The Plattsrr.oathJourr.ol i-'LATrsMovrn. N..:n.A' -:a ! .I . ! '. !. .-, i t ' ," II- ..i J. I .- .....' r. ; r:i or in rift eurt di"a -r i f U. A. K TI. l'l i i.i -I! . 1... I I I I f V t r ills:.. i,..t ! ....all ;. !.. ;. r , . i ! i,i . if .ii. :. ! u'l . r CI.'jO Per tar II dvnc A K . . . :..r T v f fi.'t T : i: a i . i- 'Ir.-- ;:. :t. !"i s -f t - ('..:. .Lit; 1- f. -j l ui- ul.undiin'l) ' Ik i " -k i nf'ir tin' int'-re.-t of tli- people I tiliiut ninl assi-.t-nre r a.!. In' I fmrn republican. rnH'rtty mnnk th- Kir-t Nu tlotuil Hank of Fort .Siott. Kansas, lust Friday nn I tli'1 depositors to th" lAtiiit of $7" ,'Ho art- wond-rlii In, a il' ii .fitiirs' into would I... .. wirk.d? Connor t liall' iitu rwr'M ,! . Lir;i II. n that ii. 'ii who hoi 1 offi.n r.n.l'-r his .i Ii. liii-ti.V.oii n;i.-t ll.' lr s..!.!s w 1H calls.- a pa. lie ill: i' IW' liny .publicans who Ii, iy h.:w a hold-owr position. 'I'M. ii' i III hf a ti.tii- r.i' ut set It fir;. I Mr 111.' li"W .i;l l.l.nri' I:. eels I.) ...l.-.hiMt !l state lit llif TV. 'lli-' ha'." i, !n l,i Kansi.s u 11, h s.u s hoii hiill It of il' lliim i 'i th" fax-iai-m. Way im t cs".ih!i.-h !: In Ni hr.i k.i? Sill'.' Mr. ':irti ii- has t..:i ! a a for placing th" tax on th" lux uries if llf". so that th" li. h would y a propilale hhalf, sounds good. To further carry on Hi" goo. I work would It not hi- well to hint' an in comi' tax? Tlo ii.tnilf.TH of th" ih'w legisla ture nit. pledged to ri rtiiln measures, nn I tin :." ni'-amii'iM must In- iitloiitftl. It I ton la!" Iiuw to think of gulliK en these pledges Keep faith with tin' people, no matter how hard you .nay h" i'.i'K" l to do otherwise 1)V til" lobbyests. 'Urn ilt'inocnitli' i'Kilat mo hi not miss tho oiuoi'ti.nlty to ass u law 1(1 I'ltTl I' III It'll StllU'S HelllllOIS In Ai'hr;kii hy direct oti- of tho i'iilf. Tin" present election law hIiouI.1 he f.uhloll.'d lift IT thf Ol'i'HOIl law width makes It ohiliiatoiy upon tin1 It ni.-da-lnii t.) elect tli" lani'.ldati' for st-iiu-tor pm elves a idnrallty voti- in tin; state.--Kearney lieuim-i at. CiUlsplcloUS 11 moil k4 till' puhlihcd loiilributuls in th" n pilldli an ram paH; n fund ii iv Chill i, h I'. Tafl. 1,1't.ili. r of Ih" pr,'sl.l. iit-.-li 1 1. N.dsmi ro il v. i ll an! ,1. I'. Mi I'an. Tin s" ui" tl.r. .' ( f tin' n, "ii , hariii-d wlili haihm fni mi' I n a Ih ati', hy l lr!i (Ii'- Panama iii;ht wis all. r' d to Iia.' h.-"ii Iioi:kIiI fl'oi.i th" Kli'inh t iiinpiiny frr $.'..n,M,iinii and m! I th" rliilit to this i: v.TiuiM iit far $1".- (MH,l)l'll. Ir I..' ; ''. v. a.! i- f - . .. 'I. 1 I. . t.TW . ..,. a. .1. t... i ,- -. I' t. . - :'.v - i .; i . a . . . : i j : ... ; ,. il. ti .r i.,,.,l- I 0 . rn k .:.'. ii" f, I t Ii to t a'ti.' I i t ;..f. Ii-.- if I:,-- (! .'. 11. ! - - i'.lll:-- win t!.i an I i.i f""lii.i; a: i,.i. x of tla-lr malih. A-i otir iiiiih rn knkh'. hi i-k thoiiith h" h" h-s roniaiilii' than th" kiilnht of idd. h" I.-, iiior" or h -1 of ; man mi l hai nu r" of th" t r n q ial I'y of hrothi-rly Itm Oil" of th" tl.nt thi n" tnodi-rn i tiaiit'iioii. a i ilahl" Sir (lahiha.l. Is t h" t-ai.i" ,Miti r Tom .ItihiiM.n. Th" loV" of iiio:ii-y l-t aln t m.i- v r 1 1 . Thh Im" pt.-t.--" I ton irnl- ra'" t!- v-ri-" U a !,! -.iii;. it n. n ral!) ii, "ti with a haul imt. . r 1- ante rail! n i,l i.mti.y r--n.i.-,! 1" f r H. "ir n.-'.iiiiii - . th,-ir ::. a'.; ( riL.- '. '!.. i ,"i Mid a, a l.o t.a .- - .I", I l:i .-. ii. 'rin,: :l;i... .'