The Avoca Department Newt Ite-ns Gathered Each Weak by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal BEAUTIFUL WEDDING Gustave Buss was a Syracuse visi tor Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Zimmerer was one of the sick this week. Gus Kegley was down from Weep ing Water Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Norval has been quite eick the past week. . L. U. Hupp made a business trip to Council Bluffs Monday. Jrj ;J. B. Cater is numbered among the sick this week. H. M .Marquardt made a trip to Omaha the first of the week. Henry Frazen who was sick last week is able to be around again. Mi6s Neva Zook enjoyed a visit from Auburn relatives this week. Mrs. Hanger of Lincoln Is a guest at the Samuel Johnson home. The foundation for the new resi dence of L. J. Marquardt Is being laid. ' The painters finished the work Minnie Rhuge Is a grippe .victim this week. Dr. Brendel reports Mrs. Watson as being very ill. Samuel Johnson had the city lights installed in his residence this week. Mra. Harry Falk, of Kansas City, was visiting Ora Copes and wife the first of the week. W. A. Hollenberger and family, formerly residents of Avoca, have moved from Lincoln to Alexandria, Neb. )CDO 0 School Notes. The Avoca Literature Club have finished their reading and on Monday evening gave a banquet at the home of Miss Julia Nutzman, the members of the board of education and their families being Invited. All present report a very enjoyable time. No more reading will be taken up this year. The young people belonging to this club have taken great pleas ure In their weekly meetings and on the new drug itore building Satur- 'ehow fln lmproved ta8te for gQod ,iter. day. Frank Codington and Emtl Amanr here from Syracuse Satur- da were day. Chas. Benedict went to Omaha Tuesday to get some Automobile re pairs. G. A. Malcolm spent the first of the week visiting his parents near Talmage. Mrs. W. I. Smoots and daughter Florence were at Weeping Water Saturday. Chub Shreve, of near Eagle, visited the family of A. B. Lewton one day last week. Mrs. F. W. Ruhge and daughter Louise, were home from Lincoln to spend Sunday. J. B. Carter enjoyed a visit from a Bister who resides in Kansas the first part of the week. H. G. Wellenseik, Fred Bartels. Lnuls Rhuge and Aueust Thiele made a trip to Murdock Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and son Glen, were at Nehawka and Plattsmouth this week visiting relatives. Mrs. John Tromble and daughter of Kansas were visiting Avoca rela tives and firends this week. The stork visited the home of John True last week and left a baby daughter weighing eight pounds. Miss Maud Klrby, of Horton Kan sas, who has been visiting Avoca relatives returned to her home Tues day. Louis Ruhge, living south of YaA iha. Tnlufnrrnno in rllsln- 1 l V 11 II IIUU W II'"" rate his left' shoulder one day last week. Mrs. Joseph Malcolm, of Talmage was here several days last week visiting with relatives north of the town. Miss Alice Durham left Wednes day for Bertrand to spend several weeks with her sister Mrs. A. J. Nutzman. Mrs. John Ruge of Murdock with her little daughter Francis, Is visit ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. P. Nutzman. T. S. Plttman went to Omaha Tues day morning to meet his son Ward who has been in the U. S. Navy for the past four years. Mesdames J. II. F. Ruhge and Edna O'Grady, who have been visiting re latives at Imperial, returned home Tuesday evening. The disciples of Isaac Walton were out in full force Sunday. L. U. tr.. An II Ikn tilfrcrnct ark far ufl I nui'i? inn ii ii me "iMs he reports a catch of fifteen. A business change took place Tuesday morning. T. II. Straub sell ing out his stock of implements and building to the Avoca' Supply Co. Herman 0. Wellenseik went to Auburn Saturday evening and Sunday came back In his new touring car. It Is a beauty, a forty hors power Oakland. Miss Margaret Jensen of Elmwood came down Saturday evening to spend Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Graham. Miss Jensen Is one of the sweet girl graduates of the Elmwood school this year. ature. The eighth grade are anxious to receive their grades. It is a daily question asked the teachers. Mlsa Nlta Francis of Dunbar was visiting