The - Plattsmouth - Journal Published Seml-Weektf at Plattsmouth, Nebraska ail nvrr ti. innntrv. hii h u not Americans worn naru r matt me. favored by a single republican news-'people of any other natun n earth. paper of standlr.g in the United They work because they must make States, ami whlih will be sure to la li In because they desire to builJ r R. A. DATES, Publisher. KitereJ at tha Pjstoffi:e at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE During the past year Uncle Sam spent $89,000,000 more than his In come; little iuoro political econ omy, uncle. Tho present per capita of the United States gives every man, wo men and child $35.00, but up to tho present we have not yet received our 'thirty-five." The location of two now packing houses In South Omaha spurs the metropolis papers onward and up ward In the belief that Omaha will bo the greatest meat mart In the world. Tho state banking board of Ne braska, following the decision of the federal court against the gunranteo law, has Issued orders that tho state banks must not advertise that their deposits are Becured by the state. Tho Lincoln Star (Rep.) advises the public to bo on their guard against being misled by statements of Aldrlch and other reactionaries regarding the provisions of the Aid- rich and Payne bills and the altera tions which tho conference commit tee may make In them because ho knows where to buy, how to order and he gets the dis count given the trade. If "Doc" Tanner of the South Om aha Democrat and Editor Marnell of the Nebraska City News don't lot up on tho poker business their readers will come to the conclusion that they do know something about the game. The fools are not all dead, but two more met death the other day, a bride and groom of a few hours, by rowing over tho Niagara Falls In a boat. If death Is so sweet It might as well be by this route us any oilier. precipitate a discussion which will last a week or ten days, and which may last much longer than that? Does the president think Mr. Aid rich was mistaken In the estimate of the increased revenues which the remodeled tariff would bring? Or has de dropped his retrenchment program?" In all of your forgettings don't forget that tho national deficit for the fiscal year ending Juno 30th, was almost one hundred millions of dollars. And yet Cleveland Is not president. Prosperity sits enthroned, doesn't she? Tnft says tho Republican party will bo defeated unless It lives up to Its provisions, lias the congress of the United States done its duty by taxing people doubly on everything th y eat and wear? This Is the ques tion before the tolling millions of America. Did they vote last fall to have this done when they marched up to the polls und voted according to the dictates of their employers. ( What about that merchants' car nival? Tho time Is growing short If we expect to hold It the first week In September. Such extensive ar rangements will have to be made that It will take some time to get things la shape. Senator Burkett will have the hardest sledding he ever experienced In his efforts to bo re-elected. His record on the tariff bill is bad, and many of his former friends compare "Slippery Elmer" to the fellow who was so crooked he couldn't lay straight In both Kxi'uho I s, ricase. We are in receipt of a letter ask ing the Journal editor to write an article In opposition to the measure which seeks to tax corporations. We beg to be excused, for the simple fact the present and past adminis trations came Into power by the uld and Influence of the corporations, and they should be the last to com plain of tho conditions which now confront them. All will remember tho contributions of the Insurance companies to tho Roosevelt cam paign fund. That fund came from the exorbitant premiums collected from policy holders. Now that those same Insurance companies are be ing pinched by the powers they help ed to place In positions of trust they squeal to those who were opposed to the policy of tho corporations pour ing out their money as a corruption fund, to aid them In their Impending dllema. They voted for It and now must make the best of It. We were opposed to the corporations assisting to put the present administration In power and we are now opposed to assisting them when that admlnis up the country and make money for themselves. Now, the tariff is a tax. It is a clumsy, unjust tax. It puts $1 in the United States treasury and $7 in the pockets of the Pig Rich. And this Is the people's money. Put more concrete instances are necessary to arrest the attention of the people who, because the tariff is supposed to be a hard and dry sub ject, and because the tariff taxation j is Indirect, often grow Impatient and will not take the pains to under stand that they are being robbed. A recent editorial in the Duluth Her ald sums up admirably a few of the! things the tariff does to the people. Says that paper: "Can there be any excuse for a tariff which enables the watch trust to sell watches abroad for $7.98 when It charges $10.23 for the same watches at home? Is a tar iff Justified which enableB it to sell cheaper watches abroad at $3.04 when the home price Is $4,47? What warrant Is there for a tariff which Flow Shoes! DOC We're ready for Spring plowing with a splendid line of Plow Shoes the best that's made We are showing several good styles and we guarantee every pair of Plow Shoes we sell. m The leathers are tan, raw hide and Kanganoo calf. Half, double or single soles, bellows tongue, nailed shank. i ALL SIZES! ' S2.00, S2.50 S3.00 to $3,50 If you are interested in good Plow Shoes, Sir, you'll be in terested in ours, for Plow Shoes could not be made better. Fetzer's Shoe Store. