r3Q( ) y The vocffl-epar&innieinift Nsws Item Gitte'od Ejili Week Y. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President If. C. WELLENSlEK, Cashier The Bank Capital $10,000 We Solicit Your Local News Motes Carl Schroeder was a Lincoln visitor Thursday. Hon. Orlando TefTt was an Omaha visitor last Wednesday. Geo. M. Cotton the Insurance King of Auburn was in Avoca last Tuesday. Miss Zook the popular bank assistant was visiting with her relatives over Sun day. H. G. Wellensiek was in Syracuse last Sunday making the trip in his chu chu wagon. Louie Dunkak wa3 in Elmwood last -J"" Saturday where he took in the Wood- man Log Rolling. . John Schmidt the popular meat man was in Lincoln last Friday being called there on business. T. II. Straub, the Chu chu man in Omaha last Wednesday looking up his automobile interests. Rev. George Batty and wife of Lin coln were visiting with friends in Avoca the fore part of the week. Hon. E. Nutzman is seriously ill with the Automumps and Dr. Straub has so far been unable to find a cure. Mrs. G. O. Harmon went over to Nc hawka last Wednesday, where she was called owing to the death of Mrs. Vilas Sheldon. Will Ruhge bought through W. I. Smoots the Land King thrty acres of Taft Texas. Faying $50.03 an acre for the same. Winterman, the Falls City contractor has some workmen in the city placing in the new furnace inB. C.Marquardt's residence. B. C. Marquardt and Attorney Wel lenseik were in Plattsmouth last week settling up the Bencke estate in Coun ty Court. Opal Lewton one of Avoca's fair maidens is now employed in theSteffens and Zimn erer store to help out while Steffens is away. Dr. J. F. Brendel and wife of Zions ville, Indiana, are visiting with his nep hew, Dr. J. W. Brendel and incidental ly renewing old acquaintances. Mr. A. J. Davis and wife of both blind and Miss Mabel Ware gave a con cert at the Opera house Wednesday evening which was greatly appreciated by all. A collection was taken up by the company for their benefit. These people are all from London. Wednesday evening John Castens drove into town a peaceful team that seemed to be in full controll of thedriver. But when Dr. Brendel's automobile ap peared upon the scene and frightened the team. The driver got out and grabed the briddle of one of them. This seem ed to scare team and they got away from him making a dive for the saloon . but the gas light pole interferred from their entry and broke the neckyoke . No other damage was done that amounted Sto anything. Let the Fourth of July comes but Eagle right. Come to our store for fireworks of all kinds; firecrackers of every size, sky rockets, roman candles, torpedos, cap pistols and decorations. ORA E. COPES, 5 : When you need anything in Fresh or Salt Meat Line you want to be sure and get it of JOHN SCHMIDT E I THE MEAT MAN He also sells Poultry and Bread and is always prepared to fix you with ice! ice!! ice!!! AVOCA, b a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal of A voca Surplus $3f500 Banking Business. Mrs. J. W. Ruhge 's condition is some better. Ceorge Mason was a visitor in Oma ha Thursday. Mrs. Henry Mohr and son are spend ing this week in Syracuse. Mrs. Henry Franzen was visiting in Weeping Water last Monday. Mrs. J. L. Nutzman was in Murdock this week visiting with friends. Robert Troop came over from Union on his Motor cycle last Wednesday. Miss Mabel Cutter of Bethany was in the city this week visiting with friends. Emil Amanda was in this village last Wednesday coming up from Syracuse. Wm. Sill, of Beatrice, was a visitor at the home of Carl Schroeder the first part of the week. J. W. Jones left Wednesday evening for Oklahoma where he will spend the 4th with friends. Nutzman and Marquart have just in stalled a new Howe scale in the stock yards at thi3 place. Sam Johnson and wife have Lincoln relatives in the city from Lincoln visit ing them this week. L. U. Hupp the hustling Real Estate man was in Union last Monday looking up the land business. Elli? Lewton was home over Wednes day visiting with his parents, Ellis is located at Weeping Water. Mrs. L. U. Hupp and children left Thursday or Logan, Iowa, where they will make'an extended visit with rela tives. Miss Mary Foster, County Superin tendent of Public Instruction was in the city last Tuesday gathering in the School Directors reports. Prof. John A. Dimmick formerly principal of the schools here but now of Winside was here visiting old f riend3 the first of the week. Childrens Day exercises were held at the Christian church last Sunday even ing and from the reports the entertain ment was excellent. Last Tuesday while Mark Wallen had four horses hitched to a binder they became unmanageable and ran away. Not much damage was done. Dr. J. F. Brendel and wife who