The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1909, Image 4

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Short Items of Interest From Fri
day's Evening Journal
i M.TIt t: Oh' KI M I MIX.
I I-fore toe Hoard ii iuuiy Cn.-ni.ii.-iontri
s of j-au:uUis Cuun.y, .Vf
I u.iih Ka.
ihK MATTKIi OF THi: :;'..VNI
1 ZAllU.N ur' ASHLAND ifUAlNAOi;
, To 1.1. Wilo.M IT MAY OiNCKKN:
I'l.iM.atit l an order oi m i.oaiu
In t.,e lnw:..t Cvurt of Cass Coun
tv. Nebraska.
'K KKiUNA WOLF. 1 iiX'Ea.-KU:
cause comes mi for lu-ai ing up
on the pelitloii of J. V. Kt-inlTrRiT,
administrator of the estate of Kegina
deceased, uiayina lor license to
Mrs. Peter Evers Is spending the
day in Omaha going to that city this
morning on the early eraln.
Richard D. McMnKn rame in!
this morning from bis home at
Weeping Water to look Jitter busi
ness matters
JI- Ilild, the Sixth street furniture
man, is spending the day In Omaha
in attendance upon the undertaker's
convention, going up on the early
Burlington train.
Mrs. A B. Taylor who has been In
the city for some time visiting with
friends and looking after business
matters, departed this morning for
her homo at Beaver City, Neb.
Mrs. H. D. Travis and her
daughter Miss Helen, who have been,
viKltlng in Omaha, returned to their
home this afternoon on tho Burling
ton train.
L. F. Curtis has moved to this
city from Union and once more taken
a place in tho Burlington upholster
ing nhop. Frank's many friends In
the city are glad to welcome him
back and trust that his stay this
tilme will be permanent.
John Fight and wifo departed this
morning for Lincoln where, they will
!slt with friends for a few days
niter which they expect to go to
Denver, Colo., for an outing for a
week or ten days to enjoy tho dear,
bracing atmosphere of tho moun
tain state and take a well merited
rest. ; 'JCJ
James Robertson, clerk of th
district court, returned this morning
from his trip to Lincoln where his
son William A., graduated from the
state university. Mrs. Robertson re
mained to spend several days In the
capital city. Mr. Roberson was
pleased to witness the admission of
hla son to practice at tho bar before
the state and federal otirts, he being
admitted to the latter yesterday and
the former the day before.
Tho condition of Henry Zuckwell
er who was seized yesterday morning
with an acute attack of appendicitis
Is reported this morning as bcin
easier and it Is not believed that
nn operation will be necessary In
his case. The news is quite gratify
ing to his many friends who hnd
hoped for so favorable news but w ho
were fearful that It might not turn
out so well. It Is to bo hoped bis
condition continues so favorable un
til ho is quite recovered.
G. K. Barker is spending the day
. i t Mate ot Nebraska iieieinaiier
ueMTlbeii, I. A. N. Klinelund. County
Clerk of Saunders County, Nebraska,
nu hereby fcive notice trial on .May ;1,
l.iun. Atiel II. Fuller. Nelson Sheffer,
H. li. Coleman, C. Kettle, 11. K. Hays.
C. 1. Kettle, Clia.i. Miller, A. J. Sanger,
Murgaict W'ollen, Mary K. Jesperscti,
j. n. Grander and 1:. W". Iean did tile
la the ottice of tlie County Clerk of
.".minders Count v. Nebraska, tlielr iietl-
f ii Omaha having been a passenger Hon in writing and also their bond
Oil the early train for that city. and fonn us by law required, and
L. C. Sharpe and wife are spend- LJ.T. Y7 l
ins the day In Omaha going to that .... object and K rf u W
city this morning on the early train. Ashland Drainage District, and said
petition ueillB men uiiviri inn e'
vision of an Act of the Legislature of
proveu uy
Marc li 2 1,
..r I'.i'.-it I '..Him iNititiet'M of aumlers
,.,u.ii... NeniaKa, made and entered licsinning at a point Forty-one (41)
c.i June 7, 1 and by virtue ot urn rwn .sunn
....tlioiuy vested III me by the statute
A A Wetonknmn Is snendlnsr the
j... n v. i,.m the State of Nebraska, approved by
the Governor thereof on
1SU7, entitled:
in art in nrovlde for dralnae
district to drain wet land; and land
subject to overflow; and any land which
will be improved oy drainage lo uunu
dykes ami levies, to construct, straight
en, widen, deepen or auar any unco,
drain, stream or watercourse; to rip
rap or otherwise protect the nan ui
any stream or ditch, to construct, en
lurvA nvinnil. linurove or maintain
St. John's any drainage system; to construct.
