J2 The Last of ?5be Donna IseJhel By Randall Parrish Author of Bob Hampton ot Placer. Illustrations by Deaborn Mclvill gloved bond sweeping a semicircle In our front, "I have Just taken an ob servation, and this Is latitude 66 IT south and longitude 110 20' west Send your sharpest-eyed lookout to ths toretopsall yard with these glasses. Then call all hands." He went down the bridge stain aa though shot from a gun, and a moment later a young seaman named Eymea wa8 swiftly footing the rat lines, their coating ot ice breaking un 'n his tread and rattling on the deck Below. The men swarmed out from the forecastle and up the main hatch, rang ing themselves about the foot of the foremast, watching me eagerly, and occasionally peering up at Symes, now well above the cross-trees. -"Lads" I cried, bending over the rail of the bridge, and staring down in to their upturned faces "I've Just figured out our position, and this is the spot we've been hunting after in these seas, T'vn sent Svmes aloft to look out for Tuttle'B Island. If there's any land in sight, well and good; we'll have a try for looting the Donna Isabel of those Spanish pesos. Dut 11 not, thon we'll call It a wild goose chaso, and the Sea Queen points hei nose north." There was a faint, half-hearted at tempt at a cheer, which ended In a muttering of oaths and a shuffling oi feet on the Icy planks. The glances of the fellows turned upward toward Symes, now securely posted on the foretopsall yard, the glasses to hts eyes. One or two among them, In cluding Anderson, clambered to the top of the forecastle where they could see ahead. "How the hell," the latter yelled suddenly from that point of vantage, "do we know this la the place, and that you ain't foolln' us Just to get back?" The crowd turned their eyes on me, and I heard a growl of approval. 4 "Principally because I say so, An derson. The chart, with our course pricked on It day by day, is yonder ft the chart-house. And my figures &FA thora alaA fr.r thta Hov'a panlrnn. ing." "But we don't any of us know any thing about that!" "True enough, but' there happens to be one on board who can figure It out for you If you doubt my word. Lady Darlington can do It" The rising medley of growling voices ceased almost Instantly, and it I had felt any question as to what her lady- SBhlp would do It was immediately si lenced. She slipped to the rail of the stain, her hood thrown back, her hair blowing in the wind. "I I believe thoroughly in Mr. Ste phens," she said, clearly, "but It Is true that I know something of naviga tion, and If you really doubt his state men; I will figure it out for you." "Now you hear that, lads," my voice ringing out stern over the hub bub. "You'll believe this lady if her results are the same as mine. Now . stop your growling." I hollowed my hands for a hall aiori. "What do you pick up. Symes?" His words came back In a thread of sound as he looked down upon us from his bobbing perch. "Not very much, sir, except water. There's, a hell of a big field o' ice out yonder," pointing with one hand, the other gripping the spar, "but it's mostly flat, an' all gllstentn' with snow. There's maybe a dozen bergs ahead an' off the port quarter, mostly -medium size, but with the devil of a big fellow a point or so. to the north." "Any land?" "Not a sign, sir. unless that's it I take for a big berg. The shadows look dark enough for rock." "Ease her off two points, wheel mnn." "Two points It Is, sir." We stood there, silent and motion less, walling anxiously, the men ranged along the rail, with their eyes all turned forward. I rang for full 'J . l n - .1 V, - C,t. rtit. ..in fnli-ltf rijreu, .win uiu ova sju..:u w leaped ahead through the Iry smoth er, flinging clouds of white spray over the heedless figures. Within ten min utes we began to perceive the huge mass we were approaching from the deck, and never before had my eyes looked upon so gigantic and majestic a mountnln of Ice. It was one Im mense lift towering Into the upper air, bi fully 300 feet high, and not l"ss than 1,200 feet In length, with vut gUOring pinnacles rising still further luto the sky, Its entire front a sheer precipice, gleaming In cold blue, with hardly a darker shadow anywhere to yield relief to the ee. We rcundnd its eastern edge so close ly one could have tossed a biscuit rrotn the foreyard against Its smooth front the swell of its motion tossing the dar ing yncht like an eggshell. Symes clunr to his perch Rlnft with the grip of a monVoy, sw! ns hack and forth to the wild swa' f ihe spar. Sud denly he yelled . -a: "T . ore's wind ouiln' fnu.i the sou'w.- . Bir." "lie.. .