with her sister the first of the week. She was a pleasant caller at each of the rooms Monday. Several pupils of the intermediate department are on the sick list. Hunting flowers is a favorite pas time for the tenth grade after school The tenth grade has handed in some splendid book reviews which are being corrected this week. STRAUB IS THE HU THAT SELLS - flUTOr.ODILES - t Farm Implements and n WA60MS AND BUGGIES Be sure and see him when you need anything in his line. f Ami, Nebraska 0 Itcbckaha Celebrate. The Rebekah Lodge of Avoca cele brated their anniversary Friday even ing,, April 23 Instead of the 24th., which should have been the date cele brated, but was changed on account of the play given Saturday evening by the R. N. of Dunbar. After a short program, games were played. In the contest where animals were made from gum, Miss Clara Mar quardt won the prize. After a grand inarch, led by Mr. Marquardt and Mrs, Copes, the table was surrounded by the hungry guests who made short work of the cold meats, salads, pick les, coffee, ice cream, strawberries and cake. Mr. Tefft in his usual happy man ner filled the office as toastmaster. The following toasts were given. Our Bachelor Brothers; What can we do to Ameliorate their situation. Julia Nutzman. Response-Ralph Graham Our Anniversary, Mary Graham. The 'Heavenly Twins; Florlse and Flossie Wollen. The Three Links. D. Cecil Copes, Most of these were lmprompt and were much appreciated by the guests. Ward Plttman Home. Ward Plttman. son of T. S. Titt man, returned home Tuesday even Ing after four years service in the navy. He entered the navy In May 1905 and was assigned to the Colum bia, and was on that ship when took President Taft, then secretary of the navy, to Panama on his tour of inspection. Ward was transferred from the Columbia to the Kearsarge and made the cruise around th world. During his trip he wrote many Interesting letters home telling of the places he visited and the man interesting incidents happening while enroute. Ward Is an Avoca boy, hav Ing been raised here and the peopl of Avoca have reason to be proud of his record In the navy. Fred Dur ham who enlisted at the same time has re-entered the service. Tw other Avoca boys have enlisted this vear. Hal Garnett and Martin Elchel. Mmenda & Mohr DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors Cigars Miss Lena Buckman and Mr. William i am iu m I vic'iimOu uiiiica in neaiccK One of the most beautiful wed dings that it has been our pleasure to attend occurred on Tuesday, April 28, 1909. at 2 p. m., at the palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckman in Avoca, The contracting parties were Mr. William StelnhofT, of North Branch precinct, Otoe county, and Mlsa Lena Buckman, of Avoca. Promptly at the appointed hour the bride and groom were usherei into one of the front parlors, which had been tastily decorated for the occa sion, where they were met by Rev. George Gunde, pastor of the North Branch Luthern church, who spoke a very Impressive ceremony In the German language, and In the pres ence of a large number of Invited guests from both Otoe and Cass counties. There were considerably over one hundred guests present, con sisting of the parejits of both groom and bride, and many of their old neighbors and friends, besides a large number of the younger people, friends who had been associated with the new ly wedded in their girlhood and boy hood. immediately arter. the ceremony which lasted about one-half hour, the guests sat down to several tables which fairly groaned undertheweight of good things to eat. It is unneces sary to remark that none went away hungry. At night a dance took place ai the hall, where the cholsest of tnu sic had been engaged for this splendid occasion, and where the Joy of those who delight in the dizzy whirl, con- tiuued until almost the weo small hours of the morn. The bride Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, anj is n most i!. i. rnilng and ctil' "el young lady while the groom Is the eldest son of Mr end Mrs. Au.'st Stelnhoff, of North Branch pw.iiPt Otoe county, wno is one or tne most prosperous funiim of Otoe cntnty. The young people will start out in married life ;t.'p" the most fforablo pro:-nee hi x- yuu