. i i! h" t ;,a lad I hi- I a " t f .a !.. i :i pi o, r In n ; ..a ha f.i'.ad ; ran lad"" 1. lai.i'.n i la h -' '.- in ti. a mail!) iiatn. 'I . in. Jid.ii-toi. (ui - t!' l." i 'ii I Iii I ui. . r . v. rilt.i). Ir.-t 1" hai -a. -i;i,.- l I.I u, .lia. II ., h . mo i'ifli.,1 t i..-"l:, a in' vi .lid In- ful l;-! , hut .- I. . il.'ir- ! It 1. 1 . ..n I Mi: 4 '' 'a- il, a'l. i' war adM t.-i'.'ia ,ir .i roi.n li.ti Ufii.. i-iu.ii;.'! in n i. k- i'i.; tl " I h od f a il"f"ii-t I--". p"i. 1 1". Hi Is r.ort sti'ppliiK down out of hU pailais and tliawlnn i.a.ii:.-; !i" Is M'l'ing his inansitiiis, his ituto-ino'aih-s and In- i.-, n lliiiK to a inod "nt iititai;" whir" with hln family II" pl OpOM S lo 1 1 v -. I'or a man thus to ll-'hl, uiih .1,--ii'riniiuii Ion itiitl intt lls. iit ", wi ll knotting what it Mill cost Mm. and in tin' Inti-rt-sts not partii nlai ly of hl kith and kin, but of th" n-at iinn inon pfopl" who Kondy iii-i'tl mnh a champion, wi- say that thhs Is a most adiiiliahla kind cf heroism a kind so (Mill.-d as to have niiich of tli" Christ life in It. We aiv glad luilti'd that wv havi within thi ranks of th" di-tiiorra'ir nnrty man cf th" timln i of this man. Mfti lik" Kit hard Croi k-r and th" Tammany lim-s.'.s nn no honor to any ail), In.t mi'ii lik" (loM-rnor John s. a, W. .1. l'.rvan and Tom Johnson 't nil i;ualit) to tla- party ami h"d li.s;r upon It. la t us In 1.1 tlnir lif" work up hi fii" tl i n" of rbc gi-ni ia'lon soon ,o i".i-i ; i- aiuri' lif.-. and tln n h t tin.' inr.ii',' i:a a f th" loun'ry draw tlndr !!' !l'--d.'sl! fl 111 Ml. Il II I II IIS tlll'V, thi'ii shall II. . ili niociiitic party know in fi ar a a I u!'T no p.-rniaiifiit d"-f.a,. , r. ri' 1 1 ;a .1, air i n I- ai tuni' I !n 1 ,rl I : V." 1. '...f - a ; t I ..ii.i a '.. 1 .1 t inn,' ( " )..-, ii . : . i, . 'Iv la ii ,i, ii -i l.n.i) . tr. a; ! if 1 V'. I. I ! 1.. to I fl' II, $ " ..1 Ark.-, t v.-t t'f ti. r I' . i--:. K-i i:-. I- . I.. a f i f.'; t X..-I i . s al illll t'.;, , 1. , l" l ' : i . i . r , I a '..') I - ( : I - i a i w ii i r . tr-a i i! N. - v. r, ' i i; ( I! N"l A.n.rdii.K to th" opini.ii.s of sav 'ral of th- lavk.M-rn of the state, (i.n li rnor Sti l.lf-ii may corn" to the ton- ill.Mri.ais ofl'l'si"" '' 311 1 b' h:lt h" ha 1"''tl ti.'j pn- toils 111 appainuui; ui" n.i :n w .apri-nie Judt'-s. l'rohahly h" hud a f"w pet whi. h 1." d- sirad to I, i,i..r.lin."!,t hi for" II" ".sti-DI.ed llow II an I out." It it should prme that il a.-iituMoaal atm-a liia nts must !." ra'i.i" 1 ! th" .-ilatur , th-n Com nu r Sla 1 !t n h;-s land" a jirave mi-tak". An I Hoot. Ui -" and Faw i,i! v, i 1 ('.. .-.'II," st'-ppli.H d. '.v :i (; a:i t a ir I. if") pi -i'l' I '.' t'li.i-! l iMi -ati in.. i n !:u"!i's la .-,'at--.- ! I, ra!i:i" 1 ht (,,l" tla-) h"f ill" .;.-,;; --. and wl.)" nut in N"hr;.-ka '.' w a f- r I- a;js 1 ' a ! i. hi- ,,,-1. !. f il, tr.,- ,r- i kli . tla- m.'.I. .',! h ai." sii, " a ha:. k Ml.l'h, li"V. tin- 111 a ' ; I" Irtie - t ii.i,!.' if ih:v eirs of t ,.ia ' .-.-rir i;n lif- and sixty i f i' !i--j'h In', 11, -i tual a, l.ii-w-a.ei,;, t -pr,-s"l l.i::.s.-lf in t rn.s cf the pro-faiind"-t anni stii i.-m. And onl) wiilila tl.rae or four k.s it U made t. i'. i. i i i - al la :a' . --r t u! v ivui- d K1..-.1S ;-.'.. 1 . v ' I.t'v a'.l ' T:.. a fi r t '.a -'av...! a , . c ... i 1 tS- r ,, ;i. . ' - r i:: it 1;":!- I) 1:: Ci.'.t Dr. Hess' Sleek Fcod oicr.t;f: . cor-.ounJ fur horsu ara! cattle. Hess9 Sleek Food l'a i.i i"!.tril t, ma'. ..,.! ! a fat ::i a:: ! v. .