Murray Department v. Ice ream Soda Made of Best Materials And You Get Your Money's Worth! 1 PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. If any of the reader of Hit Journal know of a social trad or a item of interest in this vicinity and trill mail same to this office it trtH appear uiuler this heating. Tt icant all items of inttrext. Editor Journal DC U A Check Account cf Money by Theft, Careless ness or Accident. THIS method demands that you keep your money in the bank where we employ every means to make it secure. We are responsible for losj when funds are in our care. We give you safety. With your money in the bank, you may issue a check against it. Your checks are (rood only when properly waned, and can be cashed only by the party to whom you gave it, who must endorse it. This is an absolute safe convenience which fhe bank furnishes without charge. Murray State W. G. BOEDEKER, it n Mrs. Al Kennedy lias boon suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia this week. Mrs. James T.nughrldgo Is confined to lier lieil with a severe caso of neuralgia, Jesse MeVey whh down from Platts month Monday visiting with Ills friends hereabouts. (ilen Hoedeker and A. I linker were In PlattHinnuth Tuesday afternoon on business, going In (Jlen's auto. Mrs. lvnn White, who has been on the Hick I IhI for tlie past few months, Is nut quite so well this week. (iriindiiin Fleming, who was operat ed upon some time slum for cuiicer, Is doing well us coulil possibly be ex pected. ilrs. ('. A. Uawls and son. (ilen, were guests of lier ss;er, Mrs. Will Smith Sundiiy, returning borne In tho evening. Mrs. S. (. Pitman wns in I'liillx mnuth Mondiiy visit Ing her mother, Mrs. linsa Meanings, returning home In the evening! Mr. mid Mrs. of (U t n in vv a, Iowa are visiting at the home of Mr. n ml Mrs. W. O. Ilrown, Mrs. Si hlaught is a sister of Mrs. Iirown. John Cook and wife were visitors to Omaha Wednesdiiy evening. John going up on loislness, nnd Mrs. going along to sec that John didn't get Into any troubli. Jolin Hauer, sr., whh down from Plattsmnuth a few days since looklnK lifter business. The school board con template putting a furnace In the school house. , Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. O. V. Ilalley, Saturday, July 17, a. 13 pound Kill baby. Tills Is a bouncer, and is al most bin enough now id help her mother wash dishes. Word bus been t'Celved that Mrs. Mark White, who ha been at the Wise Memorial hospital In t.imaha for the past two months, is out and Is visiting with her daiiKliter, Mrs. Pearl Pally In South Omaha. The King's I'mighter met with Miss Kthel Spanglcr Wednesilay af ternoon, one mile southwest of town, nnd It Is iiniicct'ssnry to rem ink (hut 1 ho irlris had a most enjoyable time, and the lunch was simply superb. ('. Pnitiiolo Hint J. P. Taller passed through here Wednesday In the former's ear, with bis son, Pol lock In charge of the same. Pollock Is up with the best of them when It comes to mniiiiKlnK an automo bile. Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Hoedeker. (lien's father and sister Ida were Iiulsvllle visitors Sunday. Tliey went In (Ilen' into, and were accompanied by Miss (leorgla liolxcne, wno had been Miss Ida's guest for severnt days, and who lives In Louisville. lr. and Mrs. Clltr.ore went over to NeliHWkn Wednesday morning to vis it I'r. ami Mrs. Walker, who had just returned from their weddinic trip to the Pacific roast. They report a most plensHiit trip and were glad to Ret back home. One day last week, while Clarence, little son of 1'hlllp Kell whs attempt ing to wash n window, he broke the glass, and In some manner rut a gash In one of his lower limbs Just below the knee cap, that took four stitches to close. The wound was quite, painful and bled profusely. The little one Is all right again. A thirteen pound baby boy made Its appearance at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. I.on Wede nenr I'nlon, last Sun day, nnd both boy nnd mother are doing well, and the rather Is happy. I'r. II. K. Ilrendel lias made several trips to I'nlon In the past week to He Mr. Ohcrly Ticket ina, w ho Is quite sick. .lac. ib Smith's llltle daughter, Kale, Is quite III wltli reiiiMlaut fever. Mis. Thus. Jameson f Weeping Water, accompanied by ber aunt, Mrs. lioodnln, wer. guests at tlie Hrendel bomn over Monday night, no lo lo Omaha on the early train Tues day morning. Mrs. .intiieson Is the mother of Mrs. J. p. lurndcl. DC Prevents the Loss 0 lank Iiev. Wallace of lUmhvlIle, Neb., will fill the Presbyterian pulpit again next Sunday and Sunday nlgnt. Ir. V', K. I.nughrldge of Mllford