II .-I The Avoca epairtmeot Naws Item Gathered fiaon W.ek by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of lh SaroiAVeaWy Journal Wall paper at Copes. Jos. C. Zimmerer was at Omaha Friday. T. H. Cromwell was in twon Mon day. Mrs. Samuel Johnson was visiting Lincoln relatives this week. Dan Lynn was over from Union the first of the week visiting at the home of Albert Johnson north of town. . L. J. Marquardt was ,at Lincoln Monday on business. Roy Cochran, of Lincoln, was the guest of Avoca relatives several days this week. ' T. W. Malcolm was at Cook Sun day. Elmer Smith was up from Dunbar Tuesday shpoting trouble for the Bell telephone Miss Mary Brown, of Elmwood has been visiting t the home of A. Zimmerer the pa.st week. Frank and Vilas Sheldon were over from Nehawka Tuesday in their auto. The smiling face of Henry Pollard, of Nehawka, was seen on our streets Tuesday. Brs. Fred Beckord, of Utica, arriv ed Tuesday evening on a visit to her daughter Miss L. J. Marquardt. George Penterman of Elmwood was visiting Avoca relatives Tues day. T. H. Straub was attending to bus iness matters at, the state metrop olis Monday. . Henry Jung, one of our hustling young farmers, living south of town, rode the "Miserable" Pacific to Oma ha Monday n Mrs. Hanger,, of Lincoln, who has been visiting relatives here the past week, returned home Monday. Lloyd Harmon was at Omaha Tues day. ., . Peter Jorgensen was. at. Omaha Wednesday with two car loads of cattle. ... . .. Gustave Buss made a trip to Oma ha the first of the week. " Samuel Johnson and EL Nutzman we're at Weeping Water Saturday and while there Mr. Nutzman pur chased a fine driving team. Wm. Wulf sold a horse to T. H. Cromwell this week for $200. . . Mrs. J. H,.-.Ruhge..nd Mrs, Edna O'Grady left Wednesday for Imperial where they will, visit relatives. ; R, T. Jones, formerly located here, but now of Lincoln, was circulating among his- friends here this. .week. . FOUND The. best place to buy your wall paper and paint at. Copes' drug store. .. . ' Geo. Braezele has- rented the hotel at Berlin, and will take possession this week. The new sign on , the livery barn reads "J. II. F. Rubge, Livery Feed and Dray." Mrs. BenJ. Betts spent several days this week with relatives near Btrlin. Friday was "tater" day. For backache or kidney trouble try A. D. S. Kidney Pills.. Despite the inclement weather Sunday a number of Easter lids were in evidence. F. W. Ruhge and daughter Minnie were at Lincoln Monday. Miss Elsie Opp, was at Nehawka Saturday. Dr. J. W. Brendel was a business visitor at the state capital Thurs day. v Mrs. Emmet Carter returned home from Lincoln the first of the week, where she underwent an operation at a hospital. Allen Nelson is clerking for Dun- kak and Haseman. Easter services-were held at both churches. The. Christian Sunday school gave a program in the morn ing consisting of music and exer clses by. the children. The services at the Congregational church con-: slstd of a sermon in the morning and a program by the Sunday school in: the evening. Adolph' Zimmerer, who was oper ated on at an Omaha hospital last Friday Is reported as doing as well as can be expected under the cir cumstances.' Mr. Zimmerer has been in very poor health for some time and it was hoped that he might Im prove without the operation but asj it was deemed necessary, the ordeal was gone through with. Fred Ruhge, Jr., made a trip to Lincoln Sunday. Miss Sophia Ruhge was on the sick list the first of the week. .1 GeaLFlemlng has resigned his po sition aa harness maker at Dunkak & Maseman's. He left Monday for Osceola. ' Fred Frendenberg is building an addition to his residence south of town. Walter Coleman is doing the work. " The rabbits were working overtime Saturday evening to get there- nests filled for Easter. . Mrs. J. M"Dunbar and son Glen were at Nehawka Saturday