-a:iy Ci.v niorniii; to !. !iw-r th- d-"i. Th" fama-r who was bu)iu; i-Xiusal hi:i. elf and went out to the harn: he was wau-hed and was seen to pi. k a frviari-nteed ta resu!ti. F. G. Firckk & Co . Ii u-p;sts. For Chapped SK in. ' Cliappid skin whether on the handi or fae may be cured in one nig-ht by applyintf Chamberlain's Salve. It is a also unequsled for sure nipples, burns v nr.! Si-aiJs. Fr fa'.e by F. G. Fricke & Co. pualif. what his imin.ate fri.-nds had!li!l ta:i frow a corner if the hog lot an 1 take from It $l.."..i in hilis. Land agents say the t-p-ritTKt of ri-ieUiiiK paika.'es cf mustv bills, cii- iiamoi tality anl l.o partii ular long-! d.-ntly buried for a time, is not un itiK cultivate suih a faith. ! usual. 111.111311111; that large sums are Norton had 110 faith In the theory of E2.GUE.Slon thus n.noealed anion; 1 o immunities. the farr.iing '1 h ::::'i-sah "!i h i ;:!s as ii. !:a.ii.-' r a t t i"i 1 :." at ti.,- 1,'t" gue w as a fa'.', 1 -. I in in' n- v. a) s .-!etti-ii. Tlnir Pair oil Joe Canuon has Inani the ruinhllng and he too, now says be is in favor of a qulik reduction tf tariff. Joe said this after Andrew I'ariii gle publicly ileclan d that trusts 110 linger deserved protection niitl that the system Is wrong. That's what the democratic party lias said for twenty-five years, and as soon as the republicans saw It was beliiK forced they Jump Into the breat h and yell: "Why, of course It's wrong, nml we are going to fix It." A repub lican statesman has a great heal for looking backwards. The riattsnioiith Journal contin ues to make sarcastic reference to "Vic Host-water' s publicity bureau." The Journal may as well be Informed now that the press bureau referred to ceased to exist with the election and can no longer be used for pur poses of political Insinuation. Lin coln Star. We would also Inform the esteemed Star that the election has bi-e n out for almost a month and It Is about time for that paper to cease Its sarcastic remarks In ref erence to the late democratic candi date for president Hon. William Jennings Ilryan. '"What Is sauce for the goose is sauce fur the gamier." A Noble Man. There are a great many nn-n In the democratic party whose lives are no great credit to the party, but there are also many whose lives ring so true that they an- an or nament and strength to the party. frow 11 No terror holds fi-r you! Wtalth ti ines and g. tour Meady soul Yet holds serene 11 TI 1 true. Throughout the land Kach honest hand I'xtellds in love to )o-.:. In the opinion of many, that the piipos.'d guaranty law, should be specific as to the annual dues from banks; say not less than one tenth of one per cent on the average de- loslts, payable soon as the law takes effect and on the first of each Jan uary thereafter, till the fund reaches .1 million then to ceas", till by loss It falls below that amount. In case of great financial crash Jike that of 1 v ".i 3 -1' t and a. and the fund is wiped out, when the depositors will not get their money at once; but wait till the yearly assessments liquidate all the obligations of failed batiks to their leposltors. This might take a year or two, but no one could object to that, for they would be sure of their money In time. In case of such a definite liability to the guurantee fund, the national banks could par ticipate, thus adding greatly to the sum collected each year, and mak ing depositors In all banks secure. ,.1 ;.n.i.:; i. 11 wa- ri-pi's-ntt-l ttion-'- 1 hy hall' thin it 1. iliv Is. A few lays I- f. i"" tla- i-l -clii a. 1 lici.U'l-s re s-:it briuidcas: ov. r th- stite 1 iiilnr -inK ( i o v.