OF TME THREE DY KATE AND VIRGIL COPYfffGr BY ACMCLUOO UCO. 907 CHAPTER VIII. The County Attorney. '"I too am going to Wind City," said a pleasant voice at her side. "You will let me help you with your things, will you not?' The slender girl standing before the ticket window, stuffing change into ber coin purse, turned quickly. "Why, Mr. Gordon." she said, hold ing out a small hand with frank pleas ure. "How very nice! Thank you, will you take my rain-coat? It has been such a bother. I would bring it right In the (ace of Uncle Hammond's ob jections. He said it never rained out this way. But I surely have suffered a plenty for my waywardness. Don't you think so?" "It behooves a tenderfoot like you to sit and diligently learn of such ex perienced and toughened old-timers as we are, rather than flaunt your un tried Ideas in our faces, responded Gordon, with a smile that transformed the keen gray eyes of this man of much labor, much lofty ambition, and much sorrow, so that they seemed tor the moment strangely young, laughing, untroubled; as clear of taint of evil knowledge as the source of a stream leaping joyously into the sun light from some mountain solitude. It was a revelation to Louise. "I will try to be a good and dili gent seeker after knowledge of this strange land of yours," she answered, with a little laugh, half of embarass- ment, half of enjoyment of this play of nonsense, and leading the way to her suit-case and Mary outside. "When I make mistakes, will you tell me about them? Down east, you know, our feet travel in the ancient, pre scribed circles of our forefathers, and they are apt to go somewhat uncer tainly if thrust into new paths." And this laughing, clever girl had cried with homesickness! Well, no wonder. The worst of it was, she could never hope to be acclimated. She was not their kind. Sooner or later she must go back to God's coun try. To her surprise, Gordon, though he laughed softly for a moment, answer ed rather gravely. "If my somewhat niggardly fate should grant me that good fortune, that I may do something for you, I ask that you be not afraid to trust to my help. It would not be half-hearted I assure you." She looked up at him gratefully. His shoulders, slightly stooped, betok ening the grind at college and the burden-bearing in later years, instead of suggesting any inherent weakness in the man, rather inspired her with an Intuitive faith in their quiet, unswerv ing, utter trusthworthiness. "'Thank you," she said, simply. "I am so glad they did not hurt you much that day in the court-room. We worried Mary and I." "Thank you. There was not the least danger. They were merely vent ing their spite on me. They would not have dared more." "There's my brakeman, said Louise, when she and Gordon had found a seat near the rear. Mary had gone and a brakeman had swung onto the last car as it glided past the platform, and came down the aisle with a grin of recognition for his "little white lamb." "Hpw nice it all seems, just as if I had been gone months instead of days and was coming home again. It would be funny if I should be home sick for the range when I get to Wind City, wouldn't it?" "Let us pray assiduously that it may be so," answered Gordon, with one of his rare smiles. He busied himself a moment in stowing away her belongings to the best advantage. It gets in one's blood how or when, one never knows." They rode In silence for a while. "Tell me about your big fight," said Louise, presently. The roadbed was fairly good, and they were spinning along on a down grade. He must needs bend closer to hear her. She was good to look at, fair and sweet, and it had been weary years since women had come close to Gor don's life. In the old college days, be fore this hard, disappointing, unequal fight against the dominant forces of greed, against tolerance of might over coming right, had begun to sap his vitality, he had gone too deeply Into his studies to have much time left for the gayeties and gallantries of the social side in university life.. He had sot been popular with women. They Jd not know him. Yet, though iubbed a "dig" by his fellow colleg ians, the men liked him. They liked him for his trustworthiness, admired him for his rugged honesty, desired his friendship for the inspiration of his high ideals. "What shall I talk about. Miss Dale? It is all very prosaic and unteresting, I'm afraid; shockingly primitive, glar ingly new." "I breakfasted with a stanch friend of - yours this morning," answered Louise, somewhat Irrelevantly. She had a feeling a woman's feeling that this earnest, hard-working, reserved man would never blurt out things about himself with the bland self centredness of most men. She must V 1 a 1 1. C .V f I use all her woman's wit to draw him out. She did not know yet that he "I Shall Send Jessie Black Over " was starved for sympathy for under standing. She could not know yet that two affinities had drifted through space near together. A feather zephyr, blowing where it listed, might