The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 15, 1909, Image 3

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    IH 25
Was the Score of the Basket Ball
Game at South Orfiaha
Last Night
The Omaha Bee this morning has
the following excellent account of
the basketball game between the
Plattsmouth High school girls and
the South Omaha team. According
to this Plattsmouth certainly went
some in this game and won the ad
miration of their opponents.
Plattsmouth, 25; South Omaha 7.
This was the score of the basket
ball game by the girls' teams of the
two schools played last night at the
Young Men's Christian association
gymnasium. The Plattsmouth team
learly outclassed the young team
of South Omaha, doing faster pass
ing and making better plays. Helen
Trility of the visitors was easily the
:nost brilliant player on the floor,
rfhe was the left forward of the
Mattsmouth team and it was her
work which piled up the score. Her
delivery was exceedingly accurate
:ind when she leaned back and
threw the ball by an overhead swing
it nearly always passed through the
-.goal. Miss Gladys Van Sant was un
able to stop these scores. She was
'ast, however, and had she' more ex
perience would have learned the
rick of interfering. Miss Trility
threw four field goals In the first
half. The South Omaha girls sue
oeeded in making but one goal on
a foul, leaving the score 11 to 1 at
the end of the half.
In the second half Miss Finch
hrew two goals and one foul for
South Omaha. Lillian Dlckman al
80 threw , one foul. Miss Trility at
. the same time threw seven field
The South Omaha girls were be
wildered by the Jostling and speed
"f Plattsmouth, their practice games
being played with no such vigor. Mr.
Harrison of Plattsmouth and Miss
Dennett of South Omaha were the
-officials of the game. The following
was the lineup:
South Omaha Alma Dlckman, C;
Edna Elster, Sub. C; Llljlan Dick'
man, L. F.; Edith Finch, R. F.;
Ola Alaworth, L. G. ; Gladys Van
Sant, R. G.; Jean Berger, Sub
Dorothea Van Winkle, Sub. Platts
mouth Leota Barton, C; Bessie
Edwards, Sub. C; Helen Trility, L
' P.: Racheal Livingston. R. F.: Fern
Long, L. G.; Mattie Larson, R. G.;
Marie Robertson, Sub.
Freak Weather.
An extraordinary freak of the
weather has been holding the boards
here for the past several days. Yes
terday afternoon' the sky clouded up
and there was every indication of
' snow but in the early evening
the rain, which had started in about
four o'clock changed to a mixture
at snow and rain and a strong east
wind sprang up. Later this devel
oped into a Bteady rainfall and the
rain continued to fall all night with
scarcely an lntervission. The night
was one of the most disagreeable
In years and very few people ven
tured out in the storm. This morn
tag it was still raining and up to
noon there was practically no ces
sation in the downpour. West of
here the rain was supplanted by
now and a heavy damp snow cov
ered all the country clear to the
Rockies. Omaha experienced a
heavy fall of wet snow as did Lin
coln and the intervening country.
The weather bureau for today pre
dicts snow, although there Is less in
dications than yesterday. The un
iiaual feature of the storm is that
this time of year every storm of
this kind with thunder and light
ning haB heretofore turned off with
a cold snap but this has acted the
wverse and warmer weather has
followed the wake of the storm.
Fanger's Big Advertisement.
The Journal today prints a special
advertisement for M. Fanger, the
Wooltex merchant, who is going out
vt business here. It invites the
Plattsmouth public and the people
from the surrounding country to
note what Mr. Fanger ogers them
In the shape of bargains. He is
making prices so low that everyone
is justified in taking advantage of
them and the figures he quotes,
speak, for themselves. The Journal
ta sure that his bargains are real
and that it will pay every house
keeper and every lady in this sec
tion to examine his offers. In every
department he has marked the
prices down to where it pays any
one to patronize him. This adver
tisement appears in the Journal to
day and you should not fall to read
it. Remember M. Fanger Is going
to leave Plattsmouth and everything
In his store down to the fixtures
goes at this sale. The advertise
ment speaks for Itself as to the
p.-Ices and if you fall to find in it
what you want, call upon the store
and ask the proprietor. He has the
soods and he wants to sell them
and It is up to the 'people now to
take advantage of his bargains.
