The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1908, Image 5

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IS ji'
I. Lll7, '.S
Mai. hich:
Are Always
the Gheapest!
Correct in every particular.
Correct in Weave; Correct in
Workmanship; Correct in
Styles, and always Correct in
Prices. Such are the goods
can be found at our store.
Everything in Gent's and
Boy's Ready-toWear Cloth
ing and I urnishings.
Un. MIy
It's a sign of coal satisfaction, Want
to hear the music In your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this oUlce and
yard. Th output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal In few
pun IIC PUttsmonth No. 21.
nunc no. an.
puiishouth, mum.
Dost Time to See
the Southwest
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homeseeker's excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into the rich and resourceful
farming rcgionsof the South
west. It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Kas
tcrn farmer, r.fter his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. P. Ry I'latUmouth, Neb.
llil l
Krum llie Courlvr.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. I'. ('. .hx.k-
iii:ui. Tuesday, December S, it girl.
Mrs. Pete SpiviinliT returned from
the hospital Saturday. She stopped
iu Louisville mul lsdted over Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. V. A. t.
horn. i
Mrs. ('. 11. .la field Is at the St.!
Joseph hospital in Omaha where she
underwent a successful operation for
a tumor on Wednesday. Reports j
from the hospital state that she Is
doing nicely.
The work of repairing the Free
Methodist church, which was so bad
ly damaged In the cyclone which vlsl
ited this city May 12, has been com
pleted and will be again opened for
worship on next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprleck enter
tained about thirty of their friends
at their country home last Saturday
evening. A sumptuous banquet was
served and all voted Mr. and Mrs.
Sprleck many thanks for their kind
A little son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Chan Helm on Saturday, De
cember 5, but on Sunday the little
one was taken from them by death.
The funeral occurred from the family
residence at eleven o'clock Monday,
conducted by Elder 0. W. Mayfield.
At about five o'clock last Satur
day evening fire broke out in the
engine room of M. L. Williams' ele
vator and but for hard and quick
work the building would have been
burned, entailing a loss of several
thousand dollars. The fire originated
from an over heated stove. The dam
age was small and was covered by In
surance. This is another proof of
the need of water works, as the next
fire may not be handled ho easily.
From Hie Ledger.
Lee Applegate. and wife arrived
home Tuesday morning from Kansas
City, where they spent several
weeks taking medical treatment.
V. W. Tracy and wife, who have
lieen spending several weeks with
relatives and friends in Iowa and
various points in this state, came In
rrom Omaha yesterday to make a
diort visit with friends here, and will
;o to Lincoln today.
P. C. Kngell, one of the pioneer
citizens of this county, disposed of
his Union property and departed
Wednesday for Klinger Lake, Mich.,
o make his permanent home. Mr.
Kngell has many friends here who
hope he may be contented and pros
perous in his new home.
Mrs. Manila P. Graves of Rock
Bluffs, mother of the Ledger man,
passed through here on the forenoon
train yesterday, going down to Peru
to visit her son Julian D. Graves and
wife. Although more than 87 years
of age she can make journeys alone
without any trouble.
A letter received yesterday from
our son Harry Graves In forms us
that he Is now Installed in his new
position as city editor of the Journal
at Falrbury, Neb. He says it Is a
splendid position on a good newspa
per In a good little city and that he
proposes to be a winner.
Caleb Katon and wire are proud
of the new addition to their family
circle, a line boy born Sunday eve
ning December 6. A very nice little
present notwithstanding Cale's big
sock was not hanging up to catch a
Christmas present so valuable.
Mrs. Mary F. Grimes, the aged
mother of Mrs. Claudius Everett. Is
now In a very weak condition at the
Everett home northeast of this vil
lage, and her death Is expected at
any moment. She has been 111 with
cancer for some tlu.e, and it is cer
tain that she cannot recover.
(From the Heglsler.)
Senator Thomas and his son were
down from I'lattsmouth last Monday
In their automobile. While It was
cold they claimed the roads were line
for nutomoblliiig.
Sam. Humphrey has returned to
speaking the 'mother tongue"' again,
his bunch of Austrlans quit the other
day and lie has another lot of fel
lows who can talk I'nlted States.
Morris Doughty was taken very III
at school. Tuesday morning. He was
removed to Mrs. Rutherford's and
Dr. Walker was railed, lie recover
ed sufficiently to be taken home In
the afternoon.
Harry Swltzer accompanied by his
wife and little daughter came In on
Thursday evening for a visit with the
home folks, the first visit In twelve
years, lie Is looking well, doing well
and has ;i .:!!!; i.iih'!, n ; - ('v.- le. 1
Col. He w ill ! e hen- i :ii t'i i :t
mas ilin:u r wiih pii'ili. i.
