CHANGES IN RUN NING SCHEDULE Burlington Gives Plattsmouth Evening Train to Omaha May 23 Is the date named this year that the projected change In for a general shakeup In train sched ules. On that date most of the big western roads will issue new cards that will show additions and changes in time. This follows but a few days after the coast and north coast tour ist rates become effective, and Is leven days before the Rocky Moun tain territory tourist rates are effec tive. A low convention rate to San Francisco and Los Angeles is to be effective early next month, however. The Burlington and Northwestern roads have announced schedule re vision effective that date and both roads will add to the service given. The Rock Island will have a new Card on or about that date, definite announcements not having been made by this road, although it is understood that extension of service is planned. The Union Taciflc will issue a new card effective on that date according to present report. The Mil waukee may Install coast service soon after June 1. The roads reaching the far north west are planning for a big Seattle exposition business. Rates to the ex position will be effective May 20, and already there Is a noticeable re vival In travel to the north coast. Some of this Is said to be due to the Opening of Alaska business In the near future, and to the beginning of world tours alrjng the line of the path Of the sun's travel. It has been rumored that one or two of the big roads, familiarly known as Wall street roads, will not tnade their full additions to service until late In June, that the best show ing poslble on operating expenses may be made for the Aural year which ends with most roadB on June 30. The Durllngton Is not classed In this list, and It Is expected that all the additions planned for the summer leason will be announced soon to be come effective May 23. Preliminary figures Indicate that Lincoln will get at least six new trains in the changes to be made, the Burlington to Hdd a new Chicago Denver train each way, the North western to give new Hervlce each way between Lincoln and Fremont, and the Rock Island to add a new train euch wuy through Lincoln. State Journal. , From local sources it Is learned time means a big change in this city. The noon train, No. 7 now departing at 12:23 will be abolished and another train to take its place will be put on passing through this city at about 6:23 p. m. The morning train, No. 19, will be continue to run and re main at the present time. These two will likely consitute the two main trains for Omaha. It Is probable that the Schuyler train will be ex tended to run to this city and from here to Omaha, giving the city a morning train at about ten o'clock a. ni. for Omaha. If this train Is not run through to this city, it will likely be met at Oreapolls by a stub from this city going there about 9.45 a. m. This will make the three trains from this city one at 8:08, one about 10 a. m. and the last one at about 6:23 p. m. Returning there will likely be no material changes in time except that train No. 92 which now ends Its run at Omaha will run through to this city, arriving here at about 12:30. This Is beneficial in that It permits people who go up from this city on No. 19 in the morning to return In time for dinner at noon. The only other likely change is that the east bound Chicago-Seattle train which will be put on later may run by this city, arriving here about 2 a. m. This train would handle the re turning business of people from this city to Omaha on the late evening train who desired to take in the parks and other amusement resorts of that city, and return the same night. It is probable all the principal business which would go to Omaha on the new 6:23 train would return to this city by the M. P. leaving Om aha at 11:15. The new change is a good one In some respects but In others it is worse. It is good if thre Is some means of returning to the city late In the evening but If It merely af fords an easy return to Omaha In the evening it Is not of much value to this 'city. It Is not particularly bad save that It enables travelers from Omaha to spend the entire day look ing after business in this city and returning to their business and homes in Omaha at night. However, the present schedule of the M. P. answers this purpose. Why Vi II There? The report was in circulation last evening and today that Mr. White manager of the liell telephone, had seen a man loitering about the resi dence of Ed Johnson just before the fire. Mr. White had been at Platts mouth n returned nn the train that reaches here about 1:30 o'clock. He went to his room, corner of Tenth and First avenue, and when he pass ed Johnson's residence he saw a man in the middle of the street with two dogs barking at