,. . enlarge, extend, improve or maintain
tnia of mntrol of surface wa
ter or running water; and the rights,
obligations and powers of such cor
porations including the power of emi
nent domain, cieauon ul uei'i-i,
Issuing of negotiable bonds, and the
levying of special assessments tin
such real estate and t lie easements
day afternoon to attend the lecture therein as may be benefitted by such
given last evening by Frank Leon- anil powers of public otihiais" and the
ard on Christian Science. They re- ""tIIV'VV,"" .oun.i"-?es of said propos-
tumed to their home this morning ed Ashland Drainage 1 'Strict as fixed
H 1 1 C I uetei milieu oy rum ,w.,i.. v..
Count v Commissioner by snbl order
entered on June 7, l'JW, nre us fol
lows, to-wit:
( All sections reri.'i i c.i io neiow are
In Townsliln No. .' Nortli, Kungc No.
Nino i:ast of the Sixtli 1". M., sections
, n T II I oiih til twelve K inclusive ie in
morning tor racifie Jum-tloll Where ,Jlln,i,.,.s County, Nebraska. AU other
lie gOCS Oil business. He reports sections referred to are in cass t.oi.11-
that his father H. E. Wilson Is grad- Commencing at the renter point of
ii I,, ,i Ka tlie Intersection of Third and Iey
ually gdtlnng better and there is .,.,., s ln ,ie clty 0f Ashiy.nd. nv-
Small room for doubt that he will ih ot7
soon bo entirely recovered nnd again tiie center of the intersection of rey
and M.t II p i recis in suiu uiy, i
north one block along the center line
of Sixth street to tlie center of tlie In
tersection of Sixth anil Silver streets
In sa d C tv: thence west three diocks
nl.n. ,1... iwntu, Una ,if Slilvpr ufle.'t
soon see him on the street once to the t.,.nt(.r f the intersection of
Silver and Ninth streets In said City;
thence south two blinks along Die
Center line of said Ninth street in
said City to tlie east and west center
hie of section two; tnence wesi
matters, having gone to that city on
the morning Burlington train.
Rev. Dr. George Aglus, Chancel
lor of the LI neon Diocease and Sec
retary to the Bishop, came ln yester
day noon for a short visit with Rev
Father M. Shine of
Catholic church, departing
morning on the early train for Lin
coln. Mrs. E. Hatchen and Mrs. Mary
Gogt of Omaha came down yester-
greatly pleased with the address and
congratulating themselves upon hav
ing made the trip.
Rex Wilson was a passenger this
able to look after his work. This
Is gratifying news to that gentle
man's many friends who hope to
more well and hearty.
J. 0. Riehey inn! wife reUnu.d
home last, evening from Lincoln
of the center of Section
Tiurteen (13) in Township lweive
ii: North. llange Thirteen (13
Kast, running thence West Eighty
(sui rods; thence North Eleven (11)
rods; thence east Eighty (0) rods;
thence south Eleven (111 rods
to the place ot beginning, being
tlie North Half of Lots Thirteen (U
and Fifty-three IjII in said section.
Township and Kange, as now non
on the piais Ol irregular nana ot
said County. ...... .
Tlie undivided one-nan w-.i oi
Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in
Mock Thirteen ( 13 ) in liuke's addi
tion to the City of IMattsmouth, Lass
t'mintr. Nebraska, except the rigni
of way of the Omaha Southern Kail-
av over ana across Fain x,ois.
