-ei Pi ., Local News mews of the mum 1 1 I- 1: (. V Y Y v v A. A fh . a Ai k k . Union 1 rum the l.i l.'i r. i Hi. I. Hugh LaMaster of T ouiusch s!".'iit a few d;iy.s this week attending to some business matters ami isliiiig his friend. J. K. Piorson. i Hay Frans arrived homo Monday j night from Hurlington Junction, Mo., where lie has boon taking tho mineral I water treatment for his rheumatic troublos. Dan Lynn arrived home Saturday j evening from Kansas City whore they ! spent several weeks at one of the i health resorts, with most satisfac- j tcry results. i Ell Eaten and Wiley Mend depart- I e l Monday morning for Thurston j county to spend several days looking ! )ow n T will nil meet togt ilu r it Cuy's lintr.o. Mrs. Kiikpatink I'Sju'ib to vi.it a 'week or so wiili relatives at Mavsville. Mo. fchnvvood From tin- l.ttilT Ki Iki. Wm. Schick is recovering nicely and expects to leave the hospital Monday. Karl Morton was the fortunate winner t,f two turkeys at a raffling mi'tcli Tuesday. J. K. Worhy an I family were down from Lincoln to spend Thanks giving at the home of Mr, Worlev's parents. Miss l!"ttio Witlirow of Thallium. ame Wednesday evening for after business and In visiting In and u,t tth (.mlslllSi ,,, ,11;i,,.s nar Waithill and Rosalie. jLMithand May Dtubin. (ieo. Fh mining and Coo. Maseman t'.oorge Shackloy. one of our popu lar Klmwood boys, his family from Net1., where lioss moved his DeiiM r, Col., to Awiea, ho will engage In busi- drovo over from Avoca hist Sunday to spend a fow hours with some of heir I'liion friends, and went to Omaha cn the late evening train. Enoch Straw ami wif rt siding j Miss I r of liattsmoutl', Mrs. southeast of town, are tho happy i Seen and .Mrs. 1 lill of lielviedere. and parents of a hue girl baby that nr-.Miss Ilhena Towlo of Waba.-h. wore rive.l at their homo on Thursday j pleasant callers at several homos in night, November It), too late for no- : Klmwood Tuesday afternoon, tice in last week's paper. I ! S. Kunz and daughter, Minnie. Herman Thomas, who has been sta tion agent at Dunbar, was hero this week for a few days' visit with his relatives and friends. He goes from here to Fort Crook, where lie takes charge as permanent age.it for the Jilssouii Pacific. Connie Watkins and Miss Maggie AVaki field, who came heiv from Mis- went to Omaha Tuesday to consult a specialist!. Minnie was suf Coring from a growth in the nose, which they exopet to have the snoi iallsts remove. Mrs. (J. L. Porter underwent it serious opt ration for gall stone ; at the Klmwood hospital Tuesday. At time of going to press she was d.'ing 'i :.- .'. . . i ;' . : V. I. iiii. i,.w I- :. ; l . ..'. -: i" u:.ie i!i 1 1. i .. t :. s : .! !i .-' in t ,'ci VJ 1 lo m i res to be ;.l icelat Iv aiivii'ir t 1 1 oi,t it'll move away He ilixT.l i-s ii lep. ty lis inllt.lltl ing of son.e -I in res of groMi 1, N 'docks north of the po.-t of fit o on which tin re j a I. no t.o story brick honse, n od barn, chick u house, ce mented ci liar under house, wine cel lar extending feet under ground, wi 11. t isti m. 's mro of grapes, -10 bearing apple trees, lots of plumbs, blackberries, etc., big oak shadt) trees, all of which affords a delight ful place to live. It overlooks tho Missouri river and tho big C. It. & Q. railroad bridge across into Iowa. The real estate further consists of u five room frame house which up to October 1st was rented at $s per mouth, but Is now unoccupied. All this Mr. Witherow will give the pur chaser for $L',ntii) it lid throw in free a head of in ih h cows, two brood sows, 1 Poland China boar, 11! fall pigs, 4 head of calves, horse, buggy, harness, saddle, stand i f bees, gar den tools and other personal prop erty of which we have not n full list. Certainly this h a good offer and ore thai will no! I l iu g.i un accepted. I! wonll lie especially good for some fanm r di fil ing to move into the lly mil at tii;' same tittle engage Pi da'ryiu-', g .r.h nlng, fruit an. I potiii'y riislug. .1. K. IJysnr: (f I'iiloii was among thi so atl -tiling "'I I.o Di .11" lit I ho I'annele last ni'-.h', cemiiu up on the evening M. P. nam and return ing a! n. i l;:u!,t. her condition Is considered quilt leal. Her many friends siiicer hope that idle may be restore 1 tier family. 