him. The man walked off the street and went toward the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Mr." White thought nothing of the occurrence until the building was discovered to be on fire. What the man was doing In that vicinity at that time In the morning Mr. White will not attempt to Bay. Mr. Johnson has $500 Insurance on his household goods, but that will not cover -the loss. Nebrafka City News. The fire mentioned above was ex tinguished without completely de stroying the house but the occupant, Mr. Johnson, lost his household goods. Johnson and his wife were not at home when the fire started and there was apparently no clue to Its origin. DON'T EXPERIMENT 1 3s J2iTl'"V" ITtKI Yon Will Make No Mistake if You Fellow This Plattsmouth Citi zen's Advice SOMEWHERE! Xeer ueglevl jour Vidurji. If you have pain in back, urinary disorders, dizziness and nervous ness, its time to act and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney trouble, and you should pubs THE SEATTLE EXPOSITION. Very low excursion rates will make it bible for you to make the most interesting railroad journey in the world at fo Qlifrhfl? hicrhpp thrnucrh California Dl a&i an extremely rva"",c woit ""'6"vv - NOW. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORTS. After June 1st very low round trip. rates will be made to the delightful resorts of Scenic Colorado, to the Big Horn, I .... n . l. a. nr.t m nr seek a remedy that is known to cure Mountains, including taton cros. iamous rancn reauri, i nou, wyo., near the kidneys. Sheridan; the Yellowstone Park, either via Cody, Gardiner or Yellowstone gate Doan's Kidney ring is tne remedy . Hot Springa of South Dakota, Big Horn Basin points, Thero.opolis, Basin, to use. No need to experiment. It Bl iU unu ... . ana wonanu. r unn has cured many stubborn cases in Plattsmouth. Follow the advice of TO THE EAST. An extensive scheme of excursion rates to the Lake?, a Plattsmouth citizen and be cured Canada and eastern sea-board resorts will be announced prior to June 1st vourself. PLAN NOW. Frank S. Brinkman, Eleventh Information in response to inquiries will be furnished at the earliest date. street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 ,-. nt VpBjft to write us for information and publications. State definite w ,. - - " 'J q what you want to know. It will be a pleasure to assist you Toyed With Ited-Kye. John Mercer came "into the city several days ago with the intention of going to work upon a farm out In the country. Having several simoleons and other coin of the realm he proceeded to load himself up last evening with bug-Juice and fire wa ter and enjoy himself like the sport that he was. Later In the evening he proceeded to wander abroad" In the land and made himself generally distasteful to the public in the res idence section, resulting In running athwart Night Policeman Nitka who took John over to the hotel De Man speaker there to repose the rest of the night and face his honor, Judge Archer, this morning. After hear ing what John had to say In extenua tion of his unseemly conduct the Judge brought out the Celebrated Archer Brand of Justice and proceed ed to administer a dose to John. He fined him five plunks and the usual necessary trimmings. Being some shy on funds, John was remanded to the custody of the police and will spend several days as a guest at the city gaol. tan voucn ror uean s Kidney rma, knowing the moto be a good kidney remedy. My back as times became so lame that the simplest movement was painful and I had frequeat headaches and dizzy spells that caused me no end of annoyance. Mornings on getting up I could hardly drag myself about and in spite of the many remedies I used, I found no relief. Finally I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Gering's drug store. They made a prompt and permanent cure." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ad take no other. lillilM By to include all available attractions in your tour east or west. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent. I. W. lAKELEY, 0. 1. I., Omana, Ilk. Resume Building. The Burlington railroad is prepar Ing to resume the building of new lines In Wyoming and work Is ex pected to begin soon on the line south from Worland to make the second Burlington line across the state. G. W. Holdrege, general manager of the Burlington, said Tuesday morning that surveyors were still active in the field, trying to decide upon the best water grade, and that although no appropriation had been Wednesday Local News John Group of Louisville, spent the day In the city attending to business matters. Mrs. Quartis Parmele and daugh ter Miss Winnifred departed this morning for the north on the early traia. The only complete line of type writer paper now carried in Platts mouth