The undivided one-half (1-i) of the
following tract of land towlt:
Heglnning at a point Thirty uu)
rods North of the center of section
Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12)
North. Kanae Thirteen (13) i-.asi
hence running west Eighty (80) rods,
thence north Eleven (11) rods; thence
East Elghtv (SO) rods; thence south.
Eleven (11) rods to the place
of beginning, being the south
half of Lots Thirteen (13) and Fifty-
three (S3) In sakl Section, Township
and HaiiKe, as shown by tlie Irregular
tracts In said County, except the
right of way of the Omaha Southern
Lailway across the rame.
or siifnclent amount thereof to
bring the sum of $350.00 for the pay
ment of debts allowed against said es
tate of the cost of administration and
In addition thereto tne costs of this
proceedings there not being any per
sonal property to pay tlie said debts
and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that an per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me at Chambers at my nfiice In
the Court House In tlie City of
I'lattsinoutli, Nebraska, on tlie 21tu
day of July, lsiOO, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day to show cause why a li
cense should not be grunted to snld
administrator to sell the above real
estate of said deceased or so much
thereof as mav be necessary to pay
sit id debts and expenses.
Oated tills 7th dav of Juno, 100!l.
Harvy l. T;avls,
Judge of the lilstrlut Court.
1). O. Dwyer,
V Short Items of Interest From Satur
day Evening's Daily Journal
... . .. .. .. A A A I
high honors, standing In
.v.n. u, i,n,i l..,. In nOniulTKco along the east and west center line of
where they had o.-en in attenciai ce Lections 2 al, 3 to tlm southenst
iinnn (bo flnutnrr ovorclsoK of the corner of the west half of tlie ninth
1 V I ...... ........ rt u.,1.1,.n 't lhlill.a
F.tate University, their son Justus I north one-imif mile to' the mirth Hue
I l. tr.ctnn Imlncr nnn tit (ho prulii- of x"1'1 "ecton 3 : thence west nlong
Livingston, being one ot giauu- t)i(, n,.t, in,. nf alii section ;j and also
ntlng class. Mr. Livingston Rlchey section 4; to the northwest corner of
ueiilmi ! tliencn Hinitli to tie center
Closed Ills Collegiate course Willi of the west line of said section i;
Cm frnnl thence west to the center 01 no. 11 R,M,,n i"; thence south to the
especially with regard to philosophy center of the south line of snld
1 " mint on r t lwriiu ivnul nlnniT tho
which ho has made an especial study Kouih line of said section 5 to the
. , ... northeast corner of the west half of
during his term. . tnp n,hwest ouarter of section s,;
, , .., ",..,,.i ,i,. j tlienco south one mile to the south-
Ill county court several dajs since ,.0,er of the west one-half of
the Will of the late John F. Gordon fie southwest nuarter of said section
iiitt x. . .,..., ii nnir the south lie of
0 Weeping Water was admitted to anld sect ion S to the northeast cor-
ii fi-i i i i ,,,,i ner or me wesi nan oi i lie rmriu-
proliate. The testator had named tlst ,,,.,,,,. ,)( section 17; thenco
the late John Donelan as executor south to the southeast corner of tlie
. west linlf of tlie northeast quarter of
ill the will but, OWlllg to hlS tleatll, said section 17; thc-ce west to the,
center or inn wesi line or sniu sec
tion 17; thence south along the west
line of salil section 17 and section I'O
to the center of the west boundary
line of snld section 20; thence east
.. t r II... ....... n.l ........... Il..
... i , ii'i,pi'i ill.' 1 1 1, i..-?.. rvinri line ill
the will were present and upon their Ku, ection and section ;i to the
center or the east houndaiv line o.
said section 21; thence north along
tlie east boundary line of said sec-
lion "Jl and section 1 to the north
east corner of said section lii; thence
east nlong (lie north line of sections
l.i and II to the crnler of the north
boundary line of said se linn li:
thenco north to the northwest corner
of the southwest iunrter of (he south
east iiuiirier or section 11; thence cast
to the northeast corner of tlie south
east . quarter of the southeast ..nai
ler of mm ll section 11; thence north to
the inrthctist cornel of -..'d
11; thence west iiloti- the luo'lh line
of said section 11 to a point where the
sumo Intersects the sin. I beast bound
ary line of (he right of way of tlie
i nirngn. llurlin.rlon Xi OiiIticv Crill-
road Comnnnv: thence nl.iiitr n.a
southeast boundary line of the rlgh
of way and depot grounds of the said
i nicago, iiurilngton gulncv llall
road Company In a northeasterly di
rection to a point where said south
east boundary line Intersects the cen-
V . , or Ma'n s'rpi't In said City of
Ashland; thence due west nlnnir ..