-1 nor .-in I, Ion lor r'- "ei tio 11. Ii- was not only (I.Ti-a''. d. but i:i i -mtv stale where this orgait- iauh ti ha 1 endorsed candidates those candidates wire defeated also. Look l.t Ohio, where they supported Har ris. Indiana where tiny support!- 1 Watson. Tin re are several (iiin r slatt-s in whi. Il tin y In.-t out. The aiiii-.-alooii l.-ugai' Is a ih-i -ait and a fraud. RpfitTima tnSrifli the Southwest On th" other hand. e-Senator Wil liam H. Chandl'-r cf New talks to a farmers' nieiiiu f his be lief not only In on, mortality Imt ti mi.s inigra, ion an 1 1 In- expanding exisieiu-- I ill Mi" ir r.. re of th" nui.-.b-i 1-s.s v.i rl.I- wl.h I. t-u i.-i.tly 1 ir.-l" through ti'" iinht-r.-''. .:r. 1 h.uall. r's piuion In sin h a mattiT is us goc-l a-i that of tu- train !' and that ( f tlia tr-at ladais v.l.o hi'.'." i.-' -i i.a-n'ioia-i. :il la ft i" then: all ran) perhaps be anferrel as a glide to truth, the in.ple faith f t'::- hr. ly work woman who founts in -r l.-a !s and aiuttfts In r pra;, eis ?s .ih" t lis faith iiilly ami hopefully tlonm for tVen scieiue Is h.'.aiiu.i:! to reccgliize tin- xisii in a of a lain 1 it being belov. 'hat cf tli" iocs, ious a suh- lilliial : If wl.h h l.i-ioi.a-s thore deep ly hidden as the const ious mini ile velrtpes which seems to he stronger in wo.ii"ii than in r,;e:i. which is liiiidt d bv intuitions and l.i t by tin- reason, im.l Ahhh mr.y he the larg-, ar and mire essential part of the in-; Notice t-f Soleo? Note end Mortgage livkual spitlt in man. Ft r has ir , Security. lot In i ll V. littell Th" business men of I'lattsmouth should take a few b-ssons "On l'ublie Spirit" from the business men of Louisville. As in the bridge matter, for a bridge at ross the Platte flier, they have have waited long enough and could not g"t the counties of Cass and Sarpy to build It so they have commenced the work them selies. The fir.-t thing our people know some other town in the county will build nn alfalfa mill while our people are thinking about such an enterprise, sdow people are respon spansible for a slow town. taie of tla- s" -rets revealed by Mr. 'aru.-gie in hU tiflitl" in tin- Ceii uiy iiiai..i.iiie, is that at ' ualor a in, all's sug' -'ioit he prepared the . In-ilub s ft r lr'.ii and ste.-l In tin Wi'si ii bill. Tli" iiaTH-:" r.'iiniii'ii ;:i duties which la- In.-orporated and wh'ali s.-enie 1 r.-asanahle to him was iboiit cm -third. Tin- Dinnley a. t re sti red part of the re In. Hons." Am iable congress, wasn't It, to give the -tei-l makers even mi re than they asked ? Must Change Constitution. Commissioner Fawtvtt Is of the opinion that tin- present member of the supreme court are entitled to the Increase In salary as min li as are tin- members to be appointed by the Koiernor under the amendment voted on at the last eleitlon. It will In st range to have some members of the This paper has a ery Interesting litter from a certain republican sen ator extending congratulations be- ause of the defeat of I'ollard and this senator's voice reaches quite a bit further than that of the Job-grabbing department clerk. Nebraska State Capital. Every first and third Tu day of ca-h month, low-priced I'.omesceker's excursions are run over the lines of the : : : Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain into the lich ar.d resourceful farming- regions of the South west. It is a splendid chance for the Northern