THE PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. 'i :nm v npncniMAi impuc!:: V M Short Items of Interest From Fri-X day's Evening Journal ? George Burley and family were passengers today for Omaha, where they will spend the day with friends. Mrs. E. M. Godwin and daugh ter, Miss Esther, are spending the day in Omaha visiting with relatives. Mrs. John Gorder and baby were passengers on the morning train for Omaha, where she will spend the day. Earl Travis and W. A. Robertson spent last evening in Omaha, return ing to this city this morning on No. 6. Gus Olson, who has been absent for a week in the east on business, returned to the city this morning on No. 15. Sheriff Carl Qulnto was a pas- ... t a v 1 1. senger tnis morning ior iNenaw where he has .business matters to at- J3 tend to. r If XT' Imka nnt I u 1 1 CT Vl t O T were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day with friends. Mrs. I. G. Hoffman and baby are spending the day In Omaha, being passengers for that city this morning fl on the early train. -M. Applegate of Villisca, la., who has relatives at Union, this county, was In the city overnight on his way to them for a visit. Mrs. Q. K. Tarmele and daugh- jjj ter are among those spending the day in Omaha, going to that city on the early train this morning. Bert Pollock Is attending to tele phone business today in Omaha, be ing a passenger for that city this morning on the early train. Miss Esther Larson, who has been in Chicago for several months past, returned to the city this morning, glad to get home once more. Mrs. Jonas Johnson and son were passengers on the early Burlington train for Lincoln, where they will visit with friends for several days. Mrs. J; R. Williams of St. Louis. Mo., a sister of Mrs. T. Frank Johnson, arrived In the city last evening for an extended visit with her. George Hlld and wife came in this nornlng from their farm west of the city and are spending the day in Om aha, going there on the morning train. Floyd Ralney and wife of Lincoln, who have been visiting in the city for several days with his mother and brother, returned to their home this morning. Joseph Kahoutek and wife are spending the day In Omaha, being passengers this morning for that city on the Burlington train. Mrs. C. E. McBriCIe was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, where she will spend the day with relatives after having visited a few days with her mother in this city. Misses Ethel McCrelght and Min nie Nelson of Ashland came In this morning and are among those tak ing the examination for teachers at the ofttce of County Superintendent Foster. Mrs. Joseph lliber and Miss Anna Janda were passengers this morning for Havelock, where they will make a visit with their sister, Mrs. Fo garty. Edward Fogarty. who has been spending some days In this city as their guest, returned to his home in Havelock with them. Misses Bertha Jameson, Emily Rough, .Rula and Eva Canaday, four of Weeping Water's handsome and , v accomplished young ladles, are In ia Mtv fnHnv tnkln? the examlna- fvuv v ------ ra tion at the office of County Super intendent Foster. They came In last evening from their home. t Mrs, Chris Weinheimer, Mrs. Emma Link and Mr. Charles Link, ; all of Pekln, 111., arrived In the city this morning for an extended visit with Mrs. John H. Becker and fam ily and other relatives. Mrs. Wein heimer Is a sister of Mrs. Becker. Miss Alice Downing, a sister of Mrs. J. H. Salsbury, and a teacher In the Kansas City (Mo.) schools, arrived In the city this morning for a visit with Mrs. Salsbury and fain lly.. Miss Downing has been In at Dr. J. H. Hall Is spending today In Omaha, going to that city on the morning train. . Ed Lutz was a business visitor, this afternoon in Omaha going to that city on No. 23. Misses Catherine Dovey and Gretchen Donnelly are spending the afternoon in Omaha, going there on No. 23. George Edgerton was a pasenger this afternoon on No. 23 for Om aha, accompanying A. Hawrick