The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1908, Image 3

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    The Avoca Department1- Amenda
Ma n ley Department
W. J. RAU. Manager
Ni Items Gathered Each Week by
V. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President
The Bank
Capital $10,000 -:-
We Solicit Your Banking Business.
Add io the Value
!v painting it. A coat of new paint adds greatly to the
attractiveness and saleahility of a property, and whether
you paint outside or in, house or barn, it will pay you
to use Patton's Sun Proof Paints. They wear longer,
cover more surface, and cost less than any other first
class paint. (et our free color card and circular ex
plaining why.
When you need anything in Fresh or Salt Meat Line you
want to be sure and get it of
e also sells Poultry and Dread and is always prepared
to fix vou with
rd uicmciiid am
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
f Al35S. -
3 1
Will make weekly trips to Avoca every
Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, Au
gust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap
pointments can be made with him.
vi 11 r7.. '
'.-us A. 1
'-V rJiZ II kS T. 4J' V
Tarrs SaiHs, Kcrsas, Hess
new foncc fW years to
n ' Q
II . tniMMmy 1 .,i.a
MM v -;
h:nj:e the : guvanumg. t::-- xv:;.y propru.j:ieu . i m-"
that ."s'nt't t' h.ird ir.T t.o soft. . . .
We can show- vou this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super
iority, not oaly Li the roll but ia the field. Come and sec us and get our prices.
a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
of Avoca
Surplus $3,500
of Your Property
Avoca, - Nebra.sktk..
ice! ice!! ice!!!
Wm. Knabe was up from Derlin Fri
day. Geo. Cotton of Auburn had business
here Tuesday.
Dr. B. F. Brendel was over from
Murray Tuesday.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife were at
Omaha Tuesday.
T. V. Malcolm had business at Weep
ing Water Monday.
Several of our farmers have com
menced husking corn.
Herman Meyers was here from Ber
lin Friday visiting.
Roy Malcolm was over from Nehawka
the first of the week.
T. II. Cromwell, of near Elmwood,
was a visitor Friday.
L. J. Marquardt and wife were Syra
cuse visitors Sunday.
Samuel Johnson was a business visit
or at Ashland Friday.
Chas. Brandt was over from his Ne
hawka home Saturday.
H. G. Wellensiek was an Ashland
business visitor Friday.
Mrs. Ora E. Copes was visiting re
latives at Cook this week.
Louis Carsten shipped a car load of :
cattle to Omaha last week.
Miss Pearl Harmon is at Elm Creek
trimming ladies head gear.
Dr. Lichtenwalner and wife of Dun
bar were in Avoca Sunday.
Dr. J. W. Brendel was visiting his
parents at Murray Sunday.
Wm. Kempke and sister, Dora, were
at Weeping Water Tuesday.
John Henry Schmidt shipped a car
load of cattle to Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. J. W. Brendel was the guest of
Lincoln relatives the first of the week.
- -m M j.
K K f 4 f i
Js PraciissUy iadestruchaia ft i
i: 1
9 : i
come. Get the bisr, heavy wires, the
m man n
rn.pT- T " i i I TFTT fj
Mrs. Fred Neumeistcr was visiting,
relatives at Cook the first of the week. .
J. C. Zimmerer and L. J. Manjuardt ;
were Weeping Water visitors Monday. ;
Eugene Stutt was a Nebraska City j
business visitor the first of the week, j
Mrs. M. G. Keedy was at Wabash 1
several days last week visiting her par
ents. Jacob Opp had the misfortune to
have one of his driving horses die last
Several hundred bushels of potatoes
have been marketed here the past few
John Quinton of Madrid was visiting
relatives east of town the first of the
M. Wollen and family spent Satur
day and Sunday with relatives near
II. G. Wellenseik was a business
visitor at Nebraska City Wednesday
Straub Bros, were on the Omaha
market with a car load of fine porkers
Henry Wellensiek, of near Lorton,
was here last Wednesday, visiting his
son, II. G.
L. W. Fahnestock is taking a vaca
tion from the R. F. D. route. His son,
Roy, ir. carrying the mail.
Fred Haveman, living north of town,
is building a large new corn crib in
which to store his large crop of corn.
Mrs. John Ruge and son of Murdock
were visiting Avoca relatives several
days last week.
T. II. Straub will soon commence the
erection of a handsome residence on his
farm, east of town.