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. allows a price of $4.25 for shotguns which are sold abroad for $2.80? Or lected direct from the people. The for a tariff that allows a home price "me has come to do away with the of 68 cents a dozen for lamp chim- tariff and collect our expense money neys and a foreign price of 40 cents me otner a dlrect tax being a dozen? Or for a tariff that allows Preferable at least to the tariff plan a home price of $9 a dozen for saws A tariff for revenue only would be which sell abroad for $6 per dozen? all right If the people were required Or for a tariff which makes screws to pay only the tariff collected on sell at .073 per cent gross here and imports, but everybody knows that .034 cent per gross abroad?" addition to paying the actual Certainly there Is no excuse for duty on -such goods as are imported I . 1 t 11. i i. 1U Knn,An this. The people are themselves to e Puuuo Pa8 lul lue l blame. Last fall they elected the the trusts the same amount of duty tratlon Is pinching them. The people Republicans. It Is true that this time on every article manuracturea at are forced to take their hish tariff they pledged tariff revision down- home, while in many Instances the medicine and the corporations ward, a pledge which, whatever the ame art,c,es are exported and BOld should bo forced to take their high president may do, congress has most ther countries for a less price tax medidna. Being In power every- signally failed In keeping, not stop- than they are sold at home. It is I and shall not vote for. It Is well that good, honest, upright men be chosen to fill our county and state offices, but let the people the com mon voters make the selections. The Courier, as well as the hun dreds of Its readers all over Cass county, Is down on any click or clan or conclave of men dictating who shall have this or that office irre gardless of the many voters among the common masses. Louisville Courier. Shorthorns for Kale. Three good registered Shorthorn yearMng bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. body now looks alike to Pill Taft. liCiim Your Advantages. No one Is more vitally Interested In the prosperity of his community Don't forget the dates of Elm wood than the retail merchant. To enjoy Chautauqua Aug. 14 to 22, Indus- a I!irge traao ana a paying Dusiness ive. The attractions consist of some requires a prosperous community. Take your catalog to your mer-jof tno j,,,t i,nown literary charac- This Is true In all branches of busi- rhant, and If you want "sweatshop" articles, things made by poorly and underpaid, and likewise Incompetent labor, tell him to duplicate them for you, fop cash, of course. Ho lives among you, has probably been In your community for years, and If he tells you he will do so, you know he will Put you should not ask him to give yau a class of articles he has welected with cure freo from flaws or Imperfections. ping at letting bad enough alone, " to talk of putting the trust but actually going the length of ma8ter8 In stripes, but none have mnklnfr hurt worse. Tlnr. unloHs the ever worn them yet. people wako up and make their power felt they will deserve the mis- IUXG RULE A THING OF IMST. government under which they suffer even more than do the subjects of Th0 Republicans of Cass county Asiatic desposltion, since the Amerl- are up In arms on account of the leans possess the rich traditions of arbitrary manner In which a few 177C. leaders have undertaken to manage the political affairs of that county, The house reduced the tariff on Special clearance sales have been Inaugurated In Plattsmouth. Why not, during the balance of the Rum mer, designate ono day out of every two weeks as a special sales day In this cily? Ixt tho people tributary to I'lattsmoiith understand that you can sell the same quality of goods herein this town ns cheap as they can bo had In Oinahu.aiid you will get at least one-half tho trade that goes there. Let's try the sales day prop imltlon once.anyhow.and see how It will work. What say our business men? ters, and their musical numbers are neHS- lne prosperity of a place far superior to any they have ever uu" ""scij lu l"c tMlc'i,l'nD 1UC .Cuuv.Cu luc lanu. few dayB ag0 BeVeral self-ap- before had. If you cannot be there L)und Judgment of Its citizens and print paper from $6 a ton to $2 and po,nted persons met at Weeping all the time, make your arrange- especially of the business portion. A let In wood pulp free. The senate . . . . gelected tnose whom ments to have your family attend a community, like a bank, must (have has raised the tariff from $6 to $8 they thought would be acceptable part of the time, at least. a reputation in order to gain promln- a ton on print paper, which will candidates so far as the managers ence ana hold the confidence and stop importations or puip rrom can- were concerned but the voters do It Is declared that the men and patronage of these upon whom it de- ada. This Is a sample of the tariff not endorse their action, and the re- boys of the United States will pay pends for prosperity. This confidence reduction promised in the last cam- 8Ut )3 that a large sized revolt Is n, r i f n A . m 1 . 