The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 23, 1909, Image 5

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They Have Beautifully Decorated Their Show Windows and
Are Well Prepared for Christmas Shoppers.
In passing up Main street last
evening our attention was drawn to
several of the window displays, be
sides those mentioned yesterday.
The window of the Jewelry estab
lishment of John W- Crablll beams
forth with a fine display of silver
ware, Jewelry, watches and many
auch articles as will make a fine
Christmas present for rich or poor,
and we will guarantee that any of
these articles can be bought at a
less prle than the same can be
"bought for in Omaha.
E. A. Wurl has a fine display of
goods of all grades, including fine
dress patterns that would make
your wife or daughter a handsome
and suitable Christmas present. Mr.
Wurl has other suitable Christmas
Sifts and invites all to call and in
spect his large variety today and to
morrow. E. G. Dovf-y & Son have also laid
In a Biipniy of holiday goods that
, of which they would gladly receive
from pa or ma or sister for a
Cnrlstmas gift. If you want some
thing more expensive, Mr. Holly has
very fine suits that would please
them better.
Jackson, the lower Main street
furniture man, can supply you with
numerous articles that would please
the good wife of your household,
and it will pay you to call and see
what he has In store.
Johnson, the lower Main street
meat market man, has made pre
parations for his patrons, and he is
determined to furnish them with all
that is necessary to appease their
appetites at a Christmas dinner.
Louis Egcnberger has in store for
the Chris'uuas shoppers many articles
that will make the little folks hop-skip-and-jump
for their stockings
Christmas morning. He has a fine
line of candies and many little
trinkets that are In store for Christ-
will prove mcst appropriate for
Christinas presents. Dress goods and
-wearing ' apparel of all the latest
styles and of the most excellent
qualities,. It will pay'pll seeking
Christmas presents to call and see
what they have In store for both old
and young.
If you want a new bonnet or hat
Miss Meyer's can suit your taste in
this line. Sometimes a young lady
"would be delighted In having a sty
lish hat or bonnet for Christmas,
and Miss Meyers has Just what you
Kunsman & Ramge, at the meat
market have lots of good things in
store for your Christmas dinner.
They always provide for such oc
casions, and if It Is in the country,
they have the best. Turkeys, geese,
ducks and chickens of which they
have plenty to supply the demand.
Weyrich & Hadraba have a hand
some display of suitable presents in
their handsomely decorated show win
dows. Here you will find Just such
things aa will make your sweet heart
a most appreciable gift, and she can
also find here something that will
please you, In return.
In looking for something of the
nature of a household necessity
and will please your wife Just as well
as something ornamental, visit Bau
er's hardware store and buy her a
carving outfit. They have some fine
ones, and a host of other useful
household necessities.
In viewing the handsome show
windows of Wescott's Sons, you can
not help but behold a fine display
of everything, any one of which
articles will make the "old man" or
the boys a fine Christmas present.
At this well-known . establishment
you can find anything In the cloth
In line from a handsome necktie to
the very finest suit of clothes.
At Herold's book store you will
find many very useful articles, for
old and young, male or female.
Among these are some of the finest
books to be found anywhere. There
is nothing more suitable for a
Christmas present for a boy or girl
than a handsome book, and Mr. Iler
old has exactly what you want. Ho
has also a fine line of randies on
display of the pure and finest grades.
While M. Fanger is closing out
everything at his store at less than
cost, you no doubt can find here just
what would suit the mother, father,
son or daughter for a Christmas pres
ent. Go and see what he has any
way. Hatt & Son are not behind the
balance of the merchants in laying
in supplies of the many good things
for Christmas. Of course everybody
wants a good dinner on Christmas,
and Hatt & Son is one of the places
to get what you desire In this line.
Turkeys, geese, chickens, ducks or a
good choice beef or pork roast.
J. E. Mason Is also in line with
a choice line of the finest confec
tionaries, nuts, etc., for, Christmas.
A box of candy for your lady friend
or a box of nicely flavored clagrs
for your gentlemen friend are
In line as suitable Christmas pres
ents. Mr. Mason has prepared for
the annual Christmas giving, and
you don't want ' to pass him by in
looking for the articles named.
H. M. Soennlchsen has In store
useful household articles that would
make your wife smile to have them
presented to her on Christmas morn.
