sonal grievances or hopes of politi cal preferment to the sacrifice of the public good. The way to con serve the public welfare Is to vote for the democratic ticket. It was nom inated In primaries which every man nwredttheposU)fflceM PlUtomoutb. N- fre(j entrance and the voice of brask.ocona ciui muw. The Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. R. A. BATES, Publisher. $1,50 Per Year In Advance. Well, well! It's all over.. the majority should prevail. No one believes the citizens ticket can be elected and the promoters of the movement do not hope for this. They hope to use It as a stalking horse to pluck their personal and po litical chestnuts from the fire. The citizens ticket stands for no more than the democratic ticket nr W. B. Elster has made an ex- stands for an honest government cellent record during his two years and a government which will be of of office as (ity clerk. He deserves and for the people re-election and will receive it. be made by democratic leaders. tlon and nominate a ticket of Its own. For police Judge there have been I The republican party la Plattsmouth once In a great while a republican will have to be rebuilt if It Is ever who could measure up to Mike Archer to be effective again and this can n the people's estimation, yet none I only be done by the crushing defeat could be found last night. of the present "citizens ticket and On the councilmanlc ticket the re-1 the dethronement of the leaders who Dubllcan leaders allowed so-called have made this astonishing resul: democrats to select who should fill Carl G. Frlcke is a young man and one who has made himself an excellent reputation as a business man. Vote for him. The lines are now drawn. "citizen. John P. Saltier Is entitled to re ,l..rtio as mayor He has worked The question is-when is a man hard for the people of Plattsmouth not a republican? When he Is a and the honor should go to him. He Is all that can bo claimed for his op ponent and a man whose heart Is with the people. the places while every ward of the city teems with good republicans. The disappearance of the repub lican party In Plattsmouth Is one of the curiosities of this campaign. That the rank and file of the re publican party will ever consent to be sold, body boots and breeches to the unholy combine which Is now In full possession of the party ma chinery Is not to be believed. Their duty Is to rebuke the people re- II. W. Clement. The Journal Is deeply gratified to be able to say that R. W. Clement has withdrawn his name from considera tlon as a candidate for city treasurer. Mr. Clement has Just closed a five years tenure of this office and he has made a most excellent and capable of flclal. During his administration the office haa been conducted in a manner more than satisfactory and when he turns It over to his successor, it will be found to be in the best possible OTI(X OK APPLICATION- FOH 1. 10. I OK L1I'K; Kotic Is hereby xlvrn to all persons nterested and to the public, tliat the undersigned Kd Iont has filed his petition and application In the office of the city clerk, of the City of Mutts- mouth. County or Cass, and Mate of Nebraska, as required by law, sitrned ty the reiiuiied number of resident ree-lioldera or trie saia city, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and resident or tne state or iseorasKa ana iravintc that a license tnav be issued to the said Kd lonut for the sale of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors for the period or one year from tne date of the hearing of said application In a building situated on the east hair K 1-2) of lot twelve (12). in block twenty-nine c'S), in the first ward of the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. fc.U 1U.A1. March 22. 1909. Applicant. RnonKlble for this mysterious dls- j . condition. It is a pleasure to be able appearance in a manner so decisive toIlumu"- 11 13 a v' Mike Mauy Withdraw. John P. Sattler, Carl G. Frlcke. W D. Elster, M. Archer are a quar tetto worthy of the votes of every man In Plattsmouth. They will all The Journal announces with deepjrnako excellent officials and deserve regret the withdrawal from the tick-1 support et as candidate for councilman from tho first ward of M. Mauzy. Owing A vote for D. O. Dwyer, Adam to the pressure of Us business pud Kurtz, J. W. Bookmeyer, John Schul- hls Inability to give the bffico the hof, and F. M. Reznor means a vote attention which he feels It is deserv- for clean, honest and economical city lug of, Mr. Mauzy takes this course, government. It is your place to vote Had he remained upon the ticket for the man In your ward. his election was assured as he woull have made