The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1909, Image 2

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County Attorney Ramsey Fole
Complaint in Clarence Case
John Clarence will have to answer ' slaughter, ball could be arranged.
The widow and family or me ue-
to the charge of committing murder
In the first degree. This la the de
termination which County Attorney
ooasd John P. Thai ker, are determin
ed that the case be prosecuted for all
there ia In it, and they have retained
Ramsey has arrived at in the case, i Matthew Gering to assist the County
and the complaint which will be filed
at once will bo charge him. Mr.
Ramsey la looking after some fur.
ther evidence in the casa which has
come to his notice and when this
has Icon examined itls his Intention
to file the complaint and have Clar
ence arraigned. He yesterday au
thorized tho announcement that he
had studied the evidence over care
fully enough to feel that It would
warrant the filing of a complaint
charging the most serious of crimes.
Ho would not stat6 what thla evi
dence was but that it la very grave
must bo certain or this complaint
would never be filed.
It la more thau probable the com
plaint will be filed either Saturday
or possibly Monday and the under
standing la that the defendant will
bo arraigned and plead to the charge.
The preliminary examination will no
doubt take place at that time or as
soon after aa it will be possible
to get the witnesses together. There
can be no trial of the case until
May term of court and should tho
defendant bo held for trial on the
first degree charge, he must stay In
Jail as thla charge la not a bailablo
one. If the court should not find
him probably guilty of the first de
gree charge but hold him for mur
der la the second degree or man-
Attornev In the prosecution. It Is
probable that he will take an active
part In the preliminary examination
and certain that he will aid In the
prosecution of tho case In the dis
trict court. Hyron Clark has been re
tained to defend Clarence, he hav
ing cted r.s his counsel for many
yen I a.
Clerence la said to take his con
finement in good shape and to be sat
isfied to wait until hia case can be
reached, lie does not seem to be
much worried over the ultimate out
come of the case and la confident of
acquittal when he comes to trial.
The complaint against him would
hove been filed much sooner had it
not been for the pressure of work
In connection with the Ossenkop case.
This being laid over for several
weeks, County Attorney Ramsey Is
now at liberty to turn his attention
to the buislness which has piled up
In the office. There are several ad
ditional matters of consequence pend
ing In his office which he expects to
get to and dispose of before tho Oa
senkop matter conies up again. There
are several criminal matters in which
no complaints have been filed but
which tho parties interested in are
urging for hearing and these will
bo looked Into and such action taken
as the circumstances Justify.
1 )oe 1'ootl Agree With You?
We often find people wlt'u seem
ingly f ood appetite, but the food does
not seem to agree with them. It does
not make them stronger; they feel
hungry soon after a good meal. This
is not a healthy condition, because
useful particles cf food leave the
body with the waste and are of no
benefit to it. It shows that the di
gestive system is too week to retain
and assimilate the food. You must
strengthen it with Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine. It will give
satisfaction in curable diseases of
the stomach and the bowels. It will
make the digestive organs work reg
ularly and the food will then cer
tainly agree with you. It will make
the blood pure, the nerves strong, the
muscles elastic. Use it in all cases
where Jour appetite ia nut natural,
where you are losing flesh and
weight, where you feel tired without
cause. At drug stores. Jos. Trin
er, 616-G22' So. Ashland Avenue,
Chicago, 111.
Being Bitterly Fought by Relatives
in District Court
The contest over the will of the
late Samuel S. Johnson of Elmwood
opened In district court here this
morning. The case is being bitterly
fought and there are many witnesses
in tho city from Elmwood and'vl
fluity. Atluiiiey Byron Clark ap-
Xew Electrician.
M. R. If. Elliott of Lincoln has
been' engaged by the Plattsmouth
Telephone Company as superintend
ent and electrician and arrived in
the city the first of the week.
Mr. Elliott is a strictly high grade
telephone man and comes very high
ly mended.
For the past four years he has
been employed by the Lincoln Auto
matls Independent Telephone Com
pany in the responsible position of
chief wire and superintendent of
their private branch exchanges and
for ten years previous to his connec
tion with the Lincoln Automatic;
ohn Harkins and H. E. Rand Have
Lively Time of It
Yesterday evening the saloon of II.
