tfft A, A A . k- . '- .4 i --. A ;.(: :j la Slii .-,v i v WW I DAILY PctlSGN. Short Items of Interest From Mon- day's Evening Journal A A A A A AAAAAAAA V V Ce il Thomas md u I r : ! i iters today in Oaaaha, gda. r C'er-' "ii the tarly train. Miss Clara Ferret: J.J s-i--n.ll-;r th" day in Omaha, pt-ln i I hat city this morriLic, on tho early ii i'i;. M. Martin is spndi:.g tod; y i'i ):ii nha, being a passer,-'.'.! r f,.r that i ity on the (-aily tnniiiia;; tiai'ii. Mrs. Wart" Vin!hiim is spi nding today in Omaha, l lag a passemi-r for that city on the laoraii.:; train. Horace ):. Uand is rpeii liie; today in Om: ha. I- in-; a pif-senscr for that city tS'.in rai.riiiiiR on thf! early tiai'i. Mr. Hay (iniif down from Omaha last Saturday to spend f" u it'3 iy In thf city with friends, lcianiin-; to his homo tliis morning. Mli-s Gertrude SI oniicT spent fain day .in the lty with her folks anil friends, reluming to Lincoln on tin morning liiirlington train. A. I-. Anderson and wire vai'f north-hound passengers this morning for Omaha, going there to iait rela tives ami Mund several days. Charles Miller, one of the good cit izens of the precinct, came in yester day end was a passenger for Omaha, where he spent the afternoon. Peter C. Hansen came down last Saturday from Omaha, where he is working for the Union Tactile, arid spent Sunday with his folks in this city, being a passenger for Omaha on the e:."ly Burlington train this morn ing. Christian 10. Metzgcr, Cedar Creek's good citizen and business man, was a passenger for Omaha this morning, laving come In from his home last evening to take the morning Dar lington train for that city. , Judge Travis held a brief session of district court this morning and en tered an order In the case of Fisher vs. Larson et al in which anyone op posing the confirmation of the sale of the property has until next Monday, November 8, in which to file objec tions. Mrs. Henry C. Miller and son John came in last evening from their home at Jatuosopoit, Mo., to make their fu ture residence in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have mi ted the rooms xjver Woscott's store and hereafter will be at home to their friends in thut location. Willie ligenherger, who has been so seriously III from appendicitis for Heveral weeks, was able to be out of the house last Saturday,, driving down from the house in a carriage for a few housr' sunshine. His many friends will be glad to hear that he Is able to be out. Fiance Balance came over yester day morning from (lion wood to spend several days with his parents and to cast his vote. France brought with him a fine pair of ferrets which he made a present of to Claus Speck. He secured them from William Houston, a ferret raiser of Glenwood and thsy were mighty fine animals. France, although a Republican, expressed the hope that a large number of candi dates on the Democratic ticket would be elected and indicated a prefer ence for the good fellows who are making the race. Thomas L. Murphy spent Sunday in the city with his folks, coming down from his pharmaceutical pur nults in Omaha Saturday evening for that purpose. Thomas intended to return to the thriving little city up the creek on the early jr. P. train, but found it would not arrlvo here, let alone get to Omaha, until late In the day, so he wisely transferred his patronage to tho Jturllngton. Mr. Murphy is not a profane man, hut he was much perturbed over the foolish oli7 of the Gould system in run mlng trains regardless of schedule, and roundly berated the management for their policy. "rV4" X ? ? t f T ? V ? ? V ? ? ? PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN 61 CORY, Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska RATIOS $1.00 PER DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade l ? and Guarantee Satisfaction, t WHEN IN TUB CITY GIVE US A CALL The Perkins Hotel ("ran !,:(. I t. idav. Char t IS Ii this H' i; II. L