Murray a i:i:i in iiif intkrksts of thi: pfopll of muiikay lfun-ioftht rv.,,,l.;, s of tht Jonm'i! ko: ot n .so. il txnt or u it:m of intenxt IVt ;oi.l nil Uliiis of iiitKicxt. Kilitor J-iin ii'iL GSggSSZEgP CTWO STc. PARMELE, President. FRED L. NUTZMAN, ViC2-Pr3sident. y j W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier. I 1 ray ry s - (id into closer cial affairs. coir.iiiLf m a ". ! ( n rati .o U;;s vaMiv. Start a checking account with n-: de-(-it whatever money you now have sue a check' for every obligation. our bam: books records rvery Allow check' is u.- tern 1 von more li Murray a Mvirray, Nebrsvske 3 eiaELsassx osssssrs asasnas c Miss MaVLT.-ri-t .!..!!i-.-(m was on the .- i list ,n- F.rii was itsnn nth ;:ir :-al n avid "Bakes' little two-year old g! , ;itc sick pneumonia fever. '. s. Will Si-V.cs of Mynard w. ;nz friends in Murray Sunday. u".;i t ot Bock i.'.uli s was it i. in-; i :ii is was a bush; - .visitor yesterday. :e MiMM-la has moved from Ce ar t recii d home with Will Djil. The Morton Grain down their elevator Company close here Tuesday indefinitely. Fritz Frhke and his lister, Lena, of Flatts -siouth, wore attendants at the dar.:e Saturday night. P. Virgin and wife were at Omaha several days this week, taking in the sights of Ak-Sar-Cen. F-r. A. E. Walker and Misses K(s ar.f. Gilmore of Nehawka attended the dar-.-e here Saturday night. Chas. Carrol ha3 purchased a farm rear Plainview. Neb. He is expected : home from that place this weeb. j Glen Rawls. Grosvenor Dovey, Ed . Scotten and his sister, of Plattsmouth, ! attended the dance Saturday night. . Mrs Dee Shrader and children spent ', several days in Omaha this week visit-' ing friends and taking in the carnival. The health of this community is ex ceedingly good at this writing, and the doctors have but little to do at the pre sent. Guy Burton and family have remov ed from Murray to the farm of Lee Nickels, with w hom Guy will work this winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holmes have re moved to their new home and are "living right at home in the fullest sense of : the term. ' ' " : Homer Smith, who is employed by George Shrader on the farm', and who has been very sick, is much better at this writing. A large number boarded the Omaha special yesterday, which passed tnrough here about II o'clock, to attend the big parade in Omaha last night. The Presbyxerians have secured the services of Rev. Lamp of Omaha, who will preach for them this winter every Sunday morning. He will preach next Sunday. George Oldham and his sister, Mrs. Dora Moore, were guests of their brother, Lee Oldham, and family, several days last week, returning to their home in Plattsmouth Sunday. Grandma Graves of Rock Bluffs came ovei Sunday, ar.d is visiting her son, Ale Graves and family. While here she td a cancer removed from her righ and by Dr. Gilmcre. M Ray Dill, who was taken to Orn: last Thursday, was successfully opei 1 on for appendicitis Saturday. Fro recent reports she is getting alor jite well, although not entirely out ! anger. Ji ie Loughridge went to Omaha yest ay morning to meet his wife who returning from Spokane, Wash., whe she has been sojourning for pom me for the benefit of her health. She iccompanied by her father and mot Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown. M accc Coni no i Kittle Cummins, who will act a3 anist at the Christian Church . next Saturday evening needs oduction to the Murray public. necit: touch witliyour i i nan ce nt Ktvp tal n every on all : terns. a receipt. to explain tlie chec !!!! luiiv. 