The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 13, 1908, Image 7

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U T.H.
Nwi Kent Gthercl Each Wk by a Spaefal fteportr for' Thl Department of th Seml-Woakly Journal
V. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President
, H. C. WEL L ENSIEK, Cms bier
The Bank of Avoca
Capital $10,000
Surplus $3 ,5 OO
( )
We Solicit Your Banking Business.
mhial ncgnc w
the lie raiius
A! Avoca Attended by a Large Crowd Day
Propitious for the Occasion Senator
Brown Orator of the Day.
Carpenter Tools, Tinware
and Harness.
Agents for the Monarch Range
Sharpies' Cream Separator and Bart
lett Sewing Machine.
and a Full Line of the Latest Records
Notwithstanding the threatening
weather during the entire day the Odd
Fellows' picnic at Avoca last Thursday
was a complete success in every par
ticular. Early in the morning people
began to flow into town in carriages, in
buggies, on horseback and several au
tomobiles. Evidences of a good time
and a large crowd could be noted in
every direction, and by 10 o'clock this
fact was fully established by the street
being filled with a moving mass of men,
women and children.
The March to the Grounds,
At 10 o'clock the procession was
formed and proceeded to the fine grove
near the village where the celebration
was held. In this procession there
were no less than ten automobiles, be
sides many carriages and buggies, and
many on loot, ine procession was
headed by Albert Sienen's family band,
composted mostly of members of his
own family, with one young lady among
the number, and it was astonishing to
learn that this band was composed of
fanner boys, living within a few miles
of Avoca. The Journal representative
had the pleasure of makingjthe acquaint
ance of Mr. Senier, and was surprised
to learn that he alone instructed
these young people at odd hours when
not busy on the farm. He is a most
clever gentleman, a fine instructor, and
his band furnished most excellent mu
sic during the entire day. The band is
composed mostly of mere children, and
a bright future is in store for them.
On the Grounds.
On our arrival at the grounds we
found plenty of amasements already
there, including Tulene Bros, merry-go-round,
striking machines, babyjracks,
etc, galore. Also a dancing platform
and numerous refreshment stands. The
grove in which the picnic was held is
an ideal spot for such an event, level,
carpeted with blue grats, and magnifi
cent shade. After. music by the banc
and several solos rendered by Mrs. J.
W. Brendel, Mrs. Marquardt and sev
eral other ladies, H. E. Wellensiek in
troduced the junior senator of Nebraska,
Hon. Norris Brown,
Who spoke for over an hour. This
was the first time we have ever had the
pleasure of meeting and hearing Mr,
Brown, and his speech was free from
politics, which is an unusual thing at
this stage of the game in national poli
tics. While the junior senator is not
on our side in politics, we were very
favorably impressed with him in ap
pearance, and his social qualities are of
that nature as to make him popular
with the masses. Mr. Brown's address
j was very instructive and entertaining,
I and his hearers are better off in conse
1 quence. Whatever may be said about
; Senator Norris Brown, he is a gentle
i man and scholar and away ahead of
anyone that has represented Nebraska
in many years, that is on the republi
can side of the house.
Harry Marquardt is visiting relatives
at Brunning.
Fritz Heime was over from Syracuse
Mrs. Anna Nelson was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Miss Birdie Fahnestock is visiting
friends at Cedar Bluffs.
In the Afternoon.
A much larger crowd was present in
the afternoon and the mingling of the
masses was social, and everybody seem
ed to feel that it was good to be there.
The festivities lingered away into the
wee small hours of the next morning,
the tripping of the light fantastic toe"
being the chief attraction of the young
people. Everything passed off pleas
antly, there being no disturbances
whatever to mar the occasion. In fact
it was one of the most civil and social
gatherings it has ever been the pleasure
of The Journal man to attend, and we
felt much better next morning by hav
ing attended. We want to say right
here that we feel very grateful to H.
E. Wellensiek and Tom Straub for
conveying us to the grounds in their
This was the sixth annual picnic of
the Odd Fellows and its complete suc
cess each year is due to a' great extent
to the untiring efforts of Ora E. Copes,
B. C. Marquardt, Louie Dunkak and H.
weuensieK, although, the latter is
not a member of the order. But he is
of that nature to lend his aid to that
which is for the good of the commu
nity. Take it all in all The Journal
man feels well paid for remaining over
one day to attend this event.
When You Buy Toilet Soap
you want soap, not premiums. Don't pay for
something you don't need by buying from can
vassers their sweet-scented wares. You. want a
soap that will leave the skin white and leave a
pleasant oder. We sell Tar Soap,. Glycerine Soap,
Oat Meal Soap, Cocoa Soap, Castile Soap, Car-,
bolic Acid Soap, and Soaps of all kinds. All of
them are high grade and you will get your
money's worth in soap if you buy them.
Avoca, . Nebraska. $
When you need anything in Fresh or Salt Meat Line you
want to be sure and get it of
He zlso se!l.s Poultry and Bread and is always prepared
'rio fix you .with ice! ice!! ice!!!
Orlando Tefft was a north-bound pas
senger Wednesday morning.
