Iblattemoutb Journal. si:mi-vi:i:klv kdition i;k;ht paoks XXVIII PLATTSMOUTII, XEUKASKA, TIL U IiSDA V, SK ITKMKliU 1!M)S sum ni:ii :js a warn w Ei- The De-Lone Concert and Dramatic Company Netted the Ladies of the Altar Society of St. John's Catholic Church a Neat Sum The best concert given in this city for many years was that given Monday evening at the Partnele by the De-Lone Concert and Dramatic Company. And it is a matter of satisfaction that the concert was a brilliant success in every respect. It netted the Ladies' of the Altar Society of St. John's Catholic Church, under whose auspices it was given, a neat sum after settling all ex penses, and gave all who attended a most satisfactory evening. The complete success of the concert and the large attendance is due to the interest manifested by the ladies of the Society who all pushed the affair strongly and by their activity disposed of many tickets. Particularly is the success due to the activity and hard work of Mrs. Thos. E. Parmele who was virtually the business manager of the concert. Her untiring zeal and en ergy in its behalf resulted in everything passing off with the greatest possible smoothness. Too much praise cannot be given her for her very skillful man agement. Of the numbers upon the program it is enough to say that every one was a success. The public had been led to believe that they would have a rare treat in the harp playing of Miss De Lone and it can be said with safety that they were not disappointed. Miss De Lone more than acquitted herself with credit. She is well indeed, said to be the "Queen of the Harp, ' and her mastery of that beautiful instrument was apparent. Every selection played was a masterpiece and Miss DeLone played everyone with an instrumenta tion that was perfect. Undoubtedly she is a most finished and polished artist. Her selections ranged in all classes of music from classical to popu ljr and were well suited to the great variety of tastes in the aucience. It is to be hoped Miss DeLone can be se cured for another date in this city in the future. GOV. SHELDOFi ON LABOR DAY Recommends That Ail Business, as Far as Possible, be Suspended Governor Sheldon's labor day procla mation issued Tuesday recognizes the dignity of labor in city, town and coun ty, urges citizens and children alike to cherish a wholesome reverence for labor and expresses the hope that each succeeding labor day may witness a better understanding between employ er and employe in a more optimistic un ion and proclaims equal protection to all the people in their rights as citizens of a republic. The proclamation de signated September 7 as labor day. It is as follows: "Nebraska points with pride to a County as the judges and clerks in all working population in citv, town and '. cases kePt no record of the vote of their country. Here the dignity of labor is ! respective wards and precincts. The held in highest honor and its achieve- city 13 apparently close between DaW ments unexcelled. We can all enjoy j man and Shallenberger while Berge has the results of honest effort, to the mea- , run wel1 5n the country and the proba- f oK.-Kf-t- tn i,n ,r.i t r, unrt i bilities favor a close vote between him and we may rejoice that the wealth in our state is as ideally distributed as anywere in the world. It is especially f.tting that out people have by law de- signaled one dav of the year as a legal hrTiiv in t alccn of their esteem for the importance of labor. "Now. therefore, I. George Lawson Sheldon, governor of the state of Ne braska, in accordance with law and custom do hereby proclaim the Th day of September. l;o. as labor day. and earnestly recommend that all business go far as possible, be suspended on that day, to the er.d that the significance of the day may be brought to the attent- ion of our citizens, and that the child- ren, with whom lies the future destiny ' of our commonwealth, may thereby j cherish a w holesome reverence for labor. ; "On this day it will greatly profit our ! state if employer and employe will j take counsel together in general gather- , ings, or in specific manner, and the hope partcular Robert Cuscaden, the violin virtuoso, made himself also a general favorite with his mastery of that instrument. Like Miss De-Lone, his selections ranged from grave to gay, and from simpie melodies to the highest grade of classical music, and all met with instan taneous appreciation from the audience. In his particular line, Mr. Cuscaden was the master of the violin as Miss De-Lone was of the harp. Such musicians are sure of an appreciative audience in this city at any time. Miss Hazel Herbert took excellently with the audience as she is a dramatic reader of rare ability. She has great versatility in reading, being