1 1 1 R 3. Her ablity as an teacher is widely intrumentalist and known. Hear her at the concert to he given by Austin. Mr. Hen. Windham, who will Mr. 1 assist ' Mr. Austin at the Christian Church concert Saturday evening, is recognized as one of the best readers in this part of the country. His ability as a charac ter artist has been shown in "The Col lege Widow" etc. You will rniss it if, you fail to hear him. j Helen Frances Wood, who will assist j Mr. Austin at the Christian Church j concert Saturday evening, giving strik- j ing imitations of Vesta Victoria the I most noted Coster singer in the world. Hear Miss Wood sing "Taint All i Honey and it Tain't All Jam;" "Wait ing at the Church" and "I've Told His Missus All About Him." Murray Lecture Course. The first number of the Murray lec ture course will be given on Oct. 8th. The Fisher Shipp Concert Company will give the opening number. This is rnrr.nosed of a eomoanv of four taented musicians. Instrumental and vocaJ music with other entertainment. Season tickets will be on sale at the State Bank or Miss Margie Walker, Mr. H. S. Austin, who will give a concert in the Christian Church, Satur- day evening. Oct. Grd. has been in Plattsmouth bur a few months, and in that time has made himself a recognized power in musical matters as a teacher, a director, and singer. He has a large class in sight reading, and another in voice culture. As director in St. Luke's choir he has brought the choir into marked prominence. Mr. Austin will come to Murray to give vocal lessons if enough pupils can be secured to make it an object. Turn out d hear him sir.g Saturday evening. The Hehirn EaiZ2. The return dance given by the young men at Jenkins' Hall Saturday night was a pronounced success, notwith standing the inclement weather. Quite a number of out-of-town young people were in attendance, and joy reigned supreme until a late hour. The music consisted of three pieces harp, violin and cornet, and everyone was more than well pleased with it. Prof. Black is the leader of the band, and that he has the same well trained for dancing music, all who were present will attest. So well pleased were the boys with the music and attendance that they feel highly elated at the outcome. They thought of postponing the dance early in the evening, but could get no word to Prof. Black, notifying him not to come. "All is well that ends well." Home Burned. Mrs. G. D. Connally, who has been making her home in Omaha for some time arrived in Murray Tuesday eve ning for the purpose of making her home here for the present. Her home was burned in the metropolis Monday, together with the entire contents, and owning a residence here she returns to occupy the same. We understand that this is quite a serious loss to Mrs. Connally, as the insurance was quite small. Salt. . We have just received a car of Mich igan Salt in barrel, sack and rock, Call if in need of salt. Holmes & Smith, am Vicinity kspfcially for the journal headers. in this virinit; n,l will mail ime to this A Swell Wedding in Murray. Cupid plays a peculiar game in the destiny of man; always an interesting game and always a winning game. One of the most popular, one of the most interesting and one of the most successful weddings of the season took jace in Murray last Wednesday eve ning when two hearts were thrown into the seething crucible of love, here melted to a glowing white, run into the (patrimonial mould and made as one. Yes, one beautiful golden heart with silver wings shimmering with dazzeling briliancy as it flits in the radiant sun light of joy forever. The invitations came as a surprise to all friends of the contracting parties. Here is a copy of the multiplexed invitation on Irish linen. "You are invited to attend the wed ding of Miss Violet Snow to Mr. Geo. Washington Jackson at Dr. Cil more's cabin this evening at X o'clock (in honor of Glen Boedeker, a slirn coon from the corn Held.) Being favored with a dark moon chicken will be serv- j tel. Gentlemen are requested to leave the razors at home Given under the auspices of the Gentlemen's Auxiliary of the Kensington, no ladies admitted. I Promptly at eight o'clock II err von M. Churchill, a musician from Kranzen- jammer, Germany, struck up the Schopksy Styx when the bridal