IDAILY PERSONAL NEWS k Short Items of Interest FromMon day's Evening Journal 1 f Mrs. S. S. Gooding and daughter, Miss Martha Rupley la spending ikl. I tKa A n xt In fsrr a V o (mint a(iaa Vi I n Miss Stella were passengers una 6v,.U6 iUla morning for Omaha where they will morning on the early train. spend the day. -"lss Kitue Lummins was a pas- Hrs J A. Libershal and Mis. r tn18 morning ror be north rus. . Icrninc nn fin th cnrlv frnln Anna Libershal are among those ' spending th day In Omaha going to Miss iieien uovey. wno has been that city this morning on the early trending some time in COago, 111. tra)n r-.'Uirned to her home In thly city t-aiuracy. Mrs. Mack, of Stanton, Neb., who .... i i ,-. ,un tun iir in mm laiiuiy were iias v s ting for several days In tre ... , .. . as ' 8 . , T vpV j passengers this morning on the early ritv the truest of J. C. iork ana . . . . Cliy iue bucbi ui train fnr Omnhn vhtn. ihov family, departed Saturday evening - for her home. m ... . rt, Ir . xi. riciu ui i lie uaat;i xvcui" edy Company, spent Sunday in the morning 'o MarysvUIe. M'., where cjty with friends, returning to Oma- he will a visit of severnl days ha this morning. with Misg I carl Amort, her old col- will and Ed. Mason were passen- legs churn. . , gers this morning on the early train "Mm Henry Miller and daughter Omaha where they will do some Miss Edith arc among thoso visiting today In Omaha being passengers for lara l'crr,,e reiurneu to ner that city this morning on the early work at Omaha this morning after Burlington train. . a 0WT s,,m,ay vlslt wlth hcr nar- ents. i ( , , W. II. Hell, the owner of Pleasant Jt .mis. juun ijeiser is spending me .pent Saturday afternoon In the city dn n Omaha having been a pat-sen- &-i nn mm iny ou uie eany train this morning. Hev. Father M. A. Shine of St. Mrs. C. S. Johnson is spending the John's Catholic church, was a visitor day in Omaha and South Omaha hn Omaha today going to that city with relatives and friends being a on the morning train. passenger for that city on the errly 3 c rataon was a passenger Burlington train this morning. th(a nirirnln, nn tha . . . Iiuau aavsaaaaaa J at ,aaj V-1 I J 11UM1 & V 1 Omaha where he will spend the day "ltlzens of Eight Mile Grove pre- looking after business matters, rinet, came In Saturday afternoon L. L. Fatton was among those to look after business matters, hav- making the trip this morning to lng trading to attend to with the Omaha having been a passenger for merchants. .. that city on the early BurlinrtoH S. L. Manes and wife- of Watson,"""" Mo., came in Saturday nlitht for a I li. . iewton or Kansa.i ' Hy isit of several dars with rs. Mane's ho has been visiting for sevenl daughter, Mrs. J. C. York. Mr. "e city with E. H. vVig.o'.i Mann expects to return home 'unrr, departed for her home morrow while Mrs. Manes will re-P1'1-' rtnlng. C. G. Frlcke visiting with the local merchants and looking after business matters. aain for probably a week or ten Mn. R. Sherwood It spending th Cty Sn Omaha going to that city this own lug on the early train. L, tnerwood was a passenger this mornlne for Pacific Junction where he has work painting for sev tral days. and wife . returned home last evening from an outing of several weeks at the lakes In Mlnne sota, having taken their vacation and enjoying their pleasant visit. Mr. Walker Stopford of San Fran Cisco, Cal., and Miss Lillian Crow- ther of St. Paul, Minn., are tb guests of Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey at her beautiful home on North Fourth Mrs. Aug. Hossler Is visiting with street. Vi c f frif hop 1m Ida Vinanlt a1 Cm m . I ' .,i uiv - vino- ir v TV,. .1 A. . A , MI88 Florence and their guest Mrs, I II IIHI Ul J.JVL1U11, illlLU , tt'CIU lill James Archer and wife returned automobile party to Nebraska City to Omaha this morning on the parly yesterday, spending the day as the train after spending Sunday In this mier.ta of Col. Wilson and fumlly. city with the former's parents. The Burlington laRt night operated Misses Nettle, Molllo and Jopp- special train through this city for phlne Vallery were passengers nn the