II THE PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. V 1 Mr. Banning has been engaged in j the implement business several years : and buys only the beat tools and any ; reference can be given as to his square dealing and business manage- ment. I THE VILLA!! F MEHAWKA Alva K. Stites. i This gentleman was born near j riattsmouth, October 9th, 1887. His j parents afterwards moved to Union j w here the young man received a part j Surrounded by Fine Farms and Extensive Orchards, Contains Enterprising and Prosperous People child, a daughter of fourteen year, of age. Mr. .Sheldon has a com modious and atractive home, near the bid home of his father whlctt is now owned and occupied by form er Governor Sheldon. Frank Sheldon is one of the most prosperous business men in Nebras ka, a factor In the growth and prosperity of Cass county and, withal, a most estimable citizen. By reason of Nehawka's location, of his education, graduating at the ; flnd ,tg natura, facilities, it is a high school. He attended the High land Park College of Pharmacy at Des Moines, la., finishing his course in 1903. He filled a responsible posi tion as a pharmacist in a Des Moines drug store for two years, at the end of which time he returned to Union ! ( ' f : and purchased the drug store which he now owns. This event occurred in April, 1907. Besides carrying a full line of staple drugs and proprietary medicines, Mr. Stites is exclusive agent in Union for the Sherwin-Williams Paints, best in the world. He also handles fine toilet articles, sta tionery, wall paper, paints, oil, etc. Early this spring he partitioned his store, making two nice rooms, one ex clusively for his drug trade and the -other for wall paper, paints and the more cumbersome articles (.f his trade. He lias Installed a fine soda water fountain and carries a full line of the best brands of cigars and otherwise Improved all departments of his busi ness. Mr. Stites Is a progressive, aggres sive young business man fully alive to the needs of his trade. He has the distinction of being the young est drug store owntr In the United States, having been only nineteen vears old when he purchased his present business. The portrait given of him here Is a good likeness and was taken a short time since. mcst favorul spot In Cass, the best county in the great state of Nebras ka. From an agricultural point of view the land tributary to Nehawka Is unsurpassed in the production of arain and fruit crops. The farmers in this section are all well-to-do, and the many beautiful and substantial residences that adorn the town Is in dicative of prosperity and content ment among the inhabitants. The churches and schools of Nehawka are among the best in the state, and af ford every advantage to the spiritual welfare of man with every advantage along the educational lines for the children who grow up In the com munity, fitting them for the high school or preparatory college. In this Immediate vicinity, can be found the greatest apple orchards In the land, one of which, owned by Mr. Isaac Pollard, is said to be one of the largest In the world, covering over two hundred acres. Extensive stone quarries are locat ed near the village, which employ a large number of laborers the year round, the output of which Is many car-loads dally. Again, Nehawka is blessed with one of the best flouring mills In the state, and the flour manufactured Is well known In many households for Its excellent quality. Nehawka Is also known for Its coun try fair, which a. few years ago was simply established as merely a little STONE QUARRIES THERE Brief Historical Sketches of Business and Pro fessional Men and Institutions of This Prosperous Community Patrick sold the SO acres upon which the town Is now located at an enor mous figure to the townslte agent for the railroad company. The first saw mill In Nebraska was locat ed here In an early period by Mr. Klrkpatrick. . F. P. Sheldon opened the first store and Is still doing business at the old stand, every year adding new friends to his long list. The first hotel was owned by H. G. Strong, and it is the same as that owned by John Bronson, the pre sent owner. The first bank was or ganized soon after the town was lo cated, C. II. Parmele, deceased, own ing a majority of the stock, with sev eral local men interested. Nehawka has two churches Methodist and United Brethern one of the finest public school buildings In Cass coun ty. The buildiiiE contains four rooms, but only throe grades are be ing taught. Here are the homes of ex-Governor George L. bheldon and ex-Con- For the past fourteen years he has resiued in isehawna and followed various pursuits. In October of last year, .Mr. Bronson leased the Nehaw tui lioiei uua nus spent his time and money bringing that hostelry into a better condition to receive the travel ing public tnaii was formerly the case. nearly in the spring Mr. Brou son had entire building completely and thoroughly renovated and put in the best possiule shape. He has de termined to give Nehawka a place to tit the needs of the public and this spirit has the endorsement of all who have occasion to visit the littlo gem city of Cass county. Mr. Bronson is married and his estimable wire; shares the responsibility of the hotel management. the West Side Clinical school at Chi-1 cago, 111. in 1S9S. In 1899 he took a post graduate course at the