Murray Department 1 V B ow PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. rial GXtii Of tt!t t'J?.4 '.'f iJrtJtt in thU viriniitj !uj trill ntatl '! tO ttiis CjfiCfi it Kill uppfiir uiHttf1 this lu.aniiuj. uny of the rcathrs of the Journal iiuw of a i l'e M-uitt ull itaii of uihrtst. Editor Journal. So 0 FOR YOU BENEFIT! Perhaps you never looked at it this way, but our hank is ready to serve you in any legi timate business way. Our service and experi ence are at your command it is possible that we can be of some advantage to your financial affairs. It in for you to make your wants known. We assure you satisfaction, and ask you to call at the bank. 8 John Porter's son, Howard, is quit' sick, but is better at this wining. Joe Campbell's five yiar old sou is quite siik, but is improving si, me. Mrs. H. L. Oldham and daughter. Fay, were In Omaha Tuesday visiting Mrs. A. L. Uaker and Mrs. Har mon Heck were Omaha visitors Mon day. Robt. Fitchu's little baby two years old la quite ill but some better at present. Col. Seyholt has a new auto and it is a dandy runabout. Hurrah for the Colonel. Frank Oliver came down from itavtliick to spend Sunday with Lis parents. Wm. Loughridge, who has been quite poorly for the past six weeks, is improving slowly. Miss Elizabeth Oliver returned to Peru Monday after a few days visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver. We're ready for Spring- plowing with a splendid line of Plow Shoes the lest that's made. We are showing several good styles and we guarantee every pair of plow Shoes we sell. The leathers are tan, raw hide and Kanganoo calf, double or single soles, bellows tongue, nailed shank. ALL SIZES! C Half, Tents for Sale. Complete, ready to set up, 8x10, ten ounce three foot walls, $6.90; same 12 ounce, $7.75, 10x12, 10 ounce, 3 foot wall, $8.93; same 12 ounce, $10.75, f. o. b. Murray. Or- Mrs. James Loughridge is on the der before Anrll 26th. n sick list, but no serious const qut lici s entertained. (!io. Oldham was df.wn from I'lattsmouth Tuesday looking after his farming interests. Misuses Marjorie Walker and Paul ine Oldham spent Easter Sunday in I'lattsmouth with friends. Wiley Mead, of near Union, Is the happy parent of a' bouncing boy baby, born on Tuesday, April 20 Holmes & Smith. Obituary. Margaret Ethel Parr, youngest daughter of Jacob and Amanda C. Parr, - was born near Rig Springs, Ilooiie County, Ind., Feb. 28, 1875. She was united In marriage to Wm. H. Nicholson, November 26, 1 893. To this union came three daughters, Helen W aunettl, who died May 27, S2.00, S2.50 $3,00 lo $3,50 If you are interested in good Plow Shoes, Sir, you'll be in terested in ours, for Plow Shoes could not be made better. s Shoe Store. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Fetzsi urrav State Bank n V-y if '".rry Chas. H. Boedeker made a busi ness trip to the county Beat Monday. A. L. Ilaker ad John Stones were I'lattsmouth visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Walker and daughter, Mrs. Gilmore, were visitors In Platsmouth Tuesday. Miss Carrie Allison and Mrs. W. O. Hoedeker were Nebraska City visi tors Tuesday. Mrs. Ilerger Is making preparations for an extensive visit with her daugh ter In Wyoming. Try a pair of our "Guaranteed to Wear One Year" rubber boots. Holmes & Smith. J. L. Young was a passenger for Omaha Tuesday evening, returning the same night. Ox-blood, patent and Gun Metal Oxford for ladies and gents at Holmes & Smith's. Johnny Klaurens, of Union, was visiting friends In Murray Tuesday night and Wednesday. Grandpa Mast, who has passed his 79th birthday, has been feeling pretty poorly for the past week. Mrs. A. G. Long was a passenger for Nebraska City Tuesday morning, returning on the evening train. Miss Margie Walker was visiting In Dattsmouth last Friday and Satur day, returning home Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Chas. Carroll returned home from Plalnvew, Neb., Friday, where she had been visiting with her son, Ernest Carroll. The farmers of this part of the county report an excellent stand of wheat. The good prospects should have some bearing on Patton. j. ii. seynoiiu was a passenger to South Omaha Tuesday morning, going up to be present at the sale of a car load of stock which he ship ped up Monday. Protect your property from Fire, Lightning and tornado by Insuring with W. G. Hoedeker. He writes In surance In the very best companies at a very reasonable