r ax i m w 1 PltKPAKKD IN Till: INTKIIESTS OF T11K PLOPLK OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. a ami of lite nailer of tht Joirmil know uf a social went or uu item of interest in this vicinity and nill mail .sme to this ojpce it mil upj,eur tauter this beading. We ico nl ail items of interest. Editor Journal. 74 XYXXN.XOOVVXXCVCVX Murray Department I 7 m m ST V it r f C. C. PARMELE, President. sJ EZ& $ZE3E32EO COL FRED L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. 6. BOEOEKER, Cashier. Pay by Check! Get into closer touch with our finan cial affairs. Keep tab on every cent coming in and jjointf out. You can do this easily. Start a checking account with us; de posit whatever money you now have issue a check for every obligation. Your bank books records all items. Every check is a receipt. Allow us to explain the checking sys ' 'tern to you more fully. Murray Slate Bank Mvirray, NebrJcvske. fl Murray, Nebraska. n ,353 tgaasn yjm can -em eJf Virgin is A Pleasant Kvent. The littlo son of O. V quite sick. J TiltJ Hustlers of the Christian En- .1. A. Walker was a county seat i society entertained the young peo- visitor Monday, pie of the Christian church at the Mrs. A. L. Paker was a Platts- home of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Moore mouth visitor Friday. j four miles southeast of Murray the Mrs. V. F. Brendell entertained j evening of November 6 the Kensington Thursday. I Th- house was gaily decorated Misses Pauline and Fay Oldman were fiatlsniour ii visitors yesier- with Jack o' lanterns snri candies raid presented a pictur Kfjue scene day. Th day. I lor the gala occasion. ink.-givin;4 t.vo weeks from to ll a ve you anything to be Various games were played which created much amusement. Music was fur nished by Misses Annabel Moore and Lucile Rice, much to the enjoyment Col. Seybolt shipped three loads j 0f those present, of cattle to the South Omaha mar- j During the course of the even- market Tuesday. thankful for". ing the lights were turned down and all were left in the darkness and when they were again turned on a fortune teller was seen to have tp appeared and was ready to reveal the future to each one. i -it-tares of o::?'s fa ir- husoand : was given to each guest. Later in the evening refreshments were . . i ... 1 1 . I "i . . . . , . . . ".!.. .... Dreams. ' was a decided success, and seren uy -Misses v mi uip, ino. everybody w as well pleased. Yoiuig. Lucille Rice, Willa Moore land Harry Creamer and Glen Porter. Col. Jenkins has purchased a new midnlght hour all de piano for his hall. He has a so en- , tf fpr their various homes larged the entrance to the hall. thinkius they had indeed spent a pleasant evening. Those present were Misses Bessie Brendel, Lela Mrs. Wm. Loughridge is visiting her son. Dr. W. K. Longhridge in Lincoln this week. Miss Anna Keen an and her mar ried sister of Omaha visited with Mrs. J. YV. Holmes Sunday. The Wickensham lecture "Day Miss Carrie Allison is assisting in Holmes & Smith's store during the absence of Mr. Smiin and wife. We have purchased a fine line of j holiday goods, which will be on dis- ; play December 1. Homes & Smith's. ! Bert Philpst and family were over in their new auto Sunday and were ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown at dinner. 1 Yallery. Isabella Young, Emma Graves. Grace Graves. Ella Gapen, Annabel Moore. Jennie Livingston, Esther Ray. Vera Yard ley, Margaret Moore, Mary Trotter, Ella Thomason, Etta Nichols. Lucile Rice, Tressa Stokes, Bertha Nichols, Ruth Thoma son, Vera Moore, Olga Minford Clara THE BUCKS OF THE TIMBER The Grdcr Have Began Their Winter Sessions of Enjoyment. King Hill, Neb., Nov. !Uh. li)08. The Bucks of the Timber were trailed together at the home of Louis Kohrell Saturday evening in honor of Louie's forty-eighth birthday. The charter members were all pres ent and quite a number of new mem bers. After the regular business was attended to Mr. Geo. Smith, our worthy King Snipe, delivered aflne speech. Among other things, he said that Bryan had been defeated in the nation, but not in the state, and that he thought a law should be passed allowing our lodge to dine on squirrels at least once a year. After the speech a general good time was the order of the evening. (James and dancing was indulged in until a late hour. At the proper time we were called to the dining oom to partake of a fine oyster supper, .Mrs. Kohrell ueing one oi the best cooks in the state, we found everything prepared to a queen s taste, and the ones that did not do ustice to the supper was not there It has been discovered why Bud Fitch does not have hair on the top of his head. He is so high that when he dances he rubs the hair off on the ceiling. Joe Campbell has not danced for some time, and when he got bothered he would scratch his head on the hanging lamp. Wes Burnett is so fond of coon hunting that he hangs one ear on the door latch so he could hear the hounds if they started a coon. Fred Patterson did not dance, but he was found in the kitchen among the wo men and other good things. Mark White tried to dance in the front room and be in the kitchen at the same time and he is rubbing him self for the rheumatism now. Chris Beal and Albert Hunger did not dance. They contented themselves by looking on and thinking of the good old times when they were swinging the girls on the corner and pour love into their ears between sets. The music was furnished by Frank White and Wm. Splitt. Louie Kohrell was so happy that he danced all over the floor and he had to be held down to keep him from dancing on the roof. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Chris Berl, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Mark White, Mr. and Mrs. I Joe Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Splitt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunger, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Patterson, Carl Hunger, Glenn Campbell, Amanda Campbell, Lydia Hunger, and Nettie Smith. i Young. Frances .Metre, Villa Gapen Dr. Gilmore departed Monday, go- , and willa Moore. Messers. Errett liiue. u;u-aranfe Prices from $ 1 Holmes & Smit ing via Plattsmouth. for the west ern part of the state to look after some business matters. A fine line of fur coats for men. mr.ce of bear, dog. and Galloway d for two years. 7 . r. o to oo. at h's. The familiar ounU-nance of Ciinr ley Stone was seen on our strict Monday. He is always a welcome visi'or to Murray and his friends here, who are legion, are always glad to see hi:n. Friday Mrs. W. C. Brown enter tained at 6 o'clock dinner. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boedeker. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore. .Miss Margerie Walker, .Misses Pauline and Fav Oldham and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown. Nick Kiauri p.s shipped two cars of hogs to South Omaha Tuesday. On Tiudaj- evening Mrs. A. L. I'aker entertained at G o'clock din ner Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown and Miws Pauline and Fay Oldham. The home talent play, entitled "Valley Farm." is progressing nicely and will be put on December 12. : Thomason, Lloyd Lewi... Will Sey bolt, Tom Tilson. Green Porter, Ar thur Copt nhaver. Ton: Nix. Harry ( reamer. Hai ry Goble :.an. Omer i Yardley. Eston Ericson. I -"e'er Gob Lsnaii, Ilajry Baxter, Paul Hit liter, Stoker, Arthur Hansen. Wayne Lewis, Alfred Dean and Gh Yallery. CAPTl BED A HORSE THIEF. i l!e Confe-M's to the Crime and is Taken to Walioo. Sheriff Fischer yesterday cap Itured a suspicious character, whom he suspected of being a horse thief : and last night the man gave his name as Virgil King and told how he stole and sold the horse. It seems that he worked for a farmer seven miles southwest of Ashland, who asked him to take the horse to Ashland and deliver it to its i owner. He went to Ashland, when j he got to drinking with some men j and road the horse to Greenwood, i where he sold him for to a strong- er and went from there to Lincoln and from there to this plate. lie i vlaims that he had no intention of F. A. Harnett of Omaha has been at Fred Patterson's threshing buck wheat the last few days. His muscle is so strong now that he thinks he can thresh oats or anything else lat gets in his way. Mrs. Annie Edwards, of Paeilic Junction, has been visiting friends at Rock Bluffs the past few days for the first time in 2S years. Wm. Shera is doing ccnsulr-rablt: I improving by putting a new root, on his dwelling, a new concrete eella!" and new furniture. C! rand pa Graves has come home alter a two weeks' visit at Murray. Mrs. .1. A. Walker, of Murrav, and Mrs. David Ross, of California, have been visiting Grandma Graves, Fred Patterson and others. Frank Oliver of Ilavelock spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver. A complete line of overshoes for men, women and children, at Holmes & Smith's. Butter and Egg-; Y.'antetl. We will pay 20 cents for table but ter: 1C tents for tub burfer: 2."i cents for No. 1 eggs, meaning large, J clean and fresh; 16 cents for No. 2 I eggs, meaning small or dirty, but fresh. j Holmes & Smith. I Not ie of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that the Farmers Grain and Stock Company has iile 1 articles of incorporation in the office of the secretary of state and in the office of county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska. Tin t the name of the incorpora tion is the Farmers Grain and Stock Company; that the principal place of transacting its business is Green wood, Cass county, Nebraska; that tht; general nature of the business to be transacted is the buying and selling cf grain, fuei and building materials: that the amount of the authorized stock capital is ten thous and ($10,000) dollars and shall be issued when called for by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and all stock when issued shall he fully paid and non-assessable. That the corporation is to com mence August 1, l!t0.S, and is to terminate August 1, 1933, or until dissolved by a two-thirds (2-3) vote of (he stockholders; and the highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself is not to ex ceed two-thirds (2-3) fif the capital stock subscribed for and paid in. and that the affairs of the corpora tion are to be conducted by the pres ident, secretary and treasurer and by i board of directors. Charles Williams, President. Poultry Wanted The Clarinda Poultry, Butter and Egg- Company will be in Plattsmouth, on 3203 35253 Monday, November I6th, and will pay the following prices for poultry to be deliv ered at the store ' of Zuck weiler & Lutz: Hens 7c Spring Chickens 8c Young Hen Turkeys 12c Old " 12c Yonng Gobblers 10c Old " 10c Roosters, per doz $1.80 Ducks, F. F 5c AVIiat is a Standpatter? The following is handed in by one of Judge Beeson's second ward con stituents and is given as a specimen of genuine humor: "If all the republicans were like Judge Beeson, the democrats would have a walk-a-way in 192S. "Say, pa. what is a stand-patter?" "Why, Judge Beeson is a stand patter." "Why so?" "He stands for all girls. Oh but they would B-sons. Puck, jr. Can't eat well, look well or feel well with impure blood feeding yorr body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply. take exert ise, keep will have long life. a:ii ve i mm stealing the horse, but did it while i.