Iu Police Court.
Judge Archer yesterday afternoon
had I. H. Sltzman before him on a
charge preferred by Chief Amick.
The chief found I. H. suffering from
an overdose of bug-juice and gath
ered him in. Judge Archer heard
the I'.rgment pro and con in behalf
and against prisioner and doled out
to him equal and exact justice to
the extent of one dollar's worth
with the costs which was squared
up and I. H. sent rejoicing upon his
way just as the shades of night
were falling fast. incidentally,
Judge Archer delivered I. II. a lec
ture upon the futility of human en
deavor In so far as drinking up the
product of the whisky thule, so to
speak, of all who went up against
the game.
This morning he had Bert Helner
before him charged with having
been foolish enough to go John
Barleycorn a few rounds yester'een.
Bert was complained against for
havinsr gone to Dovey's store and
then and there being exhibiting war
like tendencies and a desire to put
the business of said Doveys to the
bad. incidentally, also,' Bert had
n ugly looking butcher knife in his
pocket when haled in' by Chief
Amick, but he had made no effort
to use said weapon. Bert was
gathered into the arms of the police
yesterday afternoon and this morn
ing after a pleasant night with
Ell Manspeaker he faced hizzoner
who heard his story and then point
ed out to him the utter folley of
the course he wa3 pursuing. Judge
Archer reminded him that the way
of the transgressor was, indeed,
hard and then sentenced him to pay
a fine of five plunks and costs. The
whichness of all this is that Bert
had not the wherewithal to square
same and he was committed to goal
there to linger until said fine and
costs are paid.
In Honor of Miss Fricke.
A large company was most de
lightfully entertained zy Misses
Clair and Hazel Dovey at their home
yesterday afternoon at a kitchen
shower in honor of Miss Fricke.
After the arrival of all the guests,
slips of paper and pencils were dis'
tributed and the guests were request
ed to guess the contests of little
bags, which had been hung about
the rooms and which contained some
kitchen utensil. Miss Bertha White
of Omaha won first prize and Mar
jory Walker the booby prize.
Following the guessing game,
slips of paper were again distributed
and . the guests requested to write
pecipes for' the bride-to-be future5
The guests were men invited tc
the dining room, where a dainty
three course luncheon was provided.
The bride-to-be was them show-
trcl with various kitchen utensils.
Those who enjoyed Misses Dovey's
hospitality were Mesdames T. P.
Livingston, Allen Murphy of Om
aha, H. Herold, A. E. Gass, W. J.
Streight, Edith Donelan, C. 0.
Fricke; Misses Bertha White of Om
aha, Florence, Helen and lone Dovey.
Lillian Murphy, Dora Fricke, Bar
bara and Mia Gerlng, Mary Foster,
Verna Cole, Martha Goehry,, Frances
Hatch, Minnie Guthman, Majoriy
Walker, Lusetta Patterson of Om
More Turkeys.
Thanksgiving turkeys will be very
scarce this year, and high In price,
and some of us thankful people will
have to do without them. That will
be a little difficult, for Thanksgiv
ing and turkey go together like
girls and boys. But there is no need
to be disgruntled at our own fault.
We have the fields, and If we do
not have enough turkeys, it is be
cause we are trifling away our en
ergies on less important things.
Chickens, ducks, tenderloins will be
scarcer, too, and prices higher.
But the spirit of Thanksgiving is
equal to any emergency. There are
many things to any emergency.
There are many" things in which it
will have a jubilant voice. Every
thing good hits Thanksgiving. There
are boiled beef and cabbage, swine
and turnips, big, snowy, roily polly
apple dumplings, stuffed pickerel
and pumpkin pie enough to make
any man thankful, who has a heart
in him as big as a walnut.