i i '! a f:f U in I' I if I. i . l'ietl :t.d flay la'a in Oi .!!. r on t',t . : v .If '.n .i an 1 fa e l Saturday a'l- r , where t I i' saint S lias lU-uief i- iff ( iti.' us of the -; ! city Saturday ti aif.'ti for Haw lech, a:'1:.! v eh iYi"atH. , t!U! of till' g'IO.1 m iaf t, was in the a. a- ; i ir buslnc-s and mi f !iu. I'i l-'iids. ' '' A. -1. Sr.'i;; an of Omaha is in t!." icily today ntt'ulia:.: to the tax kiIp, Mr. S-"a man bein? a bidder on several parcels of land tin ony hou t tile f ity. ; I.. P.. Pi own am! si. tor, alias. Nix of i Kenosha, spent Saturday afternoon in the thy i.-Itia!? villi our towns people and looking after business matters. Missis Ant; i, Clara and Nitaie -lirousck were passengers for Omaha this morning, going up to spend the day in the metropolis. Prof. l.'d. Sehulhof came over last Saturday for the purpose of spending Sunday with his folks, returning to (ih nwood this morning. .1. P. Austin, trainmaster of the Pur!in;;tori, came down this morning from Omaha, and is attending to company business in the city. Miss Alice Kerr of Glenwood spent Sunday with her .mother aad sislcrs, accompanied by Miss Itiila Drew, who also visited at the Kerr home oVr Sunday, Mrs. Guy France and daughter Oeeu, of Omaha, came down yester day evening to spend several days In the city guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Pates. L. (1. Larson, the contractor, Is looking after business matters today in Pacific. .1 unction, being a passenger for that municipality this morning on the early train. Peter Neilson and family came down yesterday morning and spent the day visiting with M. Iiajeok and family, returning to their home In Omaha this morning. A. !.. Atord, who has been work ing in Thurman, la., for some time past, came over last Saturday and is figuring on opening a business in the city in a few days. Mr. Acord is a good citizen, well known here, and his many friends are rejoiced to know he Is returning once more to make his residence among them. S. Llnilholin and wife were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day look ing after business matters and visit ing with friends. Mr. Lindholin is the gentleman who recently pur chased the fine farm of ex-Senator Thomas, west of the city, and is one of the best citizens of this vicinity. He recently added his name to the Journal's list, and it was a welcome addition, as this paper is pleased to enroll the best of Cass county's citi zens on Its list. Kills Snake on Street. It Isn't often that a man kills snakes in the public highways of a real live city, but this happened last Saturday when Mensrs. McDanlels and Sales found a reptile crawling about on the sidewalk near Ed. Mason's store, and proceeded to slay It. The stmke was a harmless one of the garter variety and did not create much of a sensation, but for a mo ment it rnther worried the brave men who destroyed it. They thought it wasn't tho real goods, but they found from actual experience that it had nil the necessary appurtenances of n real, live reptile, and they then pro ceeded to put it very much to the bad. Miss Davis of Union has been a guest of Miss Kdyth Pitz for a few days. ? ? X V t ? ? T T f V ? ? ? ? .AMAaTaTa. aT. aTa. aTa. T. asV ; ti-rr l'1:- ! a i -r ! J Ouy Coal! ( r fri ': 1? r.oi.;.-5 ..t th" H'it .;;. i.r, i:i a ja- . . Th 1 fta n, a v:i : l' ra Walk, r aa ; . v. hose iraia ia,a e.. .!!.. IS (. ,t.V, .'i!u. I a aa- (..: at w:.s ,s Pi,' i !;:;. a h Wt c-.tei-.-d a' :ar- a . e'h. r r 1 I , n , the .a. .i a. I'! i v. i. , i.i t ) 1 1 a; 1 ia. le:l ia i! e to t he as (on.h.t Ml bhiek (' f oi" ' : n a a'-an v ,th b! aelr i -a: , dv r.t: a I'i I'its an a aa ! c.:v. ' aa v I a.-; a-rl 1 I I ( cards ui'li the hhe 1; eat. d rat a aa I b:a the :.a- of the A:. -'s. Ai't- r do'-!!;? ua:i-.. j, ; P:i'( h- fill provi-l . 1 t Ii , tf) tl aoesas r t 1 . i cd lo th" r; ( wl re the bride! aril y: roa; ( -he v.era ;riv. a a hiir!e iie sh', whl h r';ed partit iihir'.y a:;:ii.