moutb Journal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XX VIII PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, Til UKSDAY, AUCiUST 5, 190i NO 57 platte LOUISVILLE RUNS UP AGAINST A SNAG Unable to Hit Williams, the New Plattsmouth Pitcher Just about one-tenth as many peo ple as should have been there were out at the Chicago Avenue ball park Saturday afternoon to see Platts mouth and Louisville tie up for a third Struggle, and those who stayed away missed something worth see ing. The locals presented an almost entirely new team in the field, and it played real, genuine and snappy base ball, taking Louisville's measure by the score of 5 to 0, something which surprised and sadly jarred the visi tors. They had come into town full of confidence in their ability to trim the young men whom Manager War ren had chosen to represent Platts mouth, and the' fact that they could not do It grated upon their nerves very muchly. There were several persons who had a hand in the undoing of the vis itors. One Williams was the prin cipal participant in doing what the poet has described as "cooking their goose." This man Williams, who boasts of being literally an Indian, had drifted into the city from down Fall3 City way, and he was looking for a chance to show people he was some baseball pitcher. Manager War ren gave him an opportunity to toss a few across, and decided then and there and thereby that he was, to revert to the poet again, "the goods." So he was told to make ready for a scalpfest, and he did so. He unloaded a choice assortment of curves and shoots and twisters and spit balls and rising drops and things which this neck of the woods never had seen, and which Louisville in particular, was not wise to. Why, man alive! he had the boys who have . been slathering the ball to the four corners of the lot all this season breaking their backs and straining their necks trying to locate the sphere. Louisville has long set It self up as some hltfest bunch, but last Saturday they were the hltless wonders. Mr. Williams with his lit tle curves did the job. One little measly clean hit was all the sluggers had to show for their efforts. An other might be classed as a hit, but it was of the scratch variety and didn't really amount to what Is known as a "continental dern." And one hit Isn't much ' toward getting runs. So it can readily be seen that Mr. Williams of Falls City Is the principal actor in the great tragedy of the Louisville team. He Is surely the best pitcher what has been in town for many moons and he de serves all the praise his paleface brothers gave him. Hut he had some assistance. One D. A. Cope of Decatur, 111., who also Su Iters a Bad Cut. The 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ledgway (Miss Ida) yesterday suffered a very severe In Jury to her wrist, cutting it very deeply upon the glass in a door through which she accidentally thrust her arm. The young lady started to go out of the door Just as her sister entered, the latter opening the door and stepping in while the former stepped out, the door swing ing to and striking her hand and arm. The door is a heavy glass one and swung to with force enough to cause the glass In it to be broken by the force of the contact with her hand and arm. The glass cut her wrist very deeply and severed some of the arteries In the wrist. Her father hurried to town and secured medical assistance and the injured arteries were closed. She Is getting along nicely now and will probably recover without serious trouble. To Settle the 1-Mnle. Judge M. Archer, ns counsel for Peter Campbell, administrator of the estate (if Thoirns L. Campbell, de censed, this morning filed a petition fr dual settleme nt In that estate. The usual notice fixing August " I ns the date for the hearing and tbe,, ,.n,lIit , I1V ,xu, a ,(ll same will be printed In the Journal, j ,ni( f pttsiiioutli.-- This comprised nil the business done (;nu,t clv (,o. ) Times. In county court this morning. j T, M,;,1V u iAy,My ,,,,., ;l,el . . j)y i,irn,, hn l,eellS( it Will Jenn was a passenger this , enianateK from the pen of one of the morning for South Omaha, where ho best newspapers men and nhlesf cdl- will attend a horse sale toils v. drove into town some days since, was his very able assistant. This young man acted as the receiving end of the battery, catching a fine game and one well worth looking at. Cope is a catcher and a good one, at that. He Rhows plainly that he has had con siderable experience and is a ball player, every inch of hiiu-. He also did some hitting, which amounted to a good deal, getting a mighty fine two-base hit when it did some good. He was exactly