6;a' ili'toricnl month ournal SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXVI11 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDA V OCTOIJEU 25, l)Ob NO 79 be Platte 5 mi mwmi of Will Meet in Flattsmouth Next Year Good Work Done by Local Ellembers. Plattsmouth.Xeb., Oct. 22, 1900. To the Editor of the Journal: My Dear Sir I beg leave through your paper to state that as a delegate to great council of the Improved Order of Red Men of the reservation of Nebraska, for the the benefit of those who were not there, that it was one of the greatest gatherings that I ever had the pleasure of attending. We had men of all callings, from barbers to United States senators, United States marshals, United States judges and judges of the district courts of the state, with lawyers ga lore, and I want to say that It was OHe of the most prominent bodies of men that I have ever had the pleas ure of meeting with. And while at the Lyric theater, where the degree work was demonstrated to the many palefaces that were there, Mayor Dahlman turned the keys over to us and told us to go where we pleased, do what we pleased, and furthermore he said if one got In any trouble to telephone him and he would come aid get them out, and if he could not he would have that noble Red Man, Judge Sutton, to issue a habeas cor pus for us. And I want to say that Plattsmouth was on the lips of every body after the Baw the crowd from onr old town. And now I will say that the gathering at Omaha of Red Men from all over the state was one of the greatest advertisements that Plattsmouth has had for a long time, fr we fully demonstrated to them that Plattsmouth was still on the map of Nebraska. To give a full de tail would take too much of your val uable space,' but will say I banqueted with the banqueters, and 0, Lord, you would have had to have been there to fully realize what didn't hap pen, for we had everything that was coming to use from champangne to venison in a six-course service at the Millard hotel. And now, Brother Red Men and the citizens of Platts Hold Ills Kansas Farm. One Plattsmouth citizen who has been gifted with wise foresight which proved itself is Fred Ramge. Mr. Ramge several .days since closed a deal whereby he disposed of his farm near Leroy, Kas., for the sum of $21,600, making thus a decidedly handsome profit. This farm Mr. Ramge took in exchange for the property lying in the southern end of the city and known as the Ed. Oliver property, now occupied by August Gorder as a home. The man trading it to him was Mr. I. G. Meyers of Ill inois, and at the time the trade was made the impression prevailed that Meyers had much the best of the deal. That Mr. Ramge had good foresight time has demonstrated, as he has been able to sell the 480 acres, which comprised the farm, for $45 per acre, or a total of $21,600. This is in ad dition to taking off several fine crops from the place. Mr. Ramge was much gratified to be able to come out so handsomely on the deal, and has already made arrangements for investing the proceeds where it ap pears he will again handsomely profit. The purchasers of his prop erty are well known business men of Kansas, and men who are acquainted with the property,- they paying cash for it. Nothing better illustrates the advance in farm valueso than this state of a rapid deal. Will Have Operation Performed. Merchant Policeman Nelson Jones this afternoon was a passenger for Omaha, where he goes to bo operated upon at a hospital for an enlarged gland under one of his nrms. The gland has been troubling him for some time past, and he finally de termined to have It operated upon and cured, receiving a telephone mes- sago from Omaha this morning to come at once while the surgeons were able to take care of him. lie will bo gono for several weeks nnd will return entirely well. During his absence former Chief of Police Rainey will act as night policeman 33 mouth. I will say to you that we have landed the next great council of the Red Men for Plattsmouth, which will meet some time next October, and let us show to the great chiefs and dele gates when they come that Platts mouth is the best town la the state. So now if you want to enthuse with us, get in on the ground Moor and help the Red Men whoop for our old town. Respectfully, JOHN C. YORK. In connection with the above let ter of Brother York, the Journal de sires to extend its congratulations to the members of the Red Men upon their achievement in landing the next great council. This is a gather ing which means much to the city, and it is the duty, of every good cit zen to turn in now and commence to prepare for a grand greeting for the braves. The Improved Order of Red Men have made wonderful strides in the past few years in Nebraska and in. this city, they have a fine council, full of live ones, as the landing of the great council shows, and the fact that Plattsmouth led all other cities In the Btate in the number of candi dates for adoption by the order. As Mr. York .says, the showing whicn tne local council made re flected great credit upon it, and was a handsome advertisement, for this city. Too much credit cannot be given the delegates and the members of the local council for their activity and hard work and the splendid re sults which they achieved. Platts mouth has every facility for enter taining largo gatherings, good hotels, a splendid theater, many good halls and everything else which conduces to an ideal convention center. The great council of Red Men in October, 1910, should be given the glad hand and shown a live, bustling city. More conventions are needed and other organizations can. afford to emulate the hustling members of the local Red Men. An Inexcusable