The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1909, Image 8

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Short Items of Interest From Tues-
day's Evening Journal
Mrs. M. C. Hlatt Is spending the
day in Omaha being a passenger on
the morning train for that city.
Mrs. T. J. Janda and little daugh
ters were passengers this morning on
the early train for Omaha where tbey
Will spend the day with friends.
Mrs. Charles Hlatt was a passenger
on the morning train for Omaha
Where she will spend the day.
Miss Daisy Terry is spending the
day In Omaha being a passenper for
that city on the morning train.
Ed Polln spent Sunday in the city
with bis folks, returning to Omaha
this morning on the early train.
Ed. Egenberger Is looking after
business in Omaha today being a pas.
enger for that city on the morning
Clarence White visited ovtr Sun
day with his folks In this city re
turning to Omaha thU morning on
the early train.
Ed Schulhof came over Saturday
evening from Glenwood to spend the
day with his folks, returning to his
duties ti ls morning.
II. M. Earl of Ashland was In the
city this morning for a few hours
Visiting with her sister, returning tbis
noon on the fast mall.
Mrs. W. E. Martin who spent
Bunday In the city with her sister
Mrs. Val. liurkol, departed this noon
On the mall train for her home.
George Falter spent the afternoon
in Omaha looking after business mat
te rs.
John Hall, the Sixth street plum
ber, was a passenger for Omaha this
morning on the early train.
Herman Martens spent Sunday In
the city with bis folks returning to
O nana today on the mail train.
Thomas fherwood spent Sunday
In the city returning to his work In
Omaha this noon on the mall train.
Tbos. L. Murphy departed last
evening for his trip on the road for
the Porter-Ryerson-Hoobler Com
Mrs. Lizzie Guthman came in Fri
day from Rork Springs, Wyo., to
spend several days In the city with
Mrs. May Creamer was a passen
ger on the morning train for Omaha
where she will spend the day visit
ing friends.
Walter L. Speck after several days
In the city, departed on the mail
train for Omaha out of which city
he Is working.
Henry R. Gerlng came In Sunday
evening for a Sunday's visit with his
folks, returning to his business In
Omaha last evening.
Rev. J. H. Salsbury was a passen
ger on the noon train for Omaha
where he had Important business
matters to attend to.
T. M. Carter was among those trav-
From the Courier
Andy Chrlstensen Is the proud po-
Bissor of a brand new Indian motor
Mrs. Howard Faxton and sou, Del
mar, of Pender, Neh , are visiting rel
atives In this vicinity.
fine Iron fence is being placed
aroung the Johnson residence ad
ding very much to the already beau
Uful premises.
Liza Xewhall has pneumonia and
iis reported to be in a very serious con
dition. A trained nurse is caring
for her.
Irvla Munger has rnother Shetland
pony and a brand new pony road wag
on. It Is needless to say that he Is
the happiest boy in town.
Fred Shirley, a former resident of
Cass County, but now of "Denver,
Col., came Saturday for a visit with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. L. J. Woodward was a pas
senger for Weeping Water, Tuesday
afternoon, being called to the bed-
' side of Mrs. Warrants, an old friend.
who is very sick.
Wm. Lefler went to Gordon, Ne
braska, Saturday to visit his father,
who Is quite sick. Mr. Lefler con
templates bringing bis father to Elm
wood as soon as the weather warms
up for good.
Mrs. C. S. Andxlch and baby, of
Tipton, la., and Mrs. Jno. P. Cobb
and mother of Cedar Falls, la., ar
rived Friday of last week and are now
nicely located In their respective
bomes In east Elm wood. The Leader-
Echo welcomes these estimable fam
ilies to Elmwood and we sincerely be
lieve that their connections with the
Industrial and social life of this com
munity will be none but pleasant.
Adam Krager, one of the best e,ln abroad ln the ,and today. K"
farmers In Cass County and a good ln as far aH nialr where he had
reliable citizen, was In the city to- business to attend to.
day atendlng to business matters. j George Leeney representing the
Mrs. Herman Fields and baby who Glllnsky Fruit Company of Omaha
have been vlsltlne with Mrs. Wm. was ln the viiy todav looking after
Fields at. .Pacific Junction since Fri
day last, returned to this city this
" D. R. Bamt, who has been visiting
In the city with his daughter, Mrs.
D. P. Ruell, returned to his home at
Randolph, Nebraska this morning, go
ing out on the early train."