rate. Will Smith Is building a combina tion wood house, chicken hoime, cow shed, and other departments, not nee iKnary 10 mention, an under one roof. Will proposes to have every Jhlng handy about his home. Word has been received that young Johnnie West received a very serious horseklck Monday, causing a frac ture of his upper Jaw and a bad pash over one eye. He lives with hi mother, seven miles west of Murray Inst reports he was getting alon nicely. Hoes a good lecture course help our town? To be sure It does. Then let every business man In Murray help boost one for our town for next wlter. If you as business men do not help It along It Is sure that no one else will. Now let every one of us see that we do our part toward making this one for next winter a great success. Nick Klaurens Is engaged In re moving the old store room which stood east of Mr. Edmund's residence. to that gentleman's farm, south of W. S. Smith was an Omaha visi tor Tuesday. Mrs. A. G. Long spent Tuesday in Nebraska City. Commissioners Meet. Plattsmouth. Neb., April 20th, 1909. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment will 1908. at the age of four all members present. Minutes of last Our new gloves Just arrived. V(,arSi Thelma, aged 3 and baby Mar- meeting read and approved, whereup- garet Lucile, whose birth preceded on the following business was trans- the mother's death only one short acted In regular form: WCf'k' Hett Kltzel, livery She died at her home near Sher- c it Jonian, salary and exp - ' ldan March 31. 1909. KIch keman'rhousnt "WW 7 60 i ..i .. !,,.. i .-.j J J SvodoiIU, insane c '' with Thirty-five kinds. We can please you; 50c to $3.00. Holmes & Smith's. ' '" I. S. White was a Plattsmouth visitor Thursday of this week, going up to look after repairing on his property. Stylish, up-to-date spring hats, Miss Carrie Allison was visiting In Nebraska City Tuesday Mrs. W. G. Hoedeker was a Ne- aee seems to be aeainst h er recovery. Hui'Hii ' S 95 the Methodist church at Big i..6 .i- WW" ess Snrlncs of u-hlrh clip rmplnorl a I n n nnintnn sma 8 87 I 1 " v v" " i V., " I."".""' K 7ft In ereen. black, brown, and erav for faithful worker until the end. The wm h Winon. same'!!!'.!!!... 70 ---- - - . i , 1) I Paman 1 nil 11 PHI I iPfi URlKer ID - O gents, yz. uu and 5.0. At Holmes Mmg care 01 nuHDaua, relatives ana Ky J SrlVneiVief " & Smith's. friends during her brief but intense Geo Horn, name oo . I .1 r won. nam r I rnnrlmn nnvlo unut nt tnu'n a I . , j. , , nuiua vi toii,liii iii nuii-ii one jy aa i on wie sick iimi, una ner extreme om i ... t. ..... Vr .m " 1 00 i ..v. . in-m a uc, iiiuiuer, iiienu uuu i .r 1 cn " m une miie 10 ue locaten on rn llr L.ewis, name , . , - - There were several reports from road viewers the substance of which follows: W. Pates who was to view and report on the change of a road petitioned for by G. H. Dennis and others in the S. E. corner of the S. E. quarter of the S. E. quarter of the S. E. quarter of section 6, T. 10 R. 12 running thence south across the M. 1". Railway, thence west 30 rods and terminating at the main road reported favorably upon the change and the road overseer was directed to open the road. C. H. Boedeker reported unfavorable upon the pro posed road petitioned by S. Good man and others to be located at the J F W'oir, same . c k Metz-Kar, same l oo i s. W. corner of the S. E. quarter of oneUserH,e'8ame,e. WW WW! l oo J section 1, T. 1 1. R. 1 2 running thence braska City visitor Tuesday. although hopes are entertained. We have a good assortment of rain coats and hats. Holmes & Smith. Mrs. U. C. Rhoden and Mrs. J. C. Suavely spent Monday with Mrs. Ithoden's brother, W. O. Troop, near Nehawka. Mrs. J. W. Uerger expects to de part for Rawlins, Wyoming, next Monday, to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Stlner, formerly Miss lice Uer ger. II. L. Oldham sold: H of his famous Durock Jersey pigs on Mon day, that averaged 212 pounds and only six months old. This Is a fine average. Dr. D F. Drendel, Don Rhoden and Will Troop went to Omaha Wednes day evening, the latter to visit his wife, who has been in one of the hos pitals In Omaha for several weeks. neighbor. wm Wilson, same l oo half section line on the south half irc, ..,n..i James terrier, same J "";Qnj (h . ... ucouuiui ucratu w aa I'ltrui ijr i KrtMi Boedeker, xame i ov mc caai muc di me nan sec Wm. Rakes has a very sick 12 the outcome of a beautiful life &ni i'am,.an ! ,0n',n'n "Sa"nie i o'J ' tlon llne 0" the north half to be fering from an attack of appen- I be necessary dicltiea for several days, la much i &A.. a ill. ill j i m oewer ai mis wrmng ana nope oi QutUj Houslr Injuml. ner recovery without an operation is entertained. year old daughter afflicted with those who stood by the bedside H w Cook, insane, Abner Mason oo , 40 pneumonia. At this writing she is waiting for the change which they bumes Robertson, same WWW 6 40 getting along as well as can be expect knew must soon come, can never for- Voao'Eame8"!6. .W.W.W.7 " oo ed. get the scene as she seemed to sten Jean Mason, same 2 00 I M I. r rleili'ich, salary and exp. . . . a iu Galen and Glen Rhoden were Oma- from this to the other side and I L n Switzer, same ltt 73 ha visitors Thursday, going up to Kreet In loving embrace the darling oh Boedeker, viewing It'iiii 'road 4 50 Investigate the cattle market with Wauneta who waiting to welcome her. 'a" a view of purchasing some stock- She leaves to mourn her absence, Hammond '& stenbiiis, supplies . . 45 " ..... K (1 Lewis, professional services ers. an agea motner, nusuand, two child- to poor n oo Dr. Jake Drendel went to Omaha " "J H " "" and mnnv relntlvea nnt frlanrlu I VN h. losencranH, expense ...... o jo -ijt - Beaver, balance Ossenkop William David Parr of Kokomo feces ih 50 Ind., cousin of the deceased, preach' Mrs Chas c'Price, same"'.!!!!! 8 70 ft. wide terminating at road 92. W. E. Rosencrans. Tuesday, where he accompanied Grandma Ilobson, of Weeping Water to consult Dr. Glfford in reference to her eyesight, which has become greatly afflicted, and she can hardly distinguish anything. Dr. Jake Drendel accompanied Mrs. Tyler Shepherdson to the St. Jos eph hospital at Omaha Tuesday last, where she will remain until It has been fully determined her ailment, ed the Bermon. The pall bearers were V,a rl 4 50 her nldtors nnrt Mro Tt I J F Farrier, livery to coroner re 1 uarn I. F. Drendel, Mrs. T. L. Johns, Mrs. J. W. Shelby, Mrs. A. L. Daker, Mrs. Ed. Price, Mrs Lizzie Dlshop P A H1U1, return rod dep. less exp 15 BO RemlnKton Typewriter Co, ma chine Co. JuAjte Ii9 00 Plattsmouth Water Co, water . . 79 70 Claims allowed on Road Fund: Orlln Brown, word 16, 20 0 J F Hoover, work 3 82 00 A D Hathway, work 11 38 50 W F Krecklow. work 3 9 50 J H Heneffer, work 9 , 39 ?5 Maple Grove. Laura Puis spent Saturday and I w c Bartiett, work is 28 oo Mrs. John Lloyd, who has been auf- and whether or not an operation will Sunday at Plattsmouth, the guest I x f Bethel, return poVl'tak . "l 50 no runner Dusiness meeeung ad- I of Miss Rosa Engelkemeler. John West met with a severe and painful accident last Thursday. A journed to meet May 4th. Clerk of the Court James Rob ertson also filed his report for the While Jeff Brendel was coming to Murray from his home near here1 Will Hamilton and his copra of Tuesday morning, his horse stum- carpenters deported Monday for Coon bld and fell, rolling over on him. horse kicked him right above the fIrgt quarter of tne year 1909 8how Vallery's place, where they will com mence the erection of a new resi dence on the site where the old resi dence was burned some time ago. A citizens' lecture course has been organized In Murray, with Lloyd Gapen, president; O. A. Davis, secre tary; and Glenn Hoedeker. treasur er. The forgoing officers meet at the residence of II. L. Oldham on At first Jeff did not think he was much hurt, and came on to town where his injuries were attended to by his father, Dr. D. F. Brendel, and by his brother, Rr. Jake. Upon exam ination, It was discovered that his right shoulder and was considerably bruised and the ligaments of the arm considerably torn. His lower right limb was also bruised to some extent. Mr. Drendel suffers consld- eye. lie Is Improving at this writ ing. John Urlsh made a business trip to Murray Saturday. R. C. Bailey made a trip to Platts mouth Saturday, after a load of telephone poles. He will have a phone Installed In the near future. W. II. Puis and family spent Sun day at the home of Alfred Gansemer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stroher, near Louisville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis. August Engelkemeler and wife lng fees which he received which was approved by the board. For Sale or Rent. Forty acres three miles east of Murray, and six miles south of Plattsmouth. Four room house, wind mill and