I Denver. The train was run as Se early morning train for Omaha pond No. 23 and passed through here about 10:30 p. m. It consisted of eight coaches and seemed to be a where they will spend the day. Mrs. I. R. Raney and daughter MIhs Anna, are spending the day In Omaha with friends being passen gers for that city this morning on the early train. high class special. It U not known what the object of the train was. Through an unfortunate oversight the notice for the meeting of the First Church of Christ Srlontlst nn Ed Schulhof was a Sunday visitor Sunday was nmltte.1 from tho Rntnr. In the city with his mother and sis- day pap,iri The notl(,c wa repplve(! ter, returning to his dutle, n Glm- thronKh the ma, 1)Ut w08 mMM in woo,i this morning on the early the offlce hf.nre )t wn8 not prinU.,i. Burlington train. T,, Tniirnn .,.,, Mrs, J. M. Johns and daughter, py ani' has made such arrangements Mrs. Burdlck, and little Miss Edith Phat will not occur In the fnturr. Buidlck. were passengers on the Dr. William II. Beach of Chl-nto. morning train for Omaha where 111., spent Sunday In this city the they .will spend tho day. puest of E. H. Wescott. Dr. Bciih R. B. Windham had business i.n.i. ia n forn,Pr I'lattsmouth boy who ters to look after today In Omaha 111 be remembered by people hen. being a passenger for that clly on 110 F1,nK im ev'nl"K at the Metho the early train this morning. P,"'t fl,,"h. f which he was France Ilallanco anent Sundav lii n"'ny n some twelva yes.. the clly with his parents nnd friend 4 Sl,nRln8 1,1 th Dr llrv.'i returning to Glenwood on the earlv 19 8 s-'nuunrc or .Northwester:! V-:. train this morning. Prni r(1"l'Ke taiting high no-.c. In ic examination and for a ninfoor trn'-M nun ana c.y White ae- of hnit -,., departed this morning for Burwell lhe wH,t,y hospital in Chlni. in-re lovy ni pui in several weeks r n R,hl..,-l,or k rnn.ii. ! ne i.oys will Do ,wnilliiB aomo llmi. with I.U f,th. some thlrty-nve mil.. from clvllha- ri-Inw. Charles Miller, and family, tlon and expert to have a royal tlmo outh ()f the city, was a pasnger !urlng their vacation as they carried for Omaha this morning. Mr Hi..nK nn.i.ory ami onier parapher- R,.hl,.rher un.l.M-w.nt nnnihor ,. nalla for a genuine outing. L.u,, k i i u. ... ,i i,i inn niriMiai in vMii.uia re nave Amu k ti;u im'cii n bachelor " ''"'y mm uas neon uoing very for i ral days, Ms wlfo having nicely ever since. He Is now heavier be n spending some time at their ,n,,n 'r many years past ami Is farm. Dave Is (cHUng along as well feeling llrst rate. Me believes that as can be xpe. ted but srrmed to be the last operation has put him on F'-ttlng a llttl dlseoiirnged this bis feet and that from now on he morning over bU having to clean continue to Improve. Ills host hoiiHd and vt iiieaU at a restau- friends In this city nnd lclnlty i i l:.t.lf ln liquid ut Cuuuiy Com I iiiiM-iuiir i vl sauuOei Couiiiy, .- , in i.- ivti. i.; iiiK MATTKIt OK Tilt: OKOAM j Z.vll'.N of ASliUM) lKAl.NAOi: , l.l.-i : JO .-VI. I. V MO.U 11 .MAI IM.M.1.I... t'uisiiant to an oriirr uf the iioi tl if Louniy Cuiniuissloiif I of tauiidri a uiwlv, .'ririma, niJo and ruleicd u.i June 7, and by virtue vt the uullmiuy vestt-,1 in me Ly lUv siutute iI tlie ."tHte of .NvbiasKa iieiciimin-r Uesei lb-d, 1, A. N. Klmeluud, County Clt-ik uf Saunders County, Nebraska, ua herebv give notice that on ilay ;1. I 1jw, Abel U. Fuller. Nelson Mieffer, I 11. 1). Coleman, C Kettle, 11. K. Hays. i C. 1. Kettle. Cliaa. .Miller, A. J. danger, Margaret Wollen. Mary J.. Jesjierben, J. tl. viianirer and IC. V. lean Uid tile in the olliie of the County Clerk of Saundem County, Nebraska, tlieirpeti lion In witting and alsi their oond witn Hurety inereon. all in manner and form an by law required, and vv;,nli said bond und the surety theie on was on said date by me approved, the object and prayer of said peti tion being- for the organization of Ashland lirainage District, and said petition being tiled under the pro visions of an Act of the 1-R-Islature of the Mate of Nebraska, approved D the Governor thereof on March l!u7, entitled: "An act to provide for drainage