r: DC DC DC DC DC D )C D( )C DCZZDC DCZZDC Bog AyctSon SaBe of o is Attended Three Times a Day by the Largest Crowds Ever Attending a Sale in Plattsmouth. The Sale will Continue Until Every Article is Sold, Including the Fixtures. Aire You Mmig YoytrShaire of the Bargaiomisf Can you afford to miss this opportunity of getting just what you need in Dry la Soot EH at s amid Fymlshio o ods Select just what you want. It will be sold while you Wait. The high bidder buys. ox DC DC 3C DC DC DCZZDC DC DC DC sa DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest,. From Sat urday Evening's Daily Journal 8 Misses Jean Morrisy and Gretchen Donnelly were visiotrs in Omaha this morning. Ross Mitchell came in yesterday from Havelock and is visiting with friends in the city for a few days. O. K. Parmele returned this morning from Cedar Creek, where he was look ing after some business J. Pepperburg departed for Omaha and Lincoln this morning, where he is looking after the sale of cigars. Airs M. A. O'Leary departed this ?nrr v- Roward. where she will . visit with her daughter for some time. Wanted. At the Journal office im mediately, a boy to learn the printing business. One not "too smart" pre ferred. Joshua Andrews departed this morn ing for a visit at Hamburg, la., and to look after some business at that place as well. Henry Stander of South Bend was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters at the court house. Alf Nickels and wife were visitors in Omaha this morning, where they are visiting with friends and looking after some business matters. John Rough and John Garber, of Ne hawka, were visitors in the county seat this morning, having some matters to attend to at the court house. A. R. Young and wife were visitors in Omaha this morning, from near Mur ray, driving to Plattsmouth and going via the Burlington from here. Misses Anna McClelland, Helen Towels ar.cl Jessie Kennedy, all of Bellevue, are visiting in the city, the guests of their friend, Miss Bcrnice Newell. Jo3 Messersmith, wife and daughter came in today from Havelock, and are visiting for a few days with W. D. Messersniith and family, in the city. Wr.i. and James Kenndy and F. V. Hav.kinson returned to their home at Havelock this afternoon, after having visited in the city for the past few days. Mrs. Wm. Ballance was a visitor in Omaha this morning. George Mapes was a business visitor in Omaha this morning. Col. H. C. McMaken was a business visitor in Council Bluff s, Iowa, this morn ing. Mrs. Alma Davis departed for Chi cago this morning, after having been looking after some legal business in the city. Pat Eagan and two little girls were passengers to Havelock this morning, where they will visit with friends for a few days. G. W. Haney, of nearBartlett, Iowa, departed for his home this morning, after having visited in the city, a guest at the home of his brother-in-law, B. Chriswisser. Henry Kreager, of west of Mynard, was a visitor in the city today. Sam Campbell of near Murray was a visitor in the city this morning. W. H. Seybert of Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this morning. Mrs. C. S. Forbes was a visitor with relatives in Omaha this morning. E. G. Stockfield of Superior was a business visitor in the city today. Emanual Kline, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor with friends in the city this morning. Fred Geunther, of near Cullom, was a visitor in the city today. Miss Pattie Mathews was a visitor in Omaha with friends this morning. L. Reynard was a visitor in the city this morning from near Rock Bluffs. Valentine Tomalinshy and wife were visitors in Omaha today, going this morning. rhillip Horn and wife were visitors in the city this morning from near Cedar Creek. Wm. Becker was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some busi ness matters. A. W. Atwood was a visiter in Oma ha this afternoon. Phillip Hild visited in the city today from west of Murray. Adam Kaffenberger and family were visitors in the city today. Mrs John Marquette, of Lincoln was a visitor in the city today. Margaret Scotton was a visitor in Omaha with friends this afternoon. Ed. Weaver and wife were visitors in Omaha with friends . this afternoon. Fred Patterson and family, from Rock Bluffs, were visitors in the city today. E H Booth was a visitor for over Sunday in Lincoln, going on the noon train. Mrs C. A. Marshall and daughter, Miss Gladys, were Omaha visitors this afternoon. Cyril Janda was a visitor with friends in Omaha this morning. Jack Patterson was a visitor in Ora anawith friends this morning. George Halmes, of northwest of the city, was a business visitor in the city this morning. M. Mauzy was a business visitor in Lincoln this morning, going on the early Burlington train. Mrs. Frank Brinkman and daughters, Nellie and Max, were visitors in Om aha this morning. Frank Janda, sr., and wife were pas sengers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit friends for the day. W. B. Porter, jr., of Mynard, was a visitor in Omaha this morning, where he was looking after some business matters and visiting with friends. C. H. Sampson returned to his home in Omaha this morning, after having been looking after some business mat ters in the city for the Burlington. John Spence, of near Louisville, was in the city last evening, looking after some business matters. T. E. Olson and wife were visitors in Omaha this afternoon, where they will spend the day with friends. J. H. Salsbury was visiting with friends and looking after business mat ters in Omaha this afternoon. R. B. Windham departed for Green wood today, where he will visit with his son, Robert and wife, over Sun day. Miss Lillian Fitch came in this morn ing from Omaha and gave her elocution class their lesson, returning