The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1908, Image 5

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    "7 f
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1 1 1
City Council Proceedings. I In Police Court.
meeting f ti.e city council last, ' '"' ' Monda's ,a. v
Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Kvenin's Daily Journal
! vou-i
; routi
it va-
a short r.i sin and one dv-j Marshal Fit.-ra!.! this i!:-uiiiK f.Jcrt
!v to jcttiti- through with j a com! laibt ('.!. .1 1,.'. re Arch-r -har'-
!.-i;i.'.--s. Aside froti, ic-civin ; in- l..n Ha.-!,. i,,errv h.-ii;..' liruiik
tla- iv; orts of the City Tra.-urt.-r. I :i-:! qsi.o.r ) r ifaq.. ! .:or:i,i,. , . 1 r .-..; . ;
Ck-rV, Marshal and Police .lud'c for the: from t!.c .,,,...(.; ,,f t;1(. ,,ri. (
e I- ,;.-d up and
1 t T
month of .'ejiterul'er, and allowing t he .t t l.:nie'J
claims s;; ait st ti.e ity. there was little !. -d. '. ... rai-
ef inU rest. The mayor took occasion , S.itui day il.ii . I police v. en-
the city treasurer on uie;oi to t,at- mai I, .-tor.- j : i -i !.,n.
ti stir i :
m; Iter of collecting the tax tor payine;
1 in i'istricts
s. one ainl
A IL.T t
l . 1 1 : " v. '
t!,i ; i: :
ploy n.e : . i
l.::i:ii :
; i - ine.
.!. . 1
.rif v. i.
in ( imana '.his al'ter-l-olii;'
up on the mad.
led tor Omaha
I. a.-. svured em-
. 1
1 l;o;e
( .e
A. 'I'. Travis, wa - antouir
paili-"' !( Mfiah-i t h is n :oi n i r, on thi
ivit ly t j-.isi.
t.,o:i. ,,..' t
lani" ,y;:n of I'nion, is in the city
to lay looking alter business.
.M. .M. I;erd;re was amonir. tiiost from
tin; county registered last iiijIit at the
I 'crkins hotel.
Clan-bee Telft, the Wecpir: Water
attorney, was in the city this morning,
looking aftei- husiness.
I'eter Iveland was in I Ik? city today
a-r e:r.ent li e
1 two ai:d was j eci'-.-day
very ar.xioiis to hae tins money co:- j will use his (V
lcc ted in, so as to f-vt rid t tin- only o:i .
out star.diriK re;ristere.l warrant against .
ill. wife tl:i' hcin'r that re-I
lor the j ' -" -I
! n dist rici i
ueh a d .1 urt ance
;e wi;l io:ne up .n
v '. .1 .1 ;; Archer
ra: i i I -.-.i :,rj of in.-.t ice
Biei Your
cently pari C. I .
Voo(h,voi-t I
i3e Suit Herel
... i tri'n--aetmr i-usmess io-
,a ha in;' U''in;c up on theilrom his home near Murdock, lookup
; after some leal business.
d iy .i. ' ;:ia
carl t ra. i i h;s mornmtf.
Mi-s Mai" Svela was amoii the as-i I'. ( '. llenfer and wife were passen
se:i"ers for )maha this morning called ' rers on the mail train for Omaha where
there hv husiness matters. j they will spend the afternoon.
Miss I. aura Mcis'.ncr was a passen- ! Kmrnons Kichey was a passenger at
I'er this morniii'j: fir Omaha, where she ! noon on the fast mail for Omaha, where
will spend the day shopping. i he will look after business matters.
Mrs I'd llecker was a passenger on! I. IVarlnian of Omaha, is in the city
the earlv train this n.orninjt for Omaha today havinpf eome down from his home
jroine: lip to do some shopping,
All the numbers of tie mum-d w. re( p.-rted j,..- di,
present except Ilookni.-ver and Si-htiiof s. ti.e Cty
wl, are bun in land up atound j for trial, ('it
O'Neill. As the ses-ioii lasted only I to oi, tain, a c
about half an it can i
jury iv-
t he .;!
i .a. ..smou! n w-..s caku!
. 1 1 o! :h y 1 wini ey sourh t
itimian-e on tiie
. 1 lit the
to look after some business rnatteis.
Misses Josie and Tony Uajeck were
passengers on the fast mail at noon for
Omaha where they will visit friends.
M. (. McQuinn came in from Union
last evening, and was looking after
business matters overnight in the city.
Nick Ilalmes, the veteran farmer,
.Ine I.enhart was also a passenger
this n.orni::,' for O'Neill and vicinity to
register for the land drawing.
Mrs. Amos ('line came in this niorn
in from Omaha where she has been
visiting friends for a few days.