Bennett Medical Col lege at Chicago. He again took a post graduate and specialty In surgery course in New York. Jn 1004 and C5 he attended tho New York Polyclinic and In the hospi tal connected with the school. Dur ing the same year he attended the college he attended regular lectures at the college. For three months he was assistant surgeon at the New York hospi tal, Blackwell Island and during that time gained very valuable experi ence in that line of the profession. In 190S the doctor concluded to The Nehawka Bunk. This bank was organized Septem ber Nth, 1888, with a capital of $5,000. The first president of the Institu tion was C. II. Parmele, of Platts tnouth w ho held that position the first j eight years of tho bank's existence. The former Governor Sheldon sue ceeded Parmele, and was In turn suc ceeded by J. M. Stone, who still re mains at the head of the bank. Mr. F. P. Sheldon Is vice-president and D. C. West cashier. The latter gentleman has been In charg of the bank since its organization and has conducted Its affairs with ability and care. The best evidence of this is tb.9 Old Settlers' Bouillon. The twenty-flrst annual reunion of the old settlers of Cass county and adjoining counties will be held In Union on Friday and Saturday, Au- Vy gust 6 and 7. This is one of the big yocai anairs ot me county aim giem preparations have been made to make this a success in every way. The pro gram Includes oratory, band music and sports, and every one attending is guaranteed' a fine time. The or ganization giving this reunion Is composed of the leading citizens of Union and vicinity, and they have uniformly made the affair one to be remembered. A cordial invitation is extend?d to everybody to be present at the reunion this year. Any information desired will be cheerfully furnished by addressing Charles L. Graves, sec retary, Union, Neb. fferf k i NEHAWKA ROLLER MILLS local affair, has grown In Interest, jgressman Ernest M. Pollard, whose Extra copies of this Issue of the riattsmouth Journal's thirtieth an niversary edition may be secured at this office. Price 10 cents each. until today it Is known throughout Southeast Nebraska as one of the Interesting and enterprising features of this wide-awake community. The town is located on the Lincoln branch of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, with about equal distance (18 miles) from Nebraska City and Plattsmouth, the county seat of Cass. The name of Nehawka (which peans weeping water) was a post office some time before the town was laid out. and was located across the creek. L. C. Pollard was postmast er at that time, and continued to perform the duties of that position for several years after the office was removed to this side of the stream. The town was laid out soon after the railroad was completed, or In 1887. The land upon which the same is located, was owned by S. M. Klrknatrlck. father of E. A. Klrkpat rick, who Is still a citizen or Ne hawka. The oldest resident In this vicinity is Uncle George Hanson, whll S. M. Kirkpatrlck come pretty scon after Mr. Hanson. Mr. Kirk- ' iK','v '"Uri 1ST f . m iili mm parents settled here In an early day, and many broad acres surrounding the village are still retained by the families, and not only does this Im mediate community, but the citizens of Cass county In general feel highly honored In the production of two such distinguished and able gentlemen. Nehawka today boasts of two good general stores, one of which, that owned by F. P.. Sheldon, is one of the best equipped In Cass county, one hardware store, one drug store, two barber shops, two elevators, onebank, one doctor, one milliner and dress maker, one lumber yard, one notion store, one pool hall, one blacksmith and general repair shop for vehicles and Implements of all kinds, one livery barn, and last, but not least, a local newspaper which Is doing most excellent work for the town and vicinity, whose 'types' are manipulated by that genuine good fellow, T. J. O'Day, who Is truly de serving of all the support possible. The population of Nehawka Is about 350 live, progressive people, who are always alert to tho Interests of the town and territory tributary thereto. The way to build up a pros porous .community Is for those whose Interest lie In the building up of the town to patronize homo Institutions. There are so many business concerns who will send men to your commun ity, offering to sell you goods cheaply, and at the same time mnko falso pretenses. In patronizing such con corns, does It not appear clearly to you that you are tearing down homo Industry to build up others where you get no value of tho money In vested? Nehawka Is a nice town and nil who reside here aro proud to call It home, while those who live within a radius of miles In cither direction are benefitted by Its loca tion, should bear In mind the value which natural advantages of the town brings to them. Following will be found brief reviews of the live, ener getic and progressive business and professional men of one of tho most up-to-date village In Eastern Nebraska: The Xcliawkii Milling Co. The pride of NehawKa and the surrounuiug country is its excellent mill, erected at a great outlay of capital only a few years since. In iiit tiection of tins in oue in enter prise, l lie lai.t is luily uciuoiislraled tuai Wiet cul&eiiS liuel'cBie-u Hi lis uuiiuiiig huu