0LrMfei7D 0 For Particulars Address Members of the Committee as Follows: O. A. DAVIS, Chairman. W. G. BCEDEKER, Secretary-Treasurer. JAMES W. HOLMES, Concessions. Murray Department PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. If any of the readers of the Journal know of a social cent or an item of interest in this vicinity and vill mail same to this office it mil appear under this heading. Wt tcant all items of interest. Editor Journal f' DC DC WHAT DANK CBMrini: U MEANS on n Each customer's business receives the at tention of our officers. These men of exper ience can make vour matters more exact. Whatever part of vour business that comes A through this bank U carefully inspected. This J is safeguard for you; the chances of error, are les.-cned. H Your business uc:ess is reflected on the tl tit 'if :i re if ) -lnl.- Our nffii-m-c nrr intnrncl. l.fi V-I i vi- uuiiiii vwi UlVII..k l 1 ' .1 1-1 . eu in i ne uanii s customers. We invite you to become one of our num ber of satisfied customs, and we seek the op portunity to explain o:r service in detail. ij Murray State Bank ft W. G. BOEDEKER, Cash.er. H 'V it srJ A nlco line of lire works at Holmes & Smith's. Mrs. K. A. Burton, of Surprise, Neb., Ih visiting relatives und friends In Murray and vicinity this week. j Albert Young, J. W. Holmes, Will Hrown, mid Glen lloedeker automo Idled to the county sent Saturday evening In Glenn's flyer. Chnrles lloedeker shipped a cur load of fat cattle, to the South Om aha market Wednesday. Mr. Ro.. Ccker accompanied them. . Tho Fourth of July committee are all busy. J. W. Holmes, the chair man reports of havliiR disposed of six. and has letters from others who want - privileges. Mrs. Hoy 1)111 was reported very III Wednesday, and Dr. J. F. llrendel was summoned hastily to her bedside. After receiving treatment she be came easier, and at the present w rit ing Is much Improved. , The Fourth of July commlttee"J!t busy Tuesday and Wednesday and built n new bridge across the llttlo n ream east of the railroad and lend ing to the celebration grounds. Ora Davis, J. W. Holmes, Will Hamilton, Will lirovwi and F. M. Young, sr., are the ones "to whom nil credit Is due." From present Indications Murray will havo an awful crowd nt their - Miration on the 3rd of July. Peo ple from the south, cast, west and north of town for miles express their Intention of celebrating In Murray this year. And the committees are Arranging to care for all that come. Vc maneuver-'d around the depot a short time whllo In Murray Wed nesday, and wo noticed our good friend, Scott, the gentlemanly agent engaged In arranging bis fishing par aphannlln for the next outing of the boys. It Is a good thing they have such a rlever fellow as "Scotty" In Murray, because he U depended upon to get everything In readiness, whllo Hilly Rrown, Jlmmlo Lnughrldge and John Cook hustle for the worms Mr. Scott Is a popular agent for the M. P. at Murray, Mire. Miss Faullne Oldham and Mrs. Addle Stoker were I'lattsmouth vis itors Wednesdny, where they spent the day. Those who were present at the Christian church Sunday evening highly commend the excellent dls course of Rev. Ream, the regulnr pastor. Mont Robb, who Is conducting one of the elevators at Mynard, visited hU friends In Murray over Saturday night, taking the Sunday morning train to Wyoming to spend the day with his family. Fred Englekemelr, of I'lattsmouth, got off the train here yesterday morning and was taken to his farm, west of town, for a few days' visit Rnd to see how matters were pro gressing at tho old home. Mrs. A. L. Raker and daughter Opal went to Omaha Wednesday morning to consult a specialist In reference to a growth on the left side of Miss Opnl's face, near the ear. We sincerely hope thnt noth Ing FerlonB will result. Col. Seybolt shipped a carload of hogs to the Nebraska City market yesterday. He went down In his auto to look after them and was ar rompnnled by Lee Oldham. The friends of Mr. Oldham say thnt this Is Lee's first ride In an auto and they were fenrful of the result, but the Colonel being an engineer of fame brought him home In safety. J. A. Walker received a leth from Dr. Gllmore and wife, In which they state they are enjoying a pleas ant time. Doc says Oklahoma la simply grand and thinks thero Is bright future for thnt country. Ho thinks they will be at home about Sunday or Monday, although he would be delighted to spend a much longer period In the new state. Prof. Lamp, of Omnha occuple the pulpit of the Tresbyterlnn church Sunday morning and even Ing. ana an wno ncara him were more than well pleased. He Is a fine talker and a polished gentleman. He Is the father of Rev. Wlllard Lamp the pastor of the church, who ac conipanied his father home, where lie remained until Wednesday morning. Mrs. Marvin Fleming returned home from Omaha yesterday, where she has been In St. Joseph hospital for some time. She feels greatly Improved. Tho stork left a 9 pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis Tuesday night. Mother and child doing well and Ed. 