The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 15, 1909, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Seml-Weeklf it Planssontb, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
EitereJ at tha I'jsto.Ti.-e at PlatUmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
It wasn't the name that made the fame of
When you hear a inun say he I Mature to remedy not only thin bill,
doesn't care for public sentiment It but the bank guaranty, also. Gov
ts a sign that It is against hlni. ernor Shalleuberger shoulil make
this call as soon as possible and also
specify In the same several other
bill that needs remedying. Fix these
laws in their proper shape, then see
what the Republican supreme court
will do.
Notwithstanding the thousands of
Christian Endeavor delegates who
were there, it is doubtful if St. Paul
thought once of writing them an
The senate revised the tariff up
ward, and wound up tho ball by
creating a few hundred more fat
ofllces. Tho senate's h"art seems to
be located in Its stomach.
Seems strange that nobody had
ever Imagined tho efficacy of Aldrich
in that particular field when there
whb such vast concern Homo mouths
sinco about the elimination or anni
hilation of Uncle Joseph
One of the greatest long felt, needs
which tho lnoonio tax would meet Is
definitely determining whether the
folks next door can actually afford
to keep up tho stylo they do, or
whether they run on credit.
Prof. Pickering of Harvard de
nies emphatically that ho has any
idea of trying to convey signals to
Mars. This closes tho door of hope
to tho Martians who enjoy watching
our baseball games, but cannot quite
make out the figures on the score
if the people of the west expect
to be treated ns fairly in the con
gress of the United States as the
eastern people, they must send rep
resentatives to the national capital
with western Interests in view and
will do their duty toward their con
stituents. The west can never hope
to get justice until they cease elect
ing men who reside In tbe west who
net in accordance with the dictates
of tho eastern people. The people
must rule or tho country will keep
on going to the bow-wows. There
Is no uso talking, this country is
getting more corrupt each day, and
the leaders of the Republican, party
are responsible for the present state
of affairs.
Who is to pay the judges, clerks,
reporters, stenographers, porters,
janitors and the various pets apper
taining to the customs court created
by the senate at tho behest of Sena
tor Aldrich? Why, the people, of
course. And this new and unneces
sary expense goes Into the general
As long as the voters of this
country Bit back on their oars and
see which party is responsible for
tho present tendency to centralize
the power of government In the
hands of tho few, and still vote for
that party's candidates, wo cannot
seo how they ever expect to help
themselves. If matters go on In this
way, it will come to the national
government taking nil power out of
the hands of the states. Then
where will the free government,
guaranteed the people by the Dec
laration of Independence and the
Constitution of the United States be?
See how the United States district
court sways its power. Watch their
burden to add one more reason for
taxing the public within an Inch of powprful lron hand in ruling against
Its life for the support of our "Insti
In the meantime, as an answer to
the animated interrogation, "What
is a Democrat?" we respectfully sub
mit for consideration the answer
that a Democrat Is a member of a
party of the minority which fur
nishes brains and Ideas for tbe party
of the majority, such, for Instance,
as the regulation of corporations, di
rect primaries, popular election of
nenators, regulation and publicity of
campaign funds and inheritance and
Income taxation
the people of the Individual states.
The state courts sit buck and let
them rule In matters on which they
should be the judges. How long
will the people submit to such rule'
In many states the laws as they
are passed by the legislature In ses
sion are printed In two papers hav
ing tho largest circulation In each
county This should be a law In Ne
braska The people then would not
nave to wait six months or more
after the legislature has adjourned
to know what laws have been passed,
as In this state. Here It Is the mid
die of July and no laws yet. The
people are expected to be law-abiding,
but how are they going to do so
when they don't know what the laws
As the non-partisan judiciary law
has been declared a dead letter by
the supreme court, there will cer
tainly be need of holding a state
convention. As the law now reads
these conventions must bo held In
Lincoln on July 21. And the time
for these conventions Is rapidly ap
proarhlng. at which a state commit
tee Is to be selected. Delegates will
have to be selected In a hurry, and
It ) just as well for the Democrats
of . Cass county to give this matter
ImWdlate attention and elect
delegate to the Democratic state con
This paper Is opposed to special
eaalons of the legislature, generally
freaking, but since the supreme
curt baa decided tbe non-partisan
law unconstitutional, we now favor
a special session of the present leg-
No decision In years ha8 produced
the 111 temper that the decision
gainst the bank guarantee has. Had
the declsLon come from our supreme
ourt the taxpayers and citizens
would have accepted tbe mandate
with respect, but when it comes from
two men who owe their appointment
to the special Interests, It breeds
contempt for the federal court. The
striking parallel Is pictured by Borne
papers of depositors going to the fed
era! court aomo twenty months ago
and asking to have those same banks
thrown Into the hands of a receiver
because they would not pay over the
money due from them.