Co. Weber departed this morning
for Scr;.!-.ton. Iowa., where lie will visit ' came in this morning from his farm, to
with t-ie:n!s for several days. ; look after some business matters in the
. i i fi t e
.1 P V.ilmev is in ( Mialia loilay, Iook- --
inr :,f'. i- business matters, havin.ic i
) . r, r on the earlV train.
. , i nev win vi.-il several (lavs wi.ii ;-r.
HLr tnos' head- !,,.',
., , ' 'w eaver s parents,
mail t rain at
l ind draw'ti'j M'-'5 Clara Ferriee of Omaha wiio
lias been m the city vititin. her sister,
red t.ue.nner is in .m.i,..! . ...... , ..;i ;.,
... . ..I I t IINLII, Uli'iUUU on LIIV II1.U1 litlOi
I.iy 'npanyme;
Miss m
the n:
:natt( :
I.. ",;.,!, 1. r and wife la oa'.Meil lor
Omaha this rnornii'i". where they v.iii
jr...r,t r!-.. .hiv visit in. ' and loo a f t el
,, .s U . !t. .,'ct roskey was a passenirer
Howard Nuden w as a passenger on . on the maii tram to Miliaria at noon,
Heft Vimhoin was an
(1 for O'Neill on ti
jio on. i. . reirh'ter f'-r tin
Mrs. Tied Cuenther is in Omaha to
.Mrs. Pecker ar.i
and i.oin. some shop
(crine; was a
1 tram at noo:
irOi S to . ' v
I'M. Weaver and wife departed on the
train this momimr for Ashland where
at noon for her home.
Mrs. Kalph (loiKvin of Omaha wl o
has been in the city several days visit
ing with relatives returned to 1;lt home
those present did not have so much to. c
een that j of the absence of wi;:u
i t ika lined to ir.'-ant it. and tia- case
do anil did not indtljre in mucn oiaioi.. was cailid .'hi.", p. m before
The report of the city treasurer show-j the (ollowino- jiry: I-fat k Parius,
ed that there was i t the treasury a net ; Ti:-;:;. Murphy, A. A. Wctenkamp, das.
balance of $7071. !" on the first of this j Siander, Jacob Schlankee. Pay Pol
month. The report went to the finance j lard, ('has. Jleebner, John Campbell,
committee for action. j Ik C. (iiberson, John Weyrich, C.eo.
TI e city marshal and the police jude , iiay, Arthur Sullivan.
show ed a total of eight arrests during
t ' 1
I I- i-y ff KupjM-iiItriiiit-r
V c ;t!l l.i:,i! - l)tit i lu
ll. w r.m M'i I i i ;. : , : ,
- -i ir S i ', I t i l we 1 c ' ! .i : : ,
c:: i ; ! l t iw m me.' 1 ; . : r.. .
Ur - . ' .
a :r.' . n-r '! l 1 1
iv, )i i ' a I is li
the month and the police judge reports
no collections of fines. These reports
went to the police committee.
The city clerk reported that he had
collected during the month, he
having the treasurer's receipt to show
the disposition of the wealth
Why Colds are Dangerous.
Pecause you have contracted ordinary
colds and recovered from them without
treatment of any kind, do not. for a
moment imagine that colds are not
dangerous. Everyone knows that pneu
monia and chronic catarrh have their
Hie finance committee reported the j '.,riin 1,1 a (',,mlm"1 (,"!''- Consumption
following claims against the city and i ,s 1 auM !l " a coi.i mit the cold pre
ordered the warrants drawn to pay the
....... 4".... A... . ,
e me smi-iii nil me recepiioii and
developement of the germs that would
for Omaha.
!, r business mail train at r.oon.
! V. P. McCroslu y i.s in the city from
d for ; ''o;ts liiur.s county i, ringing wnn iiiin
w hich ne ex-
irloatl (o in
a market for here.
Olive -h
Win. Cii.irerv, stieet work
Cms I Vie., ' " "
Al .land::, " "
M. McC'ool. " "
Phil Harrison. " "
W. P.. Kisiieh sj.rinkling streets
(Jeringiv; Co., tnt rckandise
Nebraska I.isriiting C'o.. lights...
Public Librarian, expense
lionnei v, janitor
.-r'2a Oil
4 !MI
-r 2 "
! KO
10 no
17 (W
2 7r.
John Waterman, lumber
IT M - tif ! I... I', t ' . T . ri , , . : mi
li. . oc n.-, cjssmgs -i .v.; . i ne many remai
'ti? i iu;- ,.f., ......
l tin." j'tvj'ni. t i i i
pot otherwise have found lodgment. It
is the same with all infectious diseases.
Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and
whooping cough, are much more likely
to be contracted when the child has a
cold. You will see from this that more
than in any
ho real danger lurks in a c
;,! i other of the common ailment s,
-( ;r! ..... , .
r.. I easiest arc oua-Kesi way to cure a co
17 ( o is to take Chamberlain's Cough Pemedy.
kable cures cli'ectedbv
the mail at noon for O'Neill where he
will take a chance at the drawing of
the Trip county lands.