L. W. Fahnestock and Gus Buss left
Monday for Dallas, S. D., to try their
luck for a quarter of land.
Fred Hillman and wife and Dr.
Schall and wife of Berlin spent Sunday
at the home of F. W. Ruhge.
The stork has again been busy. Vin
cent Nelson, living east of town, is the
proud possessor of a baby boy.
Master Freddie Marquardt made a
visit to Lincoln Friday to see his grand
mother. Mrs. M. D. Marquardt.
John Ehlers and wife of Bertrand
arrived Thursday for a ten days visit
with Avoca relatives and friends.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer and Little Gladys
West of Nehawka were visiting at
the home of J M. Dunbar Sunday.
A. Zimmerer and daughter, Mary,
were at Nebraska City last Thursday
attending the funeral of Tony Zimmer
er. Several from Avoca and vicinity
were at Plattsmouth Thursday evening
to hear the next president, W. J
Miss Maud Wilson of Weeping Water
was here from Thursday until Satur
day visiting at the home of Samuel
W. I. Srnoots was at Cook last week
and secured the contract lor the erec
tion of a new ten thousand dollar school
house there.
ura .. copes nas just received a
large line of clocks, the kind that will
get you up in the morning. Corn husk
ers, take notice.
Nick Everett and wife are now resi
dents of Avoca, having moved up from
Berlin last Thursday. They occupy
the Carter residence in west Avoca.
Wm. Norris and family of Eagle
were visiting at the home of Geo.
Westlake Sunday. Mr. Norris and
family were former residents of Avoca.
V. W. and Dave Straub left Sunday
for Kansas City to be present at the
stock show. Straub Bros, have their
herd of fine cattle on exhibition there.
Martin Eichel and his base ball team
went over to Union Sunday and defeat
ed Graves' Braves to the tune of 30 to
11. Batteries, Gruber and Gruber,
Eaton and Eaton.
A social dance was held at the home
of Fred Rohlfs, south of town, Friday
evernnp-. A farce nnmhpr wpre nres-
ent to enjoy the event. Seimers' cor
net band furnished the music.
Henry Straub was at Nebraska City j
last week and had to remain over until
the next day on account of the rain.
Henry says he is on the water wagon,
but this is the first time he has been
hung up with his Jackson auto.
We notice the name of Col. G. W.
TT 1 . 11 I 1 IT 11 -.1
narsnman in tr.e oria-neraia wun a
ten dollar Wnham attached to help j
ten dollar William
boost the Bryan campaign fund in Ne- ;
braska. The Col. 15 a dyed in the ;
wool Bryan supporter.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
& Mohi
Avoca, Neb.
Dr. Karr was down from Weeping
Water Wednesday.
Paul Johannes left Wednesday for a
trip to Stromsburg.
William Bogard made a business trip
at Nehawka Tuesday.
William Golner and Finley Linsey
were at Omaha Wednesday.
Fred Rughe was visiting his brother,
John, at Murdock last week.
Mrs. Shelton has returned from a
week's visit with Berlin friends.
Mr. Cox of Omaha was visiting his
friend, II. A. Straub, last week.
A young son of Louis Oelkers was
seriously ill Wednesday evening.
Emil Amanda and Wm. Holderness
were over from Syracuse Saturday.
Only a short time until the presiden
tial election. Be careful how you vote.
Several from this vicinity attended
the picnic at Syracuse last Thursday.
Mrs. Andre Weber is enjoying a visit
from a brother who resides at Lorton.
Miss Hattie I'ittman of Nehawka is
the guest of T. S. I'ittman and family.
Milton Woods and wife of Neligh
were visiting friends west of town last
Mrs. J. B. Frey of Douglas is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Mrs. A. Zimmerer was visiting Ne
braska City relatives the first of the
Walter Rockwell and wife were
visiting Weeping Water relatives Wed
nesday. Miss Mary Straub returned Friday
evening from a visit with Omaha
The Odd Fellows were busy Thurs
day evening confering the degrees on
two candidates.
Isaac Ellsworth and family returned
Tuesday evening from a visit with
Iowa relatives.
Mrs. E. G. Spencer and
burn arrived Tuesday for
son of Au
a few clays
visit with Avoca relatives.
Dick Steffens was at Lincoln Wed
nesday on a visit to Mrs. Steffens, who
is taking treatment at a hospital there.
School Notes.