Neb., spent Sunday with his mother atid brother Jimtnie and family Mrs. Will I.eesley and Miss Lena Lapham of Greenwood, visited last week at tho homo of William Oliver Frank Oliver camo down from Have- lock Saturday for a weeks visit with Ills parents He Intend to leave Sun day for Hillings, Montana Mrs. Will Smith nnd Miss Ma Hoe deker were Omaha visitors Monday returning home via. Plattsmoulh, where they were met by Glen and bis auto, and whirled riome in a short time. There will be a Kensington picnic Friday afternoon at the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Havls, one mile wes of Murray. The picnic was ar ranged by Mrs. Iinvls In honor of Miss Nye, nnd a gooil time Is anti cipated. Ora says It Is un outrage that the men have to do all the work In building tables and then they won't Invite them to partake of the gooil things placed upon them. We thing Ora Is right about It. As soon as tlie busy season Is over with the farmers, the mutter of build ing of a new town ball will again be taken up. We understand there Is one citizen who will donate a lot upon which to buliit such a structure. A public hall Is a public blessing. All precinct meetings, town meetings, and public nodal gatherings can use such a hall. On with the good wor.., let the energy and willingness be un conllned. ll Take Vollcr. All contrlbututors to the Fourth of July celebration are requested to at tend a meeting on Tuesday evening, July 17, at 8 o'clock at the Lough- lldge ..all, for the purpose) of hearing tlie report of tlie treasurer of the nuance committee. There will pro- hahly be some other business come before said meeting. W (!. Hoedeker, Treasurer. I lap Trlii. Troy Holmes, brother of .1. V. Hol mes and Mrs. Will Smllh, who Is In the employ of J. 1,. Halnson. the great steel magnate of Chicago, In company with a number of the etnploes, and the boss Included, ore arranging for a pleasure trip that makes one's mnulh water when he thinks of It. They will ship their large Packard tinning car to some starting point In the east, from which point they will visit tour tlie east, taking In Long Island, Herkshlre and White Mount ains nnd other points of Interest. They expect to be absent six weeks. I'rlse Wlsnrra. Several weeks ngn Mr. S. (1. Ittta offered $ 1 1.00 to be distributed la prlxes to the Presbyterian Sunday school pupils for committing and re citing the rtrst, eighth, nineteenth and twenty-first psalm. The prl7e were divided Into first, necond. third anil fourth. The contestants for Urn flint were Kdlth and Hannah Hansen. Alice llohlemsn and Kdlth Spangler, each of whom will receive ll.r.O. The se cond prUe runners were I.ydla Todd, (ienevlve Marks and Wadel Hpangler, each receding $1.0. For the third prlxe the winners were Chss. and Kulph Kennedy and May Loughrhlgr, and a nice book each will be their reward for the energetic (-(Torts. The fourth prlne winners were Hnlp'i Spnngfer. Helen Todd. Tirown, Pearl, Hurry .Mci'ni'mih. Waller Hamilton and lirnce Luster, and they each will receive n 'il book. Tlie prlxes will be nwvVcd next Sun day, and seventeen happy hnrtsvllt return homo from churcn. It Is remarkable Tie Intrrsi tiint was taken by these HUM people, mi, I tide Snm has set a noble example Which should bo followed by other members of the church. It Is worth the amount expended to notice the energy and Interest token by the girls and hoys Dealt uaalurtar a llluw. I man with a Jag, which he bad taken on at Nebraska City on Friday last, boarded the train coming north In the evening, became very trouble some to the conductor, and at t'nlon lie was put off, but just as the train started he got on again. At this sta tion he was put off again, and Just as the train was starting he dealt the conductor two or three blows with his (1st, without serious result. It Is a good thing be done the striking just as the train left the depot. That's Just what saved bis bacon. Such fel lows give conductors a great deal of trouble, and not only t. at, but they are an annoyance to passengers. We failed to learn tlie fellows' name, but It's marbles to chalk he steers clear of that conductor's train hereafter. Heirs Making l'ilit. dispute between heirs has led to the filing of the suit of George W Walling, Mary J. Landon, L. C. Walling, Harvey F. Walling and Charles A. Walling against Felix It. Walllug, Nellie Walling, his wife, Sadie E. Fullmer and I)e Alton Full mer, lier husband, and W. E. Hand, administrator of the estate of Tell- tha Walling, deceased. All are heirs with the exception of the ad ministrator. It is alleged that at the time of the death of