party appeared headed by a colored parson, Zeke Hambone (Dr. Gilmore. ) The party was an airy dream of fairies. The bride Miss Violet Snow (S. Pitman) was dressed in the latest Parisian style of the most costly fabrics. Kamona a 'a tiger skin, burlap sash, ramjamsky plummet! hat and a bridal veil ot lace curtains that fell in waves over her ex quisite form. She refused to carry a Teddy Bear as it is now a hoodoo to colored folks. She carried a rabbit foot. Miss Lizzy Small, (A. Baker) a buxom lady of forty, left a big washing on the line to come and assist her friend on ! the road to happiness. She was gown j ed similar to the bride lace curtains, j burlap, etc. She wore such a dear sweet smile, two yards, counting what I run back behind the ears. She's going j to be married some day too. i The groom, George Washington Jack son. (Glen Boedeker) wore store cloth es. Rastus Brown, (C. A. Davis) who stood guard as best man had on a suit of clothes. After an exhortation on the bank guaranty fund, the war of the rebel lion, the Japanese war, the parson said the words that made them man and wife. Just as congratulations were being given a tremendi us noise out side broke the enchanting spell that had over come the congregation a chari vari of the ladies of the town. Mr. Jackson had to present his bride which he did proudly. A bountiful repast of three courses was served by Wm. Smith and Wm. Brown. Chicken had been passed the third time when a dwarfed ghost appeared at the door. Now, colored folks don't take much to ghosts and they stopped just there. The ghost presented a paper and fled. The paper was opened and read as follows: "Warning! Do not delay! Act at once! We are starv ing .and unless you invite us to eat chicken we will kidnap the brice. By order of the Black Hand Society.'-' A big , black hand showed upon the left hand. corner of the. page. A postscript said, "save the white meat." The order was invited in and served. After the' wedding feast Glen pre sented .the boys with a box of cigars. A few innocent games of craps were played and all, went home saying they liked to go to sich high toned wed dings. Those present were: Wm. Mc Daniels, M. G. Churchill, Dee Shrader, Dr. J. F. Brendel, J. W. Holmes, Wm. Smith, J. Loughridge, C. A. Davis, Sam Pittman, Cal. Suavely, Glen Boedeker, Earl Jenkins, D. C. Rhoden, W. A. Scott, John Cook, Wm. Brown, Dr. Gilmore, Elmer Boedeker, Tom Barber. Plate Shcwsr. A plate shower was tendered Miss Leona Sans by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Holmes, at the new home of the latter yesterday. A. large number of the ladies of the vicinity attended to do honor to the bride-elect, and it is unneces sary to say that all enjoyed the event, and that Miss Leona . was the recipient of many plates, some which were most elegantly designed. The ladies (God bless them) always have a good time when they get together on such occa sions, and this plate shower is no ex ception to the rule. Refreshments were served at the proper hour. We still have plenty of fruit jars, fruit jar caps aud rings. Holmes & Smith office it vill u ii ca r uwhr this hiiinj. TWEfiTY-THIRB ADVERSARY The Friends cf Glen Val!ery Give Him a Genuine Surprise. Last Saturday evening Miss Leo!a Vallery and her sister, Mrs. Wade Por ter, planned a surprise on their brother, Glen Vallery, the occasion being Glen's twenty-third birthday anniversary. As (Hen was getting ready t. enter into his peaceful slumbers, about "() of his friends came in on him ar.d informed Glen that they had come in to help him celebrate his birthday. To say that he was greatly surprised would indeed be putting it mild. After Glen recovered he soon made them feel at home. The guests were invited out on the lawn, where various games were laved and some excellent music was furnished, which, was very much appreciated by one and all. At the usual hour lunch was served by Misses Mae Lewis, Louisa