4 The - Plaitsmouih .- Journal " f'MAii Semi-Weekly at Plittsiauili, Nebraska f"l R. A. BATES, Publisher. Eiter.'i at thi PJst)Ti:e at Pialti nrjth, Nobraika, as second-class mutter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Judge J. L. Syracuse, On j Fourth. July : Rett will e touuty, orate at en the If Mr. J.ryan aiul Senator Hurkitt are the candidates for Senator a year hence, we move that n joint canvass of the state he arranged for these gentlemen. Uurkett says he does not tear J'ryan, and every senille person knows that Uryan does not fear Uurkett anywJiere you take them. Those republican senators who have stood by the people in voting on the Aldrieh tariff bill deserve ju't as much praise from democrats as members of their own party who have fought for the interests of the common people so man fully. Theyhould remembei that ''Honor and shame from no conditions rise, and act well their parts, where all honor lies." County papers throughout the state are quite freely of the same opinion as the Journal editor in that class plays for graduation exercises are of little value to the graduate." The class play is only a fad that has been in vogue but a few years. It doesn't promote thought and schools are going back to the old idea of commencement. Money doesn't buy dome-stir hap- piness. Witness the airing that Is bt-ing given the martial relations of Frank Could and wife. Large full sheet posters were print ed at this office announcing the Fourth cf July doings at Murray. Saturday, July the 3rd. There will be pleuty of amusement for all who attend. Don't forgot the day Sat urday, July 3. Judge Duffie, who Is a republican and a candidate for supreme Judge, announces that the non-partisan law will not be attacked in the courts, but candidates will comply with con ditions of the new law and become candidates on petition. But Judge Ragan of Hastings don't want it that way and has commenced a suit to test the law. The senate has Increased the tar iff on eleven rarities of cotton goods, which will be a bonanza for the man ufacturers. You can expect to see the price of cotton advance If the house agrees and Taft signs the bill. What does the senate care for the consumer? Not a tinker's dam. It owes Its election to the special in terests and must help them. There no more sense In having two The Lincoln News truthfully marks that old residents who have a fondness for digging into previous weather con ditions declare that May and June of this year strongly resem ble that nf just c.'tiilt'c-n years ago.Vhen rains' fell nl The right time and came without the usual disnlav of lifhtrnno- and thunder. It is recalled tlmt. 1 SOI wn nm nf l , ,, , , . ' -v . va.v. V luv uiwi NiuuncB iu mane auws mat 10 nave u mum seasons m me History oi the state. There was a hve wheels to a waeon imiujH-i i ioi., wm-ui, u;us, corn mm grass and never were me pastures in such line s mix it vpt rom-nnc fr 41. n innn Tr 1 - vn. nit ii'Ui i uumunam, uauuuci ai rvcar- , . . . lil t . n I mown ir season 10 reac 1 i 10 ipi-ipfTinn nt nr.ni- v n inn,in n,, . , , - -- i uunuucSu, nsy eaiuruay nigni was largely at tJUlV and ..A tiff list 01 t ils altrr ilntn fmiiiJiful mnltl nrn -in of I . . . ... , ., " , , " t. , " . "'v"'ll"t Ju'11 lenueu, ana it proved to be a regu- ii in ii ii. ii tin in i-mn mm il vt iicrtm i mm w i wit n r trnnn nr. . i,,,,!,,,,,,,,!, 'riw.,1...... .,iii wi i -ii- ... " par old-rashlon love feast. Governor tacliments. J lie (lavs would liesrin with Im mnr nnilnnn nn, in the afternoon some tiino n lii.r ,.lnn,l ,,1,1 n, : 4V. JSfcallenberger made the speech of , , " ""1-1 , iivmiil HI 'I '1111 Hi , TT . west and down would come generous nrPfinitntinn f fm, the 00(asIon- "e was. it seems, in lierce winds or the flash and roar of the nHilWv Pne of his vvtet moods and talked skies. straight from the shoulder. Hk Is not only popular with his fellow democrats, but he is greatly admired by ninny republicans, who respect him for his manv manlv traits of harm tor. The Governor's speech on this special occasion was a mas terful effort. The past two weeks has demon strated to the writer that some peo ple are not living up to the pure food laws. It may bo the merchant, but it is more liable to be the farm ers' wives, or the ones who gather the rgges thatthrust them upon the merchant. A person, who pays 20 cents a dozen for eggs don't like to find one-half of them so stale they can't be used. The food Inspector will be arounj one of these days and some persons will have to fork over more money than they have made In the egg business this season. What do you think of a farmer that will bring In a whole basket of eggs and not a good one in the bunch? TAFT'S DEMOCRATIC-PLATFORM MESSAGE. (New York World.) In recommending to congress the submission