Itralism and centralism Is not demo-not satisfied with the consciousness I Tho - Plattomouth - Journal Published Seml-Weskli at PUttszoatH, Kebnski R. A. DATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Njbraski, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE can gain anything by putting in power incompetent men or men who place party above law and Justice. :o: THK CARDIXAL'S LETTER, The Democrats of Otoe county did not do as well as the Democrats of Cass. They only got three out of the nine candidates. We are pleased to note, however, that W. W. Wilson for county Judge, and A. P. Young for county clerk, are re-elected, and J. A. White was elected commis sioner. :o: The successful candidates on the Democratic ticket owe Dr. J. S. Liv ingston, chairman of the committee, a debt of gratitude for the efficient manner in which he managed the re cent campaign in this county, while he failed in securing the election of several that should have been, he done all In his power to elect the .en tire ticket. : o: If Iillly Andrews, who has so long held down the Job of auditor of the treasury at Washington, who has so long been drawing at the public teat, conies back to Nebraska and becomes a candidate for the gover norship on the Republican ticket, even Jim Dahlman would And it easy picking to land the plum he's after The public get tired of men like gue, for it has taken the pains to Andrews. secure the cardinal's consent that -:o: , I the letter be published uie great slump in tne Kepubll- In another respect the lutter is no- can majority in Massachusetts Is suf- table. It Is amone the vpi-v fPw ficent to convine the people that the earnest and emphatic Icracy and consequently It is not re presentative government. The people cannot afford to allow the seed to get a start; It must tie dug up and its power destroyed It becomes more and more ap parent that the rules of the house must be changed do allow represen tatlves of the people a free hand to prevent the re-election of Cannon, the seed of centralism which means individual power. We do not admit that the defeat of Cannon will kill off Cannonism but it will clip the wines of the danger that lurks about us. Under Cannonism the constitution The letter of Cardinal Gibbons to hM become bo twisted and disfigured the National League of Civic Educa- that lt la aim0Bt unrecognizable tlon for women, in which he ex- xiiere 1b not such equality as was presses opposition to woman suf- lntended by the makers of the gov rrage, is a notaoie contriDuuon to Crnment. The poor man has not the the debate on the subject. onnortunltv of the rich man. The 1 ' The cardinal's views on the ques- ravored few are represented by the tlon have been expressed before, but power behind the throne; the many not so directly and with such em- are denied BUCn representation as phasls. Of course what gives im- lntended through the gagging and portance to his utterance Is his throttling of their chosen represen character as a thinker and the posi- tatlves. The party which upholds tfon of reverence he occupies in the Cannonism must finally answer to regara or minions or people, em- the people. Waterloo (la.) Times- braced in an organization absolutely Tribune, Rep opposea 10 uivorce ana wno there- :o fore would be supposed to be predls- We are wiping to wager that Pol- posed to pay great heed to any warn- lara ,3 not tlie Republican candidate Ing having for its motive the protec- for congress next year tion of the happiness and integrity of having done his duty he wants results that can be cashed in at the bank. And so the association gives him such results, but their volume and their value depend very largely upon the individual member and not upon the amount of his dues. That is to say, the association provides means for accomplishing certain re sults, but the member must use these facilities intelligently, else he' will not get maximum results. "What Is there in it for me?" Credit information, for one thing knowledge that will make you money or prevent you from losing -:o:- of the home. The statement of the cardinal can not fall to have i;reat power. This was undoubtedly realized by the lea- The late election denotes that the people of Nebraska are getting tired of the Hayward-Rosewater regime. :o: Fred Patterson is elected after all. The final count gives him 6o the annulment of the non-partisan Judiciary law. There are still weightier and larger reasons, however, entering in to the result. These reasons were given free play because the unim peachable character and splendid at tainment of the Democratic nominees made it not only possible, but pleas ant for progressive Republicans to vote for them. And they seized the opportunity to register a vote of pro test on state and national issues with which the Judiciary, properly speak ing, has little to do. They registered a vote of protest against the treachery of their own money every business day. But don't party pa8Sing the Aldrich tariff expect your fellow members to do it law ( all. When you get an association iaf0r,.t vote nf protest request for credit, give it Immediate agaln8t the acti0n of their own jrsal attentlon. That is the way you want dent ,n holding up Aldrich as a lead er for himself as well as his party to follow. your requests handled. "What is there in it for me?" Co-operation of live merchants In fighting your battles In fighting for things you want and ought