The intermediate room has an enroll
ment of twenty-seven, fifteen of whom
were neither tardy nor absent during
the past month.
Some of our boys are learning the
art of housekeeping, such as scrubbing
and keeping things clean in general.
Bumble bees seem to be the chief
amusement at intermission period,
according to the report of the number
of bee stings.
Misses Mabel and Mary Stottler
were absent from school this week,
visiting friends at Union.
Prof. Zink gave an interesting talk
Friday afternoon on the different
denominations of money.
Seven members of the primary room
received certificates for perfect attend
ance last month.
The book-keeping class will complete
their course this week and then take
up the study of rhetoric.
There will be nine graduates this
year, seven girls and two bo-s. They
have entered into their work with a
determination to win. Some of them
are fitting themselves to become teach
ers, Miss Francis spent from Friday until
Sunday visiting ner parents at Dunbar.
Had a Close Call.
Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known
proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Vaughn,
Miss., savs: "For several months I
t suffered with a severe cough, and con
sumption seemed to have its grip on
me, when a friend recommended Dr.
Kings New Discovery. I began taking
it, and three bottles affected a com
plete cure." The fame of this. life
saving cough and cold remedy, and
lung and throat healer is world wide.
Sold at,F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist.
50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Kodak supplies at Gering & Co.'s.
Wm. Rau was in Louisville Sunday.
Wm. Boutan was in Omaha Wednes
day. Sollie Keckler was in Omaha Thurs
day. Wm. Schliefert was in Omul. a Tues
day. Miss Stella Jewell Sutnlav cd at Wet-ping
C. M. Andrus of Omaha was down
Thos. Keckler was an Omaha passen
ger Tuesday.
S. C. Keckler was an Omaha passen
ger Friday.
The base hall garni' Sunday brontrht
out quite a nice crowd
Joe Klein the Life Insurance Agent
was in town last Saturday.
Mrs. A. Backes and daughter Eliza
beth left for Omaha Saturday.
Alex Miller went to O'Neill to regis
ter Monday, returning Wednesday.
T. E. Parmele came over from
Louisville Friday with the "Carter
Car" in 15 minuets.
Mr. Frank Stander is erecting a nice
new commodious barn on his town
property now occupied by Theo. Harms.
Mr. T. E. Parmele was in town Mon
day with his shinning touring car "'Ihe
Cartercar" and it attracted much at
tention. Cam M. Seibert democratic candidate
Wabash Department
A. J. Brann was at Meadow Satur
day. O. H. Wilson was an Omaha last
J. Edgar and wife visited at Weeping
Water last week.
Miss Grace Hinds was at Lincoln
Wednesday evening.
The Syckology Club met at the home
01 A. II. Waltz Monday.
Ray Norris was up from Weeping
Water Sunday evening.
Several of our farmers commenced
husking corn Monday.
John Wilson came down from Sum
ner last week for a visit.
The Mite Society will give a dinner
at the Linch hall Thursday.
Miss Julia Kerr visited at I'latts-
mouth Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Caygill drove up
from Weeping Water Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Berry, of Myn
ard visited relatives here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Minton Wood, of Ne
ligh, visited relatives here last week.
The members of the M. E. church
gave a pound social for their minister.
A. II. Waltz and J. W. Stanton left
for the South Dakota drawing Sunday.
Geo. Battler went to Anderson, Iowa,
Saturday, where he will work at the
blacksmith trade.
The Ladies Mite Society held their
annual election of officers Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. V.
Local News
Dick Smith, of Elmwood, the republi-
can nominee for representative, attended
th rpnhlirn meeting in the Parmele
the republican meeting in the Barmele
theatre last evening.
A. W. White. H. G. VanHorn, Geo.
T1 , , , ,
Bauer and Dr. Curomms boarded the
train this after noon for Omaha.
Soothes itching skin, heals cuts or
burns without a scar. Cures piles,
eczema, salt rheum, any itching. Doan's
Ointment. Your druggist sells it.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keeney, of
Central City, who have been visiting
j i , i . i ' Rock street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says:
departed this morning to visit friends,,,., , ' ,J,
in Iowa.
Feel languid, weak, run-down? Head
ache? Stomach "off"? Just a plain
case of lazy liver,
ters tones liver ar
Burdock Blood Bit
ters tones liver and stomach, promotes
digestion, purifies the blood
A recent letter from Miss Ethel
Dovey to her parents says that she is
now playing with the company at
Grand Kapids, ana tnat tne company is
headed for the Pacific coast.