are visiting this place accompanied by Misses Edith and Selma Marquardt were in Lincoln Wednesday taking in the sights John Bogard allowed his team to run away with a binder attached and one of the horses got tangled up and broke his leg, Dr. Jensen of Weeping Water was called and thought that he could save the animal. Wm. Worley is painting the house of Mrs. M. D. Marquardt, Avoca people seem to be constantly improving the looks of their homes, which goes along ways to beautify the village. Mr. Mor- ; ley also reports that he is repapering ! and painting Chas. Schutz's house. cream! i once a year celebrate it canes Also flag and other THE DRUCGIST, Avoca., . NebraLska.. O NEBRASKA DUNKAK & MAS EM AN Hardware OF ALL KINDS Carpenter Tools, Tinware and Harness. Agents for the Monarch Range Sharpies' Cream Separator and Bart lett Sewing Machine. EDISON 3 PHONOGRAPHS and a Full Line of the Latest Records ( UNDERTAKING GOODS AYOCA, NEBRASKA :. c. MARQUARDT and Co. i General Merchandise 0 A full line of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries and Seeds- KIRKENDALL AND GOODMAN SHOES Agents for the White Sewing Ma chine and Tailor-Made Clothes. ! NEBRASKA 3S3S&B22! Mrs. B. C. Marquardt and daughter, Clara, were Omaha visitors last Wed nesday. Paul Johanes, the popular clerk at Marquadts store will spend the 4th in Columbus. Otto Stubbendick had a car load of cattle on the Omaha market last Tues day, shipped from this point. . Henry Huntenam was on the market Wednesday with hogs and cat tle, shipped from here to Omaha. Misses Jamison and Fisher of Weep ing Water were Avoca visitors last Wednesday driving down from that city. B. C. Marquardt and daugtes, Emma anr Clara will leave Saturday for Den ver where they will take in the conven tion and Mr. Marquardt will see that Mr. Bryan is nominatd on the first ballot. Cash Register Opened Wednesday morning while in some other place but his meat market the cash register of John Schmidt's meat shop was opened and all the available cash was taken out. No one of a sus picious character was seen on the streets last Wednesday so that they could not be detected. About $5. 00 was taken. School Election On Monday evening last the regular school election was held and the follow ing officers were elected. Ora Copes, Director; Joe Zimerer, Treasurer; Hon. Orlando Teff t, Moderator. At the meet ing they decided to put a new roof on the school building and make other needed repairs. Avoca always takes care of the school students and see that they can have the best she can afford. Results of Storm During Saturday evening an electri cal storm came up accompanied by a heavy rain which done considerable damage. South of town Mr. Crabtree reports the loss of a horse by lightning. And at Wm. Ruhge's place a cow was killed by lightning. Considerable dam age was done to the bridges in this vicinity and in some places the roads were badly damaged from being wash ed up. . Birthday Party A number of friends of Fred Book man gathered at his home last Monday U T.H. QTDAMD 0 IS THE MAN THAT SELLS - AUTOMOBILES n Farm Implements and WA60NS AND BUGGIES Be sure and see him when you need anything in his line. Or Nebraska Q Avoca, OC afternoon and helped him celebrate his birthday which occurred on that day. Friends from all over the community came in and quite an enjoyable time was had by both young and old. A fine feast was enjoyed by all. Fifty First Birthday Mrs. Fred Buckman became fifty-one years of age last Monday and about thirty of her friends were invited in to help her observe the same in the proper manner. They came in the afternoon and stayed for supper and departed in the evening. At about six o'clock a most delicious supper was served, which was enjoyed by all. Dr. Shaw and Fred Hilmer were up from Berlin and August Steinhoff was up from Syracuse. First and Fifth Anniversaries On last Thursday at the home of L. J. Marquet, Dr. Brendel and wife cele brated their first anniversary of their wedding and Louie Marquardt and wife celebrated their fifth. Quite a number of friends and relatives were invited in and a general good time was had by all. Various games and amusements were indulged in and both instrumental and vocal music were enjoyed. At the proper time delicious refreshments were serv ed it is needless to tell about this for Drs. some time ha"ve an awful appetite, At a late hour the guests departed, wishing Louie and wife and the Dr. and wife many more such pleasant occuren ces. Be Careful Now The critical period of the year, when every family must be very care to up hold the health of its members, is at our doors. We mention it, because at this time so many worthless are press ed upon the people and praised for tbeir medicinal virtue. The people