The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 24, 1909, Image 1

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    Statt m ,
Young Man Employed by Luke
Wiles Runs Into Trouble
An interesting st.-.dy la yinthful
criminality came to light this morn
ing when the authorities placed un
der arrest Albeit S hwartz, a lad of
fourteen years who had been employ
ed for a few months by Luke Wiles,
the well known cattle raiser, on his
farm southwest of the city. The
raising checks, his employer being
youth had devoloped a talent , for
in the habit of paying him in this
The first chtck whie'i he raised was
cne for $2.50 which Mr. Wiles gave
him on May 22. The lad brought
this check to the city and, as it was
made out in indeliable pencil, he
obtained one of the ordinary kind
and quietly raised the amount from
$2.50 to 12.50 writing the words in
to the face of the (beck
and raising the figures by the inser
tion of the figu.'i one before tho two.
The difference in the pencils should
have excited suspicion but did not.
This check he then presented to A.
Bach & Co., who suspected nothing
wrong, the boy putting up a story
of having been working for Mr. Wiles
and easily explained his possession
of the check. They cashed the check
and presented it with their usual day
deposit at the First National Bank.
This bank in turn presented the
check with its balances to the Bank
of Cass County on which bank the
check was drawn. A6l9tant Cashier
Rea Patterson, as Is his custom
checked off the balance and merely
glancing at the amount passed it
without observing anything unusual
with it. Later when Mr. Wiles came
to check up his balance the raised
check was discovered.
Yesterday the bey received another
check from Mr. Wiles, this om
amounting to $2.10. lie raised this
one to $12.50, erasing the peciling
and filling it out with ink, and pre
sented it to Ed. Lutz of the firm of
Zuckw?ikr &. Lutz. Mr. LuU didn't
like the looks of the check and de
fined to honor it. The boy then
took lis nerve with him nrd pre
A Letter From Congressman Ma
guire to Attorney Dwyer,
Explains Matters.
The following letter from Con
gressman Maguire to Attorney D. O.
Dwer will explain matters In refer
ence to Plattsmouth'8 new govern
ment building, and why the work of
construction is delayed:
May 31, 190'.
D. O. Dwyer, Esq.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir:
On May 1G I acknowledged re
ceipt of your inquiry of May 13th
relative to the Plattsmotuu postof-
flce building and appropriation. I
immediately took the matter up with
the public building committees and
after satisfactory informatloi was
secured from these committee! on
i'futeiscn of the Bank of Casi Coun
ty. Mr. Patterson on glancing at the became suspicious an 1 qus
tioned the boy. Schwartz attempted
to explain the clumsy appearance of
the check by stating Mr. Wiles had
asked the bank to excuse the clumsy
figures. A further questioning scared
the lad and he took the check and
left, afterwards tearing it up.
Mr. Patterson on thinking the mat- the appropriation, selection of site,
ter over concluded he had better let
Mr. Wiles know of the deal and so
telephoned him. Mr. Wiles acted
promptly in the matter and the auth
orities were notlfled,promptly taking
Schwartz into custody this morning.
The boy was evidently expecting
the trouble and knew what the out
come would be as he stated to Mr.
Patterson that he expected to go to
the reform school for the offense.
He was taken to the jail and will
have an examination later.
The boy is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Schwartz, two estimable and
excellent people who keenly feel the
trouble which he has brought on
himself. There seems no good rea
son for his foolish actions as his
folks are thrifty and hard working
people and have always treated the
boy right. They are at a loss to un
derstand why he acted as he did. lie
is a nice appearing boy and Mr,
Wiles suspicioned nothing wrong
with him whatever.' In fact, it is his
appearance that makes him so dan
gerous as one Is naturally Impelled
to trust him further than he would
otherwise on that account.
Mr. Wiles was in the city this
morning and expressed the reepest
sympathy for the boy's parents. He
was undecided whether to prosecute
the boy or not and stated that if he
thought the lesson had sunk home to
him he would be willing to let him
off with a reprimand and a warning.
He hesitates to send a boy to the
reform school if It can be avoided
but he does not like the Idea of let
ting the boy continue at large if his
criminal Instincts should develop.
The matter of his punishment 13 still
etc., I further took up the matter
with the superintending architect of
the treasury department as to what
had been done as to the drawings
and construction of the building.