-i ig u ..!!. '1'lusa who enjovl Mr. aa.l Mrs. Gould's hospitality were I Cora Walker, Geaevie.e, Pcail Miehols, Ma a Paltiison, Mrs. Sl.aiiUs ai.d Messrs W. A. Sharp, Poh erl. Payea, Geor?e Man.i aad ihaal; Gobi liaa.nn. On Sunday the same parties v. "Ma th" gnosis of M: and Mrs. Frank ! Golaliaaiai at the country heme of Mr. and Airs. Murk White, ten miles south of this (ity. This affair was also in honor of Miss Walker and Mr. Sharp. The party was conveyed by a carryall, and the drive along the river and through the woods was particularly enjoyable. Arriving pt the White home they ware heartily welcomed and soiial conversation and vocal and instrumental mush! was enjoyid until dinner was an nounced. It was a notable gathering of foils and daughters of piomxr families that assembled in tho dining room. With appetites keenly whet ted by the mcrnlug rido, amplj jus tice was done to the many good things which graced the hoard. The afternoon was spent In saun tering about the farm and bluffs near by. It was a late hour in the after noon when the guests took their de parture after having spent a day long to he remembered. -NOTH II OK KIWI, SKTTI.iaSKVr. IN TUN COUNTY COUKT OF CASS COUNTY, NKIUtASKA. In tht mutter of the estate of tteulna Wolf, (leccasfj, All pi'iaou.s Intprr.stcil In snM estnte will take notli'o that Kilwaml P-.rf-n-ln'i-Kcr, nilmlnlstintur de tionls non tlieii'of, lias lilcil Ms flniil necniint und report of the mlinliilstiatlen of milil cstiito nail a petillou fur II. ml scttle- iiieiit of mi id iici'oiiiit n ml nilowiirire .Mlmn?Mru't,rr."r ' A l..i'ini? upon sai,i rcfn.iMt nn.l p.- tit Ion has liei'ii net by the court nt the county curt room nt Plnttsmoutli, Xe- hruHka on the 20... day of Novemhor. 190!. nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., when ny and nil persons interested In fcnlil estate may appear and contest Hiieh petition nnd necoynt. Dated this 2111.1 day of October, 1!)0!). A Id. ION J. HKKKON, County Judtfe. D. t). DWYKit, Attorney. NtlTICK OK SAM:. IN TH R D1STIUCT COURT OP CASS COUNTY. NKBKASKA. In the matter of the Guunllannlilp of Kee Campbell, a Minor. Notice Is hereby Riven thut In pur suance of an order of Hon. Harvey V. Travis, Judpre of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, tnnde and en tered on the 16th day of October, 1909, for the selling of the real estate here inafter described, there will be Bold at the south door of the court house at Plattsmouth, Nehratika, on the 1st duy of December, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m ot public vendue to the holiest bidder for cash, the following described real en late, towlt: The undivided one-bnlf of the north half of the west hnlf of the mnitli west quartor of Section 25, Township 11, North of lliingo 9, In snld Cnss county. Said sale will remain one ono hour. JAM KS M. CAMI'UKI.U Ouni-dlnn of Koe Campbell, a Minor D. O. DWYKit, Attorney. STATK OK ASIvA, IN COUNTY COURT FOI5 T1IK COUNTY OF CASS. In the matter of the Kstate of Eliza S. Shepherd, Deceased. NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that there will be a henrlnic upon the petition of the ad ministrator for final settlement of said estate before this court at l'latts muoth, In said county and state, on the 5th day of November, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. ni and that all objections thereto must be Hied on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand nnd tho sent of the county court of suld county this 13th day of October, A. D. 1909. (Seal.) At.LKN J. HKKSON. , County JiuIkp. Hiinispy & Ramsey, Attorneys ior tne Kstate. For Kale. Small farm, 13-1-2 ncres, 1-1-2 miles south of I'laattsmouth, on Rock Muff road; good Improvements with plenty of apples, pears, grapes and other fruit. Possession given either with crop or after crop Is taken off. Further particulars and terms of Claus Jess at the farm. i.oi isvm.i.i:. ( (V rrl'T. !. .1. Vm-a-c-ac is tun! 4 the -ai:n 1 : i.l T.". ma- en i if i !..! iV.'