William Tinker, wl.o !" r b.u d
Hilly "(ni 1 ! .ill's iiiteii in ihe bar
ber ship at thi-; place, :i rived here
Tcesdav n:i rnin. '"''1 v. i 1 1 be fuun.l
at his headiU artei , ii jol.i.nv en ie
spot and rei'dv in lake care of ear
.1. .M. Smne left yesterday evening
fur Oklahoma where he will spend
the Winter with his sen I. ester at
Cherokee. He was accompanied by
Mrs. l.uelnda Hall w ho noes to islt
her son Lester, who Is located a
short distance fn in Cl.erokcc.
Tuesday n largo bunch of nini
lotls went out Into the' country to
hunt the festive cotton tail, and lit
the close of the afternoon they had
thirty-eight of the small variety and
two Jack rabbits. No casuallt ies
wre reported and no stock killed
so we think the crowd did remarka
bly well.
Charles Scott Stone returned from
Omaha Friday, where for the past
three weeks he has been laying at
the Merchants hotel too ill to be
moved. Charley declares the next
time he gets sick he will select a
cheaper place than the one above. He
was In Murray on Tuesday.
From the header Kc'lio.
W. T. Richards has sold his farm
adjoining Wabash to Henry (lorbe
ling at $ 1 1 2.50 per acre.
Mrs. and Mrs. F. J. Fitch, of Oma
ha, are the proud and happy par
ents of a nine pound baby girl, born
last Friday.
The brick for the new I'lattsmouth
Telephone building arrived Friday,
and work on the building was com
menced Monday.
While out in the yard yesterday
noon Mrs. Henry Posser slipped and
fell on the lee and snow, sustaining
a fracture of the left arm just nbovt
the wrist.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Earl died Thursday evening
of last week. The sorrowing parents
have the sympathy of the commuiil
Itepresentative-eleet 1). Smith was
was confined to his home the first
of the week with a very severe cold,
contracted while attending the fun
eral of ('apt. White at Palmyra last
There Is some talk of taking up
a collection for a headlight for the M.
P. night train. The lodge boys are
afraid the engineer will lose his
way some lark night.
T. H. Pollock came out from
I'lattsmouth Tuesday to look after
the construction of the new brick
building which Ut being erected here
for the use of the Plattsmouth Tele
phone Company.
While going out after a pail of
coal one evening this week Ed. Iang
horst slipped on the Icy porch of his
home and took a header down the
steps with more force than was net
essary. While no bones were broken
he was completely "wlnnded" for
several minutes and has several sore
spots to remind him of the event. The
coal has not yet been heard from.
Man Hunting Father Tells Weird
Story of Search.
Council muffs, in.. Dec. 14. Al
though he Is himself a rover, mid has
been since he was years of age,
Charles J. Feezell, a young man re
siding at present at the St. Joe ho
tel at 623. South Main street. Council
IllulTs, and who says he has recently
been engaged In railroad work for
the Rock Island and Northwestern
roads, Is engaged In a hunt for a
trace of his father, J acne Feezell.
He has not seen his father ..mee he
was himself only ,'J years old, some
nineteen years ago.
It seems accordlngto the story told
by young Frezoll, that his father and
mother separated at Ccntralla, Kan.,
when he was about 2 years of age.
The baby boy was taken by the moth
er to the home of her brother near
Crocker City, Has., and nothing fur
ther was heard of the husband and
father, except that about a year later
he visited his baby son, now grown
to manhood and returned to ('en
He completely dropped from view
there, and nothing was ever discov
ered of Ills whereabouts. No word
has ever been received of his death,
though until recently he had some
half-brothers living In Illinois.
When little Charley was about 7
. E
Buy Useful Gifts for Ellen!
There are plenty of them. Let us name
a few speci9"v good things that you can
buy here in'five minutes time and thusdis
pose quickly of a good share of your shop
ping troubles. ::::::
Buy Him a Good
at $1.50 or $2.00 or a
FERGUSON at 50, 75
or $1.00
Or Buy Him a Box of the
Holeproof Sox
at $1.50 or Silk Lisle at $3
a Box of 6 Guaranteed.
Or Buy Him One of Our
All Silk at 50 and 75c
Have some handsome ones in
Xmas boxes 75c.
Or Buy Him a Box of
These are the finest Sus
penders made and cost 7.1c,
jl.2.r and $1.50-put up in
handsome Christmas boxes.