that far on his way to Chicago. W. J. Herring, wife and babies were passengers this afternoon on the Burlington for Omaha, where they will spend the afternoon. Bennie Fanger, his sister Marie and cousin Isadore were all passeng ers on the afternoon train for Onv aha, where they will visit with rela tlves. Mrs. O. Erickson and baby and Miss Hilma Erickson were ptsseng. ers this afternoon on No. 23 for When Is lopiiir Xoc Cottonwood. Word reaches this office that two of Plattsmouth citizens yesterday engaged In a wordy argument on Washington avenue, as to whether the trees planted by the park board along the avenue were cottonwood or poplar. The argument waxed fierce and the short and ugly word passed several times. The god of. war threatened to burst forth and rage with violence for some time. and both gentlemen became het up over the matter For their benefit It may be said the Standard diction ary gives the following definition of cottonwood: Any one of several American species of poplar. . . . The river cottonwood Is the downy- leaved poplar. . . . Thus both were right and they ought to for get it. I.Kiitl. NOTH'K. IN THK DISTKICT OOl'KT WITHIN AND Kim CASS I'Ol'NTY, N 10-HKASKA. In the mutter of the estate of John II. Huiicr. dcceHsed. OilPKIt To SI IOW CATSI This came on for heiirlnir upon the petition or jonn a inert Httuer, administrator, with will an nexed of the estate of John II. Hauer, deceased, praying for a license to sell the following1 described real estate be loiiKiiiK to said estate, and situated In Cass countv, Stato of Nebraska, to wlt: The northwest quarter and the southwest (iiarter of the nnrtheust quarter of section thlrtv (30), In quarter of section thirty (30), In town ship eleven (11) of range eleven (11), east of the 6th I'. M., for the purpose of paying all debts allowed aKalnst said estate for which upon proper no tice may he allowed against said estate, and the cost of administration, there not heimr sufficient personal Lincoln, Where they will Visit with Property belonKlnK to Bald estate to ' pav said debts and expenses. friends for several days. it is. thkuefoi'R. oitnEiiKD. I Thnt oil imrunntf nioroerori in s A in Mrs. H. Stelnhauer and sons, . . amM:r i,Pfore me at the ofiice Hugh and Ralph, are' spending today of the Clerk of the District Court at riattsmouth, ( ass county, Nebraska, on in Omaha, where they are visiting the Hth dav of September. l09. at the hour of ten o clock a. m., to show cause why license should noi tie granted said administrator ns prayed n sa d petition. IT IS Kl KTHErt OK DERKD. That a copy of this notice be published for four successive weens prior 10 me time fixed for said hearing In the riattsmouth Journal, a weekly news paper published at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, and of general circulation In sail) count v. Dated this 17th dnv of July. 11)09. IIAIIVKY 1. DAVIS, Judge District Court. I with relatives, being passengers on No. 23 for that city. Don't forget to keep cool and at the Mime time lie amused. This is the secret at the Purmele. The cool est place in town. Join the merry tin-on-; tlmt way; curtuin at 8:30. Five and 10 cents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, Miss White, J. E. Barwick and Mr. Dar nt TJnelv Ttlnltntnln X C S II I'.H I l''l'"S Sl. Hv virtue of an order of sale, Is- their guest, were passengers on No. SI,ed bv James iiobertson, clerk of ,u. -v, ,,.u the District Court, within and for the " ai.ieiuu "'"" ""' Countv of Cass. State of Nebraska they will spend the afternoon nd to me directed. 1 will on the !Hth 1 v rtav of August. A. I). 10. at 10 o'clock Countv Judge Beeson accompan- a. m., of said day, at the south door . . : . . . I of the court House, in said county and led his brothers, Jonn and Liiaries, 8tHtP. He) I at public auction, to the nt Pnclr Islnnrt 111 wpr nassene- 1'lgliest bidder, ror casn, ine lonownig Of ROCK island, HI., were passeng described real estate, towlt: Lots Ave ers this afternoon for Omaha, where f) and six (6), block four (4). in . ,. . . Mungers First addition to the VII- tney win witness ine Dan game ue- ,HKP of AiV(, n ti,e county of Chh, State of Nebraska, the same having iwcei. tun w.