Mrs. J. T. Shepherd and Mrs. W. L.
Hanson of Lincoln, who have been visi
ting friends in the city for several days
departed this morning for their home.
C. A. McElwain departed on the fast
going up to meet his wife from Scotts
Pluli's county, coming to this city.
Chas. C. Parmele and J. G. Kichey
were passengers on the mail train for
Omaha and Council BlutFs where they
had business matters to look after.
Wm. Carter and family came in this
noon on the mail train from St. Joseph,
mail at noon for the western part of I Mo., for a visit with the family ot
the state where he goes to visit friends
and look after some business matters.
Silas Breckenridge for several days
Jacob Luft departed on the mail
Mrs. Hannah Durant was a visitor in train at noon for O'Neill where he will
the citv for few a hours this morning register and make desperate effort to
nroute from Danville, 111., to Wahoo, j land prize number one in the land draw
-where she will make her home with j ing.
her daughter. I Mrs. Saul Adamson and Mrs. H. L.
v F ckerman came down from i Kruger were among those who were
Lincoln and was looking after company j passengers this morning on the early
business today at the shops, being a J train for Omaha where they were to do
passenger for the west on the mail some snopping.
train at noon. Louis Hinrichsen of South Omaha
Ed. Donat joined the crowd this morn-j who has been in the city for several
ing for O'Neill and the Tripp county days visiting his brother, William Hin-
countrv expecting to draw the best ' richsen and family, returned to his
farm in the whole land. He will be j home this morning.
gone several days. j Mrs. C E. Mead of Talmage, Neb.,
Geo. Poisall, Jr.. departed on the an aunt of Sheriff Quinton, and Mrs
mail train at noon for Omaha whence j Minnie Bishof of Burlington, Iowa, a
he will go to O'Neill and file for the cousin of the sheriff, are both guests
land drawing, intending to get the best ' at his home in this city
farm m the bunch. Postpone your trip aboard and see
C. O. Larson who is a student at booths representing countries you in
Bellevue College, was a passenger for : tend visiting at the Bazaar to be given
that place this noon on the mail train, ! by St. Mary's Guild in Coates' Hall,
returning to his studies after a few j Wednesday November IS afternoon
days visit with his parents in this city. 1 and evening.
F M Godwin, wife and daughters, i Mrs. J. T. Koontz and her guests
Kuth and Esther, were passengers on Mrs. Ferguson of Tacoma. Wash., and
the mail train at noon for Omaha r.c- Mrs. Edmunds of Central City, Neb.,
companving Mrs. Kalph Godwin on her were passengers this morning on the
return home, and to visit other re'.a- early train for Omaha, where they will
tives during the afternucn. spend the day.
Mrs. Johnson and daughters, Delia Mr. L. Boedeker, or.e of the rock rib
nd Phebe and son Clarence, from the hed Bryan supporters of near Louis
state of Washington were in the city viile, was in the city today, and in com
this morning for a brief time, the pany of our old friend, Conrad Schlater,
quests of Mrs. Haller, departing on gave the Journal a pleasant called,
the fast mail at noon for Omaha. ; While here Mr. Boedeker enrolled his
t .iL-tr;,t rn,;rt .LuWTravis and a name for the greatest local paper in
jury were struggling all day with case .
Cass county for one year.
of Whelan vs. the Citv of Plattsmouth, I A. bahr, one of the porominent
a damage suit growing out of some j citizens, from the vicinity of Eagle, is
grading done by the city near the home ; in the city today looking after business
of former councilman Whelan on Win- j matters. Mr. Bahr was compelled to
tersteen Hill. At the hour of going to : drive up this morning from Union, be
pre the case was still going on. j ing unable to make train connections.
Wm. Delesdernier, the Elmwood atJ He contemplated returning by way of
torney, is in the city today on profes- ; Louisville this afternoon,
sional business. Mr. Delesdernier has ; Orlando Teff t, republican candidate
just returned from a trip to the Pacific ; for state senator was in the city for a
coast and come back much impressed short time today, meeting friends and
with that section. At the same time endeavoring in his feeble way, to stem
he feels that old Cass county is good the great tide which is running strong
enough for him for a while at least. : ly toward the democratic party. Mr.
ti I.-- ,i. f noVo -v,r. u-' lent departed lor the north on the fast
Mrs. Ida t lelds of Omaha who has r .
been in the city the guest of I'. II.