1 iLI I . . ... I . I iiu,uuu,uuu more ior uieir ciouiing con be increased by legitimate ad- paign. threatened. Under the laws of this n 1910 than this year simply and vertlstng. We are unable to think Btate and the education of the pep solely as a result of the new tariff 0f any better method of advertising 0108 county farmers furnish beer , the t of f, ru,0 haa ed 111 U'hli-h utnnln a a lit flu ulinu; r fl i .i i -i.i on tho Blrtfi. nnrt hv thus rinlnc thev I . .... D, o tt jnnce man tor eucu citizen io oe - - ' The people demand the right to ex- being changed as the sudden remov- posted on the points of advantage have no trouble In securing asslBt- g & preference a8 to who Bhan al of the Rock of Gibraltar. How do and excellence enjoyed by the com- ance In the harvest fields. If some repre8ent them, and that privilege you like the prospect of doing with- munlty. Every place has Its good of the farmers of Cass county ,g glyen them under thfl ,aw(J of the out that new suit you were expecting points, and these are the ones that would try this scheme Plattsmouth gtate The npw eect)on laws are io kci nexi year: nuwum uo ihhiuhj biuuicu nuu Bivtii ". 6. u' ioyt ui net .aipuinted to do itwav with rlnir prominence. It is not necessary to loafers, for at least as long as there ruie.Nebraska City News. ino race for the liepubllcan nom- exaggerate, nor Is It advisable to was beer In It. l Inatlon for congress In this district constantlvexercise a erandlosesnlrlt. has simmered down to K. M. Pollard but a plain matter of fact state- Governor Carroil 1'hiilrmiui Tom Allen has Issued call for, the Democratic slato conven tlou to meet In Lincoln on' Tuesday July Zi, l'.MKi, ul z oilocK p. m Tho basis of representation Is one delegato for every 300 votes cast for lion. A. C. Shallenberger for gov ornor p.t tho election last fall. Thl will glvo Cass comity eluht delegate and In this rail It Is stated positively that proxies will not ho recognized So If you want to bo a delegato be sure that you can attend, or glv woy to those who will attend Everything that tends to cut (low the trado of tho merchant depressc rents, Injures Investments and gen erally holds bu k your town. It may not coino to yon right off, but such on alien policy will be fell by every body In the end. Tho business ma pays his taxes, buys his goods, cm ploys his salesmen and pays hi rent. 1 Io deserves to bo patroiiUt Ho Is doing iuoro than his sharo of keeping tho town going and lielpln it along. If ho does not keep I stork tho artlclo you want ho ca Set It more (henply than you can, taiKs or con- of Cuss and George Toboy of Lnn-mcnt of the advantage of a place jvening the Iowa legislature In spe- caster. Pollard claims that he Is not will lmvo a beneficial effect. When dal session for tho purpose of pass- cuiitlldate, but you will see when your customers complain nbout the Ing upon the income tax proposition. the time rolls round, and no one town, show them in what respects If Governor Shallenberger deems It Iso Is In tho race outside of Lincoln their city of adoption surpnsses other wise to call a special session of tho hat Earnest will don his running places where they might live, in Nebraska legislature, after the su- iothes and Jump Into the race with other words, encourage an optimistic premo court has passed upon the both feet. spirit and dlscouracc tho pessimist, guaranty laws, this matter could Yes, the time of ring rule has passed and the time Is ripe when voters can go to the primary polls and vote for any candidate they choose?. No more will ring leaders dictate to tho voters who they shall IF SICK-WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. IIcro Is wlmt nhould and can Ixi done ! Now you would not willingly pay fur food that wan worthies would you? Then why pay for ineilleine until that medi cine first proves to you Itsnrtual worth? Positively knowing whut Dr. Shoop' Rn. tonUve can do lor tlm hick, 1 ay to all "don't pay unless health first returns". Anil I bnek my Kestorative with a slimed and scaled 80 day "Ho help, No pay" coutmet. I positively pledM to thn lrk everywhere that"ir. s(ooys Jitstorat ire in absolute ly free (fit fail h". Let others do the same or else pass their pn'sorlptions by. Jf you need mom ttreiifrth, mora vitality, more vliror or more, vim, use my Kestonuive tow dnvs and note the Immediate Improvement. When the St uch. llenrt. or Kidneys go wrowr, then test Dr.Mioop's Kestomtive. I do not dose theStomarh nor Mimulatuthn II. -art or Kid neys, for that Is wrong. Yeantairolcastaway that mistaken Idea in medicine. 