Hand On Main street between
Fifth and Sixth streets, was the
scene of a bloody battle between
Rand and John Harkins in-, which
the former, judging from his appear
ance, got very much the worst cf the
fray. Harkins Invaded the saloon
n a seemingly ugly frame of mind
according to spectators, and started
n to create all tho racket and noise
possible. Rand, who Is running the
place for the Blata Brewing Company,
tried to quiet him, telling him he
wouldn't permit such a disturbance
In hia house. Harkins failed to
choke off his uproar and Rand start
ed to eject him. Forthwith there was
doings aplenty. The air was full of
fists and swaying bodies and when
Soith Bend
(Siei'iul Correspondence.)
A circle gathers every night.
Say ten odd or more
Around the big invitin stove
In Stuz's grocery stjre.
Counters and chairs take
The place uv fine settees,
An' here the circle spends its time
In Stuz's groeeryvstore.
Here's where the farmin's carried on,
Here's where the hay is raised.
Here's where the cords uv wood are
An' where the stock ia grazed.
Here's where the monstrous clams
are dug ,
Instead of 'lone the shore,
Creat deeds are done around the
In Stuz's Grocery Store.
Tho women folks around the town,
'Low if these great affairs
Would only happen close at home
They'd all be millionaires.
But while they're luggin' coal
Or wocd out uv doer
These waniprs are fightln' ellll
In Stuz's Grocery Stcre.
They nights they come, the nights i
they go,
Spring, Bummer, winter, fail,
An' still they meet there regular,
The setters one an' all.
I'd tell you more uv what they do
An' rake theni fellers o'er,
But, I must go an' take my seat
In Stuz's Grocery Store."
By Charles Deur of the C. K. I. & P.
at South Bend, Neb.
Sr J.
the kind which has
We sell it in packages
and in hulk.
D 3
Mrs Chas. Hill spent Sunday in
Mrs. H. P. Long was on the sick
list recently.
Jerry McIIugh was a Louisville
visitor last week.
Dr. Lewis was a professional vis
itor in the Bend Sunday.
Klelser Bros. Bhipped out two car
loads of sheep on Wednesday.
J. B. McGlnnis was called to
Plattsmouth to act on the jury.
Miss Katie Mcllugh cf Plattsmouth
tha u m Air a rlonrnrl nwnv Rand was
therewith very much gore spilled visited nt her brother, Jerry', over
over his countenance from contact Sunday.
with Harkins' large, rude mitts. As John wagoner, J n.
the poet has well said, Harkins lit- and son Roy were Valparaiso visitors
tornllv "rnlKnrt dnddv" or RomothinE last Weelt-
., with nnnd-B fne and nut Mrs. John Campbell is enjoying a
him very much to the bad. To add visit from her sister and brother of
tn tho ef iement attendine the mas- Calgary, Canada
sacre, the spectators present in
jected very slde-splltlng humorous
remarks designed to encourage Har
kins in his evil course. Even after
the fray was over and Rand was en
gaged In washing away the stains
of battle, James Jones Invaded the
George McDanlels was taken to
Omaha yesterday noon for an oper
ation for appendicitis. Mr. McDan
lels hns been suffering for sometime
and has been compelled to lay off
at intervals, until he finally conclud
ed to have an operation parformod
which would releave him perma
nently. The operation will take
plae today and his many friends
here hope that it will be a complete
success and that his recovery will
be soon and rapid. Mrs. MeDaniels
and baby were passengers for his
bedside today.
The little son of Will T. Rich
ardson who was operated upon some
days ago for appendicitis, Is re-
The Woodmen lodge will give a
dance and oyster supper at the hall
on February 12th.
0. W. Zarr went to Ashland Satur
Lincoln, where he goes to assume
his duties as a fireman on the Bur
lington read. The news of Mr. Hale's
advance on the road to good health ia
received with delight by his many
frlenda in the city.
To Puss Road Law.
Senator Banning is determined to
have the legislature pass a road law
which will do some good for the
people of the country precincts, as
that was one of the reasons for his
election and he got to work yes
Senator Banning of Casa county
got tired of waiting for the joint
committee of highways to agree on
a road law and yesterday intro-
pears for the widow Mra. S. S. John
son who proposes a will for probate Company Mr. Elliott ha8 held very saloon and was misunderstood by
which makes her the devisee of the responsible positions with other large Rand who imagined James was real-
farm lands of which tho testator died telephone companies. ly named Mars, the god of war, and
seized, and which gives to Edwin General Manager Pollock Is to bo was coming in to renew the combat,
Jeary. the well known banker and congratulated upon b curing the ser- so he was invited to get on the out-
duced a bill bearing the name of the
ported as getting along nicely and 8enate committee on highways.