Kinnamon and family, departed for her
home or. the mail this noon. Mr. Kin- For Chapped Skin-
namon ar.d son. Charles, accompanied , Chapped skin whether on the har.ds
her. Mr. Kianamon's son Charles, is or face may be cured in one night by
named after C. A. Kinnamon now of applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is al
Lincoln but formerly of this city. Mrs. ; so unequaled for sore pimples, burns
Fields is also a sister of P. H. and j and scalds. For sale by F. G. Fricke
John .'ones, l ihintr dogs
Wm. SlaUr, street, work
.John .ian.iia. " '
John ta le-. " "
John Jan' in, a'ai y
Phitts. Tel. Co., telephones....
Nehrrsi a Lighting Co.. lht. .
M. Aivher. salary
John Janda, salary
Joe Fit.rrerald. salary
Pen Kainey. salary
W. P. Elster. expense
N. Y. Pelt and liose Co., hose.
C. L. Martin, hauling hose cart
John Bates, watchman at lire..
Tom Hickson, " " " ..
S) si i . world
article of ::
large part of the
'.. Fi :i ke a Co.
t !n-- v. v v. ;i ii t t . ii . i l a
:-iiv-!i a suit a-. . u: .-. i'
u-haiiirtl ot" aipl that. v i
Siu'l) a Mill h(tiM co
more the heth r.
! Mill l -.'
a -! i . 1 1 1 . 1 1
I M" 1 1 1 1 ' I I ' .
E. Wescott3s Sons.
"Where Quality Counts."
1 1 1
N'i iTH'l' ( ,!'
I I.I i 1 ! ; i.
III I lie M ill of III.' ll-llll- )
1. .11 of I In- Siill ( l .-.-k -V
I !i . I 1 1 :. i n: I i 1 l.-t
T. .All Win .in It M :i v ( ' .ne. rii :
I 'ii I'xii :i i it I o :. n . ii . iiT ol I In- I :.:.' . I of ( '. .
'i in in j-' .j u-r-. !' S:t u 1 1. 1.'i . on i ii . .N .1 ii :
m;i' i. ion i .1 1! I . 'i I on Mi .1 cm I i.-r !'. ;t 1 1 i
! i.v i ! I lie ot I In- 'I N I lii .1 i I y ( 1 ..I In n.e I. A I lie
- Hi li ' i t I i.e -.':.!. of S.l'l ilioi In I . i ii:i t let-,;Tit.i-il.
I. . N. I a 111' 1 11 . li. olllllA ! II. of
?::i:i:m is I ..hiiIa'. t'l i-K:i. i ln-o o,
troji '. I lint "li r 1 1 1 1 1 m i- I '.. A. I'.. In!;, r.
i Mill, .,. M :,iv:itel I.. W..II. ti. I.
.!.-.,n im ti. A I : ii '.'liin. I;. Is. li.-iv. A. T
i. . i '. A. I , it I.-. '. Is. .1 I... .1. . . ii.l.ll.
II. . .'.ii'i'w .1. . II. r.oH.T. (till i-i iiii.i.i . '.
i :. Is. . !". A. .1. .1. li. Is.-. I i.- it if I N.I- '
on mm 'T -''ii'I li!.' ii' ii .' !!'.- of t In- o-iiiIa '
('lirt. ,.: i . 1 1 i -: - oil it'. v. . l.tnl.ti. II..-I! '
j . o it ; ' -1 : ill si;l:' ' i l.'! i:!-o i 1 1 . i t- 1 . i : J I'.jlii
'in ;. t h it 1 1 iii iii::i.Ii r :til for.-n
o inlo.i. ;.... v 1 . i - i ...umI IhmI ii..-
s;ni i .' H i ' i ' v :e i.ii ' : 1 1 i . i ;. i - I .' ti . :i i
i . ; i s . ' . . I . e.-I i.-nl I Mi.-
. Hit III ; u-1 illiith-l .,f Nie.l .,.i,,n
t'iel tolll.'si.llllM-it'.l.'.HIi.r .l :ii'l-..ii.,l,;
I ll.'lll'l' III .t I I I I I ill.' i ' I , I I of I l.' (;. I,f
sil i. I M'.'i ii in iImiic i'-i Oi I I,.. '.t (, s I ,
I. mi i.-r . .f I 1... h 1 1 Im :: -.1 . j i i ii i ' . r ..I is. i. .ill.
iii t . I ll :i fi . I of :i ii I S. vl ii mi I.: I 1 1 - iii ... i . ,i i I, t .
I III' . Hit 1 1 IS. -t .' I .if I ( i . si .III .1. I , j n ;i I I . -
of I .i- ii. it l l.i "ist i u ii 1 1 i , , -,, i, ,n ,; , I . ,vm,
shin N. . I hi n.'i - . :i ,i I . . tip. s nit In ;, -t . . m m r
of (lie s. .ill Ii '.M'sl .111:111. 1 i,t t., 11. Mil west
. I II a I i .1 1 .1 . .1 I. .11 :. .' III sill. I ('( , . 1 , : ; , , , I J.
t lll llll' ll. M t ll t'l I III' l'. lf i,l tM- m 1 ll Al-sl
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In in
A specia! mi. e! ing of the ''ass county
Farmers Protective Associa i.m wiil he
hell at Loiiisvilie on Saturday, Oct.
