Murray Department. 4 Z r 1 in hie intkkksts ok tup: peoplk of muuuay and vicjnity especially fok the journal keadebs. ( a. of tlut readers of tht Journal know of a nodal event or an item of interest in tlu vicinity and icill mad samt to this ojtice it will appear undtr this heading. We want all item of interest. Editor Journal. tf 7 n n ..Start a Checking Account. It is not necessary that you have a large amount a small sum will start an account. When you open an ac count with us, we furnish you a bank book and checks. Mo Extra Expense U A checking account gives you safety for your funds convenience for your business transactions a receipt for every bill paid. It Is Systematic to Pay by Check. Murray State Bank R J T 1 scy u . ! Coyote a liat Catcher. King, the coyote owned by D. C. Ilhoden, the liveryman, Is showing siens of civilization. His ancestry used to sit around on these hills long years before man knew there was land beyond tiie great sea and send up their doleful cry with nothing but wild beasts or stray bands of wild Indians to hear his call. The Indian has been forced into civilizfiation, b"ut this much despised nomad of the prai rie of his own free will becomes a rat ter and thus regains his race. King is a good wild dog. He loves to search for rats and his agility makes him a terror to them. Improving Their Store. Holmes & Smith, the enterprising and up-to-date merchants of Murray, are compelled to have more room, and in order to get it they have cut a passage between the main store room and the one adjoining, which was formerly occupied as a storage room. This will be filled with the finest display of holiday goods that was ever opened up in Murray. After the holidays it will be used as an an nex for various other lines. The firm is doing a splendid business. All of which they truly deserve, for they are both good business men and most ercellent gentlemen. Nl UVJ Look (DuofiS Watch this space forathe an nouncements" of HOLIDAY attrac tions at ho i 9 WILL BE OPEN NEXT WEEK. Arnold Holmes is visiting home folks. Dr. Walker spent Sunday with his parents. Genevieve Marks is on the sick list this week. Geo. Merger shipped a car of sheep to Omaha Monday. Dr. T. J. Bredel made a business visit at Union Sunday. Albert Young was a business vis itor at Plattsmouth Monday. Hope to meet you Saturday night, December 1 2 at Valley Farm. Be sure and attend the home talent play Saturday evening, December 12. Mr. William Nelson leaves next Tuesday for Unionville, his old home. Chas. Stone is improving slowly, but is not able to leave Omaha as yet. Miss Jamison spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Weeping Water. A number of our people attended the horse sale at .Weeping Water Saturday. Mrs. Kenedy and her daughter. Agnes, were Plattsmouth visitors Saturday. Mrs. A. L. Baker visited Platts mouth Tuesday morning, returning on the 10 train. Mrs. Kate Kesler, of Shelton, Nb., is the guest of Jas. and Wm. Longh ridge this week. A complete line of overshoes for men, women and cnuaren, at Holmes & Smith's. Hurry and get your corn gathered so you can go to the home talent play the 12th of December. Miss Jessie Gilmore, one of Ne hawka's school teachers, spent Sun day with Wm. Brown. Chas. Ferguson spent Saturday and Sunday with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Edmunds. A Thanksgiving program will be rendered by the children of the Mur ray schools Wednesday, November 25. Levi Rosterholtz returned from Burlington Junction, Missouri, Sat urday. He has been very sick since then. Winfield Swan, from near Union, ran a rusty nail in his foot this week, causing a very painful and dangerous wound. The fishermen at Rock Bluffs have been very successful this week, hav ing in their fish boxes 1,500 pounds of live fish. Quite a number from these parts went over to Cedar Creek Monday to attend the sale held on the Par- mele place. Mrs. Ed Steiner, of Rawlins, Wyo., came home to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W.-Berger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruby are. re joicing over the arrival of a newgirl at their house. - The little stranger, ar rived Saturday evening. -" Wm. Hamiton, the carpenter, has opened up a shop over the black smith shop in the hall once occupied by the A. O. U. W. lodge. ' Come to the farm. What farm? Valley farm. When? ' Saturday night, December 12." Where? Jen kins' hall. Who ownes the farm? Why Rex Young. Dr. Hungate and family stopped with friends in Murray Sunday night. The doctor had some trouble with his automobile and had to send for the "trouble man," Harve Manners. John Beckman, living in Eeight Mile Grove precinct, has been suf fering with a large abcess of the hand which threatened blood boisoning, At last report he has improved some what. The entertainment given by the girls of the Christian church Satur day evening was a decided success. There was an unusual large crowd present. Special credit should be given to Mrs. Isabel Young. Dr. Pitman is having constructed a fine house on his lots just north of Main street. Dave claims that he has traveled about twenty-two thous and miles in the last year walking from home to his business. Charley Byers, the lucky sport at Rock Bluffs, shot seven large geese in one day on the river. A big fat wild goose weighing ten pounds was sent to Dr. Gilmore to prove some of the stories about hunting by the nim rods along the Missouri river. Some excitement prevailed here Monday over the appearance of two suspicious characters, answering pret ty closely to the description of the Weeping Water murderers. They were last seen near the Missouri river where they looked for a boat to Cannot ISecover. The Journal regrets to chronicle the serious illness of its old friend, i.evi Rustenholtz, and that his life is despaired of. Mr. Rustenholtz has been afflicted with rheumatism for several years, and within the past two or thre weeks with dropsy. Dr. BrendeJ accompanied him to the Burlington