districts to drain wet land: and land subject to overllov;andany land which will be Improved by drainage to build dykes and levies, to construct.stralght en, widen, deepen or altar any ditch, drain, stream or watercourse; to rip rap or otherwise protect the bunk; of any stream or dltcli, to construct, en large, extend, Improve or maintain any drainage system; to construct, enlarge, extend, Improve or maintain any system of control of surface wa ter or running water; and the rights, obligations nnd powers of such cor porations Including' the power of emi nent domain, the creation of debts, issuing of negotiable bonds, and the levvlng of special assessments on such real estate and the easements therein us may be benelltted by such public work, and .lellnlng the duties ami powers of public oilicials" and tho amendments thereto. That the boundaries of said propos ed Ashland luainage District us hxed and determined by Raid Board of County Commissioners by said order entered on June 7, 130!, ate as fol lows, to-wlt: (All sections referred to below are !n Township No. li North, Kange No. Nine Kast or the mxui t: m., sections one to twelve bout inclusive are in Saunders County, Nebraska. All otner sections referred to uie In Cuss Coun ty, Nebraska.) ' i-ommnncing at uie center point oi the Intersection of Tnird and T'ey streets In the City of Ashland, Ne braska, thence west three blocks along the center line of Liey street to the center of the intersection of Iey and Sixth streets In said city; thence north one block along the center line of elxth street to the center of the In tersection of Sixth and Silver streets In said City; thence west three blocks along the center line of Silver street to the center of the Intersection of Silver and Ninth streets In said City; thence south two blocks along the center line of said Ninth Btreet In said City to the east and west center line of Section Two; thence west along the east and west center line of Sections 1 and 3 to the southeast corner of the west half of the north west .piarter of said section 3; thence north one-nair mile to the north line of said section 3; thence west along the north line of said section 3 and also section 4; to the northwest corner of section 4; thence south to the center of the west line of said section 4; thence west to the center of section 5; thence south to the center of the south line of said section 6; thence west along the south line of said section 5 to the northeast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter of section S: thence south one mile to the south east corner of the west one-half of the routhwest utiartcr or said section 8; thence east ulong the south line of said section to the northeast cor ner of the west half of the north east quarter of section 17; thence south to the southeast coiner of the Wf?t imlf of the northeast ouarter of said section 17; thence west to the center or the west ine of nahl sec tion 17; thence south along the west line of said section 17 and section 0 to me center of the west boundary line or sat.l section L'O: thence ensi along the east and west center line of said section 20 and section 21 to the center of the east boundary line of sum section thence north along tlm east boundary line of said sec tion 21 and section Id to the north east corner of said section 16; thence east along the north line of sections 15 and 14 to the center of the north iioumiury line or sulci sect on la thence north to the northwest corner or tne southwest quarter of the soulh east quarter of section 11; thence east to the northeast corner of the south east quarter of the southeust c.uur ter of snld section 11; thence north to tho ticrtheust cornet of -.n'd soil Km n; thence west nloii the no-th line or said section 11 in u point where t ho Mime intersects me southeast bound ary line of the right of way of the i nicago, Jiurilii;l.iin & Qulnev IJnll road Company; thenco along ti,( southeast boundary line of i-ii, or way uml depot grounds of the said i-nicago. jiurnngton & Qninry iall roan lompnuy in a northeasterly til In (il.Dllll TO Mtott CAlL. t!.e lustrut Court of Cass Coun ts. Nebraka. iv Tin: mwtki: u? Tin: kstati. uf i.IXUNA W'oi.K, L'i.CKA.