widen the space between to an infinity of distance so that they might never know how nearly they had once met; or it might, as its whim dictated, blow them together so that for weal or for woe they would know each the other. "Mrs. Higgins, at the Bon Ami," she continued, smiling. "I was so hungry when we got to Velpen, though I had eaten a tremendous breakfast at the Lazy S. But 5 o'clock is an unholy hour at which to eat one's breakfast, isn't it, and I just couldn't help get ting hungry all over again. So I per suaded Mary to stop for another cup of coffee. It is ridiculous the way I eat in your country." "It is a good country," he said, sob erly. "It must be if you can say so." "Because I have failed, shall I cry out that law cannot be enforced in Kemah county? Sometimes may it be soon there will come a man big enough to make the law triumphant. He will not be I." He was still smarting from his many set-backs. He had worked hard and had accomplished nothing. At the last term of court, though many cases were tried, he had not secured one conviction. , "We shall see," said Louise, softly. Her look, straight into his eyes, was a glint of sunshine in dark places. Then she laughed. "Mrs. Higgins said to me: Mimmie Mac hain't got the sense he was born with. His little, dried-up brain 'd rattle 'round in a mustard seed and he's get tin' shet o' that little so fast it makes my head swim.' She was telling about times when he hadn't acted just fair to you. I am glad from all I hear that this was taken out of his hands." "I can count my friends, the real ones, on one hand, I'm afraid." said Gordon, with a good-humored smile; "and Mrs. Higgins surely is the thumb." "I am glad you smiled," said Louise. "That would have sounded so bitter if you had not." "I couldn't help smiling. You you have such a way, Miss Dale." It was blunt but it rang true. "It is true, though, about my friends. If I could convict Jesse Black, for instance a million friends would call me blessed. But I can't do it alone They will not do it; they will not help me do it; they despise me because I can't do it, and swear at me because I try to do It and there you have the whole situation in a nutshell, Miss Dale." The sun struck across her face. He reached over and lowered the blind. "Thank you. But It is "vantage in now, is it not? You will get justice before Uncle Hammond." Unconsciously his shoulders straightened. "Yes, Miss Dale, it is "vantage in.' One of two things will come to pass I shall send Jesse Black over or ' he paused. His eyes, unseeing, were fixed on the gliding landscape as it appeared in rectangular spots through the window in front of them. "Yes. Or " prompted Louise, softly. "Never mind. It is of no conse quence," he said, abruptly. "No fear of Judge Dale. Juries are my Water loo." "Is It, then, such a nest of cowards;-' CI K i her clear . "Yes." ;c;sj-.-3t.-;; . afraid of re. l i --. not actually b!:t ' ' ; might say. And wj'j i-y : o -and who is net? l;u; he w... .. :i over this time. Paul Landlord is oa his trail. Give me two men like Lan ford and that anachronism an hon est man west of the river Williston. and you can have the rest, sheriff and all.- ' " " "" "Mr. -Williston he has been unfor tunate, has he not? He Is such a ;entleman. and a scholar, surely." "Surely. He Is one of the finest fellows I know. A man of the most sensitive honor.' If such a thing can i be. I should sav he is too honest, for his own good. A man can be, you know. There is nothing In the world that cannot be overdone." , She looked at him earnestly. His eyes did not shift. She was satisfied. "Your work belies your words," she said quietly. Dust and cinders drifted in between the slats of the closed blind. Putting her handkerchief to her lips, Louise looked at the dark streaks on it with reproach. "Your South Dakota dirt is bo black," she said, whimsically. "Better black than yellow," he re torted. "It looks cleaner, now, doesn't it?" "Maybe you think my home a fit dwelling place for John Chinaman." pouted Louise. "Yes if that will persuade you that South Dakota is infinitely better. Are you open to conviction?" "Never! I should die If I had to stay here." "You will be going back soon?" "Some day, sure! Soon? Maybe. Oh, I wish I could. That part of me which is like Uncle Hammond says, 'Stay-.'