the man needed to make Williams' pitching a success, and aided largely in bringing about the downfall of the visitors. In fact, these two men played a magnificent game and won them selves a warm spot in the hearts of the spectators. Headwork was mani fested by both players, they being responsible for nipping several of the Louisville players at the plate, or at third base. Baseball generalship, which is, one of the most Important features of the game, was displayed throughout the game by both. If any way possible can be devised both these men should be added to the team for good, as they are far and away the best men the team has had in many years. But the remainder of the team did good work. The infield in particular played fine ball. McCauley at first played a better game than usual and helped largely in the final determi nation of the game. Smith at sec ond was in rare form and played a fine fielding game, besides doing some excellent batting. His hitting was one of the features of the game He is probably the most consistent hitter on the team. Droege covered third, and also played a good game, fielding his position in good shape. Larson played his usual excellent game at short and put up a snappy and Interesting game. The outfield was well taken care of, although not a great deal was asked of it. Warga, Ramsey and Mann covered the three gardens and played gingery and snappy ball. On the whole, the team played a brilliant and classy game and de- serves great credit for their work. A team of this kind deserves big at tendance, and If it be held together by any manner here, the next game ought to fill the park to overflowing As constituted at present, the team ranks with the best in the state. Louisville played a good game also, and had they been able to hit, would have given the boys a run for their money. As it was their lnabll Ity to solve Williams, backed up as he was with fine fielding, resulted in a shoutout for them. The final re sult was Plattsmouth 5, Louisville, 0. Much Improved. Henry Horn, who has been spend ing the past two weeks In Lincoln taking treatment at the snnltorlum there for rheumatism, came down Saturday evening for an over-Sun day visit with his folks, returning this morning for further treatment The treatment has benefitted Henry wonderfully, as he was unable to walk without crutches when he went up there, and for a long time prev lous to that he had been unable to be out of bed. When he returned Sat urday ho walked up the street with out crutches and got around in fine shape. He states that he feels won derfully relieved and that hl com plete cure seems but a short time away. His many friends ar glad to not his remarkable progress, and trust it Is permanent and that he will soon be well. (Julio n Compliment. Last week the Plattsmouth (Neb.) Journal, edited by M. A. Bates, pub lished the thirtieth anniversary edi tion, and It was a very creditable Is hii. Many of the cuts of buildings were familiar to 'is. The Journal Is the In st edited roimiry dally paper ,i,.,t wo know of anywhere. It would tors In the state f Missouri. Two Painful Accidents. Bert Everett's little son Carl, 2 years old, was bitten by a dog while the family were visiting at the home of Mr. Everett's mother last Satur day. The little child was playing with the dog, and it is supposed the animal became angered for some reason and attacked the little fel low. The child was bitten on the face, the flesh near the moutii being badly torn. The child was brought to town for medical attention and several stitches were required to close tho wounds. It is not thought that the animal was afflicted with rabbles, and no serious results are expected. The second victim was Will Rey nolds, whose home is on the farm southwest of town. The jovial William sought to administer relief to one of the horses that was being tormented by flies, but the horse ap parently did not appreciate Will's good intentions, for when he began to make war on the files the horse suddenly straightened out his hind leg and connected with Will's head ust above his eye. The result was that Will had to be brought to town to have some tailor work done to a bad cut above his left eye. Will says his head will be all right in a short time and that the horse is unln- ured. Union Ledger. A rieusant Burthduy Party. The pleasant home of J. L. Bur rows last Saturday evening was the scene of a gathering of young peo ple, who came together to observe the eighteen birthday of Seymour Mayabb. The party was In the na ture of a surprise, being arranged for by Misses Lillian Terhune and Hannah Berggren, and it was a most pleasant one. The young man was