-.auai. auu x ,..i,o , ,lppn or(1(rP(, n decrehrdluet Knlareg noted Indian tribes. been ordered sold under decree of I foreclosure, bv said court, to satisfy a S. B. .Bamhart. a Dromlennt decree uml judgment In the sum of , , , ,, . . . n..n I S7.r.4r and costs recovered bv Mell- wholesale liquor dealer of Council t.lntl, -.. st0llPi executrix of the last ri..r T ,.no in hn oiv today I will ami testament of Isnc tSone, de- u,u"' la" ' ceased, against Belle rtennett. Koy visiting his patrons and making the itennett, viiiard L. elites (or tiyte t I'.va r.vaiene i ines tor iviei, u .The sentence of John Clarence last Saturday by Judge Travis to fourteen years in the penitentiary for the murder of John P. Thacker on January 15 last, with one ex ception cleans up the criminal doc ket for Cass county. The one excep tion Is the Thrall case from Union, which was continued on applica tion of Hon. John C. Watson, attor ney for Thrall, until the next term of court. At the January term of court the criminal docket had be come very heavy, and Included the famous Ossenkop murder case. Be fore this case was reached for trial the murder of John P. Thacker took place, thus piling up the criminal work. The task before our young at torney was a hard and difficult one and fraught with great and grave responsibility. But with his well nown energy and exceptional abil ity, County Attorney W. C. Ramsey plunged into his official work. Day after day he was at work lnvestlgat ing ever link of evidence tending tc support the prosecution of two of the most important murder cases ever tried In Cass county. Two able and adroit lawyers were on the de fense Hon. Matthew Gerlng In the Ossenkop case and Hon. Byron Clark In the Clarence case. In the Os senkop case the prosecution was most ably assisted by Hon. T. J Doyle of Lincoln, and In the Clar ence case County Attorney Ramsey was most ably and eloquently assist ed by hla former antagonist, Hon Matthew Gerlng. But it is conceded on all hands that the preparation and arrangement of the evidence In both cases was principally the work of our young county attorney. The sentence of John Clarence last Sat urday makes the fourteenth convlc tion secured by County Attorney Ramsey since ho went into office the 8th day of last January a period of a little more than six months. congested criminal docket cleared with one exception. Fourteen con vlctlons within about six months Is a record of which ever citizen Cass county feels proud. SUA1LY PERSONAL NEWS i i Y Short Items of Interest From Sat urday Evening's Daily Journal t Y f Y Y l acquaintance oi many citizens, m- mlm,r Hn(, wniard I,, cntes (or Cldentally he joined a new secret Clyte). her natural guardian, Klnier ' J . Bennett nnd Maude Itennett, his wife. Order Instituted here, passing tne A rzilla Foreman (nee Ilennettl, and Ceorure I'. Foreman. Jr.. her husband; examination easily . kb,i,. nennett. a minor, and rteiie W. C. Hayden, representing the Bennett, his natural guardian, defend- Gund Brewing company, was in the Dated at I'lattsmouth, Nebraskn, c. r. oriNTON Sheriff Kamsey, Attorneys ISnmsev & I'lalntlfT. city today looking after the interests J,ll' ,H09- of his company and looking into the repairs and Improvements his com pany is making on their building here. He returned to Omaha on No. 23. The work of putting a new coat of paint on the front of the Falter & Tblerolf's store commenced to lay. Mrs. H. H. Tartsch was a pas senger this morning on No. 15 for the north. Miss Addle Searle was a north bound passenger this morning on the early train. Mrs. P. F. Goss is spending today In Omaha with friends, going to that city on the early Burlington train. Mr. Ward, a well known Pacific Junctiohlte, came over this morn ing on No. 15 