to have They registered a vote of protest against Cannon and Cannonism, and the fast-mountinc reactionary in- and in fighting against those that . .. . . .,,, .., fluence which is bending the party, are harmful. But it takes two or more to co-operate. Nobody else can take your place or do your work in any co-operative mevoment. It is decidedly up to you. Your dues help but your personal work Is of even greater value. "What is there in it" for me?" Profit and satisfaction if you give your brother merchants a square deal by doing your share cf association work. You may not be able to write articles for the press. You may not in state and union, to its sinister purposes. They registered a vote of protest against the proposed central bank issue and the proposed shipping sub sidy. They registered a vote against Rosewater bosslsm and Rosewater Ideals governing the party organiza tion in Nebraska. And, since the record of the pres ent Democratic administration and the late Democratic legislation was but he never got nearer ii candi date of his party for president thau t) say "we made no mistake in our work at Chicago." Those who heard Mr. Cannon then were always sur prised that the name of neither Taft nor Roosevelt ever passed his lips. Now it is different. Mr. Taft has come into the fold. But his coming in has not prevented the line of cleav age within the party from being driven deeper. The carrying of the war against the insurgents into Min nesota, Iowa and Kansas has made no change. The insurgents no long er constitute a faction. They hare grown to a minority and they are still growing. 'Mr. Taft read them out of the party to -no avail. Mr. Cannon has charged them with trea son without effect. Reed Smoot baa expressed his abhorrence of them In ingenious confession that peace is Impossible. But despite the efforts at smothering the only noticeable thing is that Mr. Taft has taken sides. He is no longer the party peacemaker. :o: HOW SUGAR IS TAXIED. majority for surveyor. Fred. Hurrah for The people do not want the Aid- statements rich robber tariff, and are speaking robber Aldrich tariff is cutting con- that have been made on the question out in no uncertain tone against fidcrable figure In the east, as well by men of equal prominence. Connonism as uie west. Tne majority for the oria-neraiii. :o:- Kepublican candidate for governor is comparitlvcly small, and Is get ting down to where the Democrats and tariff reformers will stand some show next year. BA.MJEHS OF CAXXOMSM. If anything were needed to en- The people of Nebraska are getting pretty tired of Bill Hayward's sym pathetic manner of running cam paigns. In the late contest he has be an orator. You may not feel able brought zealously lnto the campaign to contribute more than your dues. by the RepubiIcan machine as an is- But .there is one thing every live gue the resuU may be taken a8 a member of the state association can yote of commendation for the ad- do and that is to get nnother live member. "What Is there in It for me?" In seeking for the answer consider some of these wise old laws: "In ministration and the legislature. The returns indicate conclusively, even should the standpat cendldates pull through by a narow margin, that Nebraska, when the lines are union there is strength." "United and thfi ,s8ue ,g jolned ,8 a WHY NOT III: HONEST? In a recent Issue of the Lincoln Journal we find the following: "Why force the thougl.t that "Uncle Joe" fully demonstrated that as a cam- Cannon Is the real ruler of the palgn manager he is a signal failure United States, it Is supplied by the :o: 'iWtlmony of President Taft him. Joe Blackburn has received a sug- Bclf. gestlon that ho resign his Job on the At Baton Routte Present Tf t Panama canal. It pays $14,000 a wants the Job. Blackburn, you know, not be honest in politics as in other Bad: ..j.j, agree tQ ke?p punchlng year. The suggestion cornea from a IhlngB? Now and then a Republican i',1(e joe to the polnt where he may Republican politician, who perhaps newspaper makes the situation of !ake an admi88on; to accomplish the party more embarrassing by ad- that feat between St. Louis and New P a Democrat- vanclng the argument that the plat- Orleans, I will have done something form of the party-a year ago did not L,iun, t0 the work of n)ak, the t all for a downward revision of the rjver better." tariff. It called for that or it called -:o:- Judge Good run well In Cass coun ty, didn't he? In fact the slim ma- The president makes admHslon Jorlty by which the Republican can for onthlng. Nobody on earth was that sppaker cannon is a bigger man dldateB carr,ed the count5r' denotes Pleading that any of the tariff ached- than hlmself. ,,e make() admfl8on f i Tta BfAia r 1 Kir Ta nnmlnnA r9 I . . '"3 ' mat Speaker Cannon is tho dictator the Republican patty repeatedly al- of illation, the one man in the ludcd to the need of a tariff less altl- we stand; divided we fall," "We must all hang together, else we shall hang separately." Ponder a few moments on the strength of organization. Call to your mind the victories in every line of endeavor coming through united effort. , "What is there in it for me?" Just ask yourself. You have the answer. Then reach over for that i check book and don't forget to do the rest. Your state association needs you, but you need the state as sociation a great deal more. Om !aha Trade Exhibit. :o: progressive and not a reactionary