The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 22, 1909, Image 2

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To the Charge of Burglary and
Grand Larceny
Because they're the Nation's Choice
Andrew Bloom, the man arrested
at Greenwood Sunday afternoon and
brought to the city Jail In Lincoln
for alleged theft of about 12,500
vorth of linen from the Burlington
railway station at Greenwood was
turned over to Sheriff Quinton of
Cass county yesterday who took him
uith him to Plattsmouth to stand
trial on a charge of burglary. Coun
ty Attorney Ramsey has filed a
, harge of buglary against him there
for breaking Into the store of Win.
Stone at Greenwood last Saturday
night. Mrs. John Fitzgerald and
daughter called at the police station
yesterday afternoon and Identified
the linen taken from the home of
Bloom as the linen which they had
eat to Greenwood last January.
Special Burlington Detective Schmidt
returned from Greenwood yesterday
morning. He had been there getting
further Information as to the disap
pearance of certain railway property
at that place. He said that he had
located some of the goods stolen by
Bloom at Mempkls where his parents
"side and that they had brouwht
his property to Greenwood in a
buggy when he ordered It. Mrs.
Bloom says her husband robbed the
Stone store a year ago and that he
had been In the habit of stealing lit
tle things from time to time. She
.ld that he had destroyed the trunk
In which the linen had come to Green
wood by chopping it up with a hat
chet and then burning it. While at
the home In Greenwood yesterday
Qchmldt made another Investigation
of the Bloom home and brought to
light the grip which had been stolen
from the traveling man some days
ago. State Journal. .
Bloom was brougnt down to this
city last evening by Sheriff Quinton
and taken to the office of County At
torney Ramsey, he having expressed
a desire to see that official and ar
range for an early hearing and to
enter a plea of guilty to both the
charge of burglary and grand lar
ceny. This arrangement was satis
factory to Mr. Ramsey who at once
entered upon the task of preparing
a complaint to bu filed against him.
Moom was then taken over to the
Jail end confined In a cell over night.
Ti Sheriff Quinton he freely con
f Of Bed that he hud taken thinns
although he could give no Intelligent
reason for his actions. He seemed
to bo more anxious to receive his
entenco and enter upon the term of
It thnn to do anythlngs elso and does
not seem In the leant affected by
the pros perls of having to put In sev
eral years or longer at the pi nltcn
tlary. This morning he wns brought over
to Justice Archer's court by Sheriff
Quinton and County Attorney Ram
sey and himself went over the com
plaint together, he pointing out to
Mr. Ramsey several maters In the
complaint which were wrong owing
to bad Information. These Mr. Ram
Bey changed to conform to the fartaas
Hated by Bloom and at a few min
utes past ten Sheriff Quinton rend
Commercial Club Discusses Various
Matters of Interest
The regular meeting i,f Ihe Com
mercial Club was neld last even
ing at Cnutca Hall unu considerable
progress was made toward doing
Eonietitlng or real permanent value
to the city. Feveral of the commit
tees which hn J bicn appointed at
previous meetings reported and they
were all favorable.
The progress for neg"L.'tlons for
the trade excursions to this city from
Eagle was taken up by the commit
aee for that purpose nnd they gave a
very reassuring report to the. meet
ing. From conversations hnd with
officials of the M. P. railway they
had found that the old roundabout
train which formerly ran from Oma
ha to this city via Weeping Water
"and Union was to be restored the
last or this month or the first of
May Just as soon as a schedule could
be prepared covering It. This train
Is expected to bring in a large num
ber of traders to the city as It will
afford them an excellent means of
both coining In and going home.
This news was hailed with delight by
the rrowd.
To make further Inducements to
cause people to come to the i It y a
committee consisting of II. A. Sen
nel.ler. Frlti Frlcke and K.ll.ttVw'olt
was apprhite.1 to secure attractions
for nn amusement day. This day Is
to be one every week and something
f"r"l" rn1 novel will -be held. Th
over the warrant to him. County At
torney Ramsey having previously
igned the complaint then read it over
to him and he was asked to plead to
It by Justice Archer.
Without a tremor he answered
"Guilty." He was Informed by
County Attorney Ramsey .that he
could have a preliminary examination
If he cared for it and asked whether
he wanted one. He replied that he
"Couldn't see any use for an examin
ation. I took the things and I want
It over as Boon as possible." He did
not seem to fully realize the extent
of his offense.
The complaint charges him with
burglary of the Btore of Stone at
Greenwood In one count, and the
second count charges blm with the
crime of grand larceny in stealing a
trunk full of Irish linen, the property
of Mrs. John Fitzgerald and valued
at ! 2,000. Both of these offenses
are punishable with penitentiary
After some discussion of the case
between Bloom, County Attorney
Ramsey and Justice Archer, Bloom
stated he did not care for bail but
wanted the entire matter disposed
of and the sentence pronounced.