can be found at the Journal office. Mrs A. C. Godwin who has been visiting In the city with relatives for several days, returned to her home on the mail train. T. J. Jameson of Weeping Water was looking after business matters today In the city, coming In from the home this morning. James Loughrldge came up from Murray this morning to look after some business matters in the city, re made by the Burlington for rrading, he hoped to do the work this sum- turning during the morning. i mer. Trov Davis, the nromlnent real While Mr. Holdrege said the route estate man of Lincoln, was in the City had not been decided upon, it is todav attending to business mat- Woodmen Initiate ( lass. The local camp of the Modern Woodmen last night entertained a largo number of members of the or der from Union and Neuawkn,und as sisted in the Initiation of a num ber of candidates into the Union lodge. The latter lodge has not yet rebuilt Its hall destroyed by fire some time ago and therefor It asked the members of Cass Camp to Initiate lis Candidates. There was a very large crowd of visitors from down the road and the local camp tried to make them feel at home and were qulto sue Cissful in their effort. After the meeting the boys hnd a social gath erlng which was as successful as the one of sometime ago when these Joint lesslons were Inaugurated. The vis itors were Justly delighted with the time shown them and the members of Cass camp were more than pleased to have them come and hope that they will bo able to come many times and often In the future. ltheii mutism. More than nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rhcu tnatlsm of the muscles, due to cold or damp weather or chronic rheuma tism, n such cases no internal treatment Is required. The free ap plication of Chamberlain's liniment It all that la needed and It Is certain to give quick relief, (live It a trial and see for yourself how quickly It relieves tho pain and soreness. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. Sold by P. Q. Frlcke A Co. At the TliomMN-Knton Nuptial Among those present In the city yesterday to attend the Thomas Eaton wedding were Dr. and Mrs. M L. Thomas of Ilnrtlett. la., parent of the groom, who camo over for the especial purpose of being present at the nupitals and who returned home last evening; Jos. Eaton of Iorton N'eb. who returned to his home till tioon and Miss Clce Applegate Union, Neb., who acted as brldosmal Miss Applegate returned to her home this morning on the M. P. train. She was a school mate and old tlui friend of Mrs. of Mrs. Thomas. Edylh Would do the Job. The first application for the lu crative Job of hotel Inspector has been been filed with Governor Shallen berger and the application comes from a woman. Edyth Tanner, who, with her sis ter, runs a hotel at Weeping Water, wants the Job. Now It happens that no provision has been made for paying hotel In spectors. The labor commission hns only (5,000 to use during the next blennium, and this Is not more than enough for ordinary purposes. Hotel nspection Is not Included In the budget. The Job will probably bo a money less and thankless tusk, but the Weeping Water applicant stands as good a chance as the next one. When the bill was up for discus sion It was suggested that Labor 'ommlssloner Maupln appoint trav eling men to act as Inspectors, Some raveling men assured him they would act without pay. This looked like handing over a large bunch of power to irresponsible agents, how ever, and the labor commissioner bit Wm. II. Stokes of Mynard spent Sunday in the city, coming In to visit with friends and relatives. April Weather Freakish. For freakish varieties of weather the month of April bids fair to carry off the palm. Several days ago the weather turned off fine and warm and pleasant and the trees and foli age burst out in genuine spring dress. Fruit trees made wonderful st rides and it looked as If there would be a very short spring before sum mer. Night before last the wind sprang up and before morning a howling gale raged filling the air with dust and blowing about loose boards and such stuff. In the morn ing the mercury had dropped below the freezing mark and standing wa ter out of doors was covered with a thin coat of Ice. During the day the weather moderated and In the even ing there seemed to be prospects of some fair weather again. Early this morning a gale similar to that of the night before sprang up but this time from the southwest Instead of the northwest, and accompanied by a light rainfall. The rain was not heavy enough to do any material good and was too cold to help warm the ground up. Today hos found the temperature about stationery with a chilly wind blowing and threatening clouds overhead. The result of the bad weather of the month has been to