able to move passions and feelings of her audi ence by the varying moods of her select ions, and acquitting herself as a talent ed and able young woman. Of the local talent, it is known that no better bass singer can be found in this vicinity that II. S. Austin, and his work last evening bore out the reputa tion he has so ably built up in this vi cinity. Mr. Austin was in fine voice and with his able musical education, he gave a number of selections which stir red the auditors to a high pitch of en thusiasm. His voice sounded strongly in the auditorium, the deep, rich, tones reaching each nook and corner of the building. He is quite justly a popular favorite. Miss Ella Margaret Dovey, as the ac companist, acquitted herself splendidly. Miss Dovey also gave her numbers on the program with a finished polish and technique that showed her superb train ing. She is without doubt one of the most accomplished pianistes in this vi cinity. From the foregoing it can readily be seen the entire program was except ionally good, and deserved the applause which greeted almost every number. 1 is fervently expressed that each suc ! ceeding labor day may witness a better ! understanding and a closer and more optimist union, in spirit and in fact, among all the citizens of our state. "Let it ever be kept in mind that all the people are entitled to equal oppor tunities, equal privileges, and equal pro tection in their rights as citizens of our republic. ' ' THE ELECTION YESTERDAY The Total Vote Being Very Light Throughout the County- Nothing definite can be given of the returns from the primaries in Cass and Shallenberger for the control of the county. The remainder of the tick et is almost wholly lost in mystery ex cept possibly on congressman, Maguire seeming to nave carried ine county dv 3 larSe majority. The republican ticket is in the same shape as the democratic. The only " .u r. -l g- j was that on Railroad Commissioner and Williams seems to have held a good lead over his numerous competitors. The total vote was ridiculously light, the apathy in the republican ranks bir.g much greater than in the Demo cratic. Just as soon as the vote can be conecuy ouiaineu me journal win give ll- County Surveyor Hilton was called to Pacific Junction this morning to lay out some ditches for drainage purposes, The Mills County surveyor was unable to attend to the work owing to the pressure of other duties. a a i t i mi Celebrate Golden Wedding A special from Weeping Water, un der date of August .'51, says: "In Fre mont county, Iowa, August 29, 1X."8, occurred the marriage of F. M. Tim blin to Miss Eva Coleman. On Satur day, August 2X, 1908, in Weeping Water these same parties celebrated their golden wedding. Not only was there a celebration of the happy event of fifty years ago, but a reunion of the Timblin family. There were present of the children, A. L. Timblin of Omaha, Myrtle, also of Omaha, Lee of Wisner, Mrs. Weeks of Scotia, and Mrs. Welch of Hampton. Children, grandchildren and other relatives of the familv made up a company of about forty. These were joined by a goodly company of neighbors and citizens. Mr. Timblin is seventy-nine years old and Mrs. Timblin seventy-four. " INCENSED AT THE ATTEMPT Telegraph Operators Assert That Trains Cannot be Safely Dis patch by Telephone. The Lincoln News says that the opera tors at Havelock are greatly incensed at the attempt which is being made by the Burlington to cheapen running ex penses and to do without the employ ment of the operator. The statement below was given out by the operators as to the adaptability of the phones for the dispatching of trains : "The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway has announced that it will spend a million dollars this winter and fall in an attempt to substitute the common telephone for the telegraph system for dispatching trains. The tel ephone system lias been thoroughly tested in eastern states; it was not al lowed there to be used as it was im practicable, and very dangerous to the traveling public. "Every user of the telephone knows how unreliable it is; it never works twice alike and a great many times one has to guess at what is being talked over the 'phone. "In dispatching trains, accuracy is the essential thing at all times, but in the use of the 'phone there is so much uncertainly that the public should not permit the use of a system that is known to be extremely dangerous and put the lives of those who ride on the trains in great danger. "There are so many sounds alike .on the 'phone that words are very often mistaken and one mistake of this kind in a train order might be the cause of a great wreck. Anyone knows hovvdifli cult it is to get a message over a 'phone at times and when the 