1 1 H- v jiuisviile Miuri some time ago, went to Nebras- Ins well as could 1 xpected, although ka City last Friday and had Judge j Wilson perform the solemn ceremony of marriage. We have been unable to obtain any further information j upon which to base a more extend- j ed report. ! Diok Conrad's little son Henry, live venrs nf aire, suffered ail accidental ! Injury a few days ago while playing with the other children at the Tay lor school house. The boy fell and fractured his collar bono, and the services of a physician were neces sary to repair the damage. He is runnrteH ns eettinir along nicely. Everett A. Hunt and wife left last night for their new home in Texas, locating on the farm which Mr. Hunt purchased recently near Umbarger, in tlfe Panhandle country. While we re- an from the Courier, porn to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Si man, Wednesday. NVve.li I ei eleven pound boy. The many old I line fi lends of Mrs. .1. T. A. Hoover will regret to b arn that she Is seiiously ill with lun fever. John (latter, Chris Metzger and John Wolf, of Cedar Creek, attend ed the. shooting match at (Iretna 4 1 Ul "ThePln'.behindlhcSuifi i t! Tuesday. gret losing such excellent people, T,RJ jiattsn,0lni, Telephone Con; from our midst, we Join their manypa1y nave a foroe (,f workmen hero friends in wishing them abundant ;this W(,,.k jllst!1niili; ,.w phones. prosperity in their new home. Nehocwka (From the Iieirlstt'i-.) P.orn, to Mr. and Mrs. n. II. worsen on Sunday, November ... a baby girl weighing just three pounds. Mother and little miss are doing nl ely. l miU rni'Ktens from near Avoca was In this vicinity over Sunday the guest of John Wundeilich. cam in from Nebraska City where he has been doing jury duty in Judge Tria ls' court. Vilas Sheldon returned from his trip west Friday evening bringing Merrill, who has been with his grand parents, heme with him. There van something doing as soon as he could find "Twister," who has been lone some without a boss. William Case came In from Hol brook Wednesday to eat Thanksgiv ing dinner with H. F. Kropp. He came through Arapahoe and stopped off for a short visit with Unck Asa Coleman, who with his son Hay. is running a bakery and is doing a fine business and Is prospering and Mrs. Coleman's health Is Improving. Chauncy Oton came up from the southland a few days ago to get ac quainted with about the greatest boy in the whole United States rnd with whom ho will spend the winter. He likes South Carolina, has a good business, and says there Is only one ticket to vote down there.. It was Brynn or nothing, not enough re publicans to nominate a ticket In the county. Last Saturday was the thirty-seventh anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chappel, and their daughter, Mrs. Tucker, planned a neat surprise for them. She planned a splendid eve ning's entertainment and a large number of friends gathered to spend the evening and enjoy the refresh ments. At the close their friends nresented them with a twenty-nine piece sliver set which was gratefully received. Mr. and Mrs. K. A . Klrkpatrlck left on Wednesday morning for St. Joseph, Missouri, to be guests of their son. Guy. and wife over Thanksgiving. It will bo a hap py party of relatives and friends that will help to demolish the turkey Mrs. Ruffner of Plattsniouth. Mrs Dodge of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klrkpatrlck and daughter of Texas nii,i l'lmslblv Karl Klrkphtrlck of Chas. Richey and family were guests of F. M. Uichey, of Pla'ts- mouth, for Thanksgiving dinner. Chan. He.OVel w ho has been con fined to bis bed for a number of weeks wi'li pneumonia was able to come down town Tuesday. Missouri Pai!!e Station Agent Swartz is happy. His family arrived Friday morning. They will occupy the Kills houe opposite the P.aptht hurch. Vaughn Hardy gave a dnneo to a number of bis friends at the Hoiel poaker Saturday night. The guests all declare that "Med" Is a pb-asing host. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stohlmnn gave one or t lio most nounteous rosimnes of the day, Thanksgiving, to a large number of their relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fetzer returned Wednesday morning from a week s visit in Furnas county with their old time friend. Chas. Selkjost and family. They also stopped at llol- steln where they visited a couple of days with John Hup and family, al so former residents of this vicin ity. They say they had a most on- loyible visit. Compelled liy Necessity. It may be said that most inventions re the result of necessity. Whenever we need something for our comfort we nre making experiments until we succeed. We do not pay much atten tion to medicine, till compelled to do so by necessity. Only In those cases whore our digestion Is faulty, no experiments are necessary, because Trlnor's American Elixir of Hitter Wine Is the only reliable remedy. It acts In a natural way. strengthening the stomach and making it able to accept food and prepare It for a thorough digestion. It will make all organs to start working again. I'se It In all cases when you notice a de cline of your appetite and of your strength. At drugstores. Jos. Trln or. 6I6-C22 Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111. Watched Fifteen Year. