The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1909, Image 3

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Whd Do You Thank
For 5 Qerds?
One of the Most Sensational Sales Ever Heard of in Cass County
will be given at
Department Store
Read what we are going to offer you in the line
s ii w
Z T 1! Hi l
iui L,uuicb, misses unu vnuuren 10 De ciosea out accoruing to trie
scale given below. Your choice to go at the price given opposite
the hour you make your purchase:
Bear in mind that the sale starts at 8 o'clock and closes at 6
sharp, and such a rediculous price is made to demonstrate to the
people that we are determined to close out all our Spring Millin
ery and make room for the New Fall Line.
You could not begin to purchase the materials used in these
hats at the opening sale price, and if you are in need of a new hat
now or going to need trimmings, it will pay you to take advantage
of this opportunity.
iwr m i k r
- t!1J a 1 4
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to ll
11 to. 12
12 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
Depersmemt Store,
of Late Spring U
. 4 . . . ft
NebrsxskaL fl
ID) 9
Open. High. Low. Close.
Sept. 1.00'i 1.02U 99 S 1.01
Dec. 95 U 97 94 96
May 98 1; l.OOVi 98 99
Sept. 67 62 66 67 H
Dec. 60 60 H 59 60 i
May 61 62 Vi 61 62
Sept. 39 39 38 39
Dec. 38 39 3S 39
May 41 41 40 41
Daily market from the M. L. Wil
liams Commission company, Coates
block, riattsmouth, Neb.:
Wheat Market opened this morn
ing slightly higher than last night's
close in sympathy with the advance
in corn. There was also favorable
foreign cables. Later In the day the
market was some stronger. The effect
of the government crop report was
not marked in this cereal, as it was
not nearly so unfavorable as it was
toward corn. A sharp upturn caused
by shorts covering In the closing
minutes of the session advanced
prices strongly.
Corn Market opened l-2c higher
than last night's close and quickly
advanced all along the line, May
selling up beyond 62c. The full ef
fect of the tremendous reduction in
the estimated yield, as shown by the
government report, Is commencing to
be felt. Foreign cables indicated
the effect of the government report
on the market there and assisted In
aiding the advance. The tremendous
Iofs In the past few months has re
duced the total probable crop below
that of last year, which Is a strong
bull argument.
Oats The market Is slightly
higher than at the close yesterday
owing to sympathy with corn, as the
figures in the report do not Indicate
any reasonable cause for the ad
vance outside of this. The market Is
not high enough to warrant expecta
tions of any material advance in this
cereal in the near future.
Hogs Market opened strong with
hogs 5c higher. Receipts 12,000
head, against 19,000 head, estimated.
Hogs a year ago 14,000; 4,200 left
Cattle Market strong and steady.
Receipts 4,500 head.
Sheep Market strong with re
ceipts of 17,000 "head.
tj Wenllu'r Map.
IMncis-Ohio valley, 64 to 72;
cloudy. Des roinese, trace. Daven
port, .02; rain. Duluth, .024; rain.
Peoria, .04. Chicago, .04. Keokuk,
.22. Springfield, .02. St. Louis, .02.
Cairo, .10. Evansvllle, .02; rain.
Cincinnati, .32. West, 54 to 68;
generally clear. Sioux City, .02.
Kansas City, .30. Concordia, .02.
Southwest, 60 to 75. Canadian
northwest, 4 2 to 62; clear. North
west, 50 to 62; clear. St. Paul, .02;
rain. LaCrosse, .04. Dubuque, .02.
Weather Forecast.
Nebraska Fair tonight and Fri
day; cooler tonight with possible
Iowa Showers tonight nnd Fri
day. Kansas Partly cloudy tonight
and Friday; showers tonight In
north portion.
Minnesota Partly cloudy tonight;
not much change in temperature.
South Dakota Fair tonight nnd
Michigan Showers tonight nnd
possibly Friday; warmer tonight.
The Inter-Ocean says: A loss of
over 500,000,000 bushels In the pros
pective corn crop was made In the
last two months. It Is about the
largest loss In any year. The reduc
tion last month was 341,000,000
bushels, nnd on the present indica
tions the total crop, based on govern
ment figures, is 61,000,000 bushels
less than the final crop last year. It
was the greatest disappointment that
the country has had, because the
early promise was the best In years,
Indicating a record crop of close to
3,117,000 bushels. The loss has been
due to extreme heat and drouth, the
excessive supply of moisture early in
the season preventing the crop from
making substantial root and putting
It into condition, where it could not
withstand a long, dry spell. In the
seven surplus states the crop Is esti
mated at 290,000,000 bushels less
than u month ago, yet 80,000,000
bushels more than last year and 32,
000,000 bushels in excess of 1 907.
Oats In the oats crop there was
a reduction of 20,000,000 bushels in
the Indicated yield last month, but an
Increase of 172,000,000 bushels over
the final figures last year. The pres
ent Indications, if confirmed, will
make the crop the second largest on
record. The record crop of 987,000,
000 bushels In 1902. Thirteen lead
ing states were cut down 17,000,000
bushels last month, but have a prom
ise 173,700,000 bushels over last
year, and an Increase of 207,800,000
bushels as compared with 1907.
Losses lu the condition of oats last
month were small except In Indiana,
sTHlTF x m
oplom!jor 23.24-gg
Good Clean Moral Shows
Open Air Free Attractions. Grand Base
Ball Tournament. Games Every
Day. Band Concerts each
and Every Day.
with a drop of 9 points, the largest
of any state. Ohio fell off 7 points,
Nebraska 6 points, the Danube 4
points, Kansas 5 points, Iowa 1 point,
Illinois unchanged, while Wisconsin
Improved 5 pohits and Minnesota 2
points. Board cables opening: Wheat,
3-8 to l-2c higher; corn l-4c higher.