. ;..- f. f : I..- ..1
i !:. '. I':-, "
t.i H. . ;..'
In- !.. ....
; M i 1 . 1 ' 1 t , ;, 1 ! 1 . .
1 '... l is ,1 li i 1 :
"An A.'l to
lira in rl I111
it:;.: :n;.v liiii'i
! 1 '
' 1 !
. (0 17th, at 2 o'clock p. m. All members
o e :,;..
s association are u. -gently reouest-
S(i ."(I ec to e Preseni as husiness of impor-
(! , tance will come before the meeting.
1 0 J. G. Mki.sixc.ek, Sec.
1 till j
r : 1.1
r o ell
: :i 1 1' 1
i 1 i i 1
Between the city and Oscar Gapen's
farm. A package of underwear and
overshirts. Return to Kraft Clothing
Would Mortgage the Farm.
A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire
Ga., V. A. Floyd bv name, says:
"Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured the two! Company or this office.
worst sores I ever saw; one on my
hand and one on my leg. It is worth
more than its weight in gold. I would
not be without it if I had to mortgage
the farm to get it." Only 25c at F. G.
Fricke & Co'?, drug store.
mail at noon, returning to his home at
Chas. Kinnamon.
& Co.
W. M. Turner, Known to Most of the
People cf Plattsmouth, Passes
Away in Riton, California.
Fr m Tuesday's Paily
Died Turner, W. M.. at Riton, Cak,
aged seventy-one years, and one day,
of paralysis.
A message received in this city has
announced the sudden death at Riton,
of W. M. Turner for a quai-ter of a
century a resident of this city, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Will
Thomason. No particulars are given
as to the cause of death, the inference
being that it was paralysis, the out
come of a blood clot on the brain.
Mr. Turner was quite well known in
the city, where he was for so long a
time a resident. lie was born near
Mooresville, Ind., on October 10, 18o7,
coming west to the then frontier state
of Iowa, when he was a small boy, his
parents settling at Wisland, la., where
he lived until l;sSl, when he removed
to Glenwood, la., coming to this state
in 1SS3. living here until a short time
ago when he departed for California,
where he took up his residence with
his daughter. He was personally a
very popular man, well liked and in
every respect a gentleman who was
bound to number his friends by the
score. During his long life he was a
consistent Mason, having been a mem
ber of that order for nearly forty
years. To everyone who had known
him, the news of his death comes as a
painful shock.
Mr. Turner is survived by his widow
and two daughters, Mrs. Will Thoma
son, of Riton, Cak, and Mrs. C. A.
Marshall, of this city. To them goes
out the entire sympathy of a great host
of friends, who had learned to know
Mr. Turner at his true worth as one of
the best men whom they had ever
known, a gentleman whose life was as
pure as the purest, and one whem to
know, was to love.
No particulars have yet been receiv
ed as to when or where the funeral will
Horses Wanted.
The undersigned wishes to buy a
number of good horses as soon as pos
sible. If you have something for sale
bring it in. J. W. Sage,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Wanted to Buy A wagon load of
good eating potatoes. Cash deal. In
quire at this office.
Best Time to See
the Southwest
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homeseeker's excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into the rich and resourceful
farming regions of the South
west. It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Eas
tern farmer, fter his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. T. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb.
1 1 :' . i fit i ii :t ii' i i i-t i i : , I.,
i n. i sii I i. t'i i t . t ' ;
. 1 1 i " i 1 1 1 1 'iir. . . t i i . i -i i -
;.'i.-i : I., ii liM if. l.'-s i.'-il level ; I ii-l.
-1 i ii ' it i it. v ii Ii ii. . 1 1 '! ii 1 1 or :i 1 1 i f ;i 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 : .
lilillll. s',1" ,:!!. of w ill I fl'i 111 I s.' : l i '.r. ...
ot In- i n is, j . i . : ... -I i 1 1.' I iii ti ni ;o : y s1 1 1 ii t ' :
il i t .-It : 1 o i'i list i i ti -1 . .' 1 1 In visi-. i t ci i i. i ii 1 1 1 i .
of l: , il ', lit il i 1 1 il I i.V li f ill lllli-'l' s.Vst l ilt ; I i i i-oi isl I it", .
