!)y ,yrf .ytrf ,Viy rj Going on at the Department Store of H 7 J-. w : 8 W ; . I I Of. N 1 ft : ' (! ' -ah. ' .A A til 1 rl5 silBisfc -oil 111 :A:x::;:;:;:.vX ccHats suits snmw x s i I I n - X "II i i J w t " 1 1 1 Owing to the lateness of the Spring season, we find 'ourselves heavily loaded with all kinds of Spring Merchandise. Cloaks, Slits, Skirts and Spring Jackets the popular Wooltex make, and everything in our Millinery Department will be included in this C.reat Reduction Sale. We will also make the same reduction on all our Wash Goods, Knihroideries and Fine Hosiery. $1 ,500.00 Worth of Fine Ostrich Feather s 1-4 Off Means a $3.00 Article for $2.25 Is this worth your time and attention? 75 cents ?avcd, and you get a strictly high-grade and seasonable article, when you buy here. Your choice from the swellest line in the city. This is your golden opportunity, one that you seldom find. No carried over stock. Everything bright and new, and just at the right time. We have a small fortune invested in this department, and we must sell the goods; you need them and we need the money, and at the prices we are going to offer you they should change owner ship almost immediately upon investigation. We want your pat ronage in this line, and want you to avail yourselves of this op portunity to buy good goods cheap. Don't fail to call and see us during this Great Reduction Sale. nr UVLId The Department Store Man, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Alvo (Special Correspondence.) Bert Kitzel returned from Lincoln Saturday. Chas. Jordan, sr., went to Lincoln last Friday. Jno. Weikle went to Lincoln Wed nesday evening. John Newkirk had a very sick horse laBt week. Dan Skinner found a nest of ten little wolves lately. Joe Foreman spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Elmer Bennett is working for the Stroemer Lumber & Grain Co. Mrs. Knott is at home again after several weeks stay in the country. W. O. Boyles is down from Lincoln looking after his farm interests. Miss Emma Jordan went to Om aha Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Miss Pearl Clites and her mother returned home from Grand Island Tuesday. Little Wesley Bird was very sick Wednesday morning and was unable to attend school. Geo. Oliver is laying the foudatlon for the new addition to C. C. Buck nell's residence. Xlrs. Chas Strong drove to Ster ling Wednesday to be with her moth tr who is very HI. Mrs. Brillharfs brother from out west is visiting her. Jno. Casey of South Omaha came In Tuesday evening to visit his sons William an dEd. J. H Stroemer is grading his yard and expects to have a magic green sward in the near future. A little girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. N'ick Becker on Sunday, April 18, 1909. Mrs. Etta Cashner and Miss Lee of University Place spent last Friday with Mrs. Fred Dreamer. Herman Rogge and family of Elm wood visited at the home of J. Her man Stroemer last Sunday. The work on C. F. Rosenow's house is progressing nicely under the management of Chas. Shelton. Miss J. Hite went to Murdock last Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Om quert, returning Tuesday evening. A well is being made on Uradma Llnch's place which is occupied at present by George Oliver and family The pet wolf of W . E. Xewklrk's eot loose last week and as he visited I his fourth hen roost someone shot i him. Mrs. C. F. Rosenow, Mrs. A. I. Bird and Mrs. N. Knott and their child ren drove to Elmwood Monday after noon. The dance Tuesday evening was well atended. Several being over from Greenwood. A fine time Is re ported. Delbert Skinner is having the foundation laid for his house the work being done by Mr. Armstrong of Greenwood. Roy Burnett came down from Havelock Sunday, bringing with him two little guinea pigs for his little neice, Eva Clites. Ralph Wolf returned Saturday from Lincoln where he Is taking treatment for his leg which was broken last year. Miss Aletha Parsell of Lincoln spent Sunday with Miss Grave Fore man. Her father and little sister spent Sunday at J. V. Parsell s Mrs. George Aderson went to Lin coln Monday to make a farewell visit with friends ad relatives before leav ing for her future home In Seattle, Wash. Last week Joe Wolf had his hand and arm badly bruised by a horBe, which he was leading out to water. The animal Jerked him tightening the rope about his hand and dragged him several feet