much pleased at being remembered by his many friends and all pro ceeded to have an enjoyable evening. Games of various kinds were ha' and social conversation took place. Later in the evening a fine luncheon was served the assembled guests, after which they departed for home, congratulating the young man and wishing him many more birthdays. Those attending were Misses Lil lian Terhune, Hannah Berggren, Mattle Wiles, Pearl Allen, Pearl O'Neill, Julia Koukal, Cella Taylor, Lulu and Orpha and Bentel Stone, and Messrs. George L. Morrison, T. B. Stokes, Luke L. Wiles, Jessie Brady, William Propst, Ratio Tay lor, John A. Koukal, Floyd Stone, Ralph C. Mullis, Ed. R. Reynolds, S. C. Stone, James Rebal, Jr., and Ray mond Burrows of Union. Close to Death. What was a very narrow escape from a horrible death took place last Friday on the Marsh farm, south of this city. Willie Reed, a son of Byron Reed, was feeding a thresher from a wagon. In doing so he stood at the front end of the wngon and threw the wheat into the feeder. He had cleared a space at the front end clear down to the floor of the wngon box and, stooping over, he picked up a bundle of wheat and wns about to throw it into the machine when his foot slipped and he was precipitated into the feeder. The horrified on lookers saw him being drawn Into the machine and the engineer made a desperate effort to shut down the machine and avert the Impending tragedy. He could not have done this, however, in time to Bave the boy, but the latter in some mnnner escaped from the feeder before he wns drawn under the revolving knives of the machine. The escape was a mighty narrow one and made the hearts of those witnessing It stand still. Had he been drawn Into the machine he must have met a hor rible death, as the knives would have cut him to pieces and the ma chine would have crushed him to a pulp. Jacob Falter Dies. Lnst Saturday evening J. P. Fal ter received the snd intelligence of the death at Plalnvlew, Neb., of his uncle, Jacob Falter, and yesterday ho departed for that place accom panied by Henry and John Hlrz and Mrs. Will Riirumell. all relatives of the deceased, Jacob Falter is quite well known In this vicinity, having nt one time been a resident of this city. He was the original settb r In that section from this llnlty, lead ing the way for the many who have since Immigrated to that point. e was n prominent mid utile man, man of the highest reputation, of un swerving Integrity mid hup h per sonal worth. His many friends here will be painted nml shucked to hear (T his death. He Is nlso an uncle of Henry Falter, living near lialnvlew A Plea mi nt Home Wedding. At the pleasant home of Mrs. Her man Herold, on Wlntersteen Hill, yesterday morning, a quiet home wedding united the lives of Miss Freda Herold and Mr. Percy H. Fields. The ceremony, which was performed by Canon Burgess of the Episcopal church, was attended only by the immediate relatives of the bride. The ceremony was in accord ance with the rites of the Episcopal church, Otto F. Herold, the brother of the bride, giving her away. At the conclusion of the ceremony the wed ding party sat down to an elegant wedding breakfast. At 1:58 p. m. the newly wedded couple departed for Omaha, where they will reside for the present and where the groom is now engaged in a theater company playing a leading part. The bride is quite well known In this city, where she lived all her life. She Is a handsome and charming young lady with a host of good friends, who wish her every success in her wedded life. The groom is also quite well known here, having played an en gagement at the Parmele in the early spring. He comes of a prominent family in Salt Lake, Utah, and is a clever and accomplished young man. i Is Permitted to Return Home. Mrs. Mark White came down from Omaha last Saturday night, return ing to her home after a long, hard siege at the hospital In Omaha. She Is feeling fine once more and vir tually recovered and she ordered the copy of the Journal which she was taking at the hospital stopped, as one copy at home answered the de mands now. She made a short visit with I. F. White and wife at Mur ray on Thursday last and on Friday returned to Omaha, where she con suited her physician. Finding that she had stood the trip in fine shape, he asked her if she wanted to go home. She replied that she certain ly did, and Jumped at the opportun ity. The physician gladdened her heart by granting her permission to do so, and she at once took the train without going through the formality of notifying Mark of her intentions. It is needless to say that Mrs White's many friends throughout the city and the county will