Classified Advertisements II' you w:mt tin; right land In the rlnht land lit tl rltfht rl--, from th mi-n. Write now to yours Hlm-t r:ly. II. I. Ilriiitrt& Son. Mcltonald, Kansas. As havo xclulv list of tlio l-t lands for homes. In lCuwIiiis or Cbcyciini; Counths. ami we know ; cau pit-use you In quality, price and terms. 12-4 TllKulU of all reitl-etute tarffatns-M).0oO acres of choice, farm land In North-west Kansas and Kastern Colorado. Also City prop erty In (ioodland. Kansas, mid Denver, Colo rado. Write for Illustrated circular and price list. . Ij. Calvert, tioodland, Kansas. l'Jt4 WyoMIN Lands-Investors and homeseek ers write for Information regarding lands In "the only county In the state where agri cultural crops are raised without Irrigation," to Somers & Hush, Moocroft. Wyoming. 1:M.4 MONEY In wheat and corn lands. That's the kind you will get if you buy of C. M. Kees, Elsie. Nehr.. situated In eastern Per kins county. See or write for further Infor mation. 1-1 1 Mirth-w-st K'misiii -The place where you can huy the It EST land for the LEAST money of anywhere in the west. Good water and pxnl soil. Write me for further Informa tion. Edwin Eymaii. McDonald. Ks. 1-tl Your flilO acre farm will liny two Itettc-r In Harlan -ounty. the U-st county in Ne braska. !ood list of bargains. See us lirst. WeblK-r X liates. "the Land Men." Orleans, Nebraska. l-U For Salt' ltVl acres, all smooth and tillable. 35 acres in cultl vatlon. line well, cheap buildings. Id head of cattle. Price JiOt. easy terms. Geo. U Kcld. Tribune Ks. V2VZ Cheyenne County has again proven what it will do. We have the finest land in the county for sale on easy ternn at $10 to f 13 per acre. Will also trade for town property. Kodman lxwlien Laud Co.. I'li Sidney. Ncbr. LAND M'YKKS. The rapid changes In Ot tawa. County lands makes It imperative that If you intend buying at the present reas onable prices you must buy at once. Extra good Solomon Valley lands at from ?'"i2.Si) to lit).'0 l'-r acre and pasture lands at from rl.V V" t" i'. Writ-: me or come at once Wire w! p. lartlrc.-. Ei. A. Davis. .Minneapolis. Kansas. INVET your money in Howard Comity. Ne braska .amis hei e it U -afe: win re values areli-'!!'. I ha ve la rc I it of sale and trade iT.'ic-M' i..::- 11. P.. Van 1i:cai:. I." St. Pan!. N' Iw:isk:i. fik ' 1 1 'M A A .!'.iat l eCtioll Of Si'llcMM V '1'. Easy lei ins. I :ii:i:i is Willi lin.ilt.l ii. :.ns write, e -it' - in l e st'imps f.r . 'l;. y ! :- ;i . f U ilj .1 ! ' i a . !",-! .!. i". IlK.'KI Meifr.l. ' 1 a 'ion :i . H'l.'i 1'il'NTV l.M s;.-t a-re ranrl'. r.en y of farm hay Jan.l. timber and riiiiitiii" water. Want sii.:'.I!er farm, ."l.'i' .i'Ti s in; ro vi. 1 fa: 1.1 ix in tics out. i Jerinan -vll.eii,e..l. Must s,.;!. lie K l I'.AKl LAY. Stuart. Nebraska. THE I'.KA.i S VALLEY is the richest in Texas, s-plemlid corn, cotton and clover. No. I.ii. -arils. Ciol Summers. Ideal winl its. P.est markets. Price f l.00 to f.W.-jO. llll.M P. Lockwood. IJosenbur. Texas. I'ornier'y of Nebraska. 14 TWO very lino sections of land well located, with some alfalfa, to exchange for mer chandise or hardware, also some smaller tracts. This- is worth investigating if you have something of the kind to exchange. SHEItHiAN COfNTY LAND CO.. lj-4 Hovie, Kansas. BOONE COPNTY PALM CHEAP 321 acres. 1UU acres timothy and clover 150 acres in crops. 71 acres natural grass all good smooth clay land. 6 room house and out buildings, good barn. 3 miles from Primrose S mile from school. Price 5 so. 00 per acre If sold soon. This is a genuine bargain. Address. Ashkkook Huns. 13-4 Primrose. Nebraska. KANSAS FA KM b acres, good title, good 3 room frame house, stable, well and mill, fenced. 140 .teres in cultivation. SO acres wheat, all goes If sold prior to April first. 3 miles Collingwood. 6 miles Meade. All smooth, level land, a real bargain at 55.000 J. H. Gbiocjs. Owner. Get busy Meade. Kansas. 15-4 SMITH BROS. REALTY CO.. Sutherland Neb. Writes us for prices on Lincoln Co Nebraska lands where corn and wheat made from 35 to 45 bushels per acre. Price from four to sixteen dollarl per acre. Distance to market 3 to 15 miles. 13- FREE noMESTEA DS: We are ready to lo cate you on tiovernnaent land In the"W hite OwP district of Meade County, where you will find the best farm land west of the Missouri river In South Dakota. Phillip Is the natural railroad point from which to reach this district and our terms are always ready. Locations guaranteed. West Land Co. Phillis. S. D. 15-4 CENTRAL MISSOPRI FARMS. For farms and homes that will prove loth satisfac tory and profitable, write for new Illustrated list. li farms described and priced G. W. Hamilton & Son. Pulton. Mo. 15-4 Notice to Creditors. Sate of Nebraska. County of Cass. In the matter of the estate of Catherine Stadol piiii, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said etat before me. County Judge of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth. In said county, on the S day of May. IWK, and on the 17 day of October. 