PRESIDENT TO REVISE Taft Goes to Sagamore Hill, Tak ing His Notification Spech with Him. DESIRES BOOSEVELTS ADYICE Speech at Cincinnati Is To Be 12,000 Words in Length. an Talk I-fo a Phonograph for lb Ilrneflt of the Campaign Fund Hitchcock. Con ference I C towed. Hot Springs, Va.. July 22. rres'.dent Hoorevelt in to review in advance the speech Jmljfe Taft will deliver In Cin cinnati next Tuesday. "I have deridcd to make th'.s speech what may be my uoKt Important utterance of the cam pnlgn. I have the highest regard for the president's judgment regarding the subjects to le dealt with, and a keen appreciation of his wonderful ability tor forceful expression. I want his criticism, and 'this cannot he satisfac torily obtained at Ion;? rancre. so I have decided to jro to Oyster Bay." Ijeaves for Cincinnati Friday. This statement made by Taft Indi cates his viewpoint regarding the an nouncement f his intended trip, which lie says is to be taken on his own and not on the president's initiative. lie will leave here with Carpenter, his secretary, tonight, for Sa tea more Hill. Taft has been invited to spend the night its the guest of tin president, but If he finds it possible to g't his speech Jnto the hands of the printer at New York before Friday he will return te that city. In any event lie will leave New York for Cincinnati Friday after noon. This he says will give him two days there before the notification cere monies are upon him. ' President Consulted Throughout. It has been made clear that through out the preparation of the speech fre--quent and extended consultation has been had witli the president. The niails, the telegraph and the telephone have been used for this purpos- In inphasiziiig the political imjortance of the speech Taft said that the first Intention to have the utterance only n simple and formal acknowledgement of the notification had been finally abandoned, in view of the growing im portance and number of the subjects which seemed to crowd themselves for ward for consideration. The speech will doubtless contain approximately 12.000 words. No forecast of the sub jects discussed and method of their treatment will be made in advance vith the consent of Taft. BRYAN "CANS" SOME SPEECHES GetA Paid for It and Donates the Money to Politics. Lincoln. Neb., July 22. Most of the day at Falrvlew was spent by Bryan In delivering short speeches on the is Fnes of the campaign into a phono graph. Previously he had made simi lar speeches on the records of a com peting concern. The intention is to five the speeches wide distribution throughout the country. Of his own volition Bryan announced that he had received $."00 from each of the two concerns as compensation for his work. When confronted with the suggestion toy a newspaper man that he had ae--certed money from corporations and thereby had acted contrary to the de clared policy of the Democratic party Pryan said that the whole proposition Tpras a commercial one, and that he ery properly could accept pay for his labors. The remittances were not re tained by lira, but he turned them over to the state and county Democratic committees, respectively, as n ycrson il contribution. Brjan intends visiting a picnic today f the Grocers' and Butchers' associa tion at Capital beach, where it is ex pected he will deliver an address. In tionor of the occasion all grocery siores and butcher shops were closed today at an early hour. High aIove the electric wires of the traction company the Taft banver which met such an Ignominous fate the night before the nomination of Bryan fcas been again flung to the hree e. Mutilated and begrimed the bamv-r was stretched across the street in tV.e Mme location from which it wa s.i'd the Democrats had torn it from Its moorings. On either side of it is a T'nited States flag, hung as a n-f warning that It will be protc-:e.l against a repetition of vandalism. ITivi lreds of people watched the pro-ed-Ing. HITCHCOCK'S CONFEHKNCE Closes with a Hanquet at Colorad-a Springs Pike's Peak Greetings. Colorado Springs. Colo.. July 22. The Inter-Mo intaln Ilepubllean confer ence came to a close with a din icr given by Frank II. Hitchcock. ,: r r.ian of the KcptiHit-:ui rati. ma! com mittee, to the :i;-mbcrs of the nati'.'