there is no question of his recovery Some time ag0 tue highway com
in quick time. This is good news mlttee or the two houses were in-
for the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- gtructed to act together for the pur
ardson. nose of formulating an entire new
set of road laws. The senators got
Herman Bestor who has been af- together but the house members were
day .night to spend Sunday with his flicted so long with rheumatism, Is unable to agree. The result of the
slater Mra. Dr. Henry. ' reported us gelling along as well labors of the senate committee was
Hiram Hunter of Glenwood, Iowa, as could be expected. He suffers tne bill which was reported
has moved on the Adam Miller farm severely at times but bears his ail- day. It provides for a cou
ment with extreme fortitude. He can way commissioner to be
west of South Bend.
John Hewett is erecting , a hot get out of the house very little owing uy the county board to
house on his place, so South Bend to the weather conditions. plete charge of the highways of the
should be supplied with early gard- ' county. He may be the county sur
ea yesier
ntry high
appointed have com-
lwver of Elmwood nersonal nron- f m. wninti nu i, i n,.rfu,n i,ia f ti,0 it,i,.,i renrt n.i remain en stuff. Mrs. John .emetz is reported as veyor or BOme otherperson, and may
erty consisting of notes and other capable of' handling any class of there. Jones replied in language O. J Wortman shipped out two car progressing very, nicely toward re- bo removed by the commissioners to
like property to the value of Home telephone apparatus, either automat- that was rather strong as he admits loads of household goods and farm-
$40,000. Attorneys A. N. Sulivan c, central energy or magnetic sys- but he stayed out. ing machinery for White Water.Kan-
of this city and William DelesDernler tenia and In the rebuilding of the Marshal Fitzgerald this morning sas.
of Elmwood represent tho contest- Plattsmouth Telephone Company's swore out warrants for Rand, Hark- W. J. O'Brien, Supt. of the hatch-
tants who include a brother, Wm., exchange which will begin shortly ins, Jones and John Miller charg- cries, entertained the game and fish
Mr. Elliott's experience will insure a ing the two former with fighting and committee Friday, who came down
perfect telephone service to the pat- disorderly conduct, Jones with us- a regular Inspection.
rons of the Plattsmouth Telephone Ing profane language and disorderly Hugh Murphy and his assistants
conduct, and Miller with assisting were In the Bend Monday looking
Harkins and encouraging him by
II. Johnson, several slBters nnd noph
ews and nieces of the deceased. The
principal ground upon which the
admission of the will la being fought Company
la that Jeary exercised undue lnflu-
covery and hopes are entertained whom he is accountable
mat u win noi oe a great urn.., Th(J county highway commissioner
days until she can ue orougni nome. i be emp0Wered to appoint dis
Her return win De,naneci JOV commissioners, who
by her numerous friends who have h ,. b accountable to him. and
watched the progress of her disease whom he may remove whenever their
with the closest attention. ,.,. ,a ,inanfnptnrv Thla nlaoes
.. .. . . . - ... ..
an tne roaa worn oi me coumy un
Mrs. ranK blvey wtio was recent- . ,h 8UDervislon of one man and
nv..r tho Brnund at the ouarry. They 'J mousui, ..umc i.uu. makes h m resnoiisibie for It. in
. . . - I . . . . . ... tl.. 1
enco upon the deceased to secure the Dies nt Fanium. language calculated to shock the re- Intend to do more work here in the at umana is rtponeu us whuuhj the paHt( s,iy the merauers of the
legacy of the large sum left him, and Word was received in this city yes- fined sensibilities. Judge Archer future. So by this the quarry will recovered from the effects of the committee, the greatest trouble has
that there was fraud and deception terday of the death at Famam. Neb., this afternoon eot out his Celebrated be running most of the summer. operation although somewnat wean been the dlfference in manner and
used In securing tho insertion of the of Mrs. Claud Hostetter.- she dylug Brand of Justice and heard what the The Workmen lodge have five
provision of the will favorable to there during the day. Mrs. Hostetter parties had to say why they should new members to Initiate in the or-
Jeary. These charges grew out of wug a sister of Mrs. John llatt. Jr.. of not receive a coat thereof. He found der Saturday night. Workmen
tho closo personal relations of the this city and had been 111 for some that no one could identify Miller as neighbors are Invited to attend. Sup-
latter, Jeary being the business agent time past, Mrs. Hatt being advised one of those assisting in the riot nor per will be served after the meet-
of the deceased and being consulted 0f her dangerous condition and In- could they identify him as urging the ing.