center line of Main utreet and across
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of chattel mortgage dated Sep
tember IlUth, 1907, to secure the pay
ment of the sum of 00 with in
terest thereon at tlie rate of S per
cent from said date. Said mortgage hav
ing been filed in tlie office of the
County Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, and executed by Harry Tigner to
I'erry Marsh and by said Marsh nnd
by mid Marsh transferred to the First
Natloni'l Hank of rinttsmouth, Nebras
ka. That upon said mortgage t lint
there Is due and unpaid tlie sum of $2!0
with Interest thereto, at tlie rate
of x per cent from date. Default hav
ing been made In the payment of said
sum and Interest thereon and no suit
ov oilier proceedings having been In
stituted to recover said debt or nny
part thereof, therefore the undersign
ed will sell the property In said mort
gage described viz: One bav horse
nnile 3 yearn old weight 1.000 lbs.;
one horse mule three vents old weight
1.000 Us., bay, at public auction to
to the highest bidder for cash at tho
Glenn Smith of the Nebraska Con
struction Company, Is looking after
business matters In the city to
day. Miss Jessie Pothinsky and baby
were passengers for Omaha this
morning on ,the early Burlington
Emmons Rlchey who has been
spending several days at Louisville,
returned to his businese ln this city
this morning.
Mrs. Frank Boyd was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where she
will ;spend the day visiting with
Mrs. WY W. Coates Is spending
the' day In Omaha going to that
city this morning on the early Bur
lington train.
C. C. Parmel ' came in this morn
ing from Broken Bow, Neb., where
he has been looking after business
matters for severa ldays.
Wm. Puis, jr. from near Murray
was In the city today looking after
business matters, paying The Jour
nal his usual pleasant call during
the afternoon.
Henry Ilemple, the well known
and popular real estate man and
promoter of Lincoln is In the city
today meeting his many friends and
locking after business.
Mrs. J. J. McNulIn, the aged
mother of John and Frank McNurlln
departed yesterday afternoon on the
Schuyler train for Louisville where
she will make a visit with her son
Frank for several days. She was
accompanied by Mrs. W. T. Smith
who will also make a visit of some
days with Frank McNurlln and fam
ily. .
W. F. Gillespie, mayor of Mynard
barn on the Pnvev lots at tho corner
of Oak and Seventn streets In the; and stock dealer, yesterday had
rum iv or l iaiismouiii on lie ziitn
dav of June, 1!)tl!i, at tho hour of 1
o'clock p. m of said day.
First National Hank of rinttsmouth,
Nebraska. Assignee of Mortgage
l. O. Iiwyer,
car of cattle and hegs on the South
Omaha market. He caught a rather
unlucky day both being off several
cents. He stopped over In this city
a few hours while on his way home
last evening and visited with his
the court appointed William II.
Pool, the well known real estate
ninn in his stend. The witnesses to
testimony the will was ndmitted to
Silk lisle, indestructible linen toe
and heel half hose. New shades in
W metal, lead, pearl, cham
pagne, tan, ox blood, old
rose, cypress green, Hun
ter's Kreen black, bur
gundy, navy and cadet
A clothing man from a metropoli
tan city came into our store, said: "jfive mc a pair of
25c hose." We sold them to him, at the same time
calling his attention to the indestructible toe and heel
and a silk lisle upper, making a sensible hose for low
shoes. The next morning the same man on his way
to the train, stopped at our store: "Give me six paiis
of those 25c hose, they're the best I've ever seen."
The ame thing has happened repeatedly, but
we msrcly quote this instance because the man con
cerned was a judge of quality.
Come in and buy one pair, you'll be back for
more. 25c, the same at other stores 35 and 50c.