Justice Archer then fixed the bail
bond at 11,000 which he did not at
tempt to give. He was then taken
back to Jail by Sheriff Quinton.
It Is the desire of Bloom and of
course, that Is acceded to by the au
thorities that he be arraigned be
fore Judge Travis, this evening if
possible and sentence pronounced
upon him.
Judge Travis Is out of the city to
day and expected back tonight at
five o'clock. It Is the understanding
that as soon as he gets back an infor
mation will be filed by County At
torney Ramsey against Bloom and
he will be permitted to enter a plea
of guilty to both countB.
In that event all that will remain
to do will be for Judge Travis to
Pbbs sentence upon him. One thing
which seemed to Impress Bloom was
the necessity of saving the county the
expense of a trial. He seemed to
realize thnt conviction was almost
certain and that It was best for him
to own up and take his medicine.
Should sentence be passed upon him
tonight, It is probable that he will
be taken to Lincoln to commence
his sentence tomorrow morning or at
noon at the latest.
Bloom is a Swede and does not
soem to be overly bright. It is cur
rently reported that his wife has
been very sore at him for some time
on account of his thieving propensi
ties and that she has finally deter
mined not to live with him iigaiu.
It is said she wants the county com
missioners to give her transporta
tion back to Sweden and she will re
turn and leave him to his fate. It h
said this the commissioners will do.
Bloom's father lives near Memphis,
Saunders county and Is said to be
Implicated In the thefts and burg
laries by reason of having some of
the stolen property In his possession
comnilttie has been lucky In get
ling In touch with a performer who
will do a thrilling and sensut tonal
n stunt before the crowds one day
every week, the only question now
being a settlement of terms which
will doubtliss bo arranged for with
out trouble.
The committee on the Interurban
reported that the matter was pro
gressing nicely and that everything
now hinged upon the arrival of a
wealthy man frm California who had
evinced great Interest In the project
and whom they felt mre would be
one. of the principal stoi kholders In
mo concern. He Is expected back
very shortly and when he comes It
Is believed the road will enter upon
the second stage of Its existence.
The park committee did not hae
Its report ready owing to complica
tions regarding the title of the prop
erty but this will doubtless be fixed
up at the next meeting.
One of the best moves made by the
club was the instructions Issued to
Secretary Wescott to secure n speak
er upon te subject of "Alfalfa'' for
the next meeting. It Is proposed to
secure a recognized authority upon
this growing and vital topic and have
him address the members of the club
as well as visitors and Feerctary Wes
rott has In mind the right ninn for
the place. If It Is possible to secure
Mm, he will speak at the next meet
tug. Ppnial Invitation will be Issued
to formers and others Interested In
the alfalfa culture to attend and hear
,no " 'r'" story of the progress of
! m rrnt
Another matter which was not
discussed at the inciting owing to th
belief of the directors that It w as not
Sold only in
Moisture Proof
advisable at this time, will likel-
ome up at the next meeting. This is
the securing of a mammoth industry
for the city. This Industry repre
sents a large sum of money and will
give employment to a great deal of
labor It Is In the negoitatory stage
el and It will be several days be
fore It reaches the period when it
will be laid before the public but it
Is suffllcently big to warrant the
people sitting up and paying atten
tion. The directors of the club have
ind several meetings on the matter
and today are holding another. If
he Industry Is secured It means much
to the city and the surrounding coun
try. The meeting last night it can be
seen was a good one and the next
ne promises to be much better. It
will pay all the members to be present
at that time and lend their voice and
heir Influence toward boosting the
many good things on foot for the
benefit of the city. The club Is
noving along In the right direction
mil deserves every possible encour
To Attend Meeting.
I). Hawksworth departed this
morning for Chicago, 111., where he
will be a guest at a meeting of the
operating officials of the Burlington
system to be held there today, to
morrow and Thursday. Mr. Hawks-
worth received a personal Invita
tion to attend the conference from I).
Wlllard, vice-president and general
mnnager of the Burlington who le -
sired the benefit of Mr. Hawksworth's
many years of experience in the oper- -y icft on lrie early train this morn
atlng department. This meeting ls'nK accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
one of the most important ever held '-ucsdale to spend Sunday at the fam-
ty the company and Is expected to
develop the latest methods of hand-
llng the running affairs of the road.
One feature of the meeting will be
the banquet to be given the visiting
officials and guests, the banquet tak-
Ing place tomorrow night. Mr. 1 1 Now York and has been playing
Hawksworth was accompanied by his ! n the opera, "A stubborn Cln
son Fred. They will be absent sever-, dorella." This Is Miss Kthel Dovey's
al clays.
MNi Shcllwclxer Married.