- Dut that other part of me which is like the rest of us, says, 'What's the use? Go back to your kind. You're happier there. Why should you want to be different? What.does.it all amount to?' I am afraid I shall be weak enough and foolish enough to go back and stay." There was a 6tir in the forward part of the car. A man, hitherto sit ting quietly by the side of an alert wiry little fellow who sat next the aisle, had attempted to bolt the car by springing over the empty seat in front of him and making a dash for the door. It was daring, but in vain. His companion, as agile as he, had seized him and forced him again into his place before the rest of the pas sengers fully understood that the at tempt had really been made. "Is he crazy? Are they taking him to Yankton?" asked Louise, the pretty color all gone from her face. "Did he think to jump off the train?" "That's John Yellow Wolf, a young half-breed. He's wanted up in the Hills for cattle-rustling United States court case. That's Johnson with him, deputy United States marshal." "Poor fellow," said Louise, pityingly. "Don't waste your sympathy on such as he. They are degenerates many of these half-breeds. They will swear to anything. They inherit all the evils of the two races. Good never mixes. Yellow Wolf would swear him self into everfasting torment for a pint of whiskey. You see my cause of complaint? But never think, Miss Dale, that these poor chaps of half breeds, who are hardly responsible, are the only ones who are willing to swear to damnable lies." There was a tang of bitterness in his voice. "Per jury, Miss Dale, perjury through fear of bribery or self-interest, God knows what, it is there I must break, I sup pose, until the day of judgment, un less I run away." Louise, through all the working of his smart and sting, felt the quiet re serve strength of this man beside her, and, with a quick rush of longing to do her part, her woman's part of com forting and healing, she put her hand, small, ungloved, on his rough coat sleeve. "Is that what you meant a while ago? But you don't mean it, do you? It is bitter and you do not mean it. Tell me that you do not mean it, Mr. Gordon, please," she said, impulsively. Smothering a wild impulse to keep the hand where it had lain such a brief, palpitating while, Gordon re mained silent. God only knows what human longing he crushed down, what intense discouragement, what sick de sire to lay down his thankless task and flee to the uttermost parts of the world to be away from the crying need he yet could not still. Then he answered simply, "I did not mean it. Miss Dale." And then there did not seem to be anything to say between them for a long while. The half-breed had set tled down with stolid indifference. People had resumed their newspapers and magazines and day dreams after the fleeting excitement. It was very warm. Louise tried to create a little breeze by flicking her somewhat be grimed handkerchief in front of her face. Gordon took a newspaper from his pocket, folded it and fanned her gently. He was not used to the little graces of life, perhaps, but he did this well. An honest man and a kindly never goes far wrong in any. direction. "You must not think, Miss Dale," he said, seriousjy, "that it is all bad up here. I am only selfish. I have been harping on my own little corner of wickedness all the while. It is a good land. It will be better before long." "When?" asked Louise. "When we convict Jesse Black and when our Indian neighbors get over their mania for divorce," he answered, laughing softly. Louise laughed merrily, and so the journey ended as it had begun, with a laugh and a jest. In the judge's runabout, Louise held out her hand. "I'm almost homesick," she cried, smiling. CHAPTER IX. The Attack on the Lazy S. It was late. The August night was cool and sweet after a weary day of intense heat. The door was thrown wide open. It was good to feel the night ir creeping into the stifling room. There was no light within; and without, nothing but the brilliant stars in the quiet, brooding sky. . Williston was sitting just within the doorway. Mary, her hanfls clasped idly , around EPILEPSY CURED Proof That Epileptic Fits Can De Cured in a Short 17m 3 by Hot Springs Treatment S.'nce the announcement has been made in this paper that Dr. Ben W. Kinsey who is chief of stall of the Hot Springs Doctors, who have their Ne braska State Institute permanently located at 14th and O streets, Lincoln, would visit Flattsmouth considerable discussion of the wonderful cures ac complished by these world famous Hot Springs Doctors, has been made. Dur ing these discussions the question was raised is Epilepsy a curable disease? Is there hope for the man or the woman who has fits, or must they go through life a burden to themselves and their friends? These questions have been asked in medical profession, many times and most doctors will answer "there is no hope, the epileptic cannot be cured." Dr. Ben W. Kinsey. But here is some evidence from a man who knows he knows because he has been cured. This man is a machin ist and was compelled to quit work be cause he was liable at any moment to have a fit and fall into the machinery and be injured or killed. -After treating for six years with fourteen different doctors without any benefit, Mr. Geiger was cured by Hot Springs treatment in a few months time, and has written the following letter for publication: Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 9, '07. Hot Springs Doctors, City, Dear Sirs: I would like to thank you for the treatment you have given me in the last three months, but it is be yond my power to do so. If I were to try ten years I could not do