one of Ve best members of the council. his previous incumbency of tho i ffice ho made an evccUcnt record ns a careful, con-M-lenelouB and pub h Rpliltod off I ili.J. His place on the ticket will be filled by the city central committee. The building of the lnterurban will proceed regardless of the election The election of the democratic ticket means real progress for Plattsmouth and ono of tho first moves toward toward progress will be the construe tion of tho Interurbnn. that no one will ever dare to betray the party as it has been betrayed . Small wonder republicans are dis satisfied at the result of their party's convention. Several years ago they held the city administration well in hand and to be a republican meant chance for election. Many of them believe and quite Justly, that a re Dubllcan ticket this spring would voters but they never got a chance to find out. They were given away Into bondage by their leadei. who blotted this once powerful party out by an iniquitous deal with democratic malcontents. The Citizen's 1 1t kct. The Journal Is pica .ad to say that personally tho candidates on the so called "citizens" ticket are gener ally speaking most reputable men. As In all alleged reform movements, there arc some who fir; objectionable because of their past records In pub lic office. It seems liai'd for the pro fessional reformer to nomlnato a tick et of tho people's men. That this ticket, will be elected U alr.iont be yond the range of human probability and there Is no wonder In this. There never has been a cjill for tho nom ination of a ticket of this kind. Disagreeing with some of the speak ers at ,the meeting last night, the Journal can hay that It has found no one seeking to start a citizens movement unless he had an ax to grind. If he did not seek political preferment at the hands of the candi dates on tho ticket or was a cundi : date upon it himself, he seems to have been aiming to securing the let ling of city contracts to himself or to favored friends. If this be good Tho republicans of Plattsmouth are snld to bo somewhat rolled over the frightful miscarriage which tho party has suffered in the lust few days This Is not to bo wondered at. They have many excellent and capable men in their ranks but they do not seem to bo able to run them for of flee. A Mysterious Disappearance. Tha republican convention last evening was ono or the most strlkln gatherings ever assembled In thl city. The work or the convention MITICK OF APPI.ICTIO Full LIU I OK i.kkk. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested and to the public, that the undersigned Adolph Oelse has filed his petition and application m tne ornce petition and application In the offico or iiie city clerk, or the City of Platts mouth. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident free-holders of the said city, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Nebraska and praying mat a license mav be Issued to the said Kd Egenberger for the sale of malt, sprituous and vinous ltnunrx for the period of one year from the date of the hearing of saiu application in a building situated on .he east half (K. 1-2) of lot twelve (121 in block twenty-eight (28) in the first ward of the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. KU KU EN EKu K it. March 22, 1S09. Applicant of the city clerk, of the City of Tlatts mouth. County or Cass, and Mate or Nebraska, as required uy law, signet bv the required number of resident free-holders of the said city, setting forth that the applicant Is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Nebraska and praying that a license may be Issued to the said Adolph Ulese for the sale of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the date of tne hearing of said application In a building situated on the west half (V. 1-2) of lot six () in block thlrtv four (34) In the fourth ward of the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ADOLPH GIKSR. March 22, 1809. Applicant to speak so highly of a democratic official and the Journal hopes to be able to say as much for Mr. Clement uccessor. His declination to stand as a candidate of the so-called "Citl March 20, 190U nl nf I undersigned J. K. McDftnl - r petition and application In the office the high mindedness of the man. of the city clerk, of the city of Piatts- ino me," " mouth. County of Cass, and State of That h Rhmild have been tendered a Nebraska, as required by law, ulsrnod lliat ne snouia nde uetn iciiueitu ,)y thg requlre(, number of resident nomination by those who .m.i nnnnonta toKtifipa etrnnelv of respectable character and standing and politcal oponents testmes strongly oi r,,,ellt of tne state of Nebraska and his nnnularitv: that he should rfuse praying that a license may be : ..nt j r r I to tne saiQ J. Vj. flicunniei lur in nave rareu wen ai tne nanus oi wie ,... tn tha0t malt, sprituous and vinous liquors to ue leuiPLeu u.iu i.aic...s ""- for the period of one year from the . ... j ..