'phone is work ing bad has to guess at a great deal that is being said, whereas, by the tel egraph system everything is transmit ted by dots and dashes, all train orders are repeated back to the dispatcher in the manner he sends them; this obviates any errors that might be made in re ceiving. Phone messages can be re peated, but the words sounds are so frequently mistaken that the system is to be dreaded. The adoption of the 'phone for transmitting train orders is a very dangerous experiment and the public should at once file a protest with the railway commissioners of the state to prevent its adoption and use, or if necessary see that suitable laws are passed at the next session of the legis lature to prevent its use. "With the adoption of the 'phone on the railroads will come in the employ ment of cheap and inexperienced men to operate the 'phones; this is the rea son for the adoption of the system of 'phoning, and will .be a great menace to the lives of the traveling public." In Justice Court Before Justice Archer last Tuesday County Attorney Rawls and Attorney Sullivan appeared and it was agreed that the complaint heretofore filed against jonn iveenan ior assault upon B. E. Hill be dismissed and Keenan was I arraigned and plead guilty to the charge j of assault and battery. The justice j gave him a fine of eleven clays in the county jail, the sentence to date from j Keenan's confinement on the assault with intent to do bodily injury charge , . ...... . , with intent to do bodily injui This amount to his dismissal County Commissioner Friedrich was called upon to show the representatives of Mr. Ward, the gentleman who has the contract for the concrete culverts and bridges where the new structures are to be located. This means that work will be commenced on them at once and rusned to a speedy completion, supplying a much needed work. Help Wanted Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. F. C. Webber. Some Fine Apples Ed. Brantner came in last Monday and made the Journal office a very pleasant call. He left a fine basket of apples with the paper as a memento of his visit. They are of the worthy var iety, and are the finest apples yet brought to our attention being large ripe and luscious. The flavor is fine making them a great eating apple. If Mr. Brantner can produce many apples of as fine a flavor as these he wouldn't need to do much farming, as they would make him a big fortune in them selves. Ihey were certainly appreci ated by the members of the force. C. E. McENTEE RE TURNS FROM SOUTH Chief Engineer and General Manager of a Railroad Company. Chas. E. McEntee, Chief Engineer and General Manager of the San An tonio, Durango and Rio Grande Rail road, returned last Tuesday from San Antonio, Tex., his headquarters. Dur ing his stay in Texas Mr. McEntee took occasion to thoroughly go over the line of the proposed road, and is greatly impressed with the country through which the road will run. lie has decided to accept the position tend ered him, and arrange his affairs so as to give the matters his entire attention. Speaking of the country through which the road will run Mr. McEntee says that it will grow anything from Irish potatoes to figs, lemons and oranges. He never saw such cotton as that land produces. The yield is a bale to the acre which brings in fifty dollars while the returns from oranges are many dol lars greater. One of the promoters of the road, Mr. Campbell, last year had four acres of oranges which netted him twenty-two hundred dollars, saying nothing of the income from his figs which is much more. He does not be lieve that Nebraska farmers know what profitable farming is. Down there the farmers put in about three hours a day looking after business and if the methods and vigor of the northern farmer were used, they would be mil- lionaires several times over in no time. Mr. McEntee reports the prospects for the early construction of the road wnich will run from San Antonio through Southwest Texas to the Rio Grande river where it will connect with a road to Mexico City, as being exceptionally bright. Five Dollars and Cosls Mention was made in the Journal of vesterdavof the furious and unsuccess ful assault of Ilenery Burrows upon one John Barleycorn, and the prediction was there made that Henry would re ceive some of the even handed justice which Judge Archer is known to deal out. It was even so, as Henry was arraigned later in the clay before the Judge and in default of a reasonable excuse, he was presented with a fine of five dollars and costs being what the court considered a reasonable amount of his celebrated brand of justice. As Henry had no money but expressed a desire to work and earn same where with to liquidate, the Court suspended