-Ci': T'.e cause comes on fur I raring up on r.e petition of J. 1-yii l.. i v.-i . admmb-tralor of tl.e e.-lute oi i.rMn V. , hi, dc a.e'l, pra Lis tor ie u.-c iw ell: . . . . . ,,v j:-KlnniiiK at a point roii.-unr nn rotli North of the center of Section Thirteen In Township Twelve .IS) North. Kange Thirteen U3 Kat, running thence West KIghty itt rods; thence North Kleven ill rods; thence east Highly () rods; theme south Eleven (111 rods to the place of beginning, being the North Half of Lots Thirteen U and r'lfty-three 53 in said section. Township and Kange. as now shown on the plats of irregular tracts of said County. , The undivided one-half (1-21 of t.ols Ten (1U and Kleven (11) In Mock Thirteen (13) In Dukes addi tion to the City of Flattsiuouth, Cuss Count v, Nebraska, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern llil wav over and across ald Lots. The undivided one-half (1-2) of the following tract of land towlt: Beginning at a point Thirty (30) rods North of the center of Section Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12) North. Kange Thirteen (13) East; thence running west Klghty (S0 rods, thence north Kleven (11) rods; thence Kast Klghtv t0) rods; thence South Kleven (11) rods to the place of beginning. being the soulh half of Lots Thirteen (13) and Fifty three (Ml In said Section, Township and Kange. as shown by the Irregular tracts In said County, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern Kailway across the same. or sufticlent amount thereof to bring the sum of $j."0.00 for the pay ment of debts allowed against said es tate of the cost of administration and In addition thereto tne costs of this proceedings there not being any per sonal property to pay the said debts and expense". It Is therefore ordered tliat all per sons interested In said estate appear before me at Chambers fit my otlice in t lie Court House In the City of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 24tii .lay of July, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. of snld day to show cause why a li cense should not be granted to said mlnilnlstrator to sell the above real estate of snld deceased or so much thereof as may bo necessary to pay SB id debts and expenses. Dated this ith dav of June, li)09. Ilnrvv D. Travis, Judge of the District Court. D. O. Dwyer, Attorney, i DAILY PERSONAL NEWS : Short Items of Interest From Tues day Evening's Daily Journal V Y V ? ? Y lection to a noint wTuta auhl u;,,iti, east boundary line Int PI'Hprtl the nun i . . OI "'reel in said City of Ashland; thenco due west along the center line of Main street and across 1 'IT.11, p1"1"" to the intersec iion ot iniru ami Main streets In sal vny; menco north along the center lino of Third street one block to the Piiu in oeginning; the lorgest poi tlon of the land Included within sah iioiinuaries ueiiig located in Saun nuiiiy, ienrasKa. ah innil owners within the 'oiiiiuiirie or said proposed Ashlnni Drainage District and nil others con v. i n.-.i nip nereny nn pi t in f nn lection will be held on Friday, July . I'.I'I'K between lh bourn ,.i.,i.i o'clock a. m. and six o'clock n m .1 on onice oi mo county Clerk of Saun oers initnty, Nebraska, In the County Court House at Wuhoo, In said Coun- ti at Knl'1 el'0"10" tho question " I " t M Oil, I Mill l Mflltl ,lu I nM.I Drnlnagn District Klmll 1... ,i,.i.., ,i.,...i and a board of seven .11 I'lil'tni'a til, u II m fiecieil. Millll liOnr.l To tnlfrt r.f1. continirentlv on the formation t said district In w tness whoreor T have hereunto siibKi-rlbeil my numo nnd attached my .IMclal seal as County Clerk of Sunn jl'Tj I iiimtv, Nebrnskn. nt my olllce ii tne voiiiilv Court House nt Wahoo ... oiiiuy mis june s. isni) 'SKAIA) County Clerk Nebraska. are linl to nolo his (avornhle pro pren nnd trust that his ntttlelpn tloiiH nre renlir.ed. rant and acted n giind denl like he sunly mhsed his hetter half. Hlnilff Qhlnton d'pnrteil tlila nmrnlny on tin. inrly train for the atnte penitentiary at Lincoln, Ink lng th him John A. Fl-lsliner, the mnn ronvl.ted nt the Inst term of ronrt of itfxnnlt upon f'harlea IJnrke Flelhni-r aa handcuffed hut did not aeem to fee iniirh p-rret over the term hlh la hefnru him. lie wm June 26, nxt Pnttir.lny, the rimts aentented to one year which will h nmuth team piny tho Fraternnl I n fedured to about nlno month with loin of Omnhn at th Chlon?o Ae pood behalvor. 