Here you will find a fine line of
tableware, In all grades Bnd at all
prices. Present your better-half with
a set of dishes, and call at Soennich
sen's and see his fine line.
William Holly has purchased for
Christmas presents a nice line of
neckties, handkerchiefs and such
articles for the men and boys, any
A. G. Bach, the groceryman at tu
extereme lower end of Main street,
has also prepared to meet the wants
of all his patrons in their demands
for Christmas supplies. Here can be
had many articles for the children
and presents for the head of the
household. Drop In and see what
he has in store for the Christmas
stocking. He has also a fine line of
Don't you want to present tomi
of your friends with a graphaphone?
Tad Horn has some of the finest In
the land and he Is selling them
cheap. Drop in and see him.
Mr. Waln'traub at the racket store
has many useful as well as orna
mental articles that will please the
little folks and also many household
necessities that would delight the
good housewife, and no doubt! please
her as well as something more ex
pensive. D. A. McElwain, while his show
window is not so large as some of the
others, his assortment displayed
shows that he has the goods. Gold
watches, silverware, diamond rlng3
and all such articles that are Just
the things your lady loves would ap
preciate for a Christmas present.
Then don't forget that Golding
has prepared for the little ones as
well as the old ones. Here you will
find all sorts of Christmas presents,
such a toys, for the boys, dolls for
the girls and useful , articles for the
older heads of the family. Santa
Claus Is surely In evidence at Gold
lng's. Qerlng ft Co. have a fine display
of Christmas goods. Here is head
quarters for toilet articles of all
dlscrlptlon. Toilet setts that are fit
ted to a queen's taste, and other
articles for Christmas presents.
Combs, brushes and in fact the fin
est articles for a gift to the young
man or young lady. They have the
stock to select from and the prices
that will suit you.
The beautiful windows at Falter
& Theirolf are attracting the atten
tion of all who expect to make their
boya a present of a new suit of
clothes, hat, cap or necktie. They
have such articles on display, and
such are always useful as well as
John Schlppacasse has arranged
to supply his many patrons with all
kinds of fruits, nuts and candles,
and you can get anything you desire
in this line for Christmas.
Asemissen & Kllnger have also
decorated their windows with a fine
line of cuttlery and articles suitable
for household use. There are many
articles in store there that will make
the good wife a handsome present,
and at the same time aid her in her
household duties.
Larkins has two handsome wind
ows, which are beautifully decorated
with all kinds of toys for the child
ren. From the looks of things there
about, Old Santa has certainly
made his headquarters there for the
little girls and boys. It Is inter
esting to watch the expressions of
the little girls and boys as they
view the great display of dolls,
wagons, and other articles In store
for them.
The show windows of Kroehler
Bros, presents a fine appearance
with a handsome display of cutlery,
and such other articles In their line
as will make a suitable present to
the housewife or father and son.
At Hall's store you will find a
nice line of Christmas candles, fruits
and nuts, and many articles for the
children, which have been purchased
expressly for the holidays.
Zuckweiler & Lutz are not be
hind the times In Christmas prepara
tion, and here you will find also
many articles for the little folks as
J well as the larger ones,
j Mike H1U1, the furniture man, has
a u-ry line display of carpets, ruga,
'he A room suits, and the lik, which
i would please the good houtewife
I Tuey has also in store a full line
'of Christmas goods in the way of
jratxiifs. inn and other articles for
! :lie ;.t ! i i:t s.
At tl." K: i. K (lui siriv you will
tind a uispUy -of toiiet anil fancy
articles such as brushes, combs, per
fumery, etc., which all young ladies
delight iu possessing. Drop in and
see the many fancy articles they
have in store for Christmas.
Nemeti & Co. have many suitable
Christinas presents, and their stock
of candies and nuts and fruits is
simply Immense. So you don't have
to pay railroad fair to Omaha to
purchase such articles as you need
in the confectionery line.
i.oienx Haiti, ate abundantly pre
pared for th t'biistmaa shoppers.
Thcst who waut the best in the land
for their Christmas dinner can find
just ONa''y what th.v want at this
well-known cpiablilinient. They also
have a fine display of other Christ
mas r ()('!?.
u you .;; it rsur' !-r ? winuu;
that will UM!"'y plc.ifi' ycur Rood
wife f ir a Christn.' ; ';v.vnt, call on
freight & Streight ami buy her one
ol" those handsome- i,-iir..m suiis, or
?-.!.h c!!rr In';';'"!;""'!? !"'ssiiy tliey
Cm ::, .n w iio leads over the
.;( .e ( i! i wiieieiu they can be bene
fitted in l he least by going to Om
aha to secure Christmas presents?