-t a Valuable Cow. John Edmunds had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow Monday niglu. He had milked her in the evening and she appeared as usual, and when he went out in the morning to perform this duty he found the faithful animal dead. No cause for the cow's death can be advanced as the animal was in sucli good health ! that nothing was thought to the con-j Elizabeth Oliver and Mytle Stan trary. and the milk of the night be- dish returned to Peru Monday, after fore was used by the family as us-I visiting a few days with their pa: iial. jents. drinking. The sheriff came down ! from Wahoo this morning and took j charge of the young man and will take him back to that place, where he will get a chance to serve the state for a number of years and have plenty of time to think over his folly. Nebraska City News. Mind Your Business. If you don't nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out ot liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King's New Life Fills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug store. N. F. Nickson and D. C. Curtis, two of the prominent employes of the Burlington at their Aurora. 111., shops, are in the city today on com pany business, coming in cn No. 10 this morning. I Beys' Rijb'sar Boots end Riitfcrs. j Say "mbber boots" to a boy S and see his eves open. There is notr.in.cr a real, nve roy can gee so much pleasure out of during the winter as a pair of rubber boots. 32 !C to 53 CO. School Rubbers That Will Do Their Duty. Not the "bargain sale" sort. Keep the young folks' feet dry and save doctor bills. We have several styles young fo'ks' rub bers. 45c to 75o. SHERWOOD'S The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use lor over 30 years, has borne- the Kirii:itiirn of and has 1m!ph mado untlcr his per A I1i,iir . . . , ,1.,,.. ...... f.. A All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-xnod" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro porie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrluea and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, Oflicial Visitors. The finance committee of the De gree of Honor, consisting of .Mrs. Mayme Cleaver, (Jrand Chief of Hon or, of Neligh; .Mrs. Adelia Harding, of Nebraska City, and Mrs. Hall of South Omaha, with D. C. Morgan, of this city, and Dr. Ralston. Grand Medical Examiner, of South Omaha, are in the city making an examina tion cf the office of Miss Teresa Hem pel, (Jrand Recorder. The work will he finished todav. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you c razy. Can't hear the touc h of your clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell it. Still in ;i Serious Condition. 1'. K. Ruffner returned last eve ning from Omaha, where he had been ai the bedside of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Roy Dodge. He- was obliged to report that Mrs. Dodge- was no better when he left and was still in a very st-rious condition. It is not believed, however, that an op eration will be necessary. Mrs. Ruff ner remained with MVs. Dodge to be present in case of emergencies and to give such aid as might be possible. Potatoes For Sale. I just received a car load of fine po tatoes the first of this week, of the Early Ohio variety, for seed at 70 cents per bushel, and also some Burbanks at 65 cents. I will deliver to all parts of the city. Call phone No. 253, Black. Car on Missouri Pacific tracks. J. E. Lresley. Don't use harsh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, leads to constipation. Get Doan's Regulets. They operate easily, tone the stom ach, cure constipation. Henry Prosser, Contracting, Plastering. Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb. a S is what you should think of now. Winter vill soon be here and you will need that new stove then. So don't delay, but come and see our line of Heating Stoves. The most com plete and largest stock in in Cass county, and at prices rangingfrom $1.25 upto$60.00. Comeeary and get your choice. JOHN BAUE Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I 'A 4) n 3 i n PL M J1I j&b rn fss PP2 im uu i rh fi. rnrn n, ik tss bj m m pi m mi m m im i.S rll IT 14 LI s 9 Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleesetl-Lined, per earmerit. Ladies' Plain Fleesed-Lined, per rarment Ladies' Union Suits Fleesed-Lined Ladies' Union Suits, Flec-.-ed-Lined, Fine Children's Union Su;ts, 2o and Children's Fleesed-Lined, per jrarmcr.t. ". 2 j p.d Men's Extra Heavv, I 'leesed-Lined, per garment. ijianKers irom ;mc per pair up. Ripnle Clothe, for Baby Coat's colors Per!. White. Blue and pink, per yard .... ' A g-6od wash Gingham in 10 and 12 yd pieces, sold everv place for ioc Our trice, ner vard . Calico, per yard, 5 and Gc ri: : A Full Line of Fresh Groceries! C .V)C 22c 20c J. c fOC 50c 50c oc i 52 if0LL5S CASIIJTORE,; U U lrsi Ssa Li s2? SOUTH SIXTH STREET i ' 999 V