Junction Springs a few days ago in the hopes that he might receive some relief there. But after remaining there over night he re turned home, accompanied by an at tendant from the springs, since which time he has been growing worse. Levi Rusterholtz has been a resident of Cass county for many years, ono of our best citizens, highly respected by all, who regret his serious con dition. May Loses His Kye. Jean Cole, the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. France Cole, living five miles southwest of Murray, re ceived a very serious accident to his eye last Wednesday. He was attend ing the Mount Pleasant school, and in company with other boys was play ing hunter and rabbit. The hunter used bows and arrows. Unfortunately a weed used as an arrow struck lit tle Jean in the eye ball letting the fluids run out. He was taken to Dr. Gifford at Omaha the next morn ing, where he was placed in the hos pital and every effort will be made to save the eye. Little hopes are entertained by Dr. Giffcri. Xew Scenery for Hall. Col Jenkins has one of the finest entertaining halls to be found in any town in Cass county, outside of Plattsmouth. Everyone who has seen it will say this. It contains every es sential except the proper drop cur tain and scenery. While in Murray Wednesday we were pleased to learn that the colonel has concluded to put these in. And in order to assure our readers that the work will be well done, all we have to do is to tell them that that eminent artist, Prof. Arch has been employed to complete the work. Colonel Jenkins deserves credit for his enterprise. Sold His Kansas Farm. Mr. A. M. Holmes, who went to Kansas some time ago to look after his property there, sends back word that he has sold his farm at an ad vance of $2,250. This land he pur chased five years ago, and in counting the crops he has received the investment has certainly proved a good one for our old friend. Mr. Holmes also writes that they need not look for him in Murray for several months, as he is going to spend some time visiting relavtves and friends in Oklahoma, Fnjoyed Her Visit. Mrs. AY. S. Smith returned Tuesday fromQrd, Neb., where she and Mr. Smith.. went qme time since to attend the wedding of a sister of the latter. Mr. Smith returned a few days after the marriage, while Mrs. Smith pro longed her stay, to visit at Ord and also to visit a sister at Daven port, Neb. Mrs. Smith seems highly delighted with her trip, and the best of all, her husband does not appear quit'.- so folorn as he did a week ago. Butter and Kggs Wanted. We will pay 20 cents for table but ter; 16 cents for tub butter; 25 cents for No. 1 eggs, meaning large, clean and fresh; 16 cents for No. 2 eggs, meaning small or dirty, but fresh. Holmes & Smith. Dr. B. F. Brendel accompanied Mrs. Dave Lloyd to the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha Monday, where she was operated upon for necrosis of the left limb. Mr. Lloyd also ac companied his wife. Word received from the hospital is to the effect that she is getting along nicely . Duroc Jerseys for Sale. I have for sale five male Duroc Jersey pigs. Weight about 150 pounds each. All ready for registering. H. L. Oldham, Murray, Neb. A fine line of fur coats for men, made of bear, dog, and Galloway hide, guaranteed for two years. Prices from $17.50 to -35.00, at Holmes & Smith's. Henry Prosser, Contracting, Plastering1, Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been in use for over SO years, has borno tho signature of r and has Iwcn mario under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ftubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Cot a I'.ml Fall. Harry Johnson, the well known ontractr r, yesterday afternoon re ceived a veiy bal fall which made him unconscious for more than four hours and the effects of which might have been more than serious. He was engaged in repairing a chimney upon a house belonging to Henry Mauzy. Mr. Johnson accident ly slipped and fell from the rcof to the ground, a distance of some twenty feet. The effect of the fall was to make him unconscious and badly bruise him up. Some of the neigh bors who saw him fall huried to his assistance and conveyed him to his home where he received attention. His condition today was so much im proved that he was able again to be about town. Photo post cards of Taft at Platts mouth, now on sale. Ten different views 5 cents each. Nemetz & Co. Next to P. O. How is Your Digestion? Mrs. Mary Dowling of 228 8th Ave., San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Hitters in a case of acute indigestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and alterative medi cine invigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness. 50c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug store. Mind Your Business. If you don't nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out ot liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug store. E. G. & SOG3. M'fl MM LINEN mmm SALE - Superior Quality Bleached Mercerized, 60-inch $ jjq Extra Fine Quality Bleached Mercerized, 60-inch - go Fine All-Linen (Buttercup) Design, 65-inch g Superior Quality Bleached, (Rose) 72-inch j qq Superior Quality Bleached, (Cerysantbemum) 72-inoh l 75 Extra Fine Bleached, (Dotted Center) 72-inch 90 Superior Quality Bleached Mercerized, 65-inch 75 Fine All-Linen (Silverbleached) 72-inch jq Good Linen Finish, (beautiful design) 72-inch ... qq NAPKINS! A Fine Bleached Mercerized Napkin, per dozen $1 50 Unbleached Silverbleached and Bleached a large variety of pat terns, per dozen, from $1.50 to g 00 DAMASK TOWELS We have just bought a large quantity of towels, and by buying a cer tain large amount, we secured a special low price, of which we are giv ing you the benefit. You ought to see them. We invite you to look at our extensive line of Furs. Anything you want. Mink, Fox, Squirrel, Marten, Coney, Chinchella, Near Seal. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb. V take them across the river.