to spend the day in the city. Frank Krowlek of Lincoln came down this morning on the early train to look after business matters In the city. Riley Frady and son are among those spending the day in Omaha, being passengers for that city on the morning train. A. L. Anderson Is looking after business matters In Omaha today, being a passenger for that city on the morning train.' Ed. Murphy came In this morning from Denver, Colo., for a visit with his mother, Mrs. .T. L. Murphy and family for several days. G. M. Patton and wife departed llils iiiuming for Ashland, Neb., where they will visit over Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Russell. J. R. Hunter, wife and family were passengers this morning for Havelock, where they will visit to day with their son Joe and family. John Albert, the well known cltl zen, Is looking after some business mattersln Omahatodoy being a pas senger for that city on the morn ing train. Mesdames W. K. Fox, T. B. Sal mon and Wilson of Detroit, Mich., are spending today In Omaha, be ing passengers for that city on the morning Burlington train. John C. Clarence of Union is in the city today In attendance upon the argument of the motion for a new trial In his case, which is tak ing place today In district court. Charles F. McUride and family returned to their home today In Lincoln, after having spent several days In the city the guests of Mrs. McBrlde's parents, ('. Tyler and to snow cum:. In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KEtilNA WUl.l1, JJCt-.l-...-M'.i: The cause comes on for hearing up- nn the net It on or J. V . r.geii nei kit, The upper story is to bo painted a -'' light color, about a cream Improvement cannot fail to marked. The work will bo well worth what it costs and will make nnd the u,.ii' I .. . I - . .w.l, TP.... t a ill l I Jlt'KMlIllllK III II IWIIIl ,Ml.-wn" -i r rnos North ol l bo center oi reciiun Thirteen (13) In Township Twelvo (M) North, Kungn Thirteen ti.w East, running thence West Eighty ua. l.u....i V,irth l.'Lvn Mil this building one of the handsomest r,iM- thence east Eighty (SO) rods: in thiw-lrv thence south Eleven (11) rods in tne tuy. , , ot i.cKinnlng. being n0 A Mra T IT cnlliiirv re. tl North Half of Lots Thirteen (U) Rev. nnd Mrs. j. ii. tiaistniry re- Hni, j,.fty.tlt.P). ,53, !,! section. turned early this morning from St. Township and Itange, as now shown Paul, Minn., where thoy were in at-LaM countv. tendance upon the Christian Ln- "'"'.Vo , nnd Eleven (11) In (Inn Ttev SiilHhnrv Block Thirteen (13) In Duke's artdl- IIIOII IU 1110 v.ll.y vtL 1 iniiniiivniii, convention . this morning was a passenger for Lincoln, where a big C. E. rally Is to be held today and where he will be one of the principal speakers. County Superintendent Mary Fos ter is holding eraminatlon8 this being quite a number of young ladles from out In the country pres- Cass Countv, Nebraska, except the right nf wuy ot the Omaha Southern Itail wav over and across said Lots. The undivided one-im.: (w) or tlm following tract of land towlt: Beginning at a point Thirty Cl) rods North of the center of Section Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12) North, Bangn Thirteen (13) East; hence runnlug west Eighty (SO) rod. afternoon at her office ln th court I thence north Eleven 01 ) rods; thence , . 1. I East Eighty (SO) rods: tlienr South house for teachers certlficntep, there Eleven (11) rods to the place nf vnunir I " beginning. being the south three (53) In said Section, Township ni)H n.nir fi .hnll'n tiv t Itj. IrrAiiiln, ent. The oflce presents a pretty and tracts in said County, except tin. j i n right or way or the Omaha Houthern uiiiiunieu Bis'ii " " Itallwav across the same. lnilli.H tnklnir th pxnm- r suniclent amount thereof to - - hrlng the sum of $360.00 for the pay lnatlon pass, t ass county win enter iment or debts allowed against snia es . , , ... ..,, l"" inn cost 01 nniiiiiKi rauuri una the ranks with as pretty a corps or , addition thereto