I DAILY PERSONAL NEWS I X Short Items of Interest From Fri- J A day s evening journal Carl Merger departed yesterday afternoon for an overnight trip to Wahoo, returning this morning. Roy Holly Is spending the day In Omaha being a business visitor to metropolis this morning on the early train. Rev. J. H. Salsbury and ton Rus Bel are upending the day In Bellevue, being passengers for that city on the morning train. A. L. Anderson and wife were pas sengers this morning for Omaha where they will visit for several days with relatives and friends. Albert Scuttler and Miss Helen Hadraba are visiting with friend;; In Omaha today going to that city on the early train this morning. Lee Aplegate, the prominent Union farmer and veteran democrat, Is looking after business In the city to day, coming up on the morning train. Mrs. Wm. Dallance and daughter, Miss Ethel, were passengers this morning on the early train for Oma ha where they will spend the day vis iting friends. W. H. rickonfl, son Willie H., and Miss Bessie Willis of River Forest, 111., who were In the city in attend ance upon the Downing-FIckens wed ding returning to her home today. Mrs. John Nemetz departed this morning for Chicago, 111., where she will make a visit of several days with her brother. She was accompanied by Miss Esther Larson on the Jour ney. C. C. Crance and wife departed this morning for an extended visit to Oklahoma, going on the early Burlington train to Omaha thence over the Rock Island to their des tination. Mrs. H. M. Rcgner and daughters Gladys and Mildred, leave tomorrow for an extended trip to Moborly, Hannibal and St. LouIh, Mo., where they will visit with friends and re latives. Jack Denson had a bad time yes terday with his head suffering very Beverly from what is believed to be. neurallga. Ills condition was ro se vere that It was necessary to call In a physician. Ho was ablo to be about again this morning although feel ing not at all well. James Jllek, the basket maker, was a passenger this morning for Omaha taking a number of baskets whic h he has made. He has a ready market for these baskets there and realizes good prices for them. They tire a basket far superior to the ma chine made goods being all Innrt made from seasoned hickory. George H. rolsall came tn yester day from the farm of James Terry berry where he Is engaged In exca vating a fine fish pond as told In the Journal several days ago. Mr Polsall has secured a number of scrapers, both slip and wheel from Omaha and was In the city arranging for their shipment to the work. rrank fiobleman was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will visit the hospital and consult the physicians concerning his afflict ed leg. He Is greatly In hopes that another operation will not be neces sary and that he will soon be able to be about without having to undergo a long selge In the hospital. While there he expects to visit the several patients from this city. Mrs. A. L. Jackson of Omaha who was called to the city several days since by the Illness of her father II J. Strelght, returned to her home this morning. Tho condition of Mr Straight Is such as to encourage his folks and friends much hope. He Is Mill In a very weakened condition and until this Is overcomo he will be unable to be around but it Is hoped he will soon gain strength when recovery will surely follow. The eclipse which was scheduled to take place last evening arrived promptly on time, the earth enter Ing the shadow of the moon at about 6:12 p. m. and a portion of the surnfee remaining obscured until the sun set at almost nine o'clock. At Its greatest extent about one-third of the sun's surface was covered. great many people watched the pro Rrens of the ecllpoe with much In teres!, by the aid of smoked glass 'S. It Is current report today that young man who had been employe by George A. H. Hicks near Cedar Creek decamped last night, taking with him some money and clothing belonging to his employer and also boat of his which was moored on the Matte river. Mr. Hlks vm In the city this morning In pursuit of the man who Is supposed to have gone down the river and Mr. Hicks hoped to head him off at some point flown ' the line. Mrs. J. A. Long was a passenger this morning for Omaha where she will spend the day. Jacob Rcihart and son of Louis ville are in the city today looking after business. 