R. Hetherlngton who Is employed
at Ralston In work with Jas. Leek,
was a passenger for that point on the
the wants of his patrons.
Mrs. George llruhl of Lincoln who
spent Sunday in the city with Mrs.
M. E. Manspeaker returned to her
home this noon on the fast mall train.
Mrs. J. M. Ix'ek departed this noon
on the mall train for Ralston where
her husband Is engaged in erecting a
number of residences and business
Carl Kunsman Is spending the day
mall train at noon after spending Sou,h Omaha and Omaha going up
Bundpy in this city with his folks, i to buy HOme nually fat heifers and
steers for the delectation of his many
Sam. II. Rhumnker, the windmill
Mrs. Lee Cotner and her sister,
Miss Lnura Tower are spending the
afternoon In Omaha, being nasseng-1
erg for that city on the fast mall at l,)nn ls "(tending to business in
noon Omaha this afternoon, being a pas
senger for that ity on the mall
, train at noon.
Mrs. W. H. Vernier and daughter
De Ella, were put
on the mall train for Omaha going
up to spend the afternoon with
Hans Tarns, traveling carpenter for
the Uuiilngton, was a passenger on
the morning train for Dlxen. Neb.,
Where he has some business to attend
to for the company.
Menitt Kerr and wife came In Sat
urday evening for a visit with bis
mother. They are now located at
Kansas City, Mo., where Mr. Kerr
Is ln the railroad business.
Mesdames Tims. Sullivan and A. II.
Taylor Bpent last evening in the city,
the guests of Mrs. Dennett Chrlswel-
J. N. Wine, the bookkeeper of the
Iiattsniouth Telephone Company,
was among those having business to
attend to iti Omaha being a ilassonver
for that city on the mall train.
Mr. and Mrs. E .1. Motigcy's
daughter Grace; 12 years old, was
taken seriously 111 last Friday and
late rher ailment proved to be ap
pendicitis. It was found that an op
eration would be necessary, and Mon
day her parents and Dr. McLeod took
her to a hospital at Lincoln.
Anthony J. Tiilllty, wise gn.alm
generally and tonsoiialist by profes
sion, spent the afternon In Omaha
looking after matters of Importance
ner and this morning In company with to Anthony end the world in general.
her were passengers for Omaha
where they will spend the day. The
party went up on the morning train
expecting to return this evening.
J. II. Altrocgge and wife were pas
sengers tills morning on the emiy
being a passenger on the mall train
for the metropolis.
Miss Edna Propst was operated
upon last Saturday afternoon at Ini
manuel hospital for appendicitis and
other complaints, this being the sec-
tmln for Omnlni friini ulilili iwilnt I . ....... . . .. ..
j imu operanon in a niontn. ner many
Mr. Altreegge will depart on n tour . f.,.,ids will be delighted to learn of
or me state In connection with the
business he has on the road. Mrs.
Altroeggo expects to return to the city
this evening.
Fred Morgan last Saturday morn
ing had the misfortune to drop u
her progress and trust that here re
covery will be sure and soon.
JullUB Ranige departed yesterday
aftornoonon the mail train for Rock
Springs. Wyo., where be goes to take
a Job with Ed. Oliver In his meat
Ymaw til...... it I.... .... 1. 1.. . ...i.n . i ..i. . .... . ...
... ,11111 mi nix mi', wiiue ; ninrKoi bi inni pia'e Julius ls an
employed at his duties at the llur- old time employe of Mr. Oliver's and
llngton shops. The Injury was very will doubtless make him a good man
painful and while not serious, It ne-ille has accepted a very fluttering of
cessitates his laying off for a few fer from him and will give him satis
fly- faction without question.
From the Courier.
C. M. Seybert Is having his house
In the east part of town repainted
and repaired this week.
It is said by those who ought to
knew that John Waldron will be the
new village clerk to succeed J. P.
The tollkeepers house at this end
of the bridge is nearlng completion
and will be ready for occupancy In
a short time.
Fred Ossenkop, clerk at Dlers
Brothers' store, Is taking a few days
off and recuperating In the state of
W. A. Cleghorn marketed a seven
months' old pig Tuesday which
weighed 330 pounds and brought
$21.45 ln cash.
Scott McGrew met with quite a
painful accident Monday which laved
him ff ofor a few days. While at
work around one of the engines at the
National Stone quarries he caught
his arm in such a way as to wrench
It quite bndly. Nothing serious will
result however.
