Murr&yBepartment. GO TO PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF TOE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. The Red Cross Drug Store FOR - f If tlMI fifth rn,lw ntlh 7. , t- ,. .. . . W mtf all tow T-xTrZii tn V U W" aar 9 DC DC J; A Check Account rend ers safety and conven ience to the holder 0 u TIIIJ man who has a check account at the bank and pays by check is marked as an individual of the more reliable sort. He is looked upon by his fellows as prudent and discreet. He stands high er in the community. It is well worth considering when a man may ob tain safety and convenience for money matters. If you have not a full knowledge of the workings of the check account, we will be glad to explain. The method of a Check Account is simple and easily learned Murray State Bank Timothy seed for sale. H. G. Todd. Uennett Chrlswelsser and wife drove down from Plattsmouth Tues day. Mrs. Charles Carroll, while attc" Ing the carnival at Plattsmouth S::- UfdaV night. Hllnnori onH fall - ik. - o " 1 i ' ' llll VII L II IT I n . sidewalk, dislocating one of her .. met ln reguIar Besslon wIth shoulders. Dr. Livingston attended meml)er Present. Minutes of her and she was broueht to hr prevlous meeting read and approved. home Sunday afteinoon. From w. hereupon the following business Commissioner's Proceedings Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 7, 1909. was transacted In regular form. County treasurer was ordered to Theo. Amlck's son Ralnh fi.nn,rransrer tne 8ura of 30 'rom the i a pieec of class last Mnnd .mm. general fund to the 80,dle" relief. Tom S. Svoboda wan this Aav on. Capital Stock $1 0,000.00 ports she Is getting along as well as could be expected Theo. Amick's I - - 4' on a pieec of glass last Monday which struck the sole of the foot, outline , " "uuuua was aay ap- the same pretty badly, and almost P 7, J the Urt house severing the big toe of the rieht " January l 1910' at a 8aIary of foot. Whll h tnr bU per montn painful, he Is getting alone as pii maa were recelved Ior improve- as could be exoctd. meDt of publlc hiShway in Ne Rev. Willard Lamp was in town " . P?c,nctl from E' D- Van Tuesday ereetln his mnv uou"' U0Dert vlaU nd James Mil- .r " . ' Ier. .c uao juhi rt-iurnea irom the Yu- v. . kon-Seattle exnosltlnn .nH i. I awarded James Miller at mn.h in ...uu 4u . ' "5 for concrete work. will preach his farewpll rm The rllowlne bills were allowed Sunday, after which hp win on ine general fund-- part for PhiladPin,ia atmA ..... ai team . . , . l iiimniuutfl s 1 r.n BtntO linll'nrclti. III.. -I ... , , n n . I..IU v.o.l,. llln Mians on n a JOraan. sa arv ami nvn 17 m ......... ... .... . II.OV return 10 iNeoraska are not yet map- inenne Minor, labor in o mine 1U.60 .11. ij. b rieurlch. hwv mu mppuE tJElV GOODS OfJLV! Uoyricli & Hodraba, II. Cl. Todd attended the Ktate fair Tuesday. Mrs. Matt Mctcalf, of near Union, was in Murray Tuesday. Mlsa Margerle Walker spent carni val week In PlattHinoutli. C'liatiea Philpot unloaded a car load of sheep here Saturday. Mlm Etta Nickels spent Saturday in Omaha visiting and shopping. The recent rains are making good pastures and fall plowing is good. John S. Young started lor Hoone county. Tuesday to look over the country. I). J. I'ltinan has began the ex cavation for his new residence in Murray. The Shaffer Bros., of .Mt. Plcas nnt precinct, shipped a car of hogs to Houth Omaha Tuesday. 