1 am informed that the appropri'
atlons were all regularly made,
$50,000 for the building and $7,500
for the site, but it seems the site
cost but $2,600; that the appropria
tion for the building will be avail
able July 1, 1909
The supervising architect advises
me as follows on preparation of
plans and construction:
"You are advised that the draw
lngs for the various buildings are
listed In this office in the order in
which the sites were acquired by
the government, precedence being
given to the preparation of drawings
or extensions to buildings already
constructed, the exlgenqy of the
case demanding that they be expl
dited as much as possible. After
this has been accomplished, the
working drawings for the new build
wcpsui m.jie iis in iuhb. i JHIiKiuiuI ncnle. Trip ou
From Tuesday s Daily. . The lawn picnic given on Saturday From Wednesday's Dally
spent Sunday in the city with his last to tne participants in the Mother Fred Kovar and John Pesek. two
sister, Mrs. Frank Rauen, returning Goose entertainment of St. John's young men of Schuyler. Neb., put
to Fort Omaha this morning. Ser- church at the home of the Schlater's into this city Saturday evening af-
geant Doyle expects before a great on North Fifth street was a rare ter a week's trip down the Platte
while to be called to the Philippines ,re:tt. every possible arrangement, river. The young men are traveling
as all Bergents have to take a turn having been made to make the affair I In a house boat which Is equipped
in work in the islands. He Is an a delightful event for the little ones, with a gasoline engine and propel
ordinance sergeant and as such has Some thirty-five guests took part ler. They are on their way to New-
charge of the accounts for ordl- n the pleasures of the afternoon Orleans, expecting to make the trip
nance. He has been engaged in nnding many wayg In which to enjoy to that city In about sixty days.
checking up the ordinance and ac- themselves upon the handsome lawn. They left Schuyler a week ago Sun
counts of a captain at Fort Omaha The afternoon passed all too quickly day and had a pleasant trip down the
who has retired. Speaking of his the little guests amusing themselves Platte to this point taking their
particular line of duty Sergeant with the many numerous swings time to the journey and tying up
Doyle says there is hardly an In- which had been erected for tho oc- here on account of an accident to a
stance bin what the captain in caslon, marching about the lawn and propeller Made which was broken.
charge when he came to settle up singing and playing music. Later The boat which they have is one of
with the United States found him- cream and cake was served them very light draft, some three to Jive.
self short. This Is largely owing to this toothsome repast being greatly Inches being all the water it draws
carelCFsness in handling accounts enjoj en oy an. in audition to the It Is 20 feet long and 6 feet 8
ana to lacn cr Knowledge or wnat vi r, nnuuiers lamny vnciies in breadth. Their Huh engine
I.. ...... I
different articles in use in the army those who looked after the welfare enables them to make rapid time
are called the technical name for of the children included Rev. Father down stream. One of tho young men
pieces of ordinance. In such cases M. A. Shine, several of the sisters is a relative of James Sochor the
some particular piece of ordinance and a few personal friends. The fol- tailor with whom he is visiting
is short while other pieces are over, lowing young ladles served the ro- They will probably be here Heveral
As the captains are held responsl- freshments for the little ones: days. They were visited yesterday
ble for any deficiency which may Misses Zora Smith. Marie Fitzgerald, by four friends from Schuyler who
take place they frequently lose large Opal Fitzgerald, Rose Jlrousek, Ab- came down especially to meet them
sums In this way. A failure to pay ble Jirousek and Anna Jlrousek. here. These four were Messers Joe
the deficiency means a term in the When the time came for the picnic Smith, Arthur Smith, Frank Krlvoh-
military prison at Ft. Levenworth to end, all the guests were loth to lavek and Joe Pesek who spent tho
so strict are the rules enforced. He depart so pleasant had the day been, day here returning to Schuyler last
cited a case which he had heard of Those who attended and who par- evening
in the Philippines in which a captain tleipated in the Mother Goose en-
III lubikb Jl a ioilc ui imiMuo .v,- Woildillir Under DifTICUitlCH.
opniifa fnnnii himself Revprnl thous- thy Short. Helen Klrlsk. Florence 01-
and dollars short owing to the thlev- son, Celestlne Short, Elizabeth ng the court house this
ing propensities of his scouts. He Ptak, Rose Skoumal, Rose Janda. """noon was rather an Intricate
wn ROrPlv nornleed as to what to Mare Olson. Rose Worster. Anna Hi- u"iur u,ul wiu" l,,e '
do to get rid of the deficiency which bef. Ursula Herold, Norlno Schulhof, Interpreter to properly make the
v.i n . Mn, P.Wr Rphniiinf r-orria Hn.,ihnf parties acquainted with the
111 cum iu unnni uH uiiii wi dcuu huh i uiuvt
nriann hut maa fnrinnntf.iv snvpri Marlon Mauzv. Mamaret Schluter. wremony. The contracting part-
by the whole supply department to- Mildred Schlater, Messrs Raymond ,0B WPre
pother with everything else In the Krlsky. Tom McGuire. Charley h5'" nMU
way of equipment being burned up Skoumal, Johnny Ptak, Tom Wall- wnr,z- avA 37 l,llh of E18ht Mile -
whllA the force was in caniD at the lng. Robt. Eagan, George Schuldice. l'rovB prwinci. iney were married
front. This relieved him as there Matthew Lelner, Frank Worster, County Judge Meeson assisted by
was no way of checking him up. Henry Todd, Henry Herold, Willie County Assessor Soennlchsen who
o0rf nnvlp ha vrv littTo n fnr Schlater. leu 8 interpreter.