vvuuiu en joy comfort in a corset that con forms to the prevail ing mode and gives "smart" and graceful lines to your gowns, and Avoca, Neb. ji igned wear The model de; for your figure is cor rectly proportioned and rightly made. Ask for the G-D Justrile that is just-right for YOU Famous "Wear for Even" Guaranteed Hosiery In offering this hosiery to our customeis we wish to say that we issue for each sale a guarantee ticket which guar- foi hhppiness ani proEperity, and win antees bearing the date of sale and if the hosiery does not nmke their homo on the farm of Mr. weai as w2 clajra ft wjlf tJie ticket is good for a new Dairor irs as the case may be. The condition being that the six si wiBiiea vi a large uirne ui menuB. , . . , . 1 a. tir i ai it does one-. 8oui good to see how pairs be worn in rotation during that time. We have them magnificently the Germans celebrate in Men S, LadirS , M1SSCS ana 1X)'S. an event of this character, as they do so with great solmenty and Joy com blned and It was really Interesting to the writer, who attended by a special Invitation of our old friend, the fath er of the pretty bride, who is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Buckman Both the parents of the bride and groom are well known In this and Otoe county and It can reasonably be expected that the young people will be just as energetic as their parents, and if blessed with good health as down I the stream of time they glide, they The Journal Joins their many friends In wiBhlng Mr. and Mrs. Stenhoff all the Joy (and no sorrow) of a long and meritorious careeer. SIX PAIRS MEN'S SIZE SI.32 Use Linoleum Lustre on your Oil Cloth or Linoleum if you want it to look nice and wear well. DRIES OVER NIGHT! AT CAN 85c Kiiruh Kcttig. Sarah Rettlg was born In Ger many and died at the home of Louis f ,i . ,wi n 1 1 m i. n 17t.l.iF A ..( 1 uai Dim iiiui rttuvft, x I iuqj ... . 1 1 , , , pin u equally tiB pniHiuruus. 23rd, at the age of 78 years, 11 1 - . . ,, months and 12 days. The deceased has made her home for many years with her niece, Mrs. Louis Carsten, and has been ill for several months. She will be sadlyl missed by those whom she had made herself dear by her gentle dis position and acts of kindness. The funeral services were held at the Ger man Luthern Church, of which she was a faithful member, on Monday, April 26th. . Oovey & Son Roynl Neighbor Give May. The Royal Neighbor Lodge of Dun bar eave the play. "The Wives of Wooden' at the town hall Satur day night. The play was well rend ered and was much enjoyed by a well filled house. The song by Mas ter Rose was much appreciated, also the music by MIhs Francis and Mrs. Rose. Zelmers band was also a very pleasant surprise and rendered some fine selections. Literature Club Entertains. The Avoca Literature Club closed their year's work with a reception to the club members and the fami lies of the school board. The re ception was given at the home of Miss Julia Nutzman on Monday even ing. In the first guessing contest Miss Francis won first prize, and Florence Smoots, booby. In the sec ond Edna Norval won first and Eda Nutzman consolation. Ice cream, cake and punch were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Zlnk, Mr and Mrs. Copes, Mr. Teft, Misses Francis, Julia Nutzman, Myrtle Wolfe, Bertha and Florence Smoots, Sophia Ruhge, Pearl and Audry Harmon, Mabel and Mary Stottler, Edna Norval, Agnes Durham, Eda Nutzman, Mrs. John Ruhge, Mrs. P Nutzman. SO MANY WOMEN ARE TIMID about usinjf a skin food on account of the oil which it is sup posed to contain. v A. D. S PEROXIDE CRDAM is not of. a jrrcaiy nature. A ptcaBant characteristic of this is that it may be applied at any timo during the day without fear of producing a shiny condition. It sinks into the pores until en tirely absorbed. Cures tan, sunburn, roughness and chaps. Tho Ideal pi eparation for Rcntlemcn after shavinjr. It la Rood for "little shavers," too. Keepa their skin in condition and prevents chafing. PRICE 25o. ORA E. COPES, THE DRUGCIST. Avoca., Nebrk. Two Good men. J. W. Stoll and II. J. Stoll. both residing near Nehawka, were In I'lattsmouth doing some trading Tuesday, and we were pleased to re celve a brief visit from them. They are excellent gentlemen, the kind that add greatly to the community In which they reside. We are pleased to Rtate that they favored the Plaits mouth merchants with a share of their patronage while here, believing that the goods and prices were bet ter than they could do elsewhere. Alvo N. C. Halmes enjoyed a short visit from his father laHt week. The old gentleman came In from a trip in the western part of the state and re turned to Plattsmouth Friday. turned to Plattsmouth Friday. Weeping Water Republican. (Special Correspondence.) Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Golden of Wa- bfsh visited at J. A. Aaron's home Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Casey returned from Lin coln Monday noon. Mrs. Charley Ayres went to Lincoln Saturday evening to vIhU her hls- uand ana wno Is nnvlng his eyes treated by Dr. Dayton. He Is getting along nicely. Mrs. Ayres returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Welchel re turned from Lincoln Monday noon. H. S. Ough and son Chester went to Lincoln Sunday evening return ing Monday noon. C. R. Jordan went to Lincoln via the freight Monday morning. He will go from there to 1'latsmouth before returning home. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Hulflsh of Wabash spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno Aaron. E. M. Stone went to Lincoln last Friday returning In his new auto mobile W. E. Newklrk spent Thurs. day of last week at home. R. W. Stewart was In Omana on business last Saturday. Miss Minnie Bailey went to Omaha last Friday returning hame Satur day.. Mrs. Vincent and Mr. and Mrs Samuel Cashner went to Lincoln Friday via Eagle. Miss Grace Bailey attended cen tral during her sister's absence. Mrs. A. I. Bird was quite sick with a severe cold Thursday of last week Miss Opha Mullen went to Prairie Home Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. Mont Baldwin whl has been visiting relntlvcs returned to her home at University Place Saturday even Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Snmuel Cnshner of University Place enmp down In thel auto Sunday, spending the day at his father's. E. M. Stone and family and Miss Estella Griffin visited in Elmwood Sunday. Mib Marie blruuiner spfiu huiui- day and Sunday with her parents. Dan Manners and family spent Sun- ay with Mrs. Manners' mother, Mrs. Knott. Mrs. A. M. Myers Is visiting her folks at Cresco this week. M. C. Keefer returned from Lin coln Tuesday noon. Mrs. Perry of Lincoln came down Tuesday to look after her farm Inter ests here. W. 0. Boyles came down from Lin coln Tuesday noon. Arthur Klyver and J. H. Stroemer drove to Eagle Monady evening. Col. Bates of I'lattsmouth spent a few days In town this week. M. A. Prouty set out several fruit trees on his father's town property lust Tuesday. II. Parsel) and W. Ralney were In Eagle Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. H. Stroemer had a serious attack of lagrlppo the first of the week but Is feeling much better at this writing. Mrs. Shellhorn of Louisville who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Holltnbeck, returned to her home Monday. Miss Mabel Stout accompanying her. Russ Mick of Eagle was lit town on business Tuesday. Geo. Ryan had the misfortune to have his leg broken. Mrs. Allle Dlmmllt went to Lincoln Tuesday evening. Henry Kehne Very III. Fred Kehne, one of the Journal's staunch friends from west of the city, was in Plattsmouth Tuesday and called at the office to renew his sub scription for tho coming year. Whlhr here he Informed us that his brother Henry, residing near Weeping Wa ter, also a good patron of the Jour nal, hns been very 111, suffering front a severe attack of pneumonia. Fred was down to see him a few days ago, and reports his condition much bet ter, with every Indication for a six-edy recovery. This will be good news to the many friends over the country. Henry ProGser, Contracting-, riasterinfr, Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Thone 107, Elmwood, Neb l$M..M$Mt PERKINS HOTEL GUTHM AN & CORY, Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t Y ? KATES $1.00 PICK DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. WHEN IN THE CITY GIVE US A CALL The Perkins Hotel ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? V r ? ? ? Y Y