sentence allowing Henry to engage in the pursuit of sheep herding for our worthy townman, J. P. Falter. Henry says he will remain with the sheep un til the time comes to shear them and will in the near future, make good with his honor. Make it a National Law. The Journal is in receipt of the fol lowing communication from a citizen of Alvo, which seems to explain some thing concerning the increase in de posits of the Oklahoma banks which operate under the guarantee law, and ought to open the eyes of the local bankers as to what they are doing when they oppose the guarantee law: "Alvo, Neb., Aug. 29, 1908. -(Editor Plattsmouth Journal.) I sent a Chicago draft for $2,000 to the Okla homa State bank of Chickasha, Okla., this bank paying 4 per cent interest on time deposits if left for six months, and I can cash the certificate before ma turity. Now, I contend this certificate, drawing four per cent interest, is bet ter than a government bond, and is ab solutely protected under the guarantee law. Now, vote for Bryan and we will have this law a national law." George A. Hess1. J. C. Secrist and family departed this morning for her home in Wheeler Coun ty after a very pleasant visit in this city, for a few days with B. C. Hyde and family. Mr. Secrist was formerly employed in the Burlington brass foun dry at this point and has a great many friends here. He is now engaged in farming in Wheeler County. rare ? wm a The Parmele Theatre to Hear the Noted An audience of some twelve hun- dred greeted Mrs. Alary Harris Armor at the Parmele Theatre last evening and for an hour and a half listened to a strong and masterful plea for the abolition of the saloon and the liquor traffic. Mrs. Armor's address was the most power ful argument heard in this city for years, presenting her side of the liquor problem with a thoroughness which showed her careful study of the ques tion. She is a strong, earnest and forceful speaker with a delivery of great rapidi ty, too great in fact, to be as effective it might have been. She is a woman of above medium height, rather attrac tive in appearance and seemingly in tensely nervous. There was consider able disappointment expressed by many of her audience at the lack of eloquence, they seemingly having had the impres sion that she was an eloquent orator, while she really is more of a matter-of-fact speaker. The arguments advanced by her in her address were the usual stock argu ments of prohibition speakers, but in addition she gave an expose of the man ner in which Georgia was converted to prohibition the county option principle which resulted in arraying one town and city against another until alleged prohibition was carried in the state She made a vigorous denial that the race problem had contributed in any degree to that result, alleging that it was not fear of the negro and his drinking that had influenced the result but was rather ! a desire to protect the home from the j inroads of li.iuor. Her description of tUn method i.,r u;,.u ..i, t ra(ualv won over to prohibition -the , country precincts voting prohibition on ! n e towns and cities, and each of them man in turn beirg conccn'rated against the ; campaign in this state a large cities in the state until the end pleasant one, and at' the came in tre adcpticn of prohibitition in the State by the country precincts and small towns voting it onto the larger cities. She made no claims that it was impossible to obtain liquor in the large cities in fact, tacitly admitting this to be the case as the liquor could be ship- ped in from outside points. Upon this j feature the only question was the en- j luuuiirm m i;;e idw, anu in a l was 1 i vin.li- - rvHnw f . . . l t : . . : . . : f..v.,..,.v,,,., . , C 4 1 I 1 11 L iqicij a. uiouu ui puid M-iiuiufNi in the various communities. Her speech cuci not aamit this to oe the tact in so many words but could not be otherwise construed upon close study. The usual sentiment against liquor and its use Will Reside in Omaha. Washington Smith and wife departed ! The wisdom of the action of thecoun Monciay morning for Omaha, where they ! ty commissionrs in selecting J. II. Tarns will make their future home. They j as keeper of the county farm is now be shipped their household goods to that ' coming apparent. As the time comes point last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Smith j to check up and discover how the past have concluded that they would like a j season has been in regard to the income change of location on account of Mr. from the county property, considerable Smith's health, which has been very ' curiosity is manifested as to the show poor for some time past, it having been ' ing it will make. From an excellent the cause of his severing his connection