throw everything behind and cause the farmers and ganlners ap prehension as to the crop outlook. There has been very little spring plowing done and practically no planting. A good warm rain would do a world of good toward warming the ground and starting the seed already planted or which will be soon In the ground. Everyone seems to bo heartily tired of the back- rumored the line will run south from Worland and tunnel through the divide between No-Water and the head of Bridger creek and then build soutn to tne .Northwestern and use that line as far east as Orln Junc tion until such time as the Burlington can build a line of its own. The O. P. Monroe, the second hand. store, opposite the f ostoff ice. Platts. phones 305 and 317. Wlss Etta Nickles from near Mur ray was in the city today for sev eral hours driving up from her home. James Ptacek Is spending the day in Council Bluffs being a passenger for that city on the morning train Remember th public schools are being patronized when you attend the big entertainment at the Purmele Monday night. - Mrs. M. Harvey and daughter who have been making a brief visit In the city with relatives departed this morning for their home. Mtb. Frances Skoumal was a pas senger this noon on the mall traia for Omaha where she will spend the day with her children. Mrs. Will Wright who has been stopping in the city for several days with Mrs. James Darrough return ed to her home in Omaha this morn ing. Hon. B. S. Ramsey is attending to professional business In Lincoln to day, going up to take some deposi tions in the will contest of the late D. T. Thacker. Mrs. Alex Clifton came down this morning for a few hours visit In the city with friends and to look after ters. D. W. Foster, the Union veteran came up, last evening on the M. P. and was a business visitor in the city over today. Register of Deeds Schneider Is at- some business matters, returning to- tending to business in Lincoln hav- Colorado & Southern, owned by the lnS one to the capital city yester- niirllnirtnn nnw haa a Hn frnm day afternoon. Cheyenne to Orln Junction. The Burlington needs this line. not only to handle the through business which Is now being turnoo. over to the road at Billings by the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific but also to assist in Its scheme of development of the resources of Wyoming. Millions of dollars are being spent In work on mines around Copper mountain, and the new line will pro vide an outlet for the ore. Omaha Bee. Kighteeiith Birthday. Monday was the eighteenth birth day of Miss Bertha Jackson. Mrs. D. V. Jackson, her aunt, permitted her to Invite the members of the "Grlgg" club to come to the Jackson home and spend the evening and as sist her in celebrating the event. Various games and amusements were Indulged In but perhaps the one A. W. Atwood and wife departed this mrfrnlng fur a visit with their daughter Mrs. J. W. Newell In Oma ha for several days. Mrs. W. H. Newell and daughter Bernice were passengers on the morning train for Omaha where they will visit during the day with friends. 1. F. Bates departed this noon on the mail train for a visit with rel atives ot Stanton, Neb. Mr. Bates expects to be gone several days. Robt. Hayes, general foreman of the Burlington, was a visitor In Oma ha this afternoon looking after com pany business, going up on the noon train. Miss Lucille Bates who has been spending several days with relatives anu friends at Hamburg, la., return ed to her home In this city this noon on the mail train. Miss Jessie Robertson departs this afternoon for Lincoln where she will attend the Grand Lodge of the Order which produced the most merriment and which was entered Into with the of the Eastern Star and also make a most Interest was the stunt of Inltlat- visit with friends for several days 10-cent piece out of a G-cent cigar. frowned and snld nothing. Lincoln WRrd and "i""! spring Star. Great deeds compel regard. The world crowns Its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New Discovery the King rma, and colds and la grippe vanish. It heals cough-racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, Inflamed bron chlftl tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C. writes "it cured me of lung trouble, pronounced bone. less by all doetors."r.0 c, $100. Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by Gerlog A Co. "I'd Rather Hie, Doctor. than have my feet cut off,' said M L. Bingham, of Prlncevllle, 111. "But you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) If you don't" said all the doctors. Instead he used Burklln's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of eczema, fever sores, bolls and burns and piles as tound the world. 