so. Before having tried your treatment, I had tried fourteen other doctors for the past s'x years and must say, I had I made up my mind that I would never ba cured. I had taken treatment from both local, Chicago, Ohio, and New York Doctors, who said they could cure me, but instead of receiving help I appar ently seemed to get worse. So you see ! for yourself I had very little hope of 'getting a cure, but had thought I ! would try just one more and quit for I good. Before taking treatment from ! you, I had been having from six to eight fits a months. I had but two very light fits of but about two minutes duration after the first month, and the second month I had only one fit and had lost that continuous pressure I seemed to have on both sides of my head. The first of the third month I was also en- ! tirely relieved of the dizziness, I previ ously had every morning. It had been about six week and I have only been feeling first class, but have not had a spell, nor the least symptoms of any kind. In the last three months while doing hard manual labor, I have gained seventeen pounds, so I guess I have improved at least, a little, don't you? If there is any one in this city or any other city, I am willing too that you refer them to me at any all times for a cure for epileptic fits. Yours gratefully, Rufus E. Geiges, No. 210, So. 9th. As stated before the Nebraska State institute is permanently Sunday fore noons in charge of Dr. Theodore Milen, who for thirty-two years has been recognized as a peer in the matter of medical diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases . Dr. Ben W. Kinsey, who is chief of staff of the Hot Springs Doctors is making an advertising tour of Ne braska, thaf is, Dr. "Kinsey is visiting the best cities in the state an is solicit ing a few difficult cases in each com munity cases that other doctors have failed to cure and have given up as hopeless. The patients thus secured and cured will be good advertisements of the Hot Springs system of the home treatment. Dr. Kinsey will be at the Rilel Hotel April 20, 21 and 22 at Plattsmouth, Ne braska. Consultation and examination is free to all who call, curable cases will be treated free except for the bare cost of the medicines used. Entertained At Dinner Yesterday afternoon Mrs. T. H. Pol lock entertained a number of her lady friends at a dinner, at which a very de lightful afternoon was spent.- The afternoon was spent in very pleasant social conversation, Music and a very enjoyable dinner." ." '. DEATH OF UnS v;. f. krecklow Corn in Plattsmouth and Dies at Her Home in Louisville After an illness extending over a period of two years Mrs. William F. Krecklow passed peacefully away Tues day evening, March 31, 1908, at her home in this city, surrounded by her husband and children. Miss Mary Guthman was born in Plattsmouth, November 17, 1870. She was united in marriage to William F. Krecklow November 20, 1887. Besides a husband she leaves three children, two daughters and a son, Lorine.Mable and Willie, who are grief stricken over their loss. Two years ago they built a new home in the north part of town, and as Mr. Krecklow states, were just getting things in shape to enjoy life. Deceased was a most lovable lady and was much devoted to her home and family, and her death, although not unexpected, comes as a blow to the family and the many friends of the deceased. The funeral occurred Friday after noon at 1:30 from the Christian church conducted by Rev. G. W. Mayfield, in terment being at River View ceme tery. The Courier joins with the many friends of the deceased in an expres sion of sympathy to the bereaved family. Louisville Courier. Has a Narrow Escape This morning while loading a refrig erator car at the Burlington freight house, Robert Brissey, had a close call and bearly escaped being injured very seriously. He was just entering the car from the platform when his foot s'ipped on the greasy edge of the door, throwing his to the ground his head and face striking the trucks of the car. He had a pencil in his hat, which was crushed against his face in the fall cutting a deep gash in his check and scratching up his face badly. Dr. Harry J. Likewise patched up Mr. Brissey's face and he is at his work. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Van Horn & Gibson Phonograph Co. , will by mutual consent dissolve partnership on the 15th of April, the former assuming full control. All parties indebted to us are requested to call on or before that date and pay up as near as possible. VanHomn & Gibson. Nebraska Seeds are the Best Kroheler Brother are handling a good fresh line of garden and field seed?, which have no superior. These seeds are furnished by the Nebraska Seed company, of Omaha 'and strictly first class. Avoca (Special Correspondence) J. H. Busch made a trip to Weeping Water Tuesday. L. U. Hupp had business at Omaha the first of the week. Wet or dry is now the burning issue. Julius Neumeister was a Plattsmouth visitor Wednesday. Wm. Thiele