-?' "l-Qi'i lp he a e'llt brpv an' Voyage it's bringing more snow." "Lay down from aloft" I sprang over to consult the binnacle-card, and then cast one swift, comprehending glance at the thicken ing gloom In the southwest. Beyond doubt the change had come. "Give her two more points north, wheelsman; keep her head nor'east by nor" steady so. Mr. De Nova, setd another man up here to the wheel. All hands now; stow every thing; tail on to those gaskets lively, my lads; we're in for a blow, and a run for our lives." To my amazement scarcely a man among thera stirred, the eyes of the majority turning toward Anderson. Evidently there was an understanding between tiiem; they intended to revolt and had chosen him their leader. He stood Just 1u front of the forecastle, a lumping big figure in his heavy clothes, his coarso face and ugly Jaw showing beneath a fur cap. "What yer turnin' north for In such a hurry, Mr. Stephens?" he growled, hoarsely. "It's not by vote o' the crew, an we're the ones that's got they say of It onthl3 voyage. We're for keepin' along this line o' latitude for a day or so anyhow. Tut tie might 'a' got his figgers tangled an' missed a few leagues. Anyhow, we want the lady to give us her reckoning first." I felt the hot blood leap to my face, and my teeth clenched as I leaned over the rail gazing down at him. "Lads," I said, striving to master myself. "I've put you exactly where I promised I would; I've shown you all that was here. You can see for your selves what will happen if we hold on any longer. The wind has swept around; it Is going to bring that whole pack of Ice down on us. We've got to run for it or be crushed. Now what I want to know Is, are you with me, or with Bill Anderson?" They held off muttering, yet casting uneasy glances over the rail. Ander son stamped angrily on the deck. "Oh, to hell with yer fine words," he said, grimly. "What if the wind has changed a bit? Can't we beat off the floe under steam the same as we did before? We're sailor-men, and not afraid of a rough sea. For one, I'm damned it I leave that gold to rot here without htintin' for it." Words were clearly useless, and I ripped back my heavy coat, dragging off my gloves, all patience exhausted. "Come on, De Nova," I exclaimed, "you've got sense enough to realize what this means." I was over the rail with a leap, front ing them on the deck. Almost to my surprise the Creole landed beside me, and without a word we struck out at the heads in our front. It was a fierce mix-up for a minute, yet only a man or two stood with Anderson, the sud denness of our assault taking all the fight out of most of them. I struck Big Bill twice squarely In the face, driving him back against the steps leading to the forecastle deck; over these he fell sprawling, his head thumping the plank. The next Instant I had De Nova's antagonists In the rear, and together we laid them out against the rail, and none too gently. The mate's smile had become ugly, and he would have leaped Into the rest of the bunch, but I caught bis arm. "They've had enough," I said, breath ing bard. "Go back on the bridge, De Nova. Now, you lads, get busy. If one of you soldiers, or talks back to me again, he'll go to his bunk for the rest of this voyage. Get up, Ande.-sou, and stop that growling! You fellowi may as well learn first as last that ) am commanding the Sea Queen, and that we are homeward bound." Within the space'of five minutes I had the whole pang at It, a profane, shuffling crew enough, yet carrying out my orders after a fashion, and sufficiently cowed to bo obedient. At lust I dlspatchod the starlsiard watch, below, and, leHVIng De Nova In charge of the bridge, started had to the com panion. To my surprlso Lady Darling ton, muffled to the eyes, still stood, half protected, In the open door of the chart house. "What in the world are you doing here in all this snow and blow?" I questioned. "Walling for you," she explained, her eyes glowing. "I could not go to the cuhln until I knew you had really won. Is It true that wo are home ward hound?" "Yes," I answered, not altogether happy over her evident pleasure. "The Sea Queen has nt.alntV, her farthoft southing. Are you glad?" "Gin 'I!" He glovet'. ' rough t mine. In all my life I lever hap pier." The': Impulsive norda. t-iurf"! M they were, nevertheless hurt ""e, I perhaps my fare exhibited It. ier eyes fell. "You rnnnot know how niufh I have suffered on this o) "re," sho said, re gretf ill v a w-man rould. My heart rrles out for rell' f. but It Is nt became I wish to lose any friendship termed en b'janl." -Vet that Is what betns homeward ' bouud must inevitably mean." Hit long lashes wore uplifted, dls I closing the depths of those pray eyes. I "Not with me. Mr. Stephens; I aui not a woman to force'-" CHAPTER XX. In Which the Yacht Meits Disaster. I have been endeavoring to recall in sequence the occurrences of the three days and nights following our j turning northward, but it is all chaos, vague, confused an expanse of sleep less hours, raging seas, snow, sleet, ' and Ice, in the midst of which we bat tled for life in as desperately terrific a fight as men ever waged against na ture. I can see and feel It all clearly enough, yet the Incidents are so com inlnglnd that the separate days and uights appear one continuous event, without