.ix 1. 1 d in t : ! ' e : : i n c f a in at i , :t- : ! awaae. f1 !f v W.i la y 11 aad if y-ii e.!:a:a-a 1 1 : i ' it:;? to the a;- bh;. ii re l' ! ( oi .. Si hat-;i aa ( aaie up PJattt r.ieuth Wednesday evv ri al vuiied tiril T ha !.-:! ay with arht r, Mrs. W. II. lloo.l r aaa 1 1 -a.'ives a id ( hi t; aio fi P in . i. t.ta :t wit! 1 tfi I rial far a -a I! 1 UM h I ra.aVl i UM .i ' st. ot , Ii 'mi V,i ia a lay i a r- e I tl.f mar- V i-s Mary Wean. ;, t-hlesl I oae. at( r if Mr. aid Mrs. P. W. raid Ma. Paiahard Sehe 1, V-.--u r, 1 olh v , 1 ill linav.n in this vicinity.. Af- t c i- ii:-? i a ('i.'if. ay a naa' ;a ion v;.3 fPui ;;t tlie bone t.f the bride. The Pini'T c:'"!!'!; ( caii ataaaui.s. Ciiarh s Siekji ft, wife end two i k-PcVen of Ihiiia, !.itad it h Mr. aa 1 Mr. Charhs p. t,a r Tuesday aad Wedi-t s-iay. Mr. i'U kjcsl mov ed fvoai Poeis'iiie T r'; n years pjro 1 a ifl at ; ilf ( a a. la rat nerr V. ji K the Can i'i t that for the lirat i.f. w jeans p v as pretty hard sle-.ldia ibut ii'e.v they raise r.liuiidant. crav 'aad he is '.'"owing lieh. He paid th" ' Couriir efih o a short j.-it in com-1 'pe ay with his son nn.l renewed b'is I subscription far another year. ' of 'he Woodman ball was the saene lai'fh nativity Wednesday uiht and thi! lodiv? gant was fhan a test of his physical ability. A class of abeat thirty untamed candidates v.cra introduced to his ?catshii hut he was game tn the last, and titter a couple of weeks rest will be quite himsalf again. Uisiriet Deputy James had been at work in the vicinity of Louisville, Cedar Cre 1: and South Lend for a couple of weeks and suc ceeded in orgnniaini; this large class. There were more than a hundred members present to sej the initia- tion. Among the distinguished visi-1 tors were Dr. W. H. Couk of Piatts mouth, state physician and State De puty Kester, both 'of whom addressed the nsseeniblage. The lotal camp Is in splendid condition and its member ship Is composed largely of young men who .are wide-awake and enjoy the meetings. 1LMWOOI). Leader-Echo. Pert Buster and wife of Seward were visitors over Sunday at the I home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Duster. Frank ltosenow was over from! M unlock Sunday. Yes, the smile ! that won't oomo off since the stork's visit to his home. Cecelia P.rekenfeld has resigned hlor position as bookkeeper for the I1'"10" 'nmh" ('m 8n1 13 noW i 'tTki n k for Penterman Bros, j D. Smith came in Saturday from I Venango, Xeb., for a short visit with ,,,, Klmwon(, frlcn,,s. Tlie Smith I - ,, , u i family are well and happy and pleased with their new location. Mrs. George Ilogenrlef wys taken to the state hospital for the Insane at Lincoln Monday evening. Her many friends will be sorry to learn that her condition was considered thus serious. Pert Iiennet has resigned his posi tion at Wood's meat market and is preparing to move his family to Be thany, where he will enter the meat market business on his own account. We Join his many friends In wishing him and his estimable family success and an abundance of friends In their new home. Advertised letter List. The following letters remain in the Plattsmouth postofflce uncalled for on this (November 1) date, and unless called for within a reasonable length of time they will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. Please say "advertised" when calling for same: Miss Mable Kline, Miss Maggie Sampson, Pud Arbogast, Edw. A. Horr. Clark Klnnlck (2), Allen Produce Co., Hurtling Gro. Co. Horses for Sale. 1 have Just unloaded twenty-four head of large western horses which I am offering for sale at my farm, seven miles south of Plattsmouth. Perry Marsh. Shorthorns for Bale. Three good registered Shorthorn yearMng bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF TDK COUNTY OF CASS, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the Kstate of Frank M. Svobodn. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. .Notice Is hereby Riven that nt 8 o'clock a. m. on the 15th day of No vember, A, D. 1909, and at 8 o'clock a. m. on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1910, hear Inns will he had upon nil claims RKnlnst the estate of the above n uined decedent, by which Inst named hour all claims must be riled and claims not filed will be barred at snld time. lly the Court: (Sci.1.) At.LKN J. BEKSON, County Judge. Ityron Clnrk and W. A. Robertson, Attorneys. c u i SI t I; ii ii "", r V -f V ? Short Items of Interest From Tues. Y 4 It dav Evening's v. 4- i A A A A A ' t-.JV'U I V V i - Mis. Uo,a Norton wais a passenger this n-oiaiim? for Omaha, where sha w ill spaiid the day. Mis. Jehu Roll r and da jjhter liarrai" ure spending today ia Om aha '. isit.ini? with friends. Mr Q. K. Par mole, nn.l daughter are spending today in Omaha, going to that city this morning cn the early train. Miss Anna Park' is spend in;; today in Omaha, being a passenger for that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. J. II. SalsLtiry and son, who have been visiting friends in the city for the past, few days, returned to their home tit Auburn yesterday morning. W. lh Dull, a prominent citizen of Murray, tame in yesterday for a visit with his brother-in-law, John Ruth erford, returning to his home In the evening. Misses Caroline Laird and Mattie Larson, who have been attending the State Christian Endeavor convention at Falrbury, returned home last evening. A. S. Will departed this afternoon on No. 7 for Denver, Colo., where he1 has some business matters to look after. He will be absent from homo several days. Mrs. Victoria Powers and Mrs. Lizzie Roth were passengers this morning for Vlllisea, la., after spend ing several weeks in this vicinity vis iting friends. Mr. Frank S. R.chardson and fam- i'.v of fouth Omaha and John Wright r s r i cl family of Seattle. Wash., were visiting tit the home of J. It. allery the latter part of last week. Miss Alice Kerr of Dixon, 111., who has. been visiting Mrs. S. K. Kerr and family for the past few days, depart ed for Ithaca, Neb., this afternoon, where she will visit friends for a few days. Mrs. W. P. Mayes and baby of Columbus, Neb., who have been visit ing with the Misses Helen and Irene Jess, returned to her home this morn ing. The Misses Jess accompanied her as far as Omaha for the day. James Craig of Burwell, Neb., who has been visiting with friends in this city for several days, returned to his home this morning. Mr. Craig was born in this county and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Craig, for many years residents of this city. Mlrt Cochrun and wife of Wyom ing, who have been visiting with Joseph Tubbs and family, departed for their home this morning. Mr. Cochrun Is a prominent farmer of eastern Wyoming and a most excel lent gentleman. Mrs. Cochrun for merly was Miss Mayme Tubbs, well known In this city and vicinity. Mrs. Lizzie Heath, state superin tendent of fair and open air meetings of the Indiana W. C. T. U. , and dele gate to the recent Omaha convention, a national affair, In company with her sister, Mrs. Ida Overshlne, both cousins of Dr. J. II. Hall and M. A. Hall of this city, are visiting with Dr. Hall and family for a short time. P. L. Sutton of Rock Illuffs came in this morning to take the early train for Rosala, Tender county, Neb., but got here Just In time to be too late, and had to wait until the afternoon train. He goes up to Ten der county to visit his brother and help him with his fall work. He ordered the Journal sent to him for four months, presuming that he would be gone that length of time. M. S. rirlggs departed this morn ing for Pnclflc Junction, where he has some work to look after. Mr. Prlggs sustained injuries much more severe than anticipated at first, when