- , 1 clute of the hearing of said application voice oi amumoii uu tn a building situated on lot -ix (6), in . , h,., nrlvotA Ufa block thirty-three, in the fourth ward, icucu w icmc of tnft gald c,ty or I'lattsmoutb. Ne ...... ., brnska J. E. McDANIEL, rainer man lurui cuiuuumumi March 22. 1809. Applicant those who sought to dereat his own . . MITICR OF !M'MCTIO FOIl I.IQ party is a powerful tribute to his ion i.icknm-:. . , M-.i. l Notice is hereby given to all persons lorty purposes anu nigu mema. interested and to the public, that the ... . a. i . i.. I undersigned Peter Goos lias filed his a aemocrai Dir. ciemeui is one oi wie p(tulon nn(1 application In the office Notice of Application for Liquor License. MOTICE Is hereby given to all persons Inter ' ested and to the public, that the under slk'iifd. 1L E. Hand, has Hied Ills petition and applicalliti In the ottlce of the city clerk, of the city of l'laUsmouth, county of Cass, and stale of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident free-holders of said city, setting forth that the appli cant Is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the stateof Nebras ka, and praying that a license may be Issued to the said H. E. ltand for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors fur the period of one year f rom the date of the hearlnir nf said application In a building situated on lots eleven and twelve. (11 and 12) In block twenty s ven, (27) in the Hrst ward of the said city of riausmouiu, ieirasK&. H. E. RAND. Applicant. March 17th. 109. MITKi; OF APPLICATION FOU Lld IOK I.KISK. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested and to the public, that the McDAnlel has rued his .... ...... , 1. . -,.. n Tl...... unswerving kind and the party owes mout,. count v of Cnss. and state o wi .,f immon00 nrnnnrllnnn Nebraska, as required by law, signed mm a ucm i j-.r.v. nv , re(lllire,i number or resuien for his Individual services In It. The nitl'GGIKT PKIIM1T. Notice Is hereby given that F. G. Frlcke & Co. have filed their petition as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, request- ng a permit to sell mult, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mc- cxnlcal and chemical iiunuMiM Tor the coming municipal year In the bulld- l i if situated on lots oti' (i) und iwo (2) in mock tiiirty-six (;;) in the city or Plattsmouth, Nebnis.i F. G. F1UCKE & Co. March 22, 1909. Applicant ItlUGOIST PF.milT. Notice Is hereby given that Goring A- Co., have filed their petition as required the statutes or the state or .Nc'irasua with the city clerk of tho city of IMatts- mouth. Nebraska, requesting a permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liq ors for medlcinul, mechanical and chem ical purposes for the coming municipal lear in the building situated on the west half (W. 1-2) of lot twelve (12) In block twenty-eight (28), In the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. GKKING & CO.. March 22, 1909 Applicant. Jhn Ilullstroni. In rilling the vacancy on the demo cratic school board ticket occasion ed by the declination of Mr. J. V. Egenberger whose business rerused Journal does not believe Tor one mo-L ref,(ient of tne Btate or Nebraska am: . .u.. m i, vi Ma praying mat a ucens to allow him to accept, thedemocratlc mem wiai mi, to the said Peter G ti. iiiuii, ii nuifiin nii for the period of ont I. , . . v,. . t , iiuie oi ine nearing or saici nppi ickiiou er honors In store Tor him, and by his ln a building situated on lot twelve, . . . ,. .. (12) In block thirty (.10) In the first convention, has chosen Mr. John Hall- acts ne nas uemuuawatru ...a. ..c strom. Mr. Hallstrom is very well 1 ""6 - known in this city as an upright, Clement progressive and consciencious citizen. A Swede by birth, his nomination is a LOGill (IfiWSi ct ognitlon of a large numuer ci inese excellent people whoso children are George Horn of Cedar Creek Is ln attending tho public schools and who the city today looking arter business SiOTICK NOTICK TO CHEIMTOHS In County Court, n County Court. In the master of the estate of John B. Melslnger. deceaseil. Notice Is hereby given that the cred itors of said estate will meet the executors of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County. Nebras ka, at the County Court room ln Platts mouth, In said County, on the 29th dav of March. 