good out buildings. For particulars, John Campbell, Union, Neb. L. M. Orr, the South Dakota land man, was a passenger on the mall train at noon for Omaha. DENTIST DR. KAAR Weeping Water Nehawka every Monday. Union every Friday Balance of the time at Weeping Water. ft 1 selected the next year's course con sisting of two musical and two lect ures. These gentlemen are of the hustling kind, and should have the assistance of everyone who has the Interests of Murray at heart. results aro apprehended, It Is very unfortunate from the fact that he will be kept from doing much farm work for a while. He Is carrying the Injured member In a sling. J? - Thursday evening of last week, and I rabhj paJn Rnd wh)le m 8erloUfl spent Sunday with her folks near 1axvsx64sS$ The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years has borne the signature of and has been made under his per "MtVt Bonal supervision since its Infancy Yt J-ctfcAlAA Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare frorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio nubstance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nud Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's i'auaceo The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Mrs. W. 8. Smith entertained a number of friends Thursday after noon of last week. Notwithstanding the Inclemency of the weather a good ly number were present and a fine time was enjoyed. An elegant 5 o'clock luncheon was served, which all present enjoyed. Those present were: Mcsdames O. H. Gilmore, O. A. Davis. 8. O. ritmnn. Will Ilrowu, Clcim Hoedeker, James Loughridge, J. W. Holmes. Will . Sporer. C. H. Spanglcr, Misses Carrie Allison, l'au- Cedar Creek, Mr and Mrs. John Al bert. Quite a number of relatives ate Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Philpot. Mrs. Colbert, of Elmwood, spent this week at the home of her daugh- Almost a Head aiitRer. ter. Mrs. Harmon Deck. Tuesday afternoon the handcar of I Will and Otto Puis made a business the Union Section came in bearing trip to Plattsmouth Tuesday. what appeared to the lifeless body of Leo Gregory Is shelling corn In a dead negro. The section foreman this locality. received word from one of the en gineers passing south that he was to I take charge of the body of a dead man In the cut two mllis south of Murray. The negro was taken Into the depot and every means used to recussltnte him. Ills clothes were al most entirely torn from his body, and Farm for Sale. I am offering a farm for sale two miles southwest of Mynard at ninety dollars per acre. Also one 3 4 miles soutn of Murray. Earl V. Cole, line and Fay Oldham. Ida Hoedeker t,)oro WM R gnh ,m(,k ()f , ,(,ft pBr ailU Aiaigcrie Vtamcr. A!,,,,,, l.mir ufi,re tin. m-milnc Hr. Cllmore was called to Cedar train passed going to Omnhn he wns Crick last Wednesday to see V. A Shorthorn for Sale. Three good registered Shorthorn able to move around, and tho good yearling bulls for sale. Also good Harrett, malinger of the Platte Gravel Company who wns seriously Injured In a runaway. He was returnlnj; from Cedar Creek with a load of supplies when tho team became frightened and unmanageable. He was thrown out over the dash board and kicked Into an unconscious condition by tho horses. lie was discovered by town, where tt will be used as an Grandpa Kline and was soon removed addition to a tenement house on the to his home. Mr. nnrrett was found place. A new fence has been placed to have a fractured skull and an arm 'most gone when picked up. No Infor- around the lot made vacant by this broken at the shoulder. He recover- matlon could be gained from him. removal, and a decided Improvement ed consciousness eight hours after, and the only place he could men- people of Murray fixed up his cloth ing and bought him a ticket for that tlty, where he claimed he had friends. The negro seemed to be 'batty" said ho wns knocked off a train from the rear end of a baggage car, while several citizens contend thnt he passed through Murray on foot Mon day. He had evidently laid on the side of the track all night and part of the day before, as he was al- fresh milk cows. Mark White. PERRY'S RESTAURANT and SHORT ORDER 2514 N Street South Omaha ri-RRY UTTKRBACK Proprietor . The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. h t r? tmMt arattT. at an. thereabouts Is very profitable. the Injury. tlon was Omaha and Gregory, 8. D. Call and see him wben in the city