beginning or end. I hear the ceaseless howl of the wind, the growl ot grinding Ice, the smiting of ions ot water, the threshing of loosened can vas, the rattle of blocks aloft, the thousand noises emitted by the strug gling fabric under foot. I see the swirl of snow; the crested seas, boiling in madness; the gleam of pursuing Ice fields; the towering pinnacles of giant bergs overhanging our mast-heads; the flying clouds, and the settling down about us ot the ghostly frost fog. I feel the wild plunge down Into the hollow; the sickening, staggering ef fort to climb up; the dizzy balancing upon the crest, and that awful drop again into the heil below! No man on board will ever know how we made It; how we ever found passage through those wind-lashed channels; how we ever kept upright under the pounding of that sea; how the Sea Queen ever shook her trem bling decks free from the tons of ice and water, and rose staggering to the crest. Once our engines broke, and for two hours we rolled helplessly, while McKnight and the Chilean tin kered at the damaged machinery, and the great waves buried us, and smashed the charthouse into frag ments. Once the rudder-chains be came fouled with Ice, and we swung Into the trough of the sea hurled ovei until our lower yards trailed in the water and half the yacht shivered be neath the smother, we hanging on for our lives, drenched and buffeted by the waves. The Jib-boom snapped like a pipestem, and a huge, ugly hole was ripped out of the forward bulwarks Up to the neck In Icy water we chopped away the raffle, and flung It overboard. Gustafson, shrieking wild ly for help, went with the litter, while his mates bore Symes below groaning from a broken leg. Mersiful heavens, how that Ice came down, pursuing us like the very Fiend! Once it pressed so closely against our quarter that the sea, rebounding from off its front, boarded us, sweeping aft in a vast wall. It caught Dade open ing the companion door, hurled him smothering backward and flooded the cabin a foot deep in icy water. Yet we held to it, our eyes aching, our limbs frozen, our oilskins stiff with Ice, the exposed flesh of our faces one festering frostbite, bruised by the shocks, bait dead from fatigue, dizzy from the battle. But it was no sea manship which saved us; It was a merciful Providence, for at times the smother was so thick we ran into It blindly, not daring to broach to with all that Ice after us. driven by the wind, and not knowing what was ten yards ahead, or ten yards behind. During all that time I scarcely left the deck, although De Nova served his watch on the bridge In the flying spray. Dade fed me as best he could, and what brief snatches of sleep I caught were on the divan in the cabin, my icy clothes drying en my body. I saw nothing of the women; there was no time, no opportunity. I doubt If eith er could have kept upright amid the awful pitching of the yacht, for I was obliged myself to creep from one hand grasp to another. So I saw noth ing of the ladles, but Dade succeeded in taking them food cold provender, for the galley was wave-lashed, the cook driven below although how the lad ever managed It is a mystery, and he reported that Celeste clung to her bunk, sick and frlghtenud, but that Lady Darlington was about and dressed whenever he went In. Some time during the third day the wind had blown itself out, or else we had baen driven beyond the sweep of It Anyhow, it died down Into taint puffs, but the sea remained heavy, the fog thickening as the gale ceased. This curtain, coupled with the sparse light there was, left the decks so dark that we attempted llttlo clearing up, merely pointing the yacht's nose more directly northward at half-speed, trusting the Almighty to furnish us with clear water. Indeed, there was nothing else to do with that Ice-pack back ot us, and the fierce seas pound ing our poop. Besides, I had come to the end of my endurance, and when De Nova came limping forward, hang ing to tho life line, to take bis watch, I crept below more dead than alive, and clawed my way across the cabin. Lady Darlington stood braced In her doorway, yet for the life of roe I could not speak, although I tried my head nodded on my shoulders, and I fell forward across my bunk, asleep before ! even struck the mattress. Dade said she made him pull off my boots and loosen my muffler, stand ing over him until it was done. It was not sleep it was more like death, for I never stirred or knew anything. I lay exactly as I fell, utter ly Insensible to either noise or motion. It was Dade's vigorous shaking that ' n'lly moused me. nor did he desist ' lie had uie sitting up in the bunk, ti ) eyes wide Open. "What time is it, Dodo?" "Two o'uui K, sir." "MorHnsr "No. elr.. aftrnonn; bt tfio fog Is (To hr Contlno. i JyDw Here's a chance to buy Clothes at home, that are dependable and that you know are good, for the same or less than the big city'stores offer them. It is our purpose during July to clear