19U-. at teno'clock. a. m.. of each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. su months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims from the 17th of April, ivos. and one year for the executrix to settle said estate from the 4th of April. 190. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 4th day of April. 190 ALLEN J. BEESON. Iskai County Judge. D. O. Dwyer, Attjrney for Estate. Legal Notice In the District County of Cass Count y, Ne braska. I.ury May Puller Plaintiff vs William II. Fuller Defendant To William II. Puller non-resident defend ant: You are hereby noli tied that on the 241 h day of February, luOs. l.ury May Fuller II led a ix tllloii against you In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of wlilch are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and failure to support and maintain plaintiff, and to re Morcd to her maiden name. You are riulred to answer said petition on or liefore Monday the i:ith day of April l'.mrt. Lucy May Fuller. Hy A. N. Sullivan. her Attorney. Notice of Probate of Will. In the County Court of Cass county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Catherine Stadelmann. deceased. To all persons Interested or concerned: You are hereby notified that a tietlUon lias lieen tiled to probate a will purporting to li the last will of Catherine Stadleniann. and for the appointment of the executrix named therein. There will )e a hearing upon said IM-tltlou at my office in the court house in the city of Plattsniouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at ten o'clock a. m.. on the 4th day of April. IWW. and all objections thereto must he tiled, by said hour, and at said time, such orders will lie made as are just and proper in the premises. Al.I.KN .T. ItERSON. D. O. Dwyer. Attorney. County Judge. (Seal) P!t3 Whooping Cough Ihave used Chmaerlain's Cough Rem edy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is the best medicine I have evei used. W. F. Gaston, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Union From the Ledger. Riley Eaton and wife are proud pos sessors of a fine new son that register ed at their home Sunday morning, April 5. Leonard Crawford and wife are the happy parents of a son, born Thursday night, April 2, the first name in their family register. L. .1. Hall and J. B. Hoddy left Mon day for Garfield county to see what the prospects aie for securing a large tract of go-.d grazing in that part of the ftate. Mont Ilobb escapod from the insar.o hospital (of which lie is the steward) and c:imc in from Norfolk Sunday to visit hi.-; son Hugh and numerous fi ieiu'.s in this village and immediately vicinity. A. H. Austin ij recovering from his recent il'.ne.-v?, but he is not as stout as he "u.-td to was," yet ho is sure he will be on the spot ready to do his share of "rooting" at the first game of ball that comes along. D Walker and Forest Cunningham, of Nehawka, sailed into this village Monday evening riding the latter's automobile, but they didn't sail out as quickly as they desired, as the "whiz wagon" wouldn't whiz until it had an hour's coaxing. Uncle Dabner Thacker returned last Saturday from Dakota County, where he had been visiting his son, George. This week he sold the old home place northeast of here to his son, 'Valter, and will likely make his home in Dak ota county, at least most of the time. Rev. E. L. Field and wife came home Tuesday from Omaha, where Mrs. Field has been under care of physicians in a hospital the past few weeks. She is yet very weak but quite cheerful, and her many friends are greatly pleas ed at the favorable indications of her complete recovery. J. T. Reynolds, deputy assessor for this precinct, has been wading into his work in earnest this week and can now reel off the long list of questions in rhyme. This year the real estate has to be listed, and a lot statistics taken, which give the deputy assessors plenty of work and a chance to earn th eir salaries. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea never fails to tone the stomach, purify the blood regulate the kidneys, liver and bowels. The greatest spring tonic, makes and keeps you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. For sale by Gering & Co. For Sale A 200 Egg Sure Hatch Incubator, a folding bed in good condition and a medimum sized refrigerator. For par ticulars inquire of Mrs Will Taylor,box 20, R. F. D. No. 1, Plattsmouth. Notice of Application Tor Liquor License NOTICE is hereby jrlven to all persons Inter ested and to the public, that the under signed F. C. Benfer, has filed his petition and application in the office of the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, as required by law. signed by the required number of resident free-holders of said city, setting forth that the appli cant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Ne braska, and prayingr that a license may be is sued to the said F. C. Benfer for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the date of the hear-in? of said application in a building- situated on the east half (eH)of lot three (3) in block thirty-five (35) in the fourth ward of the said city of PlatUmouth. Nebraska. F. C. BENFER. April 16. 190P. Applicant, "THE BUCKS OF THE TIMBER" A Few Items From One of the Charter Members Editor Journrl: I have not both ered you for some time, so please be patient a little while and I will tell you all I know, and more too. The weather is so nice the "Bucks of the Timber" expects to call a meeting soon to look after unfinished business and take in new members. They did not meet in the winter because they are too religi ous to tie their horses to a barb-wire fences for half the night in bad weather. Mark White is the hardest working man in the lodge. He works day and night; one man that worked for him said that when he started up stairs at night to go to bed he would meet him self coming down to breakfast. Mark says he cannot help it; he cannot sleep, and he is going to hire someone to talk to him and keep him company at night, (a female prefered.) L. B. Brown, Louie Kroell and Fred Patterson were out fishing a few days ago, and if some fisherman had come along at the right time he could have sold some fish. I. S. White and wife, Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Horn were at Mark White's to eat a birthday dinner with him on the 9th of April and tried to find out his age, but he said he was so young when he was born that he could not re member. Mrs. Bird Fitch is going raise gin neys this summer, and Bird says that if she does he is koing to raise a fuss. Rock Bluffs has but one traveling man, and he is so absent-minded he is going to quite the load. He went to Plattsmouth sometime ago and his wife happened to be on the street; he looked at her for a moment and took off his hat and said "I have seen you before somewhere what is your name, I piease . j John Mr.rt-h and Grandma Grave ! hsvo Leon txv.i out humify riding lately, j Wo wonder if Marsh l:nnvs a'.KUit it? i Sam Swab cuid not get enough land this year so lie v lanmn;? a part of the river. George Smith has built a new La. n and wiil be in a shape to take care of the lodge goat in a short time. Miss Ella Sattler was expected to ex amine the eighth grade of our public school, ar.d could not get enongh paper in Plattsmouth so she was compelled to go to Kenosha. W. P. Ilutcheson started to fix his pasture fence some time ago, but he got tired and sat down to rest. Perry Marsh boasts of handling four hundred horses last year. If he would confine himself to horses he would be all right. Wes Burnett has been batch ing for a few days. He says he knew the real value of horses before. They saved him the trouble of washing dishes. Johnnie Hatt will have to pull down his vest and wipe off his chin for it is his time to ride the goat at the next meeting, lodge reporter, Fred Patterson. W. H. Lair is loading a car for Bridge port, and will ship to that point where he expects to look after the ranch of the S. F. S. Co. you can picK from our superb stock of separate bureaus. We have them in mahogany, antique oak and oak at prices that will attract economical buyers. Our furniture is in the latest designs and is rich and handsome. It is to your interest to look overour line. M. HI1LD, Plattsmovith. Neb. ARE HERE NEXT WEEK World Famous Medical Spe cialist at the Riley Hotel April 20, 21 and 22. As ha3 been announced in other is sues of this paper, Dr. Ben W. Kinsey, who is chief of staff of the Hot Springs Doctors, who have their Nebraska State Institute permanently located at the corner of O and 1 1th streets, Lincoln, will arrive in Plattsmouth next Monday and remain three days, and while here will stop at the Riley. This wonderful Hot Springs system of all home treatment, which Dr. Kin sey is bringing to Plattsmouth, has cured thousands of cases which have been given up as incurable by many physicians and is endorsed by the United States government and by the world's leading financiers, business men, news papers, clergymen, and above all, those who were sick and suffering and had been made well by those world-famous specialists, the Hot Springs Doctors. Below are reprinted extracts from a few of the thousands of testimonals which have been received by the Hot Springs Doctors: "I feel that I owe my life to the Hot Springs Dactors. " J. W. Lacey, Have lock, Neb. "The Hot Springs Doctors saved my life after other surgical physicians said I would have to undergo an opera tion." Mrs. E. W. Brinley, Arcadia, Neb. "For ten years I suffered with tortur ous pains in my side and back and was treated by over a score of doctors. The Hot Springs Doctors cured me with four months treatment." Mrs. Jennie R ;ome, 3231 T street, Lincoln. OR. KIM5EY. 