1). H. Mills of Weeping Water Is looking after business in the city to day having come in this morning. Mrs. Peter Stander and Mrs. Geo. Noyes came down this morning from Louisville to attend the meeting to day of the W. C. T. U. In this city. Miss Cora Simons Is among those spending the day in Omaha being a passenger for that city on the morn ing train. Miss Bertha N'ickles is among those coming In from the country and being a passenger for Omaha on the early Burlington train. William Porter, wife and daugh ter of Mynard, came in this morning and were passengers for Omaha where they will spend the day. Mrs. W. R. Good came In this morning from her home In the coun try and was a passenger for Omaha where she will spend the day with friends. Miss Esther Larson departed this morning on the early train for Chi cago, 111., where she will spend a short time studying art, returning later by way of Davenport, la., where she will make a short visit with relatives. William Caygill, a prominent citi zen from the vicinity of Wabash, was among those making a visit to the county seat yesterday. Frank Ingram of Louisville is looking after business matters In the city today being a passenger this morning on the Schuyler for home. Fred Stohlman and wife came in this morning from their home near Manloy to spend the day visiting with friends and nttcndlng to business matters. T. A. Stuckland, wife and baby de parted this morning for St. Joe, Mo., where they will make a visit with Mr. Stuckland's mother for sev- rnl days. Charles Troop and son Robert, were pnssengers this morning on the early train for Omaha where they ex pect to spend the day with friends and relatives. John Fight and wife who have been visiting for thepast week or ten days In Denver, Col. and vicinity, returned to their home In this city this morning. For a mild, easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doan's Reg ulets Is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them George A. Kaffenberger was a pas senger to Omaha this morning where he has a carload of cattle for the market. As Is always the case Mr. Keffenberger sends mighty fine ani mals to the market. Wm. Barclay was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will buy new furniture for the new Bar day restaurant which will soon be In running order the first door west of the present location. , J. R. Maddox representing the Western Paper Company, was In the city today Interviewing Tho Journal and taking an order for a half car of print paper. Mr. Maddox Is one of the most popular traveling men on the road and his breezy presence In -the shop Is always welcome. H. J. Melslnger and wife, two of Cedar Creek' best people, came down this morning on the Schuyler train to spend the day In the.clty and to do some snapping with our mer chants. Mr. and Mrs. Melslnger are always welcome visitors In this city as they are very pleosant people to get acquainted with. .Mrs. f.u. Ilynott departed this morning for her future home at Om aha, moving to that city several days since. She had considerable trouble at the depot In Inducing her pet dog to go Into the baggage car. the dif ficulty being overcome by Joe.Thamp son thrusting the animal Into the car Just as the train started and tho baggageman hastily closing tho door before It could b ap out. tn....... . . . ,. ... .mi.. !! v urn .Mueiior, r iorence Comer and Edna Lefler of Elm wood and Miss Lottie Wunderllch of No hka are a quartette of handsome Cass county girls who are taking the examination for teachers today at tho oJTlce of County Superintendent Foster. Tho young ladles came In last evening and have been busily engaged today going trough the pre scribed course at the office. M.rtu i: ok kh.i 1 1. miM-Kiuei 4 uf Sauiidrii County, .Ne- u . b . rw t . IN iiii: MATTKi: ul" in v. OKHAM Z.v'liuN uF .v.-iiil-'.Nu l-l:Al.S'AU t .l("l : Tu .U.I. WHOM IT M.W Co.WKK.V iui..uril In ti ui tir uf t;.s Uuui U uf l 'mi lily I'liiiiiiusMoiii'i's of rviijn'Jfis t -Mini... Ari.i ik.i, niu'le H!nl tntciei uu June J, HUH, uml tiy virtue of li.e u.itiioilly vislr.l III me tiy the statute ui tlx- Mule of Ni'liru.ska here inattei' iu'Sc'i i linl, I. A. N. Klmt-lunu, 1'uuiiiy Ciei K of Sauntlrr County, N'rlu asku, no lieirby mtk Hint on May i'l, lo:. A lie I H. Fuller, Nelson fchelTer, It. I. Coleman. C. Kettle. !;. K. liavs. i'. 