Telltha Walling there was an indebtedness againBt the estate of ?1,600 secured by mortagage against the property together with some other indebted ness, and Felix R. Walling agreed to assume this and pay for his Interest therein. Said agreement was con tingent upon all of the heirs agree ing thereto. In conformity to this agreement, it is claimed, that Felix It. Walling was named as grantee and the instrument was signed by the plaintiffs, G. Wf. Walling, C. A. Walling, Mary .1. Landon, L. C. Walling and If. F. Walling and the defendant, Sadie E. Fullmer, and possession of this instrument was given to Felix It. Walling, on con dition, that it should not become effective till all the heirs had signed tho agreement and Walling had paid each heir the$250. It is alleged that the defendants, J. C. Walling, D. L. Walling, Marlah L. Horst and Laura A). Goembel re fused to sign the Instrument and Felix R. Walling has failed to pay tho $2.0 as agreed. It Is claimed that pursant to the order cf the dis trict court of Cass county,' the de fendant, W. E. Hand, the adminis trator of the estate, offered for sale the premises involved July 6, and that the sale was made subject to confirmation of the district court of Cass county. It is claimed that be cause of the conveyance a cloud has been cast on their interest by rea son of the fact that the property had been legally conveyed to Felix It. Walling when no such Intention was contemplated under the con ditions Btated. It is alleged that if the sale Is allowed to be confirmed by the district court of Cass coun ty the plaintiffs will be without any adequate remedy at law. It Is claimed that Mrs. Fullmer Is made a defendant in the case be cause Rhe refuses to Join with the plaintiffs, and W. E. Hand Is also In cluded because he is administrator of the estate. The plaintiffs pray that the court may find the deed was given without consideration nnd should l cancelled and de clared void. Lincoln New lleiuiaii llestor (idling llettrr. Herman Ilestor, who has been 111 for so long, a sufferer from rheuma tism, Is reported to Tie greatly Im proved and this morning was down iun geiiing arouna like a young man. Mr. Bestor recently started taking some medicine which Wm Holly obtained for him and he states the results have been astonishing. lie Is able to use his hands and limbs with the utmost freedom and states that pains and aches have left him. He certainly shows a wonder ful Improvement over his condition for months past and his many friends In tho city hope that It Is permanent. Should hla Improve ment continue which seems probable, tho use of his remedy will bo great ly stimulated In this vicinity for he has been one of the most acute suf fercrs from that dread disease In this section. Sheriff's Sale. DV VMHTE OK AN (K S.W.F.. IX ' sued by James ltolrtton, clerk of the Nstrlcl Court within and forCusH county, Ne brail a. and lo me dlnvted, l will on the 24th Day of July, A. D.,1909 al ten o'clock a. m , of said dnv at the south disirof Hie court house. In mhl county, sell al public suction o the highest bidder for CRsli. the following real estate lo-wli: bit Js'o, fourtisMi. (Ml In blis'k four (II In the vlain of Murray. Cass county, Nebraska. The same being lerled iiiniii and taken the pro ISTty of ldla I . (Jure n and AIIhtI CJucen, de fendants, to snttsfy a Judgment of snld court rivovcreil by I'eier CampMI, administrator of the estste of Thomas I. CbiiiiiIh'II, deceased plnlntllT, airslnst sil tlcViv'nnts I'Uttsiuouth, Nebraska, .lime lth, A. I)., C. H WPINTOX. MicillTCassCouiity, Nehraska. Pictures Draw I.arge Crowds, i The Nelson-Gans fight pictures at the Majestic theater last night drew a fine crowd and Manager Walker was well pleased at the patronage his little theater received. The pic tures are repeated tonight and it is believed another big crowd will at tend. Tonight for the first time the raised seats will be used, making It assured that the crowd can all get a good look at the pictures. These seats enable those on the back row to see as well as those in front, and are a vast improvement. The the ater is also equipped with electric fans and Is the coolest place in the city. For tomorrow night Manager Walker has booked the little Downes Sisters for a return engagement, their acts here on Tuesday night having proven winners and earning warm applause from all who heard them. They are, indeed, marvels, and no one who attended Tuesday night will say but what they are the two best child wonders ever heard here. Others attract, but the Downes children atract and hold. Heaf them. Fine Crop Outlook. M. S. Briggs, who