It is a little late to make any more
suggestions In thla matter, but we
hope we can prevent some from
spending their money at Omaha
when they know as well as we do
that they should buy their supplies
of the home merchants.
Go to Cedar Creek.
The M. W. A orchestra went out
to Cedar Creek this afternoon to fur
nish the music for the wedding ball
to be given In Sayles' Hall tonight.
The orchestra la composed of Roy
Holly, manager, violin; Anton Bejeck
drum; Stuart Janda, cornet; Miss
Pearl' Mumm, piano. It Is needless
for us to say that the music will be
first-class in every particular, and a
good time is in store for all who attend.
Miss Loretta Scotten went to Om
aha this morning.
. Our store has been rearranged to ac
commodate Christmas shoppers.
Everything' displayed so as to make
t choosing easy. All goods marked in
plain figures. Mr. Earl Hassler has
been added to our force of salesmen
and you will find us ready and willing
to show goods and assist you intelli
gently In selecting gifts for men. Our
Christmas stocks are complete and
comprise everything that a man wears
frpm a 5c handkerchief to a $40 over
coat. The price you pay here repre
sents the maximum of quality and style. We call your es
pecial attention to "Nebraska," "P. H. S." and Plattsmouth
pennants, 35 and 50c. Theseare made of the best German
felt, blue ground with white letters and scarlet with white.
They are full size, and make a nice Christmas remem
brance. Also Bath Robes,full length with slippers to match
$7.50. House coats, sack style, elegant designs, $5 and
$5.50. Initial kerchiefs for men, three prices, 15, 25 and
65c. Men's reversible 4-in-hands, in all shades, a special
line at the very small price of 22c, sold for 35 and 50c in
many stores. The new crocheted ties in Xmas boxes 50
75c. Holeproof hose, in beautiful holly boxes 51.50.
open cvcr:ir:co tillciirigtmao
Handsome Souvenir.
The First National Bank of thla
city are presenting their friends with
on. The plate is a fine piece of work jn remembering their friends during
and just such a one as will please
the average housewife aa a Chrlst-
a nice souvenir In the shape of a: mas present, for which it Is design-
late with a picture of the bank there-1 ed. Besides this is a new wrinkle fortunata enough to receive one.
the Christmas time, which Is very
much appreciated by all who ar
Spent at this shoe storeis money not
foolishly squandered, for there
is nothing so suitable tor Christ
mas Gifts as
Christmas Slippers and Footwear
For they're practical,useful and always appreciated.
Men's Slippers
In Opera or Everett Styles, in Black, Chocolate,
Ox-Blood and Wine Color
65c, 85c, $1.10, $1.75 and $1.50
Men's Felt Slippers. 65c to $1.50
Men's Romeo Slippers, side rubber $1.75
Ladies' felt lap Slippers, 3 colors $1.10
Infant's red felt Romeos 50c
Should Slippers not appeal to you let us suggest a
pair of Dr. Reed Cushion Insole Shoes for Men and
Women. Acknowledged the easiest shoe on earth,
and recommended by all the doctors.
Ladies' Felt. Fur Trim Romeos
Are one of our most appreciative gifts of the cele
brated Daniel Green make.
Green, Wine, Black and Brown Colors
$1.10, $1.25, $1.50.
Ladies' Felt Slippers 50c to $1.50
Children's and Misses' Red Romeos. ... 85c and 95c
Comfy Slippers ....$1.00
Like Walking on Fenthcrs
Indian Moccasins the kind that wears and holds
their shape $2.00 to $2.50
Something New. See 'Em.
Spend Your Xmas Money at Home For we Make Competitive Prices
on Quality Shoes And we Invite a Visit to Our
We Have an Article to Fit Every Purse From 25cjup.
Infants Leggins 50c
Misses " 75c
Ladies " 75c
" $1.00
Gaiters 50c
Boys' Leggins... 60c
Men's " 75c
Infants Bootees, Soft Soles and
Moccasins in nearly all color
of the Rainbow
25c to 50c.
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