was up from Berlin Sun day. Mrs. A. B. Churchill, of Denton, is visiting Avoca friends. Mrs. Mead, of Talmage, spent several days this weeks visiting relatives east of town. Fred Bartells will soon commence the erection of a new residence in Avoca. A fine rain fell in this vicinity the first of the week, which will be a great benefit to wheat and other small grain. George Durham made a trip to Union Tuesday evening. W. I. Smoots was a Nebraska City visitor Wednesday. Fred Bookman is having a large barn built on his farm west of town. Attorney Wellenseik had business at Plattsmouth Wednesday. Maple Grove Special Correspondence Miss Margaret Jamison, who has been spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beck, returned to her home at Weeping Water last Friday. Quite a number of relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engelkemeier Sunday, to help celebrate the former's birthday anniversary. Louie Puis and wife spent Sunda y at the home of Louie Fredrich. Edward Pankonin, of Louisville, is putting up a supply tank for W. H. Puis this week. P. A. Hild left Sunday evening for Illinois, to attend the funeral of his aunt. Louie Puis made a business trip to Louisville Monday. Mrs. W. H. Puis and Miss Laura Puis made a trip to the county seat Tuesday. Alfred Gansemer, Albert Satchell and Chas. Mutz made a business trip to Mur ray Tuesday evening. Notice of Application for Liquor License NOTICE In hereby irlven to nil iron In terested ami to the public, that tint under Nlinietl. W. M. Mtn lty. has tiled Ms iietitlon and application In the office of the. city clerk, of the city of riattsmouth. county of ('awn, anil state of Nebraska, a required ly law. signed ly the ret mired numlier of resident f ref-hold- ; ers or said city, settlnir lorui inai ui appn Icant Is a man of rentier! nhle character nd stand tint anil a resident of the Hi ale of Nebras ka, and pravtinr that a I lee line may iiw Issued t' M lti' f.. villi. hbIk lif niftll. I v nan. ' " . - " " 7 ! spirituous and vinous II. mors for the iierlod or one year n-otn tne oate oi ine neuruiK i said application In a biilldlmr situated on the west half ( wttlof lot nine OO In block I went y ii I ne, CI') In the llrst ward of the said city of riattsmouth. Nebraska. W. M. IIAIM'I..V Murch 2i. Hn. Applicant. Notice of Application for Liquor License NOTICK Is hereby irlven to all iiersoiis In te rested and to the public, that the under slimed I'eter Ooos. bus tiled his iietitlon and application In the otllee of the city clerk, of the city of I'lattsinouth. county of Cass, and st ate of Nebraska, as required by I uw. slirncd by the required number of resident five-holders of the said city, setting forth thut the ap plicant Is a niun of resiMi-t able character and standing and a resident of the state of Nebras ka, and praylnir that a license may lie Issued to the said I'eter Ooos for the Hale of mall, spirituous and vinous liquors for the iier lod of one year from Hie date of the hear ing of said application In a bulldinir situated on lot twelve. (12) In block thirty. C) In the first ward of the said city of riRitsmouth, Ne braska. I'ETKH (1(MW. March 24. I'Xis. Applicant Notice of Application for Liquor License NOTICE Is hereby (riven to all persons In teresied and to the public, that the under signed, Kd Ikinat, lias It led his iielltion and application In the otllee of the city clerk, of the city of I'lattsinouth. count v of Cuss, and state of Nebraska, as required by law. slimed by the required numlier of resident five-holders of said city, set! Int.' forth that the appli cant Is a man of resiiectahle character and standing and a resident of the slate of Nebras ka, and pray I nif I hat a license may lie Issued to the said Kd lionat for the sale of malt, spirituous and -vinous liijuors for the iierlod of one year from the date of the lieariiiff of said application in a hulldinir situated on the east half (e'i) of lot twelve (12) in block twenty-nine (2i) In the first ward of the said city of l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska. Kl IMINAT. March 24, iww Applicant Notice of Application for Liquor License NOTICE Is hereby irlven to all persoim In terested and lo the publl that the under signed. .1. E. Mclanlel, has tiled his iietitlon and application In the otllee of the city clerk, of the city of l'lattsmoutli. county of Cass, and stale of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required numlier of resident free-hold-ersofsald city, settlnif forth that the appli cant is a man of resiiectahle character and standintr and a resident of I he stale of Nebras ka, and praying that a license may lie Issued to the said .1. K. Mcllaniel for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous lliuors for the iierlod of one year from the date of the bearinif of said application In a hulldliiir situated on lot six (0) in block thirty-three CCD, in the fourth, ward, of the said city of riattsmouth. Ne braska. .1. E. McltANIKL. March 