But where ' are the turkeys? Is
the story' 'of this life dropping be
hind? Are the farms losing their
grip? Are the farmers' wives so
absorbed in Paris fashions that they
are forgetting the turkeys? The
market reports from the east say
there are twenty-five per cent fewer
turkeys this year than last, and more
people to eat them. Raise turkeys.
Plant them in the waste places. Let
them cover the fallow ground. Let
us have less everything and more
turkey. Lincoln Star.
William Rakes and wife of Rock
Bluffs came up this morning and
made a quick trip to Omaha, re
turning on the noon train and drlv
Ing home this afternoon.
This City Has Adopted to Carry
Off Flood Water
Joseph Nation of Fremont, a
prominent traveling man out of that
city for the International Harves
ter company, was in the city yester
day interviewing the agricultural
implement people, remaining over
night. He was much impressed with
the scheme which this city has adopt
ed for handling the flood waters and
witnessed a partical demonstration
of it efficacy last night when he saw
the mass of water rushing down the
center of the street He pronounces
the scheme an unqualified success
and the only criticism he has to of
fer is in the failure to adopt some
scheme for crossings over the street
In time of flood. He suggested the
building of several crossings some
two or three blocks apart, the cross-1
ings to be raised some ten lncnes or
a foot above the street center hut
lowered at the ends so that teams
might drive aror.nd them. He also
thought there should be lights on
every street corner. In Fremont he
states there is a light on every
street corner In both the business
and residence portions of the city.
This Is made possible by the city
owning its own light plant. He says
municipal ownership In Fremont has
proven a great success and the peo
ple of that place would not consider
a return to the private ownership
project. Fremont also owns Us
own water works and ' this is ad.
ministered In conjunction with the
light plant and the two give the
best of satisfaction, Mr, Nation de
parted tbln morning for the north.
A 1'ectiliur Vase.
A peculiar case was filed yester
day afternoon in district court
wherein Alvln L. McDonald seeks to
keep his erst nominal wife, Agnes
A., from using his name in her busi
ness. The case is peculiar in that
in 1896 Agnes sued Alvln for a di
vorce, and on the trial of said cause
it developed that Agnes had mar
ried Alvln without the formality of
obtaining a decree of divorce from
a former husband. Hence, as Will
lam Shakespeare would say, Agnes'
suit went "where the woodbine
twineth" and she found the marri
age with Alvln merely annulled. It
would appear she had continued to
recklessly use Alvln's name as a
part of her business assets and he
objects strenuously to this. As the
petition was not In Clerk Robert
son's office, the contents are not
open to public perusal. Anyway, he
wants the use of his name stopped
and seeks the aid of the court there
to. The Red Men orchestra of Omaha,
headed by Prof. Ed. Ittner, and
comprising the following members,
vlx: Chas. Eggers, Frank Ellas,
Waldo Smith of Omaha, and C. B.
Smith, C. A. Hardel nnd R. Young
of Council Bluffs, la., were quart
ered at the Perkins last night, hav
ing played during the evening at
the Red Men dance given at Coates
MIbb Johnston, Gertrude Morgan,
Carl Reese, Robert Newell, Reu
Frans, Leland Brlggs and Principal
Harrison accompanied the High
school girl's basket ball team to
South Omaha last evening
is Where They Keep the BEST
For thirty years in Plattsmouth the name of Wescott has stood for GOOD CLOTHES
the best clothes. Not best in the sense they are the only clothes, but best in the sense
that there are no better. When you buy our QUALITY CLOTHES any where from $20
to $35 you can rest in the assurance you have as good material and workmanship as can be
produced by the most skilled craftmen. If you want the cheaper clothes from $5 to $18
we have them, but not in our QUALITY LINE, neither does any one else have the same
quality under $20. Some more new models just received exclusive patterns no two alike.
Overcoats ditto.
Pay Day Special No, I
Men's fancy worsted suit in latest
style cut, in good hard twisted ma
terial. All sizes only $7.50
Col. Wilson Dangerously 111.
