u 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 1 i j 1 V WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, GOMrJENGINO V ) 1 w U WU n Zl Co) Oj And Continuing Day and Night until the Entire Stock is Reduced! Nothing Reserved! Every Dol lar's worth will be Sold for What it Will Bring! Have you bought all your present and future needs? If not, you should attend this Great Auction Sale and secure goods at u 1 1 Think it over! You can select your goods from the best and cleanest stock of Dr3' Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments and Novelties to be found in the city. rvn uD Day iff jwi3 ET(S Gn ICQ E 1 B Not a common Auction Sale of bankrupt, shelf-worn odds and ends, but a sale of High. Class Goods, conducted on a high plane, with a guarantee behind every sale. Satisfaction or Your Money Re funded. We ask you to select any article in the store and it will be sold for what it will bring. All yard goods will be sold by the yard; all others that come in sizes or that can be exchanged, will be done so gladly. The High Bids Buys. Whether it is 10c or $10.00. IWo Uqiq Qanurari tlio Qoninoo nf PM IAII I U IflMCQ An Evnort in Uio I inoT fflU ilUffU UUUUIUU IIIU UUIflUUU Ul UULl If ILL. Ill UMLU; nil L.ALJUII III IIIU LI II U I Come, Meet Us Face to Face; Bring Your Lunch and Pocketbook and Stay All Day! T El y rro in Plattsmoufth, Nebraska DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC 0 f. f o 0 35 8 t5j 0 J