1 Vernu Kelser who has been quite 111 with symptoms of typhoid fever, Is some better at this writing. V. II. Hamilton's daughter, Ella, is finite 111 with remlttant fever, hut at this writing it some better. Everyone from Murray w ho attend ed the Plattsmouth carnival were well pleased with the entertainment. Miss Zetta Urown was calling on Murray friends Sunday .She made many of them while she worked here In the bank. Clen liocdeker left Wednesday evening on the M. P. for Omaha, where lie will attend the bankers' convention. J. II. Craves whs In Nebraska City Tuesday and returned with his fam ily, who were vi tiling friends for several days. Post master p.uker and George Nickels went to Lincoln Wednesday morning to spend several days view ing the sights at the state fair. Nick Klaurens left Monday morn ing for the state fair, where he will assist In the care and sale of thor oughbred hogs owned by Itev. lieenis. A report from Noah Ward this week informs us that he is now out of danger. Noah was taken to the hospital In Omaha two weeks ago. ( I). Spanglor and family and It. J. Mluford and family were guests t lr. II. V. Hrendel at tlln-ier last Sunday, and tho day was eujoyably npent by nil. , Tho Infant (laughter of -. p-"J iwrs. ueorgo Illld, of Ela; ys i.rove precinct, was taken with spasms Tuesday afternoon, and at last accounts not much better. Fred lleverago met with an ne.l dent Inst Saturday which came verv near severing the Index linger of the right hand. He was sharpening a Plow and his hand slipped and MrueK tno Iuy of the Implement. It took four stitches to dose the ln Jury. Hoy Spangler has Just lilted hlm- Helf out with a new single buggy Harness, hand-made by John Cook. "oy is right now In stylo and all tho girls will want to rldo with him. Dr. Livingston was called In coun cil with Dr. 0. 11. Gllmoro Tuesday night In the case of the 8-year-old daughter of Charles Chriswlsser, who was Buffering from nn attack of the appendicitis, and may yet be taken to a hospital at Cmnha for relief from nn operation. ped out I T.I w r ir ' ' m- loung received a mes sage from St. Louis last Wednes day notifying her of the dangerous illness of her brother, Daniel P. Lewis. .Mrs. Yon O ' V4 M (I 14 , 11 ICI 7.70 10.50 1.50 98.80 146.87 138.15 20.8o 1,097.00 for commissioner M. L. Friedrich. snln expenses Mary E. Foster, salary .' .' '. ', F. M. Svoboda, salary and inundry J.TS. V.'J Stokes of Mynard was Isabell departed on the midnight L. D. Swltze'r," 'salary' . 111 iuuiiajr ouiiuay Miss Villa Gapen departed Mon day to commence school at Platts mouth Ora Davis went to Lincoln Tues day to attend the state fair, return ing Wednesday evening. J. W. Holmes departed Wednes day morning for Lincoln to attend the state fair, going via Omaha. Jeff Hrendel and wife and Rex Young and wife went to Omaha Mon day evening to attend the show Guy Kelser, who has been suffer lng from blood poison ln the left hand, is very much Improved at this writing. Miss Clara Young departed Mon day for Weeping Water, where she will attend the academy for tho fall and winter. Misses Lena Young and Mary Moore departed Sunday te assume 'Heir duties us teachers ln the Cedar Creek schools. Mrs. George W. Rhoden who has been quite seriously ill for several days, we are pleased to note, Is Im proving rapidly. Mrs. Leonard Murray has been Hilte III for several days with lung trouble and at the present tlnio Is In a serious condition. .Miss Agnes Kennedy deimrted Sunday to take up her duties as teacher in cne of tho departments of the Louisville schorl. Frank Moore has been seriously ill with remlttant fever for days, while no serious results are ap prelienued, he is yet ouite sick. Will Hamilton cane down from C L rt. . . .umu wniana this morning. The new residences be Is enuaced In erecting nre progressing nlcly. Miss Mary J 11 meson of Weeoinc Water, who has been vlsiiliiir her sister, Mrs. J. . iiren.lel, since Ihursday returned home Sunday evening. Dr. D. F. Hrendel ' " II Uf pointed a member of the insanity board, vice Dr. Cook. Ho