Im;.'Mt Permit.
Niitice is hereby riven 'l-nt YVevrlch ; many friends in the city,
& Madiabit. lave li;c.l tneir ix-titlon
as i ceil i i.'il 'v fie .tp'M'i's of the
virite of Nebifiska vlth the city clfrl:
of the city of I'lnftsinotitii,,
ri?ine:ttl'ig a permit 'to sell malt,
st'lrll not,- nnd vinous Honors for inedl
nleal, mechanical and chemical pur
poses f -r ti e .'liming municipal yc:f
In tlie li'ilbllng situated on the wist
1,-ilf i'.V. l-:'i of lot three (3) In blo-k
t: hi 7-fl c.'.t. in the city of Platts-
iii nun, NebrnskP
George P. Horn, the wdl known
and popular citizen from near Louis
ville, came In this morning to spend
the day In the city with friends
and look after some business mat
ters. He reports that his son Henry
Horn, lias lippn nn sorlnnlv -111
n....i..i. p. o, i i. i
1 i I n il Ililill a nil.. .., . ., . ,
.iu:e 3. mo? Applicant. . w'tn sciatica is some Improved to-
.. !fiay. This is good newu for Henry's
Just received some of the advance styles for Fall
in Felt Hats. Cadet tlue, sapphire, eatawba and
plum shades made in the nohtty trooper shapes.
Trier $.UX.
said depot groundH to the Intersec
tlon of Third and .Main utreetn In said
( Ity; thence north nlong tho center
inie or nurd street one block to the
point of beginning; the largest por
tion of the land Included within said
boundnr en belnir Incm..,! i c
dern Count y, NeiirasKit.
ah land owners within the
boundarleM of paid proposed Ashland
MralniiKe IHstrlcr nnd oil .oi..,,.
cerned nre hereby notltled that an
election will be held on Frldav. .Tot
., rJ09, between the hours of eight
oclock a. m. nnd six o'clock p. m. at
the oil ce of the County Clerk if Satin,
tier County. Nebraska. In the Cot. t v
tourt House at Wnhoo. In said Coun'
,.'f til-tnt sn.,i'1 pl,f;lon Hies(lon
,1 J .I'" r",T'" "n "f. "''' Ashland
'""- I'ls.ncr snail tie determined,
and a board of seven iiirn,.i.....
.'L.".I"',,",, "al'1 ,,"', of Ice
ald district. .".o.uuon or
...b"...!.'.'', w,"'r,,or 1 Vnv" hereunto
on .Ji 1 ' niy name nnd Attached my
iei tottntv. Nebrnskn. nl mv
n the (ountv Court House at" W'ahoo
in ui i on nt y i n Jin,, w loftu
A. N. Klmehind.
of Saundcr County.
County Clerk
Has .i:ii'i;v K-xr-jt'.
Charles Burton ha J a narrow es
cape from serious Injury on rurc!ay
last while feeding the crusher at
the Heobiier Quarries. The crusher
is (,ne of the largest in the country
and requires the services of a. lum
ber of men to keep It full, and It is
driven by a large rubber belf about
twelve Inches wide. Charles hap
pened to be standing directly In line
with this belt when it broke, one
end flying over and hitting him di
Itctly ln the face, knocking him
senseless and throwing him ln the
He was fished out with long lion
hooks that are used for lifting rock,
and for a time it was thought that
he was dead. Herbert Opp happen
ing along just at this time got water
and ln a short time he regained con
sciousness. The only damage done to him
was a badly bruised face that will
friends here who hope to sre
once. more on the streets.
Grcrge A. Metsinger and wife were
passengers this morning for Omaha
where they will visit with Mrs. P.
P. Meisingnr at the hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. Meisinger drove In this
morning from their home west of
the city. Mrs. P. P. Meisinger Is
reported as getting along very nice
ly now and after her five weeks In
the hospital there Is room to hope
that she can soon be brought home.
This Is the wish of her many good
friends ln this section.