Charley Gaeliel, of Poland China
fame .reported to this office Monday
that W. F. Diers has been setting
out elm trees for two or three days,
and avows they are apple trees. Mr.
Gnebel ought to be pretty good au
thority on this matter, but we will be
better nble to tell hi a year or two.
Johnson & Ossenkop have leased
the Gordon building, opposite the
Courier office, and will open up a
pool hall. The boys will put in four
tables and expect to run a nice clean
place. Iiefore they can he granted
a license, however, the law passed
two years ago by the town board,
prohibited the running of a pool or
blllard hnll within the corporate
limits of the village will have to be
Food is
more tasteful.
healthful and nutri
tious when raised with
The only baking powder made
from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
MaJe torn
From the Ledger.
Wesley Illrd and wife, of near
Alvo was here last week visiting
Lewis Hlrd and wife, and returnel
home Friday.
George W. Shrader, the well known
pioneer citizen of Rock IllulTs pre
clnct, was calling on osonie of his
I'nion friends Monday.
Just at press time we learn that
Albert Hathaway and wife the the
happy parents of a fine daughter,
born Wednesday night.
Will H. Mark arrived borne last
Saturday evening from Oklahoma,
where he spent several days look
ing after some business matters.
Aug. Hollenberg captured six
young coyotes and the old one In a
hole in the corn field while cutting
stocks. Catching them like that beats
all the wolf hunts.
John Cory and wife of Plattsmouth
enme down on the Sunday forenoon
train and were guests of Dean Austin
and family, east of town. Several
neighbors called In and the afternoon
was spent very pleasantly by all.
Miss Hello Woodward, who has
been teaching In Moorecraft. Wyo.,
arrhed here last Friday and Is visit
Ing her sister Mrs. Saint Glfford west
of town. Miss Woodward made her
homo hero a number of years and her
many friends are greatly pleased to
meet her again.
Dr. M. L. Thomas of llnrtlett. la.
arrived on the Wednesday midnight
train to see Robert Cogdlll. who has
been s! k for a few days. The doctor
l"ti to return heme yesterday, hence
be had a very short time to greet his
on-time I'nion friends.
Tuesday Local Events
Mrs. Malinda McCully departed
t ils morning on the early train for
with friends for several days.
L. F. Sallee is attending to busi
ness in Omaha this morning going
up on the early train.
Ed. Egenberger is looking after
business matters ln Omaha today go
ing to that city on the morning train.
John Fight and wife are visiting
with friends In Omaha, going to that
city this morning on the early train.
J. W. Gregg returned last evening
from Dunlap, la., where he had been
spending several days with his wife
and daughter.
County Commissioner C. L. Jor
dan is looking after county business
in the city coming in last evening
from his home near Alvo.
You will we a dollar entertainment
for only twenty-five rent at the Par-twenty-five
cent at the Parmele ne
mele next Monady night.
Commissioner J. L. Swltzer Is In
the city looking after county busi
ness coming in from his home in
Weeping Water yesterday.
Mrs. C. E. Atherton was a passen
ger this morning for Council Bluffs,
la., where she will visit for several
dayt with Telatrvw- and friends.
Mrs. John Gilson departed this
morning for a visit with relative;?
In Lincoln for several days, going
there on the early morning train.
Dr. C. A. Marshall and wife are
visiting with friends In Omaha today
gblng up on the morning train.
Mrs. Chris Mockenhaupt ls visit
ing with friends In Council Bluffs and
Omaha going to that city on the early
morning train.
Mrs. John Gelser was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha where she will spend the day
and look after business matters.
W. K. Fox, one of the delegates to
the grand lodge of the Royal Ar
canum, was a passenger for Omaha
this morning where the Lodge meets
today. It is possible that the pro
ceedings of the lodge will occupy sev
eral days.
Miss Neuchaefer who has been
ln the city for some days nursing the
young child of N. K. Peoples and
wife, returned to her home in Omaha
this morning, the child having so
much Improved that her services were
no longer required.
Mrs. C. S. Stevens and baby were
passengers this morning on the early
train for Omaha where they will
spend the day vslting with friends.
Mrs. Nick Halmes came In this
morning from her home west of the
city and after a few hours in the city
continued to Omaha on the early
train where she will visit friends.
1 rs. George Koehnke came in
l.'St evening from her home n.'ar
C'reigi.ton, Neb., for a visit with hei
folks, expecting to stay for soverel
mi j s.