'You told me that I would not receive benefit from your treatment for at least a month, but I am glad for my sake and for your sake that 1 can in form you that I have not had an attack of trouble since the day I commeced taking your medicine and before I took it I had been having three or four at tacks a day. "Mrs. B. B. Bee, Fair bury, Neb. "Was troubled with gall stones for seven years: took two month's treat ment from the Hot Springs Doctors and no pain nor symptons of any trouble since." Mrs. Wm. Busch, Hallam, Neb. I take pleasure in telling you that you have cured my ulcerated limb after many other doctors had failed. Your treatment cured me in less than two months." Mrs. S. N. Sterling, 1444 North Side Ave., Lincoln. "I have suffered for years with stomach and kidney trouble; I commenc ed taking treatment from you October 18th, and feel that now I am cured. Will be pleased to answer all questions to any who may inquire." Mrs. Auguste Heilenreich 1214 South 12th street, Lincoln, Neb. "Have tried fourteen doctors local and in Chicago and New York during the past six years, but they did no good. In fact I seemed to get worse. I have taken your treatment for the last three months and feel that I am entirely cured. I have gained seventeen pounds and able to do hard manual labor." Ruf us E. Geiger, 210 South 9ch St., Lincoln. The full testimonals of the people quoted above and thousands of others are on file and may be seen at the of fices of the Hot Springs Doctors at 14th at O streets, Lincoln. The Hot Springs Doctors do not ask you to rely on their word alone, but have proofs of their wonderful skill in testimonals from all parts of the coun try. The Hot Springs Doctors do not claim that they can cure all cases, but they absolutely refuse to accept an in curable case for treatment, thus e,very patient may be assured a cure for their money. Remember that Dr. Kinsey is bring ing this wonderful Hot Springs treat ment to Plattsmouth for three days, April 20, 21 and 22, and while here will stop at the Riley HoteL Consultation and examination is free to all who call and curable cases will be treated free except for the medicines used. is & IT IS Never do anything on a Friday. Never have anything to do with No. 13. Listen to these: George Washington was born on a Friday. The Declaration of Inde pendence was signed on a Fri day. The battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Friday. And if 3rou should come on a Friday and buy a pair of shoes being our thirteenth shoe customer. What would happen? Simply this what ever pair of shoes you selected would bevours AI5SOLUT LY FKKk OF CIIAF(iF. Do vou call that bad luck? Another Good One Our excellent friends A. Dill, who resides in town, and takes a copy of the Daily Journal, contributes hi3 share and even more to the support of the weekly edition, by sending one t) his sons, R. C. Dill at Wellington, Colo., and one Chas. Hipp, at Lyons, Neb., and one M. S. Davis, of Wellington, Colo. ' He called today and advanced the mark on all of them to 1909. Many thanks Mr Dill, we wish we had a few more just like you. Fine attractions Tuesday evening at Coates' hall. Save the date. DOC 0 Absolutely We absolutely guarantee the qual ity of the Goodrich's Nebraska. Remedies! and especially call your attention to the Velvatina Cream, Velvatina Massage Cream, Velvatina Soap and Goodrick's Hair Tonic. PC ML PIMP IralllvliLa THE DRU6GISTS. 0 c SON SAII See Your Road Overseer. C. M. Seybert, from Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, was in Plattsmouth today and while here made this office a pleasant call. In conversation with him he tells us that he has appointed four assis tants in district No. 9, to help in the road work, and he wishes all parties in that district to kindly notify him or one of his assistants of anything that 13 needed in the line of road work over the district. Those appointed were Adam Schafer, Galen Rhoden, Wm. Heeney and Dave Patterson. Road Overseer Seybert intends to have good roads if possible. DOC 0 Guaranteed! l3 0 DOC