tun costs of this ..i. r. nn nnnt.f (n iKn atain I Proceedings there not being any Per- ItUlllVIB OO aujr mumj .u iuc -' ,.,., I Iir11,r, , ,r.M and expenses. It Is therefore ordered fhnf all nor. A. Hawrick received a hurried sons Interested In snld eslnte appear I tteriir) ffn at I hamlntr. at ,n w nflli.a. In call this morning irom incagO. the Court Mouse In the City of III her Mrs llnwrlck hna hoen Jiattstnouth, Nebraska, on the t4th 111., nere sirs, uawricn nas ueen (lBjr nf Juyi 190 Bl ,0 ot,n,,k , for some time, stating that she was nf said dav to show cause wnv a Ji- i, tense should not be granted (o said lying in a nospuai hi iiiai puna hi administrator to sell the above real "f AoolU mo at nn,-u n.n,l ''fnt" ""'d deceased or so much ..,..v.. . v I tnereor as niav be neressar" to pay his preparations and departed on n t nents ami expenses. ' . . . . Dated this t 111 dnv of June, 1W!). the train at l o ciock lor tnai city. 1 nrw D TrnvU. -ri- .i. ), 1..,. i, l . Judge of the District Court I lie luting iiM-imn 'i ii.o j 11 ' I D. O. Dwyef, Attorney. Tii-Class Otiling. Tho Loyal Daughters No. 28, Loyal Sons No. 8G, and Pansy Class, three classes of the Christian Bible School, turned out 62 strong Thurs day afternoon an picnic and forti fied Swallow Hill. The commlssery department was the chief attraction and the boys and girls stood by it until It was no mom Those who had provided themselves with fish ing outfits forgot to dig any bait and they soon learned that the finny tribes of the Platte don't like bure hooks. After all sorts of .amusements hnd been thoroughly tried by the tri-tiass delegation, itwfe. was found that coffee making in a j0hn jjotk and dnughter, Mrs tnree ganon uucki-i swung " William Hunter, were passengers piece of barbed wire to a pole over t8 morning for Pacific Junction, a monster fire was the most pop- from u tilt h place they will drive to ular event of the season. Of course tn,.r f.,rm, Hme flVc miles south this does not Include the spreading w,,Kt of tlllt t()wn They expect to of three or four tables and tilling return nt l:.ri8 . . ... i them with fried chicken, potato Mrs j,', ti whittakcr, little salad, home-made rolls, Jelly gal- daughter Katie, mother, nnd Henry ore, pickles, cake, mm, ami a in jhnnon and wife of Clearwater, carte ad Infinitum, and then some. v,,i, . wno illlve i.,M1 u.r guests But those r.2 boys and girls, except for m.Veral days, were all passengers the sues Hint got lost among the t li 1 h afternoon for Omaha, where Swallow Hill Indian graves, scarce- ln,.v .m BIH.I1(i (, n.malnder of the i ly left a bone for the poor mascot, (jay Might-seeing a friendly doy that walked nil the William Budlg and wife departed way. Osciit Wilson and Philip this morning for a trip of ten dnys Rlhn were largely responsible for t0 D,.nver and other Colorado the disappearance of so much grub pnts for a vacation. Both Mr. In such a short time. , H,i jr8i itU(jiK nntttipato having n The new president of the Loyal flno ,,G n tj,0 mountain city dur sons, iticiiard usnorn, ana tne in- nK their stay nnd will doubtless re domltable teacher of tho Pansy lUrn much refreshed by the trip class, Jesso Perry, were the large Messrs. Knnsmnn & Ranige this ontributors to the glories of the oc- n,ornng received a total of twenty cnslon. The G2 souls voted that twn quarters of beef from the South everyone present had a royal time oninha ' packing houses, tho beeves and the next monthly outing la being high grnde carcasses nnd likely to take In the most of ( ass ulted to their trade. The load was county. a big one, one of the largest con slgnmcnts received Into for some Will Fine Stock. time. 1 a 1. 