Mrs. V. E. Perry came in this
morning from her home ntar Mynard
and Is spending the day in Omaha,
going to thnl city on the morning
A. L. Tidd is spending the after
noon In Omaha on business matters
going up on the mall train. He Is one
of the numerous Omaha patrons of
Mrs. J. C. McCaleb of Shenandoah,
la., who has been visiting in the
city with Mrs. Sol Adamson, returned
to her home this morning on the
early train.
Ed. Kreohler and wife came In
last Friday evening for a visit in
the city with relatives, spending sev
eral days in Weeping Water with
Herman Kloitseh and wife , and de
parted this noon on the mall train
for Sheridan, Wyoming, where Mr.
Kroehler Is employed.
Miss Anna Pflaum of FallsCity who
has been visiting with her sister Mrs.
S. C. Breckenrldge for several days,
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha, Mrs. Breckenrldge accom
panying her. They expect to return
to the city ths evening.
Mrs. James Sage was a passen
ger on the mall train at noon for
Omaha where she will meet her rIs-
ter Mrs. O. M. Strelght and little
Guy Strelght who are returning from
a visit with the young man's grand
mother at Wllber. They will re
turn on No. 2 this evening.
L. B, Brown, mayor of Kenosha
and general good fellow, was In the
city today looking after business mat
ters. Llge states that the man who
captured the span of geese, Jim Fitch.
Is able now to travel to town by
himself, but It was n hard struggle 'n
get him back to life after the cap
ture. S. (1. Stone and wife were pnh"-.-gers
for Omaha this morning on
early train, Mr. Stone being com
pelled to return to the hospital on
account of n recurrence of his old
trouble for which he was operated
upon not long npo. He Is not by
any means In bad shape but thought
It best to "o to the hospital while
be could ami In time head off any
complications which might arise
mm. rircnrwrr:5:
Cr8?mBalring Powder
is the most efficient and
perfect of leavening agents
No alum, lime or ammonia.
Holding for Insantiy.
Sheriff Qulnton last evening
brought In from Nehawka, one John
Donohue, who was susplcioned of
being Insane and who was examined
last evening before the Insanity
commission. From the evidence be
fore the commission, It appeared that
Donohue who was a native of Wil
liamsburg, Iowa County, Iowa, was
found prowling about the barn of
George SwlUer, a prominent citi
zen of Nehawka.
Asked as to what he was doing
there he replied that he was look
ing for his "pal' His conversation
Indicated plainly' that he was mental
ly unbalanced and it was determin
ed to have him looked after. His
relatives live at Williamsburg, la.
He ls a man about 36 years old
and after the examination by the
commission, it was readily apparent
that he was suffering largely from
excessive drinking. The commission
after investigation decided to hold
him here until bis relatives could
be communicated with and If possible)
he will be returned to them. He was
much better this morning. This
makes the third case since the first
of the year where parties have been,
picked up as Insane here who wera
found afterwards to be residents
of Iowa and in each case they have
been returned to their homes for cara
and treatment.
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar of Avoca, a sis
ter of Sheriff Qulnton, spent Sun
day in the city with that gentleman
and . his wife and daughter being
especially -pleased to meet the latter
young woman, returning to her
home this morning by way of
Nick Halmes and wife came in this
morning from their cosy home est
of the city to spend the day visit
ing their friends and looking after
some business matters in the city.
1 SJ
Copyright Kjc Ir
Hill scbittntr & Mirs
There are two principles that we
establishing in our new store.
One is that nothing except good merchandise can
come into our place; and by that we mean such lines
as Stetson hats, Barker collars, Interwoven and Ever
wear sox, Manhattan, Wilson Bros, and Ferguson
McKinney shirts, Mentor and Cooper union suits,
Carhartt gloves and working clothes,
Hart Schaffner & Marx Gloihes,
and other strong lines, are finding their place here.
The other principle is that wc are going to sell these
good things as low as it is humanly possible. When
we mark our goods we don't think of how much we
can make on an article, but how low a price we can
put on it, and still make an honest profit.
We think that we'll make more money by practis
ing such principles, because we'll sell more goods.
"True merit always wins."
H. S. S M. Suits $18.00 to $30.00
Others-good ones $7.50 to $16.00
Our large immediate delivery purchase of Hart SchafTner & x
suit is all here now. Assortment larger, patterns more attractive,
and prices thHt sell. Hangup system still calling forth lots of at
tention. Come in snd see it.
1 1'
The 'inic of Hurt Sniff ntr cf- Mum (.'MAi'
Munhnltitn Shirt
SMtnn Hutu