25c at F G. Frlcke A Co. Ing a new member. Following the lnlatlation, delicious refreshments, consisting of lemon sherbet and cakes, were served and later, after wishing the hostess many returns of the day and voting her a harming entertainer, the guests took their departure. Miss Jackson was the recipient of many pretty gifts which will assist her In remembering her "eighteenth." Those who enjoyed this delight ful occasion were Misses Cecil Hawk- enberry, Lillian Thompson, Mattle Larson, Ina Hatt. Jennie Batten, Bessie Brendell, Hazel Tuey, Eliza beth Kerr. Ernest Pauntsch of Louisville, came down this morning on the Schuyler train and Is attending to business matters In the city. Mr Pauntsch Is a good friend of the Journal's and took a few minutes to call at the office and make a visit with the proprietor. He Is always Thomas and 8. C. Keckler of Man- ley were In the city today attending to business matters and while hero took occasion to call at the Journal office and spend a few minutes pleas antly with tho publisher. The Messrs. Keckler are two of tho best men In Cass County and are Justly considered among the best business men In their town. They have bien In the grain business in Mauley for some time and have built up a repu tatlon tor square dealing with the public second to none. They re welcome ami the Journal hopes to receive many visits from him In the turned to their home this afternoon future. I on the Schuyler train. Dun It. Smith I'rcHldont. A meeting of the library board was held last evening to choose a successor to I). O. Dwyer as presi dent of the board he being compel led to resign on account of his elec tlon as a member of the city conn ell. D. B. Smith was unanimous ly chosen. Mr. Smith hns b'i r member of the board since in or ganization and he Is a man excel' n' ly fitted for the position. He been one of the library boomers nnl will make a most capable official. The choice of the board Is a wise one. It Is understood that J ml go Root's successor on the boord has been rhoscn and that J. M. Roberts of the State Bank will be asked to accept the position. Ills name will likely go before the council for confirma tion at the next meeting. Mesdames J. W. Gamble and V. V. Leonard were passengers this after noon for Lincoln, going up to attend the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Eastern Star which convenes In that city for several days session. A. J. Lepinsky, sales agent for the Blatz Brewing Company who has been spending several days in the city in connection with the removal of the Rand saloon, returned to Omaha this morning, called home by Illness In his family. C. S. Lusk, the popular rep- sentatlve of the National Cash Regis ter Company who has been spending several days In the city with present and prospective representative cus tomers of his firm, returned to Oma ha this morning on the early eraln Mr. Lusk Is one of the traveling men making this city who says it Is one of the best and llvest In the state with better trade than any other. her home on the "noon train. D. O. Dwyer Is attending to pro fessional business In Lincoln today,, going there to represent some of the contestants in the Thacker will case and take depositions in the matter. Miss Mabel Huntley of LaPlatte spent several hours In the city this morning attending to some shopping and also visiting with friends, return ing to her home on the fast mail at noon. Jos. J. Nejedly who is engaged In farming in the northeast part of the state, came in last evening for a visit with relaties and friends for several days. Joe Is looking very- good and farming seems to agree with him. L. C. Anderson and wife departed this noon on the mail train for Seat tle, Wash., where they will make a visit of some time with relatives. On their way out they will stop at Sheridan, Wyo., and other points. Their many friends in this city wish them a happy and enjoyable trip. Adam Fornoff, one of the best and most worthy men of Cass County,. vrs in the city today looking after business matters, taking time to drop Into the Journal office and pay us a pleasant visit. Mr. Fornoff Is al ways welcome here and It Is to be hoped that he can make his visits- more often. Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, snres, sore nipples and chapped hands Cham berlaln's Salve is most excellent. It allays the pain of the burn almost nstantly, and unless the Injury Is very severe, heals the part without leaving a scare. Prl?e, 25 ents. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Shorthorns for Sale. Three good registered Shorthorn yearling bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. Hay for Sale. Call on Mrs. Boyd on Lincoln avenue. Impossible to be Well It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Aycr's Pills. He knows why they act directly on the liver. Trust him.,.oyTC7