eyes oiuy la lue uirec nun oi t iie lmeiisis oi the people ii suutiieiu cuss and Aoiuiel'ii uioe couuues and tnu up-ouiiuing vi AehawKu. Such a mill is a creuu ie mi my In tue biuio, ana tut uiaiius oi iiour liiaue is consiuereu equal to any in a uu lac lured In the great west. The builuing is a largo uiree-sttry structure, containing ail me latest machinery and processes lor turning out the very highest grades of hour. Wheii you see Hour orandod "High NehawKa Patent" uuy a sack of it and see how pleased your wife will be. She will makw you better biscuits than ever, bt cause she has tho best material on the market out of which to make them palatable. The products of the Nehawka Mill have already gained a wide reputation for the excellent qualities, and the merchants who fall to handle them are not doing Justice to their patrons. The Nehawka Milling Company besides their line flour, manufacture all kinds of mill stuff. The head miller is one of the best In the state, as his work will testify. The officers of the company are: F. P. Sheldon, president; A. F. Sturm, vice presi dent, and M. D. Pollard, secretary. The mill Is under the direct man agement of the latter gentleman, which is sufficient evidence that those who buy goods of these peo ple get Just such goods as represent ed. They always buy the beBt wheat, and this added to the modern facili ties for manufacturing, cannot help but produce the best flour placed upon the market. All local merch ants In Otoe and Cass counties should handle the Nehawkit flour. Jr .'i-lT- STREET SCENE-NEHAWKA locate In Nehawka and moved trom Union, to that place January 17th, 1908. The doctor has a commodious of fice which is fitted out with all mod ern surgical and other appliances necessary In modern medicine and surgical practice. The doctor has recently married Miss Jessie Gllniour of Plattsmouth precinct, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmour, who are Old resi dents of Cass county. Mrs. Walker was formerly a teacher In the Ne hawka schools, and his highly esteemed by a largo circle of friends. Frank I. Sheldon, This quiet unassuming man is n leading factor in the business life of Nehawka and Cass County. Born October 11th, 1806, on the J. S. Bronwtn. This gentleman was born at Ellza bethtown, Ehhpx county, New York, on tho 12th day. of February, 1871. Mr. Bronpon came to Nebraska In 1890 and slnre that time has lived In Caos county. : ' r 4 - ' . i' -. . I, Vf T. J A - fact that while the original capital ot $5,000 has been Increased to $25,000, It has been done entirely from the surplus earnings of tho bank. Forty thousand dollars have been paid In dividends during, that tlrno and the history of tho Nehawka bank stands alone and peculiar In Nebras ka banking annals as an ably manag ed financial Institution. Tho bank ing building, shown elsewhere, was erected In 1906 and Is a model for convene nee and the needs of the com munity. The bank Is provided with safety deposit vaults, largely used In tha village, which Is one of the richest communities In Nebraska. The Ne hawka bank has no superior In the west for banking facilities and Its re card is that of a well managed pro gressive Institution. NEHAWKA BANK BUILDING Sheldon homestead at Nehawka. Mr. Sheldon has passed the most of his life among the friends of his early days. . Lawson Sheldon, the father of Frank Sheldon and ex-Governor (loo. L. Sheldon, located on the present site, of the village of Nehawka In 1 855 and was one of tho earliest setth rs of Cass County. Mr. Frank Sheldon nt tended school In ('ass county and In April, 1 888, concluded to enter business. lie then established the store In Nehawka which he has ever since owned and conducted, It being the largest and leading one in Nehawka. His business has always been chnracterlzf d by fair dealing and his word Is as good as most men's bond. Mr. Sheldon was married In 1891 to Miss Banning,, the daughter of one of Cass County's pioneers and a most prominent man. There Is one Ba Natural. Sidney Smith said, by way of ad vice: "Whatever you are by nature, keep to It; never desert your own line of talent. Bo what nature intended you for and you will succeed; be any thing else and you will be a thousand times worse than nothing." A Crippled Organ. Alfred at the window watching an old organ grinder with an old-fashioned, stick-propped barrel organ, and listening to the dulcet strains of "Home, Sweet Home," suddenly ex claims: "Poor old organ! She's only got one leg!" Grewsome Source of Inspiration. Young, the poet, composed hla "Night Thoughts" with a skull be fore him, In which ho would place a lighted candle, and nt times he would wander among the tombs at midnight to get sepulchral Inspiration. lr. A. I). Walker. The subject of this sketch w as born at Plattsmouth, September 8, 1 873. After a courso in the Plattsmouth schools he attended tho Normal Com mercial College at Lincoln, graduat ing at that Institution. Determined to follow the medical profession ho entered Scuddler Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated with high honors at that colb go May 1 2th, 1896. The doctor first began his practice at Union, opening an office In that town August 9th, 1897. I He took a post graduate courso at m 1 ...I i ii,. i I. 1 T-ti. -qJ PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING METHODIST CHURCH-UNION