At 1:30 p. m. wheat was 1-8 to l-4c
higher; corn l-4c higher.
Droomhall cables Wheat: The
strength in the American market
yesterday and the Russian offering
support made the outlook for winter
and spring wheat easily 20,000,000
bushels larger than last year, caused
shorts to cover and values at the
start were 3-8c to l-2c higher. Fol
lowing the opening the market
further gained on higher American
offerings, and an Increased demand
for spot. Toward midday the mar
ket developed some pressure owing
to a feeling of skepticism degardlng
the estimate, the correctness of the
Russian report and September lost
3-8c. At this time the market was
euc'er and 1-8 to l-4c higher than
yesterday. Corn was steady at the
start and 1 -4c higher, being affected
by the American government report.
Later the market became easier on
the pressure to sell La Plata parcels.
Primary movement Corn: Re
ceipts 1,069,000, ngains 694,000;
shipments 338,000, against 39,000.
Wheat receipts: 1,257,000 bushels,
against 1,365,000; shipments 468,
000, against 523,000.
A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure
Tablet called Preventlcs Is being
dispensed by druggists everywhere.
In a few hours, Preventlcs are said
to break any cold completely. And
Preventlcs, being so safe and tooth
some, are very fine for children. No
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh
nor sickening. Itox of 48 25c. Sold
by all dealers.
William Patterson Tukes Prize.
The clock which was to have been
opened promptly at 3 o'clock yester
day afternoon at the store of C. E.
Wescott's Sons was opened at that
time, and the time at which It had
stopped observed. It had stopped nt
3 o'clock 19 minutes 55 seconds. W.
3. Drown was present, holding the
ticket of William Patterson of Mur
ray, this ticket being the one closest
to the time nt which the clock
stopped. It read 3:53:52. Mr.
Drown received the three green dol
lars, which were offered as a special
prize for the one guessing the near
est to the correct time. The next
opening of the clock takes place on
Wednesday, September 15, at 3
o'clock p. m., when tho same prize
of $3 will be given to the one guess
ing the nearest to the correct time.
There were a large number "of per
sons holding tickets in the store yes
terday afternoon when the clock was
opened, and the manifest fairness
of the matter was noticed. This
scheme Is proving a great advertising
one for Wescott's Sons, and is popu
lar. They give a ticket with every
dollar's worth purchased of them,
and the person buying is permitted
to guess tho time at which the clock
will stop, the dial of the same be
ing so covered up that no once cun
see when the hour is registered.
Every Wednesday until December 15
this firm will give away $3 to the
lucky guesser. They do 'not have to
guess the exact time, but the nearest
time wins the money.
Bt May Be Pneumonia
"A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing.
Then fever, with great prostration." If this should
be your experience, send for your doctor. You may
have pneumonia"! If your doctor cannot come at once,
give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him
exactly what you have done. Then do as he says.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. J.C.AucrCo.XowtllMau.
Keep the bowels in good condition. (Jnu of Aycr I'llls at bedtime will cause
an Increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following.
Tickling or dry Coughs will quick
ly loosen when using Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. And it is so thor
oughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells
mothers to use nothing else, even for
very young babies. The wholesome
green leaves and tender stems of a
lung healing mountainous shrub give
the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. It calms the cough,
and heals the sensitive bronchial
mebrances. No opium, no chloro
form, nothing harsh used to Injure
or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's
and take no other. Sold by all dealers.
Near Deatli in lllg Pond.
It was a thrilling experience to
Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For
years a severe lung trouble gave me
Intense Buffering," she writes, "and
several times nearly caused my
death. All remedlcse failed and
doctors said I was incurable. Then
Dr. King's New Discovery brought
quick relief and a cure so perma
nent that I have not been troubled
In twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives
In Dig Pond, Pa. It works wonders
In Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs,
Hemorrhages, LaGrlppe, Asthma, '
Croup, Whooping Cough and all
Bronchial affections, 5flc and $1.
Trial bottle freek tUiaranteed. by,
Gerlng $ Cfi, ,
For Sale A splendid 200-acre
farm near Murdock, Neb.; fine 10
room house, fine barns and out
buildings, the very best of land, run
ning, water, two towns with three
miles. Price $125 per acre. Call
on or address TOM E. PARMELE,
Louisville, Neb. 9-1-lra.
Reduced Hates To Lincoln.
Reduced rates to Lincoln, Neb.,
and return on August 28th. to Sept.
15th and on Sept. 11th to Sept.
19th., inclusive via Missouri Paci
fic , H. NORTON, Agent.
Mrs. J. Maurere and daughter are
now prepared to do all kinds of
sewing, including dressmaking, at
reasonable charges. Residence 2
blocks southeast of ball park. Phone
404 (White) 24, 25 and 26.
Miss Isabel Wiles and mother afe
spending today In Omaha, having
been passengers on No. 15 for that
if -
Ckawscs Uc System
Dispels coUs oM llcadocncs
&xAo CousW'poAxow:
AeAs waVwoXVy, aeVsVrvty as
Bcs Jot McvtWcTv an&CRfe
vcw-Jbuxx OAV& OU.
To del VVs bcncjcft eccXs.
cAways bv QcTuivac,
manufactured by th
Fig Syrup Co.
one size only, re julsr price 50 per bottle.