of a eontitu tiouiil amendment expressly authorizing the collection of an in come tax Mr. Taft lias turned his back on his own record and planted himself squarely on the democratic platform of 1008. At the Denver convention, July 10, last, the democratic party made this declaration: We favor income tax as part of our revenue system and we urge the submission nf a constitutional amendment specifically authorizing congress to levy and collect a tax upon individual and incorporate incomes, to the end that wealth may bear its propor tionate share of the burden of the federal government. The Republican convention at Chicago in its platform v-.s silent on this subject, but in his speech of acceptanco at Cincinnati, July 28, Mr. Taft volunteered this state ment: i The 'democratic platform demands two constitutional amendments one providing for an income tax and the other for the election of senators by the people. In my judgment an amendment to the constitution for an income tax is not necessary. I believe that an in come tax, when the protective system om custom and the internal revenue tax shall not furnish income enough for governmental needs, can and should be devised which under the decision of the supreme court will conform to the constitution. ,oi,m7axly n?'rir ,,.t'fr(1' in a S1,m'h nt Clumlu, 0., August uU, 11)07, Mr1 alt said: In times of great national need, however, an income tax would be of great assistance in furnishing means to carry on the government, and it is not free from doubt how the supreme court, with changed membership, would view a new income tax law under such condi tions. The court was nearly evenlv divided in the ast case, and during the civil war great sums were col lected by an income tax without judicial interference, ' and it was then supposed within the federal power Whenever the government revenues need an increase or readjustment I should strongly favor a graduate inheritance tax and, if necessary for the revenues, a change in the constitution authorizing a lederal income tax, with nil the incidental influence of both measures to lessen the motive for accumula- l tion. ."Without knowing all of Mr. Tuft's more recent reasons jor oouciing mat a constitutional amendment is now neces sary when it was not necessary eleven months ago, it is evi dent that Mr. Aldrieh feels greatly relieved by the prcsi dent's message. In siite of the finance lion, the passage of an income tax provision bv democratic mm j'icgiessive repuniican votes nail seemed imminent. Mr Aldrieh had fought against adding nnv special taxes. At Mr Tr,.r o :... i... i... 1 . i ,i mil ,-i niM.iiHi- in- ii, I;s i fiiicmimv nccepicti me tax on corpora- lions as the easiest way out of his difficulties. To stave off the adoption oi the income tax will be a partial vic.torv. l.y lus action Mr. 'I alt admits that he expects the house and senate to make the new tariff duties so high that thev wil not produce adequate revenues, lie despairs r an agree meat on the inheritance tax, which the house has emhodiei in its bill. As a substitute the tax on corporation net earn nigs is a lair measure, noui expedient and practicable. rut it does not dispose of the income tax issue. If Mr. Aldrieh believes that more thnn nne.l'imHli nf ! - , , ....... Bvn.il, in states will reieet n const itutinnnl ji lnetwl uieitfi itikim ! I !ih. , , . , j i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil income tax without question, he may find that he is the victim of self-deception. Mr. Taft has no such illusions. He favors ii in.Lti.1 i i.,,!,,,..!., 1.!. ..! ! .... ii . . i m Vnt it. Pill lllih,ironlK ilm immmliul inii-hA... l.t m iniiiii umir i hits I lit N- I , . . . v ... a um m sage to congress is to unite the republican factions in the lhc ,,,nRt dlsll""b the over-lords of M'tintc on the democrat le ulntfonn mill iiwuvn 4li imul ,,.i.. ihn mnnin ti,.,,. u ..... i ....... ...... ... ,,,v Hutu num. nn,r uiinu mnn I A it i ii ., ... ... I I Thru. trn,l .a. Ut... itieni into law oi a democratic measure tlirougli the reiml. can goods bid un for mnnv v.r. Bn,i l . . i.artv. 1 -.'irtinrm , :'. " :!"Mr"a ror Hippity hop To the grocer shop To get a package of the tip top Ginger Snap. fine and snappy, they'll make you happy for A Package NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY A duty that Is becoming more lear and Imperative with every vote on the tariff bill la looming up be fore President Taft. He was elect ed on a platform that specifically demanded tariff revision and re sponds to the demand of the plat form he called a special session to redeem Its cardinal pledge. That session has not only repudiated that pledge but It has made the condi tions complained of, If anything, worse than they were before. Pres ident Taft is not responsible for the