'nun park Don t let the baby puffer from eeemn, sores of nny Itching of the akin, lioan'a ointment given Instant relit f, ettrea quickly. Perfectly anfe fur children. All druggists aell It One roslble Trig to Prosperity. Philadelphia Press. The crops are the only doubt. Mr. E. II. Harriman wisely pointed out that there might be "a shrink age in the values of our crops or some change in natural conditions which will bring about a colapBe In values." The food crops are still Unknown The reapers are flow at work on the winter wheat, and It is now pretty clear that it is from 30,000,000 to 60,000,000 short. To the farmer this will bring larger profits. Cash wheat in the wheat belt Is at the highest prices In a generation, from $1.30 to $1-60 a bushel. July wheat futures rose last week because it is doubtbul If there will be wheat enough at start to go around Spring wheat is doing well, but no one knows how It will harvest. In jury to It would bring a great strain on a!l credits, and Mr. Harriman's railroads have the best crop report known, not excepting the govern ment's. The situation of a rising specula tlve bull market Is, therefore, this If crops are good, share speculation will continue, new Issues will he floated, equipment and construction will begin on a great Bcale. and everyone will be busy, bustling and prosperous. If. crops are poor and no one yet knows food will be very high, pop ular consumption of manufacturers will be sharply reduced, railroad earnings will be affected and Mr. Harriman's possibility may come true. For the next two months the small Investor, the salaried man, the wage earner, be his Job new or old, and the lesser establishments will prac tice a wide, wise caution. Mrs. Frank Hajeck is among those spending the day in Omaha going to that city on the early morn ing train. Mrs. Ed. Weaver and little son are spending the day In Omaha having gone to that city this morning on the early train. County Superintendent, Mis3 Fost er is attending to business in Lin coln going to that city this morning on the early train. John Hockstrasspr is looking after business matters today In Omaha h.tvius teP a passenger for Ihar city on the early train. Mrs. Frank Sivey and cousin, Miss Eva Hobson are spending the day In Omaha being passengers for that city this morning on the early Burlington train. Councilman D. 0. Dwyer Is look ing after legal business in the me tropolis today going to that city on the early train this morning. John Gery Stark, cashier of the Elmwood bank and a well known and prominent citizen of that town, came in last evening to look after some business of importance in this city. Clerk of the Court Robertson and daughter Miss Blenehe, are spending the day in Omaha going to that city this morning on the early Burlington train. A. J, Graham, a popular and well known citizen of the east side of M. E. Manspeaker is spending the day in Council Bluffs, la., attend ing to business matters. Matt Jirousek is among those spending the day in Omaha being a passenger for that city this morning on the Burlington. Former Congressman Ernest M. Follard is In the city today looking after his business interests here, rom ing in last night. " ' v I. K. Wilson of Des Moines, la., who la the present owner of the. Coatea Block i.i thi? city, j3 here to day lookinj aftor his business Inter ests. A marriage license was Issued this morning by the County Judge to Ed gar L. Koenlg, nged 29, of Ply mouth, Nebraska, and Miss Laura E. Brauchler, aged 26, of Murdock. S. H. Atwood came down this morning from Lincoln to attend to some business matters in this city. Lee Aplegate of Union, who has been visiting with relatives at VII lisca, Iowa, returned Monday morn ing, changing cars at this point for his home. C. Schlater