1 1 ... t neng..ii. the 1)001) ur Stock riausmouui is pimimiiK iu uuv possess. V tendance upon the meeting of the that tho news Is not true nnd that National Educational association nt )y the time ho reaches her bedside Denver, Colo., and Is on her way Hhe will have gotten well on the way home, coming by this city for a short toward recovery. visit. ! Miss Alma Larson, who was j rd of Tliiiiik. the delegates lo St. Puul.l Fur the many kinn courtesies ami the sympathy tendered ns during tin last illness innl the death of our be loved liuslialld n ixl fMtlier, we In to extend our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Matilda .1 i' K uti . Y. I . .Iin ksou . .1. L. .Iiliksni. i: . I'. Jackson. Mrs. II. A. I)o:ik. Mrs. A. P. Hurtles. among Minn., to attend the great Christian Kndonvor convent Ion, has returned , to her home In tills city. Miss; son greatly npprei latei her trip nnl found the sessions of (lie convent Inn , both entertaiiiliiK nnd Instructive. The convention Itself is regarded ns one of the preafest ever held by this religious organization nnd was tlo; most, successful. raiser from Mynard, was In the city w,l'k of carnival about the first today on business and called at the In September;. Don i Know Journal office to say that he was whether our neighbor Is preparing pleased to know there would bo a a on TV Lincoln and Dor live stock day at tho carnival this "tate fair, but It Is a sure thing the fall, and to announce that ho would carnival will be a ringer, as mat is !. b,.ro ith anma mihiv fin nn. the way they do things down at ImalB. It can bo truthfully said that Plattg. Lincoln Herald Mr. Bengen has some of the finost Mrs. P. L. Maxson and cousin, animals In the county and the state Ml" Halnllne, arrived In the city and these ho will cheerfuly exhibit, yesterday to make an etxended visit He has a bull which will weigh In w,,h H. McKay nnd family. Mrs the neighborhood of 2,600 pounds Maxson comes direct from her hv the time for the carnival nnd school In Pununia, and Is to take her which will ! one of the nrl.e win- summer vacation here, later nttend- Shcrid's Sale. RV VIUTI Kol' AN i t : 1 1 1 ' I i' M.I-'. H-sui-il bv .liill i-H 1,'nU r's.,11. ell-Ik , if the I Hl I let ( i Milt II bin Hinl f. .1 t s fun hi , "Sr. bi nsUn. Slid In me illieef i-d. I Hill on Hie 24lh Cay ol Ju'y, A. D., 1009 tiers of the show without a doubt, This Is the right spirit and means that the carnival will be a pro nounce) HtiecesH II lid that the Htoi k no 11 will welcome an opport unity to show tluir kIoi k. mi, il m f nl trn n'cliM-l. n m . ef k-ild .1 ;i v nl ilii c I . . . t of i hi i-'iiiit iii.iii-. iii -leo in1 1 . publi,. nin timi In 'In- l:ii'lii'-l In. hi. i t,-i I he (ull.m I'l.' ! ill i -' -ee i.i ii : I . f.iiirti-i-ii 1 1 i in l.. I, fi-ni ill In tin- i :l M.ll:i. ii-h ii'imll. Ni'-n.l,:l I In- I .. -1 . i ar Ii i li-il hiiii nt,.l hii.i n ie M i- .i.. 1 1 "I I I of I I I hi I l.i.ll I II Ill.'l A Mn 1 1 ij-e i II lie. fi ml In ' l-f V 1,"i i hi t.t - i.1 i-i. 'nt Mi .iii n il In l'i ii r I iiihi'Ih II. n ln.lnKI i i,,i lit till- I .trite i.f I IimIIH- I. t .i.lll'U II, ill-, i , I iliilltllT. HiMhi-l i'iI'I ill i inlriiiU I'lui I ni. ml Ii. i Iii a-U n. Inir l-'h. i,. l'.'.i. I' Jl IN l"N. I,uiit Inlill Mil III II II. I wlf" of II ive i k i iime (lu ii this uioriil ug to i n I Siibdav In t he i It v w i' Ii tin lr fulk t, i t nt nlni; Sunday -m liini;. Willi- hi re .I. l.ii tmld tin' .Ion i ti :i ! a id' :i .:,nl III. I nun II n nni ei lull d (.'ill .IM I III I unci .1 to lillew lis Fillisi ti Ji lt ' II tn II, Is paper iis lie wants to kimw what Is gnlt.g on In the iliv ig Ills libH'llie. Itlg tho exposition at Seattle, Wash. Both Mrs. Maxson and Miss Haln llne were passengers for Oninha to day, where they will spend the day. Frank Me.Nuiilii.w lie and daugh ter and his mother, Mrs. MiN'uiiln i nun' In this morning fnuii lis farm ,lll Mt. Pleiisiint pieiiliet, for a visit with It 1m brother John nml family. The eldi-r Mrs. Mi N'llliin will remain for an extended visit Willi John While I tie lest of the family evpiit to return to their home this evening;. Frank McNur I 1 1 Is one of the best ltleiS III Cas county nnd a man who has many friends In this city. Mrs. G. P. S. Burton was a pas senger this morning