I'll lii I Vl'. i Mi if I. i mi II o i - or inn j III :t ! II it i i.v s. s
li nt of i-oiil fol of Mirfin-e Wilier of fiiiii.iiir
water: ainl I lie i ii'!its, oliliirn! ions ami inv.i'ii
of siu-li i-o: iot ;it ions iin-liiiliiij.r ilie iioiv.rol
eminent domain. I In- ereal ion of delils. issiiinir
of n.'tiot iili le I ml ids. and I In' If v. inr of s i'i i a 1
assessment s on sin-li real est a! and eascn n-iii s
t hert in as may lit lieneiit led by stu-li pnlilii
work, anil definim,' tlie duties and innveisol
put il i.r oflieials
That tlie boundaries of said inoiiosed Salt
("reek Valley J )rainai-'' IMstrii-t a lixed and
determined by said Hoard of County Cominis
sinners of Saunders ( 'utility. NebrasUa. by said
order entered on September :, I'.HJs, are as fol
lows, to-wit :
(All townships referred to below are in
Kanue Nine East of the Sixth Principal Merid
ian, unless otherwise inilieated. Township
No. 13 North Kance No. 10 Kast of the Sixth 1'.
M.. and Township No. l.'J North liaitiri' No. 9
Kast of the Sixth I. M.. and Sections One to
Tweive. both inclusive in Township No. l:i
North. Rans-'e No. Kast of the Sixth I'. M..
are in Saunders County. Nebraska. The bal
ance of said Township No. 1- and all other
Townships below referred to are in Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.)
C'ommeneiiijr at a point on the line forming
the north boundary line of Se.-t ions :! and :i:i
in Township No. b! North. Rantre in Kast of the
Sixth 1. .M.. where t he west bank of t lie I'lat te
River intersects said north boundary line,
thence west alonirthe north lioundary line of
said Sections :si and1 il:J and Section :;'. in Town
ship 13 North. Rantreit Kast of the Sixth 1. M..
to the northwest corner of said Section :tii:
thenee south alonsr the west line of said Sec
tion ::ti to t lie northeast coi ner of t lie sout beast
ijitai'ter of t he sout hen st ) natter of Sect ion 3.'
in said Township l.'J: thence west to the cemer
of the southeast quarter of said Section Xc
thence soul h to the southwest corner of the
sout heast quarter of the southeast quarter of
said Section X: thence east alontr the south
line of said Sect ion 'X to the not ! heast corner
of Sect ion 2. in Township 1:.': t hence sunt h one i
block alon' t he center line of I oiirth St n et in
the City of Ashland. Nebraska, to the center
of the intersection of fourth Street and I'eat l
Street in said City: thence east two blocks
alontr the center line of Pearl street to the
center of tlie intersect ion of l'earl street and
Second st reel in said City: thence sout h ) hree
blocks alontr 1 lie center line or m cono st n et
; N"
,! t i
t .1
I -I 1 . :
' J ' " ' 1 ' '
ji 1 1 : i
.:. ,1 "i
1 1
i i :
. .t
t ti
t II..'
n i i.r
1 1 i I of
I .' ,1 1 li
i . N . ,
lie ol
:i si
. .i, p;
. . ,i -
, 1 1 .
. ,i -
i.. i'.-t
I . II, e
ill li. c
. : i in
- 'ii I,-
..' the
i ' on. -
1 1 ' l a l y
v. .'-I ti J. m;: II:. in h i !,
il l ii II I V I el e 1 I . sa in.- i I 1 1 . I
east I ii ill ll' I a'l A hue of I , ,. j ,
t'hic:ij.'o. Kin lnurioi, , I.t'iiii", I : j 1 1 . .
pa i i.v: thence alm- the s. h. i hi ast i,.,
1 '" ii-ii'.m "a., oi sii.u i in- ' i,. :iio,
Ktirliiilon (.itiincy Kail mad Cotnpanv m a
noli heast ei ly .ii red i. m t ,, a n ii ni . i'l 1 1 i . (is
south of the ii'irlh line of I in said
Township No. 1'.': thence due east t o t he east,
boundary line of said M-cti.,n I: t hence ii'M I h
to 1 he nort heast corner of s;i j. Scd i. .ii I : t
east alontr t he north line of ect ii,n li i n Town
ship No. I :J Noil h. Kaiiire Pi Last oflhcHxth
1. M.. to a point one hundred feet west of t he
west bank' of Salt Creek where said si ream
crosses said north boiindi'.ry line; thence fol
luwintr the meanderintrs of said .-alt ( reek at, a
distance of one hundred feet southwest from
the southwest bank thereof to its junction
with the main channel of the I'lat I e Ki ver :
thence followiittr the west bank of said main
channel of the I'latle River in its mcaiidcnnir-.
in a northwesterly direction t, ti.e ,intof
betrinnintr: t he largest portion of the land In
cluded wit hin said boundaries bein- hjcaled in
Saunders Con nt. v. Nebraska.