24. I'.ltiH Applicant. Notice of Application for Liquor License NOTICE Is hereby irlven to all iiersons Inter ested and to tlie public, that the under signed, Adolph lilese. has (lied his lietitioii and application in the otllee of the city clerk, of the city of riattsmouth, county of Cass, and st ate of Nebraska, as required by law. siirned by the required nuinberof resilient free hold ers of said city, sett intr forth that the appli cant is a man of resiiect able character and standing and a resident of the state of Neb raska, and prayhiir t hat a license may lie is sued to tin" said Adolph Ciiese for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liiuors for the Iierlod of one year from t he dale of I he hearlntr of said applicat ion In a buildinir situated on the west half (w'i)of lot six (I'd in block thirty four CM) inthe fourth ward of I f said city of l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska. Alio MM I ;KSK. March S., V.mik. Applicant. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is heiehy (riven to all iiersons Inter ested and to I he public, thai the iindersiirned, William Itarclay. has tiled his petition and ap plication in I he ofliec of the count. ' clerk or Cass county. Nebraska, as rciuircd by law, sitrned by a majority of the resident free hold ers of K'Krlit Mile drove precinct, scttinir forth that the applicant is a man of respect able charaeter and standing and a resident of the st ate of Nebraska, ami prnyinir that a license may issued to the said William I'.arelay for I he sale of malt . spirit nous and vinous liiiuors for t he iierlod of one year f rom the date of the hearlntr of said application in a Imililinir on lot 1 in blifk 4. in the villatre of ( 'edar Creek, in Eit'lit Mil; drove precinct. In Cass county. Nebraska. 1 -Jt:j Wll.l.lAM HA IM'I.A V. Applicant. Notice of Application tor Liquor License NOTICE is hereby (riven to all iiersons inter ested ami to the public, that tin? under signed Ed Kiretilierirer. has tiled his in-tition and aiiplieat ion in tlie ofliee of the city clerk of the city of I'lattsinouth. county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, as required by law, siirned by the required number of resident, free-holders of said city, sett intr forth that tlie appli cant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the state, of Ne braska, and pra.vinir thai a license may lie is sued to the said Ed Eirerilierirer for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous Illinois for the lieriod of one year from thedateof tie hearing of said applicat ion in a buihlinir situated on the east half (e')of lot twelve (12) in block twerity-eisrht (2s) In the first ward of the said city of l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska. EI EdKNHERGEU. March 2". lJn. Applicant. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT NOTICE is hereby (riven that F. O. Kricke &. Co. have filed their iietitlon as required by the statutes of tlie state of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of riattsmouth, Nebras ka. reiuestintra permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous Ikiuors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes for the com intr munlcl pal year in the building situated on lotsone(l) and two (2) in black t hirty -six (3ti) in the city of l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska. F. G. FKICKE & CO.. March 26. 190. Applicant. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT NOTICE is hereby srlven that Gerinc & Co., have filed their petition as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of riattsmouth. Nebraska, re questing a iiermit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes for thecomlnir municipal year in the building situated on the west half (wH) of lot twelve. (12) In block twenty-elg-ht (2f ) in the city of l'lattsmoutli. Nebraska. GEUING&CO.. March 2. 1Cih. Applicant. Notice to Creditors. S:ite of Nebraska. County of Cass, f s Inthe matter of the estate of Catherine Stadel man, deceased. Notice is hereby (riven that the creditors of said decea: e 1 will meet the exe -utrix of said i estate lief me. County .ludtrc of Cass Coun- t .', Nel ra ka. at the county onrl room in I '''attsmouth. in said couritv. on the 2 ilir r.f M ty, -x. and on the IT day of Octolier, Hp, it teno'clock. a. m., of each day. for the puriiose of preseiuinir their claims for ex am: nil ion. ad justment ai d allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims from tlie I7th of April. IfO. and one year for the executrix to settle said estate from the 4th of April. Ittus. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at riattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of April, I'm. A IX EN .1. HEESON. seaiI County Jude. I). O. Ilwjer. Attorney for Estate. For Sale! A 200 Egg Sure Hatch Incubator, a mscium sized folcing bed and a small sized refrigerator. For particulars ir. quire of Mrs. Will Taylor, box 20, R. F. D. No. 1. Plattsmouth.