on the nocn train. E. II. Wescott is reported as being on the sich last and not able to be out at the present. Miss Emma Roesnerof Louisville was a visitor in the city this morning, with friends for the day. J. F. Polk, of Lincoln, a mail clerk running between Omaha and Denver, was in the city this morning. August Raceler and wife departed this morning for Havelock, where they will visit with friends over Sunday. W. H. Puis, of west of Murray, was a visitor in the city this morning trans acting business with our merchants. E. B. Lincoln from near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this morning, having business matters to look after. "Mine Host" Alex Graves of Murray was a visitor in the county seat this morning and said Murray was getting along nicely. J. Smith of Nehawka came up this morning, and is visiting with friends in the city and looking after some busi ness matters. John Kinney was a visitor in the city for a while this morning, going from Ashland, where he has been working for the Bell Telephone company, to his home at Bedford, la. The number of scholars in the county taking the eighth grade examination were 217, and the papers of those which have been examined the average has been very good. Mrs. J. M. Meisinger and daughter were visitors in the city this morning, doing some trading and visiting with friends, guests at the home of Mrs. George P. Weidman. ' Frank E. Schlater, Mrs. H. N. Dovey and son, George, Charles Patterson and George Oldham, departed for Lincoln this morning, were they will join the California excursion this evening. At the last hour, D. C. Morgan con cluded to go to California on the Gover nor's excursion, and with his wife and daughter departed this afternoon for Lincoln, where they join the excursion. Mrs. W. M. Thomas and sister, Miss Evelyn Taylor, who are attending the business college at Omaha, came home last evening and will visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.yW. A. Taylor, over Sunday. On account of the fast mail on the other side of the river, running be-1 tween Chicago and Council Bluffs, which j did not make connection with number j five, the west bound passenger, the Schuyler train, had to run into Platts- j mouth to get a mail car which was brought from Pacific Junction to this place by the switch engine for Omaha. Mrs. Nicholas Todd came home from Omaha last evening, where she is at tending school, and will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol fAdamson, over Sundav. Gone (o Plainview. Miss Ida Weidman departed for Plain view last evening, going to Omaha via Missouri Pacific, where she remained until this morning. She was accom panied as far as the metropolis by Mr. John Bull and Mins Gladys Marshall, who returned on the midnight train. Miss Ida is one of the best girls, that ever drew the breath of life, and her many friends in Plattsmouth, where she was born and reared to womanhood, re gretted to see her leave. She has ac cepted a position in that city. A Printer Becomes a Fisherman. Last Saturday evening Lee J. May field and three boon companions left the stirring city of Louisville, and with camp equipage, fishing tackle, and other accessories which go to make up a pleas ant stay in the woods and by the side of the stream, and as the shades of night were falling they camped by the side of Metzger's lake at Cedar Creek. There they expected to have a pleasant time for a few days, but owing to there be ing no way of breaking the ice, they were not able to fish yesterday, and it being Sunday they did not dare return, as they could not buy any fish to take home and had to stay until this morn ing. Verily, the way of the fisherman is hard. Sells The Alcazar Saturday afternoon Frank C. Benfer bought the building in which the Al cazar has been conducted for sometime paying W. W. Coates three thousand dollars for it. Mr. Benfer expects to use the building for the purpose of a saloon. Stricken With Paralysis We hear that Engene Lewis, resid ing a few miles northwest of Elmwood, was stricken with paralysis Tuesday afternoon while hauling manure and was found towards evening by his wife in the hog lot in an unconscious condi tion. He had not regained conscious ness at last report and was not resting well. We sincerely hope 'Gene may soon recover from the attack, although at present his condition is extremely critical. Elmwood Leader-Echo. ( : s j America's Thermal Wonderland j HOT SPRINGS, ARK. W. F. Gillispie and George Snyder are shipping two cars of mixed stuff to Omaha this afternoon from Mynard. Returns Frcn Texas Frank Stanley returned from his ex cursion trip to the Texas Panhandle county Sunday evening, and in forms the Journal that the J. B. Dodson peo ple of Kansas City, whom Mr. Standleyj represents, sold 2G300 acres of land on their recent excursion. Kr. Standley runs excursion every TLit and Third Tuesday and will be pleased to take with any and everybody who desires to purchase land in the best country and climate on earth. The terms on all pur chases are made to suit all buyers. Curative waters, healthful and agreeable climate, restful sur roundings every form of recre ation if desired, all completely illustrated and described in our new booklet, also rates at ho tels, bath houses, etc. Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain IS THE DIRECT TROUGH ROUTE Call on your logal agent or address IB. H. PAYNE, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, g St. Louis. Mo, Hotice to Gass County Farmerls The secret of curing ham3 and bacons lies in the use of Wright's Liquid Smoke. It's quicker, safer and gives better results than the old style method of using a wood fire. Sold by F. G. FRICKE& CO., ruggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. U T