should put their trust in old remedies that have stood the test of many years. The most cormon and most deadly diseases of this season are those of the stomach and -of the intestines and we can assure our readers that there is no better re medy for them than Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It will cure and strengthen those organs and will make you able to do more without exertion. In nauzea, vomiting, constipation, palenese, weakness, excessive sweating and in all diseases of the alimentary tract Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the only reliable remedy. Re fuse imitations, for your own benefit. At drug stores. Joseph Triner, 616-622 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. Examination Postponed "Stuttering" Jim Smith was to have had his preliminary examination this morning before Justice Archer, but was unable to secure legal advisors to his liking at this time, and the hearing went over until tomorrow morning. County Attorney Rawls was present and ready to proceed with the examin ation but, as Smith had been unable to secure counsel, he was compelled to consent to an adjournment. Smith wanted Matthew Gering as his defend er, but Mr. Gering was out of the city and Smith changed his mind, preferring W. C. Ramsey, who will appear as his counsel tomorrow. Smith was returned to the dungeon keep, under Jailer Man speaker's personal supervision, until that time. A Simple Remedy. As there have been a number of cases where parties have run a rusty nail in their feet, and some of them came near resulting in lock jaw, tha we publish the following simple remedy for the benefit of any future cases. The remedy is simple, always at hand, can be applied by anyone. What is better i3 infallible, it is simple, to smoke the wound, any wound that is bruised or inflamed with a woolen cloth, twenty minutes in the smoke will take the pain out of the worst case of inflamation aruinj from such a wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much as they, please, but when they are afflicted with 6uch wounds, let them try it. U n I U r Wabash Department A. J. BRANN, Manager Postmaster Brann attended the Post master's State convention last week. Mrs. W. T. Richards was at Elmwood Tuesday. Dr. Munger had a mishap Monday evening while here with his auto, and had to stay in town until the next morn ing. Rev. Chapman was in town Tuesday visiting friends. Jno. Wood, R. F. D. carrier, has been using his motor cycle of late. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edgar are living in Lincoln at present. W. H. Pool was up from Weeping Water one day last week. Mrs. Chas. Ward visited her parents near Weeping Water last week. H. II. Gerbling and family visited friends at Lincoln last week. . Fred Colbert, of Weeping Water, was helping his uncle Eugene last week. John Van Enery was at Inman last week to attend the wedding of his cousin. Muriin & Wilson are delivering their orders for pictures. Several of our people attended the game of ball at Murdock Thursday. Mr. Bates, of Plattsmouth, was in Ma 12 ley Department W. J. RAU. Dick Boom and wife were in Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. W. D. Bish of Weeping Water is visiting Mrs. A. N. Speer Thursday. The Hotel building has been newly papered and all cleaned, and opened up July 1st. The Ladies Kensington met at the home of Mrs. S. C. Keckler, Thursday. The Manley business men have taken considerable interest in cleaning up in front of their places of business of late. All tne weeds and grass have been mowed and it gives Main street a very pretty appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bornemeier took their daughter to the Hospital at Oma ha Tuesday to be operated on for ap pendicitis. Mr. A. N. Speer was telegraphed to come to the funeral of his brother's wife at Trinidad, Colo., saurday he left on the evening train. Mrs. A. N. Speer is staying with Mrs W. D. Bish at Weeping Water while Mr. Speer is away, attending the fun eral of his brother's wife in Colorado. Pilly Rau and Leo Tighe started for Elmwood Saturday night and got caught in the rain storm and tied up in Mur dock over night and returned home Sunday. Clint Andrus was an Omaha visitor Thursday. R. K. Bates, of Plattsmouth, who is connected with the Plattsmouth Journal Mlvo Department DALE S. BOYLES. Manager Conrad Rasp is at home visiting his parents for a few days. Prof. Hollinsworth has tendered his resignation as principal of the Alvo public schools for 1908-1909. The posi tion is open for applications. Mrs. Abbie B. Cook drove over to Eagle Monday morning to take the train for Lincoln. She returned Mon day evening. Mrs. C. J. Vincent took the train for Lincoln Saturday evening to spend Sun day with