state. The Democrats of Nebraska, in the light of Tuesday's election, will enter the next campaign, standing true to the principles and policies for which they, have .been, contending these many years, with heightened enthusiasm and increased confidence. World-Herald. country who can say whether or not a measure will go through. If the that all the Democratic candidates ran well. The people of Nebraska are getting awful tired of Hayward- Rosewater ring rule. :o: The state Judiciary ticket Is elect ed all the way from 10,000 to 25,000 majority" said Billy Hayward.chalr- tudlnous, and specifically mentioned m I, I.... aUa 1. - I 1 I ' I'ltMiueiu snaii persuade him. or rm tha ffiia Hu U'lthnilt pulnlni, I. a I " s punch him along where he will make country. Let's stick to the truth at an adnilH8lon. he B0V8 he ..wlll hnvn all hazards, for the truth never hurts done 80methlng enual to the work P 01 l"e KepuDMCan Bia" com any excent those who need hurt- .v. . raiuee me nigni or me election, lie ui muMiiK mo river oetter. inea" i lsn t making any such figures now. i - .... i - - There Is a great deal of truth In 'xon,aiier tn Prt"WenM But It was yesterday. "I believe the wains, no mauer wnat congress o..ui....- v.. . .. ivi jiuuiiLaua uaic mill vj a Dlliaii the above, and we are pleased to see wants, Speaker Cannon mast be sat- nnr Tteniihllrmi rnntofnnnrnrv tubal. Mated before anything is done. And I nn uian1 ir taa linn a hoi mc piettiueui uus enusiea in the work of "punching" him! isn t it a nice situation? The king of England, the emporer of majority." -:o:- speeches made by President Taft on his last Junketing tour was to the ef fect that the new tariff law "was the best tariff law ever enacted" and at YOU HAVK THE ANSWER. "What Is there in lt for me?" Consciously or unconsciously this the same time he had advocated a p"' ne,ther has such power. lg the aue8Uon that comes to mind reduction of the tariff in the cam- P"'1 " a n,Ce commentry on free Lhenever a new proposition or aa nalgn in which he was Buccessful. a"d ,ndelendent government? And Lld a dlfferent guise is present The close of the campaign In thla thl" a democracy' . ed. Mtrte, which Just ended, was dia- the presidents words Cannon- "What 1b there in lt for me?" sraceful for some of the "dirty" work l8m has become more than ever a That la what the merchant says done. Some Republicans sent out natlonal l98U0' because it Btrikes at or thinks when asked to become i i titulars attacking the Republican representative government. Wthen member of his state association. The nomlneoB for supreme Judge, signed a Prudent of all the people admits answer is that there Is Just as much by "Progressive Republican League." antl advertises that one man holds in the state association as the mer Of course the Republicans said that the ke'r t0 the situation, he admits chant will get out of it and the It was the work of Democrats, andand advertises that the government merchant can get out of the assocla- Hayward even made the bluff of of- 19 00 longer representative. With tlon Just as much as he puts Into It ferlng 100 for the name of the per- tn'8 thB 8late ot things, there la no plus interest compounded. This sen who Issued the circulars. In such Ummfnt by the peoplo and our seems somewhat paradoxical but it matters It would have been better to boa8ted Bel' government, by lndlvl- is true, nevertheless. The merchant have boen honest. That circular cost duals, collectively asserting their de- who puts in merely his annual dues the Democrats many votes. Then 8'rp8' ,s but a rnockery. And when will get that much out of It, plus there was a circular sent from, Om- tl,nt individual by choice, coercoln, ha to saloon keepers telling how the Intimidation or association, Is the Democratic party was going to foist t00' of tne protected Interests and prohibition on the party. It is not lUt? hounds of special privilege, hard to guess from where these tir- lllere cnn he no gainsaying the fact vulars came, but they Borved their tliat the people must arise In their purpose of antagonizing the liquor might, even as they arose in every lealers against the Democratic noml- otncr great crisis, aud destroy that nces for Bupreme Judge. power Why not be honest? No party Cannonism la but the seed of cen Interest. But the merchant who adds energy, enthusiasm and personal work to his dues will be more than repaid. "What Is there In It for me?" The average human Is so const! tuted that he Is not satisfied with Indefinite or general results. When he pays out money he wants to get something tangible In return. He Is THE TARIFF OX LEMONS. The last congress Increased the duty on lemons. As a natural con sequence, which our California friends from their past experience might have anticipated, the railroads there have increased the rate on T , , . v u J lemons proportionately to the In The Democrats of Nebraska have r THE RESULT IX NEBRASKA. crease In the tariff. In other words, the roads traversing the California district have handed the California people a lemon, appropriating to themselves the Increase In the tariff. California railroads have a habit of doing this. On one of our trips west we ascertained that the price of hay in Pasedena had been four teen dollars a ton. The freight rate was ten dollars a' ton. Hay went up to eighteen dollars; the railroads raised the rate fourteen; giving the farmer precisely the same price for