return Home Nunday,
From Friday's Dally.
Thomas Walling was a visitor in
Omaha yesterday afternoon with his
wife who has been , in the hospital
there. Mrs. Walling has been getting
along splendidly and will be able to
return home on Sunday next. She
William Kaufman came in from his was anxious to come back yesterday
home south of the city this morning 'but owing to the bad weather, it was
and was a passenger for Havelock, thought best to wait until Sunday for
where he has business matters to look the trip. Her many friends will recover this line. Weeping Water Re
after. Jolce at her fortunate recovery. publican.
In District Court.
In the office of Clerk of the Court
Robertson today a suit was filed to
quiet the title to the northeast quart
er of section 17, town 11
north, range 13, east. The title of the
case is the Bank of Cass County vs.
George Sheldon et al. The George
Sheldon named in the petition la
not ex-Governor Sheldon but the fin
ancier of Lincoln of the same name.
Mr. Sheldon held a mortgage upon
the property In question.
A complaint charging L. C. Han
son from the vicinity of Greenwood
with lunacy, was filed In the office
of Clerk Robertson of the district
court. The complaint la made by one
Frank Lapham, and Sheriff Qulnton
la reported to have gone after the
To Straighten Track.
A surveying corps of twelve men
came in last Saturday and are in the
employ of the Missouri Pacific rail
road. They are making a survey for
the purpose of reducing grades, tak
ing out curves, mapping out the side
tracks, etc. They will work south of
here. While surveyors do their work
generally without being Instructed In
all that is behind the work, the wise
ones declare It means to put this line
to Omaha In such shape that the bulk
of the freight business will be done
No Hard Coal in Town and Deal
ers Cannot Tell How Soon
There Will Be
The coal famine which has been
hitting qther towns in the west and
middle west has about struck riatts-
mouth. According to the fuel dealers
of the city, it is next to impossible io
get ha d coal and those who burn this
variety of diamonds and failed to lay
In their supply last fall are likely to
be up against it for some time io
come. There Is no hard coal In the?
city and the prospects for getting n
big Jag of It very shortly are Bo
flattering to Bay the least. Railroads
are reported to be making every ef
fort to get coal through for their cus
tomers with success which is des
cribed as indifferent.
Storms and the long continued cold
weather are responsible for the condi
tion of the coal trade. This morning's
dispatches do not hold out much hopo
for the consumer wbkh has tied up
(he coal Carrying roads and is pe
venting the movement of that com
modity. In addition it is said that tb.
yards In the large cities are filled
with coal destined for the west and
that it is not being handled as rapidly
as it should be. In Chicago condi
tions are said to be particularly bad
and the coal is being diverted for uso
In the city Instead of sent to its
destination. There are also charges
made that the roads are seizing tho
fuel for the movement of their trains,
this relating more particularly to soft
coal. Many of the eastern roads, how
ever, running through the hard coal
region nre said to be confiscating that
article for their own use.
A number of the local dealers ex
press the belief that they will get
hard, coal most any day but their
hopes seem to have a very slight
foundation as cars of coal may p
started all right from tho mines aixl
never again be located. While the
conditions in this city are not bad
they are decidedly Inconvenlenct JK
the patrons of hard coal. There .!
a sufficiency of soft coal on hand ajttt
if that falls, there Is plenty of wofid
left along the river and over in Iowa.
so that a fuel famine here 1b not prov
able. Most people here uso cither soft
coal or wood as a fuel anyway antl
those who burn hard coal, as a rujo,
purchased their winter's supply bjpt
fall. Much of the supply has been ex
hausted, however, owing to the win-..
ter setting in so early In the s&t
son and continuing with no let up$o
late. As there Is still several months
of winter ahead, these people "haye
hopes of hard coal coming. In before
their supply runs out.
ReportB from state points report
now falling this morning with a pros
pect for colder weather tomorrow or
Sunday! A report was current on tfcfl
streets thjs morning of a big bllzzanl
to the northwest, but when racea
down, It seemed to have no tanglblo
foundation, the reports merely speak
ing of heavy Bnow throughout that
region, something which the warmer
weather Is likely to bring here elthBT
this afternoon on tonight. At noon
the temeprature was quite warm and
mild but not quite up to tho melting
point. The prediction of the weather
bureau for today is fair and warmer.
Saturday unsettled.
In Justice court before M. Archer,
the case of Lesley vs. Barnes, men
tion of which was made In the J6u.
nal yesterday, the defendant filed sev
eral motions which are to be argued,
the case being adjourned to next
Thursday for that purpose.