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Hucklcn's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug- store. iiill! .',v r" , ttlMIIU'lilli 1 1 1. t i i 1 11. v iv a .i,t I l.i n CI I I I. In up ! ;t. C. A Mar-ball aft. r a bi I f i' t: ;t l.i i. coin, i . in in. ,1 lo ; i.i , in t hi- I'm i n u i c YA iisbiiigtnu smith of Omaha w as a vl-dter ill tho illy today, attending lo business matters. Henry lionat is looking alter busi ness today in Omaha having gone up on the early train. Jas. Slander, the Louisville mer chant. Is in the city today looking after business matters. .1. W. Ilroatch of Louisville Is an ting those in the city today attend ing to business matters. C. It. Kile or College View, near Lincoln, was In the city this morning looking after business matters. A. S. Wills was a passenger Ibis n oraing for South Omaha where lie will look afier the rattle market. Mrs. A. I). H.tss Is a vMtor Ibis aficinoou in Omaha having been a pa-seager on Hie mail (rain for that ciiy. l.i i:ls I' rleilricb N spending tho af lerin oii iii Oinal.ii looking alter bus- ( F-'JY w n all. M. is b i ii i!. y t rain. matters, going up on the fast KangiT, the woollex mop haul, king iifler biisimss in Omaha going up on I bo early morning tr I. C. Sliiilpe is morning Ii tiger for ilia da. was a business Isllor i Omalin, lielng a pas t clly upon the early M. O. b'ranks was a passengi r thin loo i on Hie mall train for Omaha vvl.eie hi' Kail company business to al'end in. Albert A. Weleiikn nip was a passen gi r t bis noon on l bo mail t rain for Dniaha whole -e had business mal 'els to iltlelll lo. Int. est Ahl, .;t.:e down Ihi m'!hi 1"- to loo ol near morning a for sum n: is In the i ily. . Ll-.U. S -l.i.l.y Jo ill Ui ,u;u.iu. , J,K,c7( PJ I t on mx.. .Mi s t-cbn edi'l' of Hie homo, is spending t bo day having been a passenger early t rain for t hat city. Louisville, on the o business Masonic In Oiualia, on the .Mrs. Miiirs, of Crcslon, lo., ar rived In the city this morning to be Hie guest of her sister, Mrs. (i. W. McCrai ken, for several days. A. Stohlmaii and daughter, were passengers this inorii tho early train for Omaha, they will spend the day. ('.. Kichcy and o-oning iifler v Ith Mr. and wife came home a Thanksgiving Mrs. Chi ml Kv- Hudllet S Perfumes Goring & Co (!.d Mrs. Crimea m ar I'iiloii. C. IL Hubbell of (floiiwood came over yesiordity afternoon for the pur i se i f taking in the show at the i mole, returning home this morn ing on No. ii. Fred I tii 11 tii of South Pond braved tl o severe cold today and itme down from his home to settle vviiii Ho- unity treasurer and look after other business matters. TilC Wise Judse for thtir luptrior merits. No othw rrady to-wfir trousrra (it to wdL wear to well or give such all-, around utisfjction. No other trousers tit sold under such warrintyt 10 Cents a Button; Si.OOaRip 3 We liaxo Ikvii i-xchisivi' agents for t hust silontlitl pants in iN.iUsmouth for 1 1 u" jat 0 years. Asl; votir lu-ilil'"!' if you want to know how j'imm1 tlii-v an. C, E. WESCOTT'S SONS " W 1 u'li' ( hialilv Counts. no. n was anioiig last evelilll).. In performance al i lll- lip lil t i ve look ill 'The l et I'M llg Ibis city or some point in the sinilb. He has boon thinking some of moving to Oklahoma Joint Skoiiiiial ib'parleil H is iiiii.n on the mail Main for Oiualia vvlo'te lie will make a i.sii with relallves. .Ies:e llalghl of I ' ii ion was In the illy last evening attending the Ih.;: lor and returning on I Ii miiinlglii ! rain. C. I'l. Mi l.ger an. I Miss Mary ! c i . -'.,er ciiiue ,n last evening from t'edar Creek lo williess the perl oi a lire of The HovI! " W. A. Frans of I those ill Ihc rlty It tellibl lice upon Ih he I 'ill 110 le. Chiis. A pl'b'ga I e ran ..iiig from I ' 1 1 i i 1 1 to llevil" ill the Patau iioii.1' at niiilnigbl . Miss Pearl Itraiiiblei of I'nion was olio o those In nt tellilalice lllioll I lie iheaier last evening, returning homo lft"' the pel I'ol lil.l 10 c. It. F. Nb kson, pin e work Inspecior of the lliirllngloii, from Aurora, 111., is in the rlty today looking tiller business at the shops. Miss Anna L. Srhoenfeblt departed Ibis noon on the mall train for Omaha where she will make her fu ture residence. Miss Sri iifebll has been a resident of Ibis city for sev eral weeks. ('. (I. Kllingloii and wife who have been making a Thanksgiving visit with llavid Young ami family near Murray, drove in today and were pas sengers on the mail for home. Mr. Young drove