rolltlrally the doclslon Is the best
fireworks the Democrats need, as the
votes are Just as firm bb they were
before and the court decisions tol
lowing the tactics of senator Aldrich
make a mockery of the people's law
Nebraska Liberal.
It was the goodness of the crackers
that made the fame of the name
It has been claimed by tho Inde
pendent oil producers that Standard
Oil not only welcomed, but actually
sought, the removal of duty on crude
This claim has not been well sub
stantlated. There simply was
good reason why such a duty should
be retained, and It was removed In
Dotn the house and senate. Hut the
action of the senate on Saturday In
putting a duty on oil products, thus
reversing the action of the houso, Is
calculated to cast soma doubt on th
attitude of the Standard Oil In rela
tlon to the duty on the crude pro
duct. The trust hat either desired
duty on both crude and refined
oils, or It has Insisted on a duty on
tbe refined products because no duty
da ISissy
Sold only in
Moisture Proof Packages
was put on the crude. '
At any rate, the senate has put
back the duty on the enormous list
f oil products, and clearly at the
behest of Standard Oil, and In spite
of the odium now attaching to that
voracious trust. It will be recalled
that Speaker Cannon took the floor
and made a speech In favor ' of a
duty on both oil and Its products
ust before the vote was taken. He
seemed to realize that he made a
special plea that the duty should be
retained "at least on the products."
Kansas City Star (Rep.).
"The dog has returned to his
Vomit." See the last Issue of the
Take It as a whole, the Nebraska
delegation in congress has done re
markably well so far as the tariff Is
concerned, but not so much can be
said for the representatives In the
upper houso. and especially Wind-
Jammer Burkett.
the state, has to say In reference to
the matter: "The change suggested
would be welcomed, or should be,
by all Republicans who have the
good of the party at heart. Burkett
Is the stuppldest mollycoddle that
ever misrepresented Nebraska In the
senate. After making a big noise as
reformer he very adroitly and
brazenly voted with the Aldrich
crowd against the wishes of his con
stituents. Gurney stands far higher
intellectually than Burkett. He Is
not a corporation man. He Is of the
people. He could not be Induced to
change front and betray his own
state. If Gurney cannot be the can
didate some other good man from
the North Platte should be brought
It Is now a foregone conclusion
that Pollard will try again for con
gress, and the Lincoln fellows are
endeavoring to keep out of the race
all but one candidate from Lan
caster county, and that one is Tobey.
If the race lies between Pollard and
Tobey, Pollard will be nominated.
As evidence that Bob Malonc was
elected mayor of Lincoln last spring,
In the suit for a recount of tho votes
by Malono, the gentleman who Is
now holding that position by virtue
of a miscount has taken the matter
before the supreme court in order to
delay Justice. Upon the returns Love
only had about forty majority, and
roaione says ne Knows or over a
hundred votes that should have been
counted for him that was counted
for Love.