rejoice to know that she has so completely triumphed over her complaint and that she Is able to return home after her long and severe illness. Meet After Fifty-Seven Years. Francis Furery and grandson, Frank Griffin of Brooklyn, N. Y., who have been visiting for the past three weeks with Mr. Furery's sis ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes, returned to their home Wednesday. Mrs. Stokes came west about fifty-seven years ago, parting with her brother In New York at that time, and had not seen him since. Until recently Mr. Furery supposed his sister was dead, never being able to learn of her whereabouts, but at last, in an swer to a letter addressed to Elm wood, he received Information which he had so long a time tried to se cure. He was not long In making arrangements for a western trip, and according on July 3, and after a period of fifty-seven years, he met his sister, commonly known to us as Grandma Stokes. It was the editor's pleasure to meet Mr. Furery and en joy a social chat with him. The parting of these two aged people was undoubtedly attended with as much sorrow as their meeting was with Joy. Elm wood Leader-Echo. Had a .Narrow Kscnpe. Horace Ruffner came down Satui day evening to spend Sunday with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Ruff ner, returning to his work In Omaha on the M. P. train last evening. He was one of the people caught In the storm of last Friday evening, being out on Lake Nakoma In a canoe when the storm struck. He was unable to make shore, the canoe being cnpslded and his rescue being affected by a launch which came to his aid. The storm came up so suddenly that those on the lake had no (banco to escape It, and It was only owing to the fact that launches ami other boats put out that their rescue was accomplished and many drownings incited. Mr. Knffncr states that some dozi II or SO people were res clo d from perilous po Itlotis. Judge II. I). Travis did not come this morning to open the spi t 1. 1 1 term of the dlstilit court, but Instead sent mi order adjourning min t until cdiicsday, when Judge Duncan of Hastings will i onto and preside In his stead.-..chraskn (ilv News. CHOSE JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION Who Will Serve and Regular Election Clerk of the court James Robert son with his efficient assistant, Miss Jessie Robertson, today finished notifying the election officers of the several wards and precincts of their selection to serve this year. The officers chosen now serve at the coming primaries on August 17, and also at the November election. The law requires that the party having a majority in each precinct shall have a majority of the board in that precinct which divides the political belief of the several boards. Under this the Republicans have a ma jority of the board in Tipton, Green wood, Salt Creek, Mt. Pleasant, South Bend, Stove Creek, Weeping Water, Avoca, Nehawka, Louisville, Liberty, Elmwood precincts and ;the three wards in Weeping Water and the First ward of Plattsmouth. The Democrats have a majority of the board in Center, Eight Mile Grove, Rock Bluffs First and Second dis tricts, Plattsmouth precinct and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth wards of Plattsmouth city. The election boards follow: Tipton Fred Meuchau, George Trunkenboltz (Rep.) and Ed. Carr (Dem.), Judges, and R. C. Wenzel (Rep.) and Louis Milenz (Dem.), i!erks. Nehawka Vilas P. Sheldon, ('has. E. Heebner (Reps.) and Lee Klrk patrlck (Dem.), judges, and Ernest Young (Rep.) and A. L. Carper (Dem.), clerks. Louisville Miles M. Drake, Emll Palmer (Reps.) and Theodore Helm (Dem.), Judges, and J. P. Wood (Rep.) and Dr. Mike Trletseh (Dem.), clerks. Liberty H. W. Lloyd, Charlos L. Graves (Reps.) and John Hensel (Dem.), Judges, and C. H. Taylor (Rep.) and William Cross (Dem.), clerks. Elmwood Fred Zlnk, Herman Schnledcr (Reps.) and Will Schewe (Dem.), Judges, and William Wed dle (Rep.), and Hnrry B. McDon ald (Dem.), clerks. Rock Bluff, First A. L. Baker (Rep.) and Humphrey L. Oldham, W. Vallery (Dem.), Judges, and W. C. Iirown (Rep.) and Sam O. Pitman (Dem.), clerks. Rock llluff, Second Mark L. Fur- loin? (Rep.) and Fred Patterson, Al fred F. Nlckles (Dem.), Judges, and Arthur Sullivan (Rep.) and Albert Wheeler (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth Precinct Allle Todd (Rep.) and George W. Snyder, Fred Kehno (Hems.), judges, and Joe Wiles (Rep), and Ed. Spnnglor (Dem.), clerks. Weeping Water, First Ward John W. Colbert, Charles V. liny (Reps.) and E. C. Cherry (Dem.), Judges, and Isaac W. Teegarden (Rep.) and O. R. McNurlln (Dem.), lerks. Weeping Water, Second Ward Frank