and Sun day visiting relatives. Some of our merchants had their windows very tastefully decorated for Easter. Everett Taylor living: west of Avoca was sick last week. Col. E. R. Straub was a business visitor at Nebraska city Saturday. The stork visited the home of Mathlas Meyers and wife living east of town Saturday, and left a sweet baby girl. . W..I, Smoots was a business visitor at Nebraska City Saturday. Jack Betts was at Omaha Satur day,.. ' Mrs. A. B. Lawton and Mrs. 0. E. Copes were Omaha visitors Saturday Arthur Ward was down from Wa bash last week. ' A 'plummer was up from' Falls City last week to make an estimate of the -cost of Installing a system of wtefworks In the home of B. C.-Mar quardt.'"' When this work Is com pleted the house will be modern throughout j',-;. . ... ; ; Unless, all .signs fail .."Dad" Wal drip w.ill ..have. a. lady clerk in the near future. the I. b: J0. F. goat is working early" and late' every Thursday eve ning.'" " ' Henry Martin arilved Friday even ing from North Carolina. Henry says- there' is no place like Nebras ka. - : Miss Hazel Shreve, of . near Eagle, was . here several days last week tho guest of .er, aunt Mrs. Lewton., ,. . .., Miss-.Opal Lewton. was down row Weeping- Water Saturday and Sun day. Edwafd Morley was among the list of . tftbse' under the weather last week'.'" ; - - Several lone fishermen have been seen wending their way toward the creek of late, but we haven't notic ed a'hy results except bad colds. Mrs.' Jack Busklrk and children of Nehawka are vsitlng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BenJ Botts. - . . A. . B. Lewton and son Roy drove over near Palmyra Thursday to visit with the family of Chub Shreve. Mr. Lewton and Mr. Shreve are brothers In-laws. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ruhge and daughter Louise were Lincoln pas sengers Thursday morning. Mrs Rughe expects to enter a sanitarium for medical treatment as she has been in very poor health for the past year and her many friends hope she may receive benefit from the treat ment. Mr. Ruhge returned Friday evening, Miss Louise remaining with her mother. Miss Mary Zimmerer was at Omaha last week. Ed. Shackley wore the white apron a few days last week while his brother George was tussling with the' grippe. ' ' Dr. B. F. Brendel was over from Murray last Thursday Ftnley Llndsey returned Wednes day evening from Hlcksville, Ohio where he has been visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances for several weeks. u 00 n STRAUB u IS THE MAN THAT SELLS - AUTOMOBILES - U I ' u "I ! : ' f I Alvo Farm Implements and h WA60NS AND BU66IES Be sure and see him when you need anything in his line. Nebraska Q fee Amenda &Mohr Henry Prosser Contracting. Plastering, Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations , and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb, Gcod Digestion and Sunny Temper are Twins! The person with a disordered digestion finds it hard to be cheerful and pleasant. He feels out of sorts with himself and everybody else. The whole world seems awry to the man with a pain in his stomach. In perfect health you are rot conscious of your havin? a stomach. The digestive organs do their work silently, smoothly and painlessly. If your stomach does not work that way, if you have heart burn or dysyepsia, you rood treatment. Them it nnlhintr bet to.- for vour rmo than X A. D. S. DIGESTIVE TABLETS. Vhey nre recommended and foi l by nearly ten thousand re tail druggists belonging to the A. I). N., an organization for the promotion of the wihl'c henl'h. Price ?'. ORAL COPES, gg DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors Cigars Avoca, Neb. (Special Correspondence.) Mrs. C. D. Cutter and grandson of Coin, la., came In Wednesday to visit her daughter Mrs. Ellis Mil ler and family. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer returned from Omaha Wednesday evening where she had been In attendance at the State Conclave of the Brotherhood of American Yoemen. She went as delegate from Alvo Homestead No. 1715. L. B. Appleman shipped cattle to South Omaha markets Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hulfish of Wabash spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Aaron and Wm. Wurl. C. F, Rosenow is building an ad dition to his house which when fin ished will make a very comfortable home. The Alvo Telephone Company have received their new cards. They have made a change in the system which has changed many of the rings. Grace Foreman went to . Lincoln Saturday morning and returned home by way of Eagle Saturdayyevenlng. There will be a dance, in Alvo Tuesday evening April 20. Jacob's orchestra of Lincoln will furnish the music. Wood Ralney went to Lincoln Sat urday morning returning, Sunday noon. Arthur Klyver. had quite a serious accident last Wednesday ' afternoon. He had hauled a load of posts for the Stroemer Lumber. St, Grain Co., and as he drove around the corner of I the building to unload them at the lumber yard, the posts , across the 'wagon struck the building throw ing him . to the ground. . He was .badly shaken up but, is getting along ' nicely at present. , .. . , j ,,Mrs. M. C. Keefer and son Maurice ,went to Lincoln Friday evening re turning Saturday noon. . -,,; .Eptella Griffin's little Ulster visit .ed with her from Saturday noon till ; Sunday evening. , , , . Harry Vlckers was In, Plattsmpnth on business last week. ',, -, (.' Harry Clements Is helping Chas. illlte make fence for a fffw days, I " Miss Marie Stroemer spent Easter Sunday at home. . Armenus Foreman and family have moved into the Hess' property Just ( north of E. M. Stone's residence.' ' I 'M. A. Bates of Plattsmouth was ; visiting friends in-Alvouesday and ( Wednesday. ! , .'. Editor Brink w6rth of' Eagle ' was ffi ''t-a Tuesday? forerfoW on busi ness. "'' ' r ' " Mrsa F." Resendw and 'e'tilldren Esther and Carl and Mrs. A.' I. Bird j GL Oovey & Son j "Queen Quality" Shoes JSap j . AND OXFlRDS! ' 1 For Bfteen years we have sold the Queen Quality Footwear and must say that no class of merchandise we turn out gives such universal satisfaction as the Queen Quality Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords. . We ex tend to you a cordial invitation to inspect the new Queen Quality stles for this Spring. CORSETS! The Justrite G-D Corset ia always right and gives the ease and comfoit necessary as well as the style and fit We have them in extra long hip at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. Long and short . hip corsets good style at 60c. Odda and Ends in G-D Corsets, which we want to close out at ' H ALF PRICE! DUTTERICK PATTERNS were the first paper patterns brought out and today, are in advance of all , j others. 10 and 15 cents none higher. Remember that when you buy CARPET WARP to ask for the Buffalo brand the best on the market. C White and colors.- jl. . Dovey & Son ItiKiuie Miin JlehiK Held. ,. On complaint of his sons, Sheriff Miss Zejma Marquardt came down en. The work Is from her school at Millard Thurs-': Clarence Curyea. day evening. Good Friday giving her a holiday. The members of the Christian church gave a social at the town hall Wednesday evening, which was well patronized. Ice cream, sand wiches, cake, coffee and pickles were served and a very Interesting pro gram was rendered. Mrs. L. J. Kneedy was at Elmwood Thursday visiting her parents Beth Graham has been sick the past week. Edward Hensley and Fred Hughes of Berlin are plastering at James Dunbar's. Clyde Graham spent last week at home. Geo. Jung made a trip to Cook lant week to cast his ballot and lnlt his parents. Mrs. Geo. Fleming Is vlsltln rela tives at Osceola Dr. Brendel reports Henry Vette, Chester