1). Kettle, t'lias. Miller, A. J. Sanger, .Mui Kai et Wulleli. Alary h. Je.iei neii, J. Ii. CraiiKer ami U. W. liean ili.l tile In I lie ofttee of tlie County Clerk of Milliliters County, ftiiasKa, tlielr peti tion In wrlliiiK ami uIhu their Loud Willi surety Inereon, all in manner and form an by law required, and i.ii'h iiaiil tiond ami the wurety theie oii wax on -laid ilute by me unproved, the object and player of da hi peti tion belntc for the organization of Axlilaud liralniiKe District, and said petition being tiled under the pro vision of an Art of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, approved by the Governor thereof on Alari.li Zi, 1U7. entitled: "An act to provide for drainage districts to drain wet land; and land xuliject to overllow ; and any land wliicli will be Improved by drainage to build dykes and levies, to construct, straight en, widen, deepen or altar any ditch, drain, stream or watercourse; to rip rap or otherwise protect the bank of any stream or ditch, to construct, en large, extend, improve or muintum any drainage system; to construct, enlarge, extend, improve or maintain any system of control of sin lin e wa ter or running water; and the rights, obligations and powers of such cor porations including the power of emi nent domain, the creation of debts. Issuing of negotiable bonds, and the levying of special assessments on such real estate and the easements therein as may be benetitted by such public work, and denning the. duties and powers of public olllclals" and the amendments: thereto. That the boundaries of said propos ed Ashland lualnage 1'istilct as fixed and determined by said Hoard of County Commissioners by said order entered on June 7, 1D0H, are as fol lows, to-wlt: (All sections referred to below nro In Township No. i North, limine No. Nine Kiint of the Sixth 1. M , sections one to twelve both inclusive are in Saunders County, Nebraska. All other sections referred to lire la Cuss Coun ty, Nebraska.) Commencing at the center point of the Intersection of Third and Dev streets Jn the City of Ashland. Ne braska, thence west three blocks along the center line of Ley street to tue center Of t he intersect on of Ilev and Sixth streets in said city; thence norm one diock alone the center ne of Sixth street to the center of the In tersection of .sixth and silver streets in said Cltv: thence west three hlm-ks along the center line of Sliver street to tne center or the intersection of Silver and Ninth streets In said City; thence south two blocks along the center line of said Ninth street in said City to the east and west center line of Section Two; thence west along the east and west center line of Sections 2 and 3 to the southeast corner of the west half of the north west quarter of said section 3; thence north one-half mile to the north line of said section thence west along the north line of said section 3 and also section 4; to the northwest corner of section 4; thence south to the center of the west line of said section 4; thence west to the center of section 5; thence south to the center of the south line of said section 5 ; thence west along the south line of said section 5 to the northeast corner of the west half of nie norm west quarter of sect nn ) thence south one mile to the south. east coiner of the west one-lialf of the southwest quarter of said section 8; thence east along the south line of said Kcftlnn 8 to the northeast cor ner of the west half of the north east quarter of section 17; thence south to the southeast corner of the West Half Of the IlOrtllPIIxt riiinttur rt sold section 17; thence west to the center of the west line of said sec Hon 17; thence south along the west line of said section 17 and section 20 to the center of the west boundary line of said section 20; thence eat along the east and west center line of said section 20 and section 21 to the center of the east boundary line of said section 21; thence north along the east boundary line of said sec tion 21 and section 1 to the north east corner of said section 16; thence east olong the north line of sections 1 and M to the center of the north boundary line of said section If thence north to the northwest corner or the southwest quarter of the soulh east quarter of section 11; thence east to the northeast corner of the south east quarter of the southeast ,uar- of said section 11; thence north to ii'V '.'rrl,u'l",t eornei of Mi'd socilon 11. thence west nlon tho no-th line same Intersects the southeast bound ary line of the right of way of tie Chicago, Hurllngton Qulnev Kall roB.l company; thence along the southeast boundary line of lh Mg " of way and depot grounds of the said L'Vf"' ll,lrl"'Ktn & Qulnry Kail "'"J1, t-'oinpnny In a northeasterly 3 i rectlon to a point where said south rerH,)l1U";1"vr.yi"n" 'ntersects the "en- ' i "non ii 10 u poin; where II, V.i.i. i. aireei in sa d city of Ashland thence due west along the ten er line of Main street and acrosS Hon 1PK,,rilrm,,,l3 10 the Inter."" r .i hlr(l ""' Ma,n streets in said n'nte, n"rh a'ong the oe"er ..... ,,,, rueei one nock to the 'lonr,tn,0f.i,"''?ln,,.ln,r: ' largest por ,i-. .1': "-teu m smm ders l ounty, Nebraska. j.oundar.e.