M. Tlmblln, I). T. Dudley (Heps.) and Nicholas C. Halmes A Xorvjr Woman. Papllllon, Nen., Aug. l. "You come back here, or I will put a bullet through you." exclaimed Mrs. Henry Melslnger, about 9 o'clock Sundny morning to a colored man whom she saw leave her house and hike rapidly for the railroad track. The man returned, all the time Imploring Mrs. Melslnger not to shoot, as ho had done nothing. Henry Melslnger Is a well known farmer residing two miles east of here. Sunday morning the men of the family went to the field to pre pare for harvest Monday morning, leaving Mrs. Melslnger at the house. She was out In the yard when she saw the negro leave the. door nnd start toward the railroad, and she suspected something wrong right away. P.y the time the ((doled man had rem bed the house the men had r'- turned from the fields, and they m- mediately searched for the man, who has but one arm and who gave the I) e of William Williams, but only 1 ti cents wns found In his clothes. Williams protested nil the time Hint he hadn't done anything. Some of the men took Williams bin k to the point he had rein bed In his retreat from the house, nnd In at the Primary (Dem.), judges, and (Rep.) and James W. O. Ogdeu B. Hungate (Dem.) clerks. Weeping Water, Third Ward George Hunt, George Stoner (Reps.) and Johji Fowler (Dem.), Judges, and E. E. Cllsbe (Rep.) and Henry Haslem (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth, First Ward B. A. McElwaln, Oliver C. Dovey (Reps.) and James II. Thrasher (Dem.), Judges, and Charles F. Guthman (Rep.) and Ernest Wurl (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth, Second Ward Jos. W. Johnson (Rep.) and Adam Kurtz, John Kopla (Denis.), judges, and William Weber (Rep.) and John J. Svoboda (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth Third Ward E. H. Wescott (Rep.) and Joseph It. Kelly, Bennett Olirlswelsser (Dem.), Judges, and Emmons Rlchey (Rep.) and Charles' Freese (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth, Fourth Ward John Hatt (Rep.) and August Tartsch, Louis Doso (Denis.), Judges, and Harry Messersmtth (Rep.) and John Schulhof (Dem.), clerks. Plattsmouth, Fifth J Ward Jou Lloyd (Rep.) and Toiii Woodson, John Vondron ( Denis. ),t judges, and I. B. Green (Rep.) and Frank Llber shal (Dem.), clerks. Greenwood Jamese Greer and John Erlekson (Reps.) and George P. Foreman (Dem.), Judges, nnd Carl F. Bouck (Rep.) and E. M. Stone (Den.), clerks. Salt Creek O. A. Johnson, Wm. E. Hand (Rep.) and Frank Nlcholla (Dem.), Judges, and C. A. Mathes (Rep.) and Lyman James (Dem.), clerks. Mount I'leasnnt Wilson Gllmore, Charles Thllpot (Rep.) and Dave Foltz (Dem.), Judges, nnd T. A. Wiles, Jr. (Rep.) and William H. Puis (Dem.), clerks. South Bend John Cnmpbell, John Wegener (Reps.) nnd Henry Stan dor (Dem.), Judges, nnd H. P. Long (Rep.) nnd William Richards (Dem.), clerks. Stove Creek E. H. Boyles, Louis W. Roettger (Reps.) and 1). Saxton (Dem.), judges, and Leslie G. Stark (Rep.) and Alden A. Turk (Dem.), (lerks. Weeping Water Precinct I. N. Hunter, L. A. Hay (Reps.) and Jans P. Rnsmussen (Dem.), Judges, and J. M. Ranney (Rep.) nnd Dietrich Koster (Dem.), clerks." Center Ira llosworth (Rep.) nnd Patrick W. Tlghe, August Pautsch (Dem.), Judges, and Ray Wiles (Rep.) and Solomon ('. Keckler (Dem.), clerks. Avoca 11. Wolph, E. C. Nutzman (Rep.) and M. M. Strnub (Dem.), judges, and John S. Rough (Rep.) and Joe Zlmmerer (Dem.), clerks. Eight Mllo Grove Louis Fried rich (Rep.) nnd Wendel W. Hell, J. I). Trltsch (Denis.), Judges, and Philip T. Becker (Rep.) and C. K. Iihnes (Dm.), clerks. the weeds thero were found two pocket hooks he hnd taken from the house, one containing $45 and the other $0.10. Williams was placed in a buggy and taken to Springfield, and this afternoon Sheriff Spearman and Dep uty Veerllne brought him to this city. Williams will have his hearing Thursday nnd he will be lodged In the Douglas county jail Monday for safe keeping. Mrs. Melslnger, the nervy woman, is well known here, her husband be ing a brother of J. 11. Melslnger, liv ing near Plattsmouth. She evidently demonstrated that some women arn as brave ns some of tho bravest men, and know as well bow to handle a re volver when It Is necessary. Advertised Letter I,M. The following letters remain In tho liattsniouth postolilco uncalled for, and If they are not called for In n reasonable length of time (hey will j be forwarded to the Dead Letter Of- i Ib-e at Washington: Mary Bucklier, jlVtirl Burger, l.izzlo Shoemaker, i Mildred Snyder, Allen llarvy, Edd j Burton, George Beck, W. G. Con- t try, Oscar Hinton, Jessie Johnson, Bernard Luke, All Sihnfer, Vnut Gentry, P. W. Wright.