-..w ,.J --.
Joseph Wegener aged
Miss Francisco Sen-
The contract-
the Philippines and considers them
a treacherous and uncertain race. He
Is not at all enthusiastic over the
prospect of having to return to the
f t . .1 J At t il. I 1
.ng proviuea tor unuer tne puuuc lslaml8 where he has been several
building bin, iuus, win be taicen up
In the order In which the sites were
vested under the control of the gov
ernment: In the case of the Platts
mouth building the site was ac
quired August 23, 1907. It will bi.
noted the erection of a building
thereon was not authorized until
May 30th, 1908, and Is has been glv- P ' are chosen especially with V'UnR- ?he mrn,nS M- p- went through harmoniously
en Its proper place on the list. While
it cannot be definitely stated at thb
time when the drawings for the fed
eral building at Plattsmouth will be
commenced it Is probable that they
will not be reached before the fall
of te present year."
sented It to Assistant Cashi;'- Ilea open for consideration.
How Aboiith Those Weeds?
A crusade should be started at
once against the weeds which have
sprung up all over the city since the
recent rains and they should be
speedily stamped out. Chicago ave
nue has a great many high, un
sightly weeds along the sidewalk
from Eighth street southwest for
several blocks. Other streets are
In even worse shape and make what
should be very pretty streets, un
sightly and offensive. Property
owners should not wait until the
city has to get after them but should
see that the weeds are cut at once
While the city cannot afford to
spend much money In this work It
should be done to the utmost extent
which they can afford and several
men could be profitably employed at
Considerable complaint Is being
made at the number of unlicensed
cnnlnes running at large and steps
should ho taken to rid the city of
them. They arepnrtlcularlyoffensive
in regard to making noise at night
and disturbing sick people, a num
ber having registered complaints of
this nature. The chief of police
should carry out the notice given
the public some time since and slay
all dogs which are running nt largv
w ithout belim duly licensed.
Mrs. Xeitzel III.
F. R. Guthman departed this ar
ternoon for Murdock called there
by the serious Illness of his daugh
ter Mrs. II. R. Ileltzel. Mrs. Neltzel
has been ill for the past ten days
with malarial fever and her condl
tion has become decidedly worse to
day so much so that alarm is felt and
It was thought best to summon her
father. Her mother Mrs. F. R. Guth
man Is already there having gone out
several das aeo to nurse her. In
addition to her Illness her son Fran
cis Is alao ill with the fever. The
many friends of Mrs. Neltzel In this
city and vicinity trust that the
alarming symptoms which she has
developed may soon disappear and
hope for her early recovery from
the sickness.
times, but It is part of the duties
and he will have to go when his
turn comes. Sergeant Doyle Is one
of the youngest ordinance sergeants
in the service, this Job having us
ually been filled by the older offi
cers, or late years. However, mis
policy has been altered and young
lng parties are both estimable Ger
mans who had to have the rrrpmnnv
Heavy Halnfall South. Lpi,atf(1 ,0 (hfim ln tholr natlvo
From Tuemiuys uiiny. tnnirne hefnr Ihev i-mil.1 nnHni-BtanH
This section was tm.tod lo an- the obligations they were takln.
U.ther heavy ratufall early tbii morn- jmlK nw,on flrst delivered a sen-
i.ifc, a heavy i!i mderstorm taking tenop of tno Cpr(.mony explaining It
place shortly after midnight, causing carefully as he could In engllsh nf-
dcep mud and lota of water on the ter whIrh Jlr sornnicns-n made
streets and ln the creeks. Din to cronm nnrf tho Mimhimr
South of this city the storm is brido what It all meant. Thev never
reported to have been very bad, the hesitated in answering "yes" to tho
full etxent of it being unknown at n,IPRonH nn,i tne cntIre corom0ny
regard to service In the Philippines.