received his appointment from Judge Travis 1 ueau ay. School opened Monday with large attendance. The new profes sor, assisted by Miss Maude Ruster- hoItTi, bids fair to glvo general satis faction. Last Friday John Farils un. throw from a horse while returning irom lom Smith's to his home, cans Ing both Internal and external In juries, ifa wns a my 8ei.loUH eondltlon for several days, but at this writing no fatal results nre ap prehended. Andy Campbell's daughter met with an accident last Suiul.iv in i. . ' ,,c lonowing manner. Mr. Ray Chris wlsser was taking the y0iin 1ri from his home to that of her own when the seat tinned l.m.Wn-.i throwing her out backward. hm. Ing the right arm at the wrist and pi now. At present she Is doing very nicely. Mrs. C. A. Rawls and her ,inn..i, ter-ln-law, Mrs. Joe llnwli. .m.. down from Plattsmouth Tuesday morning, and Mrs. Joe proceeded on to Nebraska City Wednosd nv ninrn. Ing to visit her parents, while Mrs Uawls returned home on the even ing train. WMlo here thev .,, the guests of Mrs. Will Smith. train the same night for the bedside expenses of her brother. and 1.50 17.20 150.00 62.50 26.50 48.00 4.00 7.24 7.92 Tuesday Mr. Youne ..; IIll.ton. salary received a message that he died Mon- '., ".8!"rranH' salar' . rlnv. nH , ,. ,....,., i r,iat-8 208.4C uuini-u ui uregon, acis Anderson, room for unit county, Mo., Wednesday, where election he was born. George Davis of Nodaway countv. Mo., is the guest of his old friend, F. S. Young, sr., this week. Mr. Davis and Mr. Young were boys to gether in the earlv settlement r Cass county, Mr. Davis belnir - - - I l'l I IlLIHB ... . to manhood near Murray. His father A- J- Klepser, ticket to pan ns one or C. II. Smith. nnKtnl oni,,.ti!,I. . .... '' 1113 Neb. Lighting Co., gas tu. jcarour Co., burial of Ernest Cole 22. 3o J. V. Egenberger, coal to paupers Robert Sherwood, mdse ' to larm J. F. Olf. mdse n. Elmer Meisinger, road work . jj. wo. 2 Emil Meisinger, same No. 2 G. A. B. Hicks, same No. 2. Wm. Stohlman, same No. 8. Ben Beckman, same No. 10. J. M. Hoover, same No. 3. . . Neb. Con. Co.. bridee work Same 648.00 M. Dalby, bridge lumber... 16.55 John Waterman, same .... 4.10 Sheldon & Sheldon, same. . . 27.35 Same 9s5 M. Dalby, lumber 21.64 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., lumber 69.40 Claim Allowed 011 Commissioners' Hoad Fund. W. C. Bartlett, road work. . 102.00 Board adjourned to meet Septem ber 21, 1909. W. E. ROSENCRANS, County Clerk and Mrs. W H. Puis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Disks and Au gusta Bannlck of spending this week at -the home of Air. and Mrs. W. H. Puis. Mrs. Charles Engelkemeir spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Plattsmouth. Mrs. Julius Neilson and daughter, who have been' spending some three weeks with friends at Mlnnennnii. Superior and other northern and lake points, returned to their home in this city. They had a most en joyable visit and came back fePHn., excellently after the vacation. MAPLE (iUOVE. 7.50 6.25 8.41 the early settlers of p('r Mills county, la., Hvlg there In nnd & Ste"hen8- 1853. He was present at the treaty M. E. Manspe'ak'e'r', 'livery' to with the Indians at Bellevue In that commissioner year, and Mr im.iu n,. 