.iai committer and state li.r riiicn win j:nvf been here for the last three d.;ys. Most of the westerners hive left tor their homes. Ilitchi-ock and his imme diate party left for Chir.g.i today. The time here has been fully occup'e.l by the Kcpublicnn politicians. Daring the forenoon they ascended I'jke's Peak on a special trin. On the trips wp an 1 d wn Hitchcock conferred with every politician indiv'dunilj. .t the protographs of the rarT were taken nd telegrams were tmt to Judge Taft and Representative Sherman. The telegram t: t!:e Kcpu' '.:.ti standard bearer was went by II cok and read a follows: ' lten, ii crii lender from every j-tate est of the Ml-souri river Jo n with iue im pending you greetings from the tc-p Pike's Teak. V e are on top nv.e. :.r expect to be wl en the retrnis co ue in next November. The d'spntch to the Republican vice presidential c-n.;i!nlc was nigned by UepieM'iitr.tlvc e:rge W. Cook and W. A. Ilagg-rtf, of th r state, and Bird MHJuIre. of Okl.'ihoma. and was as follows: "Chairman Hitch cock and party send congratulation from Pike's Peak summit. Your ban ner hoisted over the highest telegraph pole In the world amid tumultuous cheers." A severe storm with hail and rain, thunder and lightning, added to the granduer of the Journey down the mountain. Hitchcock has a busy programme mapped out for the next week or ten days. He will reach Chicago tomorrow night and will meet several leaders from the central states with whom he already has engagements. Monday morning he will leave Chicago for Cin cinnati to attend the notification cere monies. BISHOP POTTER IS DEAD Eminent Episcopal Divine of New York Is Called from Labor Unto I test. Cooperstown. N. Y.. July 22. Bishop nenry Cod man Potter, of the Episco pal diocese of New York, died here last night. Deatii followed a sickness of , BISHOP HENRY C. POTTER, several weeks, which began with stom ach trouble and developed complica tions. For the past week the bishop had appeared to gain, but he suffered a relapse Monday and hope of ultimate recovery was abandoned, though his death was not expected so soon. MINER DOES A HEROIC DEED Carries a Ixtof Dynamite and Powder Through a Shower of Sparks at a Fire. Bloomington, III., July 22. William Donovan, a coal miner employed by the Assumption Coal Mine company, risked his life to save others from destruction by entering a blazing of fice of the company and carrying out 150 pounds of dynamite and a keg of gunpowder which had been left there for safekeeping. Electric light wires set fire to the building. When Donovan reached the scene he remembered the explosive stored in the structure, and, forcing the door, carried the dynamite and powder to a place of safety, although covered with sparks " .while the rescue was being made. He was given a hearty cheer, his onl.f reward, for his pres ence of mind and bravery. Just Declared Liegally Dead. Danville, 111., July 22. Samuel White, formerly one of the best-known men of this part of the country, who has been missing from Danville since the civil war. has been officially de clared dead. The action was taken by Judge Love, of the county court, at the instance of the missing man's rela tives. White went into the west at the time of the war. That he wag living in 1S7.1 is known, for-a letter was received from him, but he has never been heard from since. Did They Shoot the Wrong Man? Saginaw, Mich., July 22. After a atone had been thrown through the window of an Italian shop. Don Lap Inskl, of Carrolltou. was pursued by a crowd of angry Italians and shot in the hip by one of them. Two Italians are under arrest. I.apinski declares he did not throw the stno Madison. Wis., .liny 21. United States Senator William F. Vilas, who was a tnemberof President Cleveland's cabinet, suffered a hemorrhage of the brain ami his condition is said to be serious. Vilas' condition was consid ered so. serious that relatives at Mil waukee were summoned. Vilas is about seventy years old and has lived a re tired life for several years. itlcCren in llesi in Arlitutou. New York. July 21. Captain Henry McCrea, of the Fnited States navy, in command of tin battleship Georgia during the cruise of the North Atlan tic squadron to the Pacific coast, who died of Bright's disease in the naval hospital at Brooklyn Sunday night, will be buried at Arlington cemetery. Washington. He was born at Logans port, I nd.. in 1N."1. r " MOTHER THREATENED Scion of the Van rtenssalaer Fam ily, of New York, in a Strenuous Role. WANTS M01TET AND DEMANDS IT Says He Will Blow Off Her Head, if Necessary. Ilea blew Wh'ch He Talks of His Ma. ternal Progenitor In a Way That Is Not Kind Arrested. - New York, July 21. John A. Van Rensselaer, son of Mrs. Johu King Van Rensselaer, and a member of one of New York's oldest families, has been taken Into custody on a charge of attempted extortion. The arrest was made on advices from Chief of Police Crowley, of Newport, It. I., who reviv ed a complaint from Mrs. Van Rensse laer that her son bad written a letter threatening her lodily harm unless she provided him with funds. Van Rensse lear is thirty-four years old and mar ried. Van Rensselaer is connected with a local brokerage house and when iie returned to his home at night he was placed under arrest by detectives. He admitted writing the letter, which reads: Threatens to Blow Her Head Off. "I have Just seen Iiwrence Lee. and I am given t understand that you will pay thirty dollars per month for my board if I will go three hun dred miles from New York, and that I must have your written consent to leave the pla.