is In receipt of a pos tal card today from his son Frank, dated at El Paso, Tex., on June 17, stating he was well and that he would go from there to Nacona, Ariz., where he will look at some land. Mrs. H. D. Travis who has been ill the river, has been stricken with jfor sometime suffering severely from A. N. Klmelund. of Saunders County, XlTK i: OK ft,H Kll MllTTKI. MtHT(i(iK. .Notice Is hereby given Hint by vh- e Of rblltfel limi-lirnua ...... tember :U)th. DH17. to secure the i.av tnent of thu sum of :90U0 with in terest thereon :tt the rate of K ner cent from said .Into. Said mortgage hav ing been filed in the office of the (ounty touit of Cuss County, Nebras- j.... t-a-i-iufti nv jinrry Tigner to il '"l' i'H.1 1V said Marsh and bv snld Marsh transferred to the First National Hunk of I'lattsmouth, Nebras ka, l'liat upon said mortKiig,. that tiiere Is due stid utiiuild the sum of t;'!i0 with Interest thereto, at the rate of s per rent from date. Default hav ing been mm!.. In the payment of said sum nnd Interest thereon und no suit ".r,.'".l";r 11 "f" '"ivlng been In- "tltnted to recover snld debt or nuf part thereof, therefore tho unilertlgn' ed will sell tho property In said mort gage described vl.: One bnv horse mule ,t years o, weight 1.000 lbs ; '.",'.?. "V;"" "I"1" ,,"'',, y,,,r!, "''I weight ".V .'""''. m,,,,l(? miction to to the highest bidder for rush nt the bnrti on the Dovey lots nt tho corner of dak and Seventh streets In the snld ( Itv of l'lnttsmoutli on tho "fith tiny of June, 1H09. nt the hour of 1 .'lock p. in of snld On v. Flr-t National Hank of Flute mouth, Assignee of Mortgage, D. t). Dwyer, Attorney. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No Drlp" coffee strainer coupon privi lege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. It is silver plated, very pretty, and positively prevents nil dripping of tea or coffee. The doctor sends It, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to Introduce this clever substitute fo real coffee. Dr Snoop's Health Coffee Is gaining Its great popularity because of: first, Its exquisite taste and flavor; second, Its absolute henlthfulness; third, Its economy l'Ib 23c; fourth, is con venience. No tedious 20 to 30 min utes boiling. "Made in a Minute' says Dr. Shoop. Try It i.t your grrv cer s for a pleasant surprise. F. S. White, South Side Cor. Main and Sixth Streets, Flattsmouth; Xeh. Stops Itching Instantly. Cures piles, ezemn, salt rheum, teter.ltch. hives, herpes, scabies Ponn's oint ment. At nny drug store. Kiiney In Trouble. Edward r. Stich yesterday instl tuted suit In district court agnltitt Cal S. Raney, a well known Burl ington Conductor alleging that Raney had alienated the affections of plain tiff'a wife and asking damnges In the sum of $10,000. Plaintiff alleges that he was married In Seward rotin ty, In 1000 nnd that lie and his w.fe lived happily together until three years ago when Itnney began pay ing attention to Mrs. Stlch. By his arts nnd wiles he won her affections nnd overcame her chastity until sin no longer had nny love for the plain tiff nnd finally left him. Stlch re cently brought suit for divorce and nnmed Raney ns correspondent State Journal. Raney Is well known In this city hnvlng ran In nnd out of the city for years. hemorrage of the lungs and is In a serious condition at his home. Mrs. Frank Robinson, daughter1 Gertude and son Cliff departed this morning for Portland, Oregan. where they will spend the summer visiting with relatives and friends at that point. Howard Hilton was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will be present at the wedding of Miss Bessie Lloyd today. He took up an Immense amount of flowers, the gift of Miss Lloyd!s good friends, the Hilton's. S. S. Russel, a veteran citizen of the east side of the river, is re ported as lying critically ill at his home. Mr. Russel is suffering princi pally from old age being in the neighborhood of ninety years of age and small hopes are entertained for his recovery. Miss Christine Soennic'usen re turned this morning from her studies at the Art Institution at Chicago, for her