11109, and on the 2Dth day of September, 190!). at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day for the purpose of present ing their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months are allowed for tho cred itors of said deceased to present their ' claims, ar 1 one year for the executors to settle said estate, from the 29th day of March, 1H09. Witness my hand and seal of snld Conntv Court, nt Plnttsmnut h, Nebras ka, this 1st i!ay of March, 1909. OF APPMCTION FOH LIU- ' (S'-al.) I OIL I.II KNM:. i Allen J. Peeson. Notice Is hereby given to all persons County judge. Interested and to tho public, t lint the 1. O. Dwyer. undersigned Kd EfTenberger has filed his Attorney for estate. have become so important and pro gressive an element of our best cit izenship. Py virtue of his environ ment, his education, his many high matters, Misses Uose and Alice O'Donnell . . .. .. came up rrom union last evening for a short visit with Pat Egan and Tamily. Philip H. Melslnger one or the was even more striking. Tho ract Qualities or mind and his broad Ideas that the republican party onco great 0r public duties, he Is a most fitting Eight Mile Grove precinct's best and powerful in Plattsmouth City candidate for tho position to which 1S 10Kl"s Ilcr UUH"" " ters in the city today. mm so iar taiien into innocuous ties- he aspires. Mis election can ne urgeq John A an(1 Ferdinand Hennings uetudo us to permit tho nnmlng of a I as a handsome recognition or a large are spending the day in the city hav- tlcket or orr color democrats tor tho city ofriccs is most amazing and re- flecta llttlo credit on republican gen eralshlp lu this city. Time was when tho republicans or Plattsmouth wero numerous enough to elect a mayor and a city council, element or citizens who have always ing driven in from their farms In been tho best and foremost of those adopting this as their home. Eight Mile Grove precinct this morn- Charles L. Graves, the urbane and genial proprietor of the Union Led ger spent a few hours in the city this morning looking after business mat ters. E. II. Booth and wife who were called to St. Joe, Mo, by the untlme- former glory. If the city election uewi.i m.. uuul.. i turned t r thn i nrtma mist nnnn nn hip Time was when to bo a nouia resuti in a victory tor w.e . u . ticKci, mey ouiu Mr. n E Foiiter came un from st evening for a daa visit parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. . ... .. ,i,j . . mri hv hlmaolf and parson, mr. r outer t-Ayvvia iu w.uC u is smaii wonacr mat piatts- - i th,a ovonln tnr ft BhnPt v,H,t. mouth republicans are looked upoo n,s ir,l,1U8 u, 'D" Misses Alice Stander and Ellen Jac- Tlie Astonl.sliinj; Itesult. Arter a number or years or leader- shin under the new leaders, the Time was when a democrat ran for Plattsmouth republicans find them- orrico here won arter a fight in which 8l!,ves borctt of even a vcstl8e of thelr citizenship and lofty patriotism, tho i,e was made to taste the steel of his Journal misunderstands the meaning I opponent. of words. Plattsmouth republican meant some- railed "citizens" In addition to all this there Is no thing nut ali these dreams are have a miserably small proportion of Union last evening for a daa visit cause for a change in city govern- fi0d " ofricers. Tho mayor would be a man with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. ment at present. The cry that Im morality and drunkenness are ram pant in the city and that the.saloons Mn t'ass County as a minus quantity bo of that fa,th according to his own obgon of Louisville and Miss Marie are running the city Is a piece of Und quality. The amazing disappear- 8tatemcnt' the police Judgo la the ottoe or WabaBh and Mr. E. E. Eric- bnncomb and should be stumpiHl ns Lnoonf muitnnt rn,.hiicnUm in tki A democratic candidate for that ofrice son or Murray are in the city today such. Everyone know, that Piatts- cUy indicates the loss of leadership a"d a never known as anything JJJJ gat "ou mouth has been nearer a prohibition and tho fall from power of the rormer bt a democrat while three in six ty 8uperlntendent.8 offlce yesterday town under tho past democratic ad-1 strong republican leaders. In the councllmen have always neen classed and today. ministration than It ever was under I past Plattsmouth republicans have as dentocrats. This ought to encour-1 Miss Frances Kushlnskl was a pas- a republican administration. The hen marshal..,! m ti,a noil- hv rnnn. age the republicans. They will be senger on the mall train at noon for cry Is started as a cloak under which ab, and a8tule ,00(ler8i bul the Pormlttd to vote tho ticket and elect 0raaha w greedy and self-seeking men