Col. W. L. Wilson, president of
the Nebraska City National bank,
who has been confined to his bed for
sometime past was reported as be
ing dangerously ill last evening, but
is some better today, but as yet is
still very 111. This will be good
news to his many friends because
none of them knew that he was
very ill, supposing that he was hav
ing his usual fall or winter attack
o frheumatlsiu. It is to be hoped
that he will continue to rally and
be able to be out in a short time.
Nebraska City News.
Died at His Home in This City
Early This Morning
Died Yelinek. James, aged 51
years, at his home in Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, on November 13, 190D,
of cancer. Funeral announce
ment later.
After an illness covering several
months from cancer, James Yelinek
for many years a resident of this
city, died at an early hour this
r.:orning. Mr. Yelinek was an in
dustrious, hard working Bohemian
citizen, who stood very high In his
community and who was thorough
ly respected by his Bohemian fel
low citizens. He recently made a
trip to Omaha with the intention of
having an opratlon performed for
his diease but the physicians at the
hospital held out no hope and he re
turned to his home In this city with
out having submitted to the opera
tion. In his life time, the dee&uaed
was a kind and loving husband and
father and his fatnjjy n losing him,
have the greatest sympathy from.
the public,
Deceased was a brother of Joseph
Yelinek of this city, and left sur
viving him a widow and four daugh
ters, one of whom is Mrs. Anna
Vltka, is married and lives in this
city. Of the daughters, Miss Lil
lian, is attending Wise Memorial
hospital in Omaha, where she is
studying for a trained nurse and the
two remaining daughters, Misses
Hermie and Mary live at home. No
time has yet been Bet for the fun
eral but it will probably be either
tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon or
Monday afternoon.
, The funeral will be from the
Holy Rosary Roman Catholic church
of which deceased was an ardent
attendant. He was also connected
with several religious soclties as a
The lied Men's Dance.
The dance to be given last night
by the Improved Order of Red Men
was failure In point of attendance
as the trribly bad weather abso
lutely prevented the expected crowd.
There were some tewnty-flvegentle-men
present but only two .ladies
ventured to attend and they tolk
advantage if a lull in the storm to
return to their homes quickly The
boys spent the evening in some pe
culiar and fantastic representations
If Indian dances, lncljding the cele
brated Indian bear dance lead by
Fire Chief Anton 11. Koubek. The
music was furnished by Ittner's
Red Men orchestra of Omaha and
was excellent, especially the Indian
dance and the moonlight waltz. The
musicians played both numbers to
perfection and the boys present were
In a fit mood to dance both In good
shape. The R'a' Men desire to an
nounce that tho tickets iBsuod for
this dance will be good for the next
Pay Day Special No. 2
Boy's dark mixture fancy plaid
Knickerbocker suits made in the
latest style, only $2 25
one which they will give very short
ly. Local Event.
Will Krlsky, who has been visit
ing In Omaha this morning, return
ed to this city this morning.
C. R. Hubbell of Glenwood, la.,
was a visitor in the city over night,
being a guest at the Perkins Hotel.
O. C. and F. C. Bates of Cedar
Creek spent last night In the city,
being registered at the Perkins
Fred McCauley is spending today
in Omaha, being a passenger for
that city this morning on the early
Charles Harvey, from south of the
city, vat a visitor In the city today
despite the miserable weather of the
F. S. Burdlck of Nehawka Is
among those spending the night in
the. city, coming up to. look after
business matters.
Al. Doty was a Cedar Creek man
caught in the city by the storm and
compelled to put up at the Perkins
Hotel for the night.
Ed. Weaver and family, Mrs. C.
P. Richards and son were passen
gers this morning for Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
John Clans was called to Aurora,
111. several days ago by Important
business mattters, returning to this
city this morning on No. 15.
Prof. J. ABch of Murray, came up
last evening for a brief visit In the
city and was an Omaha passenger
this morning on (he early train.
J, V, Pergfir p.f Murray Is in the
city today, coming in to look after
business matters and making a call
upon the Journal and its proprietor.