The Republican party of N.
braska have evidently got It in for
their senior senator. Listen to what
me rialnvlew Republican, one of
the staunch Republican papers In
The day. President Ta'ft signs an
upward revision bill If be does
sign It a brand new deal will be
declared In the United States. The
peoplo will start out along new po
litical lines to get what they want
and foremost in the ranks of the
new, young, Insistent forces will be
Nebraska. What will happen cannot
be foretold. Whether the peoplo will
turn to democracy, whether they
will route the old reactionaries from
the Republican party and make Re
publicanism the channel through
which to get what they want, or
whether they will form a new, In
dependent party and accomplish
their reforms through It remains to
be seen. Of one thing, however,
there can be no doubt. They will not
continue to submit to such a flouting
of their demands as they have re
ceived at the hands of both the old
parties in congress this spring and
summer. Lincoln Star (Rep.).
was claimed there would be from
5.000 to 8,000 present, but the re
port ahows there was less than 150
The committee of fifteen on reso
lutions reported among others:
"Resolved, That the temperance
forces In Nebraska, in convention as
sembled at York on July 8, 1909, de
clare it to be their purpose to secure
the Immediate enactment of a coun
ty option law, and to follow this step
with state-wide prohibition."
"Resolved, That we pledge our
selves to work for the. nomination
and election of members of con
gress, in the house and senate, who
will support a strong and prohibi
tive measure safeguarding no-llcense
territory, by prohibiting the impor
tation of liquors under the guise of
Interstate commerce, and also by
prohibiting the Issuance of federal
tax receipts In dry territory.
"We believe in the Interposition
of Divine Providence In human af
fairs. We, therefore, appoint Sunday,
October 17. 1909, as a day of prayer
for the entire state. We appeal to the
people to assemble on that day at
their respective places ot worship to
Implore the Almighty Ruler of na
tions for His help in this fight
against the saloon, to Inspire us with
courage, to support our rights and
to protect our homes, to turn the
hearts of the brewers and saloon
keepers to truth and Justice; to give
us all a faith that right makes might
and in that faith let us to the end
dare to do our duty as we under
stand it.
Any lady, can get a silvered "No
Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money. ,
Simply ask for the "No-Drip" Coup
on privilege, giving your name and
address. Dr. Shopp will also send
free his new and very interesting
little book describing Dr. Shopp's
Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such
a close Imitation of real coffee, that
it requires an expert to tell the dif
ference. And neither Is there a
grain of real coffee in it. Made
from pure toasted grains, malt and
nuts, its flavor and taste Is excedlng
ly gratifying. No tedious boiling
either. "Made in a minute," says
Dr. Shopp. Write today for the
book and "No-Drip" Coupon. F. W.
The atate-wlde meeting of the tem
perance forces which was held at
Tork, July S and , was not as
largely attended aa was expected. It
Death at Weeping Water.
A special from Weerlng Water,
under date of July 12, says: "John
L. Badgley died today after an 111
naas of about three months of heart
trouble and Brlght's disease, aged 48
years. He cam to Nebraska In
1884. living In Weeping Water since
that time, except one year. He leaves
a widow."
Mrs. A. F. Selbert and Miss Olga
Kell, from near Cullotn. were guests
last night at the Hotel Rtley.
A party of young men who at
tend the show at Omaha yesterday
afternoon, going up on No. 23, In
cluded Tom Svoboda, Roy Holly,
Tim Wooster, Charlts Hadraba and
Frank Ashenbrenner. Mr. Svoboda
did not stop long in Omaha, but
went on to Lincoln, returning to this
city on No. 14. The rest of the boys
took in the sights of the city during
the afternoon and evening.
Pally Journal, 10c mt week.
Eestored to Health By Vinol
"I was sick, run-down and final
had to give up work. After trying
a number of remedies and several phy
sicians, I was Just about ready to give
up in despair. I saw Vlnol ad
vertised and decided to try It,
and it haa done more good for
me than all other means combined. It
has built me up and restored my
strength until I now feel twenty years
younger, and am able to attend to my
work again as usual." Job Jeavons,
1038 Llnd street, Wheeling, W. Va,
The reason Vlnol Is so successful la
such cases Is because It contains tooto
Iron end all of the strengthening
blood-making and body-building ele
meots of cod liver oil, but no oil.
Vinol is unexcelled as a strength
creator for old people, oellcata children,
weak, run-down persons, and after
sickness nd Is the beat known rem
edy for coughs, colds and bronchitis.
Wa rtturn your monay If Vlnol lalla
to give aatlafactloa.
CEKIX8 ft CO. Ironists
PliKsmovUi, III