by him In all matters concerning the tending to go to her bedside. Before fighters on, so he got away on this Alfonzo Sturzenegger spent Sun-
estate. Jeary drew the will under Uhe could make th trln death carno chnrce. Tho marshal however, stat- rtav at home. Also Miss Carrie and but expects to be able to do so In real estate tax must be paid in cash.
which he Inherits which Is also an- t0 tho sufferer. Deceased had a num- ed he would take him to Jail on an Jessie Demlng being homo from the a very row days, lie is consiueraoiy a8 must the personal tax. All road
other point relied upon by tho con- her of frlenda in this city whom she old sentence' which he had never University. "Sturze"hopes to make worn down by the ordeal he has tax is to be expended In the district
yet. It will not be long before she plan of work of the men ln cliarge of
will be aoie to oe out ana arouna dlfferent districts, and the absence
as Usual. I n nrlv R(.hnmo for the enuntv.
v. -
The new bill further provides that
Henry Hesse who was recently op- one-half of the real estate road tax
erated on at the hospital in Omaha may be worked out, as may. all of
has not yet been able to go to work the poll tax. The remainder of the
testants to break it.
Tho case was heard before in
county court where Judge Beeson
sustained the contention of tho pro-
had met during her short residence served. Jones admitted that he used
of several months in this city some I some pretty strong language but
years ago, nnd they are all greatly pleaded that It was a mlsunderstand-
shockod to hear of her demise. The Ing between he and Rand which the
tho university ball team,
doubt will make good in
He no gone through but will soon pick up. from which it is collected.
all the '
e.a lgenoerger wuose iiumuueu ... ,, Poster, pnuntv suoer-
Snlo bills are out announcing the hand waa spoken of several days ago, I n,ell,ient of schools has been offered
. A- . 1. ...111 .1 ...Ik. 1.4 .1. n .. .. ... ... I.. . .. I . - - - . . ... I. ... .
yuuvuva ui n ... .m ... v . -1 j u i e . My in )ul . y in ( no puiuic goes inner rorrouomicu, lemuK nun rs- sale oi J. ai. ue num on is getiiug uiuiiu nivuij uuw mm "i u. honor of conducting the round
Sftnie tO lirobllte. It IS from ttllS nut In ln.r mirmulnir fnmllv mi, I knr ponn ullk tr. nn1 nnula Pnn.1 U'ni I l, 1? Ui.rn In a I'hnnco fnr I anntt lia nlilo in roSlinm tt'Dlk. The I . .. . .. . ... . v
,. v ... .... u......n...K mm., uv, iv. ...... w mi... . w i . ........ .. ..u , u i u (I I j i i v ... . .... ... v. -" - io..v. v w.r.v .. i i n r. i it int. rna iiirni n rnnrH nr in..
order or tne lower court mat me Ulster In this city. A more extended discharged as the evldenco disclosed buyers to select some good Duroc hand was badly swollen for somo . nnlversitv summer school dur-
contestnnts appeal. sketch of her life will appear In Sat- that he merely protected his proper- Jersey stock as at previous sales, time but this Is now passing away , nna ... ,,. ' lt .H
The morning was practically Urdny's issue of this paper.
spent in getting a jury ror tne trim The remains will arrlvo in this
of the case, all those called being ,ly tomorrow morning and will be
subjected to searching ' and careful taken overland to Lewlston church
Inquiry. The taking of testimony nmj cemetery where services and in-
dld not commence until about eleven torment will be made.
o'clock and little progress was made
up to noon.
Afternoon the taking of testimony
was continued but at the hour of this
writing little of real lumpoitance
had been adduced, the counsel for
the parties not having gotten Into
the case fnr enough to open up the
facts which the contestants niy upon
to win their suit.
ty and wns within hia rights. Harh-
Ins hnd not come In at the time of
of going to press.
John E. McC.lnnlss of South Bend. '
one of the Jurymen, Is a guest at the
Hotel Perkins coming in thla morning.
William Stohlman, one of tho solid.
farmers nnd veteran democrats of
Center precinct , Is renewing ac
quaintances In the city today. Mr.
Stohlman Is one of the best citizens
little One Hies.