Error. From Friday' Dally. Through an inexcusable error yes terday the funeral of the late Homer K. Dunbar was spoken of as taking place yesterday, when it took place this afternoon from the Hotel Riley. The services were under charge of Rev. J. T. Baird, for many years a friend of the deceased, and were quite impressive. Rev. Baird deliv ered a sermon touching upon the many excellent attributes of the de ceased, and the high standards which his life had occupied. The address was a touching and very appropriate tribute to a man whose life had been such a merited emulation by all. Ap propriate music was given. Immediately following the services at the hotel, the casket was taken to the Burlington station, where a train for Ashland was taken, inter ment being made in the beautiful Ashland cemetery. Those of the old time friends of deceased who acted as pallbearers in this city were Hon. J. E. Douglas, George Edgerton, M. S. Briggs, Edward Lutz, Walter J. White and William F. Gillespie. There was a very large attendance of old friends, both of this city and abroad, to pay a last tribute of re spect this afternoon, those from his old home at Ashland including Mr. and Mrs. Harford, Mr. and Mrs. Hay- ward, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wlggen horn and Messrs. Will Scott and Glff Rnilsbnck. Improving Residence, C. S. Johnson, yardmnster of the Burlington, Is making some marked Improvements on bis already fine modern resilience In tho southern part of the city, uniong other things having a hot-air heating plant put Into the house. John S. Hall Is do ing tho work and the plant when completed will be a modern, up-to- date one. It is a pattern guaranteed to give satisfaction and the workman ship will be of Mr. Hall's well known high standard. Ho expects to com plete the work by Saturday next. Spinal Meningitis jit Mncoiu. There are at present three cases of spinal meningitis In the city. AH are quarantined. The city has not been entirely free from the disease for some time, although it is not spread ing rapidly. So far six cases in all have been quarantined, one thereof which the quarantine has been re moved. In each of these three fam ilies the patient suffering from the disease has died, and the disease did not spread to other members of ihe family. Physicians are somewhat puzzled over the disease, as it does not seem to spread with the rapidity that might be expected of it. It is held to be both contagious and infec tious. Yet, in a few cases where the matter cf quarantine, has not been promptly Attended to, there has been no spread of the disease. Even in the homes that have been quaran tined there has been not more than one patient, a fact that causes some surprise among the attending phy sicians, as they expect the disease to spread at least among different mem bers of the family thus exposed. Tlije disease is usually found, according to theory, in low, damp places, but the cases at present in the city are not all in the bottoms. Dr. Lconhard of the city board of health believes that unsanitary conditions about the home and in the neighborhood ir. largely responsible for the outbreak ing of this disease. Lincoln Journal; Wescott's Distribute Prizes. The regular weekly unveiling of the clock at Wescotfs Sons took; place Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the appointed time a large number of interested spectators be ing present. The clock when un veiled showed that it had stopped at the hour of 12:49:00 exactly. The nearest number to the time was held by Mrs. Carl Kopischka of this city and was 1:05:04 and Mrs. Kopischka was awarded the three green dollars. The regulad unveiling has become a feature of the weekly life of the Wescott store and it does not fail to attract a large and interested crowd at every time. An impression has gotton abroad that this is a guess ing contest but such is not the case. The arrangement is that every pur chaser of $1 or over receives a num bered ticket for each dollar's worth bought. These numbered tickets are such as show the exact time which the dock may stop on and the com binations run Into the thousands. It Is not possible to duplicate the num bers hardly and 40,000 combina tions can be made. The purchaser does not guess for himself. The prizes which consist of three one dol lar bills have so far been scattered over eastern Cass county and the whole scheme is one of the utmost fairness. The next unveiling will take place on Wednesday, October 27, at 3 o'clock p. m. All Masons. Among those upon whom the high est degree In masonry was conferred several days since by the supreme council of the Scottish Rite Masons at Washington, D. C, was Hon. F. E. White, secretary of the Nebraska State Masons and formerly a resi dent of this city. Mr. White had the thirty-third degree of masonry con ferred upon him and the ceremonies take place tonight in the national capltol. Every one in this city, and in fact, nearly every oife in Nebras ka, knows Frank White, and they join in congratulations upon his at taining the highest honors of mas onry. He is the son of Hon. F. S. White of this city, and the well known pioneer. Mr. White Is now in In his eighty-sixth year and in Jan uary next he will be 86, and he Is justly proud of his distinguished son. The senior Mr. White has been a Mason for more than forty years, n record to bo proud of. Three of his sons are in the eommandery besides himself. Two of his Rons, A. W. White and W. J. White, live in this city, while a third son", A. C. White, lives at Fort Morgan, Col., all active members of the order. liook Out for Chicken Thieve. As cold weather comes on nnacr we advise those who feel interested to keep on the lookout, for