Mr. Vincent. She returned Monday and states that Mr. Vincent is but slightly improved. M. E. Baldwin of University Place is here taking care of Mr. Isaac Stone, who is again in a dangesous condition. Roy Campbell, of Billings, Mont., is on his way home to spend the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Charles Jordan and Arthur Klyver attended the dance at Eagle, Thursday evening. Little Emmett Rathbun is reported to be improving rapidly. A large number of the people of this vicinity drove to Elmwood to the log rolling" and to hear Mr. Bryan. They reported that a number of teams along the road were frightened by an auto mobile driven by a reckless driver. Messrs. George and Clay Connor of Kingfisher, Oklahoma, are expected to arrive Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rogers of Omaha, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman over Sunday. Mr. Smith, of the E. Coildren & Sons Co.,of Council Bluffs, has been in this vicinity experimenting with a large four-wheeled hay buck. Mrs. M. L. Keefer and daughter. Mrs. Oris Foreman and new grand daughter came down from Lincoln. Tuesday. town Friday. Miss Grace Allen was down from : Lincoln Saturday and Sunday visiting her aunt, Mjss Ely. J. M. Creamer spent Sunday at home on the farm. Our M. W. A. lodge won the banner Saturday at the "log rolling" at Elm wood, which they are proud of. S. Hulfish went to Yutan Monday to visit his daughter. Rev. Scott came down from Lincoln Monday to be present at the Quarterly Conference of the M. E. church. Mrs. Noyes and children of Louisville visited relatives here last week. Mr. Foot returned to Nebraska City, Monday. Our county school superintendent. Miss Foster, was in town Monday. H. C. Richards was in the east part of the county Monday. Clarence Pool was at Weeping Water Tuesday. Henry Dressel was at Murdock Tues day. Burglars entered the general mer chandise store of L. R. Stanley Tuesday night and helped themselves. Manager was in town between trains Wednesday posting 4th of July bills for the big cel ebration at Plattsmouth. Big 4th of July celebration at Plwtts mouth everybody go. Mrs. Ed. Bunkow left Tuesday for Spokane, Wash., where she was called oi account of the serious illness of rel atives, she drove to Louisville and took the evening Burlington train from there. Dick Irons and Eli Easterday were tourists to Elmwood Saturday, they came home Monday morning on the train carrying their wheels. Dr. Banghart went to University Place Saturday evening returned home Monday on the Mo Pac Ry. Theo Harms and Thos Keckler drove to Elmwood Saturday to the Log Roll ing and to see the Ball Game. Mrs. Chas. Tighe and daughter of Bancroft returned home Monday after a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. Edmund S. Jenkins and wife of Cleveland, Ohio, are here visiting hiss brother, A. Jenkins for two weeks. Mr. A. N. speer returned from Trini dad Col., Wednesday morning. Base Da!l-Manly Sluggers vs Pickups Manley Sluggers 11 Pickups 1. Bat teries Lorensen-Murphy and Krecklow Keckler. Large crowd and lots of en thusiasm through the game. Wm. Uptegrove is here visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Uptegrove for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benting of Ceresco are visiting at the home of A. N. Myers" this week. Linch and Stone have been working day and night setting up binders and hay stacking machinery. They sold eight binders this week. Aunt Manda Linch has moved from Miss Wolfe's house into her own home on Russell Street. The Froley-Hess Grain Co. Have been grading the street leading up to their elevator and putting things in shape to recieve the heavy grain crop. Miss Minnie Bailey has returned from Plattsmoth to take up her old position on the Telephone Exchange Board. Miss Alta Linch has accepted a posi tion in the Schools at York for the com ing year. District School Meeting was held in the School Building Monday evening, June 29. F. L. Froley was elected director and some applications for High School Tuition recieved and granted. Seven hundred and fifty feet of Rock Island track washed out between Plym outh and Jensen on Saturday evening and also some feet of track at Meadow. The Rock Island run most of their trains over the Burlington, but on Sun day night the east bound local No. 18, came down from Lincoln at 4 a. m. It was heavily loaded, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yaeger, H. Roelofez and W. O. Boyles got off at this place, having waited at at the Lincoln station during the entire night. Commissioner Jordan keeps busy these days going over the roads in this part of the county. Due to the heavy rains the roads and bridges are in very poor condition and almost too dangerous for travel.