Shepherd son, EJla Thominsor id Leola Vallery and Mrs. Albert ..eeler ar.d Mrs. Wade Porter, which all did ample jus tice. At a late hour all departed for their homes, wishing Glen more happy returns of the event. Among those to enjoy this happy oc- J casion were as fo". vs: The Misses Eda Hanson, Grace loiter, Louira Ver gin, Mae Lewis, Lizzie Wheeler, Louisa Shepherdson, Veria Yardeley, Clara Copenhaver, Edith Dill, Clara Young, Ruth Goninson, Villa Gapen. Leola Val lery, Grace Graves, Luciie Rice, Gertie Hobaek, Mary Hanson, Miss Harry, Margaret Jameson, Ella Vergin. E'.la Torr.inson, Emma Graves, Isabella Youncr, Jessie Stokes, Marjorie Vallery. The Messrs. Lee Kniss, Walter Man niear, Alfred Beverage, Percy Wheeler, Ommer Yardly. Evereit Thominson, Arnold Fitzpatrick, Arthur Copenhaver, Ommer Schlichtermeir, Guy Stokes, Louie Rice, Cyrus Daniher, Tom Tilson. Jake Brendell, Ed Harry, Elbert Beckner, Glen Wiles, Glen Por ter, Rex Youner, Elbert Wiles, Joe Kel logg, Charlie Vallery, Glen Vallery, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vallery and little daughter, Violet; Mr. and Mrs. Wade Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vallery. An Enjoyable Evening. Last Sunday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler, a num ber of their friends gathered to enjoy the hospitality of their esteemed host and hostess. Notwithstanding the threatening appearance of the weather without, all was pleasant and com fortable within, and traly it would be difficult indeed to find better entertain ers than Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. Al though still possessed with that light hearted mirthfulness, common to one much younger in years, Mrs. Wheeler is in complete possession of her culinary art, which is one great factcr in mak ing things comfortable for those around her. And the appearance of her dining table last Sunday at the dinner was proof to the assertion just made. The day was spent in various amusements, conversation, etc , after which all de parted very much appreciating the en joyable time for which Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler were responsible. Those pre sent were: Misses Leola Vallery, Louisa Shepherdson, Belle Mason, Gertrude Hobaek, Mae Lewis;. Messrs. Glen Vallery, Tom Tilson, Ed. Lewis, Percy Wheeler, Omer Yardley, Sam Tubbs, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler. One Who Was There. Cards Are Out. Cards have been out for several days announcing the wedding of Miss Mary Leona Sans and Mr. W. C. Boedeker. The wedding will occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe seph Sans in Rock Bluffs on Wednes day, Oct. 7, 1908, at 8 o'clock p. m. The groom is cashier of the Murray State Bank, and one of the best busi ness young men in Cass county, along with his excellent social qualities. The bride is one of the most charming young ladies in the vicinity, and highly esteemed by all who knowr her. Farm Tor Sale! Three hundred and twenty (o2o) acres, one and one-half miles from Murray. Good improvements. $95.00 per acre. Inquire of John II. Spangleh, Murray, Neb. Twenty Cents For Clioice Butter. ! We are in need of good butter, and will pay 20 cents for choice and 16 cents for tub butter. Holmes & Smith. Farm for Sale! I, Dan Kiser, of Mynard, ofTer my farm of 80 acres for sale until October '4, 1908. Surprise Pcrly. A charivari and surprise party were organized Friday, Sept. '!', at S p. in., and proceeded in a body to the pleasant, home of Justus Lillie, four and one fourth miles southeast of Murray, in honor of his son and wife. Just as the crowd got inside the yard a salute of guns were fired, then the house was surrounded and they were properly serenaded. Mr. ('. Rebel! of Denver escorted the bride and groom out on the porch and introduced them to the crowd, then he called for three cheers for the bride' and groom, which were given with a good