-e that yoa m.iy .eler. Did it ever occur to you that I have an absolute remainder Interest in Aunt Frances estates securities, :tml that by blowing your he;id off, that my wife would have an Income sufficient to sup port her? I will take that course, if necessary, and upon my head will rest the consequences. (Thaw instill alive, maybe I will be). Calls Her a "Selfish Peacock." "In any case my wife Cod bless her, will benefit by your demise even. If I don't. I have seen many disagree ments and much suffering in my life and I must say thnt most of it is due to you. A selfish peacock, whrsc name in these times amounts to nothing, and who is almost, if not quite forgotten, in circles once trod. I am now in no humor to be trilled with, and I w.sJ to go on record that I will take action on sight, unless something is done ai once. You gave Harold $6,000 and a trip to Europe. What have I had for being honest? Demands Five Thousand Dollars. I want you to raise on that fancy name of j'our $5,000 for me. If yon are such a great lady make good: if not. keep out of my sight. I can raise cash enough yet to go to yon where cver you ,-ire and I have a good name. He States His Grievance. . Van Rensselaer made the following statement: "I gave her a thousand dollars when she was on her uppers, and now I wanted five thousand to go into the brokerage business. When 1 was in business before I had a good friend who used to Jo;.,': rf- any amount I wanted up to a couple of hundred thousand. This friend's mother want ed to get Into the Colonial Dames of America, of which my mother was a member, but my mother blackballed her. Then soon after that I went to this friend again for another loan, but he told me if my mother was too good to associate with his mother he guessed his money was too good for me. BEQUEST THAT IS UNUSUAL Chinaman leaves Money for the Ks tahlishment. of a Christian Church. Philadelphia, July 21.-With the be quest of Lee Chit, who was murdered in the Chinese quarter here last Tues day by Ce'orge Lee, a church to be es tablished by Chinese in this country will be erected in this city. At the fu neral of the murdered man Dr. Charles Seasholes eulogized Chit, saying: "Chit was one of the most devoted Chris tians among our Chinese population As the result of his murder I am able to announce that hehas left in his will a large sum for the purpose of erect -Ing a Chinese Baptist church in tins city. "This church will 1m? the first regu lar church building to le erected by the Chinese in the United States, and as such will mark an epoch in the de velopment of the Chinamen In Amer ica. When the Chinese have become Christianized there will no longer be any 'yellow peril for the white man to fear." Ksperanto Faddist in Council. Chautauqua. N. Y., July 21. The first national congress of Esperantists in America was opened here with M. Esmond Prlvat. of Geneva. Switzer land, presiding. The congress will con tinue in session until July 25. The American Esperanto association makes this its first otlicial gathering and rep resentatives of many atiiliated organi zations are at Chautauqua to attend the sessions. Accident on the Kearsarge. Houolulu, July 21. By the bursting of a steam pipe of the forward star board boiler of the battleship Kear sage of the Atlantic fleet five men of the fireroora crew were injured, but not severely. Eohiwood From the Leader-Echo. Chas. Waltz and wife, of Minneapolis , Minn., are visiting Elmwood relatives and friends. W. S. Walters, of Stamford, visited relatives and his friends here the latter part of It st week. Dr. Munger was called to Wabash one evening last week to examine twelve applicants for the Royal Neighbors. I The farmers aie doing the double shuffle these days, trying to harvest, I put up hay and lay by their corn all at the same time. James White left Tuesday for Port land, Oregon, upon the receipt of news announcing the serious illness of his brother. W. A. White. Otto Lau, who had his hip severely crushed several weeks ago by a horse falling on him, was able to come to town Wednesday, and get about on crutches. The carpenter work on Dr. Munger's enlarged hospitol is finished, and Robert Emmerson expects to have the inside painting completed this week. The doctor informs us that enough patients are waiting to nil all the rooms. Miss Jesse Creamer has been failing quite rapidly the past few days. Mon day Dr. Munger, Dr. Neely and Dr. Lowery, of Lincoln, held a consultation, but hopes for permanent betterment of her condition are very slight. Edwin Jeary is having the partition between the two rooms of the First National bank removed, and in its place will install a handsome new counter. New linoleum will be laid on the floor, metal ceiling put on and the room hand somely papered. Was in Poor Health tor Tears Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa., writes: "I was in poor health for two years, suffering from kidney and blad der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testimony that it may be the cause of restoring the health of others." Refuse substitutes. Loxiisville from the Courier. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Farrel', Friday, July 17, a boy. Pap is happy. Wm. Wade has resigned as a mem ber of the village board and E. Palmer has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Wade will move to Minnesota. If you haven't been attending the camp meeting you have missed much. Better get in line and attend. If your conscience needs fixing there is the place to get it fixed. Ben Schlicker and wife, now of Brady Island, Neb., but formerly of Cass county, are visiting friends here this week. Mr. Schlicker reports conditions extremely prosperous in western Ne braska. The new semaphore of the Burling ton, which replaces the one destroyed by the recent storm is nearly completed. It is stated that this equipment will be tha most up to date on the Burlington road. Dr. Lewis has sold his bull dog to Dr. Carr, of Springfield, and it will now be safe for townsfolk to enter the yard of the Louisville doctor withcut danger of annihilation. Perhaps Dr. Carr has ue for such an animal, although Spring field people, as b rule, are peaceable. "Red" Hardv is back is back on his job' as time-keeper at the Ntaional s :one quarries. Four weeks ago when he fell under an engine and was picked up in pieces his friends would not have much for his chances, but he kept a stiff upper lip and as a consequence is now almost good as new. The Courier is truly glad to note his speedy recovery. Just Exactly Right "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least discom fort. Best remedy for constipation, biliousness and malaria. 25c. at F. C. Fricke & Co. drug store. 3 AT THE C -Rainbov's End At the rainbow's end they say there is a pot of gold Do not follow after it, but come to me and I will sell you a good farm in "Old Cass County," the best state in the union, within six miles of Plattsmouth, 171 acres, 90 acres in corn, with fine prospects; 10 acres in millet, 20 acres in first class meadow, clover, timothy and red top, good improvements. Price $75 per acre, worth many times more than land elsewhere. Remember a Cass county is as good as a bank. i r.i. i nil Mrs. Quarlis Parmclo Thrown From Buggy and Narrowly Escapos Sorious Injuries or Doath. Another narrow escape from death or serious injury took place last night when Mrs. Quartis Parmele was the victim of a runaway upon Sixth street. Fortunately the lady escaped without serious injury although she suffered greatly from shock and was painfully cut and bruised about the face. Mr. and Mrs. Parmele had been out riding in their single horse rig, the horse being the bay usually driven by them, and they were driving down Vine street when they approached the auto mobile of Chas. C. Parmele standing between the residences of F. G. Fricke and A. E. Gass. Earlier during the day they they had passed this machine, which is a large touring car with carriage top, and the horse had man ifested no fright at it, and only a few minutes before they had passed a motor cycle under motion without alarming the animal, so they had no thought of the animal taking alarm this time. They came up in the rear of the machine which was standing still and making no noise, and when almost even with it the horse stopped. Mr. Parmele fearing the animal was about to bolt, stepped from the buggy, handing the reins to his wife, intending to go up to the horses head and lead him up to the machine. He had reach ed the head of the horse and was ex tending his arm to grasp the bit when the animal made a sudden leap, turning almost at right angle, and dashed across the street over the walk and through the vacant lots just east of the res idence at the corner of Sixth and Vine street. The suddenness of the jump prevented Mrs. Parmele from obtain ing the mastery of the animal and it Nehawka (From the Resrister.) Miss Sarah Coleman of Diller, Neb., was visiting at Charles Heebner's last week. She is the former teacher in that district. Mrs. Frank Sheldon left Wednesday morning for Pleasanton, Neb., as there was a change for the worse in her brother Charles' condition. Hans H. Stoll has the plum so far for large yield of wheat. He had nineteen acres that averaged thirty-seven bush els to the acre. Gus Hansen who had a fifty bushel yield last year got thirty this year. It was of good quality. ; Mrs. Charles Jenkins, while washing a table cloth Wednesday, had the mis- j fortune to run a needle into the palm j of her hand, where over half of it broke off. It required the services of a physician to remove it! Mrs. Lizzie Doyle and two children of Lincoln were visiting at A. F. Sturm's last week. She is an old friend of the McCarthy family and when Mrs. Sturm was a small girl used to work for her mother. This is the first time they have met for many years. Diogenes can hang up his lantern. The editor of this pa pet has found an honest man he is Frank P. Sheldon He went to see the circus at Nebraska City Wednesday, and admitted that he was going because he wanted to see it himself, and not because the children wanted him to take them. The directors of the Farmer's Grain company held their first meeting last Saturday night and canvassed their first four month's business. While they have no reports to make public just at present, they are all more than pleased with the way it has turned out, and if they meet with no' reverses they will be able to declare a very substan tial dividend when the year closes. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completly derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall' s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O., con tains no mercury, and is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Union From the Ledger. Mrs. Robert Mickle and Mrs. Wolfe, of Avoca, were here last Friday, the guests of Mrs. Barbara A. Taylor and family. dashed around the residence entering Sixth street just north of the o!d Neville block. When the rig struck the curbing on Sixth street the shock threw Mrs. Parmele out, she striking the pavement on her face and side re ceiving severe bruises and two deep cuts on the face. One cut was on the right side of the face just above the eye while the other was accross the chin. They required several stitches to close. It was at an hour when the streets were crowded with people and almost before Mrs. Parmele had struck the pavement there were a number of peoDle on hand to assist her, Mr. Par mele reaching her side within a moment after the accident had happened. She was perfectly conscious but was picked up and carried to the office of Dr. Liv ingston where the necessary medical attention was given her. After it was discovered that her injuries were not dangerous she was removed to her home and shortly became easier, the shock having worn off. The horse after throwing Mrs. Par mele continued down Sixth street to Main where it collied with a single rig driven by Augus Rakow, tearing it up considerable and giving Rakow a bad scare. Mr, Parmele's buggy was also badly demoralized, being practically torn to pieces. The noise of the col lision caused an immense crowd of people to flock to the scene and many alarming rumors were current as to who was hurt. The out-come of the accident was most fortunate as it was one of the kind in which death frequent ly occurs. George Trook came from Avoca Mon day and will assist in operating a thresh ing machine in this part of the county during the season. Mrs. J. T. Alwise, of New York Cily, a niece of Mrs. Eliza Barnum, has been visiting at the Barnum home and at Nehawka during the past two weeks. Miss Gussie Robb left yesterday morning for Diamond Lake, Mich., where she will spend a few weeks en joying her vacation 'midst the scenery and balmy lake breezes. William Taylor of Indianolia has been visiting his brother James W. Taylor the past two weeks, and will probably remain until the re-union of old settlers August 14 and 15. Miss Pearl Nailor, of Friendship, Wisconsin, visited a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hansell north of this village. She went to Nebraska City yesterday, and will visit there a few days before going to her Wisconsin home. Harry Thomas, who has been a Mo. Pacific operator here, went to Julian on Wednesday to take that station as agent, and will probably move his fam ily there in the near future. Herman Thomas has been added temporarily to the Union office force as an operator. David Slagle, who has been in South Dakota for some time, came back last week, and went to Lincoln Monday to visit his wife who has been in the asy lum for treatment the past eight months. He informs us that his wife's mental condition, as well as her general health, has been slowly improving. Frank Dolan, brakeman running on a freight between here and Lincoln and residing here, has been off duty several days and wearing a crutch on account of a very lame left leg. A few weeks ago he had slight injury by a box fall ing upon his foot, and it is thought that the present trouble comes from the accident of several. weeks ago. The Remedy That Does "Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to perform," says Mrs E. R. Pierson of Auburn Centre, Pa. "It is curing me of throat and lung ; trouble of long standing, that other I treatments relieved only temporarily, j New Discovery is doing me so much ! good that I feel confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer is sold at F. C. Fricke & Co. drug store. 50c. and $1.00 Trial bottle free. See That it is Properly Reiaid. ing up the pavement on north Sixth street to relay the pipes along the street. It is to be hoped that they do a better job of replacing the pave ment than they did on the south end of the street, it being left full of holes and depressions. The city officicals should see that this pavement is re paired properly, as it is not only un sightly but actually dangerous.