Henry Sanders of Cciar Creek,
one of the most pimnent farmers
of that locality, was In tJie city this
morning Attending to business, mat,,
ters. .
Mrs. William Otterstln and nelce
were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will spend the
day visiting with friends and rela
tives. Mrs. W. A. Swatek of South Om
aha, who has been visiting in the
city for several days with her par
ents, returned to her homo this
Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray, who
had been visiting patients In Omaha
this morning, came down on the af
ternoon train en route home, stop
ping over a few hours in this city.
J. 0. Whltelock, who has been
spending several days in the city and
vicinity, departed this morning for
his home at Ashland, hurling anathe
mas and cuss words at the city right
and left for some unknown reason.
Mrs. B. F. Wiles, Mrs. Fred Spang
ler and Mrs. Louis Nelson were a
party of ladles from ,the country
who came in this morning to take
the early train for Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
Mrs. R. L. Johnson of Orient, la.,
who has been visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. G. W. McCracken In
this city, returned to her home this
morning, Mrs. McCracken accom
panying her for a visit of several
The Omaha papers this morning
contain tho announcement of the
marriage In that city of Miss Eliza
beth Gray of Scammon, Has., and
Mr. William A. Klrby of this city
They were married at the Hotel
Loyal at 9 o'clock p. m. Thursday,
by Rev. Charles W. Savidge. Mr,
and William W. Black were tho at
tendants. i.
Pay Day Special No., 3
A lineof Benpaline-l-in-hand.strinij
ties, plain colors, all shades at 22c.
5 for $1.00. See our street case.
In the matter of the Estate of Prank
M. Svoboda, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that at g
o'clock a. m. on the 16th day of No- .
vember, A. D. 1909, and at o'clock a.
m. on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1110.
hearings will be had upon all claims
against the estate of the above named
decedent, by which last named hour all
claims must be filed and claims net
nied will be barred at said time.
By the Court:
County Judge.
Byron Clark and W. A. Robertson, At
In tlit matter of the estate of Reglna,
Wolf, deceased.
All persons Interested In said estate
will take notice that Edward Egen
berger, administrator de bonis non
thereof, has filed his final account and
report of the administration of said .
estate and a petition for final settle
ment of said account and allowane
thereof and for the discharge of such
A hearing upon said account and pe
tition has been set by the court at th
county court room at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska on the 20th day of November,
1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
when any and all persons Interested In
said estate may appear and contest
such petition and account.
Dated this 2th day of October, 190$.
County Judge.
D. O. DWYER. Attorney.
In the matter of the Guardianship of
Hee Campbell, a Minor.
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of Hon. Harvey IX
Travis, Judge of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, made and en
tered on the 18th day of October, 1909,
for the selling of the real estate here
inafter described, there will be sold at
the south door of the court house at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 1st day
of December, 1909, at I o'clock p. m., at
publlo vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real es
tate, towit:
The undivided one-half of the north
half of the west half of the southwest
quarter of Section 25, Township 11,
North of Range 9, In said Cass county.
Said sale will remain one one hour.
Guardian of lice Campbell, a Minor
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
Jo!s lor aie.
Hedge fence posts for sale. Wm.
Gllmour, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of returning
our most sincere thanks to those
for whom we threshed the past sea
son, and desire to express our ap
preciation of their favors, and trust
we may be like favored next sea-'
son. K. L. PROPST.
('out Lost!
Between my house, two and a,
half miles east of Murray and the
town of Murray, a sack coat, nearly
new, with grease spot on breast.
Small reward will be paid finder.
Cord of Tluinks.
For the many kindnesses shown
us during the funeral of our beloved
mother, Mrs. Anna E. Sage, and the
floral emblems sent as a last token
of rcRpect from loving friends, w
desire to return our sincere thanks.
I'Iks for Sale.
A pulr of fine Berkshire pigs, sub
ject to register, for sale. Wm. Gll
mour, Plattsmouth, Neb.