Iliver Causing Some Grief.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Now that the Missouri river
train irom me soutn is reported as The , (.linni(.((r of t!u rlre.
i i mL I I
uoanuoneu. mere are no wires mony gnrm, ,0 nt(rnrt qul(( Q croW(j
working in citner direction on mat to tll0 Ponrt room
rond and telephone communication
with the operator at Union stated
that he was informed the train was
'8 anulled today. This would Indicate
Kntei taln Children.
The third Saturday In June of
nrwh vnnr lu Irnnu'ti na'a flair
If there is anything I can do to going down, It has commenced hand- Borolig trouble at some point south . ,.,. nV(ir .,, k,.iti,.
hasten this building I will assure ling the regular dose of grief to the 0f that station and below Nebraska h()rg of AmorlPa clrTl,,s, In or(ler to
you that It Will be done. 1 Will Keep """S' uuy. r rum un eny mo njin-nruin e nrnnprlv relP.irnfl Hio ilnv Mnnli.
a close watch on the whole matter department. It has commenced cut- 0f tho clouds ln thnt direction Indl- Lor Cnmp No M, Royal Nelgh-
and see that nothing Is delayed or ting away tne pomi oi .u..u eaten a very severe storm and mis hnrn . Ampr.rn ,. nt,.nirin,.id.
neglected at this point. If you or projects Into the river opposite the l8 being borne out by theso mes- ,ng th(,,r (.nllUre nt tll0 homo of
the people of Plattsmouth have any waterworas. u is now eutui.K m me gages. Tne soutn pound m. v. train Ne)gnbor jia South. There
suggestions to offer I shall be glad pig bend on me iowa nine um em- ran as usual
to comply with them, but I feel that ins away the point of It. Master
tho lironanrv dnnnrtmonf win nnt Camonter Hedennrcn today has a
iig v.iiuui j uvsut vili'-ov iiasa v I "
Surprise Party.
Misses Elizabeth and P.crtha Hall
last Saturday evening gave a sur
prise party In honor of Mr. W. A.
Ilrlssey at his homo In tho southern
part of the city. The evening was
pleasantly spent with music and
games of various kinds, a lunch
being served at n late hour to which
all did ample Justice.
Those enjoying the evening In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. G"orgo MrDnn
lel and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
nrlssry and family. Misses Rertha
Hall, Mpssrs. Goorge nobhman and
James Karnes.
Illcd on Train.
Frmi TiH-Mlay'd Dally.
George H. Dovey, president of the
National League Ra.:"ball clu'j and
principal owner of the same, die!
very sudv'eiry Faturuay wml. en
route from his homo to Cincinnati.
O., to attend to some baseball bus
iness. l:i death was dim to n s'id
d'n hem r.'orhace oi l. lura Mr.
Dovey w:" a second cousin to the
Dovey !) of thin city and H''venl
jean shire paid a vc't to this tlty
cr th'lr Must. II'1 wu a pronilni:!
figure In biisebnll circles as well as
other Hill's of buslne.H nnl a iniin of
pleasing pi rsolallty '..Ivli a wnlo eir
tie of f mis. IIU sudden dentl
v as a gre:.r. shock ? iliu Dovey of
tlds city, m well ei tlip nirniT )!
people h? 1 i.d met i l; hen.
. . mi i it I'M sr. i ii i n rr.
If possible let me hear from you working there trying to stop the rav- The annual business meeting of
on this matter. ages or tne river, ine worst cut- the Old Seller s association was neid
Yours very etaolmfwypaol ting Is just north of the big grove, hast Saturday evening, and the date
Very truly yours, This hnd all been rip-rapped a long ne'ected for tho reunion thlH yenr Is
John A. Maguire. time ago, but It Is not stopping the Friday and Saturday, August 6 and
stream now. In addltlon.therlver Is 7. This will bo two weeks enrller
Young Ladles Picnic king. h-'lll cutting into tne west bann auove ni..r than usual, bur tho Modern
A pleasant farewell picnic party he mouth of n ? n u.i, iro cc rent woodmen hold their annual ' log-
was civen last Friday afternoon at lng thrown from Hint point, to tho rolling" here August 28, henco it
the standplpe park In honor of Miss cj.psolte side of tin sweiim u.-jsinst wns deemed best to have the two eel
Julia Janda, who departed Saturday the point. Mr.IIedengren hopes to p)ratlon dates as far apart as pos
for her home at Lawrence, Neb., be able to soon stop the oitilrg and Ulbln.
where she will spend her vacation. .' ve the hlg luldf ps wll as the jhe officers of the Old Settler's
The afternoon was spent In games rih farm lands which will go :r,u Association, elected last Saturday
evening, are as ollows:
President J. D. Rrnmblet
Vlco Presidents T. W. Swan and
W. R. Rnnnlng.
Treasurer L. R. Upton.