B rn To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carl
ston on Thursday morning, August 6, a
Born To Mr. and Mrs. August Stutt,
on Saturday, Ausust 8, a bouncing girl
Mrs. Graham and son, Ralph, left the
first of the week for Colorado to visit
John Schmidt, the butcher, was on
the sick list yesterday, but is getting
along nicely.
V. W. Straub, the fine stock man of
Otoe County, took the train here this
morning for Omaha on. business.
A. G. Wellenseik, cashier of the
Avoca bank, attended the notification
ceremonies in Lincoln yesterday.
Several new concrete crossings have
been put in this week. Soon the board
sidewalks in Avoca will be a thing of
the past.
Joe Zimmerer went to Lincoln yes
terday to attend the notification cere
monies, thence to Pierce, Neb., on
Wanted A girl for general house
work at the Oxford Hotel in Avoca.
The right kind of a girl can command
good wages.
We call attention to Dr. C. W. Kaar's
announcement in this issue. Dr. Kaar
is a first-class dentist, and will make
Avoca one day out of each week.
J. B. Dodson, of the Dodson Real Es
tate Company, of Kansas City, was an
Avoca visitor yesterday. He was ac
companied by J. D. Shrader, of Murray.
Dr. Jake Brendell, of Murray, was
here yesterday, looking after his broth
er's business while he and his wife at
tended the notification ceremonies at
L. U. Upp, the real estate man, was
on a trip to Central City on business
returning yesterday. Chas. Ralston, of
Weeping Water, attended his shop
while absent.
Mrs. Fred Rhuge, who has been ill so
long, is much better at present.- She is
able to walk out a short distance at
time. Her many friends will be rejoiced
to learn of her improved condition.
A couple 01 Umaha electricians are
nere this week assisting in removing
the telephone headquarters to the new
quarters recently erected dy the com
pany especially for that purpose.
Louie Dunkak was a visitor in Lin
coln yesterday. Louie is a Bryan man
of the order that don't wear out, and
the day is never too cold or hot for him
to go many miles to hear the peerless
The public school building" is receiving
many improvements. Two rooms are
being replastered, a steel ceiling is
j placed on the upper room, and the in
1 side 01 all the rooms are receiving a
j new coat of paint.
Today seems to be moving day in
Avoca. Ora Copes is moving into the
house now occupied by Louie Dunkak.
He goes to the house now occupied by
J. H. Seache, and the latter goes to the
house now occupied by Mr. Copes.
In the Journal's report of the picnic,
elsewhere in this issue, we unintention
ally neglected to mention Hon. Orlan
do Tef t as one of those who added ma
terially to the success of the picnic last
Thursday. Mr. Teft was untiring in
his efforts to make people comfortable. I
n Farm Implements and
Be sure and see him when you ,
need anything in his line.
Will make weekly trips to Avoca every
Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, Au
gust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap
pointments can be made with him.
visitor in Ne-
M. M. Straub was a
braska City Friday.
A. H. Grafe, who spent a week in
Kansas, accompanied by his family, re
turned Monday evening.
Henry Ludwig, Henry Kammon, John
Herman and Henry Brunner returned
from a business trip to Grand Island
Monday evening.
W. L. Gillen has resigned his position
at Steffen & Zimmerer's store, to take
effect September 1. Fred Ruhge, Jr.,
will take his place. Billy will be missed
by his many friends, being very popular
in Avoca.
W. B. Banning, of Union, democratic
candidate for State senator, attended
the piinic last Thursday and in circulat
ing among the people formed a " most
favorable impression. He will undoubt
edly' receive a warm support here.
W. C. Ramsey, the democratic can
didate for county attorney, was circu
lating among the crowd at the picnic
Thursday, and everyone seemed wel
pleased with the appearance of the
young attorney. That he will receive
a strong suyport in this section of Cass
county goes without saying,
Found His Balloon.
The balloon ascention on Thursday
evening last was a success, but when
the parachute was cut loose the balloon
sailed so far away that it wasimposible
to locate it until Snnday, when it was
found m the center of a large corn field
about three miles southwest of town.
Broke His Colar Bone
Two burrows were brought to Avoca
last lnursday morning to enter a race
for a purse offered by the managers of
the picnic, and several gentlemen at
tempted to ride one of them, and were
thrown off without receiving any -injury.
Ott Brooks, a carpenter, was
among the number, and he was thrown
in such a manner as to break his' collar
bone. Dr. Brendel was called and re
duced the fracture, and while hot ' able
to do any work yet he is getting along
as well as could 1 be expedtedf. - It's
marvels to chalk that Ott doesn't at
tempt to ride any more burrows soon.
B. C.
and Co.
A full line of Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings, Groceries and Seeds-
Mauley Department
W. J. RAU. Mmneger
At the ball park last Sunday the
Sluggers added two more victories to
their list by defeating the Dutch Ac
ademy, score 12 to 1, and defeating a
mixed team from Murdock in a five
inning game, 'with a score of 13 to 7.
Next Sunday ' the Louisville team will
be here for another game. The last
one was somewhat unsatisfactory to
the Louisville boys, and they are com
ing prepared to play a good game, and
no doubt the game will be a fast one.