has ween kept busy for some time past in the coun try with painting contracts, was in the city this morning for a few hours. Mr. Briggs has Jurt com pleted his nineteenth Job; quite a record for the spring business. He states that crop prospects through out the country were never better, especially the yield of wheat. This Is turning out on an average of six teen bushels to the acre, although some exceptional pieces like the Walker farm, which i:r. Livingston Is farming, yielded as high as twenty-four bushels. At the present price of wheat this makes a comfortable Income for the farmer Mr. Kneiiberger's Condition. There is small change In the con dition of J. V. Egenberger. As la necessarily the case, any Improve ment in his condition will be slow, as he has been having a very serious time. The many friends of this worthy man trust that the progress of his Illness will be speedily check ed and that his advance to good health again will soon take nlace. Mrs. Egenberger remains at his bed side constantly and his son Eddie and daughters are alsov attendants upon him. It is to be hoped that his 'condition improves soon so that he may be safely brought to his home In this city. Tho Condition of Mr. Helsel. The condition of C. Helsel is re ported today as showing little If any Improvement. There are no hopes entertained of saving the foot.whlch has been responsible for his Illness, and his physical condition and ad vanced age makes an operation ex tremely difficult and of great doubt. The Illness Is the 'result of an In Jury to Mr. Heisel's foot, received fifty years ago in Columbus, O. The old wound has broken out and after half a century is giving him a hans siege. itiiKKk'!. HhkkIc! 1 have several new up-to-date bug gles that I want to sell right away, and I am going to cut the prices to bed rock, In order to do so. Come quick, while you can get one of these fine buggies at almost cost. I mean Just what I say, John II. Cook, Murray, Neb. The Exceptional Equipment of the California Fig Syrup Co. and the scientific attainment of its chemists have rendered possilile the production of Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna, in all of its excellence, by obtaining the pure medic inal principles of plants known to act most beneficially and combining them most skillfully, in tho right proportions, with its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of California Figs. As them is only one genuine Syrup .of Figs and Elixir of Senna and r.s the gen uine is manufactured by an original method known to the, California Fig Syrup Co. only, it is always necessary to buy tho genuine to get its beneficial efiects. A knowledge of tlie above facts enable one to decline imitations or to rut urn them if, upon viewing the package, the full namo if the California FixSyrupCo. is nut found printed on tho front thereof. g ft c 3QC i s ti s 8 As in the past we give the BEST and the MOST for Money. If you have never tried our service you are losing mcney. : : : : Local Events. Mrs. E.' A. Klrkpatrlck of Ne hawka is In the city today making a visit with Mrs. P. E. Ruffner. Mrs. James Archer is spending to day In Omaha, being a passenger on the morning train for that city. Peter C. Hansen of Omaha Is spending several days at home, where he Is called by business mat ters. R. R. NIckles and his son Alf. are spending today In the city, com ing in to look after business mat ters. Mrs. J. M. Johns is spending to day with friends in Omaha, being a passenger for that city on the morn ing train. Mrs. Jane Worth of Pender, who has been In the city on business, re turned to her home tnls morning on the early train. Mrs. E. N. Harmon and baby were passengers this morning for Green wood, where they will visit with rel atives and friends. Miss Jessie Drost from near Mur ray is among those spending the day In the city, driving up from her home this morning. Mrs. Nevotney and daughter, Miss Hermia, are spending today in Om aha with friends, being passengers for that city this morning. Misses Gretchen and Marie Don nelly departed this morning for Ne braska City, where they will make a visit of several days with friends. C. C. Hennlngs, one of the pro minent and enterprising citizens of Eight Mile Grove precinct, is in the city today attending to business mat ters. Mrs. W. II. Cox of Shenandoah, la., who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Soi Adamson, In this city, returned to her home this morning. Mrs. D. Elck and her daughter, Mrs. Johnson and family of Plain view, Neb., who have been visiting In the city with Henry Rothman and family, returned to