Ough wn's a 'Lincoln' visit or ' Friday evening, returning Sat urday. i nna son onil drove to Linepln last Qulnton took Into custody Abner Ma r nuay. I mm. n ncnit mnn. ft rpRldpnt of j ' Sam Cashner Is fencing his gard- Shenandoah, la., who was exhibiting oeing done by a form of dementia. A hearing was had this, morning before the Insanity commission who, after hearing the testimony and the evidence In the case found the old gentleman to be Insane. Sheriff Qulnton took the Happily Wedded. matter up with the with the Page On Thursday evening April C, Roy Ccunty authorities at Shenandoah and V. Eldenmiller and Miss Alice Lewis, they announced they would send a from near Alvo drove to Murdock, man after the unfortunate old gen Neb:, and were quietly married by tleman today. He Is seventy-seven Rev. J. Lehman, at his home. The years of age and has beeu'vlsiting his groom's brother and his lady friend, sons here. He will be returned to Miss Lizzie Nickel, actel ns best man Page county where a hearing will bo and bridesmaid. The bride In the had and he will doubtless be corn youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mltted to the asylum In Iowa He Will Lewis, who have lived In that Is reputed to have considerable prop neighborhood for a number of years. rty at Shenandoah and In that vl hne is one of the most popular young clnlty ships around Bush Bury and has hests of friends. I Kucvchx After Failure, The groom Is a young man of eood 11 rtl'n happens that a mnn failed character and like the brldo has hosts ,,,,nKH '10 undertook. Luck seemed of friends. He too was born and to ',e "RHlHt nlni- A 'l,Kt ne lr'P(' raised In that vicinity. His parents wm,t niany before him did and suc are Mr. and Mrs. John Eldenmiller. cv wa8 n'8, Jl,Ht ,lke a man who has been very sick, as somewhat "r,,e now and Mrs. Eldenmiller wno trl8 everything his neighbors Improved "'"ke thir home with tho bride's "UKgest, without stopping to think parents this year. horn much they know about his all Their many friends wish them all ment . Then he gets tired of all kinds of good luck and a long and RU('n 'nlB Rn(' recollects R remedy School Notes. The literature Club met with Ag nes Durham Monday evening. Re freshments were served. Prof. Zlnk was on the sick'. list Saturday and Sunday Miss Francis spent Friday even ing witn ber parents at Dunbar. Chas Everett is visiting with his cousin in Lincoln. The tenth grade pupils have Just finished reading Gray's Elegy and are now reading the "Deserted Village." Encourage and help your boys and girls so that they may finish the work of the school year In a creditable manner. Sometimes a little more co-operation on the part of the par ent would place the boy or girl In the next grade higher. Rheumatism. More than nine out of every' ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheu matism of tho muscles, due to cold or damp weather or chronic rheuma tism, n such cases no Internal treatment Is required. The free ap plication of Chamberlain's liniment Is all that Is needed and It Is certain to give quick relief. Give It a trial and see for yourself how quickly It relieves the p.'iln and son iichs. Price :.' cents; lnrco nlre f.O cents. Sold by F. G. Frhko & Co. happy life. XOTK'K OP that always could be relied on. In disease of the stomach and tho in tcstines you always will bo success ful, If you will use Trlner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. It is now twenty years before the public. and its popularity Is growing every day. It AIM'.HtTM toil I.Ht- Notll-A lit '..!..'... . .'