before he could let go. He Is getting along nicely at present. were eating the talis of his milk cows that were tied In the barn. He de clared war on the rodents and will endeavor to exterminate a few hun dred of them with bisulphide of car bon, an easy and economical way of getting rid of their burrows. Millinery Spring Opening Thursday, Fnlay and Saturday will have ou display a autiful line of pattern Hats, the most Top lar shapes and designs Please call and see Cfllysr ... NVIiawga. From The KcirNter J. M. Stone has returned from his winter visit In Oklahoma. He is look- tng well, enjoyed the winter, but Is glad to be home again in Nehawka. Roy Davis returned from his "sun kist" prairies of Dakota last week and will remain in Nebraska in the future having sold out all the stock on the ranch. He retains the real estate and will let it grow Into money for him. R. F. Waldo and son. Will, are busy at work In the new city pit that Omaha parties are opening at Isaac Pollards, and they are expecting to make the largest record In shipping clay, that has ever been made at this plarp. Mrs. Thniker and children will leave for their future home at Albany, Texns next Tuesday, where Mr. Tliack er Is connected with a largo cement mill. Since they have been among us they have mad- ninny arm friends. We wish them well In their new fu ture home. Chnrles Bates lifts a new boy In his home. The representative of the Home of the Friendless, In Omaha. Mrs. Gulnes, brought down a boy of about 15 and placed him with Chas. on Tuesday. The young man will have a good home and wo trust will prove worthy of it. George Hansen wns in town Rstur day and reported that the rats at his place were becoming such pests they OnDKIt TO SHOW CAISK. In the DlHtrlct Court of Can County, Nebranka. In the Matter of the Eatate of Telltha WalllnK, Defended. Till cauae coming on to be heard on the petition of W. K. Ilanil. admlnlntra tor of the eatate of Telltha WalllnK, deceaaed, to aell the real eatate belonK ing to the aald eatate, to-wlt: The Kouthweat Quarter (S. W. 1-4) of the Northwest Quarter (N. W. 1-4) and the Northweat Quarter (N. W. 1-4) of the Kouthweat (S. W. 1-4) of Section Twelve (12) Townahlp Kleven (II), Panne KlRht (8), In Lancaater County. NehraHka. aulijert to a mortnaKe there on of Fifteen Hundred Imllara (lir.noi now due to pay the debta allowed HKalnat aald eatate and roata of admin iHtrntlnn. It la ordered: That all partlea Intereated In aeld extate he and appear before the un deralKned Judxe of the IHatrlrt Court Tf Cnaa C'ountv. Nehrnaka. at rhamhera In the Court tlouae at 1'lnt tamonth In Ha Id Caaa County, on the Twenty fourth duv of Mav. 1909, to ahow cauae If any, and why lleenae ahould nut lie Tranted to the aald W. K. Hand aa uch edmlnlatratnr to sell the above dearrlhed property. And It la further ordered that thla order he puhllaher for four weeka In Die I'iHllNiitutith Journal, a newxpnper nuhllahed and of general circulation In aald Caaa County, Nehraaka. In testimony whereof I have hereon- ,r aet mv hand thla U'lli day of April, 1909. Tlnrvev IV Trax"la. Judge of the DlHtrlct Court. required by law. signed by a majority of the realdent freeholders of Kagle. setting forth that the applicant la a man of respec table character and stand ing and a resident of the state of Ne hraaka. and praying that a license he Issued to the aald C. 8. Trumhle for the sale of malt, splrltous and vlnoua liq uor for the period of one year from the date of the hearing of aald applica tion In a building on Iote five (5) and alx ). block nineteen 1) In the vll- lage ot Kagle, Caaa County, Nebraska. C. R Trumhle. Applicant. SOTICK OP tPIM.ICATIO FOR LIQ I'OR I.H KMHK. Matter of the application of Qua F. Mohr for Liquor License, Notice la hereby g 15th day of April. 1909, Qua F. Mohr Wen that on the riled hla application with the village Clerk and the Hoard of Trustees of the village of Avoca, Caaa County, Nehraa ka. for license to aell malt, splrltous and vlnoua llquora at hla place of bus iness on west two-third of Lot 6, Block U. fronting on House Street In said village, for the municipal year ending on the 3rd day of May, 1910, and that be will apply for such license at a meeting of the aald hoard of trus tees to he held on nr after May 4, 1909, ir as soon thereafter as he can be heard. Dated thla IMh day of April, 1909. at Avoca, Nebraska. Oua F. Mohr, Applicant. Notice of Petition to Quit Title. Charles Haffke, AM v. 212 S. 14th St.. Omaha. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska Carl Wllhelm Haffke, Plaintiff, va Jeremiah Keellker, Administrator of the estate of John P. Kinney, deceas ed, and the unknown legatees helra and devisees of the said John P. Kin ney, deceased, Defendants. The above named defendants and each of them will take notice that ot, the 24th day of Fet.runrv. 1909. the above named plaintiff filed his petition in me District ( ourt or t ans ( ouniy. Nehrnskn. avalnst tliein and each of them, the ohlect ami praver of which Is to quiet title In snld plaintiff as against said defendants, to the fol lowliii' described real estate, to-wlt: Lot twenty-three C'.K In the North Kast quarter (N. K qr.) of the North West quarter ( N. W. qr. of Section Nineteen (1 Township Twelve (12i, Cange Fourteen (14t, llast of the Sllth Principal Meridian In the ( 'It v of Pint Is mouth, In the Coimlv of Cans and State of Nchraxka, and to further en Join said defendants and each of them from having or claiming any right, title or Interest therein and for cost of suit You and each of vou are required to answer aald petition on or before Mnv 24th. 1!()9. or the praver of said petition will be taken a true and judgment rendered accordingly n-nltiMt you and each of vou Carl Wllhelm Haffke. Dated April B, 1909. Charles HnrTke, Atty. for Plaintiff I ATTACH MUST KOTICK. K. Ousley, will take notice, that on the Llth day of April, 1909, M Archer, a Justice of the Peace of Cass Count v, Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment for the sum of l." NK In an action pending before him, wherein Joseph Fetr.er la plaintiff, and L. K. Ousley la defendant, that property of the defendnnt, consisting of money has been attached under aald order, aald cause was continued to the 2Mth day of Mav, 1909, at o'clock a. m. Joseph Fetiter, Plaintiff. Will Have Fine Home. Mention was mad several daym ago of the work being started on th fine new residence of Frank Park enlngs, weBt of the city. Yesterday evening Contractor Emil Walters fin ished the concrete foundation for th building and It Is a fine piece o work. The erection of the frtmt work Is the next thing In order tad Tlekotter ft Smith who have th contract for the same are now get ting busy. Mr. Parkenlngs will hav to Invest some (5,000 to get th kind of a house built which he want but this Is what he Intends to do anrj when it Is finished he will hav one of the best and handsomest houses In the county. The work Just finished Is of a high order of work manship Just as Mr. Walter's work always Is. The building as stated heretofore Is to bo a two story struc ture, size 28x30, with concrete foun dation. It will also have an addi tion to It which will be of comfort able she. All told the building will be highly credltablo to the county. For Sale or Rent. Seven miles west of Plattsmouth. E. E. Goodwin farm. NOTK K OK t I'l'l IC TI foH I l I K r.NOK. Notice la hereby given to all per sons Interested and to the public, that the undersigned '. ft Trumhle lias filed hla petition and application In the of flee of the village clerk of the villa of Kagle, Cass County, Nebraska, ai SOInnlEWHISrR THE SEATTLE EXPOSITION. Very low excursion rates will make U possible for you to make tho most Interesting- railroad journey In the world at an extremely reasonable cost; only slightly higher through California. PLAN NOW. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORTS. After June 1st very low round trip, ratcn will be made to tho delightful resorts of Scenic Colorado, to tho I?ig Horn, Mountains, Including Eaton Ilros. famous ranch resort at Wolf, Wyo., rear Sheridan; the Yellowstone Park, cither via Cody, Gardiner or Yellowstone gate way; Hot Springs of South pHkota, 1 Horn Hasin points, Thermopolis, Basin and Worland. PLAN NOW. TO THE EAST. An extensive scheme of excursion rates to the Lakes Canada and eastern sea-board resorts will be announced prior to June 1st PLAN NOW. Information In response to Inquiries will be furnished at the earliest date. Do not hesitate to write us for information and publications. State definitely what you want to know. It will be a pleasure to assist yon to Include all available attractions In your tour east or west, W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent. I. W. RUEIET, 1. 1. k., lull, Nil. inllH life