The Omaha papers contain notice
of the Issuing of a marriage license
to John V. Wood of Chicago, II..,
aged 32 and Miss Klsa Streltw.iser
of this city, aged 23. Miss Strelt-
welser U the popular and handsome '"re nipples and chapped hands Cham
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman . berlaln'B Salve Is most excellent. It
Strcltwclser of this city and a young allays the pain of the burn nlmoKt
lady with many friends. They one i nstantly. nn! mile. v in'vry Is
nnd all Join In congratulations to her'ver- ! t. heals the part without
and wish her a long and happy n:ar-' 1 '"vlnR " n1'1- 1rl "'. 2r' For
lied life. sale by F. O. Frlcke ft Co.
Because Baking
by the whole
The National
Good Hand.
The M. W. A. Band of Union, of
which every man, woman and child
in that pushy little burg is proud of,
Is preparing itself for the fall com
palgn of fairs, fraternal days and pic
nics, and have elected Professor Cran
diil, leader.
It Is one of the neatest uniformed
bands in this part of the Btate, have a
fine lot of fellows, a firtt-class set of
Instruments, and now that they have
a leader that is one of the best In tht
country, they may be expected to
turnout something better than the
ordinary. Professor Crandell is a
fine rornetlst, a good leader, and with
such good timber as Alva Stltes.
William and Robert James, Max, Carl
and Ivan Balfour, Willie Ost, G rover
Hoback, John Davis, Curtis Price,
Amos McNamee, Col. C. L. Graves,
Harry Vantlne, George Stites and
possibly Dr. F. L. LMrIeod they cer
tainly can make good.
The business men of Union are
proud of the band and subscribed lib
erally to Its necessities, and the boys
Intend to pay It back In giving open
air concerts In Union during the sum-
i mer Saturday evenings. Nehawka
Knjoyalile House Party.
Miss Jeanette Palmer entertained a
week-tnd house party consisting of
Mrs. George Dovey and daughters,
Margaret and Catherine, who came
to meet Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
1 Truesdale. the latter latter known in
' the 8tnge world as Miss Ethel Dovey.
' uy home in Plattsmouth. Miss Dovey
nns met wth an enthusiastic recep-
ton everywhere she hns appeared
all(1 jt gave great pleasure to hr
-any friends In Lincoln to meet her.
Her Bister. Miss Alice Dovey. Is now
first visit to Lincoln since she was
hre with William Noirls several years
ago In "The Land of Nod." Lincoln
Hands and .re Nipple,.
A, a healing snlve for burns, sores,
Perfection approved
Nation made
Soda Cracker
To lleside in Omaha.
F. A. Murphy and wife were pas
sengers yesterday morning on the
early train for Omaha where they go
to make arrangements to move short
ly, Mr. Murphy returning to his du
ties with the war department at that
city. While they are glad to get
back to the United States, Mr. Mur
phy states that he would have been
pleased to have stayed in Cuba for
several years yet. He regards the
time spent there as very pleasant as ,
well as profitable especially for the
hoys who have learned to write and
speak Spanish fluently. He tells of
the strenuous life the boys had on
their return to this country, they
being compelled to come over second
class passage on a transport, the gov
ernment declining to permit them
having first class transportation ow
ing to their having been employed In
the service. They found the accom
modations rnteh poor and suffered
a great deal of Inconvenience.
Object to Strong Medicines.
Many people object to taking the
strong medicines usually prepared by
physicians for rheumatism. There Is
no need of Interval treatment In any
case of muscular or chronic rheuma
tism and more than nlue rases out
of every ten of the disease are of one
or the other of these varieties. When
there Is no fever and little If any
swelling, you mak know that It Is
only necessary to apply Chamber
lain's Liniment freely to get quick
relief. Try it. For sale by F. G.
GUTHMAN &CORY. Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
T 1 and Guarantee Satisfaction. C3
The Perkins Hotel
Prom tbe Courier.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mei
singer, a girl, Wednesday.
Ralph Twiss left Wednesday for
Minnesota to work in the lumber
camps of that state.
Miss Louise Guthman went to
Plainview Friday to visit her sister
Mrs. Goos for a few days.
George Wood la in Canada this
week looking after land interests
while his wife is visiting In Minne
J. F. Hennings expects to move to
town this spring, or as soon as he
can get a desirable building in w hich
to live.
E. Sturzenrgger of South Bend,,
who made a three months' trip
through old Mexico, returned home
this week.
C. W. Spense moved his family to
Havelock this week, not having suc
ceeded in locating a saloon In town.
Mrs. Andrew Stohlman left Wed
nesday for Staplehurst where they
will visit for a week or
two. While there they attended the
wedding of Mrs. Stohlmnn's sister,.
Miss Mary Winter, to John Rabert.
which occurred April 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Chllders of
'Jreeley, Colorado, visited relatives n
town this week. Mr. Chllders form
erly lived in Louisville, but went
"est a few years ago where h learn
nd the druggist trade and has con
ducted a drug store fur the past two
vears. Ho talks cf locating near
Hay for Sale. Call on Mrs. Boyd
on Lincoln avenue.