All landowners within the boundaries of
said proposed Salt Creek Valley I irama-e K
trict ami all others concerned are heiehy no
titiedthatan election will be held on Monday,
Oct. :'i,!h. p.iiis. lietween the hours of eijfht
o'clix-k A. M. and six o'clock p. the of
fice of the County Clerk of Saunders Courilv,
Nebraska, in the County Court House at
Wahooin said county; that, at said election
the question of the format ion of said Salt,
Creek Valley lu-aiuatre district, shall be de
termined, and a board of tivediiectors shall be
elected, said bun I'd to lake oilice r-ont intently
on the formation of said district.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sub
scribed my name and attached my ollicial seal
as Cotinl.v Cler U of r-aiindcrs County. Nebras
ka, at my olli.-e in the County Court House at;
Wahoo in said C ounty this .September
A. N. Kl.MK.I.I'M,.
Count y Clerk of Sail ml. is 'on lit y,
'SKA 1.1 Nebraska.
To Perry Mar-h. defendant, will ta! . no' Ice
that on the I'.-i !, day, ,f-e, .,,.,,.,. !:o-. Klnora
.Marsh, plaint ill herein. her p.-'i'ion in
I he dist rid court of ( ass cor. i i v. . )., -.!.--.
to t he center ot t lie intersect .on oi ei.'onu UU'.l ""'"n -a uei i -r mant. I he oh ..eel and prayer
( )ak st l-eet s in said City ; thence west one block j f which is to obi ain a uecr c-. ,f q j vorce from
alontr t he center line of Oak street to the een- I ' '"' bonds of mat i iinon. ' from t he si. id q. fend -ter
of the intersect ion of Oak" ar.d 'I'hii'il si reels ' 'or I he reason that the defendant, has
in said City; t hence sout h t hie" bi-x-ks alontr Heated the plaint ill' with et ii-mi. cj-u.-py, and
t he center lino of Third si re"t io the renter of ' l,!ls desej ted plaintiff and .es not s .m, ,r t. n.-r
t he intersect, h . n of J In id and I ey si n ts in i 's ansi-m 1 1 on. her- wii houl ;in
ks aiony 1 he
enter i if t he
t"et s in said
1 h" rem er
ica Ise.
I'e ; l i i red to a 1 1 s ",Ve r sit j d p.litioil on
I he J.'.t h da v of I ci.,i,er. A. I, '
KI.NoRA MAK-il. ' a:,,.;;-;
Dr. Hass9 Stock FoGd
scientific compound for horses and cattle.
Hess' Stock Food
guaranteed to give results.
F. G. Fircke & Co., Druggists.
it's a sitrn of coal satisfaction. Wj n:.
to hear the music in your kitchen'
said Cit ": t hence west three blocks a!ot"' t he i
center line of Dev street to the center of t he I or bef ,,i .
i nt el-sen ion . if dey and r-ixt ii
' it y: i hen. e nort h one IiIock iron
line of i t ii si reel 1 o t he cei er of I he in: er-
sect ii in of Sixt h and i 1 . er t r. e' s in s:oi : t 'ity:
t hence West t hree blocks a lo.'ii.' h- ci I.! "f lite
f Silver s! teet to t he center of I h'- in'eis.c-
t ion ol i l ver and .Ninth streets m ':ii( y;
ii-l,.'e si ,;U 1 : t wo blocks aloti.r I h. ci Iill-i' lir:e
of aid N in! h sti..,.i in siiid c i . the.ast
and west cent er I i i.e of sect j. m 1 , Tow:ish ! p
1:.': thence u. st alontr the i-; .: :.i.o r
1 ine of Se.-t and Hof aiq Towns'. ip 1 J
t o t lie sol.! iieiist col lie r of the West iiiii f of the
northwest, quart" r of said yc-i ion
nort h or.e-ha f -nile to the eon!, line if said
Sect ion :i: t hence west alontr tin-nort n line of
said Sect ion 3 and a I so Sect ion 4 in -aiil i .iuti
ship No. 1' to the nort h west corner of said sec
tion 4: thence south to the center of the west
line of said Sect ion 4: thence west to t he .en-
IPC nf swtinn Ti in snlrl 'IYiA is!iii im.,il,i'l', I
then. -e south t o t he cent er of the south line of ! exp-nses. ll is t her efoi e ol d"i ed t ha! all oer-
said Section 5: thence west alontr the sou! h su""1 ". '''sled m said Csta'e appear be torn
line of said Section 5 to the northeast ' 1 l'Iattiuti. . ass county. Nebraska, on
of the west lialf of the northwest quarter of , ,he aa-v "f Novemner. iy.-. at u .dock p.