our shelves of all broken lots of Summer merchandise, right now in the season when you can use it. We con sider this is good business and a method used by the best stores in the coun try. We have been deterred from putting it in practice the past two years by the Hoods, which up-set our plans. This year we intend to make a clean sweep of everything that is not contract goods, and if you will test the sincer ity of our price reductions, you will be much the gainer. There will be no juggl'mff no trickery, but a genuine slashing of prices. Everybody can buy at the same low prices. No favorites, no discrimination. We will sell some things less, some things )i less, some things l2 less than the regular price. These will be bonafide reductions. We don't in tend to resort to any circus bill advertising, but we do intend to sell all broken lots of merchan dise VERY CHEAP. The goods themselves and the prices we will make will talk louder than any thing we can say. :: :: ;: :: Watch this space for further announcements of particular lots. Also watch our windows for evidences of these bargains. REMEMBER THESE PRICES CupitI in a I'll tit Shop. Robert and Thomas Bates of the Plattsmouth Journal have finally in duced two young ladles to share their trials and tribulations and be taught tho Missouri language. Doth of the young men are good boys and have the credit of getting out one of the brightest papers in the county, and trusts that the ladles who have had the courage to undertake the task of guiding them through life may find it a pleasant undertaking, Nebraska City News. Robert and Thomas Dates of the Plattsmouth Journal could no longer stand the strain of loncsomeness and in the endeavor to alleviate their suf fering they captured a couple of young ladies, Miss Kittle Smith and Martha Rupley, and hied themselves to Council Bluffs on last Tuesday, where the question was settled by the bonds of matrimony. Messrs. Bates are Industrious young men and are conducting one of the best pa pers in the county. The young couples have our bent wishes for a bright and happy Journey on the sea of life. Nebraska Register. The cunning little elf Cupid has been cutting up all sorts of capers In the office of the Dally Journal over at riattsmouth, claiming three vic tims all in one day. It appears that a portion of the Journal force took a day off last Tuesday and went to Council Bluffs with mntrlmonlnl In tentions. Robert A. Bates, owner of the Journal nnd formerly In the newspaper business at Glen wood and Silver City, was married to Miss Martha Rupley, for several years o bookkeeper In the Journal office. Thomas B. Bates, a brother, was mar ried to Miss Kittle May Smith of Om aha. The Bates boys nnd their father are wido-nwake newspnper men nnd are making a grent success of the Journal. The Tribune extends best wishes C.lenwood (la.) Tribune. Robert Bnles. publisher of Hi riattsmouth Journal, nnd Ms brother Tom, who has been Identified with the Journal for several years, were both married at Council Bluffs on Tuesday of last week, the former lo Miss Mattio Rupley of riattsmouth nnd Tom to Miss Kittle May Sml'h of Omaha. The writer Is personally acquainted with All the contracting parties excepting the last named bride, Rnd extends congratulations and best wishes to both couj 1 Tin nates boys have mnde the Jour nal the best pnper, dally and weekly, ever published n riatts mouth, and are hustlers ns well as centlemen. Red Oak (la.) Txpnus Mrs. 1'etha Mnybee wax n py. setigor rt noon for llellev . I.'eh , v here she r ill vNt v illi rcl.vhc; a raon ARE STRICTLY FOR CASH-NO CASH Wescott'sSons "Where Quality Counts." The River Stationary. The rise in the Missouri river which has been on for several days, came to a halt last night and this morning the river Is stationary. It will probably commence to fall again today, and It Is not expected that it will rise again this summer. A ces sation of rains in the valley is the cause of the stop in the rise and a period of dry weather now will result In the river getting back to normal. A heavy rain at Sioux City and vicin ity yesterday caused a big flood in that town and the surrounding coun try, but it will not be of sufficient volume to affect the river here. Sioux City reports today Indicate very heavy property loss, although no lives were reported lost. Telegraph reports indicate the tributaries of the Missouri are on the fall, and this Is an additional indication that no high water will be had. The floods in Missouri and Kansas are now prac tically over, although in the immed iate vicinity of St. Joseph the water Is still high and continuing to do damage. A return to normal condi tions Is looked for in a few days. Farmers in this vicinity will hall the dry weather with pleasure, as It will enable Nebraska to harvest the great est wheat crop it has ever had and will help make corn. The lntter crop with favorable weather will be a bumper this year. Death of William