his hay that he received before the price went up. This Is the policy the railroads have been pursuing in California for years, simply giving the people who produce the stuff enough to keep them at work, and they themselves absorbing all the profits Wallace's Farmer, :o: made a showing in this year's elec tion, that has surprised even them selves and astounded the enemy. It Is the first "off year" election blnce populism was in its prime in which the Republican ticket has not won easily, and by a wide margin. At this writing it cannot be said, with aboslute certainty, whether a single Democratic candidate for supreme udge Is elected, or a single one de feated. The result is astonishingly close. The World-Herald hopes for the election of all three Democratic candidates. But even If all three should be beaten lt would be by a vote so small as to constitute a great victory, and this newspaper would still rejoice. The result shows that the argu ments which were advanced In be- half of the candidates of Judge Sul livan, Good and Dean were consld ered by the people of this state as weighty and valid. 'It shows that thousandsofgood.earnest progressive 0f the friendship between Mr Republicans went to the polls and Taft and Mr. Cannon there can be rpcorrtert thflr Wen Benin.! thir no further doubt. It was Bhown by own party nominees because they the "niera In a hundred enapshots were convinced lt would be best for lit was reflected In the expression of their party and best for their state their faces. "I'll sit by the old man,' to do so. said Mr. Taft when Invited to the The cause of a non-partisan judl- center of the platform, and he de clary Is strengthened by the result posited himself close to Cannon. Mr of th'.s election. No matter which Taft with his hand on Mr. Cannon's candidates are finally Bhown to have shoulder, Mr. Cannon with his hand won, the verdict Is against a strictly on Mr. Taft's arm made pictures partisan court. eloquent In their relation of.condl The verdict Is agalnBt the growing tlons political Judicial practice of overthrowing Mr. Taft made his Winona tariff popular laws, by a species of bench J speech after a conference with Mr legislation, on fine-spun technlcall- Cannon. Mr. Cannon has had a good ties and for reasons in which par- word to say for Mr. Taft from many tlBanshlp plays a part. It Is a pro- platforms and in several Interviews test against the annulment of the A year ago In the heat, the campaign bank guaranty law as well as against Mr. Cannon was making speeches, TAFT'S FRIEND, MIL CAXXOX, The average consumption of sugar in a year per capita in the United States is 77.54 pounds. The poor consume more than the rich, because they are so many more of them and anything that Increases the price of sugar Is a burden on the poor. In the case of other things on which a tariff is placed It is not always eo easy to tell Just what effect the duty on the imported products, but in the case of sugar there is no sort of doubt about it. The amount of the tariff Is added to the cost of the sugar and every consumer pays that much more for his sugar than he woulc otherwise have to pay. The McKinley bill took the tariff ff sugar and the price went down , accordingly. When the tariff was added the amount of it was added to the wholesale and retail price. Of all the taxes collected by the tariff plan the tax on sugar is perhaps the most indefensible and most unbusi nesslike. vnder the new. law the duties on ugar will run from 95 cents per hundred pounds on the raw sugar to 51.90 on the refined. The raw sugars, as was pointed out by Sena tor Bristow in the tariff debate, are purposely made of such a grade that they do not go into common con sumption, but they go into the hands of the sugar trust. But on refined sugars the rate is more than doubled, so that the sugar trust by importing the raw sugar pays only 90 cents a hundred pounds, but when it is re fined puts on a tariff of $1-90 a hundred pounds. In addition to that, on Cuban sugars the trust ae- cured a rebate of 20 per cent and as the importation from Cuba amounts to about a million tons per annum, almost entirely raw sugar on which tariff is 90 cents per hundred pounds, by means of this 20 per cent rebate the trust cleans up the handsome profit of more than $6,000,000 per annum. This is a tax that falls especially on the poor. Poor men's families are the big families. It is no uncom mon thing for a poor man to have eight children. That means 10 in the family, who consume in the ag gregate 775 pounds of sugar in a year. The contribution of that poor man's family to' the sugar trust is (7.75 per annum. And why should the people of this country be called on to contri bute 170,000,000 per annum to this gang of convicted robbers? Why should they put up (127,000,000 in order to get 153,000,000 of revenue? Farmers Mall and Breeze. -:o:- W. A. Edmondson, one of the Journal's good friends from east of Union, came In yesterday afternoon to look after some business matters In the city and Incidentally, to re new his subscription to the Journal. Mr. Edmondson's call was much ap preciated at this office and he Is al ways considers himself a welcome visitor. He called upon his old friends Frank Kauble and M. Hlatt during his stay in the city and they were overjoyed to renew their old time acquaintances with him. CharleB C. Parmele is spending today In Omaha looking after busi ness matters.