for Omaha where she will spend the day. Adam ,llild and wife drove In this morning from their farm to loo after business matters in the icty. . ; Mrs. J. E. Thompson and son aro spending today in Omaha, hnvlng been passengers for that city on the- early Burlington train. Mrs. C. L. Carlson and her moth er, Mrs. Whalen, are spending today In Omaha, being passengers for that city on the morning train. Mrs. W. E. Ro8encrans and daughters were passengers on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Mrs. B. A. Roghay of Arlington, Neb., a sister of H. El Wilson, who has been making him and his fam ily a visit, departed for her home this morning. George P. Meislnger, the welt nown farmer of Eight Mile Grove precinct and popular democrat, la In the city today on business mat ters, driving In this morning). Ferdinand Hennlngs, the well known mid popular ;Elght Mile Grove farmer, Is looking after busi ness ln the city today, having driven ln from his farm this morning. Matthew McQutnn, the well know n farmer of Eight Mile Grove after business today in the city, coming up this morning from his home near that city. Peter Campbell, the popular citi zen of Rock Bluffs precinct, Is In the city on business today nnd meeting with old friends, having driven in this morning. Mrs. Tanner of Omahn, a sister of Mrs. Charles Troop, who has been muklng her a visit for several days, returned to her home this morning, Mrs. Troop accompanying her for a short visit. Mrs. Rosa Hennlngs nnd her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Pitman of Mur ray, who has been making her a visit, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Born, at tho Wise Memorial Hos pital ln Omaha on Friday morning, July lti, 1 no!, to Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sharpe, a daughter. Mother nnd baby doing finely. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe were delighted to receive this news nnd extend the best wishes. Messrs. Frank Kouliek nml Joe Libershal and Miss Anna Llhershnl departed yesterday for Marquette, Mich., where they have relatives nnd where they expect to make a visit of a month. They selected a nice, cool place for their summer visit and the hoys will enjoy a well earned vacation. Tlio little child of Chniies Tru man, who was so severely scalded a number of davs since, is getting along finely and Is now considered ns almost out of danger. This is cheering news for the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Truman, and it is to bo hoped that the little one continues to Improve and Is soon all right again. Earl R. Bllsh, the fireman Injured In the Burlington wreck several weeks ago, has so far recovered that he can leave his room and gets about with the aid of crutches. He was able to come down yesterday from his room nnd take his dinner In the dining room of the Perkins, and today did the same thing. He has made marvelous strides nnd Is getting along splendidly. Loren. Bros., the well known batchers and grocers, have been making an Improvement at their shop, Installing a largo C horse power Alamo engine. They used a smaller engine for their work up to a short time since and found that the business had grown so Hint more power was needed, get ting the new one in consequence. The husliiesH of this firm Is growing in leaps nnd bounds nnd they find themselves constantly compelled to increase their equipment lo keep up with their orders. 1'reil Patterson came In today from his limn,, nt Kink IUiiITh, be ing compelled to make the trip on fool owing to his liorsii having died a few days since. Tin' ntilinal In question was an old tinier In (he Patterson fan. lly, having been tlm buggy horse of the Into James M. Patterson nnd having; sered the Patterson family for eighteen )cnrs. Mr. Patterson was sorry to lose the animal more on account of the long period It had been In the family and the associations connected with It that for any other reason. Shi I ill I II .S I I HI III J .1-1 il UsKK I