-of s id proposed A.hCJi L?. "V! ',H.,rl, t nd all others con All land owners within the cerned nr. I, .. . " :VJ Vl"7." l"" election wll. be held" on ' Frld July ti; omre oV';. " .PM m. at ders I'nnnVv vi , , ,er or sun. 'V..... ?i i y" Ne,,rska, n the County "thitTtl',? ,n ' "'" O. tllBl at Sllld eler; nn II... or he formation of in Tui','"a be elected. .,.1, i" ' V'.'' ' eontln.r.i.. Ke Office said Tlx H 11,8 formation of ill Hie t'OUIltV t'ntirl -a'... in Halt! County th .7 , T ft, ftntm Ci)tinlt - Nebraska. r'" 1 -""my. x It-IK I1T Kniln.hiiia -l . xotick nv di.K iahkii cm i in Not ce Is IimioI.l. .1... . tue of rli.ti. "V vir ember 30th. 1S07. to ure he Cav. mem of the ,u, of 2M.o0 'XuVu. terrst thereon :.t the rate , ,1Br cent fromsalddate. Said mortKnge l.iv ! , ",,,n. fed in the offl'J of the County Court of f,., Coun y? Nebr i- p ,?.",l,ex7,u,',, ''' '"'"r Tlgner to Vrry Marsh and bv J , rli ,l h.V "Bid Marsh transferred ' A .Natlo.iiil Hunk of l'lattsinoun, Nebr: k. That upon said mortgage ii,!. with Interest thereto, t t li f V of per cent from .1,. ... , "i" l"K been made In the Pivin . 1 ,f i'Td sum and Interest tl.e.. 1 no , , J stltuti'd to recover said debt ,.7 ..... mule 3 years old we gbt " T born on the l..v.v. i.... the of Oi.k nn.t Sevent.'," 'L'W.,on.,.',r , . , nn" evenn streets In said Cltv of Mattsmouth on ,)," -day of Juno. IHOH. at the i,... . "'"'"oiith on the inn, o'clock 1. ...n ..1.1 '.I'"" "0r Of 1 o clock ll. ill nf .l,l f"t National Hunk of "Hun. tnniilh Attorney. Henry fanderi of lVUrVr,.,V7; fpendlng the day In the city, attend Ing to bulneni matters. nm it to know i u k. I la t:e lnlrM i'uj.I of Cam Couu t .-. Nebraska. i. v Tin: MATTi.i: o:' Tin: kstati: i'F KIMINA WOLF. 1 .i'.i'V. A.-;:i; Tlie cu".:.' rornes u:i Tor i e.n ing up .i!i t:.e petition of J. V. i:i:-i!o.Ti:ei ii. lnnnistialor of t :e estate of KetiiiKi Uoif. iic taacl, pi ... lu,; 1 ir lu vii-e to sell: Beginning at a point Koitv-one (411 rods Nurlu of tlie center of Section Thirteen ill) in Township Twelve il: North. Kange Thirteen tlJl Hast, running thence West Highly (Mil rods; thence North Kleven (11) rods; thence east Kighty ( mi rods; thence south Kleven till rods to the place of beginning, belli the North Half of Lots Thirteen (lj) and Fifty-three i.'i in caid section, Township and Kange, as now shown on the plats of irregular tracts of said County. The undivided one-half (1-21 of Lots Ten tlOi and Eleven (11) In Block Thirteen tl:i) In liuke's addi tion to the City of riattsinouth, Cass County, Nebraska, except the light of way of the Omaha, Southern Kll way over and across raid Lots. The undivided one-half (1-2) of the following tract of land towit: Beginning at a point Thirty (30) rods North of the center of Section Thirteen (13 i Township Twelve (12) North, Kange Thirteen mi Kast; hence running west Kiglitv (SO) rods, thence nortli Eleven (11) rods; thence Kast Kighty (SO) rods; thence South' Kleven (11) rod., to the place of beginning. being the south half of Lots Thirteen (13) and Flftv three r,:) jn pau Section, Township and Kange, as shown by the irregular tracts In said Count v, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern Kailway across the same. or sufficient amount thereof to bring the stun of ;ir,0.00 for the pay ment of debts allowed against said es tate of the cost of administration and In addition thereto tne costa of this proceedings there not being any per sonal property to unv the u.ii.i .l..i,i and expenses. It Is therefore ordered Hint nil ner. sons Interested In said estate appear ..e,uie urn ni i milliner at my oiiice in the Court House In the City of riattsmouth. NehrnsUn. ftn thu nit,. day of July, KM)'.), at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day to show cause whv a li cense should not be