tri Eas tern farmer, f.fter his wheat B gathered, to comline a pleasure ar.d rropectinp trip. Write for rates and literature to HUGH NORTON. Ajent. M. I Ry.. I'lattsmouth, Neb. ...TO THE GULF COAST COUNTRY... Every 1st and 3rd Tues day in Each Month Over tne Missouri Pacitlc Railaj $23.65 Round Trip. Tickets Gccd 25 Days Can stop off ai.ywhere cotrp or com it:jr. Train leaves I'lattsriiouth, Neb., VI v'i a. m ; arrived Kansas City Tues day morning 0 o'clock making connec tions with the fust train tfoinjj south to the Gulf. We have a private Pull man Dining Car (Julia). 50 cents for births and 35 cents for meals. We are closing out a ranch near El Campo, Texas, ofH3, Wo acres, at 22.50 to $30. (X) per acre, on easy terms. We have sold over one-half of this land to farmers who will at once commence to improve their lands, build good houses and barr.s. Also lands near Edna and Vic toria, If you want to make thi3 trip with us, let us know in time to get you a ticket. I'.uy your ticket over the Missouri Paci fic "to Kan?as City; Santa Fe Railway to Houston, Texas, and from Houston to San Antonio over the G. H. & S. A. Haihvav. JOHN MURRAY, Jr TEXAS LAAD AGENT. P. 0. Box 605 PUttsmouth Keb. .... i m-v 1, Ni'TICK l IIKKF.ilYiii VF.S thai i..v vlr'iie lllKl Illcl 1.- 11, ,1 ...,,....'..,., ,,.., II.. M I I, .. , have ben nit!, this consideration in : tiLZt .Ii .-.-as .1. li e iihiii rvi-M-.I t,-,-,i;i; of ,M .-ia'r -a ill at i'ul.1 , inn ',. i !,i- nit'lii-st l,i,,iei f.,r a 1-i-itHiii i)n.n,l--M,i.v r.nii- in tl.e ii in.'li'ivl sum .,f :.',.'ji..n, wiili iu'pr-ett uls.. nrul i, indent nml hist revealed 1 therr-mi at tl.e iiti- i,r i-i.'lit i-i.-ciii t ) from viisc anu iiiudtni ami nasi rex .in u ( ((I (f M.iy , itvh( r ,vjl a ( r. tain im linage .In .1 in Hie Wet Half ef Lot mind? that the Lurd of heaven and earth "hat hid these tilings from the them unto babes?' publican. -Springfield Re Notice of Hearing. IN THF. i ofNTV C( il'KT HJ" CAS li't NTV. NFIiKASKA. In ll.f maiti'i t.f the (niardian-,lil of Maififie I.arsen, I ip'tinuieleilt. Ti. I.i.iiIs I.arsen. anil all iieist.ns Intel ested or t'.,ii.-i'iiii-il: Vim aie Let el v ii.itlllifl. that tl.i nnd.'rslu-n- f..r tlio navnient of ai,l ni.ti'. That vml ii.n,. I' I.uver. Iiti lieeii HiiiKilnieil sim-IiI and iiuiriL'ak'e inatiin sDii May liit. I:t. and t iimmlssiuiift tu Imest luate and ri'lmrt tli ire a eart of the asil of the e,tate ef said si ui us antl oi.ntlllinn t.f the estate nf Maififla tli'.'eav.l. r-u.'h sale will takf iJlace at tl.e l.aisen. Iii.'i.nii'tiiit, for whom you have In-en south il.H.rt.f the loiirl ll.nise In saitl City of a. t li.K as iKiiilli'.n. I'lattiiiumth on tin- ;'lst ily t.f .NovemU'i.ilit"'. 1 1.11 me flintier notified that nal.l tuitler- i .Mne (l'l In l.l.n-k I wi niy-iiif (.VI of im- ,-iiy t,f I'lattsinoutli. Nt l.iasUa. whn'li Is securliy the hunt t.f .ni' o'.'I.N-k I'. M. Iat ate.l this 31st day of ( V toUr. l'.KK I'-H CaTH.IIUNK HITf.. 11-3 Kxecinrlx. . O Iiwtkh. Attorney. I if feet of lleposlt (ilia rant)'. I Correspondence of the New York Evening Post. ) Whatever may he the fault of the hank guaranty system it seems to inspire confidence among the misers to bring out some of their hidden wealth A s-toi khohler in a new state hank just organized in eastern Okla-1 to hear the music In your kitchen''' homa tells of its experience. At the end of the first day I estimated that the deposits would he about SHhOuO. A friend t;ue.