transgressions of Congress but he certainly will share in thnt responsi bility If ho approves of the trans gressions by his official signature. The Aldrieh bill Is certainly an act of "perlldity and dishonor" and it Is up to the president to see thnt the act Is not consumated Central City Nonpareil (rep.) drink and be merry." Aldrieh in dignately said: "I am responsible to by constituents alone." He need have no consern for the needs of the party at large. Provided Rhode Island Btays republlean, what matters it If Illinois or Iowa be lost? Aldrieh is not asking cither of the latter states to keep him in the senate. Hut there is one man who is bound to take notice that the country is somewhat larger than Rhode Island, J and whose duty it is to consider the i interests of the whol.; people. He is the president of tho United States. ! Heavy on the Taviiavers. I I A special from Lincoln, where the! saloons are cut out, says: "The I board of education of the Lincoln hoola la considering the best means to meet a heavy deficit in finances due to the unexpected passing of the rohibition rule in this city. The cutting out of the saloons left the board without $40, 500 that had been counted on to finish the school year. There was at the beginning of the year a deficit of $2S0.00 coming from cutting down the number of saloons a year ago from 42 to 27, and leaving the levy low. The county has not collected the 90 per cent which according to the law the board may figure on. Thus It Is expected that the deficit may reach $80,000. Last year a levy of 19 Va mills was made. The law says cities of the first class of the size of Lincoln may levy $150,000 for school purposes Under a ruling of the state superin tendent the board Is going to disre gard this provision and levy the full 23 mills that- Is allowed under the general law." Warnings of political retribution such as Senator Cummins nddressed to Aldrieh and the other members of the "tariff hog" combliu. slide easily off the backs of senators who have their loral machines under good control and the legislature tn their breeches pocket. Fancy frightening Hale or Lodge In that way! It Is in the doubtful states and particularly those of the west west which are so filled with disgust Iowa Senator will come true if all. Ilut this nrosnect dm nn are saying In their souls, "Eat In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that that nerve controrls will also surely fail. It may be a stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and supoprt to the heart or kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital tuih rif Shoop's restorative was not made to dose the stomach or to temporarily stimulate the heart or kidneys. That old fashioned method Is nil wrong. Or Shop's Restorative goes direct ly to those falling Inside nervts. The remarkable sucess of this prescrip tion demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of the fall ing organs. And it is lndee.l ensv to prove. A simple five or t- n days' test will surely tell. Try It nt once. and see! Scld by all dealers. Accept (Joed Position. C'.niente Staats has arcepteil a position with the Merchants National Hank of Omaha and Is now located In that city. Mr. Staats Is a bright and able young man and one with marked ability. That be will make a valuable addition to the bank for ces goes without saying and that he Paroled With Parents. In the case of Albert Schwartz arrested yesterday for having raised a check given him by Luke Wiles, County Judge Beeson this afternoon paroled the young man in the cus tody of his parents, pending the fil ing of charges against him. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz with Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker and the boy ap peared before Judge Beeson who stated to them that there was no com plaint on file against the boy yet and that lie understood there would be none until the return of County Attorney Ramsey who is in Texas at present. Under the circumstances he felt that he would not allow the boy to remain in jail but he hg vised the father to see the Sheriff this even ing and have himself sworn in as a special deputy sheriff. Sheriff Quin- ton is out of the city today but will arrive home this evening, as soon as Mr. Schwartz is sworn in the bov is to be placed in . his custody there to remain subject to the orders of the County Judge. He stated It was either do this or to let the dot out on bonds which he did not feel disposed to do. The boy was then released in the custody of his parents. Judge B. S. Ramsey, this morning stated to a Journal reporter that he had been looking after the case only In a sense tor his son the County Attorney who was In Texas at present. He exDected him home tomorrow and for this reason he had not filed any comnlalnt