granted to said administrator to sell the above real estate of said decensed or so much thereof as niav be necessary to pav said debts and expenses. Hated this 7th dav of June, 100!). , , Havvy 1. Travis, . Judge of the District Court. D. O. Dwyer, Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. B Y V1MTF. OK AN OKDEll OF SALE, is sued hr .Inmi'S l(nhi'it,.ii ,.,n.ir nt ti,u IMstrlct Court within nnd for Cass county, Ne braska, and to nie directed. I will on the 24th Day of July, A. D.,1909 at ten o'clock a. m.. of said day at the south door of the court house. In said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wlt: Lot No. fourteen. (Ml in block four (4) In the village of Murray. Cass county, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the pro perty of Leila F. Queen and Allien Queen, de fendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by Peter Cmnpliell, administrator of the estate of Thomas L. Ciimpliell, deceased lllnintltr. n,rnlnkt t.nl,l il.if a ,!..... luusinouin, .ei)iaKa. June 1st li. A. I).. W. C. I). QI INTON, Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska. Local Events. N. C. Neff is spending the day in Omaha being a passenger for that city cn the early train this morn ing. Brad White i3 locking after bus iness matters in Omaha today be ing a passenger for that city on the morning train. J. O. Thomas and wife were pas sengers this morning on the early train for Omaha where they will spend the day. Mrs. Val Burkel is spending the day In the metropolis having gone to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. F. M. Fhebus and children are among those spending the day in Omaha being passengers for tha'4 city on the early train this morn ing. Carl Carlson and wife are spend ing the day with relatives in Omaha having been passengers for that city this morning on the early Burling ton train. Messrs. A. and M. Walker of the Majestic theater are among those spending the day In Omaha going to that city this morning to look after business matters. Louis Wolf from near Ravenna has been visiting in the city with his mother and his brother-in-law fo. Kllnger, and this morning was a passenger for Omaha on the early train where he will spend the day. George A. Mayfleld, editor of tho Louisville Courier and his brother I J. Mayfleld, formerly editor of the same paper, came down this morning from Louisville on the Schuyler and looked after business matters in the city. They paid tho Journal a pleasant call Incidentally while hero and looked over tho best newspaper plant in the sta'e, out side of Omaha and Lincoln. Mrs. William Foxwell of Des Moines, la., who has been spending several days In the clr tho guest of Mrs. n. 8. Uanmey, departed this morning for her home. Mrs. rinm sey accompanied her as far as Coun cil Bluffs. Mr. Foxwell tins recently undergone an operation at n hospital and it Is to 1. reKrett"i t tint It hn left him very weak, lie In not be lieved to bo In any ilanrnT, however, and his many friends Imp to soon have the news of his recovery. Adam Schaffer, one of the pintol hint cltlcim uf ,Viiiku precinct, was In the illy ttiU morning look ing after business mailers. Wlill here ho took otciislnn to pay hN friends In the Journal offlm n picas nnt call wlilih Hindi itiH" elated. Mr. Hhnfr I uno of Hie good penplo it round N'rliitwka who are genuine friends of thn Journal and he rnn alwnya diin-tnl upon curing a warm wloin when lm calls st this offi, Fiow DOC We're ready for Spring plowing with a splendid line of Plow Shoes-the best that's made We are showing several good styles and we guarantee every pair of Tlow Shoes we sell. The leathers are tan, raw hide and Kanganoo calf. Half, double or single soles, bellows tongue, nailed shank. C 3 ALL S2.00, 82,50 $3.00 to $3,50 If you are interested in good Plow Shoes, Sir, you'll be in terested in ours, for Plow Shoes could not be made better Fetzer's Shoe Store. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Henry Hesse is spending the day in Omaha going to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. A. F. Scybert from near Cul lom came down' this morning on the Schuyler to spend the day in the city with relatives and friends. S. Furlong, the well known citi zen of Rock Bluffs, is looking after business in the city today coming in from his home this morning. Max M. Straub an ddaughter of Avoca, came in last evening and are spending the day in the city. While here Mr. Straub called on the Jour nal. Ernest and A. R. Hutchinson from near Rock Bluffs, came up this morning and were passengers for Omaha where they will spend the day. George and Henry Perry were two passengers this morning on the M. P. train for Elmwood where they will spend the day with relatives and friends. Adam Kraeger, one of the best citizens of Cass county, is spending the day ing the city with our mer chants, having driven in from his farm this morning. In county court today a petition was filed by Walter A, Laughlin as guardian of the Chapin minor heirs asking that his accounts be settled and he be discharged as guardian. L. D. Switzer, county commission er, departed yesterday afternoon for his home at Weeping Water after having spent several days in the city in attendance upon the meeting of the board of esualizatlon. C. Bengen, the prominent citizen of Mynard, is looking after business in the city. Mr. Bengen has been quite ill for several days but has now gotten to feel quite well again and will doubtless be himself soon. His speedy recovery from his indis position will be pleasing to his many friends in this city and vicinity. John Kraeger, the w,ell known farmer from west of the city, was in today looking after business. Mr. Kraeger is quite well pleased with the change in the weather and the warming up which has taken place. He finds this weather mnch better for crops that the cold, wet weather which prevailed last week, and thinks it Is doing a world of good. BIG REDUCTION ON PLUMBING -:-GOODS AIR PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS! Within the last sixty days we have made some extraordinary low purchases on TlumbinR Goods, and have the largest line of Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories nnd Sinks ever shown in riattsmouth at remarkable reduction in price: Hath Tubs, white enameled. . . .$15.00 and Up Lavatories, " " .... 6.75 and Up Onc-l'icce, white enameled Sink and back 9.75 and Up Low-Down Closets... 14.50 and Up 18X.10 Hat rim Sinks, whiteenam- t ied 3.00 and Up We can also make Kewaunee Air Pressure Water Syhtctns nt a big reduction over former prices. Re member yon can see what you Ret when purchasing from us. as we have six styles of tubs, six styles of lavatories and three styles of closets in stock and on display. Plntttmouth, : Shoes! SIZES! C Mrs. Jos. Shera of Rock Bluffs Is spending the day in the city, coming in this morning from her home. Riley Frady is looking after some business matters in Omaha today being a passenger for that city on the morning train. Mrs. Fred Denson and daughter departed this morning for Council Bluffs, la., where they will make a visit over Sunday with relatives. Judge D. jr. Vinsonhaler of Om aha came down last evening on No. 2 for the purpose of making an appraisement of the Jos. A. Connor property in this city for the inherit ance tax. He returned on No. 23 at 6:15 the same evening. Mrs. Kate Oliver presented the Journal with a very beautiful bou quet last evening. Mrs. Oliver is one of the Journal's best frends and never forgets us when she has any thing beautiful that she thinks we would appreciate. And we desire to extend to this grand old lady our most sincere thanks. Two additional young ladies are taking the teachers' examination to day at the office of County Superin tendent Foster having come In to homes In the country for that pur pose. They are Misses Judith Straub of Avoca and Jessie Jones of Weeping Water. In addition the young ladies mentioned In the Jour nal yesterday are also finishing their examination today. County Commissioner Jordan de parted for his home at Alvo after spending several days in the city as a member of the board of equaliza tion. The meeting of the board this year has been singularly free from complaints, there being no com plaints regarding the assessment of personality while there were only one or two regarding real estate, something which the board has no power to alter this year. The official board of ine First Methodist church of Nebraska City Issued an order that women must remove their hats on entering the church, and have imposed on the church janitor the task of seeing that the rule Is enforced. A similar rule has also been made by the Pres byterian church of that city. There is nothing wrong with this rule, and It might be a good thing to establish the same in riattsmouth churches. Nebraska.