-sed Onn. We in- estimated and founl they wi re $V, ihhi. I ak.'l the ca.-hit-r whence it it a!l came. ".'About $r,".i'"U cair.e from the sl-'iieil has tili-tl nis H-iHit t In said court, and I't-tliloiii'il llit-ii'iii for Miur leinoval as such Kiiaiillan. A No that there I s'rl.'ken from your r. of l-'i-liruary 3. II 4. and disallowed the I'em of Tir."".!.!. ivhlrli v.m Hiked to lie al lowed for .veil r services, fur the leason that y.'iu services hail U-euof no value to the es tate of sulil ln,'otr,etf m. It U fun tier t'hiiikitil In said Htlilon that rents from the luoiiei t y of siiiil Maio-'le si n. h).'t,iii.i'ii'iit. huve a.-.'iimiiiai.-.l kIiick , .i ... your ln-t telt'll lliev.-iss nf the sum of It S a Sikfn Of COil Satisfaction. Want i ... ivhi.-l, havel ei n in mi way accounted r. I lial said in tli Ion sut't'ests the annolnt- Kav order coal fnim thU nil'eo and it.ent of tfuaitllan forsal.l lii.-on-, . i rri, .,... "L ... . 1 i n itn-si mai ion of sal.l I'elltloii and re- yard. The Output Of the Irenton i.n an or.ler was entered set- WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS mine the fuel we handle has tlO SU tlnir the same for hiarlnir on the l.lli day of perior places nerinr anvwliere. it In feu I'e.'cmi er. I'. at t he hour of ten o clock, i a. J, V. EGENBERGER 'PUflNC riattsnioiith No.Ii. rnurtr. ltl,ii no.3m. PLATTSMOUTH, in . of saltl il y. at Hie county court loom In I'latisii.oiitli.Ni'liia-ka.tti which time you shall ,ii sent a .'..iiu!.'te recoil of your uels and do 1 1 k to date In the i slim- of said lin'oni it-tent, and also ut saitl I line you may appeal and eon- Jtest the i ililon i. ii. i tiled as afoiesahl. ihi.I show cause. If any you have, why said llem of iW) should not he ilisiillowed and ' s? i i.-keii from yoiii last it-port of date afoiesahl. UFHRAnKI I'atcil this I'.'th thiv of Noveinher. UK'S. nLunOMi. n-l'.'-:it. I. u. hwYKii. lVtltloner. Huckwheat and saus.iKe, the vic tuals on which John I. Archbold says he lias grown Klein, are ut. i m toK.'ther a bad diet, but on their hot? and hominy, beef anl wheat Nebras- Kans are prepared to bold their own iKalnst all creation in the. struggle for rlKhteousiiess ami prosress. If the next Cass County Teai herV Institute cannot be held at Elmwoed lurint? the ChatuaiKjua we say It shouldd be held In riuttsmouth. It has been several jears since the an nual Institute has been held at the county seat the proper place for It. A 1'iver.ltjr of View. In the I'ollard advertising matter which Is now beltiR printed as a let ter from an employe of one of the departments at WashiiiKton. "Hoplim that I'ollard will lottio back." The democrats went before the people and pledge themselves to arlous reforms. These reforms must be carried out to the letter. The people expect It. M HOLIDAY AlOOMCEliiTll Every Department in this progressive store is now filled with an endless variety of Christmas Gifts. Christmas shoppers will find extra pleasure in making their purchases here on account of neat price saving on every article. Here you will find a very extensive line of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of all kinds; Clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Goods, and our immense exhibit of Silver Goods of every de scription, suggests many inexpensive Christmas gifts. Remember that you can buy many little novelties in jewelry and silver from 50 cents and upwards. Come Early and Avoid the Rush! OPED EVENINGS J. W. CRABILL, Sixth and Main St., Plattsmoutti, Nabraska. -rr