Commissioner Friedrlch this
morning supplemented his statement
a to damage done In the county by
the floods of the last few days, with
the statement that the Weeping
Water hns been higher ln the past
week than before ln years. It over
flowed its banks and flooded the en
tire region more than It has been
take sometime for It to htal; nndjno0(,0(1 ln 'Pars- Tne 't of tho
the loss of time from his work Pro
caution will be taken In the future
to protect the men against accidents
of a slmlllar character. Nehawka
damage Is in Rock Rluffs and Lib
erty precincts where the loss Is very
heavy and will require much repairing.
I.K(;i, MiTicr
To .tames A. llvsnil- a
l..r.....l -I. -mucin
You nre heruhe imiin.,.i it.... ..
ft! 'V.7.f ' ''. "'Vlena A
I i ','fnn iiii'ti n i pi (in nirniH.,t i
the district Court of Cass County. No"
are ll'r, t , V T ,rni!"p which
. .i "btaln n divorce from
f.Vi ' "live wll
fully abandoned the plaintiff withou
p...... niiiin lor more t nil it two venm
las . nud .second, t lint you have itmsslv
and wantonly fulled and neulected to
iipport said plaintiff, and Third To
I.... , me in n. ,o no Noi l hwest
.innitor in. 1.41 f Secil,,,,
I 'll. riwnslili ten i0, :nK,. Iw,,iv,
1 l.i east In the Counlv of Cass, smto
of Nebrnskn. In snld plaintiff ni iiKnlnvt
you. V111 are re.iilred to imike immver
t' said pelltloil on or before the 1 llli
'lay of June, A. 1 . 1!Hl.
Helena A. l'vui,
., . . . I'hllllll.T.
Ity r.lll'liiev , l:,imey.
Her Atlorneis.
The ollir of' .t,f .Se'iiif'n. rl .VdiM- CIhIIk
.li.iiiniffiiil Shift
Nf(f,oii lliiln
u r ( ininT mh k r..
,1. Monroe viii lake mmce Hint ,.n
.nun Uiiv or April, linoi, M. Archer
.nisnee or Hie ic i. e or I Mil 1 1 -111. oil h
Cltv, litis connfv. Nelir.'iskn, Issued n'l
oilier 01 attiti I'lneni or tin, ,nm ,,t
li" In 1111 act bm pending before
"Herein w . si rare 11 v. U oliiln
ll'T, nnd .1. Monroe Is ilefen.bint. Hint
poperfy of the dereinbitit cousistini( of
wiiKe In tin? iunmi?.iiii of the i
A- II. I!, Co. bis been nttitclied under
niiiii onier sild cause was continued
in ue film ,irty f June, l:br.i, ,it 9
" cio, k a. m.
V,-. M. Hn.-lnv.
1 iHillll'T.
Iicatli -lts the llundall Home.
After a long and lingering Illness,
extending over many weeks, Mrs. Ina
Male Joslln this morning departed
the land of the living. Her death
was not unexpected as lur long
wearing Illness hnd made It almost a
certainty that the end must come
soon. A full obituary of this charm
ing young women will appear In Mon
day's Journal.
The utmost sympathy Is extended
by the community to the bereaved
husband and parents nnd sisters nnd
brothers who have lost a most charm
ing and estimable wife, daughter and
The funeral will take .Mnn
,lny r.ftcnp;oii at H o'clock from the
I '!!'. Hurhl will b at Wyuka
rotiH'tery, Lincoln, on Tuesday next,
the body being taken to that city
en the morning Darlington train.
For those who wish to take a hist
look nt tlu-lr bdnved friend. the
casket will be op' n from 2 to 0
o'cbit k Sunday nfterunon nt the
residence of Hev. Uandall.
Itoily .Mitiniiil, l(lc mt ueek.
Prof. J. W. Gamble departed this
morning for Lincoln, going up pre
paratory to taking up his courso of
teaching ln the University summer
school which opvns next Monday!