against the young man. He stated that Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and the boy had been at his office yesterday when the matter as to what nunish. rnent should be given the boy was discussed and he had advised the par ents that they would bo doing the boy only Justice and learn him a good lesson to let the law take Its course. He expected a charco nt forgery would be filed against the boy as it was the second offense of the kind he had committed. The boy had stated that he expected to go to the reform school for what he had done, seeming to Indicate that someone had given him advice upon the matter before it had taken Place. He also stated that the sum he obtained upon the check had been turned over to his pnrents with the Moeptlon of a small amount 1 ess than one dollar which he had spent. Me advanced no reason for raising the check save that lie wanted the money and stated that after he had passed the check he spent the money he wanted and then paid his par ents something over eleven dollars out of the proceeds. Tho father stated he did not give the amount much attention thought ho thought the boy was doing very well for the time ho had been nt work. It Is likely n complaint will be filed against him as soon ns County Attorney Ramsey arrives home anil thnt n hearinir will take place In the Immediate future. In the mean time he Is at hrgo nnd under the supervision cf his p:?rt Will RIlPOilllv nHvnnro a l,ni. ... I .......it.,- M?1- at the threatened betrayal cf tariff tion In his chosen line Is the hearty rcwsion, that the prophesies of the wish of hi many friends In this city who congratulate him upon his cood fortune In securing this position. Shorthorn for 8W. Three good registered' Shorthorn Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. groom Is a son of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Carey who were for so long a time resident of this section and who now reside at Meadow, Sarpy county. He is a. young man of the most examplary habits, a good, hard-working and ambitious gentle man who numbers his friends by the Ecore and one who is an assured suc cess in whatever he undertakes. The bride-to-be, Miss Huteheson, is the chaining and acomplished daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Hutehe son, old and highly respected citizens of Cass county and pioneer resU dents of the vicinity of Rock Bluffs. Miss Huteheson is one of the most charming young women of her sec tion and has the great good fortune to enjoy the acquaintance and friend ship of a vast number of friends who jail unite In wishing her the great jest of pleasure in a long wedded life. A further notice of the wed ding with aecur in these columns I later. A license was also issued by the County Judge to Mr. Arthur Keat ing Crouch, aged 24 of Iola, Kan., and Miss Kate R. Perry, aged 20 of Omaha, Nebraska. This license was mailed from this city to Elmwood, Neb., where the ceremony will pre sumably be performed. Young People Weil. A marriage license was Issued this morning to Mr. William Rnlph Carey, aged 2.".. and Miss Ora Belle Hutehe son, aged 2 4. both of this county. They are to be united In marriage this evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Huteheson near Rock Muffs by the Christian Minister from Murray. Both of these young people are natives cf Cass county and both popular and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The Damaging the Cables. Mr. DeFord, of the Nebraska City Telephone company, brought to The News office last evening a large sec tion of lead cable belonging to that company, which was cut out by the squirrels. The company has experi enced a great deal of trouble from this thing alone and yesterday and today had a large force at work repairing the damages done. They had to cut out large sections of the cables and dry the wires and then put a hood over the breaks. Permission was asked of Mayor Jackson to kill these litle pests.but he said that he could do nothing for them. The men have concluded that they have a right to protect their property and It is more than likely there will be a shortage In the squirrel crop in various parts of the city where they have been doing great damage of late. The squirrels are nice things to have as pets, but when they are confined, but when they become a nuisance and destrop property, as they have done In this city and county, It Is about time to lessen tho crop. Nebraska City News. Dally Journal, 10c per week. Hay ao.Vvvc umtA.S,T,iTj tJLr tj Scwawcu. cwalU wcV. rm tcum may be raAuaWy i:v;Mci w'xttv uWivwo ue5cr tuxaci.as W.: bcsl cutties KnTwCvrci axttasss tawc.QTw. q suypWkiauN jvmtWous .vvwWuiV icul ylWv maUy )OptfTCAXr rCMrsTciv, CALIFORNIA Fio Syrup Co. 5oio mr ail UkoiNc, doc(.i5ts "I'KJm.-IHOUU .( 0 Pin BOTTLE