summer vacation. Mis Soen- nlchsen has been making fine pro gress et her studies and Is producing work of high quality already. Miss Soennichsen will spend the summer at home being glad to get here and enjoy the rest. Robert Mauzy surprised his many friends and his relatives by coming In yesterday morning on No. 6 from Denver, Col., where he has been lo cated for sometime. Bob Is looking mighty line and seems to have been prospering since his advent Into the mountain country. The high air seems to have agreed with him in every way. Dr. E. W. Cook and son Harris departed this morning for Colorado Springs, Col., where Dr. Cook will attend a meeting of the State De puties of the M. W. A., all Jurlsdlc tlons of the order to be represented Including Canada. The meeting Is expected to last for a week, in Dr Cook's absence Dr. J. S. Livingston will look after the business of the Woodmen. Former Senator S. I Thomas Is spending the day In South Omaha where he has business at the stock yards to look nfter. Senator Thomas has received word that the automo bllrt which ho shipped to his son Walter at Long Bench, Cnl., arrived there without a scratch or blemish of any kind. The machine was shlppei from here on May 22 nnd arrived nt Long Beach on June 1". The freight on it amounted to J 140 quite snug sum. ElZI I an attack of tonsilitis Is reported to day as being some better. The Judge who has also been a sufferer from a large boil on his neck Is al?o some better. Constipation causes headpche. nausea, dizziness, languor, heart pal pitation. Draistic physics gripe, sick en, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. Superintendent of shops, Wm. Baird, wife and son were passen gers this morning for Lincoln where they will visit relatives and where Mr. Balrd had business matters to look after. Messrs. Oscar and Lloyd Gapen were passengers on the morning train for Oamaha where they have business to ook after during the day. They drove up this morning from their homes near Murray. The condition of II. J. Streight who has been suffering so severly from a paralytic stroke, Is reported today to be practically unchanged although hlpes nre entertained that he will speedily gain strength and become himself once more. Louis Wolf and hU sister, Mrs. Baushausen and family all of Rav enna, Neb., who have been visiting with their mother and their brother-in-law, George Klinger and family, departed this morning for their homes. Andy Nelson departed this morn ing for Dallas, S. D., where he goes to look over his claim which he drew last fall and to make arangements to stnrt building on it. Andy Is desir ous of seeing what the land looks like in the spring having seen it last winter. He will be gone for sometime. Louis F. Lnnghorst. the leading merchant nf Elmwood nnd one of thnt city's m t l)tis:lio r.i.'n spent last evening mil tl:h imiriiln In the city attending to matte-s In 'onno tlon with Elm 'cod 'ha;ttiM v. While her ha Id ci aipur.v with Join Gerry Stark, paid the Journal a very pleasant ca'l. Abort Gnnsemelr from near Ne hnwka was a pleasant caller tills af ternoon at the Journal office, coming in to renew his subscription to the Journal. He Is one of the best and llvest young fanners of his sctlon nnd Justly popular. He la always welcome nt this office. George Bor ger of Murray acompanled him in and was another pleasant caller. railing Hair Ayr' Hair Vlifnr promptly drttmys the germs that uuh falling kilr. It nouriihrs the hair tnilnt. rttot them to health. Hit half stop falling out, grows mors rapidly. Dandruff Ayrr'j Hair Vigor Jut a promptly dcuh-oyt tht germi that caute il.indruB. It removes every tract of dandruff It ull. and keeps the scalp dun and In t healthy condition. Docs not Color the Hair We wish you to positively nd distinctly understand trot Aycr'i Hair Vigor des not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair nay use It freely without having the hair mute a shade darker. InCrrdlontS! Sulphur. Clvrerin. Qnlnln. SortWw ("World. t taputum. Stft. Akoliol. Water. Pcrtumt. Show this formula to your doctor. Ark him what he thinks of It. ,T r , t t..-n M,-