Prof. Gamble was rather loath to
again take up school work after hat
ing Just closed his term, stating
that the seven weeks of school look
ed belter to him during the winter
than It did now when It was act
ually at hand. However, he figured
that be would soon become Interest
ed In It after he had started nnd
that the time would pass vi ry quick
ly. L. Fangcr who recently came to
this country from Austria nnd who
Is now located In Omaha, was In the
city yesterday making a visit with
bis brother, M. Kanger of the depart
ment store. Mr. Kanger has been
making the necessary arrangements
to go Into business In Omaha and
has put In the past week for this
purpose. He is the father of Tlllie
nnd Max Fanger who came to this
country s mie two years ago nnd who
tunde their home In this dty with
th Ir tup le. M. Fanger for sometime
and have been living In Oninh.i late
S. Furlong, the well known Rock
Bluffs citizen, was In the city today
on business.
Mrs.' A. E. Gass was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha where she will spend the
George Hold Is looking after busi
ness matters In the city today, hav
ing come In from his farm this
Mrs. W. L. Pickett is among
those visiting In Omaha today be
ing a passenger for that city on the
early train.
S. H. Atwood, the well known
member of the firm of Newell & At
wood, was In the city today attend
ing to business matters.
A. S. Will who has been attend
ing to business matters in Broken
Bow, returned home this afternoon
on the train from Omaha.
C. F. Ryhart, cousin of John Mc-
Xurlin living with Mr.' and Mrs. A.
F. Seybert came down this morning
from Cullom to spend the day in
the city.
Charles Gron, wife and baby
Mildred, of Havelock, came down
last evening for a visit In the city
with Jos. Smith and family for sev
eral days.
Miss Clara Weyrich was a pas
senger this morning for Lincoln
where she goes to take a course at
the summer school which opensi
there Monday.
Mrs. P. A. Carlson was a pas
senger on the morning train for
Havelock where she will make a
visit with friends and relatives for
several days.
Philip H. Meisinger, the well
known farmer from Eight Mile Grove
precinct, Is looking after business
matters In the city today, driving
in from his home west of the city.
Dr. George H. Gilmore and son
Walker, of Murray were ln the city
last evening for a few hours en-route
home from Omaha where Dr. Gilmore
! had taken Mrs. I.S. White- for medical
poor health for several weeks.
Joseph Linehart.who Is farming
near Cedar Creek, was in the city to
day, shaking hands with hii many
friends. Joe Is becomin;; n stranger
to Platt3mouth, this bdpf; his first
visit since Christmas.
John Ahl, one of the young and
enterprising young farmers from
near Louisville, came down yester
day morning on Jhe Schuyler train
to attend to some business mat
ters, returning to his home In the
Mrs. Charles Bell and children de
parted last evening for Burlington,
la., and Quincy, III., for a visit with
relatives for several weeks. Mr. Bell
and his son expect to , Join them
shortly and after a short visit the
entire party w ill return to their home
In this city. .
W. II. Hell, owenr of -the fine
Pleasant View stock farm near Cedar
Creek, was In the city today look
ing after business matters. Mr,
Hell reports that fields are very wet
and work ln them exceedingly dif
ficult on that account and he is
hoping for warmer, dryer weather
for the next few days at least.
D. J. Pltmnn, the prominent
business man of Murray, drove up
this morning to the city to look af
ter some business matters. While
hero Mr. Tltman favored The Journal
with one of his pleasant, sociable
calls and was warmly welcomed.
Dave Pitman Is one of the good
friends of the Journal and he can
always figure of a warm welcome
George P. Meisinger, one of Cass
county's best citizens nnd ablest men,
came In this morning frotr. his hone
ln Eight Mile Grove precinct, to
lock after business mnt'en and to
meet his many friends. Mr. Meising
er Is deservedly one of the most pop
ular men In this cpnnty nnd be has
made himself a name as a staid, up
right and hard working citizen who
enjoys the respect nnd esteem of
nil his neighbors nnd his many ac
quaintances ln this city and vicin
ity. ,
The editor was Invited to take a
trip to Plattsmouth last Thursday
afternoon with R. V. Pollard who In
company with I'. C. West nnd K. M.
E. M. Pollard wept up In his Olds
nioblle. It was n delightful trip
nnd a splendid run was made on the
going trip, covering twenty nnd oip
half miles In 61 minutes, but n rec
ord run was made on the return til'
which was tb fastest run made to
our knowledge the tlm b'lne M
.'ItiIm NVIinwka Rcrtls'cr.