Section s jn said Township ': thence south j nl- lo J'ow- cause w by a license should not ri
one mile to the southeast corner of t he west ! t-'t antedto said admmist i a'oi s to se,i so rnui h
one-half of the southwest quarter of said Sec- j ll'e above deserihed real e,tate of said d
tion s: tlifiii-p east alontr the south line of said ! ceased as shall t,e necessary to pay said oeotsj
section s to tlie northeast corner of the west ' uim r.iiirnv.
half of the northeast quarter of Section 17 in
said Township!-: thence south to the south
east corner of the west half of the northeast
quarter of said Section 17: ihenr.- west to the
center of the west line of said sect ion 17: thence
sout h alontr the west line of said section 1":
and sect ion 3' in said Township No. 1J to the
southwest corner of said section thence
west alontr the north boundary line of Se.-t ion
rii in said Township No. I- to the nor thwest
corner of the northeast quacer oi the north
I N 'llli: dlsTKICT COCI.-T i 1 1 " CAs.S
county. Neiqa-ka. In the Ma-ti-r oj the
I'.st a;.-i ,:' '.'. ; i I iii :n li.i.i.', I'.'i.i-i'..,ii. i,. "'i-iv-il.'
I h is rii !-' . ";.'IJi - O'l f Oi ti in ; I. ll;,,.;, t lie p
t ii ion ot 1 1 . M . so. i:i.i"!,-. i! aim M y ( . id -iT'-i'ton.
.'is ao :i. : i. i-t i ii' oi s of t',.- . at (; ",f
i ii ::i 1 1 er. i y l..i'.-r; m. ... - -a-. j.rayil it
f r license to sell I.! 1 In ii, ,, 4. il, ."'Iiiynes
A do i i ion to 1 he c i : y of ' i;ii:tl,.i. do. it.-I:s coun
ty. Nebraska, or a s.iih.'ien- amount t hereof to
IllilllliI'Mllll of tor tl,e IiiHiliej! of
debts allowed atrantst. -aid estate, csis atid
e.vjK' of adiinnisi r a! ion and the i-x;n i,i
of this act ion. there not M-intr siilli.-ieni. per
sonal property to pay said in-iit, ;.,,d
1 lated this t'tli day of ' x-tober. j'ri
II ahvev d. Travis.
.Tudtre of the districi. Court.
A county. Neiiraska. In the matt.-r of the
application of M ary I '. I lew.-v. lii a mi n . ,f t .c
, . r.r ., i ,l si...., i..,, 'i,,. ,!..... ,t.i,l ,. , iM-tsiiiis mill ...e.t... f.f V'.. ... ... I . .. ... I
rD r,rfr n0l f.r ,U1. M , ,'.,s .,,o p- ... .. ......... . . , ... ... lXruti
ta-ay oioci wm uniu tins uiiice auuthe renter of the nortln-asl quarter o; saio iiiinors. lor leave t s-il real estate,
vard. Tlie Output Of the Trenton i section :: then.-e due west to the north and ; Notice is nereby -ie,i tout iii puisi.ance of
rninp thp ftifl wp InnHlp Jiic r.n ! s"u' 11 eeno-r lite of said sect ion :V: t hen. du- an order of II d. i ravis. j i.d.-e ,,f t h- oi,t j i,;t,
mine trie iuei we uanaie nas no su- ,,,, al,lirai1 ,.,,, a(i ,-. m,r line . court of as, county. Ne,-a,ka. made.,., ti.
perior anywhere, US eijUal in few j totlf northeast corner of the sou'l.east quar- l'b day of January. 1 ...,. foi 1 1..- ,;,. ,,t real
places iter of the sou b west quar'er ..; s;;;o jot. est iiti- le-n in je,cr;u-d. there will Oe soluar.
j :: t hence west t .. 1 1 ie n 1 1 : !. u . si c ) i..-r .f tee soul 1 1 f r -oi,t door of t In co j 1 1 house, in plait
! sout I. west .j ii rt it ,-r ot t he Miii' .,:iarter oi iiwuui. as, county, .xetq ask a. on t he ::nd dav
i said sect ion ti, cure south a. .n - ti.e west of Novemoer. p. :;. at. elev.-n o'clock in ties
! boundary line of said Section :; and -ect ion :;i foi-ei.Mti of said 'lay. st anii.ird t a pu'i.l..;
! in said Township No. PJ and se.-t ii n t, in Ti ,wn- , endue, to the hitrnct i. inner for rasu. t i,e fol
' ship No. 1 1 . to i he center of t he e,i b. .ii mi a ry lo wi ntr real ist i'., to- wit :
j line of said Section o: t henre east to t he nor t ii- ; The souinw-st quarter of section tive'5),
east corner of the noiihwes: .juarter of t he ; Township eleven ill;. l;ai."e r.iin- u. ;r. ca
southwest quarter of said section ti: thence county. N.-bi a,ku.
south to the t-enter of the southwest quarter said sale will remain oj-n one hour.
of said section 6: thence east to t he center of I M ahv I . htwtv,
the southeast quarter of said Section t': thence ! Guardian of the persons and e,'.ate, of Verr.e
south to the center of the south line of the dewey ai:l Arl:e dewey. minors. -Z-A