Tho little three months old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mia. Chns. Piper died
at their home last Sunday, and was
hurled In the Elkenbary cemetery
yesterday afternoon. The funeral
services were held at the homo In of the precinct nni bis d moeracy la
South Park, In tlv afternoon. The of the lion brand, lie la ulwas a
Mr. Denning will give a full blooded and his physician will permit him
hog to tho lucky man. to use the hand again In a few days.
The Rock Island bridge gang have I He had a narrow escape from seri-
been here the last few days preparing ous trouble In connection with this
for the breaking up of the leo. They injury.
have done considerable blasting get
ting the ice loose from around the
bridge. The Ice ranges from 5 to 16
Inches in thickness.
W. B. Ackerman has rondo a name
sumed she will
quite an honor.
accept as this Is
II. H. Shrader of Murray was a
guest of tho Perkins last night com
ing to look after some business mat
ters In tho city.
Jos. Mullen, the Elmwood veteran
t . t I. .. ..nLI
lers' relief com mission departed this
f .1 1 , I.. rt...n
lillMllllI VII lll'T .1.1 l,T 11(1111 IV..
.-k Yourself the truest inn,
Why not use Chnmberlaln's Llna-
metit when you have rheumatism
bereaved parents have tho sympathy
of all.
Tor Hint TeiiiMe Itcltlnu.
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum
We feel Hiiro t hi t the result will bo keep their victims In perpetual tor-
prompt and satisfactory? It has ment. Tho application of Chumhcr-
nired others, why not you? Try it. Iain's Salvo will Instantly allay this
lt cost but a trifle. Price 2," cents; itcnlux ami many cases have hon
largo sine, .It) rents. For sale by F. cuiod by Its iue. Fur sale by F, (!.
(5. Frlcko & Co.
Krlcko &. Co.
John Bukacek Is spending tho
afternoon In Omaha being a passen
ger on tho mall train for that city
J. I). Cress of I'nlon, one of Mio
panel Jurors, is' registered uil! the
Perkins hotel.
welcome caller at the Journal office.
Adam Fiiedrbh of Pierce County,
Neb., one of the prominent and enter
piisln;; jounx men of that section
wiM a visitor In this city mid vicinity
for a short tlu.e with relatives, de
parting foj" his homo in the m til
train at noun. Mr. Fi iediieh Is p
you us farmer with a rtiut ileal of
practical expeiii nee red much sound
sense who hr.s trade Ms fiir'it In
Pierce County-a pa. lug Invest n. nt.
lie formerly lived In this redlen and
Is a young un with mny fii n.l
O. 0. Hale who has been seriously
111 for several weeks past with pneu
monia la reported aa being much Im
proved and expects soon to he able
for himself ns a crack shot with the to be out of doors. J. W. Singleton
rifle. While a large flock cf geese 0f Kinsley, Kas., who has been vl.dt
passed over tho section house W. B. in(r with him and helping take care ha from which city ho will return
milled up with his trusty army rifle ,,r him. denarlod this morula;: for to hl:i homo this evening
which he purchased recently and kill
ed oil" of the gecso which Weighed
fifteen pounils. What makes this
sin h a K"l hot is that the flock was
nlun-i'i two block: from tin depot.
m l were flying very high. Whether
thin was Just a (banco shot or nder.i-
en-'t ration of 'PIllloV ability with
the rlfl" wo will h lo to leave to the
rr;--K invrtsmen. I .at or--Sim o the
above w:ts written we Pave heard
that this Is ltll'le's" f;r fowl to his
s Not Coughing Today?!
Vet ycu may cough tomorrow! Better be rrcparcJ for if
" ..hen it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Aycr'o
Cherry Pectoral in the house. I hen when ihc hard cc.M
, .a -1 1-fT rWl II 1 INK I I v II 'ill. I ' 1
i ir I -a - ....1 C ...Til i. .
ri ir iinnnr :i"iii( iv.f i i : i 1 1 r. w 1 1 t i i i i
F;h.1-b v.T.l tup the light fantastic
on February 13 nt Fokcl hall.
ret all doubt at rest. Uo as lie says, l
No alcohol in this cough medicine. Ja'ItCo..
" MMMmnCTWwnnnirnrrTTtrT-niT ' M r
kumeit health i a urciit saltiiiuird niMinst attack oi throat and bin;' tronb'
onsllpatioii will destroy Ihc best cf health. Ask your doctor c' ti-it Ayci'i.