1... John Konia. mrlso tn ' 7 years, was with his father on that t"J 1 rn' room for l'k'c- occnslon, and can relate many inci- Henry Verry, 'labor' ki Vo'u'rt dents that happened at the time. house Mr. Davis and I'nrlo fnnv B. C. Marouardt. mrfas o'n'ri - ..unit ciic ru-i , , , " " . Joying themselves hugely In relating r .ng . ",ck 22.50 the nranks thnv . " '..u r- mase 3.46 t ..,,, 3 mi uiuir ruopp uartiett, supplies. . early childhood. Mr. Davis was here John Waterman. Inmher to meet with the pioneers nnd T' .s c- Dabb, labor at court he thought he would remain nnH L. ,H 9.65 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 138.50 3.00 3.00 visit a snort time with snnio nf I 1,1 r,, vt 'o 1 .i. '.iiiunt;riuun old neighbors that were left, and D- - Dwyer, same jiicie r ranK is one of them. Lnst Sunday morning Glen Itoe- lames Robertson, mm'o"" C. D. Qulnton. sumo Dr. Geo. H. (lilmore, same! 8.00 3.00 8.20 17.12 7.80 3.70 ", in., nun ms "uracil, euine 3 00 sisters, Miss Ida Boedecker f1",0.18 & stroi. mdse.. 2075 John Young and father, Sulrl '." " Vll IloedpcWpr Tim., ... .1 ii... n , ' 1 ""v" '" J.u decker got his auto in Ann shn0 .., v , c, ' :1'n,' 8am a . . umjciuuKt-r, same... 3.70 ...... i-u ior Macedonia, la., with his ,J- Ktioden, same 300 ...It., l.l. .1. ... . . Cl.ll,. r r.. .. O.VU nil.', lllii and Mrs the river at Plattsmouth, nnd were ftoI's only three hours In making their W' C' ItaniHe'. salary and destination, notwithstanding they s ' J met with some rnn.h 1 !! 1 u.mlAr' rPpalrs to the Iowa side. They intended to visit Asemlssen & Kllnger, mdse 34.45 118.5G with relatives over to the next day v 1 "s AIIom''I Komi ! but the lowering clouds and threat- Nt "heSairf ntLPr,nt,n8 enlng rain compelled them t rh. rJv "fe."0,'ce. ' '.' th.., n,.n,lo ..... . "V , M",U W(1K. "" .iu uu returned excent o. Miss Ida. who remained over till Wednesday morning, when h r. turned, on the rut.. .... n .. r ' """"r mn,, w " w- u. u., freight R. v " iimirs and a half. He M)- 1 frank Wilson 6.50 11.20 J. A. Wilson, same . . . . fraim Rouse, same No. 5 Jacob Meisinger, same No. 13.22 6.45 35.50 112.00 j ins section was largely repre sented at the Plattsmouth carnival last week. Henry Engelkemeir purchased new automobile last week a Mason bought from Jenkins & Seybolt. Albert Pappa of Union City, Okla spent Friday In this section visiting old friends. . .Mrs. Leonard Murray is on the a'ck list this week. v. 11. ruis is building a new double corn crib this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dansemer and daughter Laura of llallem, Neb., are visiting relatives in this locality this week. Mrs. August Engelkemeir. Jr left Sunday for a few weeks' visit with her sister at Stanton, Neb. Charles Philoot Purchased n enr load of sheep in South Omaha last week. Quite a number of friends and rel atives spent Sunday at the home of William Puis. Mr. and Mrs. John Hobsheldt spent Sunday at the home of Charles Her- ren. Cameron Cat hey returned last week from a few months' visit with relatives In Illinois and Ohio. Don't forget the Democratic pri maries Saturday night, September 11, at 8 o'clock p. m nt the Pleas ant View school house. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tilld and fam ily spent Sunday nt the home of Mr. If SicK Don't risk even one single penny ' And I will tell you why I say thlit. ' - a, l,ti?ai!1'e,eT,y P?0 of Dr. Bhoop'i medicine w absolutely f ree if it fall. No one need risk even one tingle penny. Ilckt th'nk Wh" thU lm;,", t0 th8 urin l. i?,Ti;skA""?- il?thin whatever un. ..ther of T !K Konontuve or VrKfr1 Md.eumBtlc Rt-medy. Then why take ny chance whtvr fy purchase any medicine whose mnkjr aura mnt Kn, h it J,.t r j. 1 this remarkable offer 1 Ann ijmickw, I m no Bnr to you. .u "'Iff KhnoP'fnwllclneshava beromethoroughlnmlardlzedallovf.r America: 11.1. At J w4ii5jhki nonwi and respon- titttjflty'V village eVfl? whnra to rfJmy,'tXd yours; The elected trutrJ&bteMXh the niok-an.lTne entire risk i mine alon. Hilt write me first for an order. I hit. an .1 n.r n irh7.. .n a '"iw every commun. kn.lMn II . 