will, then all were invited in the house where a merry time was had with music and games, after which lunch was served to which all did ample justice. At a la'te hour the guests departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lillie a long and happy life. Those present were: Messrs and Mesdames Frank Moore, Will Raney, Henry Sans, Frank Mrasek, Pete Smith, Robert Good, Pete Campbell, Geo. Ray, C. Rebel! of Denver, Col., Justus Lillie, Frank Lillie, Mrs. Jennie Rhoden. Mrs. Fannie Grosser of Plain view, Neb., Messrs Sol. Long, Homer Shrader Wesley Hill, Misses Etta Niekl'.'s, Annabel Moore, Bertha Nickles. Willa Moore, Maggie O'Brien of Omaha, Amanda Campbell, Esther Ray, Oda and Nettie Richter, .Margaret, Vera and Fiances Moore, Clara, IsaI.eil and Wilma Rainey, Margie Grosser, May Smith, Velma and Bessie Sans, Clara Mrasek and Virgie Campbell. Messrs Eil. Kniss, Leo Nix, Lloyd and Wayne Lewis, George Wiley, Arthur Hanson, Homer Smith, Johnny- Hohschei'.it.Geo. Nickles, Gussie Good, Otto Richter, Merl Raney, Victor Sa m Is, Joyce, ( '.enrge and James Smith, Ear! Mrasek and Milton Rebeil. making a total of W present. A JOLLY 808- 8 it PA8TY ! Kisses Lhzh Kirzar.d Kar&a Eroek- Last Saturday a joint surpri-'e paty was given to Misses Lizzie I!i:z hm! Martha Breckenridge, the occasion be ing the fourteenth birthday of Miss llirz and the Fourth birthday of little Miss Breckenridge. There were a num ber of relatives and friends assembled to help the young ladies celebrate their passing another milestone in life's journey, and everyone was more than delighted at the splendid time they had. The evening was spent in a most soci able way, there being games of differ ent kinds to amuse everyone, and the evening closing with a fine lunch to which all did ample justice. The lunch consisted of sandwiches of different kinds, pickles, coffee and cake all of the most toothsome kind. After the lunch the party broke up all wishing the young ladies many more birthdays as good or better than this. Those attending were Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Hirz and S.W. Breck enridge, John Wehrbein. Will Schultz, W. Wehrbein, Misses Kate Kaffenber ger, Nora Batton, Emma Hirz, Maggie Kaffenberger, Egenberger, Mary Kaf fenberger, Lizzie Hirz, Martha Breck enridge, Messrs Philip Hirz, Nick Baumgard, George Kaffenberger, Ed. Baumgard, Lewis Baumgard and Chas. Miller. MM- ter m CALIFORNIA GO IN OCTOBER while the low colonist rates are in effect. Daily through tourist sleepers via Denver, scenic Colo rado and Salt Lake. Go ahead of the rush at the end of the month. HOMESEEKERS' RATES: First and third Tuesdays each month to the far west, northwest and the southwest. These make very low rate winter tours. SECURE AN IRRIGATED FARM The besst chances of the day in the Big Hern Basin and Yellow stone Valley. Government irri gated lands one-tenth down, re mainder prorata in ten years with out interest. Corporation irri gated lands equally cheap and favorable. A paramount and rul ing fact in this region is the never failing water supply. Do not make your new home in any irri gated region without a full stud of the water supply. Write D. Clem Deaver. General Agent, Landseekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, or . L. PICKETT, TICKET AGENT, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. I. W. WmiET. S. P. A. Omihi. Nk. THE M-SAB-15EN ELL ATTENDED Big Crowd Gees to Omaha on Trains Kes. 13 and 7. Both No. !! and No. 7 on the B. M. Wednesday carried an immense num ber of people from this city to Omaha to worship at the shrine of King Ak-Sar-Ben, and to see tin- great parade which be is to curry out tonight. The morning train which practically start from here carried two coaches loaded to the guards with people while the noon train carried four carloads, the coaches being literally packed with humanity. Not near all who went up on the train came from the city, ia fact, most of them wen from the country, the big city crowd waiting t go up tonight on the special which wi.l doubtless cany several hui died more. It was quite impossible to get a com plete list of the pa:-sen'rers on the fast mail as the crowd numbered probably four hundred at the lowest. Those who did go from the country included Henry Horn and son George, l'i l r Ev rs an ! wife. Frank BnaUl ami wife. Mrs. A. N. Yo ui r. (. L. Wiles and wife, Mr.