chicken thieves. Already evidences that they Intend to apply their avocation this winter have cropped out. Many doz ens of chickens were stolen right in the city of PluMsmouth last winter, nnd it behooves chicken raisers to be on their gnnrd. Get you a good shot gun and when you hear tho chickens are being disturbed flro rlgjit straight to tho door of the chicken house and nine times out of ten you will hit the thief. Don't ho afraid to shoot, and when they find out your intentions nro to get them they will cease their visits. COMMERCIAL CLUB CRUSADE The Citizens More Than Gratified With Prospects of Betterment for the C!d Town. The good results of the Commer cial club's crusade for new indus tries is showing today in good earn est. This morning a contract was entered into and the workmen com menced the work of remodeling the Pearlmnn building on Main street between Third and Fourth for oc cupancy by the M. E. Smith factory. The tinners and carpenters com menced work cn the, structure and within a very few days it will bo so changed that one will not know it. John Bauer secured the contract for repairing the roof and for the instal lation of the lavatories nnd closetf, his foreman J. M. Johns marshaling his forces and descending upon the building within a very short time af ter tho contract was signed. Work will be rushed and in a space of time almost phenomenal the building will be ready for occupancy. President Falter of the Commer cial club is tireless in pushing pre parations for the work on the build ing and for completing arrangement for its occupancy. He has been af ter the company and Becured the closing of the contract and now he is engaged in pushing the work of re modeling the building bo that the machines can be commenced. In connection with this Mr. Falter wants the matter of enrolling for places in the fatcory Bhould receive the fullest attention from the public. Women and girls are reeded for the work and they should not lose any time in enrolling thelrnames with Secretary E. H. Wescott of the Com mercial club. Mr. Wescott has a large number of names already enrolled for the work but still he is far from tho ne cessary number and all those who desire work or who have persons doEiring work are invited to call on him and leave their names. It is not desired to have outsiders imported to fill the Jobs but to confine the work to Plattsmouth people as far as possible and with this lead in view, both Mr. Falter and Mr. Wes cott unite in asking a pseedy enroll ment of names. There is a general understanding that there are many desiring work here and if this is the case now is the time to apply for it. It is remunerative and the hours are not long and every condition favor able to good and profitable work exists. The Commercial club is more than gratified over the commendation which its efforts have met with and it has a number of good things up Its sleeve which will be given to the public later. The Journal knows of these things but it cannot at this time make them public. Sufficient to say that the Commercial club Is a live body and that they are taking steps to place Plattsmouth in the front ranks. They can be credited with a long mark in securing the Smith factory which means thous ands of dollars for Plattsmouth in the course of a year and they are en titled to great credit for their work toward lighting the city. In these endeavors they have been assisted materially by the public spirited city administration and other things which they may ask in the future from the city are assured of right treatment. One thing which it is desired to Impress thoroughly on the public is the necessity for sending In or bring ing in the names of those who want work in the new factory. Secretary Wescott wants to be In a position to tell the proprietors of the factory that he has tho workers and those who want to work or need to, let him know today. Our people come first, then tho outsiders. VisiiH the Old Home. From FrMny'M Dully. iMlward Bates, who has been stop ping in the city for several days, do parted this morning for Newton, la., where ho will visit his sister for sev ernl days, after which ho will depnrt for northern Iowa and visit his old Home. Mr. Bates enlisted in the Union army from that point, and re turned from the service in time to bo present at the death of his aged and estlmablo mother, and one of tho objects of his trip is to visit at her grave. Ho will bo gone for sev eral weeks. Mil Everything Being Put in Shape By the Lighting Company to Comply With Contract Arrangements for lighting the city under the new contract recently en tered into between the council and tho light company are continuing apace. Superintendent Clabaugh of the local company placed orders for the material and equipment neces sary for tho work of putting in the lights, and is now waiting tho action of the council in locating the lights ordered, so that he can put his force of men at work. The difficulty which Is confronting him is that of holding his workmen together until the ma terial gets here and until tho loca tion of the lights Is made, as there is a steady demand for linemen and other workmen whom he has under contract. The city council will meet tonight for an Informal discussion of the lo cation of the lights, and on Monday night it is expected an ordinance formally locating the lights will be passed and the way cleared to put the men at work. " MrVClabaugh states that he is anx ious to get all orders for power on file at once, as he desires to know Just how much current is going to be needed at the start. The M. E. Smith factory will not be in operation until the first of the month, and he does not count on that until that