1 ... . w n ,,,., lurnw-ana tnui save all disappointment and dnlayi. uveaii Besld.'s, you are free to consult me by letter as you would your home physician. Do to freely and fully if you desire. My advice and the book word or twp from me will dear up tome neriou, ailment. I have helped thoua;,dsupon thousand plan" pnvate Pf'P"0" of pewonal advice k.t ,"?""'" win up up new ana helpful idi-us to you. They udl of my 30 year' x EnrVhefrfih"1 home" Bn1 ln Hospt- . A!neil ' ftrtft 1 no larger ll.i,ilkUiferaf Lat rivM b th. . ur imiw.t nerve. ho thnn orgnni surelyfulter when these controling u 7 .I V' "" "ow ur. snoop a R,.stontlyegn,liHv , talin, nerv and rebuilds. "(df iujfj restore the lost n-.J. 1. 'V ' ".' "'"y'T H,uo " My best r.wrt l?,M,rt'l'.winr,,h J,!,'C,yP,f ut- 80 write ,,., ,1 ,nn rrr uiiiKi, iop tomorrow never comes. Dr. Hhoop. Box 12. ltacinc. Wis, WMch Book Sliall I i ,nysJ,psl No- For Women No. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 On RhoumH.m says be was fortunate ln his decision to return the same day, for the in- work 5.02 3.7o 168.90 136.10 It. I). No. 7 . . ussant lains on Mnndnv nm.i.. 1,,. t 1.' n., roads Impassable for nutos for sev- J- Adams & Son. lumher" n ral days. However, the trip was a .JV, 1 6 43.36 very pleasant on... nn.i ,ha ........ Joe Mcker, road work. U. D. in which It was made gives Glen's S. G.'wolfe', 'same No ' 6 " " nuto a splendid record. C. K. Jordan, same n!i. ifi' ' John Elliott, same No. 16 Sheldon & Sheldon, lumber II. U. AO. X For Sale! Good, gentle familv SUUU if ... I..- nnu buggy in fair condition n,e. No. 9 IU.S ,.pn ,n UH0 Rome tIme Ffly-flve dollars will take the whniii outfit. Addrt 'SB Or mil nn l' Scott. M. p. Agent. Murmv v.i. ------ t i"Ui 5.25 6.00 11.50 M. Dalby. lumher r n'v'r Lee Arnett, culvert R. D. No. Same, repair to 'grader! ' h". D. No. 15 Herman Toedter, r'o'a'd'w'o'rk R. D. No. 6 C. T. Richards, same No.'i! It. I I. llBOn. Snm Vn R 11.97 132.97 50.9 57.2 Tom Leach of Seattle. Wnnh anA ... 1 uu Miss Mattie Thierolf of Str v... his cousin, are vlslUng In the city Cuj"'8- I'runhoeber, same No for several days, and both wcro n,.. 4 sengers today for Seattle, whom ,.,., HV.e niibt ll. same No. 4. Thierolf w, vl(tlt tho PX)()8kon. mKV U(. rememnerert liv mnnv l. o. t of the older having been born here and living rhrls i,V",'l here up to eighteen years g. 7Cn No.' 6 n:' his father, John Leach, loft for A,,1?- Kltme. same No. 6. ." ' U'ashinston. the younc son n.-,.n. .larvl Rushnell, same No.' 4 l""'lng him. This Is hi , .... mm N'- i.,.,,u , , . ' " "hi innu es, same No fi t'k hero since that time. lie found Cedar Creek Lumber (V mnnv ,.t 1.1.. ... . I 1 .. v ' " ",a I'.iiymates still here. i inner 11. v. No. 1... . , ( Sallsburg, road work IJ' The undersigned has about in D. No. 2 acres of coo.l crn tn font Will Keil, same No. 2. taring horses onlv. mod ..." . uirpm:e UMIIIIIK I n ver nuu plenty of K hn.lA dollar per month per head. same One jJohn Ilaiier, same No. 2! Plaits. Gravel Co., gravel C. Hcncen. .. . . P Mini- Al,i..(.. . "i m es south nf riot.- '"'"Mr, road work 31.15 4.00 : 27.00 33.00 6.2i 4.00 24.00 18.50 24.64 46.2; 104. 9S 11. 75 4.60 19.T.0 7.00 16.00 1.50 S.25 16.50 I8.1. 11.10 We have just received thirty dozen of new Stetsons for fall The new styles offer a great variety of new- shapes, a little larjjcr than last season. The colors most popular are gray, sapphire, catawlia. cedar blue and black. Prices $3.50 to $5. Also showing a large assort ment of $2.50 and $3.00 hats. The llniiie (it Hurt. Srhttffuer if Mart Vlthr Jl'iulinttttn Shirts, Mtann II, it XSZjSx Th Jlc Stc&fri who 1 n.rlT out Stetson Hat practice rml econ omy. They can get a cheaper hat of course, but thfy cannot net in eipial in character and atyle at any prict. Come in. we can prove it. W Ki i ha ticiina lull m4 rbr Hill la ill lh liieil iiHii, a Vj 17.2