The ball grounds are being put in shape
this week, and Manley can boast of the
best diamond in this part of the coun
try. It will be well for Louisville to
bring their best.
Cam Seibert was a Manley caller this
week, and announced to his many
friends that he was a candidate for
commissioner from this district. There
is not a more universally popular man
in the county than Mr. Seibert, and his
many Manley friends will not forget
him on election day.
W. F. Schliefert and .wife were
Omaha visitors Wednesday.
The Manley hotel solicits your patronage.
The lawn tennis fever still prevails.
It is hard to tell who is the worst af
flicted. Many new members have joined
A reception was given last Sunday
evening at the German Luthern church
in honor of the new teacher. A large
crowd was present, and the evening
was a most pleasant one, and all pres
ent spent a most enjoyable evening.
Refreshments of the best kind, with
plenty for all, were served.
George Rau returned to his home in
Utica, Nehr., after a week's visit with
their brother Charles, who is in the
barber business at that point.
Will Horner, who has been visiting
relatives in Iowa this week, returned
home Tuesday evening.
John Tighe went to Bancroft, Neb.,
Saturday, on business.
Mrs. Pearl Schwartz, of Nehawka,
is visiting friends in and about Manley
this week.
Agnes O'Brien came up from Peru,
where she has been attending summer
school, to spend her vacation at home-.
Earl Schaffer and wife, of Falls City.,
were visiting Mr. and Mi's. Thou,
Keckler the fore part of the week.
They returned home Monday.
Theo Harms went to Ixrton Friday
Dr. J. M. Greene, who is now lo
cated at Falls City, came up and spent
Wednesday with Manley people.
Ed. Brunkow and others, who hav
been in different points in South Da
kota looking after land; returned home
Monday. Ed. .says South Dakota look
good to him. The crops were looking
fine. He expects to gj again at a dif
ferent season and take another look bo
fore buying.
Andrew Schliefert and wife we re
Omaha visitors passengers Tuesday.
Dave Brann, was mt Omaha business.
visit6r Tuesday.
Clyde Jenkins had what might be
termed a narrow escape from death
Thursday by being thrown from the
dray wagon and lighting on his head.
He was driving along with "Old Ned"
when the shafts dropped on one side
which frightened Ned and he gave a
jerk which threw Clyde to the ground;
the horse tore around town several
blocks until he lost the wagon then he-
came pacing home badly bruised up ami
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Irona teft for
Avoca Monday evening to be gone sev
eral days. Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Stan
der were in Omaha Monday.
Dick Irons, who has been working
for C. M. Andrus, was discharged Mon
day and Purl Long hired in his plac e.
Sister Ataxia, of Milwaukee, is home
on a two weeks' visit with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tighe.
Martin Jung, well known lo Manley
people and vicinity, and who. has been
attending college at St. Iamih, in visit
ing John Rohrdanz this wiek, will visit
John Heil before h aving for Malcolm,
then will go to his home in Tiybcv
Texas, where his parents live.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
r 11 -v
fhe Southwest
& CO.,
Agents for
kmrrvr ami '".f
it's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this office and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
'DUniir Plattsmoutli No. 22,
rnUNC" Bell No. 351.
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homeseeker's excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into the rich and resourceful
farming regions of the South
west. It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Eas
tern farmer, after his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold
under a positive guarantee to cure con
stipation, sick headache, stomach trouble
or any form of indigestion. If it fails,
the manufacturers refund your money.
What more can any one do.
Statement of the Condition
-of the-
j of Plattsmouth; Nebraska, on the :tb
j day of June, 1M8.
6l Mohr
First mortcatre loans ' ?
to-k Joans
I'liiKiofiit Interest, premiums. liites
Other assets
Total... ,
Capital Stork paid up
licwrvp fund
T ' nd i v ided prof i t s .
Dividends declared ,.
::!.& o:i
::.:' uo
21 H 4h
24 VH
:w.c:o 22
44.4:.? 00
-.'ti til
2."I4 U
T,rfal 5 ,.i0 22
Agents for the White Sewing Ma
chine and Tailor-Made Clothes.
n 1 a
E.Nii.vj Jr.vE 91, i;s.
Halanreon hand July J, J!W. S 4.:r'
1".74 m
4.4-x X,
lU.i'.V. 42
::;it mi
4-j ;
Interest, premiums and line
Loans repaid
Heal estate sales
Taxes advam-ed
!"fo-k rwlwini-d
Cash on hand . . .
Taxes advam-ed
? 1
:. j 0 no
'.m n.'i
4 !-4
Avoca, Neb.
ass County ( ss
I. T. M. Patterson, serretary of the above
named a-ssm-iat ion. do solemnly swear that 1h
foretrointf st atement of the i-uiiiii ion of said as
sociation. is true andrortect to the best of nur
knowled-e and U-IU f. T. M. I'ATTEJiSUN,
Approved: eix-tary.
.). E. BAHUTCK. 'HI rectors
Suuwrited and sworn to before me this 3!st
dav of July. l'.-. Claha Hkow.v.
laE.4j..J Notary Public.