1 lie nooks below will best tell you how I am sueeeedliig. These books also tell ol a tiny hidden ' In side nerve." no larger than a silkun thread. They tell how that nerve, until it inils. actually gives to thn Heart Its power, Its toitu, its novur-eiidinf action oMmpulse. These hooks will open tip new and helpful Ideas to those who are not Well. They tell how tho stomaoh.andKldneyseaeh havethelr"ins!de" or power nerves. They tell how the Restorative was especially made to reacn ana reviuiuzetnese weak or falling Inside nerves. All of these fnets toll why I am able to say. "It is free If it falls". This Is why I say "take no chance on a medicine irhoxe mpter dare not back it just as I do by this remarkable offer". So write me today for the order. I have appointed honest and responsible druggists In nearly every community to issue my medicines to the sick. But write me first for the order. All druggists hU Dr. Hhoop's Restorative, but all are not authoriied to give the so day test. So drop me a line please and thus ae rilsarpiintmentanddulays. Tell me alo which book you need. A postal wl'il do. Besides, you are free to consult me as yon would your hotue physleinu. My advice and the book below are yours and without cost. Perhaps a word or two from me will clear np some serious ailment. 1 have helped thousands iilioii thousands by my private prescription or personal advice plan. My lest effort is surely worth your simple request. Ho write now while you have It fresh In mind, Jor tomorrow liuvef comes. Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Kaelne, Wis. Wktck Book Shall I tni Toi? No. t For W'omotl No. ft For Men No. 6 On Rheumatism, No. 1 On Pyspcpsla No. 2 dn the ll.urt No. 3 On the Kidneys Financial failure, dullness of alK0 1)0 Included In his call. "In the face of this prolonged 'rado and Idleness nie unlikely in a tariff debate who will have tho nerve "immunity, yen, all but Impossible, Coventor Shallenberger says he to urge president Tafft to veto the 80 lonK ns '0,i continue to exercise wtl1 ca'l an extra session of tho leg- bill and have all tho work gone this. lesson of home trade, unity of Islature immediately following the over again?" Inquires the Nonpareil. Interest nnd community fellowship, action of the federal court lnvnlldat- i . i It does almost glvo ono a chill to ,nK tne guaranty deposit law. The think of it, but If the pre-election TAIUFF TUICKKKV. ho:o state will back up tho gov- pledges of tho party can bo redeemed ernor nnd the legislature In repudl- 1 ii no other manner, let's have the The. tariff Is hpt to bo feared by ating the interference of tramp veto. Anything ts better than dou- tno ,1,nn 11,0 street when it Is dls-lwts with tho state's domestic af- blo deullng. Malvern (la.) Leader cussed as an abstract proposition, fairs. Kearney Democrat. (Uep.). Statesmen nnd near-statesmen have maue mm ueneve u is a very uini- Tho trusts of the country, tho Wlmt IN You Think of This? ''ult 8ubJ( t- u ,8 1,nrd t0 (Unl wlth giant combinations of capital that Everybody knows thnt the St. 11 nt ,0"Klh without some reference hold In tho hollow of their hands Louis Cilobe-Democrnt Is ono of the t0 tho nlmoBt unanimous anti-tariff the prices of practically all the nec- stlnkenest nnd most Intolerant re publican papers In the western coun try. Now read what that paper has to say nbout Taft's corporation tax: "Why did Mr. Taft chango his mind about restricting congress' activities In this session to tho tar iff? What has cuused bint to pro ject an extraneous measure upon tho attention tif congress at this opinion of the professors of political essltles of life, will continue to fut ecenomy, a science which to the ten at the expense of tho public so average citizen Is what Cniiyle long us the tariff exists. Tho tariff called it, "tho dismal science." U tho mother of all trusts, and so i Yet tho tariffff is tho most Im- long ns the tariff exists the trusts i i portant public question In America will laugh nt u!l efforts to regulate today, not because congress has been them. It requires a big sum of spending weary months discussing money to run this government, nnd It; on tho contrary, congress has tho fact Is that It Is collected lndl- been discussing It becauso It Is Im- rectly makes tho expenditures more time, which Is arousing protests portant. It Is tho Important Issuo be- extravagant than If taxes to defray from conservative men of all parties cause It Is tho pocketbook Issue. ' governmental expenses were col- ATTENTION FAR Let us show you our line of Hav Tools. We are sole agents for Star, Louden and Ney Hay Tools und can compete with anybody, no matter where located, on prices. Let us show you the London Hay Fork Returner hud snatch pully, which saves you almost half the time and labor necessary in unloading hay in a barn at-an expense of less then $5 00. Once used it will never be discarded. Also mower sickley and sections of all standard makes. JOHKI BM3 Plattsmouth, : : : ER3 Nebraska.