hopo whlrl-l-glg of tlmo has mado Its democrats but they are so hoplessly turned q tfce cUy ftfter gevera, year8 to secure control of the Plattsmouth I changes. Some have died, others ,n tho minority that they cannot hope at Frem0nt and will make her home city treasury. I have been relegated to the rear by I to run a ticket of their own. Perhaps with her parents ln this city In the These are the things for peoplo .,,,,,, n, ..uin ni,i(.,.n. It may be said that the fault Is with future. to think nf. what mntivA tinvn thnl. ih..i. oi.m.i.,u anA bf ib hov nr. I Max Adams, son or Will T. Adams nive sought to snow mo om leauori - w .. proponent, of the alleged "citizen." trlck , the g&mc ,m othcr8 havo men equal to rilling the orrices. Such nn7;rhon; l whcro he Is at ticket In running it? have becon,e disgusted and quit. a statement Is shamerul and the re- tendng college tor a brier visit with Aa was remarked In the com-l piattamouth republicans have elec- publicans who have so Ignomlnlously his parents. He Is accompanied by wencement tho candldatea upon theted many h,Rh and copabi0 mcn t0 repudiated their party to rollow arter Pror. Atherton. one of the Instructors ilcket urn enerallv renutable men .. . J. Lff n.lnr damorrats for leaders do- ln tno college. Prof Atherton Is : ' . " , u.o nmyura.i,. v wou.u ih, ..eeu.esa - " u tetacher of a young men's bible class but there Is not a man running on it L0 namo thcm all know thonii WUh servo the tremendous defeat which . fc . h no membpr8i tho w ho I. superior to hi. democratic a ht,,r vary)ng vjCWB thoy wcr. tho rank and fllo of tho republicans I largest bible class In Nebraska. He Tompetltor and In many casea thocanabj0 and ood executives. Many I give them. Ono thing everyona I will address the young men's bible manifest fitness of tho latter ahlne. 0f these men atlll live here but no know. the democratic ticket doea class of tho Methodist church In this out far away above that of hla com- one ever heard them mentioned In not pretend to bo other than a demo- c,ty tomorrow morning. I 1 ....... Georgo Walllnger living near My- iicwioi. i-oimeiuon wuu wie owico wuua whs u.u uvrn. uu ol nftrd de8,rc8 the journai t0 express Plattsmouth ha. no occasion to go I given to a democrat last night. seek ofHco under ralso pretenses. b8 thanks and appreciation for the following off aftor false gods. It I Kor city treasurer, many excellent They are democrat, who are true blue prompt settlement or the Woodmen has been true to the faith f?r Ihesa republican, havo filled tho bill. They and when they ask republican vote. Accident Association of Lincoln for .n vr. ..i it h. nnver .uff.-roo I,..- -in n,i -r.m f .hnm It I. because they havo not alone tho the Injury ho cccelved on January 5. ' ' : " v ?. " " . m ,MM. , 1909. Mr. Walllnger on February ror ao ueing. u win remain irue signally aistinguisning themselves . ... rj received a check for 45 cover- and thoHO among the democrat, who and the ofrice, yet last night their aro novt'x for what they are. Tho tho porlod be wa8 dabi,.d( the are so unrorutnate ai to let ambl- name, were a by-word and a hissing. ncl "ult of republican -leadership company paying very promptly on re- tlon or false counsel lead them For city clerk thcro havo been ,n this city for the past several year, celpt of proof of hla clal.n. He la aitray and Into tho rank, of the many excellent republican. In the the astonishing fact that the re- b,hli,3rlp,""pf tVf buB,ncM I L..1.11 1. - u . methods displayed by tho company enemy wm live to run me aay. .o past, yet under present leauersnip -"". '-w thplr courtpou8 treatment of good democrat should consider per-1 1 he party haa to allow It. choice to minority that It cannot hold a conven-1 tilmsolf. If 1 j nji' Coytlht 1909 by L Mm Scitntr It Man "m-v Uou'll win before you start if you get into one of our good suits made especially for and us by Hart,Schaffner & Marx. There are some extremely snappy sack suit models in the line this sea son, and the new colors are more attractive than ever. Gun Metal and Aluminum Grays are the newest and popular shades. Almost any idea you can suggest haa been successfully carried out in the new styles, and we're sure of suiting the taste and the purse of every man who cornea to un. 'nan there's something else for you to consider, that', our UP-TO- DATE SERVICE. We treat you different when you buy and after you buy. ome in and see the new things, we won't make you feel that you have to buy. Suits $7.50 to $30.00 THE HOWE Or Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Sttttta Hat Manhattan Shirts T afte G fTEUTHH) UW1 THE NEW STORE flXES TQ IEEP TOU IT XOMEI