-, ('harks ('reamer. Former Senator Th.-mas, Will Vallery anil wife, Geo. Smith, wife and family of ilov': I'.lutl's, Marl; Furlong and many more, while the visitors from the ciiy i:i l a!ed Geo. Becker, 'I'hos. Woodson, John Mi-Daniels, ('Ik s., ( 'havlcs Tru man, Mi.-'. Hazel Hartm-m. Mrs. M. A. Ilickson. John Mason .-i-d v. if'e and babies, Geo. J ;.!!: s and wife, II. G. Vanhorn and wife. Mr-;. E. M. Godwin and daughter Molhe, Mrs. Decker ar I Miss Nannie Monroe, of I'ai ili- Junc tion, Miss Sophia Kiinger, Mi.-s Sophia Wolf. Miss Freda Wohlfarlh. Mis. Henry Ofe and her gue:-t Mis. Henry S.ehig'-n of Norfolk, Neb., Mrs. Ida (.'ampin!!, .Mrs. Andy K'roehler, John Murray and wife. Mrs. John S. Hall, Mrs. Flora Wadi--!:, Miss Tiilio I'h eg -r,M Miss Llizabeih la rr, ;. Olga Bijskirk 1 '1-K-ger, G. Larson and daughters. Alma a.d Mattie, Mrs. G. P. Bichards, Fml M 'auk y, Guy Mc Maken, wife a: d family, Goerge Dodge and wife. Frank O'Neill, Mrs. G. M. Porter, W. S. and wife, Far! Dun", I'.lmer llartman, I'oy 'I hompson and .sister, ( Veil Thoma perry I'tter back and wife, Henry L'tterback, Mi.-s Gertrude Beeson, Wade Windham, Mis-i Minnie Wills, Mrs. Henry Zuckweiler, Mrs. John Sharp and daughter, Mattie, Russell York, Miss Nettie Morgan, Miss Bertha Kichey, F. H. Johnson and wife, II. C. McMaken, Henry Speck, Ed. Kelly, Miss Kdna Wray W. W. Lorenz and wife, Matthew Herold, K. B. Windham and son, Fd. Tionat, Miss Nora Martin. The special train which will go up this evening at 7 o'clock is expected to be fully as well crowded as either of the other trains and it is expected the Missouri Pacific train at 5 o'clock will have a good sized crowd. Taken alto gether it is thought the attendance from the city to the parade this evening will be close to fifteen hundred. Off for a Good Time. There ought to be a great slaughter of prarie chickens, geese, ducks and all other kinds of game up in the northern part of the state in the next few days. A party left on the fast mail Monday noon for Hackberry Lake, near Valen tine, with the intention of cleaning out all the game in the neighborhood. The members of the party were General Foreman, Robert B. Hayes of the Burlington shops, Geo. Tartsch and L. D. Hiatt. The boys are prepared for a good time and expect to run. into some cold weather as they have prepar ed themselves with winter clothing, and everything necessary to make a good time under the very worst of conditions. They expect to be gone about a week and have orders enough on hand to keep them busy for two weeks if they attempt to fill them. They leave Omaha tonight for the lake, where their coming has been arranged for. Lumber for Sale! I have a quality of cotton wood lum ber on hand at my place one-half mile east cf the Missouri River Ferry in Iowa, which I will sell $10.00 per thou sand feet. Lumber is in good shape, all lengths and widths. Address, Pacif ic Junction Ia, or Mutual Phone from there. A. Gkaham. Watch Lost! Somewhere between the farm of A. S. Will an 1 the home of C. N. Bever idge, a 1G size watch, Waltharn move ment, No. Y1'.W:, C'reser.t Silverir.e csay O. F.. No. 2',:'--. Finder will p'ease return to owner. A i. B -!-. r: ! : .i ; s. . Fer Zzk cr Trade. Four months old mule for sale, or will trade for a light weight driving horse. Apply to the Market Place. Smith & Smith, Plattsmouth, Neb. Notice of Sale. J. F. Tubbs has three pure bred.dark Jersey Male pigs for sale at each, legible to register.