their home this morning. Mrs. W. M. Stewart of Wymore, Neb., who has been visiting with her parents and her sister, Mrs. J. M Robots, Is spending the day In Omaha, Mrs. oberts and her being pnssengers on the morning train for that city. Martin 11. Hauk, assistant yard master of the Burlington in Omaha, who was compelled to lay off several weeks ago by Illness, hns again been compelled to take a vacation. Mar tin suffered several years ago by be ing overcome with the hent, and this has troubled him severely this summer, so much so that exposure to the sun meant hts becoming 111 with the result he has lost most of the summer. IHfference in FinmI. There Is a vast difference In food. It Is not how much, but what we eat, some food being nutrltuous, some not. Kat such food as will do you good and as much as you need with out having any trouble after meals. Should you notice that your appetite and your capacity for food Is not as American Kllxlr of Hitter Wine. It will give strength to your whole dig estive system and will nmkn. It to ac cept nnd digest enough nourish ment. This remedy consists of pure, old, red wine n nl herbs nnd In treatment of mabulles of (he stom ach, the Intestines and the blood Is without a peer. It will strengthen the body, iniike new blood and give new energy, At drugstores. Jos. Trlner, CI6-fi22 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. John Helsel is spending today in Omaha, being a passenger for that city on the early train. Ed. Egenberger was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will spend the day with his father at the hospital. Mrs. William Hunter Is among those spending the day In Omaha, being a passenger for that city on the morning train. Henry Kllnger, w ho has been suf fering from the "pink eye" for some time past, has so far recovered as to be able to return to his work with Philip Hild. V. Zucker of M. Fanger's store Is looking after business matters to day In Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early Burling ton train. Mrs. Charles Tllton and daugh ter of Bradgate, la., who have been visiting In the city with Mrs. J. S. Wendell, and Mrs. C. S. Forbes, de parted this morning for their home. Mrs. G. W. Covel of Omaha, who has been visiting In the city as the, guest of Mrs. P. E. uffner and who has also been in attendance upon the W. C. T. U. convention In this city, returned to her home llus morning. Mrs. H. R. Neltzel and children are visiting in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Guth- man, coming down from her home at Murdock several days ago. Both Mrs. Neltzel and the little son Fran cis, who were so ill for a number of .weeks with malarial fever, are now In good health once more. Miss Katie McIIugh departed yes-i terday morning for talis City, NebJl where she goes to make a vacation visit of six weeks wth her mother and brother. Miss McIIugh, who is employed In. the office of Thomas Walling, the abstractor, has been steadily working and the rest comes as a needed tlma. Jesse Lowther of Hartlngton, Neb., was In the city yesterday visit ing his father, John Lowther. Mr. Lowther Is In the cattle business at Hartlngton and came down to South Omaha day before yesterday with several cars of cattle. In company with his father he was a passenger yesterday afternoon in No. 23 for thnt city. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, who has been spending several days in Colo rado with his brother, Charles D. and family, returned to the city this morning. Dr. Cummins reports that his brother and family are quitj well and have been favored with good crops this year, Colorado seeming to agree with them In every way. Miss Roma Love or Columbus, O., who has been visiting In the city the guest of Mrs. (. E. Wescott, de parted this afternoon for Fremont, Neb., where she will visit with other friends before returning to her home. Mrs. Wescott accompanied her as far as Omaha, where she will spend the afternoon. E. S. Jones, circulator for the Om aha Dally and Sunday News and the Farm Magazine, is In the city today Interviewing the pntrons of his pa pers. While here .Mr. Jones called upon the Journal and made a pleas ant visit. Like the other brethren in the business, Mr. Jones Is assured of a warm welcome whenever he calls. Chief of Police Ilen Ralney Is tak ing a needed vacation, having been a passenger Tuesday evening for Oklahoma Cltv (Ik In . ubnrn ha ulll make a visit with hla brother Loren. lie expects to be gone about fifteen days', and to visit oilier Oklahoma points before bo returns. During his absence James Ptacek Is takinif hla lilacn un tho tnrrn i