source the Journal learns that the sea with the Burlington as foreman of their 1 son has been a very profitable one, Mr. car shop here. Tama having exercised great judgment Washington Smith is one of the best in running the farm, and having also known citizens of this city, and a man used every possible degree of economy whom everyone regrets to see leave. in doing so. It can also be said that He is a man of much sterling worth practically all the patients at the farm and one whom all appreciated for his are well satisfied and are carefully look good qualities as a citizen. He had ' ed after and provided for. It is, of been honored many times by his fellow ! course, impossible to run an institution citizens with positions of trust and re- j of this kind without occasionally more sponsibility, having been at various 1 or les3 friction anfj Mr. Tams has had times a member of the city council, ! . , f ... , , . l , , . , , , , perhaps less of this than any keeper member of the school board, and at the . time of his leaving he was a park com- for some time before him- rJut evc!1 missioner. In all these positions he he, has had some trouble. The com had acquitted himself with great credit, ' missioners in voting for his selection i a. .i ir. .11 i. - r . . . : , c , anu .o ine auu uMau.u,, u ei - one. It is the hope of everyone that he will soon see fit to return with his es timable wife and make his home here once more. But Will They? President Roosevelt proposes that no Walker who lives at Weeynng Watter unfair advantage shall be taken of the is alleged to have purchased buttons to democrats in the present campaign, and , the ammount of ?10.321..j and to have to that end he has issued a warning to ' paid on this bill $9,697.61 leaving a bal all post-office officials and employes ' ance due of $623.91. When one stops throughout the country, notice of which has been received in Omaha, that they must keep entirely out of political move ments, especially and having to do with the election of president. Omaha Bee. LAST HGHT Crowded to Overflowing Lady From Georgia. I with the consequent irood results l the community which would result from the money which was spent in this way. and turning it into other channels was dwelt upon at length and met with proval of the audience. ip- The speech was well received, being frequently interrupted by applause, and is perhaps as able a presentation of the prohibition side of the question as will be heard here during the campaign. At the close of her speech she made a strong appeal for funds for the use of the V. C. T. U. in conducting the anti saloon campaign and was eminently successful there being about One Hun dred and Twenty-five Dollars subscrib ed in a few minutes. It is not known just how much of this fund was paid in. This money is sent to the state organization of the V. C. T. U. ami will be used to defray the expenses of speakers tc. during the campaign. Mrs. Armor is a paid orator of the organization, receiving a stated sum for her campaign in this state. Following her address she left the city upon the midnight train over ! the M. P. for her home at Atlanta, Ga. During her stav in the city Mrs. j Armor made many friends here and . impressed all who met her as a brilliant, sincere and consciencious woman intent ; upon the abolition of the liquor trallic i In conversing with friends she showed j a great and wide versatility, gra-pi:ig. the various phases of political action ! with ready facility. Speaking of tie ; reports that Taft might carry -one southern states she regarded thorn ii absurd, and spoke of Watson's preten sions to Georgia as ridieuhis. S'c ha found Mr. Bryan to be strong - ; where she has been and be!iev s his ! chance is excellent. Six spoi: b.-il i" " her ve re a fin.- :.ii'!..-!-.-e - and uniform courtsey which ind ben extended her at all points. il -ferine to her debate with Mayor I ';.! ! .an of Omaha, at Bellevue, she gave Mm ; compliment as a man and a it'' whom she was surprised to A de ; MM ilia1: ing the liquor traflic An incident of her meeting i:i ti e city was the attempt of a newspaper writer . . . ; here to get her to inject some loca! r ... . Terences into her speech which she w ise- ly and judiciously refrained from doing. This abortive effort to do a little spite work was the subject of much h'lmor from those aware of it. Under Proper Management are to be conrratulated upon the vin- dication of their judgment. In County Court In County Court today, there w as filed a case to-day entitled the Automatic Button Company vs. Allen Walker to consider how many buttons are rep resented in this bill, he is appalled to think how many there must be under the bureaus and sinks in the Weeping; Water neighborhood.