'feds just as hap py as a big sunflower. Mrs. Albert filers was operated upon Tuesday at St. Joseph's hos-plti-1 in Omaha, and late reports state thr.t she Is getting along as well n can be expected. Charley Spangler's auto did not give r.s good satisfaction as lie de fied, and be took it to Omaha Sat turday to exchange it for another but it has not arrived yet. It Is' one of the "Auburn" make. Dr. W. K. Loughrldge, of Mllford, Neb., arrived Tuesday night to visit his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Loughrldge and his broth er. Jlmmle, and family. Mr. Lough rldge Is still feeling very poorly, and hlle able to be up and around, ho is unable to Bleep only In a chair. Dr. Loughrldge returned home the same evening via. Omaha. .1. A. Davis, father of Ora Davis, of the firm of Davis & Pitman, re ceived a letter from his father, who has been sojourning In Colorado for the past three months for his health, stating that ho would be at home about tho Fourth of July. Mr. Davis has been trroubled with the asthma for some time, but thinks the cli mate In the mountains hns benoftlt ted hlra somewhat. A Hlj Success. One of the largest crowds that has been In Murray on any one occa sion for years, attended the lawn so cial given by the band boys on Sat urday evening last. Strawberries, Ice cream and young ladies and reigned supreme, and nil mingled as one body In social enjoyment until a late hour. All went home declar ing, to the great credit of the band boys, that it was one of the grand est soeial events that ever occurred in the town. There was plenty of ice cream, plenty of ripe strawber rles.and lots of pretty young ladies present to add charm to the event. It is said the boys outdone themsel ves In rendering music, and it Is a wonder how the b:nd ts Improving dally. The receipts of the evening amounted to $?,2.00, and tho boys are greatly pleased with their success. A A A a a V PERKINS HOTEL 1 V ? ? v t ? ? ? V f v w w GUTHM AN & CORY. Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska RATES $1.00 PER DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade CZZD and Guarantee Satisfaction. WHEN IX THE CITY GIVE US A CALL The Perkirs Hotel t ? ? V f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sheriff's Sale. Miscellaneous Shower, At the the beautiful home of Mr and Mrs. W. G. lloedeker In Murray, Tuesday, n miscellaneous shower was given In honor of Miss Ora Ilutche- son, who was married to William R. Carey of Sarpy county, at the home of her parents Wednesday evening. There were twenty-two guests pres ent, and the bride was the recipi ent of many beautiful as well as use ful presents. Resides tho social time enjoyed n three course luncheon was spread, which was muchly nppre elated by all present. The usual mock wedding was one of tho novel ties of the occasion. In which the bride (In reality) Miss Hutcheson, was the bride and Miss Pearl Carey acted the part of groom. The mln is-ier perrornung tne ceremony was Miss Eva Porter, the flower girl be- Wlnnle Hutcheson. All performed their parts remarkably well for girls Thoso who were present to enjoy this pleasant event were: Mesdames Joseph and Walter Sands, Misses Ru- lah Sans. Annabel and Marv Mimm Eva Porter of Mynard. Agnes Ken netiy, Ida lloedeker, Pearl Carev Winnie, Ora and Flora Hutchinson Mcsuanies J no Hendrick, J. W Holmes, W. P. and Wm. Hutchinson J. . Sans and W. d. lloedeker, the hostess. For Sale. &,ooo acres of good farming, hnv and grazing land In Keith county, Ne nrasKa. an prairie. On account of the proximity of the two Platte rivers plenty of rainfall Is assurel Handy to get to. being six to twelve miles from a good town on the IT. p R. R. Price $10.00 to tl 5.00 'per acre. Terms Is desired. Address to owner, John M. Livingston, Nebraska City. Nebraska Married Last Kvcuing. A very beautiful wedding oc urred at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Wyette Hutcheson last evening at 8 o'clock, when their daughter, Miss Ora, was united In marriage to Mr. William Carey, of Sarpy county. The ceremony was witnessed by the near friends