in with them returning home Immediately afier Hie train lift. They found the drive a very ci Id one. Are Always the Cheapest! Correct in every particular. Correct in Weave; Correct in Workmanship; Correct in styles, and always Correct in Prices. Such are the ijoods can he found at our store. Everything in Gent's and Hoy's Keadyto Wear Cloth ing and Furnishings. Um. Ml? PLATTSNIOUTH, - NEBRASKA Dr. .1. F. Jtrendol of Murrav drov up Ibis morning from that place and was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Omaha where ho had professional business to attend to. Herman Pankouin, one of the prominent Louisville citizens, was attending to business matters In the city today, coming down on the Schuyler and returning this after noon. Henry A. Schneider returned this morning from an overnight visit at Cedar Crook with his mother, who has been ill for some time past. He did not Und her In an improved con dition. N. W. Kanoff, one of I lie success ful and prominent farmers of South llend, Is in the city today, locking after his taxeH nt the county treas urer's office ami transacting other business. K. C. Wheeler of (ilenwood was among those from that city who came over last night to attend the per formance of "Tin Devil" at the Par mole, returning to his home this morning. Mrs. Helen Mullock, the lecturer, departed this morning for Chicago, III., after having delivered her lec ture in this city last evening. While here Mrs. Hullooh was the guest of Mrs. C. K. Woscott. J. L. Nicholson and wife of sprlnir llehl. Nob., who has boon spending the Thanksgiving season in this city the guest of Mrs. Nicholsons par ents, Uobt. Vanfloet and family, de parted for home this noon on the mail train. Charles A. Miller, of Thurinan, la. came over last evening to upend sew nil days in the city with rela tives ami friends. Mr. Miller con template making n ihango In loca tion In the spring and moving from his farm In the bottoms to either near ie guest of friends for several days. Miss llalloliaii accompanied her guest Miss Margaret Hayes of Davie, as far is Lincoln on the young lady's re turn homo after a Iiiaiiksglving vis it willi her. Congressman Pollard has recom mended the reappointment of A. A. Ilyvrs as post master at llavelock, whose commission will expire Decem ber 111. The posloffire department, has Informed Congressman Pollard that the office appears to bo n a very satlsfaitory condition from the records on file. State Journal. Miss Margaret iiy departed t Lis lain lor Lincoln llalloliaii or Ibis noon on tin mall Where she will In- HAS BEGUN HIS CAMPAIGN Congressman Pollard Will Seek a Re election Two Years Hence. i 'on g re: .stiiii n Pollard began his i n ii. palm for a reiioiiiiunl lou and ro lieitjon in l! I tl Immediately after .kill. .ii by writing a number of re publicans In the liisliicl asking them win. I tiny thought about the result of ll.e li it Inn. Mr. Pollard Is circu lating the following I'ply, received I mm a i o i re ! . p o 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 e al Kill Crook, as a sample of be many be has le eelvr.l: "Kephlng lo yours of Hie I It t It illsl., permit Hie oxpr.s.-i ln regret an. I snipti.e that a number of uii loi.a eii raiiM's swcpl you down lo de feat lit the recent election. I think i hiit no one inure than myself regrets It. I have on several occasions tak en the liberty of expressing to you my views on legislation pending In, congress and have always admired I he frank and candid manner in which you have expressed to m land carried out ) your honest convlo t ions. "I have taken some pains to talk: willi some of the leading republicans in our vicinity and hinl n practically unanimous sentiment and wish that you bo a candidate again nt the next congressional election. If the votq lo be cast again at this time, I firmly believ e I bat you would bo elected. 'in my mind Lancaster county In hugely responsible for the result. The iigriciilt uiiil colleges and farm ers' institutes are educating pooplij and calling their attention to tho overwhelming Importance of our farms, and I am one who took great pride In living in a district repre sented by a farmer and especially as the Importance of the committee as signment you hold was Just begin ning to become known and appro- i lllleil." (ooil Turin for Sale. IL'0 acres of good land within threo miles of I'nion, two sots of Improve ineiits. Prefer to sell altogether, but might sell one forty alone. Inquire of Chas. L. Craves, I'nion, Neb. Cow For Sale. A fresh cow for Hale. Inquire at Ptak At HaJoek'H cigar factory. D FOR THAT C COUGH or COLD TAKE A BOTTLE OF TAR WHITE PINE (With Cold Tablets) ering .& Co.