Secretary C. L. Graves.
Directors. F. II. McCarthy, J. A
a large attendance by the Royal
Neighbors, their families and friends
and the time had wns simply fine.
wings had been put Into the grent
trees on the place and these were
kept In constnnt nctlon by the little
folks. Other Jolly pastimes served
to mnko the afternoon pnss quickly
nd nt two o'clock a dinner wnR
sprend on the lawn at which all the
flno entables to be had was Indulged
In by the big assemblage of Neigh
bors and children. The afternoon
was indeed a delightful one and
all departed more thnn pleased with
their outing.
One Who Was There.
James Chalfant from near Mur-
rny was In tlm city this morning for
a few hours, departing from here
for rturwell, Garfield county, where
he will look after some land bar
gnlns. Mr. Chalfant If he can be
suited inten ls to buy some land and
locate in that section.
Handsome IIowcm.
and various amusements, which all the river unhMS tbh Is done
present greatly enjoyed. Luncheon
was served at five o'clock, It being
a delicious and appetizing repast and
one much enjoyed by all. U. Sherwood, the veteran shoe
The happy guests departed for man. has a very remarkable crlm-
thelr several homes nt dusk after son rambler rose growing in tne
wishing Miss Janda n Joyous vaca- backard of his store building. Peo. Talklngton, F. Pauer, A. E. Taylor
Hon and a happy return In the fall, pie who have examined tho flower nil(i rt,ny Frans. -Union Ledger
The guests Included Misses Helen catalogues should pay him a call and
Egenberger, TereRa Droege, Clara see how nearly this handsome rose
Goos, May McElroy. Sophia Chal- resembles the pictures In the rata-
oupnk, May Yelenek, Hulda Goos,
May McGuire and Julia Janda.
lngue. It is running up the enst
wall of Assenilssen Kllnger's
hardware store and Is one of the
most beautiful sights to be Imnglned.
It Is literally a mass of bloom, the
I (etiuned From the Mimt.
licit Pollock returnrd home yes
terdny morning form in extensive flowers being rich, deep red of tho
tour In the east In the Interests of rose nnd covering the vine In n pro
fits several lines of business. While fusion of blossoms. Mr. Sherwood Is
In Chicago and In Indiana Mr. Pol- one of the few enterprising mer
lock hail the plenshre of witnessing chants of the city who takes a pride
the Cobe cun race and he describes and delight In making the spare
It as thrilling In the extreme. Some yard room of his lot attractive nnd
of the automobiles engaged In the handsome to the eye. He keeps this
race went thundering by nt the rnte yard nicely sodded nnd has flowers
of nlnty miles on hour. There wns planted where the rich bloom will
a tremendous crowd to witness the lend a pleasnnt and cosy air to tho
race which coes down on record ns premises. If all other merchnnts
one of the biggest of automobile would fullow his example It would
events. Mr. Tollock thinks himself make a vast change In the appear
amply repaid for his attendance. (ance of things.
Messrs Parmele & Marker have
Just made the sale of two more fine
automobiles, the fortunate punhns
ers being Charles Warner and
Charles Troop. The new machines
are fine ones nnd up to Iho high
standard which Messrs Parmele
Marker have set for their auto busl
ness. They made a very handsome
addition to the farm equipment 0
these two gentlemen nnd represen
the Investment of quite a sum 0
money. It Is stated that Messrs
Parmele & Marker have the sale 0
several more machines In sight an
will soon land them. The growth 0
the automobile business In this sec
Hon exceeds all expectations.
Fine line Solid Silver and
Glass nt Crnblll's Jewelry Btore.
Storm Report.
From Wednesday's Dally.
James Stander, mention of whose
being in the city Is made ln another
place states that the clouds last night
scared many people In Louisville
with their black and threatening ap
pearance and for a while it loked
like n genuine storm wns upon them.
However, neither wind nor rain was
had there. He states that the Platte
river Is very high from heavy renins
In tho north and northwest part of
the state, tho rise being on ihe Platte
above Louisville however while the
streams draining the country north
west of Onialia are also out of their
banks from the same cause. The
M. P. trnln from Omaha last night
for the south had to run over the
Union Pacific to Papllllon thence
transfer to their own tracks and then
to Louisville nnd the south. This
was caused by water over their tracks
Just out of Omaha.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, burn, bruise or
scald. Me prepared. Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil Instantly relieves the
pain quickly cures tho wound.