of the contracting parties, and "all went merry as a wedding bell." An ele gant feast of the many good things was enjoyed. We are unable to give the full particulars of the pleasant affair until next week. All we have learned Is that the young people will make their future home at Meadow, Sarpy county. The Journal extends congratulations. BY YIKTTF. OK AN i!!IE!: or SALV-. is sue. 1 t-y .lames Ki leiisnu. rli-rU of (lie l-tstrii-l I'ouvl wltliln an! for Cavs i-o;ie.l y, NY iiiaska. aei tome (Uncled. I vvillentU' 2lh Cay cf July, A. D..1S93 at ten o'clock a. ni.. of salil day at the south d.vir ot tlie ciitirl linuse. In s-ilil .'onnty. sell at 1'iiMic aiii'tlon to Hie liU'l.est ladder for cash, tlie folluwlmr real (stale to-wll: I.nt No. fourteen Ui In llool four (4) In the villain- of M am.-. Cass county. Nt-t.iuska. Tee same I'Clnir levied ui'on ami taken as the ro 1'eity (if Lelia 1". Queen and Al'n'il Queen, de fendants, to sa' Nfy a jiuU'inent of suld court recovered ly Prior Cami-U-ll, administrator of the esiato of Thomas I. Campbell, decrasi d olaliitlir. anlnst -.did de'e'iriat'.l.s. I'latlsinoutli. Nebraska, .lime Mh. A. 11.. l'.V!i. c. !. (JI'INTON. flu-riff Cass County. Nebraska. The C. K. Society of the rresby terian church will conduct a market in the window of Larkln and Co., Saturday afternoon. Everything for your Sunday dinner, cakes, pies, bread, salad, dressing, Jellies, cook ies, cottage cheese, all like mother used to make. Old People Fourth of July Dunce. The underslgners have arranged for a dance to be held at Jenkins Hall, on Saturday, July 3. The dance will commence as early as the lovers of "tipping the light fantastic toe" mny desire, and w ill continue as late as the crowd may demand Jacobs' Orchestra of Omaha, will fur nish the best of music, and every body Is Invited to participate In the general good time expected. Alfred Cansemler, George Rerger, Fritz Lutz, Managers.' (let out of the Way. A sensible man will always try to get out ot the way seeing n dan ger approaching. Only one danger will often be overlooked, the danger of sickness. It comes toward us giving us various signals, like sud den loss of appetite, and of strength. There Is time to prevent It to do us American Fllxlr of Hitter Wine and the great danger of a sickness will pass by. This remedy, composed of pure, matured wine nnd selected herbs, Is n great tonic, it will assist greatly In the digestion of food, will make new blood nnd will bring strength to body nnd mind. It will sharpen the appetite and quickly relieve Indigestion. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, CK.-G22 S. Ash land Ave., Chicago, 111. To Head of llnr.c for Sale. The undersigned hns 20 head of good young horses to dispose of at private sale, In any number de slnnl. They are large-boned, In good shnpe, and none of the branco order. They can be found at my place, six miles southeast of Mur ray. Come and see them for your selves. Price reasonable. Frank Vallery. Murray, Nob. Hitjiuies! . linger: I have several new up-to-date bug gies that I want to sell right away, and I am going to cut the prices to bed rock, in order to do so. Come quick, while you can get one of these fine buggies at almost cost. I mean Just what I say, John II. Cook, Murray, Neb. For Sule. A good, well Improved seventy acre farm, five miles southeast of Murray. For particulars see James Chalfant. J. W. Polln was a passenger this morning for Ralston, Neb., being ac companied by Mrs. Thayer Propst and little Miss Fropst who came In yesterday to attend the Hutche-son-Carey wedding at Rork Bluffs last evening. Need VINOL it strengthens and vitalizes VInol tones up the digestive organs, aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuvenates every organ In the body. In this natural manner Vino) replaces weakness with strength. We are positive It will benefit everj old person who will give It a trial If it don't we will refund their money GERING & CO. Druggists Plattsmouth, Neb I ft X uirinr nnmnirn lpIL'UL I'UIUUI ft- 1 1 iv i. nt umrncu V UII 111CUUI DIUC, 1UI U 1CW y days putting in our new cop- Vi nfr 5tnrf frnnr nnr1 wr iv511 cVinw nur nnnrprintlnn rm t1io l inside for any inconvenience to which our customers, and the public, might be put during this period. Don't pass us by because we're a little dis figured or afraid anything might drop on youexcept the continuation of the drop ping of GOOD VALUES in SUMMER FOOTWEAR! Ladies' Oxfords 51.05 to $4.00 Men's " 2.00 to 4.00 Infant's Slippers 55c to 70c Children's Buster Brown Slippers! CD SHERWOOD & SON