liOiigbrlilge. Death Inst Saturday night claim ed William Loughrldge, an old and esteemed citizen of this county living near Murray. Mr. Loughrldge has been an Inhabitant of this county for many years, and was a mnn high ly respected by a wide circle of ac quaintances throughout this section. A man of unimpeachable character, the soul of honor and of Ihe highest Integrity, his death Is n distinct loss to the community. A further account of his life will appear in the Journal Thursday next. The funeral services will be held from his late residence In Murray to morrow (Tuesday) afternoon nt I o'clock, burial being male at Oik Hill cemetery In this city. 1). of II. Sicli.l. ' The ladles belongi , to the Cedar Creek Degree i.f Honor Lodge ..III be entertained at the home of Mrs. Will Reyhert nt Cullon, Thursday, July IB, all day. M-irtceable mir prlses are In store lor those who attend. Bring your frier nnd en Joy a day of rest nnd w m ptit In the country. Ilepsir Shop. I am n w prep, red to al ds of re'-li'ej:, such ns furniture, stove, gnsolltii utovis cleaned, lawn mowers 'larpened, etc. Shop a. Fight1' street and Chicago a' mm. . A. llawrkli. REGISTER COUPONS GIVEN, Woodmen to Build New Home. The Modern Woodmen building on the south side of Main street will be In sight in the near future, grad ing having been started the first of the week. A great deal of the Avoik.-'" is to be donated by members of the order, and "the boys" are taking hold with tho true fraternal spirit to get the lots In shape for masons to begin their work. Tho building will be a two-story brick, 45x70 feet, the upper portion to be fitted for lodge purposes and the lower pnrt for rent as store rooms. Union Ledger. OIIDEIt TO snow c u si:. In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. IN THE MATTKU OP THE ESTATE OF JiKUlXA WOLF, DECEASED: The cause comes on for heating up on the petition of J. V. Eent'erger, administrator of the estate of lteglnt. Wolf, deceased, praying for license to sell: Heglnnlng at a point Forty-one (41) rnos North of the renter of Section Thirteen (13) In Township Twelve U' North, liang Thirteen 13 Kant, running thence Went Eight (801 rods; thence North Eleven U rods; thence east Eighty (80) . rods; thence south Eleven (11) rods to the plHce of hcglnning, being the North Half of Lots Thirteen (Hi and Fifty-three &!i) in said section. Township and Range, as now shown on the plats of irregular tracts of said Countv. The undivided one-half (1-1) of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) In Hlock Thirteen (13) In Duke's addi tion to the City of riattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern 1 lull wav over and across said Lots. The undivided one-half (1-2) of the following traet of land towlt: Keglnnlng at a point Thirty (30) rods North of the center of Section Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12) North, Kange Thirteen (13) East; hence running west Elghtv (80) roU, thenre north Eleven (11) rods; thenra East Eighty (SO) rods; thence South Eleven (il) roiln to the plarn of beginning, being the south) half of Lots Thirteen (13) and Klfty three (!i:i) In snld .Section. Township) snd Hnnge, as shown by the irregular tracts hi snld Countv. exrent lh. right of way of the Omaha fcouthoru Eallwity across the same. . or siinVlcnt amount thereof to 'bring the sum of $;irii).V0 for the nny- mem ei iii-oih nuoweii againsi snld es iitto of the cost of adinlnlHtrntloii ami In addition thereto tiie roots of tliU proceedings there not being nnv per sonal property to pay the said debts ml expenses. It Is therefore ordered that nil per sons Interested In said estate appear before me at Chambers nt my nllicu In the Court House In the Pity of rlattHinnuth, Nebraska, on the 21th day of July, IKOit, at 10 o'clock a. m of snld day to show cause why a li cense should not be grunted to sul.l administrator to sell the above rent estate of snld deceased or so much thereof as may be necessary to itnv snld debts and expenses. Iiated this 7 1 11 dav of June, 1909 Hnrvy p. Trnvls, . Judge of the District Court. U. O. Hwyer, Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. 7V VIWTfFKANt)UIEU01i'SALK. IS- sued by .Umes Kolirnson. clerk of the JMtirlrt Court within and for Cin county, No hriika. snd to me directed. I will on the 24th Day of July, A. D.,1909 st Un o'clock a m., of said dr nt the sou ') door of Ihe court house. In td mum . aril ai IMibllcancili.n to the highest bidder for ra-h Mir fi llolin' real estate to-wlt; a,i fourteen in. In block four (4) In the villa,..'. f Murray. n- county. Nebraska. The sn i liclng . ;, .1 e I 'on and taken as the pro- pertvn Mia I . (Jnecn and Alls-rt. Qi n. de- f.'iiiliini . mi sailsfy Judifi lent. i,r snld court reroverei Ivtcr t'aim ,m .(, admlulstrnlo. i J "- '-. i i"imi! !iiiii.cil. ucceiLseil plaintiff, aunliml snld ilcfciiiliiui. I'luttsiiiinitli, Ni'luaska. June I 'h. A. 1) I UMi. C. i. g INToN, Sin rid Cits ('utility. Nt btaska.