If you buy
Othe satisfaction of knowing it is first-class X
in quality and up-to-date in style. On this
dwuuum ii win uu inu more appreciated.
years old his mother married a sec
ond husband and went to live with
him in the Ozark mountains In Ar
kansas. When her boy was about
nine years he had a disagreement
about 4 o'clock one morning with his
stepfather, and the man ran out after
a whip.
"He had never whipped me be
fore," said young Free.ell In tcllingef
the escapade, "and I made up my
mind not to let him whip me then.
So while he was gone I tied up a
change of clothes and slipped out of
a window Into the darkness and ' I. It
the train" Into the woods. I went
first to Sprlnglleld, Mo., ami later to
Inavale, Neb., where I stayed for
three years. My mother never knew
what became of me, as I did not
write and mourned me for dead un
til I returned of my own free will. I
guess 1 had some of the roving blood
of my father, all rUht."
When the sen attained the ago of
15 years he made an Ineffectual ef
fort to trine his father, but at that
age he could make little progress.
After that attempt the search was
given up until about three mouths
ago, when he was again Induced to
take It up..
He relates n story of having vis
ited a fortune teller about that time
who Informed ,ni, wlihout any
illestiolis being asked, that lie was
In search of Information about his
father, who had long been loM. He
was asKiired by the fortune teller that
his father was not dead but lllng
Iu Colorado.
lie has since been searching for
"Where Quality Counts."
' I ft i i n
MM 8
him a gift here
. Wescott's
"Where Quality Counts."
his father and hopes to secure Home
track of him. lie places such cred
ence In the statements of the fortune
teller that he contemplates n tour of
Colorado In the effort to locate his
Feezell says that his mother died
about three years ago. His only rel
ative aside from his father, are a full
brother, rctddlng at nine Light,
Wash., three half Bisters at Tabor,
la., and one half sUter at I'latts
mouth, Neb. Ills rather, If still ll
Itlg, as he believes him to be, Is
about 4H years of age.
This Is Worth Heading.
Leo. F. Zellnskl, of GS Cibson St.,
Iluffalo, N. Y., says. "1 cured (In
most annoying cold sore I ever had
with Ilucklln's Arnica Salve. I ap
plied this salve once a day for two
days, when every trace of the sore
was gone." Heals all sores. Sold
under guarantee at F. ('.. Frbke &
Co.'s drug store. 25c.
(hmmI Farm for Sale.
dood 160 acre farm, 2i miles
southwest of Oreapolls, 0 "j miles
northwest of I'lattsmouth, good Im
provements. Water Is plentiful. For
particulars and terms see C. J.
ilalmcs, riattsinouth. lmo.
Dr. Hess' Slock Food
scientific compound for horses and cattle.
Hess1 Slock Food
guaranteed to give results.
F. G. Fircke & Co , PruRjr'itg.
Or Buy Him One of Our
Silk Mufflers
either in Square or Keeper, nt
75c, $1, $1,50 $2 and
or a I'hoenix Knit at 5()c.
Or Buy Him a
Suit Case
We have the newest ami latest
at prices
$3 to $15
Or Buy Him a Pair of Good
Warm Fur-Lined
Gloves or
orajmirof imported IVrrin's
Kid Gloves .$1.50, $2 mid $:.
Or Buy Him a
Fancy Vest
or a Smoking- Jacket or a Stet
son Hat, or a Silk Umbrella
or a Hox of Linen Handker
chiefs or a fine Linen Night
(iown or I'ajamas.
you will have
Every 1st and 3rd Tues
day in Each Month
Orer the Missouri Pacific Railwij
$23.65 Round Trip. Tickets Good 25 Dirt
Can stop off anywhere going or com
ing. Train leaves I'lattsmouth, Neb.,
12.03 a. m.; arrives Kansas City Tues
day morning 6 o'clock-making conneo
tions with the fast train going south to
the Gulf. We will have a private l'ull
man Dining Car (Julia). 5(1 cents for
births and 3ii cents for meals. We are
closing out a ranch near Kl Campo,
Texas, of lfi.(KH) acres, at22.50to$30.W)
per acre, on easy terms. We have sold
over one-half of this land to farmers
who will at once commence to improve
their lands, build good houses and
barns. Also lands near Edna and Vic
toria. If you want to make this trip with us,
let us know In time to get you a ticket.
Iluy your ticket over the Missouri Faci
lic to Kansas City; Santa Fe Railway to
Houston, Texas, and from Houston to
San Antonio over the G. H. & S. A.
P. 0. Box 605 Plattsmouth Neb.
Comb and brush sets Oerlng &