he was accidentally thrown from the ladder in tho Coates block several days since. It was found on exam ination that he had sustained a frac tured rib and was very badly bruised about the arms nnd body. Despite his Injuries he continues to follow his trade of painting and paper hang ing and sees that his work is taken I care of. . a . ,')C ,v v- H- s V V V . V A 4k A V r v A a ; M i 1 1 Daily Journal . ,A A t -. V' v t V V Ma s Tona Janda h Ming in O.n tiha tliis afternoon. Pr. A. P. Parties was a luaaie j caller in Omaha, this afternoon. Prof. J. W. Gam bio depart. al tin's iai"tcnu,cn f('r '""dii. where he will at lend tii n. the Slate Tint hers' assoeia- Ceoi'se Fcsier, the genial proprie tor of the hex ball bowling alley, is taking in the sights in Oaiaha this afternoon. John McNurHii came in this morn ing from lu's farm near Cedar Creek. Mr. and Mrs. MeXurlin Lave been out in that section among friends and rel atives for the past two weeks, and Mr. MeXurlin came In to vote, return in;; this afternoon. J. W. Sutton, who has been visiting relatives south of town for the pa.-t month, departed this afternoon for Bancroft, Neb., where he will re main for the winter. Mr. Sutton has made northern Nebraska his home for the past year. Ed. Lutz and John Hallstrom were among the Plattsmouth landseekers who departed this afternoon on No. 7 for Miller, S. D. They are both prospective purchasers should they find anything in that locality that looks good to them. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck were passengers for Omaha this afternoon, where they go to spend the day and return with Mrs. C.j-ger tonight or tomorrow, who will spend a few days visiting at their home. Mrs. Gygef Is an old resident of this city, and a great friend of Mr. and Mrs. Iloerk. When your wife is houseeleanlag it Is just as well not to get into any arugment. You lose. There is some thing about the work that absolutely convinces a woman that she is right, and a long-winded debate is danger ous while there are so many looae articles scattered promiscuously about the room. Savey. If the world looked as cherry to a guy all through life as It does a cou ple of days before he Is married, the price of hard coal or wages wouldn't bother him much. Hut after he wake3 up there are several things beside the toothache that tempt him to vio late the ordinary rules of a well reg ulated Sunday school class. Misses Stanffeld Jones, Emma Fal ter, Delia Tartsch, Vista Douglas and Christina Hansen, who are attending the state normal at Peru this winter, will arrive home this evening for a visit with parent sand friends the rest of the week. The students of the state normal are enjoying a va cation at this time so that their In structors may attend the teachers' association, which meets at Lincoln. John McNurlln came in this mori Ing from near Cullom, where he has been assisting the Seybert boys gather corn. John never misses vot ing if he can help himself, and he stopped work long enough to come to town for that purpose. He does not like to loaf about town when k knows they need him on the farm, although he has plenty laid up for the veritable rainy day. Ligdit.s at the Shops. Mr. M. A. Gardner, electrical en gineer, and his assistant, Mr. Collins, arrived In the city this morning from the east and spent the day up to Ue time No. 7 departed this nfternooa looking over the light situation at the B. & M. shops. As we understand all plans for the electrical wlrln? were made by this gentleman, and It depends upon what their report may be a3 to w hether or not the company (stalls their own dynamo for their lights or they become patrons of tfce homo company, The Journal Is, 1 deed, pleased to see such improve ments made In the shops at this poiat It certainly looks as If they were pre paring for long hours of work durlig the coming winter months. Dressmaking. MRS. ROSA NORTON. ! Washington avenue and Ninth St