. pett Ion with tl vtllHire vivii oft J Avora ri. Coiu.lv. NVhrii!.. " H I (Mill I Toil hv Inur . I.. I... .i. rp..ulr,t n..ml.Pr of roHl.l, .nt reliol . forth .im, Vi.ph SSr...:'. v"r"- "yin ' mn,,e of Imported herbs and Call Hppcuiii riinrncter nmi ntnniiiiiir nnd i.' fornla red w.'ne. When you have a not se Bitter drug stores. Jos Trin S. Ashland Ave, Chicago "ny'tL? ."Tir";,:'; i'Hf, tkZ P"r , will feel tired, will n MrmVo; to sleep nnd to work, u m.ini.i,,,ii yer on.iinK m'i" i l-los. on Trlner'H American Elixir of Bltt nL',1' ,,,,"k "'I't-cn (13) fro,,,. W,no' At i .f un.. !'"" "I!'""' ,n ,ho "nl'1 viiihkp er. 616-622 F or .Worn. Ciimn County. N.-lnnxkn ... ACOtirmERROR The Same Mistake is Made by Many Plattsmouth People. It's a common crror. To plaster the aching' back, 1 To rub with HnlirielitB rheumatic oints, '' '' ' When tho trouble comes from tho kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney Ills, : And are endorsed ' by all Platts mouth citizens. ' ' ' ' ' ' Mrs. John Sharp, corner Third and Dyke streets, riattHmouth, Neb., says: "For a' long time I had troub le from my back and kidneys. There were terrible pains In the small of my back and kidneys. There were terrible pains In the small of my back often extending into my hips and the limbs and though I doctored mil tried various various uiedh ines, I whs not relieved. About a year ago I procured Doan's Kidney Pills from Coring & Co.'s drug store nnd in a short time they brought mo complete- relief. Thl:' remedy has my hearty endorsement." (Statement given June 9, 1906;)' On December 29, 1908, Mrs. Sharp said: "I gladly reliew my former endorsement of. Doan's Kidney Pills. I still think highly of this remedy, knowing that it Is a splendid one In cases Of kidney trouble.". For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffnlo New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tnke no other. 3-15-3 At Avorn, Oust K. Mntir. v u . .... HII-Hnl Ynn run nlwnva Imv nnlnl for ti'k k -vh ui- ,0HH pr,,.e thnn I)PV0P Lpnd Bnd Zln, price probably means less value short measure maybe, or cheap qual Ity. "Cheap" paint takes more gal Ions thnn Itevoo that means more hours' work. The cost of painting Is by the gallon; poor paints cost most because most gallons. ' ' ' Better Get Devoo Lead and Zinc W. L. Pickett. Agt lrlVfn tn .ill im.,. y.ini lnl.!iti..l nn.l to thu puliltc. il.i.t 1- . ... ' "iKiie.i i:. N. Truinl.l.. Iiiih filed 1.7-' ." .. 1 "l'l"i iition In tin of 'lee of lh. vlllHK.. clHi-k '.f tl VIIIiik or l-.mlo t iim Oniniy. N...rnMka. 11 h reipi r...l l.y w. KlKiir.l l.y n mitloilty or the rtfMldctil flci lieldoi k of IJnv-le Kttlnir f,t, thnt tho nppllrnnt In n limn or re-.i.-i Ul.l.' i lmrni I.t 11 nil hIhimI- iik nnd n ri-Hliletit of tlx- mutt, of N0. iiihIih. mill pinvlnit ti nt 11 Hi-oiiko hi-I-niio.I to 11,0 f (i 1,1 c. M. Triiiiil.lo for I If Kill" of til Mil. Fllll'llllim lll. VlMOIIN llll- nor fur Dip ioioi f one vour fnim llio iliilo of llio Iioitrlnir of rnlil niM'lli'ii I loll Im 11 linllillnir en Into rivo (M bmI ,lx . Mock nlnotoon In llm vll Ihri" of ;hkIi, Chbh I'ohmIv. N'rl.rnxkit '. S. Tninil.li. 1 ' ' A..ll.nnt Dr. U. . Todd, Dentist, Is permanently located In the new llrandt ts building, room 403, Omiha For Sale. A number of fine White Plymout Rock roosters at 7fc each. They are good ones and cheap at the price. Mtb. II. C. Long, Murray A Small l ire. The fire department was called this morning to tho home of Harry Barlh- old on Wlntersteen Hill where a de fective flue had caught the roof afire. The fire was extinguished be fore the arrival of tho department, owing to the active work of men from the Burlington shops who had de serted their work at the sounding of tho alarm and hurried to save the building. The loss -was nominal nnd very light. The situation of the build Ing Is such that had It gotten a fair start It Is more tluui prnbable heavy losit must have followed as the flames would have swept several houses away beyond any hope of saving them. Doan's regulets euro constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your drug gist for them. 25 c per box. - t