Mrs. Julia Donelan of Glen wood came
over this afternoon to attend the Bryan
meeting tonight and to visit with her
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schlater.
Rev. J. H. Salsbury returned from
Wayne last evening and will depart for
Lexington this evening, where he will
attend the state convention of the
Christian Endavor society, he being the
Evangelist Miller captured the good
will of the girls and boys in the
Methodist Episcopal church yesterday
afternoon with the bear story, and he
will speak to the children in the same
place tomorrow afternoon at 3:43.
for County Coriitnissiiii-r was in Mmi
hy Saturday meeting voters. From
here he went to Murdock.
Hon. Esser will deliver a German
lecture in Manlt-y Thursday evening
for the benefit of the Germans and in
the interest of Mr. Bryan.
The teachers invite the pare:i' 1 ,-tnd
others to visit the schools any time and
are glad to have them come and see
what the children are doing.
Mr. Chas. Irons from Avoca moved
his family and his effects in George
Stohlman's house Monday. We under
stand Mr. Irons has moved here to
Dick Boom sold bis blacksmith shop
to Mr. G. F. Allen of Nehawka. Mr.
Allen has a family and will move them
here as soon as he gets settled. We
understand I lick is going farming some
where near Manlev and we all wish him
George Wood, Mart Williams and Ben
Barker were in Mauley Wednesday.
Mr. Wood is rounding up a bunch for
the fertile lands of Alberta for Oct.
lioth. Anyone contemplating this trip
leave word at the Mauley Bank or com
municate with Mr. Wood direct at
Manley vs. Louisville
Manley crossed bats with Sprinfield
on the Manley grounds Sunday result
ing in a victory for Manley; score 21 to
1. A nice crowd witnessed the game.
B. T. ')tte was at Weeping Water
W. L. Copple look dinner at the hotel
Fred Bellams was here from Lincoln
Herald Blakie was kept busy doing
chores last week.
Wm. Wilson and Jos. Austin was at
Lincoln Satnrday.
O. O. Thomas was clerk at the Fred
Keer sale Tuesday.
W. L. Williams returned from South
Dakota Saturday.
A. W. Barrett visited at Seward
Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. J. E. Golden went to Lincoln
Friday to visit her parents.
Mrs. II. E. Calkin was taken to the
hospital at Elmwood Monday.
Mrs. Irland and son, of Berlin, visit
ed here Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Kiser, our new M. E. minister,
delivered his first sermon here Sunday.
Chas. Clapp ran the Farmers' eleva
tor during the absence of Mr. Ward
last week.
Misses McCrary, pool, Allen, Buell,
Darr and Berry visited at Weeping
Water Tuesday.
A. W. Thomas and wife moved up
from Julian Thursday. Mr. Thomss ia
once more our agent.
Chas. Brann, W. C. Tirnblin and J.
M. Creamer, after a three days vaca
tion, returned to Plattsmouth Sunday
to serve on the jury.
i r . . 11 DUH.r.,.
! "'ends 311(1 Neighbors III PiatiSITlOUth
Will Show You Hew.
Get at the root of the trouble.
Rubbing an aching bacK may relieve it,
D .. , . J '
Rubbing an aching 1,
But it won't cure it.
You must reach the root of it the
Doan's Kidney Pills go right at it;
Reach the cause; relieve the pain.
They cure, too, so Plattsmouth people
Mrs. M. E. Hartman, living at 703
j "My father was greatly benefited by
j Doan's Kidney Pills. For years he was
' in poor health and pain in his back,
due to weak kidneys, caused him con
siderable suffering, particularly when
he was on his feet. Learning about
Doan's Kidney Pills. I procured a box
for her at Gerincr & CVs. druir store.
ghe ued them a3 directeJ and the pain
was relieved, her back and kidneys
Ptrengthened and his general health
.: irrir.rv.f.H It i rppHlr. tr. t tvo-
the results she obtained give her cause
to value Doan's Kidney Pills highly."
For sale by all dealers. Price oO
; cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
j New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
M. E. Church Dedication,
j The dedication of the Methodist
church at Mynard is to take place next
; Sunday. Elder Wright will be present
; morning and evening.
j Any doctor's prescription filled right
; at the right price. Gering & Co.
r ...