time, but he wants all those who desire power now to turn In their orders at once, and the company is prepared to fur nish the power. Under its contract and understanding with tho city, the Nebraska Lighting compnny was to furnish power within ten days, and It stands ready to do so, according to the superintendent. Mr. Clubaugh this morning was in consultation with Mayor Sattler and Chairman Dwyer of tho Judiciary committee of the council regarding turning on Enjoys Birthday Party. Yesterday was the seventy-first birthday of Mrs. Minerva Johnson, and a large number of her friends and neighbors gathered at her home to assist her In properly observing the occasion. They spent the time very pleasantly talking over past days and olden times and later re paired to the dining room, where there was a table laden with every thing the heart could desire. Tho meal, which was, in fact, a veritable feast, was greatly enjoyed and every one did full Justice to the choice viands set before them, remaining at tho table and In the pleasant home until a late hour, when they departed for their homes wishing their hon ored hostess many more such happy birthdays. They also presented her with mnny costly nnd handsome pres ents as a token of their gratification at her rounding out . another mile stone In a long life which greatly af fected and pleased the lady. Those attending the pleasant gath ering were Mrs. Michael Hlld, Mrs. John Busehe, Mrs. .1. M. Young, Mrs. II. Stelnhnuer, Miss Gladys Sleln hauer and Mrs. Johnson. Red Men in Session. From Kntiirclny's Imlly. The local council of tho Red Men last evening held a largely attended meeting at their lodgo room and had a most delightful time. They were all well pleused at tho result of their big excursion to tho great council, and especially proud of their success In securing the largest class of candi dates for adoption. It was decided, among other things, to hold a danco in the near future, nnd a committeo consisting of Messrs. Anton H. Kou bek, John C. York and Ben C. Hyde was appointed to mnko arrange ments therefor. Tho dance will be held on Friday night, November 5. S. Furlong nnd son Mark aro nmong the Rock Bluffs visitors In tho city today. m w power, and they stated to him that unless it demanded of him, they did not expect him to furnish power be fore the first of November, when the Smith factory starts up. While this is gratifying and shows a disposition by tho city to treat the etnipany" fairly, Mr. Clabaugh states that if it Is possible power will he turned on In advance of the time. In ordering material for tho lights, Mr. Clabaugh mado a rush rrder and expect.3 to have all the stuff on the ground In a very short time. The boulevard gas lamps have to come from New York, but they were or dered Just the moment the contract was closed, and they should bo here very soon. Piping and like materials are easily obtained and when the lo cation and other details are deter mined on workmen will rush that part of the work to completion. In connection wltn installing power machinery Mr. Clabaugh has found several bargains In small second-hand motors at different points, which the company will sell to prospective con sumers at prices which will make It worth their while to buy. The motors so far located are suitable for run ning fans and the like nnd larger ones for heavier work are scarce and hard to get hold of. Me Is making a diligent search for such machines and expects to be able to find some within a short time, when they will be offered the public nt coat price. Altogether the Indications aro ex cellent for the immediate installation of power and lights, nnd before win ter sets In Plattsmouth will have a I good lighting system In operation and 'will be prepared to buck the bad nights. In addition the hum of elec trical machinery throughout the city will be henrd and life and activity will reign In all quarters. Taken for Hunk Robber. W'llllam DelesDcnier, the prom inent Elm wood attorney, was in tho city over night, departing this morn ing for Omaha nnd Lincoln, having business before the supreme court at the latter place to attend to. Tho Journal is plensed to noto Mr. Deles- Rernier's escape from an unplensant predicament the other day. Shortly following the S'hubert bank robbery, he had business down in that locality and was on the train going through the town when it wns boarded by of ficers. Being tired nnd sleepy William was wrapped in the arms of Morpheus and as the poet would say, was "hit ting the high spots" when the lynx eyed officers swooped down on the train In search of robbers, and some vile traveling man who knew Bill pointed him out as a man who had Just gotten on nt that place. The officers surrounded him and pro rounded him and proceeded to rudely Interrupt his slumbers. , He was con Blderubly surprised nt the commotion and the application of the stomach pump which the officers attempted to use on him, nnd demurred on giv ing his private history nnd other de tails beforo knowing tho whyness of It. They finally informed him that ho was under suspicion of being one of tho robbers, nnd they wero on the verge of throwing him into tho dun geon keep, when he awakened and told them tho sad story of Ms Hfu. They finally let him go, but ho says he is sure they were doubtful about It, nnd hated to do so. Ho vows It will bo n long, chilly day before ho goes prowling about Shubert again. George S. Smith, Democratic can didate for assessor of Rock P.luff.t precinct, was ia the city today look ing after business matters. Mr, Snlth reports tho outlook fur Demo cratic success flourishing In tho ex. trcmo and believes old Rock BlufiH will roll up Its normal mujorltv for the ticket.